Planning Commission Minutes 04-20-1989 (Special Meeting)
4It Thursday, April 20, 1989 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Richard Carlson, Mori Malone, RiChard Martie, Dan McConnon
Members Absent: Cindy Lemm
Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 6:38 p.m.
2. Public Hearing - Consideration of preparing an amendment to the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance to allow auto body shops as a conditional use
within the B-3 (highway business) zone.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant City Administrator, explained to planning
Commission members the background to the possible ordinance amendment
which would allow auto body shops as a conditional use within the B-3
(highway business) zone. Mr. O'Neill explained to Commission members
some of the information he had received while video taping some auto body
shops in the Brooklyn Park and Elk River areas. Mr. O'Neill then turned
it over to a IS-minute video tape presentation on the auto body shops
which he had videoed in the Brooklyn Park and Elk River areas.
Much discussion then centered around condition g) "the exterior walls
facing the public right-of-way shall consist of no more than 50% metal
material." Much discussion was considered as to which would be the
appropriate way to define this particular condition and how it should be
addressed with a proposed conditional use request, the property having
actually two building fronts that would front on a public right-of-way.
Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any input from
the public. There being no input from the public, a motion was made by
Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to amend the Zoning Ordinance
to include auto body repair as a conditional use in a B-3 (highway
business) zone, including but not limited to the following conditions:
a. Door opening to the service garage area must not face street
b. vehicle storage area limited to 30% of the floor space of the
structure housing the auto body shop.
c. All vehicles being serviced and all vehicle parts must be stored
inside or in vehicle storage area.
d. Vehicle storage area shall be enclosed by an enclosure intended
to screen the view of the vehicles in storage from the outside.
Enclosure shall consist of a 6-foot high, 100% opaque fence
designed to blend with the auto body shop structure and
consisting of materials treated to resist discoloration.
e. The floor of the vehicle storage area shall consist of asphalt
f. No work on vehicles or vehicle parts shall be conducted outside
the confines of the auto body shop.
Special Planning Commission Minutes - 4/20/89
g. The advertising wall facing the public right-of-way shall consist
of no more than 50% metal material.
h. The secondary or non-advertising wall facing a public
right-of-way shall utilize a combination of colors or materials
to break up the monotony of a single color flat surface.
i. The development shall conform to the minimum parking and
landscaping requirements of the Zoning ordinance.
j. No conditional use permit shall be granted for an auto body shop
within 600 feet of a residential or PZM (performance zone mixed)
zone existing at the time the conditional use permit is granted.
Motion carried unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent.
Motion was based on the finding that the amendment is consistent with
the Comprehensive plan and the amendment, and concurrent conditions
result in the auto body shop activity being compatible with the
character of the surrounding area.
Reconvene Public Hearing - Consider granting conditional use permit to
Monticello Auto Body which would allow an auto body shop to operate at
Lot 4, Block 2, Sandberg South Addition. Applicant, Monticello Auto
Motion was made by Mori Malone, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve
the conditional use request to allow an auto body shop to operate at
Lot 4, Block 2, Sandberg South Addition. Motion carried unanimously with
Cindy Lemm absent and Richard Carlson abstaining.
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan Mcconnon, to adjourn the
meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously
with Cindy Lemm absent.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary An erson
Zoning Administrator