Planning Commission Minutes 07-05-1989 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION ~ Wednesday, July 5, 1989 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Richard carlson, Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Mori Malone, Dan McConnon. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill. 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:30 p.m. 2. Approval of minutes. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held June 6, 1989, with the following change: Under item #4, after "Dan McConnon absent", it should read "and Cindy Lemm abstaining." 3. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow a deck to be constructed within the side yard setback requirement. Applicant, Michael and Dixie Talbott. ~ Mr. Michael Talbott was present to explain to Planning commission members his variance request to be allowed to construct a deck addition onto his house. Mr. Talbott explained that the reason for the variance request is to allow some character to his proposed deck and to allow for the swinging door to open onto the proposed deck, that being his rationale for the variance request. Also within the l2-foot width that Mr. Talbott is proposing would allow him to place chairs and tables on there and still have room to maneuver around them. Chairperson Richard Carlson then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the planning Commission members. Questions raised by the planning Commission members were, why couldn't he construct it on any other portion of the house if it could not be constructed to the rear of the house, and why a smaller deck could not have been constructed to be within the setback requirements. With no further input from the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Dan McConnon, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to deny the variance request to allow a deck to be constructed within the side yard setback requirement. Reason for denial: There is no unique situation created with the land to warrant a variance; there is no financial hardship created by the proposed variance; and there are feasible ways to construct a deck without needing any variances. Motion carried unanilOOusly. ~ ...._, 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/5/89 4. A variance request to allow a canopy to be constructed within the front yard setback requirement. Applicant, Monticello American Legion Post #260. American Legion Post #260 is proposing to construct a vinyl covered canopy addition within the side yard setback requirement. The proposed canopy would serve as a weather-type shelter for the handicapped people entering and exiting from their building. The proposed canopy would be constructed up to within one foot of the side property line. with no further input from the public, Chairperson Richard Carlson then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for discussion amongst the Planning Commission members. Questions raised by the Planning Commission members were that they didn't feel there would be any obstruction of view from the public right-of-way; and with the handicapped people which utilize this as the front entrance, even though it is within the side yard setback requirement, they felt it would be beneficial to the handicapped people or disabled people which would be utilizing this entrance into the building. With no further input from the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Mori Malone, seconded by Dan McConnon, to approve the variance request to allow a canopy to be constructed within the front yard setback requirement. Voting in favor: Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Mori Malone, Dan McConnon. Opposed: Cindy Lemm. Reason for approval: Because of the unique situation of this building being situated on a corner lot, it would serve as a protective covering for the handicapped or disabled people using this entrance to the building, and there would be no visual obscurity with vehicles at the intersection of West Third Street and Elm Street. The meeting then recessed at 8:09 p.m. for the planning Commission members, members of the public, and City staff to walk over to the Fair's Garden Center site to look at the proposed variance and conditional use requests. The Planning Commission meeting was reconvened at 8:44 p.m. to consider the following: 5. A variance request to parking and driveway area curb requirements. A variance request pertaining to hard surface requirement in driveway areas. A variance request pertaining to off-street parking requirement of 25 stalls. Applicant requests a variance of 8 stalls. A variance request pertaining to screening of storage areas from the public right-of-way. Applicant, Fair's Garden Center. planning Commission members chose to look at each area of the site and consider the variances separately. Even though there may be a variance for the same thing in another portion of the lot, they chose to only deal with portions of the site one at a time, and they are as follows: 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/5/89 A. A variance request on the total number of parking spaces required, which would have been a total of 25 parking spaces required. City staff was recommending a total of 17 total spaces. I Motion was made by Dan Mcconnon, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the variance request to allow a variance of 8 stalls 'from the minimum requirement of 25 total parking space stalls, of which the applicant will be required to install 4 additional stalls for a total of 17 total spaces. Motion carried unanimously. Applicant has 30 days to stripe the parking lot for these 4 additional parking spaces. Reason for granting the variance: Due to the nature of the business, people stopping in, getting their merchandise and leaving, and the length of time that the customers stay to patronize this business, the Commission members felt that the 17 spaces would be sufficient for off-street parking spaces at this time. B. Consideration of no concrete curbing around the perimeter of the 4 additional parking spaces, which would be needed to create the 17 total spaces for which the previous variance request was approved. Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Dan MCConnon, to approve the variance request to allow no curbing on the east and west portion of the 4-stall parking lot. As a condition to the no curbing requirement, the applicant is to remove the existing blacktop from this area and install a S-foot green area in the 36 lineal foot area in front of these 4 parking stalls. The applicant is also to install this by September 1, 1989. Motion carried unanimously. C. proposed area marked in yellow on the enclosed site plan in which the applicant is proposing to put a type of surface called a red lime stone surface rather than a hard surface material, blacktop or concrete. Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Mori Malone, to approve the variance request to allow no hard surfacing of the area marked in yellow to be the area north of the proposed 32'xlS' sales lot, the northerly 20-foot area lying north of the proposed 32'x15' sales area lot, and also lying north of the l7'x76' existing rock bins, and also the 20-foot driveway portion which runs north and south and then turns easterly and then turns northerly up to the proposed 20'x20' residents parking area. This area is to receive a minimum of a 3-inch to S-inch surface of red limestone. The condition with this is the applicant is to keep the area described above and marked in yellow on the enclosed site plan in a neat and driveable condition, that being any potholes or areas that are disturbed have to be filled in and reshaped to retain the minimum 3-inch to 5-inch thickness of this red limestone material. Also as part of the motion, the 20-foot north/south driveway strip starting from the southerly entrance at the 20-foot driveway entrance, continuing northerly up to in line with the northeasterly portion of the cement slab in front of the rock bins, is to receive a minimum of a 2-inch bituminous hard surfaced material within 3 years from the lOth of July. The motion carried unanimously. The applicant is to install the red limestone driving surface within 30 days from tonight's meeting date, July 5, 1989. 3 planning commission Minutes - 7/5/89 . D. This item dealt with the curbing which would surround the area as described in letter C. This area was to receive no curbing. Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan McConnon, to allow no curbing in the area as described in letter c. Motion carried unanimously. E. This item dealt with the hard surfacing of the area as outlined in red on the proposed site plan. Motion was made by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to install a minimum 2-inch bituminous hard surface in the area as outlined on the enclosed site plan in red. The area is described as beginning at the south property line at the 12-foot easterly entrance to this property extending northerly at a 12-foot driving width intersecting with the 30'x52' area in front of the existing 20'x22-1/2' garage and in front of the 20'x30' equipment parking and storage area. Also to receive the hard surfacing would be the 20'x20' residents parking area which is located to the northwest of the blacktop area described above, and the 20'x30' equipment parking and storage area. Motion carried unanimously. Applicant is to install the hard surfacing of the area described above by september 1, 1989. . F. This item dealt with the installation of concrete curbing around the area described in letter E above. Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan McConnon, to approve the variance request to allow no concrete curbing in the area described on the map as marked in red and as described in item E. Motion carried unanimously. G. This item dealt with the installation of screening material along a portion of the north property line and the east property line. Motion was made by Mori Malone, seconded by cindy Lemm, to approve the variance request to allow a portion of the east property line beginning at the southeast corner of the property extending northerly along the easterly property line to a point at the northwest corner of the existing Doug pitt rental residence. This area is to receive no landscaping or screening fence. Motion carried unanimously. Conditions are as follows: . 1. A minimum of a 6-foot high, 100% opaque, wood cedar fence to be constructed beginning at the northeast corner of the greenhouse, extending easterly along the northerly line to the northeast corner of the lot, then extending southerly along the easterly line to a point up to the existing lilac bushes. Also a gate and screening of the same screening fence material, 6-foot high cedar, 100% opaque fencing material, would be installed from the southeast corner of the garage easterly intersecting with the east property line. The same material would be constructed from the northwest corner of the garage northerly intersecting with the north property line. 4 Planning Commission Minutes - 7/5/89 . 2. The area lying southerly along the easterly property line from the existing lilac bush to the northwest corner of the existing Doug pitt rental residence along this easterly property line to be installed with a 90% opaque, natural, 6-foot screening material to be constructed of a combination of different types of trees and high growth shrub plantings. The applicant has until September 1, 1989, to install the screening fence and the natural screening material in the area described above. H. This item dealt with the area in front of the existing over-story tree nursery stock in the front yard area of the existing owner's house. Motion was made by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to install a split rail fence beginning at the southwest corner of the existing over-story tree nursery sales area extending easterly along the southerly line of the nursery sales area to a point six feet south of the southwest corner of the existing owner's house, then extending northerly to the southwest corner of the existing owner's house. This fence material is to be of a cedar hand split rail fencing material. Motion carried unanimously. The installation of the cedar split rail fence is to be installed by September 1, 1989. . I. This item dealt with the area of the landscaping material lying south of the existing rock bins or in front of the existing rock bins. Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lernm, that the east and west 17 lineal foot ends of the existing rock bins be landscaped with the same materials as used on the entire southerly portion of the eXisting rock bins or with a minimum fence height up to the top of the eXisting rock bin board with a cedar lattice material or a cedar opaque fence material. The motion carried unanimously. The material as described above to be installed by September 1, 1989. 6. Conditional use permit request to allow expansion of storage and sales area associated with a landscape center in a B-4 zone. Having heard the variance requests, a motion was made by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the conditional use request to allow open and outdoor storage as an accessory use and to allow open and outdoor sales as a principal and accessory use on the entire area of the property owned by Fair's Garden Center with the following conditions: 1. That the gross floor area be increased to approximately 300% of the principal use. . 2. An escrow account be established by the City staff and presented to the City council and to be submitted by the applicant prior to the City Council meeting an amount equal to 1-1/2 times the dollar amount of work needed to complete all of the landscaping, screening, concrete curbing, and hard surfacing requirements. 5 . . . planning Commission Agenda - 7/5/89 3. The westerly driveway entrance be closed off with the existing sales area material, that being the patio blocks on their palates be located in this area to block off this driveway entrance. Motion carried unanimously. The conditional use request to be approved for a period of no longer than one year from today's date, July 5, 1989. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow a building addition to be built within the side yard setback requirement. Applicant, Bondhus Corporation. Council action: No action necessary, as the variance request did not come before them. 2. Public Hearing - COnsideration of an ordinance amendment to Section 3-1, Non-conforming Buildings, Structures, and uses, which would allow limited expansion of a non-conforming residential use in a 8-4 (regional business) zone. Applicant, City of Monticello. Council action: Approved as per planning Commission recommendation. 3. Consideration of a previous planning Commission recommendation to rezone Evergreens Subdivision Outlots A and B to B-3 (Highway Business). Applicant, Kent Kjellberg. COuncil action: Approved as per planning Commission recommendation. 4. Tabled conditional use request to allow expansion of an open and outdoor storage as an accessory use in a 8-4 (regional business) zone. A tabled conditional use request to allow an expansion of an open and outdoor sales as a principal and accessory use in a 8-4 (regional business) Zone. Applicant, Fair's Garden Center. Council action: No action necessary, as the conditional use request did not come before them. 5. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members to set the next tentative date for the Monticello planning Commission meeting for Tuesday, August 1, 1989, 7:30 p.m. 6. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan McConnon, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ...~ /,::;~-"I <") .. Gary ders Zoning Administrator 6