Planning Commission Minutes 09-04-1990
Tuesday, September 4, 1990 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson,
Cindy Lemm, Jon Bogart
Members Absent:
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan McConnon at
7:03 p.m.
Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Carlson, to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held August 7,
1990. Motion carried unanimously with Dan McConnon
Public hearinq--A simple subdivision request to subdivide an
existing unplatted residential lot into two residential lots.
Applicant, Michael Robinson.
Gary Anderson, zoning Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public Mr. Robinson's simple
subdivision request to subdivide an existing unplatted tract
of land into two residential unplatted tracts of land. Both
Parcels A and B would have more than the minimum lot square
footage requirement of 12,000 square feet, and Parcel B would
have the minimum lot width on a public right-of-way of
80 feet. Parcel A would have 70 feet of lot width, which is
less than the required minimim lot width on a public right-of-
way. At the front setback line of Parcel A, which would be
the front most portion of the house, there would be 68 feet of
lot width. Six-foot drainage and utility easements are shown
on the side lot lines of the newly created parcels, and
l2-foot drainage and utility easements are shown on the front
and rear of the proposed subdivided parcels. Parcel A is not
served by a city water and sewer stub at this time. If one is
to be put in, the City would not be responsible for the
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing.
Mr. Mike Robinson explained that his family is currently
living in the existing two-bedroom house. He and his wife
have three children, and it is quite crowded in the existing
house. His request is to subdivide the existing parcel into
two parcels and build another house on the adjoining parcel to
the south or to sell the residential parcel. The lots are
considerably larger than the platted 66' x 165' standard inner
city lots. Mr. Robinson also explained he would be willing
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to record with the simple subdivision that any house built on
Parcel A would be within the minimum setback requirements.
Mr. Robinson also indicated he would have no problem with
removing the shed on Parcel A within 30 days of the sale of
the lot.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and
asked for input from the Planning Commission members.
Planning Commission members questioned whether the creation of
a smaller lot would diminish the aesthetics or property values
of the existing houses situated on larger lots across the
With no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Richard
Martie, to approve the simple subdivision request to subdivide
an existing unplatted residential lot into two residential
lots with the following conditions:
a. The simple subdivision request is to be recorded
within 30 days from the September 10, 1990, City
Council meeting.
The drainage and utility easements are to be
recorded wi thin 30 days from the september 10,
1990, City Council meeting.
c. A document is be recorded indicating that Parcel A
is not served by city water and sewer service, and
the City will not be responsible for putting one
d. A document is be recorded indicating that if a new
house is built on Parcel A, it will meet all the
minimum setback requirements.
A document
Parcel A is
Parcel A is
is be recorded indicating that if
sold, the existing shed located on
to be removed within 30 days of the
Motion carried unanimously.
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Public hearinq~-A variance request to allow a subdivided lot
to have less than the minimum lot width requirement.
Applicant, Michael Robinson.
Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public Mr. Robinson's variance
request to allow less than the minimum lot width on a public
right-of-way. As shown on the enclosed site plan, there is
70 feet of lot frontage at the front property line; and at the
minimum front yard setback requirement, which is in line with
the front most portion of the existing house located on
Parcel B, the lot width would be 68 feet. The standard lot
width of the platted inner city lots is 66 feet. When the
ordinance was amended, the City cited problems with the
smaller lot width; therefore, the minimum lot width was
increased to 80 feet.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing.
There being no input from the public, Chairperson Dan McConnon
then closed the public hearing and turned the meeting to
discussion amongst Planning commission members. Planning
Commission members recognized that the lot width was
considerably less than our current 80-foot minimum
requirement, but it is more than the minimum lot width that
was required when the original lots were platted within the
city. If the applicant would be willing to have a document
recorded stating that any house built would be wi thin the
minimum setback requirements, they did not see any problem
with granting the variance.
Therefore, a motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by
Cindy Lemm, to approve the variance request to allow a
subdivided lot to have less than the minimum lot width
requirement. Motion carried unanimously. Reason for
approval: Due to the increased square footage of Parcel A
(16,530 sq ft) from the minimum 12,000 sq ft requirement, the
impact has been lessened, therefore supporting approval of the
variance request.
5. Public hearinq--A variance request to allow additional pylon
siqn heiqht than the maximum 22-foot pylon heiqht allowed.
Applicant, Mark Anderson.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public Mr. Anderson's
request to be allowed additional pylon sign height over the
maximum allowed, which should have been 32 feet rather than
22 feet, as Mr. Anderson's property lies within the freeway
bonus 800 feet from the freeway right-ot-way. Mr. Anderson's
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proposal was for a l3-foot height variance for a total height
of 45 feet. Mr. 0' Neill explained to Planning Commission
members the City Council action that was taken on April 10,
1989, to reaffirm the maximum amounts allowed in the
800 lineal feet from the 1-94 area as follows: The maximum
pylon sign square footage to remain at 200 square feet, and
the maximum height to remain at 32 feet above the public
right-of-way from which it receives its major exposure, and
the number of pylon signs be limited to one sign per property.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input
from the public. Mr. Mark Anderson, applicant, was present to
explain to Planning Commission members and the public his
rationale for granting approval of the variance, citing other
instances where additional height for pylon signs was granted
for fast food places, convenience stores, motels, and gasoline
service stations. He indicated the precedent had already been
set, and he was merely asking to be treated the same. He
explained that a good share of his business would be in the
form of 200 or more new people per day coming to the Subway
Shop to eat. The intent wasn't to attract patrons from other
eating establishments or local residents but to attract people
traveling on the freeway that are looking for a Subway Shop in
which to stop and eat. Mr. Anderson acknowledged that his
primary exposure would be the east bound 1-94 traffic and the
people exiting the first exit off 1-94, and he acknowledged
the exposure that would be gained from his sign if placed at
the 45-foot height. He also explained that some exposure
would be gained from the west bound traffic on 1-94 if the
sign was placed at the 45-foot height.
With no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon opened the meeting for discussion amongst Planning
Commission members. Planning Commission members felt
sympathetic to Mr. Anderson's request to have additional pylon
sign height as do other businesses in the area.
Unfortunately, the Planning Commission and the City Council
reaffirmed their ordinance requirements in regard to the
maximum amounts allowed in the 800 lineal feet from the 1-94
area as follows: Maximum sign square footage remain at
200 sq ft; the maximum sign height remain at 32 feet above the
public right-of-way from which it receives its major exposure;
and the maximum number of pylon signs be limited to one sign
per property.
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Therefore, a motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by
Jon Bogart, to deny the variance request to allow additional
pylon sign height over the maximum 32 feet allowed. Motion
carried unanimously. Reason for denial: The Planning
Commission would like to stick to the City Council's decision
made on April 10, 1989, to reaffirm the maximum amounts
allowed in the 800 lineal feet from the 1-94 area, as no
hardship was sufficiently demonstrated.
6 .
Public hearing--A variance request to allow no curbing in a
certain area of a parkinq lot. A request to allow less than
the minimum required tree planting size. Applicant, Tapper's,
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public Mr. Tapper's
request to allow no curbing in a certain area of a parking
lot. The area in question would be for parking lot expansion
at some point in time in the future.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. There
being no input from the public, he closed the public hearing
and asked for discussion amongst Planning Commission members.
Planning Commission members agreed that this would be
acceptable as long as it did not affect the drainage. The
City's consulting engineering firm, OSM, reviewed this request
and felt drainage would not be affected by no curbing in this
area. They also discussed approving the variance for up to
three years. If at that time there was no building addition
or parking lot expansion, the applicant would come back for
review of the variance request and ask for additional time.
Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Carlson, to
approve the variance request to allow no curbing in a certain
area of a parking lot with the applicant to come back within
three years, September 1993, to renew hi s reques t if the
applicant has not expanded his parking lot. Motion carried
unanimously. Reason for approval: The City's consulting
engineer, after review of the drainage as shown, felt that
there would be no adverse effects by no curbing in this
portion of the parking lot.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public Mr. Tapper's
request to allow less than the minimum required overstory tree
planting size. The total number of trees that would be less
than the minimum 2-1/2 inch diameter would be 14. The total
number of trees that are required to be planted is 24.
Mr. Tapper is proposing to plant 28 total trees.
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Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input
from the public. Mr. Tapper indicated they would like to have
more trees than what is required to better complement the
landscaping layout as presented.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and
asked for further discussion amongst Planning Commission
members. Planning Commission members felt there would be no
problem with granting the request if the developer is willing
to put in more trees than the minimum required and they are
only 1/2-inch in diameter less than the minimum requirement.
Motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded by Richard Martie, to
approve the variance request to allow less than the minimum
required tree planting size. Motion carried unanimously.
Reason for approval: Because the applicant is proposing to
plant more trees than required, and because there is only a
1/2-inch difference between what is required and the diameter
of the trees to be planted, the impact, if any, as the trees
develop would be very minimal.
Exception to all areas not otherwise improved in accordance
with approved site plans shall be sodded. 1) The applicant is
proposinq undisturbed areas containinq existinq viable and
natural veqetation which can be maintained free of foreign and
noxious plant materials. 2) The areas desiqnated as open
~ce or future expansion areas properly planted and
maintained with prairie qrass.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public Mr. Tapper's
request to allow certain areas of their open space to be
planted and maintained in native prairie grass and wild flower
plantings. Mr. 0' Neill referred to Mr. Kevin Norby, the
landscape architect for Tapper's, Inc., to explain the areas
in which they are proposing to plant the prairie grass and
wild flowers.
Mr. Norby explained to Planning Commission members and the
public the landscaping plan which his firm has designed for
Tapper's, Inc., for planting certain areas of the site with a
native prairie grass and different species of wild flowers.
Mr. Norby highlighted the areas in which the proposed
plantings were to take place and the areas that would be
planted under the conventional method of shrubs and
landscaping rocks, sod, or seed. Mr. Norby indicated the
company which would be supplying and installing the native
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prairie and wild flower seedings would be Prairie
Restorations, Inc., of Princeton, Minnesota. They also have
a contract for one year's maintenance of the plantings once
they are installed.
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon then closed the public hearing and asked for
discussion amongst the Planning Commission members. The
Planning Commission members were concered about how the native
prairie grasses and wild flowers were to be planted and
maintained and the heights which would be achieved at maximum
planting height. Another concern was how these plantings
would reflect our current public nuisance ordinance regarding
maximum grass height.
There being no further discussion amongst the Planning
Commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie,
seconded by Richard Carlson, to recommend to the City Council
the planting of native prairie grass and species of wild
flowers in certain areas of the Tapper's, Inc., building site
as defined in their landscaping plan. Motion carried
7 .
Public hearing--A conditional use request to allow expansion
of an outdoor rental use in a B-3 (highway business) zone.
Applicant, General Rental.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public Mr. Chihos' request
to expand an outdoor rental use in a B-3 (highway business)
zone. While showing a video of the property, Mr. 0' Neill
explained where Mr. Chihos has expanded his display of
equipment into the green area and into the public right-of-way
in front of his lot. In reviewing Mr. Chihos' original
conditional use request, there were very few, if any,
conditions other than what was required of him as conditions
to his conditional use permit. Mr. O'Neill indicated that
possibly there should be some additional conditions added to
Mr. Chihos' conditional use request for expansion of his
rental business. Under condition #1, the outside services,
sales, and equipment rental connected with a principal use is
limited to 30% of the gross floor area, which is 720 sq ft.
The area Mr. Chihos would like to use for outside display of
rental equipment would be approximately 5,500 sq ft;
therefore, he is requesting an additional 4,780 sq ft.
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Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input
from the public. Mr. Ron Chihos, part owner of General
Rental, explained to Planning Commission members his
conditional use request to expand his rental business in the
B- 3 (highway business) zone. Mr. Chihos indicated the
additional 25 feet of lot width on the northerly portion of
the property would allow the existing U-Haul trucks and
trailers to be parked at an angle on this 25-foot portion
which he is purchasing from the owners of the adjoining
property. Also, by creating this 25-foot area for parking the
U-Haul trucks and trailers, it would also open up the area for
parking and within his parking lot. The biggest problem that
Mr. Chihos encounters when his customers pick up or drop off
equipment and have a trailer behind their vehicle is that it's
very tough to maneuver and get out of the parking lot.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and
asked for discussion amongst Planning Commission members.
Planning Commission members discussed how the green area has
been diminshed because it has been used for parking rental
equipment. If the area is to be opened up and returned to a
green area, it should also meet the minimum requirements of
landscaping. The minimum number of overstory trees to be
planted would be 5 with the 25-foot lot expansion. The
curbing in the easterly portion of the lot could be expanded
to within 5 feet of the property line to allow display of
rental equipment as long as it did not use any of the off-
street parking requirements.
There being no further input from the public, motion was made
by Richard Martie, seconded by Jon Bogart, to approve the
condi tional use request to allow expansion of an outdoor
rental use in a B-3 (highway business) zone with the following
The 5-foot green area is to be maintained with no
parking of rental equipment in the 5-foot green
area between the property line and the parking lot
A m~n~mum of five overstory trees are to be
planted, preferably along the northerly property
The area for display of the rental equipment is to
be hard surfaced.
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The square footage of the rental storage area is to
be increased from the minimum amount of 720 sq ft
to 5,500 sq ft of outdoor rental display square
footage area.
Motion carried unanimously.
8. Public hearing--A conditional use request to allow a used
automobile/light truck sales in a B-3 (highway business) zone.
Applicant, Hoglund Transportation.
Mr. O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members the applicant did not supply the
information as needed in a timely manner and asked that the
public hearing be opened and continued.
It was the consensus of the five Planning Commission members
that the item be continued until the next Planning Commission
meeting in October.
9 .
Public hearing--A variance request to allow less than the
minimum 4,500 sq ft sales and display area. Applicant,
Hoglund Transportation.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members the applicant had failed to submit
the information needed in a timely manner and asked that the
public hearing be opened and continued until the next meeting
in October.
The consensus of the five Planning Commission members was to
open the public hearing and continue it until the October
Planning Commission meeting.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members a proposed amendment to the sign
ordinance. He explained that he would like a recommendation
from the Planning Commission members to pass on to the City
Council as to whether or not the sign ordinance should be
amended. The ordinance section for Planning Commission
members to consider amending would be the portion in which an
existing non-conforming sign cannot be changed to another non-
conforming sign. Under the current sign ordinance, the
existing sign faces can be removed and a new one put in place
even though it is not the same company or business that is
changing the sign face. This is allowed under the permit
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process. The proposed ordinance amendment would require that
if only a new face was installed on an existing non-conforming
sign, the non-conforming sign would have to be brought into
conformance or a permit would not be granted. Much discussion
centered around if this was actually a permit requirement or
if someone could go ahead and do it without a permit.
The general consensus of the Planning Commission members
present was to propose an ordinance amendment that a permit
would be required if the sign face is changed on a non-
conforming sign, and no permit would be allowed for the sign
face change unless they go through the variance process or the
non-conforming sign is brought into compliance prior to
changing the sign face.
2. Consideration of a variance request which would allow a
parking perimeter to be established without curb in a location
within 20 feet of an adjoining parcel. Applicant, Martie's
Farm Service. Council action: No action required, as the
request did not come before them.
Consideration of a variance request to allow development of a
driveway area without hard surface. Applicant, Martie's Farm
Service. Council action: Denied the request; hard surfacing
to be required in the far east portion of the loading/
unloading area.
4. Consideration of a conditional use permit allowing a reduction
in parking lot design requirements. Applicant, Martie's Farm
Service. Council action: Approved with conditions.
5. Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat of the
Sandberg East Second Addition, which is a replat of the
Sandberg East subdivision. Applicant, John Sandberg. Council
action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation.
6. Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Richard
Carlson, to set the next tentative date for the Monticello
Planning Commission meeting for Tuesday, October 2, 1990,
7:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent.
7. Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Jon Bogart, to
adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously with
Cindy Lemm absent. The meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator
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