Planning Commission Minutes 04-03-1990 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 3, 1990 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Dan McConnon, Mori Malone, Richard Martie, Cindy Lemm, Richard Carlson Members Absent: 2. 3. None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan McConnon at 7:28 p.m. Motion was made by Mori Malone, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the minutes of the March 6, 1990, Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Public hearing - A variance request to allow construction of a detached garage within the side yard setback requirement. Applicant, Daniel Whaylen. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning Commission members and the public Mr. Whaylen's request to construct a detached garage wi thin the side yard setback requirement. In looking at the enclosed site plan, you will notice the house has an abnormal setback from the minimum 30-foot front yard setback. When it was placed on the lot, it was probably the highest point of the lot, and the lot was graded to allow the house to be placed almost in the center of the lot with room to allow construction of a single attached garage on the south side of the property. The east side of the property would have only allowed construction of an 8-foot garage. Mr. Whaylen purchased this house as it currently exists and is proposing to construct a detached garage to within 2 feet of the side lot line requirement. Chairperson McConnon opened the public hearing. There being no input from the public, he opened the meeting for any discussion from the Planning Commission members. A concern brought up by the Planning Commission members was construction of the garage within 2 feet of the property line. Being that close to the property line makes it very hard to control the water runoff and the drainage along the property line. Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/3/90 Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the variance request to allow a detached garage to be constructed within S feet of the side lot setback requirement, thereby granting a S-foot variance from the minimum side yard setback requirement. Motion carried unanimously. Reason for approving the variance request: Due to the location of the house, no room was allowed to compensate for a normal attached garage to be built onto this property. By placing the detached garage at the ml.nlmUm setback requirement, it would cover over one-half of the existing front of the house. By allowing it to be built within S feet of the property line would allow sufficient room for surface water drainage along this side lot line. 4. Public hearing - A variance request to allow construction of an attached garage within the side yard setback requirement. Applicant, John Barash. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning Commission members Mr. Barash's request to construct an attached garage up to within 6 feet of the side lot line. When Mr. Borash purchased this house, it was placed on the lot to allow a IS-foot side lot setback on the south side of the property; and on the north side of the property, they allowed a 34-foot side yard setback. The main entrance to this house is in the center of the front of the house, and there is also an entrance onto a deck in the rear of the house. To gain entry from the garage to the house requires a person to go outside of the garage to the front or rear doors of the house as it exists. Mr. Borash is proposing to construct a stairway into the basement of his proposed garage, therefore requiring an additional 4 feet of width to accommodate this basement stairway. The area that is left once the stairway is put in allows for a 24' x 24' standard size garage. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing for input from the public. There being no input from the public, the meeting was opened for comments from the Planning Commission members. The Planning Commission's concern was with the style of the house, and they questioned other areas where variances have been granted in this particular development and adjoining developments in regard to encroachments into side yard setbacks. Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/3/90 There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, motion was made by Mori Malone, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the variance request to allow construction of an attached garage up to 6 feet from the side lot line, therefore granting a 4-foot variance from the minimum 10-foot side yard setback requirement. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conditional use request to (performance zone mixed) zone. allow a car wash in a Applicant, Dean Hoqlund. PZM Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members and the public the applicant's conditional use request to allow a car wash in a PZM zone. In his explanation, he explained the rationale that was used for a 6-foot side yard setback on the east portion of the property in a B-3 (highway business) zone where the minimum side yard setback requirement would be 10 feet. Under the PZM zoning, other setbacks are allowed to be considered by Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. 0' Neill indicated to Planning Commission members that the conditions under the conditional use process for a car wash have been addressed in their site plan as submitted. A question that remains unanswered yet is the noise that would be emitted from a car wash when a vehicle is being washed in the automatic drive- through car wash section. I f there is drying equipment installed for this car wash project, noise suppressors should also be considered. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing. The applicants indicated their design at this time will not incorporate a drawing unit on the automatic drive-through car wash portion. If the concern of the Planning Commission members was that the automatic car wash enter and exit doors be closed when a car is being washed, it could be done. They didn't have any problem meeting that requirement. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. Additional concerns addressed that are not addressed as conditions within the car wash conditional use request were as follows: 1. The doors be closed when the automatic car wash is in operation. Page 3 . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/3/90 2. On the west side of the property where it abuts the next adjoining lot, if future development occurs on that lot and it is performed by this group of developers, an island delineator be installed to separate the parking driving lane from a new proposed business to the west. The developers work with City staff to come up with some type of screening landscaping plan on the north side of the property line. 3 . 4. The hours of operation were discussed and felt they should be set at 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. With no further input from the Planning Commission members or members of the public, a motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the conditional use request to allow a car wash in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone with the following conditions: . 1. The doors be closed when the automatic car wash is in operation. 2. On the west side of the property where it abuts the next adjoining lot, if future development occurs on that lot and it is performed by this group of developers, an island delineator be installed to separate the parking driving lane from a new proposed business to the west. The developers work with City staff to come up with some type of screening landscaping plan on the north side of the property line. 3. 4. The hours of operation were discussed and felt they should be set at 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Reason for approval: This approval is based on the finding that the development is consistent with the geography and character of the area. 6. Consideration to review potential amendments to the hard surfacinq and curbinq requirements of the ordinance. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members some of the research that he had done for the proposed ordinance amendment to certain areas of the parking size requirement, parking hard surfacing, and curbing requirements. The proposed parking space size is a 9' x 20' minimum parking space size with the exception that 25% of the required parking spaces can be 7-1/2' x 16-1/2' compact . Page 4 . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/3/90 parking spaces. The proposed amendment suggested by Mr. O'Neill would allow employee parking spaces to be 8' x 18' in size. Also a suggestion would be to decrease the minimum parking length from 20 feet to 19 feet total length. Mr. O'Neill explained he would do some further research on this potential amendment and get back to them at a subsequent meeting. Possible ordinance amendments to the curbing requirements were also discussed. Those areas intended for possible amendment dealt with an area in a parking lot where we may have a future parking lot constructed where a surmountable transition curb could be constructed. For driveways in excess of 24 feet in width, curbing would not be required in those driveway entrances. . Another area addressed was the hard surfacing for which Mr. O'Neill did not come up with a recommendation on not requiring surfacing in certain areas. A discussion was held amongst Planning Commission members regarding the definition for surfacing and the curbing in regard to a particular use. It should be a short definition where Planning Commission and City Council can consider it under a conditional use request to allow less than what the minimum requirements are now. The possible ordinance amendment as suggested would deal in the area of a loading/unloading dock where the principal area is used by the customer for pickup and/or delivery of goods and where customers will be purchasing and picking up a finished product and would require the hard surfacing and curbing around its perimeter. But if we got into an area that is used predominantly by the business for its own use and is secondary to the principal loading/unloading area and customers are not required to come to this area to pick up a product, this area could receive no curbing or hard surfacing if it didn't affect the overall drainage for this affected area. Mr. O'Neill indicated he would do some further research on these proposed ordinance amendments and get back to the Planning Commission at a subsequent meeting. . Mr. O'Neill explained to Planning Commission members he had been approached by the owner of the Monticello Theatre, Mr. Mike Muller, in regard to possible expansion to a four- screen theatre. Under the current text of our ordinance, the minimum requirement for off-street parking is one space per four seats. Mr. 0' Neill explained that in talking to our consulting planner, John Uban, his recommended requirement for a multi-screen theatre be one parking space per five theatre seats. Also in looking at the area of the proposed expansion, Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/3/90 (the building would be expanded west up to approximately the center of the existing driveway off of Broadway, which is owned and used by Wright County State Bank), Mr. Muller proposes to establish additional parking spaces immediately west of the proposed end of the building. The area in which the proposed parking would go currently houses Stokes Marine's building. The bank is proposing to purchase Stokes Marine, demolish the building, and lease back parking spaces to Mr. Muller for his use in trying to create the number of addi tional spaces needed to meet his requirement for the addition of the two new screens to the theatre. Under the proposed seating arrangement and the proposed number of seats, Mr. Muller would need to come up with 85 additional parking spaces or a signed commitment from affected property owners allowing those spaces to be used by his theatre customers. Also to accommodate additional area needed for off-street parking space, lots that are currently vacant during the theatre hours are: 1) the East Bridge Park parking lot; 2) the Realty World Maxwell building parking lot; 3) the Northwest Medical Clinic parking lot; and 4) the parking lot between the old Monticello Fire Station and the existing A-V Room. Joint parking spaces are allowed within 300 lineal feet of the subject property. The lineal footage would have to be increased from the theatre property to get to some of the above-mentioned lots. Mr. O'Neill explained to Planning Commission members that Mr. Muller would like to get underway with construction by May 1 if possible and would like to have the Planning Commission consider a special meeting. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members that they would be open to a special meeting when the earliest date could be set up for that. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. A variance request to allow no curbing or hard surfacing in certain areas of a driving area and loading/unloading area. Applicant, Martie's Farm Service. Council action: Denied variance request. Motion to direct staff to prepare potential amendments to the hard surfacing and curbing requirements of the ordinance. 2. Consideration of a preliminary plat application, Plant 20 subdivision. Applicant, Remmele Engineering, Inc. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. Page 6 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/3/90 3 . Consideration of adopting a resolution finding the Remmele tax increment finance plan to be consistent with the comprehensive plan for the City. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 4. rezone an R-1 (single family (performance zone mixed) zone. as per Planning Commission A rezoning request to residential) lot to PZM Council action: Denied recommendation. 5. A conditional use request to allow a car wash in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, West Side Market. Council action: No action necessary, as the request did not come before them. 6. Consensus of the Planning Commission members to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for May 1, 1990, 7:30 p.m. 7 . Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Mori Malone, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4~~. Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator Page 7