Planning Commission Minutes 04-04-1989
Tuesday, April 4, 1989 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard Carlson, Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, and Mori Malone.
Members Absent:
Dan MCConnon.
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill.
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at
7:35 p.m.
2. Approval of minutes.
Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the
minutes of the regular meeting held March 7, 1989, as presented. Motion
carried unanimously, with Dan MCConnon absent.
Mr. Richard Quick, 113 East 4th Street, was present to propose an
amendment to the Monticello Ordinance to allow all single family
residences to exist as a non-conforming use in a B-4 (regional business)
zone. Mr. Quick indicated he would like to add a porch addition onto his
existing single family residence.
Under the current text of our ordinance, a house existing as a
non-conforming use in a business zoning district cannot be allowed to be
rebuilt if it is destroyed by more than 50 percent of its replacement
value. However, if the fire damage is less than 50 percent of the
replacement cost of the house, it would be allowed to be rebuilt. City
staff's interpretation of the ordinance is that you may not alter or
enlarge a non-conforming use, in this case a single family residence in a
B-4 (regional business) zone.
With no further input from the public, Chairperson Richard Carlson then
turned the meeting over for any input from the planning Commission
members. The Planning Commission felt sympathetic toward the applicant
in that he would like to improve his property by the addition to his
house. However, by ordinance, we don't allow it.
With no further input from the planning commission members, motion was
made by Richard Martie, seconded by Mori Malone, to consider an ordinance
amendment to allow as a conditional use a non-conforming use to be
altered, in this case a single family residence, in a B-4 (regional
business) zone. Motion carried unanimously, with Dan MCConnon absent.
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Public Hearing - Consideration of amendments to Section 3-9[El4 and
3-9[E]4(c) of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the regulation of pylon
sign height, sign area, and the number allowed per business along the
Highway 25/Interstate 94 corridors in the city of Monticello. Applicant,
city of Monticello.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to planning
commission members and members of the public the background to the
research which led to the flow chart as indicated in the agenda
supplement. The proposed sign ordinance amendment, with the changes as
indicated, came out of discussions with the Monticello Planning
Commission and the Monticello City Council at previous meetings. The
proposed element of the sign ordinance amendment pertained primarily to
the corridor of the Highway 25/1-94 area. If adopted, the proposed
ordinance would increase the maximum amount of sign area from 50 feet of
sign area to 100 feet of maximum pylon sign area. The pylon sign height
would be increased from 18 feet in height to 22 feet in height. In the
area of the properties lying within 800 lineal feet of the 1-94 freeway,
there would be no proposed changes to the maximum sign height of 32 feet
above the public right-of-way from which it gets its major exposure; no
increase in the maximum amount of pylon sign square footage which would
be 200 sq ft; and no additional pylon signs allowed per property, one
being the maximum number allowed per property.
With no further input, Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the
meeting for input from the public. There being no input from the public,
Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any additronal
comments from the planning Commission members. It was the consensus of
the Planning Commission that City staff had done a good job in
researching this proposed ordinance amendment, and they felt quite
comfortable with the proposed changes as presented.
With no further input from the planning Commission members, motion was
made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the formula
for the establishment of the maximum sign square footage in the
Highway 25/1-94 corridor as follows:
a) The 10 sq ft of sign area per 3.03 lineal feet of front footage with
the following exception:
1. All properties allowed a minimum of 50 sq ft of sign area
regardless of the lineal front feet on Highway 25.
2. The maximum size allowed would be 100 sq ft regardless of the
lineal front feet on Highway 25. The motion carried unanimously,
with Dan MCConnon absent.
In case of the subject property directly abutting State Highway 25,
pylon sign area may range from 50 feet to 100 feet, depending on the
total lineal feet fronting Highway 25. Ten (10) square feet of pylon
sign area is allowed per every 3.03 feet of lineal front footage with
the following exception:
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1. All properties may erect a pylon sign with a sign area of
50 sq ft regardless of front footage abutting Highway 25, and the
maximum pylon sign area shall not exceed 100 sq ft regardless of
total lineal footage of property abutting Highway 25.
b) Motion by Mori Malone, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the maximum
sign height in the 1-94/Highway 25 corridor to a maximum of 22 feet
in height. Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
c) Motion by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to reaffirm the
maximum amounts allowed in the 800 lineal feet from the 1-94 area as
follows: The maximum pylon sign square footage remain at 200 sq ft;
the maximum sign height remain at 32 feet above the public
right-of-way from which it receives its major exposure; and the
maximum number of pylon signs be limited to one sign per property.
d) Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to add to the three
above motions that these amendments do comply with Section 22 of the
Zoning Ordinance:
1. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Municipal
Comprehensive Plan.
2. The proposed amendments will not negatively affect the character
of the surrounding area or geographic area involved.
3. The amendments as proposed will not tend to actually depreciate
the area in which the amendments will take effect.
4. The demonstrated need has been sufficiently demonstrated.
Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
4. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow additional pylon sign height
and sign area. Applicant, Security Financial.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained to planning Commission
members Security Financial's variance request to be allowed an additional
25 square feet of pylon sign area and an additional 8 feet in pylon sign
Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for input from the
public. Linda Mielke, Branch Manager of Security Financial, explained
the request for the additional 25 square feet of pylon area to
accommodate the express teller message. They would like to just change
the faces on the existing 10 x 10 pylon sign to reflect their new name
change to Security Financial Banking & Saving.
With no further input from the pUblic, Chairperson Richard Carlson then
opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. The
Planning Commission members felt a little uncomfortable considering an
application for a variance from the newly proposed ordinance amendments
to the Monticello Sign Ordinance.
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With no further input from the Planning Commission members, motion was
made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to deny the variance
request to allow additional pylon sign height and sign area. Motion
carried unanimously, with Dan MCConnon absent. Reason for denial:
Mr. Martie felt the Planning Commission should stay within the newly
proposed sign ordinance amendment. Applicant failed to demonstrate
hardship and approving variance request would defeat intent of Zoning
5. Public Hearing - Consideration of amendments to Section 3-2[Gl3(b) i, ii,
of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to regulations of commercial/
industrial property landscaping. Applicant, City of Monticello.
Assistant Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, indicated to Planning Commission
members some of the background to the proposed changes within certain
sections of the landscaping ordinance. The current landscaping ordinance
requires landscaping to occur on the entire area that is owned rather
than the proposed ordinance amendment which would require when total
property area far exceeds building or developed area, the site perimeter
will be defined as that area which extends 30 feet beyond side and rear
yard setback of parking areas and/or 30 feet beyond side and rear yard
setback of primary or accessory structure. The other proposed amendment
to the ordinance would allow a phasing-in of the minimum landscaping
requirements for a period not to exceed three years rather than the
current ordinance where the property owners have to put in their minimum
landscaping requirements prior to certificate of occupancy unless an
amount of money has been set aside in an escrow account to cover the
installation of the landscaping within the next growing season.
Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for input from the
public. There being no input from the public, Chairperson Richard
Carlson then opened the meeting for discussion amongst the Planning
Commission members.
There being no discussion from the Planning Commission members, motion
was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the
ordinance amendment under Section 3-2[Gl3(b)i to read, "When the total
property area far exceeds the building or developed area, site perimeters
shall be defined as that area which extends 30 feet beyond side and rear
yard setback of parking areas and/or 30 feet beyond side and rear yard
setback of primary or accessory structure." Motion also approves
3-2[Gl12(a) to read, "For developments in I-I and I-2 zones, upon
petition by the developer, the City Council may allow phasing-in of
installation of required landscaping over a period of three years in
order to reduce initial development cost. Terms of phased-in
installation of landscaping to be incorporated into the agreement."
The said amendments as proposed do comply with Section 22 of the Zoning
1. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Municipal
Comprehensive Plan.
2. The proposed amendments will not negatively affect the character
of the surrounding area or geographic area involved.
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3. The amendments as proposed will not tend to or actually
depreciate the area in which the amendments will take affect.
4. The demonstrated need has been sufficiently demonstrated.
Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
6. Public Hearing - Consideration of preparing an amendment to the
Monticello zoning Ordinance which would allow auto body shops as a
conditional use within a business zone. Applicant, City of Monticello.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, indicated to planning
Commission members that in conversation with our Consulting Planner,
Mr. John Uban of Dahlgren, Shardlow & Uban, Inc., Mr. Uban felt probably
the best way to allow auto body shops within the highway business zone
would be to allow it as a conditional use within the highway business
zone. With the public hearing notice as filed, we have to go back and
require a new public hearing notice just like we did the previous month
to consider that as a conditional use within a B-3 zone. To expedite the
process, Assistant Administrator O'Neill asked the Planning Commission
members if they would consider a special meeting. Discussion of a
special meeting date ensued.
Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to set a
special meeting date for April 20, 1989, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Motion
carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
Consideration of a preliminary plat approval, proposed expansion of East
Kjellberg Mobile Home Park, and consideration of amendments to the
Monticello city map. Applicant, Kent Kjellberg.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, briefly explained to Planning
Commission members updating of the applicant's request for preliminary
plat approval for the proposed new residential subdivision plat to be
known as the Evergreens Addition. A considerable amount of time and
negotiations have been encountered trying to work out a reasonable set of
solutions to this newly proposed residential development plat. The basic
change the planning Commission should note from the previous May 10,
1988, preliminary plat approval request was that the developer had given
up two additional lots near the cul-de-sac in the proposed park
dedication area. Mr. Kent Kjellberg, owner of the proposed Evergreens
residential preliminary plat, was represented by Mr. Brad Larson of
Metcalf & Larson, attorneys at law, and Mr. Dennis Taylor, Taylor Land
Surveyors, to help field any questions that the pUblic or the planning
Commission members may have with his proposed preliminary plat request.
The preliminary plat was in its final form except for an Environmental
Impact Statement, which was yet to be completed; but in the
recommendation from the City Consulting Engineer, Mr. John Badalich,
Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc., Mr. Badalich had indicated that
Mr. Kjellberg's consulting engineer, Mr. Block, would need only
approximately four hours of engineering time to complete that study. And
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he felt that with the information that was submitted to him, he wouldn't
have any problem completing it. The development as proposed will be
developed in five phases and will also consist of the expansion of the
mobile home park as part of it.
With no further input from the pUblic, Chairperson Richard Carlson then
asked for comments from the Planning Commission members. Commission
members questioned as to when the Environmental Impact Statement would be
completed, questioned where the park land was located for the West
Kjellberg Trailer Park which is currently in the township, and they also
questioned some of the names of the streets which are shown on the plat.
The developer, Mr. Kjellberg, answered that the Environmental Impact
Statement will be completed by his consulting engineer, Mr. Bill Block,
and that there is park land on the west trailer park through a green area
corridor in between the 700 and 800 blocks of Kjellberg West development,
and that he is currently working with City staff on the street naming.
Basically, he would like to leave them the same but just moving them
around may facilitate the completion of the naming of the streets. He
would work that out with the City staff.
With no further input from the Planning Commission members, motion was
made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the Evergreens
preliminary plat, rezone the Evergreens development area from A-O
(agricultural open-space) to R-l (single family residential), and to
rezone the outlots from A-O (agricultural-open space) to B-3 (highway
business), and to rezone the Kjellberg East Mobile Home Park area from
A-O (agricultural-open space) to mobile home park, and to approve the
plans to expand Kjellberg East Mobile Home Park subject to state agency
approval. Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
1. Rezoning request to rezone R-2 (single and two family residential)
unplatted residential land to R-3 (medium density residential).
Applicant, West Prairie Partners. Council action: Denied as per
Planning Commission recommendation.
2. Conditional use request to allow a daycare-group nursery in an R-2
(single and two family residential) zone. A variance request to allow no
parking lot hard surfacing, no concrete curb around the parking lot
perimeter, and no landscaping requirements. Applicant, peggy Hanawalt.
Council action: Approved the conditional use request as per planning
Commission recommendation. Approved the variance request with
Consideration of preparing an amendment to the Monticello Zoning
Ordinance to allow auto body shops as a conditional use within a B-3
(highway business) zone. Consider granting a conditional use permit to
Monticello Auto Body and allow an auto body Shop to operate at Lot 4,
Block 2, Sandberg South Addition. Applicant, Monticello Auto Body.
Council action: No action needed, as request did not come before the
City Council.
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Rezoning request to rezone R-3 (medium density residential) residential
platted land to R-2 (single and two family residential). Applicant, Dan
Frie. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission
5. variance request to allow an additional pylon sign on an R-l (single
family residential) unplatted lot. Applicant, Monticello country Club.
Council action: No action needed, as the request did not come before the
City Council. Applicant withdrew request.
6. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Mori Malone, to set the next
tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for May 2,
1989, 7:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
7. Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Mori Malone, to adjourn the
meeting. Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent. The
meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator