Planning Commission Minutes 10-02-1990
Tuesday, October 2, 1990 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Cindy Lemm,
Jon Bogart
Members Absent:
Dan McConnon
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill, Rick Wolfsteller
1. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson, Cindy
Lemm, at 7:04 p.m.
2. Motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard
Martie to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held
September 4, 1990. Motion carried unanimously with Dan
McConnon absent.
Public Hearinq--A request to amend Section 3-5 rDl 9 (Q) to:
All driveway access openinqs shall require a culvert unless
the lot is served by storm sewer or is determined unnecessary
by the Buildinq Inspector. Size of culverts shall be
determined by the Buildinq Inspector but shall be a minimum of
fifteen (15) inches in diameter. Applicant, City of
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public the City of Monticello's
request to amend the minimum culvert size section of the
ordinance. Basically, the request before the Planning
Commission members is a housekeeping matter. In the last 5 to
7 years, we've been using the standard IS-inch culvert as our
minimum size even though the ordinance requires only a 12-inch
size. Some of the problems found were in the areas of
residential housing with rural standards, which has no curb
and gutter or storm sewer. The 12-inch size culverts that
were placed there have, over the years, filled with sediment
material. There is very little water that could flow through
these culverts. The problems arise in the spring when the
culverts are still frozen. They don't allow water to pass
through, and it backs up into other residents' properties.
The water would flow through these culverts if they weren't
filled with sediment.
Wi th no further input from members of the public, Acting
Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, closed the public hearing and opened
the meeting for input from the Planning commission members.
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Planning Commission members discussed the need to go from a
12-inch to a IS-inch culvert when a I2-inch was sufficient in
most cases for underneath existing driveways.
There being no further input from Planning Commission members,
a motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Jon Bogart,
to approve a request to amend Section 3-5 [D] 9 (Q) to: All
driveway access openings shall require a culvert unless the
lot is served by storm sewer or is determined unnecessary by
the Building Inspector. Size of culverts shall be determined
by the Building Inspector but shall be a minimum of fifteen
(15) inches in diameter. The motion carried unanimously with
Dan McConnon absent.
Public Hearinq--A request to amend Section 3-1 (I) of the
zoninq ordinance by addinq the followinq paraqraph: Normal
maintenance, necessary non-structural repairs, and incidental
alteration of a lawful non-conforming siqn includes repair or
maintenance of existinq letterinq done without chanqinq the
subiect, form, color, or design of the lawful non-conforminq
sign. Applicant, City of Monticello.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public the City of
Monticello's request to amend the normal maintenance section
of the sign ordinance. Mr. O'Neill re-emphasized that the
most recent problem we had was with the century 21 signs.
They were asking to change just the faces of the signs.
According to the City Attorney, under the current ordinance
section under sign maintenance, Century 21 would have been
allowed to replace just the faces even though it is a change
of business. Also, with the amendment of this section and
another section already in existence in the sign ordinance, we
would be able to go back and find the signs which are non-
conforming, cite the places which are non-conforming, and ask
them to bring their signs into compliance.
There being no members of the public present, Acting
Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing and
opened the meeting for discussion from Planning Commission
members. The Planning Commission members questioned where you
start with existing signs which may be non-conforming and how
do you bring them into compliance.
There being no further discussion from Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by
Jon Bogart to approve the request to amend Section 3-1 (I) of
the zoning ordinance by adding the following paragraph:
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Normal maintenance, necessary non-structural repairs, and
incidental alteration of a lawful non-conforming sign includes
repair or maintenance of existing lettering done without
changing the subject, form, color, or design of the lawful
non-conforming sign. Motion carried unanimously with Dan
McConnon absent.
A Continued Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to allow
used automobile/liqht truck sales in a B-3 (hiqhway business)
zone. Applicant, Hoqlund Transportation.
A Continued Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow less
then the minimum 4,500 square feet of sales and display area.
Applicant, Hoqlund Transportation.
Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public Gordon and Jenny
Hoglund's request to be allowed to continue the establishment
of the automobile/sales lot in the southeast corner of their
property. Mr. wolfsteller explained to Planning Commission
members that he had met with the Hoglunds, and he had
discussed with them that there were two sections under the
non-conforming building structures and uses section that
applied to the Hoglund's request. They were as follows: The
purpose of this section is to provide for the regulation of
non-conforming building structures and uses, in this case it
would be uses, and to specify those requirements,
circumstances, and conditions under which non-conforming
building structures and uses will be operated and maintained.
Any structure or use lawfully existing upon the effective date
of this ordinance shall not be enlarged but may be continued
at the size and in the manner of operation existing upon such
date except as hereinafter specified or subsequently amended.
Mr. Wol fsteller explained the non-conforming building
structures and uses as submitted on the application and on the
enclosed site plan. This house is their current residence.
The proposed sales lot would go in the southeast corner of
their residential property. With the principal use of the
property being residential, even though the property is zoned
B-3 (highway business), their existing residence is allowed to
remain as a legal non-conforming use. However, they cannot
expand their residential legal non-conforming use to include
a business use, that being a used vehicle sales lot.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the public
hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Hoglund were present and explained to
Planning Commission members the background to their request.
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A major portion of one of their businesses is Hoglund
Transportation. The school bus transportation service portion
of their business has employees that maintain these vehicles
throughout the school year. To keep the quality and
experience of the individuals employed with them, they repair
used vehicles and/or buses that have been damaged and use this
as extra work for the summer months to keep their employees on
the payroll. Once the vehicles are repaired and put up for
sale, they would like to use the area in the southeast portion
of their property as an open outdoor sales lot. They further
stressed how their properties, which includes the Hoglund
Transportation business and the Hoglund Bus Company, have been
maintained and kept up over the years, and that they take
pride in continuing to keep their properties neat and orderly
in appearance. They went on to explain the actual request
should not be in the form of the Hoglund Transportation
portion of their business but should be in the 94 Services,
Inc., portion of their business. This is the actual business
which would repair the vehicles and put them back on the sales
There being no further input from the public, Acting
Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing and
opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission
The Planning Commission members felt uneasy about allowing the
applicants to use a legal non-conforming use, that being the
use of the highway business zone property for business use in
conjunction with their residential use. With there being no
conditions as outlined by the City staff, they were
uncomfortable at making any kind of decision. A compromise
was suggested by Assistant Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, to
permi t the use with the condition that they upgrade the
parking lot for the Hoglund Transportation portion of their
business. The current Hoglund Transportation portion does
have a good share of the parking hard surface but does not
have curb and gutter around its perimeter. If we were to
allow a use such as the Hoglunds are proposing, the minimum
requirements of the hard surfacing and curbing and gutter
would have to be installed.
There being no further discussion, a motion was made by
Richard Carlson, seconded by Richard Martie, to table the
request. The motion carried unanimously with Dan McConnon
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7 .
Review preliminary proposal for development of a church
facility in an R-l zone. Applicant, A Glorious Church.
Mr. Dan GassIer, pastor of A Glorious Church, was present with
his father, Mr. Jake GassIer, and a gentleman representing the
21st Century Builders, the consulting construction firm hired
to assist them in the development of their church facilities.
Mr. GassIer explained the enclosed booklet which the Planning
Commission members had received and their intent to come back
before the Planning Commission members at their next regularly
scheduled meeting on November 7, 1990, with their conditional
use request to develop a church facility on approximately
seven acres of the Robert Krautbauer property. He explained
briefly the content of the booklet which they had prepared and
stated that he was willing to answer any questions that the
Planning Commission members would have.
With no further input from the public, Acting Chairperson,
Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing and opened the
meeting for discussion among the Planning Commission members.
The Planning Commission members expressed their approval of
the amount of preparation and content of the booklet that was
presented for their review. With very little discussion among
the Planning Commission members other than a question proposed
on why they had chosen this location, which was explained by
Pastor GassIer.
The Planning Commission members present recommended approval
of the preliminary plans for development of a church facility
on this portion of residential unplatted property.
A simple subdivision request to subdivide an existing
unplatted lot into two residential lots. Applicant, Michael
Robinson. Council action: Approved with conditions as per
Planning Commission recommendation.
A variance request to allow a subdivided lot to have less than
the minimum lot width requirement. Applicant, Michael
Robinson. Council action: No action required, as the request
did not come before them.
A variance request to allow additional pylon sign height than
the maximum 22-foot height allowed. Applicant, Mark Anderson.
Council action: No action required, as the request did not
come before them.
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A variance request to allow no curbing in certain areas of a
parking lot. A request to allow less than the minimum
required tree planting size. Applicant, Tapper's, Inc.
Council action: No action required, as the request did not
come before them.
A request to install in areas designated as open space or
future expansion areas properly planted and maintained with
prairie grass. Applicant, Tapper's, Inc. Council action:
Approved with conditions.
A conditional request to allow expansion of an outdoor rental
use in a B-3 (highway business) zone. Applicant, General
Rental. Council action: Approved with conditions.
6 .
A conditional use request to allow used automobile/light truck
sales in a B-3 (highway business) zone. Applicant, Hoglund
Transportation. Council action: No action required, as the
request did not come before them.
7 .
A variance request to allow less than the minimum 4,500 square
foot sales and display area. Applicant, Hoglund
Transportation. Council action: No action required, as the
request did not come before them.
Prior to going on to number eight, the following was discussed
with Planning Commission members:
The Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning
Commission members that the conditional use request for less
than the minimum requirements for hard surfacing/curbing
requirements of the Marties Farm Service which was due to be
completed on October 1, was not completed. The following
areas were discussed as not being completed:
The hard surfacing in the area east of the
loading/unloading dock had not been completed. The area
beyond 50 feet from the area east of the four overhead
doors on the east portion of the building had not been
put back into a green area. The concrete drainage swale
as explained to Mr. Martie by our consulting engineer,
Bret Weiss, and Public Works Director, John Simola, had
not been put in according to the directions given. The
drainage plan was submitted this afternoon and sent on to
our consulting engineer for his approval. These matters
will be discussed at the next regularly scheduled Council
meeting, which would be on Monday, October 9, 1990.
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Mr. Jeff O'Neill explained to Planning Commission members a
couple of items which needed their input.
a. The inventory of the conditional use requests is done and
ready for their review. The conditional use requests
would be ready for their review, as the City staff will
be taking a look at these and going back to the
conditional use request applicants to see if any or all
of the conditions have been met.
b. An inventory of existing signs should be done to find
which signs are non-conforming. Letters should be sent
to the owners addressing the requirements of the
ordinance so that the signs are brought into conformance.
c. There is an existing non-conforming sign on the Dino's
Other World property, and also they are allowing
materials to be dumped there without a permit. Ci ty
staff will be following up on this item.
d. There is fill material that was dumped on the platted
property immediately east of the Maus Foods complex. It
has been allowed to be dumped there with no provision for
erosion control. City staff will be following up on this
Set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning
Commission meeting for Wednesday, November 7, 1990, at
7:00 p.m. Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by
Richard Carlson, to set the above-mentioned date and time for
the next Monticello Planning Commission meeting. Motion
carried unanimously with Dan McConnon absent.
9. Motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded by Richard Carlson, to
adjourn. Motion carried unanimously with Dan McConnon absent.
The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator
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