Planning Commission Minutes 07-05-1990
Thursday, July 5, 1990 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Cindy Lemm, and
Richard Carlson
Members Absent:
staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill, Diane Seifert
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan McConnon at
7:02 p.m.
Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Carlson, to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held June 5, 1990.
Motion carried unanimously.
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Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow construction of a
detached garage within the side yard and rear yard setback
requirements. Applicant, Cheryl Steinmetz.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public Cheryl Steinmetz's variance
request to allow a detached garage to be built within the side
and rear yard setback requirements. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant
Administrator, then presented a video tape of the subject
property. The video showed where the existing 14-foot
driveway runs right up to the east side lot line.
Ms. Steinmetz was proposing to place the garage 30 feet from
the house to allow for snow to be pushed between her existing
deck and the proposed garage.
Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, gave to Chairperson Dan
McConnon a letter which was received from the attorney of the
adjoining property owner to the east, Julia Finley. The
letter was then read and entered into the public record.
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon closed the public hearing.
After discussion amongst Planning Commission members, a motion
was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Richard Martie, to
approve the variance request to allow placement of the garage
up to within 4 feet of the side lot line and up to within
15 feet of the rear lot line. Motion carried unanimously.
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The hardship was created by the placement of the house on the
lot, and there already exists 24 feet of separation between
Ms. Steinmetz's house and the Julia Finley house to the east.
4. Public Hearinq--A preliminary plat request for a commercial
subdivision plat. Applicant, Stuart Hoqlund.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public Mr. Hoglund's
request for a preliminary commercial subdivision plat.
Mr. 0' Neill presented a video tape of the entire property
showing existing drainage problems which occur just outside of
this plat. Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public
hearing and opened the meeting for discussion amongst the
Planning Commission members.
Discussion amongst the Planning Commission members centered
around the drainage problems which were highlighted outside of
this preliminary plat by Mr. O'Neill.
With no further input from Planning Commission members, motion
was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Carlson, to
approve the preliminary plat of the Minnie Point subdivision
subject to City acquisition of proper drainage easements from
properties impacted by the Minnie Point storm water. Also,
the City is to work with the developer and the other property
owners on the development of culverts consistent with City
standards at locations noted. Motion carried unanimously.
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Public Hearing--A variance request to allow construction of a
parkinq lot within the 5-foot curb barrier lot line setback
requirement. Applicant, Wriqht County State Bank.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public Wright County State Bank's
variance request to allow the development of a parking lot
within the 5-foot curb to lot line setback requirement. The
bank is trying to develop a new parking lot in the former
location of the National Bushing Store and the Stokes Marine
building, which is to be demolished. The proposed parking
lot, as laid out, would encroach within the 5-foot lot line to
curb requirement. Mr. Thor Meyer of Meyer-Rohlin &
Associates, representing Wright County State Bank, was present
to explain the parking layouts that he came up with under the
original plan and under an alternative plan called Plan A.
The original plan shows parking at a 35 degree angle with the
creation of 45 stalls. The parking under Plan A is 45 degree
angle parking which will have a total of 37 newly created
parking spaces. Much of the discussion then centered around
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how the property would be landscaped, the type of materials
that could be used, and the type of green landscaping that
could be used and how it would last with the chlorides and
salts which are plowed off the highway after a snowfall.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and
opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission
members. Discussion amongst the Planning Commission members
centered on the types of landscaping that could be used.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy
Lemm, to approve the variance request to allow construction of
a parking lot within the 5-foot parking lot curb to lot line
requirement. Wright County State Bank is to work with City
staff to come up with an appropriate type of landscaping to be
placed in this parking lot. Motion carried unanimously.
Continued Public Hearinq--Consideration of ordinance amendment
to hard surfacing and curbing requirement. Applicant, City of
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public the ordinance amendment
which would allow the City to lessen the requirements of
parking lot hard surfacing and curbing only as a conditional
use permit. Mr. 0' Neill went through the requirements as
outlined in the agenda supplement.
Much discussion centered around the placement of curbing in
certain areas that might be affected by drainage. It was the
consensus that the plans be reviewed by the City Engineer, if
needed, for his comments on whether curbing was needed in the
areas that might be affected by drainage. Mr. 0' Neill
explained the difficult thing for City staff members to
determine is what are the usable areas of a business or
industry in relationship to the nonusable areas for the
requirements of hard surfacing and curbing.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and
opened the meeting for comments from the Planning Commission
members. Discussion amongst the Planning Commission members
centered around the determination of the useable areas of a
business or industry which would require hard surfacing and
curbing. Discussion also centered around the use of curbing
within drainage areas and how that should be addressed. It
was the consensus of the Planning Commission members that all
plans go to the City Engineer for his review upon
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determination by City staff that he should review them. If
the plans are not too complex in nature, they could be
reviewed by the City staff and not sent to the City Engineer.
With no further input from Planning Commission members,
motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to
approve the ordinance amendment lessening hard surfacing and
curbing requirements as a conditional use in I-I and 1-2
zones. Motion carried unanimously.
7. New Planning Commission member interview.
Mr. Mike Emberton, 508 Wright Street, was pyesent before the
Planning Commission members to explain his ~equest to be a
member of the Monticello Planning Commission. The Planning
Commission members took no formal action at this time but
explained to Mr. Emberton that the City Council will be
considering his application along with the two other
applications from Mr. Jon Bogart and Mr. Bruce Thielen at a
special meeting on July 9, 1990, at about 6:15 p.m.
Public Hearing--A variance request to allow construction of a
garage addition wi thin the side yard setback requirement.
Applicant, Ruth A. Anderson. Council action: No action
required, as the request did not come before them.
Public Hearing--A variance request to allow a curb cut access
within 40 feet from the intersection of two street right-of-
ways. Applicant, JKMV Partnership and 21st Century Builders.
Council action: No action required, as the request did not
come before them.
New Planning Commission member interviews. Council action:
Council voted in a tie to set a special meeting with the two
Planning Commission applicants at an upcoming regular meeting.
With Mr. Mike Emberton's application here, the City Council
will be considering interviewing three prospective Planning
Commission member applicants at a special meeting.
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Continued Public Hearing--Consideration of ordinance amendment
to off-street parking requirements. Applicant, City of
Monticello. Council action: No action required, as the
request did not come before them.
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Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to
set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning
Commission meeting for Tuesday, August 7, 1990, at 7:00 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
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Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to
adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary "1\nderson
Zoning Administrator
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