Planning Commission Minutes 11-07-1990
Wednesday, November 7, 1990 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Cindy Lemm,
Jon Bogart
Members Absent:
Dan McConnon
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson, Cindy
Lemm, at 7:02 p.m.
Motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded by Richard Martie, to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held October 2,
1990. Motion carried unanimously with Dan McConnon absent.
Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow expansion of a
non-conforminq structure in an R-l (sinqle family residential)
zone. Applicant, David and Dianne Hyttsten.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public that with further review,
the variance request to allow expansion of a non-conforming
structure in an R-1 (single family residential) zone would not
be applicable. It was staff's interpretation that the average
setback from the Jim Maus residence to the west and the Vokaty
residence to the east of the Hyttstens' property, it is
determined that the existing garage is not in the setback
requirement. Therefore, it is a conforming structure, and no
action is required.
Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow construction of an
attached qaraqe within the front yard setback requirement.
Applicant, David and Dianne Hyttsten.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public the variance request to
allow construction of an attached garage within the front yard
setback requirement. To determine the setback requirements
for their variance request, with the Jim Maus residence
adjacent to the west which has a setback in excess of the
minimum 30-foot front yard setback, the Hyttstens can
construct a garage to wi thin 57.4 feet from their front
property line. This would allow the Hyttstens to construct
only a 2.1 foot addition to their garage. The Hyttstens are
proposing to construct the garage to within 35.5 feet from the
front property line. Their request for the setback would be
the same as the existing setback of the Vokaty residence to
the east, which has a 35.5 foot setback requirement.
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Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and opened the meeting for discussion among the Planning
Commission members. They were in favor of the proposed
addition to the existing garage if the new setback for the
garage addition would come no closer than the adjoining Vokaty
residence to the east of the Hyttsten residence.
A motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded by Richard Martie,
to approve the variance request to allow construction of an
attached garage within the front yard setback requirement.
Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
Reason for approval: With the setback coming no closer than
the existing setback of the Vokaty residence to the east of
the Hyttsten residence, and on the two front lots in the Pitt
Addi tion, there would be two more houses that could be
constructed that would closer than the setback that the
Hyttstens are requesting, the values of the adjoining
properties are not going to depreciate in value due to the
construction of this addition.
Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow construction of an
attached garaqe wi thin the side yard setback requirement.
Applicant, Mark and Joanne Burandt.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public the Burandt's variance
request to allow construction of an attached garage within the
side yard setback requirement. The Burandt's property is
similar to other residences in the neighborhood. The house
was built in the center of the lot, and there wasn't room for
much more than an oversized single car garage. The minimum
22' x 24' garage is the standard width of the garages
constructed today. The Burandts are proposing to construct a
garage addition to within 5 feet of the side property line
with the front left most portion of the garage addition, and
the rear left most portion of the garage would be set back
10 feet from the side property line. The Burandts are
proposing to construct a closet area to the south of their
existing steps which would come out of the east side of their
house. To allow construction of this closet area, it will
require an additional 5-6 feet of area to accommodate a closet
of this size. Anything less than this width would necessitate
reduction in size of this proposed walkin closet step area.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and asked for input from the Planning Commission members. The
Planning Commission members didn't have any problem with the
variance request as presented except to the extent that the
setback would encroach on the utility easements.
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With no further discussion between Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded
Richard Martie, to allow construction of an attached garage to
within 6 feet of the side yard setback requirement. Motion
carried unanimously with Dan McConnon absent.
Reason for Approval: The proposed garage would not be built
wi thin the drainage and utility easement that adjoins the
properties with it being constructed to within 6 feet of the
property. With the layout of the existing house on the lot
and to accommodate entrance into their house from the outside
of the garage, it necessitates additional width to accommodate
two cars being parked in it side by side.
6 .
Public Hearinq--A simple subdivision request to subdivide an
existinq unplatted tract of residential land into two
unplatted tracts of residential land. Applicant, Robert and
Betty Krautbauer.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to the
Planning Commission and the public Robert and Betty
Krautbauers' simple subdivision request. They are proposing
to subdivide off about 7 acres to A Glorious Church for
construction of a church facility, subject to approval of the
Planning Commission and City Council. Certain conditions
should be considered with the simple subdivision request:
A. A 12-foot drainage and utility easement must be drafted
and recorded around the outside perimeter of the 7-acre
subdivided tract of land to A Glorious Church.
B. There is no sewer service off of East County Road 39 to
service this property, and the City of Monticello is not
responsible for the installation of a sewer service to
this simple subdivided property.
C. If the new property owner, A Glorious Church, decides to
utilize an existing service stubbed out of the City lift
station lot, a 3D-foot drainage and utility easement must
be drafted and recorded from Robert and Betty Krautbauer
describing the area which would be needed for the
easement of this sewer service extension.
D. An agreement between the Krautbauers, A Glorious Church,
and the City must be established which outlines the
formula and method for use of sale proceeds to finance
payment of assessment debt against the original parcel.
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All four of these conditions must be completed on or before 30
days from the November 13, 1990, City Council meeting, which
would be anytime before December 13, 1990. Acting
Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the meeting for input
from the public.
Mr. Jake GassIer, father of Pastor Dan GassIer, commented on
the proposed sewer hookup. The committee is looking at
alternative ways to service the property through an existing
service line that runs in the East County Road 39 public
right-of-way, which would be across the road from their
proposed project site, or utilizing the existing sewer stub
out of the City of Monticello's lift station lot. They were
also looking at creating an additional driveway to service the
property at some future point in time. It was suggested by
Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, that the church start the
process now with the Wright County engineers office to try to
obtain easement for an additional driveway approach.
With no further input from the public, Acting Chairperson,
Cindy Lemm, closed the public hearing and opened the meeting
for input from the Planning Commission members.
With no further discussion among Planning Commission members,
a motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Jon Bogart,
to approve the simple subdivision request to subdivide an
existing unplatted tract of land into two unplatted tracts of
residential land with the following conditions. These
conditions must be completed on or before 30 days from the
November 14, 1990, City Council meeting, which would be any
time before December 13, 1990.
a. The 12-foot drainage and utility easement must be
described and recorded around the perimeter of this
7-acre subdivided tract of land to A Glorious Church.
b. There is no sewer service off of East County Road 39 to
service this property, and the City of Monticello is not
responsible for the installation of sewer service to this
simple subdivided property.
c. If the new property owner, A Glorious Church, decides to
utilize an existing service stubbed out of the City lift
station lot, a 3D-foot drainage and utility easement must
be drafted and recorded from Robert and Betty Krautbauer
describing the area which would be needed for the
easement of this sewer service extension.
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An agreement between the Krautbauers, A Glorious Church,
and the City must be established which outlines the
formula and method for use of sale proceeds to finance
payment of assessment debt against the original parcel.
Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
7. Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to allow a church
facility in an R-1 (sinqle family residential) zone.
Applicant, A Glorious Church.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to the
Planning Commission members and the public A Glorious Church's
request to allow a church facility in an R-1 (single family
residential) zone. Mr. 0' Neill explained through a video
presentation how a church facility located on a portion of
this subdivided unplatted tract of land would be reflected
with the surrounding residential properties and residential
zoning around it. He went on to explain how the landscaping
requirements and parking lot screening requirements would
affect this property with the proposed use of a church
facility on the property.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, opened the meeting for input
from the public. A Glorious Church representatives were
present to answer any questions that the Planning Commission
members may have on their proposed project.
With no further input from the public, Acting Chairperson,
Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing and opened the
meeting for input
Planning Commission
be screened and how
is or subject to
Commission members
property and had no
this property.
from the Planning Commission members.
members discussed how the property would
the proposed landscaping would remain as
their approval at tonight's meeting.
fel t this would be a good use for the
problem with the church being located at
With no further input from Planning Commission, a motion was
made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Richard Martie, to
approve the conditional use request with the following
City approval of the parking lot landscaping and
screening plan. Adequate screening of the parking lot
area from abutting residential uses and landscaping must
be provided. The screen must be at least 6 feet high and
achieve 90% opacity. The screen may consist of either a
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berm, solid fence, or landscape plantings. Installation
of the parking lot screen shall occur at such time that
the adjoining residential property is platted.
B. City approval of drainage plan must be obtained prior to
issuance of a building permit.
C. City approval of landscaping plan must be obtained prior
to issuance of a building permit. The landscaping plan
should include 30 overstory trees to be planted along the
perimeter of the developed portion of the property and
spaced approximately 35 feet apart. Addi tional
development will precipitate additional plantings.
D. City approval of exterior treatment of structure must be
obtained to insure compatibility with the neighborhood.
Steel exterior materials shall be limited to one-half of
the available wall surface.
The above conditions were subject to the conditions that prior
to a building permit application, the applicant must come back
to the Planning Commission members for review of the following
City approval of a parking lot landscaping and screening
plan. Adequate screening of parking lot area from
abutting residential uses and landscaping must be
provided. The screen must be at least 6 feet high and
achieve 90% opacity. The screen may consist of either a
berm, solid fence, or landscape planting. Installation
of the parking lot screen shall occur at such time that
the adjoining residential property is platted.
b. Ci ty approval of drainage plan prior to issuance of
building permit.
City approval of the landscaping plan prior to issuance
of building permit. The landscaping plan shall include
30 overs tory trees to be planted along the perimeter of
the developed portion of the property and spaced
approximately 35 feet apart. Additional development to
precipitate additional plantings.
Ci ty approval of exterior treatment of structure to
insure compatibility with neighborhood. Steel exterior
materials shall be limited to one-half of the available
wall surface.
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Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon absent.
Reason for approval:
1. Church development at this site is consistent with the
comprehensive plan.
2. Church development at this site is consistent with the
geographical area involved.
3. Church development will not tend to or actually
depreciate the area.
4. Church development is consistent with the character of
the surrounding area.
Public Hearinq--A preliminary plat request to replat portions
of an existinq residential subdivision. Applicant, John
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
commission members and the public Mr. Sandberg's preliminary
plat request to replat portions of an existing residential
subdivision. The noticeable change that you will see on the
preliminary plat submitted is that Mr. Sandberg is creating
lots in back of the lots which front Gillard Avenue. These
lots will not be serviced by a public right-Of-way.
Mr. Sandberg is proposing a 30-foot outlot be placed on the
south portion of Block 1, Lot 3, and Block 2, Lots 10-16. You
will note on the enclosed preliminary plat that there is a
proposed 60 feet of right-of-way which Mr. Sandberg does not
own. It is owned by Mr. Rod Norell and is used for entrances
off of Gillard Avenue to service what is now known as
Outlot A, Sandberg East Addition. Mr. O'Neill indicated that
the City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, and himself had met
with Mr. Sandberg to discuss his request in further detail.
Acting Chairperson, Cindy Lemm, then opened the meeting for
input from the public. Mr. John Sandberg, applicant,
explained to Planning Commission members in detail his request
to be allowed to place Outlot A on the southerly portion of
Block 1, Lot 3, and Outlot B on the southerly portion of
Block 2, Lots 10-16. By allowing him to show these two
30-foot wide outlots on this plat, it will show his intent to
Mr. Norell, whom he has talked to. He is the owner of
Outlot A and is in complete agreement, according to
Mr. Sandberg, on the creation of two 30~foot outlots to
facilitate half of the right-of-way needed for a proposed
60-foot wide public right-Of-way.
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Acting Chaiperson, Cindy Lemm, then closed the public hearing
and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission
members. There was much discussion on the creation of
Block 1, Lot 3, and Block 2, Lots 10-16, and Block 3, Lot 3
being created and shown on the plat without access to a public
right-of-way. Even though it would be shown on the plat that
there are 30-foot wide outlots to Block 1, Lot 3, and Block 2,
Lots 10-16, it still isn't sufficient right-of-way to consider
these buildable lots. When the lots are shown on the plat
with them meeting the square footage and lot width
requirements, one would assume that they are buildable lots.
The Commission members were concerned that the City would be
liable to a potential buyer of these lots with them being
shown as a lot of record even though they have no frontage on
a public right-of-way.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Jon Bogart,
seconded by Richard Martie, to deny the preliminary plat
request to replat portions of an existing residential
subdivision. Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon
Reason for denial: Block 1, Lot 3; Block 2, Lots 10-16; and
Block 3, Lot I, as shown are not abutting a public right-of-
way. Therefore, in their determination, they are not
buildable. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission
that the plat could possibly be approved if a method for
protecting the interests of potential buyers could be
9 .
Public Hearing--An ordinance amendment to Section 3-9 [Cl 4 to
include: (i) a permit for a public sign in the form of a
decorative banner to be displayed on public property for a
period of one (1) year. A permit shall be issued for each
year that the decorative banners are displayed. Applicant,
City of Monticello.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public the City of Monticello's
request to amend a portion of the sign ordinance to allow a
public sign in the form of a decorative banner to be displayed
on public property. Amending the ordinance would allow the
proposed decorative banners to be displayed in several
locations within the city, which will be determined by the
Chamber of Commerce and the City of Monticello. They will be
placed on poles in the public right-of-way. Currently,
attention getting devices need a permit issued for a maximum
period of 10 days with a minimum period of 180 days between
consecuti ve issuances of such permits for any property or
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With no further input from the public, Acting Chairperson,
Cindy Lemm, opened the meeting for input from the Planning
Commission members. Planning Commission members thought the
proposed ordinance amendment would be appropriate in that it's
serving the good of the public in general.
With no further input, a motion was made by Richard Martie,
seconded by Jon Bogart, to approve the ordinance amendment to
Section 3-9 [C] 4 to include: (j) a permit for a public sign
in the form of a decorative banner to be displayed on public
property for a period of one (1) year. A permit shall be
issued for each year that the decorative banners are
displayed. Motion carried unanimously, with Dan McConnon
Reason for approval: The amendment as presented would be only
for public signs.
10. Continued Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to allow
used automobile/li ht truck sales in a B-3 hi hwa business
zone. Applicant, Hoqlund Transportation/Ninety-four Services.
Mr. O'Neill explained to Planning Commission members that we
would like to have this item continued to next month's
. scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
11. continued Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow less
than the minimum 4,500 sq ft of sales and display area.
APplicant, Hoqlund Transportation/Ninety-four Services.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members that we would like to have this item
continued to next month's scheduled Planning Commission
1. A request to amend Section 3-5 [0] 9 (q) to: all driveway
access openings shall require a culvert unless the lot is
served by storm sewer or is determined unnecessary by the
Building Inspector. Size of the culvert shall be determined
by the Building Inspector but shall be a minimum of fifteen
( 15) inches in diameter. Applicant, City of Monticello.
Council Action: Approved as per Planning Commission
Request to amend Section 3-1 [I] of the zoning ordinance by
adding the following paragraph: Normal maintenance, necessary
nonstructural repairs, and incidental alteration of a lawful,
nonconforming sign includes repair or maintenance of existing
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lettering done without changing the subject, form, color, or
design of the lawful, nonconforming sign. Applicant, City of
Monticello. Council Action: Approved as per Planning
Commission recommendation with the exception of the word
"color" removed from the sentence.
3. Continued Public Hearing--A conditional use request to allow
used automobile/light truck sales in a B-3 (highway business)
zone. Applicant, Hoglund Transportation. Council Action: No
action required, as the request did not come before them.
4. Continued Public Hearing--A variance request to allow less
than the minimum 4,500 sq ft of sales and display area.
Applicant, Hoglund Transportation. Council Action: No action
required, as the request did not come before them.
Review preliminary
facility in an R-l
Council Action: No
come before them.
proposal for development of a church
zone. Applicant, A Glorious Church.
action required, as the request did not
6. Set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning
Commission meeting for Tuesday, December 4, 1990, 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gar Anderson
Zoning Administrator
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