Planning Commission Minutes 08-07-1990
Tuesday, August 7, 1990 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Cindy Lemm, and
Richard Carlson
Members Absent:
Dan McConnon
staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Rick Wolfsteller, Diane Seifert
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson, Cindy
Lemm, at 7:04 p.m.
Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Richard
Carlson, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held
July 5, 1990. Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart
Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow a parkinq lot
perimeter without curbinq to be established within 20 feet of
an adioininq lot. Applicant, Martie's Farm Service.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public Mr. Martie's variance
request to allow no curbing placed within 20 feet of the
adjoining property to the east of Mr. Martie's property.
Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss, and John Simola have reviewed
the site and recommend that a curb not be placed in this area.
Curbing placed in this area would be more of a detriment than
a benefit for the drainage of the easterly property into the
drainage swale.
Vice Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the meeting for
input from the public. Mr. Russ Martie explained that he
would like to increase the area as shown on the east side of
the property for the semi-truck tractor to maneuver in this
area to back up to the loading/unloading dock area. He
explained he would like to angle the area in the northeast
portion of this to allow the semi-truck tractor to maneuver
back out of its parking space once it is backed up to the
loading/unloading dock area and also to extend the area from
the southeast corner and move it southerly to line up with the
existing line of the proposed surmountable curb swale area.
If this area is extended, it would allow the semi-truck
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tractor with a trailer behind it better movement to get back
out of its space and out of Mr. Martie's property when parked
up to the loading/unloading dock area.
Vice Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and asked for any further input from the Planning Commission
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by
Richard Martie, to approve the variance request which would
allow a parking perimeter to be established without a curb in
a location within 20 feet of the adjoining parcel. Motion
carried unanimously. Reason for approval: Approval given at
the recommendation of the Consulting City Engineer, Bret
Weiss, and the City Public Works Director, John Simola, that
curbing placed in this area would be more of a detriment than
a benefit.
Public Hearing--Consideration of a variance request to allow
development of a driveway area without hard surface.
Applicant, Martie's Farm Service.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public the City staff's
interpretation of this area in which Mr. Martie is proposing
no hard surfacing as an incidental use to his existing
business. The majority of Mr. Martie's business is
facilitated through the hard surfaced area in the
loading/unloading dock area. The area in question is an area
which Mr. Martie would use only periodically for his own use
and no use by his customers.
With that information, it was the consensus of the four
Planning Commission members present that the variance request
would not be needed, as they would follow the recommendation
of the City staff in this request.
5. Public Hearinq--Consideration of a conditional use permit
allowinq a reduction of parkinq lot desiqn requirements.
Applicant, Martie's Farm Service.
Gary Anderson, zoning Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public Mr. Martie's conditional use
request which would allow less than the minimum requirements
of a parking lot design only as a conditional use. He
presented on video and also on overhead transparency where
Mr. Martie is requesting no curbing in some areas and no hard
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surfacing in other areas. Mr. Anderson also explained a list
of conditions, if the conditional use would be approved, which
Mr. Martie would have to complete in a certain period of time.
He explained in detail each of the conditions which should be
added if the conditional use request is approved.
Vice Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the meeting for
input from the public. Mr. Russ Martie explained to Planning
Commission members that he was in opposition to three gates
being installed. He felt two gates would handle it and there
shouldn't be an additional gate off the driveway near the
southwest corner of his property coming off the driveway
entrance on County Road 117. He also questioned what type of
landscaping the Planning Commission would consider for the
requirement the HRA placed on Mr. Martie's project that the
covered, outdoor storage area be screened from county
Road 117. Any type of screening that would be done in that
area would have to be in excess of 8 feet tall to produce any
type of screening at all and would have to extend north and
south of the existing covered, outdoor storage area to
complete any type of screening for this area. Mr. Martie also
explained that he would also like no hard surfacing in the
area beyond the drainage swale that is used for a maneuvering
area for the semi-truck tractor. He would like to place some
type of a rock/granite surface in that area.
There being no further input from the public, Vice
Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing and
opened the meeting for any further discussion amongst Planning
Commission members. Planning Commission members concurred
with Mr. Martie's request that three gates would be too many
at this time; and if a gate was installed off of County
Road 117, it would probably cause some problems with traffic
in that the vehicle would have to be parked on the road, the
gate opened, and then the vehicle would be driven off the road
to enter the property at this point. If the two gates were
installed in their proposed locations, it would deter the
major amount of customers from entering the area behind his
building. The discussion also centered around what type of
screening would be appropriate for the exterior storage area.
The consensus was a combination of coniferous and hardwood
deciduous trees in this area would be sufficient to partially
screen this area.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Jon
Bogart, to approve the conditional use request allowing a
reduction in parking lot design requirements with the
following conditions:
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The drainage plan shall be completed, submitted to
the Consulting City Engineer, and written approval
shall be received from the Consulting City
2. A concrete drainage swale/surmountable curb shall
be installed from the existing curb in the
southwest corner of the loading/unloading area
easterly to the center of the drainage swale ditch.
The curbing along the easterly portion of
parking lot shall be extended southerly
terminated at the top of the drainage swale.
4. In the drainage swale ditch area where the semi-
truck tractor will be maneuvering in that area, the
drainage swale ditch from 10 feet each way of the
center is to be a concrete surface.
5 .
The remainder of
end of the
northeasterly to
have installed a
the ditch to the
the drainage swale ditch from the
northeasterly hard surfacing
the northeast property line shall
sodded surface from the center of
top of the slopes.
Gates shall be installed near the southerly portion
of the loading/unloading dock area and near the
southwest corner of the open, roof-covered, outdoor
storage area. Gates are to remain closed at all
times except when they are being used to maneuver
vehicles through them.
In the two areas where the gates are to be
installed, the first area near the southwest corner
of the open, roof-covered, outdoor storage area,
shall have a fence installed similar to the
existing fence from the southwest corner of the
building to the gate and from the gate westerly to
the end of the southwest curb. In the area of the
gate on the south portion of the loading/unloading
area, a fence is to be installed from the gate
easterly near the southeast corner of the semi-
truck tractor maneuvering area, thence
northeasterly along the east property line to a
point where the northeast corner of the turning
area would be completed, thence angling
northwesterly to the top of the drainage swale.
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In the area from the southwest corner of the open,
roof-covered, storage area to the southwest corner
of the building, this area shall be regraded so the
water run-off will flow to the westerly ditch. The
green area in this area is to be extended to allow
a 12-foot gravel surfaced driveway to run through
9. The entire parking lot shall be striped to show
where existing parking is to take place.
10. The landscaping shall be completed, the minimum
number of over-story trees shall be planted, and
the green areas shall be installed as per plan,
with the area in front of the overhead doors not
exceeding 50 feet easterly from in front of the
overhead doors. The balance of the area east of
there is to be a green area.
11. Screening in front of the open, roof-covered,
storage area shall be a combination of the minimum-
sized coniferous and hardwood deciduous trees to
achieve partial opacity.
12. The conditions shall be completed by October 1,
1990; if not completed, the money that is held in
escrow at present will be used to complete any
items that are not completed.
Motion carried unanimously.
6. Public Hearinq--Consideration of approval of a preliminary
plat of the Sandberq East Second Addition, which is a replat
of the Sandberq East subdivision. Applicant, John Sandberq.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public Mr. John Sandberg and
Mr. Rod Norell's replatting request to replat the existing
residential subdivision known as Sandberg East. The proposed
replat shortens the existing one-half acre lots into the meet
or exceed minimum requirement of 12,000 sq ft.; and they meet
or exceed the minimum lot width requirement, which is 80 feet.
One of the existing proposed roads will be taken out as part
of this replat. Conceivably, if the replat occurs and the
outlot is developed, we could have 60+ homes being served by
only one road to get back out to Gillard Avenue. with this
being only the preliminary plat, the grading, drainage, and
utility plans are being prepared prior to final plat approval.
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Vice Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the meeting for
input from the public. Mr. Jeff Nelson, the only homeowner in
the Sandberg East addition to be replatted, questioned what a
preliminary plat consisted of. Ci ty Administrator, Rick
Wolfsteller, explained to Mr. Nelson that the preliminary plat
is the layout of the proposed lots in the development with the
utilities and the grading and drainage plans to be submitted
for approval prior to the final plat.
There being no further input from the public, Vice
Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing. A
question raised by Planning Commission members was if 95th
Street could be extended at the far east end of this project.
It was explained to the Planning Commission members that 95th
Street was considered as part of an original concept plan
which was laid out for this property and the entire Krautbauer
property. It was discussed at that time not to continue 95th
Street through, as it would amount to a cut across or a
shortcut for people living on East 39 to take a shortcut
through a residential development to get to points east of
County Road 75 and East County Road 39.
There being no further discussion amongst the Planning
Commission members, a motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded
by Richard Martie, to approve the preliminary plat of the
Sandberg East Second Addition, which is a replat of the
Sandberg East subdivision. Motion carried unanimously.
Prior to moving on to the additional information items, Zoning
Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning Commission
members that City staff would like to have the Planning
Commission consider an interpretation of a condition which was
placed on the Scrub-a-Dub Carwash project, which was not
entered as part of the minutes or the conditions of their
conditional use request but discussed at the Monticello
Planning Commission and City Council meetings. The
developers, Investors Together, Inc., explained they would
intend to coordinate the exterior of their building with the
colors that existed on the Ri verroad Plaza. Since their
conditional use approval in April, Riverroad Plaza has been
taken over by the owners, Curt and Anna Mae Hoglund, and they
have gone to a new fuel supplier for their gasoline
convenience store, that being Mobil Oil corporation, which has
changed the colors of their existing canopy from dark brown to
whi te. The developers would like to leave the existing
carwash in a natural finish as the blocks currently exist with
just the sealing of the exterior blocks and the existing blue
and white canopy on it.
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Motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Richard
Martie, to have the building remain as it exists and not have
it painted. Motion carried unanimously.
Additional Information Items
1. Public Hearing--A variance request to allow construction of a
detached garage within the side yard and rear yard setback
requirements. Applicant, Cheryl Steinmetz. Council action:
No action required, as the request did not come before them.
2. Public Hearing--A preliminary plat request for a commercial
subdivision plat. Applicant, Stuart Hoglund. Council action:
Approved with conditions.
3. Public Hearing--A variance request to allow construction of a
parking lot within the 5-foot curb barrier to lot line setback
requirement. Applicant, Wright County State Bank. Council
action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation.
4. Continued Public Hearing--Consideration of ordinance amendment
to hard surfacing and curbing requirements. Applicant, City
of Monticello. Council action: Approved as per Planning
Commission recommendation.
5 .
New Planning Commission member interview. Council action:
Mr. Jon Bogart was selected as the new Planning Commission
6. Motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Jon Bogart, to
set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning
Commission meeting for Tuesday, September 4, 1990, at
7:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded by Richard Martie, to
adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator
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