Planning Commission Minutes 10-03-1989 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 3, 1989, 7:30 P.M. Melnbers Present: Richard Carlson, Mori Malone, Richard Martie, Cindy Lelmn, Dan MCConnon. Melnbers Absent: None. Staff Present: Gary Anderson and Jeff O'Neill. 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Carlson at 7:37 P.M. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held Septelnber 5, 1989. Chairman Richard Carlson indicated that City staff requests this item be tabled until the 11/7/89 Planning COlmnission meeting. 3. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held Septelnber 11, 1989. Chairman Richard Carlson indicated that City staff requests this item be tabled until the 11/7/89 planning COlmnission meeting. 4. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held Septelnber 20, 1989. Motion by Cindy Lelmn, seconded by Mori Malone, to approve the minutes of the Septelnber 20, 1989, special Planning COlmnission meeting. 5. A variance request to allow a detached garage to be constructed within the side yard setback requirement. Applicant: Florence Tapper. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning COlmnission members and lnelnbers of the public Florence Tapper's variance request to allow a detached garage to be constructed within the side yard setback requirement. With no questions from the Planning COlmnission melnbers, Chairman Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any input from the public. Mr. Tapper, representing his lnother, Florence Tapper, showed Planning COlmnission lnelnbers pictures of his lnother' s property and where she was proposing to place her new garage on this lot. With no further input from the public, Chairman Richard Carlson closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and asked for a motion. Motion was l~de by Mori Malone, seconded by Dan McConnon, to approve the variance request to allow the construction of a detached garage to within five (5) feet of the side lot line. The rationale for granting the variance request is that the City staff prepare an ordinance alnendlnent to allow detached or attached accessory buildings to be constructed with a 5-foot side yard setback requirement of a 10-foot side yard setback requirelnent in inner city lots only on 10,890 square ft., 66-foot frontage and 165 foot depth. Motion carried unanilnously. 1 . . . Planning crnmnission Minutes - 10/3/89 Reasons for granting the variance: Variance will not impair adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or create an unreasonable increase of congestion in the public street, or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety, or unreasonably dilninish property values within the neighborhood, and is not contrary to the intent of the ordinance. 6. A variance request to allow an attached garage to be constructed within the front yard setback requirelnent. Lawrence and Lynn Gantner. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to planning COlmnission members and members of the public Lawrence and Lynn Gantner's variance request. With no further questions from planning COlmnission melnbers, Chairman Richard Carlson opened the public hearing portion of the Ineeting. Mr. Lawrence Gantner explained the reasons for his request: He would like a larger garage, a garage roof line that would be different froln others in the neighborhood, this garage addition would increase the resale value of his hOlne and others in the neighborhood, and previous planning Crnmnissions have approved variance requests to allow encroachlnent in the front yard setback requirements. with no further input from the public, Chairman Richard Carlson then closed the public hearing portion and asked for a motion. Therefore, motion was made by Dan MCConnon and seconded by Cindy Lelmn to deny the variance request to allow construction of an attached garage within the front yard setback requirelnent. Voting in favor: Richard carlson, Richard Martie, Cindy Lelmn, and Dan MCConnon. Objecting: Mori Malone. Reason for denial: Applicant's failure to demonstrate any hardship that already exists which would prohibit his garage to be constructed within building setback requirelnents. 7. A silnple subdivision request to subdivide two R-2 (single and two falnily residential) lots into two residential lots. A conditional use request to allow a four-plex in an R-2 (single and two family residential) zone. A variance request to allow a residential subdivided lot to have the existing house relnodeled into a four-plex with less than the minimum lot square footage. Applicant: Brad and Cindy Fyle. Zoning Adlninistrator, Gary Anderson, explained to planning Crnmnission lnelnbers and members of the public the simple subdivision, conditional use, and variance requests. Each request was explained in detail. Before opening the public hearing, Chairlnan Richard Carlson read a petition from neighboring property owners and a letter from John Lilja. Chairman Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for crnmnents from the public. They are as follows: 1. Development at less than the minimum standards. 2. Additional traffic generated by four-plex. 2 . . . planning Crnmnission Minutes - 10/3/89 3. Impact of redevelopment on neighboring property owners. 4. All residents present are opposed to this developlnent. COlfunents from the applicant. They are as follows: His proposal is not any different than the adjoining property owner to the north. There are other rental properties in the ilmnediate area. With no further input from the public, motion was made by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the silnple subdivision request to subdivide two residential R-2 (single and two falnily residential) lots into two residential lots with the following conditions: * Lots be recorded within 30 days of the 10/10/89 City Council meeting date. * The drainage and utility easelnents be recorded by 10/10/89 City Council meeting date. * The City of Monticello will not provide a water and sewer service up to the east property line of Parcel A. * Parcel A and Parcel B to have single family houses on them only. * Any portion of the deck which falls within the side yard setback requirement has to be removed within 30 days of the 10/10/89 City Council meeting date. Motion was lnade by Cindy Lelmn, seconded by Mori Malone, to deny conditional use request to allow a four-plex in an R-2 (single and two family residential) zone. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was lnade by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lamn, to deny the variance request to allow a residential lot to have less than the minilnum lot square footage to relnodel existing house into a four-plex. Motion carried unanimously. Reason for denial of variance request was applicant's failure to provide sufficient land area to relnodel existing house into a four-plex. Reason for denial of conditional use request was applicant's failure to provide sufficient land area to reloodel existing house into a four-plex. 8. Consideration of K-Mart/Lincoln Companies TIP proposal relative to Crnnprehensive Plan. Motion was lnade by Cindy Lamn, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve K-Mart resolution. Motion carried unanil~usly. 3 . . . Planning COlmnission Minutes - 10/3/89 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEMS 1. A variance request to allow an additional driveway within 40 feet of an existing driveway. Applicant, Titan Recreational products, Inc. Council Action: No action necessary as the request did not come before them. 2. An ordinance amendment to allow as a conditional use a laundromat/dry cleaners in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Curt and Anna Mae Hoglund. Council Action: Approved as per Planning COlmnission recOlmnenda t ion. 3. An ordinance amendment to allow as a conditional use a car wash in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Curt and Anna Mae Hoglund. Council Action: Approved as per Planning COlmnission recOlmnendation. 4. A conditional use request to allow a laundromat in a PZM (performance zone Inixed) zone. Applicant, Curt and Anna Mae Hoglund. Council Action: Approved as per planning COlmnission recOlmnendation. 5. A conditional use request to allow a car wash in a PZM (perforlnance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Curt and Anna Mae Hoglund. Council Action: The applicant withdrew their conditional use request until a later date. 6. An ordinance amendment to allow as a conditional use a church in an 1-2 (heavy industrial) zone. Applicant, A Glorius Church. Council Action: Denied as per Planning COlmnission recolmnendation. 7. A conditional use request to allow a church in an 1-2 (heavy industrial) zone. Applicant, A Glorius Church. Council Action: The request did not come before them, as the previous ordinance amendment was denied. 8. Motion was l~de by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to set the next meeting date for wednesday, Novelnber 8, 1989, 7: 30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Motion was l~de by Cindy Lelmn, seconded by Mori Malone, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanillDusly. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ga~~r~ Zoning Administrator 4