Planning Commission Minutes 12-04-1990 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 4, 1990 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Cindy Lemm, Dan McConnon Members Absent: Jon Bogart Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Dan McConnon, at 7:02 p.m. 2. Motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held November 7, 1990. Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart absent. 3. Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow construction of a detached qaraqe wi thin the rear yard setback requirement. Applicant, Anton and Cecelia Banyai. Gary Anderson, zoning Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members and the public Banyai's variance request to place a detached garage within the rear yard setback requirement. The Banyai's were proposing to construct the detached garage to wi thin 11 feet 3 inches of the rear property line. Mr. Anderson explained that possibly the reason for the placement of the house in this location prior to the zoning ordinance being in effect was to take advantage of the high part of the lot in relationship to Third Street. By placement of the house on the high part of the lot, it would allow for a driveway approach for a future garage off of Ramsey Street. If a garage were to be attached to the house, it would have a very steep incline coming up to the garage if it were placed off of East Third Street. Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the meeting for input from the public. There being no input from the public, Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for further input from the Planning Commission members. There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the variance request. Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart absent. page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/4/90 Reason for approval: When the house was built, the contractor placed the house on the lot to allow for only a l7-foot 3-inch attached garage on the north side of the house and a 20-foot wide attached garage on the east side of the house. By today's standards, a l7-foot 3-inch wide garage would be too small for a typical two stall garage, and a 20-foot wide garage attached to the east side of the house would not be a very good placement for a garage because this is the end of the house where the bedrooms are located. 4. Public Hearing--An ordinance amendment to Section 3-9 rCl 4 to include: ( j) A permit for a public siqn in the form of a decorative banner to be displayed on public property for a period of one (1) year. A permit shall be issued for each year that the decorative banners are displayed. Applicant, City of Monticello. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members and the public the proposed sign ordinance amendment. Mr. O'Neill explained that the purpose of the ordinance amendment is to establish a narrow set of regulations that apply to this unique type of banner display. The ordinance amendment is to deal strictly with banners placed on public property. Chairperson, Dan McConnon, opened the meeting for input from the public. Mr. Steve Johnson, Chamber of Commerce member, explained to Planning Commission members his position in regard to the ordinance amendment. One purpose for the banners being placed on the public right-of-way is it is one tool in a marketing plan that the Chamber has. The other purpose of the banners is to promote the city, not just for the benefit of the commercial/industrial property owners, but for the benefit of promoting the entire city. Assistant Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, showed a video that he had taken of the two northern community cities of Brainerd and pequot Lakes where they have banners that are placed on a public right-of-way on light poles. Questions were also raised during the public hearing portion on the following: 1. Why hadn't the Chamber addressed the ordinance amendment prior to ordering of the banners? 2. 3. what are the number of banners that are to be placed? What are the limitations as to time and the number of banners that can be displayed on a public right-of-way? Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/4/90 The ordinance amendment should have some sort of criteria for approval or denial of the request for placement of banners on the public right-of-way. Mr. Johnson explained that the intent of the Chamber of Commerce is to donate the banners to the City for the purpose of enhancement of commercial businesses, all of the commercial businesses, not just the mall or the downtown area. The banners would be displayed throughout the entire community. The banners are done by a professional company. Chairperson, Dan McConnon, then closed the public hearing. Commission members didn't have any problem with the ordinance amendment as presented, but they felt that there should be some sort of criteria for approval or denial. Some of the criteria suggested was as follows: 1. The number of signs placed. 2. It should be seasonal and not conflicting with other events. 3. The placement should be so as not to obstruct or compete with other private enterprise's advertising signs. 4. A review should be done annually. There being no further discussion from Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to table the ordinance amendment to Section 3-9 [C] 4 to include: (j) A permit for a public sign in the form of a decorative banner to be displayed on public property for a period of one (1) year. A permit shall be issued for each year that the decorative banners are displayed. Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart absent. Reason for tabling: To allow additional time to create a list of criteria for this ordinance amendment. 5. Continued Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to allow used automobile/liqht truck sales in a B-3 (hiqhway business) zone. Applicant, Hoqlund Transportation/Ninety-four Services. City staff requested that this item be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting in January at which time it will definitely be on the agenda. Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/4/90 6 . Continued Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow less than the minimum 4,500 sq ft of sales and display area. Applicant, Hoglund Transportation/Ninety-four Services. City staff requested that this item be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting in January at which time it will definitely be on the agenda. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEMS 1. A variance request to allow expansion structure in an R-1 (single family Applicant, David and Dianne Hyttsten. action required, as the request did not was also not considered by the Planning of a non-conforming residential) zone. Council action: No come before them and Commission. 2. A variance request to allow construction of an attached garage within the front yard setback requirement. Applicant, David and Dianne Hyttsten. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 3. A variance request to allow construction of an attached garage wi thin the side yard setback requirement. Applicant, Mark and Joanne Burandt. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 4. A simple subdivision request to subdivide an existing unplatted tract of residential land into two unplatted tracts of residential land. Applicant, Robert and Betty Krautbauer. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation with the exception of the deletion of condition #3. 5. A conditional use request to allow a church facility in an R-1 (single family residential) zone. Applicant, A Glorious Church. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 6 . A preliminary plat request to replat portions of an existing residential subdivision. Applicant, John Sandberg. Council action: Approved the preliminary replat of the Sandberg East subdivision and grant the variance to Section 11-5-2 of the subdivision ordinance requiring that every lot must have minimum frontage as required in the zoning ordinance on a City-approved street other than an alley. Approval of the final plat subject to three conditions. Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/4/90 7. An ordinance amendment to Section 3-9 [C] 4 to include: (j) A permit for a public sign in the form of a decorative banner to be displayed on public property for a period of one (1) year. A permit shall be issued for each year that the decorative banners are displayed. Applicant, City of Monticello. Council action: Ordinance amendment failed due to lack of four-fifths vote with one Council member absent. 8. A conditional use request to allow used automobile/light truck sales in a B-3 (highway business) zone. Applicant, Hoglund Transportation/Ninety-four Services. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 9. A variance request to allow less than the minimum 4,500 sq ft of sales and display area. Applicant, Hoglund Transportation/Ninety-four Services. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 10. Set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for Wednesday, January 2, 1991, or Tuesday, January 8, 1991, 7:00 p.m. The decision of Planning Commission members was to set the tentative date for Tuesday, January 8, 1991, 7:00 p.m. 11. Consideration of renewal of individual annual Planning Commission member appointments. City staff addressed the Planning Commission members to see if they were willing to serve another term on the Planning Commission. The consensus of three of the four members present was that they would serve another term on the Monticello Planning Commission with the fourth member getting back to the City staff with her intent. 12. Adjournment. A motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Gary ~derson Zoning Administrator Page 5