Planning Commission Minutes 05-14-1990 (Special Meeting) . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, May 14, 1990 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Dan McConnon, Mori Malone, Richard Martie, Cindy Lemm, Richard Carlson Members Absent: None 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan McConnon at 5:30 p.m. 2. Continued Public Hearinq - A conditional use request to allow retail/commercial activities as listed in Chapter 12, Section 2, B-2 (limited business district) of this ordinance in a PZM zone (performance zone mixed). Applicant, JKMV Partnership/21st century Builders. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members and the public JKMV Partnership/21st century Builders conditional use request to allow retail/commercial activities in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. He outlined the six proposed conditions that would be attached to this conditional use permit if it was approved. . Chairperson, Dan McConnon, then opened the public hearing. Mr. Russ Rosa, consulting engineer for JKMV Partnership, explained to Planning Commission members that the entrance or exit to the complex on the south side of their property could be re-aligned to be in alignment with East 6th street. Mr. Rosa also explained that the northerly entrance/exit could also be redesigned to be within 40 feet of a public right-of- way. Mr. Rosa said he would discuss it with the JKMV partnership and get back to them if they would like to proceed with the variance process. Ms. Tina Reinert, Admired Properties, expressed the following concerns as a property manager for the Hillside I and the Hillside II apartment complexes: 1. The south entrance to the property should be lined up so it is in line with the East 6th Street intersection. 2. She expressed concerns regarding the landscaping, especially the retaining wall, and how it was to be treated on the north side of her property, which would be the south side of the developer's property. . Page 1 . 3 . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 5/14/90 She questioned the type of fencing that was proposed to be put in on the south side of their property, which would be on the north side of her property. There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the hearing. With no further comments from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Cindy Lemm to approve the conditional use request to allow retail/ commercial activities as listed in Chapter 12, Section 2, B-2 (limited business district) of this ordinance in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone with the following six conditions: . 2. . 1. Development of the final landscaping and berming plan must create an effective transition between commercial and residential properties as determined by the City Planner. A bond in the amount of 100% of the cost to install berming and landscaping shall be provided to the City prior to issuance of a building permit. Development of a retaining wall shall be accompanied by installation of a safety fence for the purpose of eliminating access to the edge of the retaining wall. The fence shall be made of weather resistant material and shall be at least six feet high. 3. Prior to issuance of the building permit, drainage and retaining wall contruction plans shall be approved by the City Engineer. 4. The southerly most access onto Cedar Street shall be aligned with West 6th Street. 5. The northerly most access onto Cedar Street shall be moved 40 feet to the south or eliminated. 6 . A document identifying the approximate location of the demolition or unknown material on the 5th Street right-of-way and designating the property owner as the party responsible for removal of debris and restoration shall be recorded against the property. This will require someone in the future to be responsible when and if problems develop. Page 2 . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 5/14/90 Concerning condition #5, the Planning Commission stated that if they would like to be within 40 feet of this intersection, they would look at a possible variance request on this. The variance request shall go through the proper public hearing channels for its due process. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adoptinq an ordinance amendment which would allow operation of a prototype furnace usinq rubber products as fuel in an I-I (liqht industrial) zone. Applicant, Ray Schmidt. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members and the public Mr. Schmidt's request for an ordinance amendment which would allow operation of a prototype furnace using rubber products as fuel in an 1-1 (light industrial) zone. . Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the hearing for input from the public. Mr. Ray schmidt, Universal Equipment Manufacturing company, explained his proposed use of the former Larson Manufacturing building for the manufacturing of equipment that would remove tires from their rims and cut them into proportionate pieces and even cut them down into sizes of approximately one inch in diameter. He also explained that he would like to be allowed to test his prototype furnace, which he has had in testing for approximately the last three years. Mr. Schmidt explained that the process burns at approximately 3,000+ degrees, with the start of the furnace unit for 30 seconds every 30 minutes. Basically, the residue which is left once the rubber is burned off is the melted fibers of the steel lining on the radial tires. There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan McConnon closed the public hearing. Planning Commission members voiced some concerns about the emissions of the smoke into the atmosphere and about how that would affect the surrounding properties and the city as a whole. With no further input from the Planning Commission, a motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the ordinance amendment which would allow operation of a prototype furnace using rubber products as a fuel in an I-I (light industrial) zone. Voting in favor: Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Richard carlson, Cindy Lemm. Opposed: Mori Malone. . Page 3 . . . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 5/14/90 The Planning Commission members felt that the seven conditions should not be added to the proposed ordinance amendment but that they should be added to the conditional use for this item. 4. Consideration of a conditional use permit which would allow operation of a prototype rubber burninq furnace incidental to a principal use in an I-I (liqht industrial) zone. Applicant, Ray Schmidt. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members and to the public Mr. Schmidt's conditional use request to allow operation of a prototype rubber burning furnace incidental to a principal use in an I-I (light industrial) zone. Jeff O'Neill explained the proposed condi tions that would be attached to the conditional use permit. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the hearing for comments from the public. Mr. Ray Schmidt explained that he was opposed to the September 1, 1990, completion of emissions testing under condition #3. Mr. Schmidt indicated that with the moving of his business to Monticello, it would take some time and he probably would be unable to meet that date. He asked for some consideration to work with City staff on the completion of condition #3. He also explained to Planning Commission members that he was concerned with condition #7 determining the ash or the waste material from his furnace a hazardous waste. The remaining ash or substance that is left is all melted metal which can be sold to be recycled into new metal. There was no further comment from the public, Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. With no further input from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the conditional use permit to allow operation of a prototype rubber burning furnace incidental to a principal use as a conditional use in an I-I (light industrial) zone with the following conditions: 1. The furnace must meet all existing or future air emission standards as established by the Federal or State Pollution Control Agencies. Page 4 . . . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 5/14/90 2. Stack height must be high enough to eliminate potential of stack gases being trapped at ground level by the effect of wind flow around buildings. 3 . Before 9/1/90, furnace owner shall complete all emission testing of non-prototype furnace and will apply for an air emissions permit from the PCA even if exempt from PCA regulations. Furnace design must meet or exceed proportional requirements for a one million BTU furnace as required by the PCA. Failure of emission test during prototype development or failure to obtain permission to sell this product in Minnesota shall terminate conditional use permit. Timing and testing should be worked out with the City staff and a time recommended for completion by the City staff. 4. Regular use of the furnace shall not be limited to the heating season. Non-heating season use of the system shall be limited to testing and demonstration. Furnace shall not be operated for the sole purpose of reducing waste tires. 5 . A 6-foot, 90% opaque fence shall be used to screen waste tire storage areas. No waste tires shall be in plain view. The site shall not contain more than 75 unprocessed tires at anyone time. The site may not be used as a tire transfer station. 6. Complaints made by area property owners about the furnace emissions may be sufficient cause for the City to withdraw the conditional use permit and therefore all furnace operation. 7. Waste ash and particulate recovered shall be treated as waste and shall be disposed in a manner approved by the City of Monticello and the Pollution control Agency. Approval was based on the finding that the operation of the furnace is A) consistent with the geography and character of an I-I and 1-2 zone; B) the operation of the furnace will not tend to depreciate the land values in the area; and C) the need for such use has been sufficiently demonstrated. Voting in favor: Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Cindy Lemm. Opposing: Mori Malone. page 5 . . . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 5/14/90 5. Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Mori Malone, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4~4~ Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator Page 6