Planning Commission Minutes 09-05-1989 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 5, 1989 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Richard Carlson, Mori Malone, Richard Martie, Cindy Lelmn, Dan MCConnon Members Absent: 2. 3. None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill 1. The lneeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:34 p.m. Motion was lMde by Cindy Lemn, seconded by Dan MCConnon, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held August 1, 1989. Motion carried unanimously with f10ri Malone abstaining. Public hearing - A variance request to allow an additional driveway within 40 feet of an existing driveway. Applicant, Titan Recreational products, Inc. Mr. Bob Novak, Manager of Titan Recreational Products, Inc., was present to propose a variance request to allow an additional driveway within 40 feet of an existing driveway. Mr. Novak explained to planning COlmnission members the northerly most existing driveway would be removed, and the area in the wall where the overhead door opening is would be blocked up. The new driveway would be installed south of the existing southerly lnost driveway and would be within 40 feet of the existing southerly driveway. Mr. Novak explained that when the raw products are currently brought into the cOlnplex, they have to be unloaded out in the street to accolmnodate the unloading of the steel which is used for the different types of trailers which they lnake. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for input from the public. There being no input from the public, Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the lneeting for further discussion amongst the Planning COlmnission melnbers. with no further input from the Planning COlmnission members, motion was lnade by Cindy Lelmn, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the variance request to allow an additional driveway within 40 feet of an existing driveway. Motion carried unanilwusly. Reason for approval of the variance: It would elilninate the on-street loading/unloading which currently occurs. It would expedite the unloading of selni-trailers within the building cOlnplex instead of using the public right-of-way for the loading/unloading as it exists today. 1 . Planning COlmnission Minutes - 9/5/89 4. PUblic hearing - An ordinance alnendl~nt to allow as a conditional use a laundromat/dry cleaners in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Curt and Anna Mae Hoglund. Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning COlmnission 1~lnbers the proposed ordinance which would allow as a conditional use a laundromat/dry cleaners in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Mr. O'Neill explained the possible conditions that would be part of the ordinance al~ndment in regards to a dry cleaning/ laundromat facility. SOI~ of the possible conditions were: 1) a dry cleaning operation must Ineet all OSHA safety standards; 2) the dry cleaning operation shall be self-contained in terl~ of noise and fUlnes/no exterior venting; 3) dry cleaning facility shall have direct access to IMjor thoroughfares via driveway or frontage road; 4) screening of abutting residential uses and landscaping in cOlnpliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 G, of the Zoning Ordinance; 5) the voice alnplifiers used in connection with drive-through process shall not be audible in adjoining residential areas. Zoning Adlninistrator, Gary Anderson, explained his conversation with one of the owners of the Buffalo Dry Cleaners facility. They explained to Mr. Anderson the new process in which dry cleaning is done in cOlnparison to the way the old process was done. . Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any input from the public. There being no input from the public, he turned the meeting to any additional cOlmnents from the Planning COlmnission melnbers. COlmnents raised dealt with eliminating any type of hours of operation as part of the conditions. With no further input frOln the Planning COlmnission members, motion was IMde by Mori Malone, seconded by Richard Martie, to apprOVe the zoning amendlnent to allow as a conditional use a laundromat/dry cleaners in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Motion carried unaniuously. The reason for approval: 1) the relationship to the municipal cOlnprehensive plan; 2) the geographical area involved; 3) whether such use would tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed; 4) the character of the surrounding area; 5) the delnonstrated need for such use. These were the five reasons for allowing such ordinance alnendlnent. 5. Ordinance amendment to allow as a conditional use a car wash in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Zoning Administrator, Jeff 0' Neill, explained to Planning cOlmnission 1~lnbers possible conditions in regards to allowing a car wash in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone: 1) all conditions noted in the B-3 district regulations pertaining to car washes; 2) a car wash facility shall have direct access to a Inajor thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road; 3) the interlnittent sounds produced by a car wash operation such as the sound of a vacuuln or warning signal shall not be audible to the users of adjoining PZM properties. . 2 . . 7. . Planning Crnmnission Minutes - 9/5/89 Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any input from the public. There being no input from the public, he opened the meeting for any further crnmnents from the Planning Crnmnission members. There being no further input from the Planning Crnmnission members, motion was l~de by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan McConnon, to approve the zoning ordinance amendment to allow as a conditional use a car wash in a PZM (perfon~nce zone mixed) zone. Motion carried unanimously. Reason for approval: 1) the relationship to the municipal comprehensive plan; 2) the geographical area involved; 3) whether such use will tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed; 4) the character of the surrounding area; 5) the delnonstrated need for such use. 6. Public hearing - A conditional use request to allow a laundrol~t/dry cleaners in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Curt and Anna Mae Hoglund. Assistant Administrator, Jeff 0' Neill, explained to Planning COlmnission members and members of the public the following conditions that should be addressed as in the conditional use application: 1) the dry cleaning operation must meet all OSHA safety standards; 2) dry cleaning operation shall be self-contained in terl~ of noise and fUl~S; 3) the dry cleaning facility shall have direct access to a lMjor thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road; 4) screening of abutting residential uses and landscaping in cOlnpliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 G, of the Zoning Ordinance; 5) the voice amplifiers used in conjunction with the drive-through process shall not be audible in adjoining residential areas; 6) residential use of structure shall be limited to owner or l~nager; 7) intensification of use of structure via developlnent of upstairs apartlnent or office shall require appropriate expansion of parking; 8) use of upstairs as lnultiple falnily dwelling will require re-orientation of circular drive-through traffic pattern. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the lneeting for input frrnn the public. There being no input from the public, motion was made by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the conditional use request to allow a laundromat/dry cleaners in a PZM (perfon~nce zone mixed) zone. Motion carried unanimously. Planning Crnmnission meuIDers' concern over parking lot site plan at its fullest extent, that being the residential use upstairs converted to cOlmnercial offices that a new site plan be submitted for their review prior to building permit application approval. Public hearing - A conditional use request to allow a car wash in a PZM (perfon~nce zone mixed) zone. Applicant, CUrt and Anna Mae Hoglund. The applicants ask that their conditional use request be tabled at this til~. It was the consensus of the Planning COlmnission members that they would table this request at this time. 3 . Planning crnmnission Minutes - 9/5/89 8. An ordinance amendlnent to allow as a conditional use a church in an I-2 (heavy industrial) zone. Applicant, A Glorius Church. Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Adlninistrator, explained to Planning COlmnission melnbers and melnbers of the public the five conditions that the Planning COlmnission should look at as part of their consideration of a possible ordinance amendment: 1) the relationship to the municipal cOlnprehensive plan; 2) the geographical area involved; 3) whether the use will tend to depreciate the area in which it is proposed; 4) the character of the surrounding area; 5) delnonstrated need for such use. Mr. O'Neill explained the City staff's concerns that this Inight be considered as spot zoning in the area in which it is proposed, as it is abutted by the freeway on the south side of the property and on the west, north, and east sides of the property it is abutted by I-2 (heavy industrial) zoning. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any input from the public. Mr. Dan GassIer, Pastor of A Glorius Church, and Mr. Bill Seefeldt, part owner in Electro Enterprises, were present to explain their rationale for the proposed ordinance alnendloont to allow a church in an I-2 (heavy industrial) zone. Mr. GassIer handed out to each of the Planning Crnmnission melnbers a portfolio of step by step layout of how A Glorius Church becalne a church and where it is at today. . With no further input froln the public, Chairperson Richard Carlson then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning COlmnission loolnbers. Concerns addressed by the Planning COlmnission melnbers were that it was definitely spot zoning. They didn't object to the church in itself, but they objected to the area in which it was proposed to be located. Also brought out in the Planning Crnmnission melnbers' concerns was that they might look at a pOSsible rezoning if it was adjacent to some R-3 (medium density residential) zoning. With no further input from the public, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan MCConnon, to deny the ordinance alnendlnent to allow as a conditional use a church in an I-2 (heavy industrial) zone. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Public hearing - A conditional use request to allow a church in an I-2 (heavy industrial) zone. Applicant, A Glorius Church. No action needed, as the ordinance aloondlnent was denied. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEMS 1. An ordinance amendment to allow as a conditional use a bed and breakfast in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Merrill Busch. Council action: Approved as per Planning Crnmnission recolmnendation. . 2. Consideration of application for a conditional use perlnit which would allow operation of a bed and breakfast in a PZM (perfonnance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Merrill Busch. Oouncil action: Approved as per Planning Crnmnission recrnmnendation. 4 . . . Planning COlmnission Minutes - 9/5/89 3. A silnple subdivision request to allow a subdivision of a B-3 (highway business) lot. A variance request to allow less than the minimum 5-foot green area separation froln property line to parking lot curb. Applicant, Monticello Auto Body. Council action: The silnple subdivision request was approved as per Planning COlmnission recOlmnendation. The variance request was denied as per Planning COlmnission recOlmnendation. 4. It was the consensus of the Planning COlmnission lnembers to set the next tentative date for the Monticello planning COlmnission meeting for Tuesday, October 3, 1989, 7:30 p.m. 5. Motion was IMde by Richard Martie, seconded by Mori Malone, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanillously. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ga;ft:t.r~ Zoning Administrator 5