IEDC Minutes - 02/01/2022MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 — 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center The meeting will be In -Person -Remote hybrid to accommodate those who prefer to minimize contact with others due to COVID-19. The North Mississippi Room at the MCC will be set up to allow attendees to socially spread out. Participants who choose to attend remotely will be able to do so via Go -To: Phone is n : Uniteil St a es: + MMAMh,77 Members Present: Chairperson Liz Calpas, Vice Chairperson Sarah Kortmansky, Bill Fair, Darek Vetsch, Kevin Steffensmeier, Steve Johnson, Luke Dahlheimer, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper, Eric Olson Members Absent: Wayne Elam, Randy Skarphol, Joni Pawelk Liaisons Present: Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Jolene Foss, Dave Tombers 1. Call to Order President Liz Calpas called the regular meeting of the Monticello IEDC to order at 7:02 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. January 4th, 2022, meeting minutes ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 4, 2022 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. DAREK VETSCH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None 4. Consideration of discussion regarding potential new members Jim Thares informed the group that Tom Conboy will be leaving Xcel Energy and will need to step down as member of the Monticello IEDC. Mr. Thares noted that Tom had indicated earlier in the week there was a replacement named for his IEDC position. Darek Vetsch brought the timeliness of the meetings to the IEDC to attention and the difficulty in attending the 7 a.m. meetings. He was not suggesting a different time, or different frequency of meetings, though he pointed out that it has been difficult to recruit new members due to timing. Luke Dahlheimer mentioned that staff could potentially provide a one-page overview of what the IEDC is to help explain to people when they ask about it. Staff agreed that would be something that can be done. Dave Tombers said that a replacement has been indicated at Xcel to replace Tom Conboy and is willing to serve and participate in the meetings. Eric Olson mention that two students are interested and plan to be joining the group within the coming months. 5. Consideration of Approving 2022 IEDC Action Statements -Goals Jim Thares provided an overview of this agenda item and explained the group's priorities for the upcoming year. Darek Vetsch mention the idea of discussing the future of transportation in Monticello and Wright County. The discussion could go beyond potential future interchange locations and routine street improvements as discussed before. Councilmember Bill Fair asked if it would be good to reach out to Wright County Technical Center for the IEDC to learn more about the programs. Jolene Foss said there is a great opportunity for the IEDC members to visit the school and tour the facilities. SARAH KORTMANSKY MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2022 IEDC ACTION STATEMENTS -GOALS. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of appointing a member to the Marketing Strategy Working Group Jim Thares provided an overview of the Marketing Strategy Working Group agenda item. Eric Olson expressed interest to be appointed to the Marketing Strategy Working Group. 7. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development • Prospects List Jim Thares gave a verbal report on economic development, referring to the attached prospect list. He noted that Suburban Manufacturing is moving forward with their expansion in Otter Creek Business Park. Project Stallion is also moving forward. Various financial assistance programs have been introduced to the company to assist with their expansion. Mr. Thares also mentioned that the redevelopment plans and timeline for Block 52 (Northwest corner of Highway 25 and Broadway) is beginning to take shape. b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached) Rustech Brewing's expansion cross easement parking application is on the agenda. Also, land conveyance review for Headwaters Development's senior apartment and villa twinhomes is on the agenda. c. City Council In conjunction to the Block 52 redevelopment, the city received a TED grant to improve the corner of Block 52 to create a better area for transportation heading West on Broadway from Highway 25. The City Council will be awarding the East Monticello Industrial Area Feasibility Study to a firm to begin work. d. Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) update Jolene Foss provided an overview of the WCEDP Strategic Plan and highlighted the main goals for the group in the 2022 year. e. Chamber of Commerce Prep is already beginning for Riverfest celebration in July. The Chamber luncheon will be at River City Extreme and feature the Just Drive safe driving campaign sponsors. 8. Adjournment (8:00am) LUKE DAHLHEIMER MOVED TO ADJOURN. KEVIN STEFFENSMEIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:05 A.M. Recorded By: Hayden Stensgard _t Attest: Jim T ares, Economic Development Manager