Planning Commission Minutes 03-05-1991
Tuesday, March 5, 1991 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dan McConnon, Cindy Lemm, Jon Bogart
Members Absent:
Richard Martie, Richard Carlson
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Dan McConnon,
at 7:07 p.m.
2. Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Jon Bogart, to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held January 8,
1991. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Carlson and
Richard Martie absent.
3. There was no motion on this item, as there were not enough
members present at the February 5, 1991, meeting to make a
Public Hearinq--A simple subdivision request to subdivide an
existinq residential lot and part of another existinq
residential lot into two residential lots. Applicant, Donald
and Joan Doran.
Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public Mr. and Mrs. Doran's request
to subdivide an existing residential lot and part of another
existing residential lot into two new residential lots. The
proposed simple subdivision of this residential lot and part
of another residential lot will meet the minimum lot width of
80 feet on a public right-of-way, and it would also meet the
minimum size lot subdivision for a zero lot line duplex of
12,000 sq ft per lot site. The proposed dwelling as shown
would meet the minimum setback requirement, that being 30 feet
on the south side of the property, 20 feet on the east side of
the property, 10 feet on the west side of the property, and 30
feet on the north part of the property.
Some possible conditions that would be added to their simple
subdivision if approved would be 1) the recording of the
simple subdivision must occur within 30 days of the March 11,
1991, City Council meeting date; 2) a separate document must
be recorded indicating drainage and utility easements,
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that being a 12-foot easement on the south and east part of
the lot and a 6-foot drainage and utility easement on the
north and west part of the lot; and 3) a separate document
must be recorded stating that the City is not responsible for
the installation of an additional water line to the property
off of West 6th Street.
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for
input from the Planning Commission members.
The consensus of the Planning Commission members was that the
proposed subdivision did meet the minimum requirements as far
as setback and lot square footage; and with the additional
requirements as conditions added, they saw no problem with the
applicant's request.
Therefore, a motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded by Cindy
Lemm, to approve the simple subdivision request to subdivide
an existing residential lot and part of another existing
residential lot into two residential lots with the following
The recording of the subdivision must occur within
30 days of the March 11, 1991, City Council meeting
2. A separate document must be recorded indicating the
drainage and utility easements, that being a 12-
foot easement on the south and east part of the lot
and a 6-foot drainage and utility easement on the
north and west part of the lot.
3. A separate document must be recorded stating that
the City is not responsible for the installation of
an additional water line to this property off of
West 6th Street.
Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie and Richard
Carlson absent.
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Continued Public Hearinq--A conditional use request to allow
used automobile/liqht truck sales in a B-3 (hiqhway business)
6 .
Continued Public Hearinq--A variance request
enlarqement of a leqal non-conforminq structure
Applicant, Hoqlund Transportation/94 Services.
or use.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public the background to Hoglund
Transportation/94 Services' conditional use and variance
requests. Mr. O'Neill explained that in his discussions with
the Hoglund's attorney, Joe Beaton, they have come to an
understanding as to where the City is coming from and the
requirement of the additional hard surfacing, curbing, and
landscaping requirements in this portion of the area to be
used as an automobile/light truck sales lot.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the continued public
hearing. Mr. Joe Beaton, attorney for Gordy and Jenny
Hoglund, explained to Planning Commission members and the
public his conversations with Jeff O'Neill, Assistant
Administrator, regarding what conditions would be required of
the Hoglunds for development of their used car/light truck
sales lot. Mr. Beaton further explained that there has been
an existing licensed dealer there since 1956 with the
International Harvester dealership and that the current
dealership now has two licenses, one for the International
trucks and one for the school bus chassis.
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon then closed the public hearing. In discussion,
Planning Commission members concurred with the proposed
With that understanding being in principal, a motion was made
by Jon Bogart, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to recognize that the
proposed auto sales lot is merely a continuation of an
existing use and is not an enlargement of an existing non-
conforming use. Motion is based on the finding that auto
sales have been conducted from the site since 1956, which
predates the adoption of the zoning ordinance. Furthermore,
Planning Commission recognizes the development plan associated
with the use, which includes the following features:
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The enclosed principal use is a minimum of
4,500 sq ft, excluding the area used for mechanical
repair and reconditioning.
The outside sales and display areas are fenced or
screened from the view of neighboring residential
uses or an abutting (R) district in compliance with
Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance (does
not apply because residential use is actually on
the site, not abutting (R) district).
All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that
the light source shall not be visible from the
public right-of-way or neighboring residences and
shall be in compliance with Chapter 3,
Section 2 [H], of this ordinance.
The outside sales and display area shall be hard
The outside sales and display area does not utilize
parking spaces which are required for conformance
with this ordinance.
Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of
conflict with through traffic movement and shall
comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance
(parking design requirements), and shall be subject
to the approval of the City Engineer (curbing must
be installed).
There is a minimum lot area of 22,500 sq ft and
minimum lot dimensions of 150 feet X 130 feet.
A drainage system subject to the approval of the
City Engineer shall be installed.
9 .
All signing shall be in compliance with Chapter 3,
Section 9, of this ordinance.
The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are
considered and satisfactorily met.
No more than ten cars be parked for sale at anyone
point in time.
Four trees be planted east of the two garages on
the site.
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Common ownership of the property containing the
office space and the site of the sales lot will be
A culvert shall be installed under the drive
leading to the Hoglund Transportation office. Said
culvert shall have a minimum diameter of 15 inches.
A drive area in front of the bus storage facility
shall be paved per attached site plan by
October 15, 1992.
Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie and Richard
Carlson absent.
Tabled Public Hearing--Consideration of amendment to the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 6 - 3, permitting accessory
uses in an R-l, R-2, R-3, and PZM zone by adding "sale of
items including automobiles, recreational vehicles, boats, and
other equipment. Items sold limited to three items per
property annually and limited to items owned by property
owner." Applicant, City of Monticello.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to
Planning Commission members and the public the proposed
ordinance amendment regulating the sale of certain types of
vehicles and recreational equipment wi thin our residential and
PZM zones. Mr. O'Neill explained that City staff sent letters
to property owners inviting them to this public hearing for
their input on the proposed ordinance amendment. The letters
were addressed to people that at some point in time during the
calendar year 1990 had a vehicle or recreational equipment for
sale on their property in a residential or PZM zone.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearing.
Mr. Bob Somerville, resident on West River Street, commented
that he would like to see six vehicles as allowed, as that is
the maximum number of vehicles that are allowed to be sold by
an individual or corporation by the State of Minnesota,
Licensing Division prior to needing a dealership license.
Mr. McConnon questioned if one could sell two vehicles at one
time within the property. Another comment raised by members
of the public was that there probably needs to be some type of
regulation; but at some point in time, one might exceed the
maximum number of items to be sold.
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Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained that this
si tuation would probably be treated in the same manner as
public nuisance violators in that they would come before the
Council to ask for an extension of the number of items to be
sold within a calendar year.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing.
Planning Commission members discussed the possibility of
condition #1 being increased from five items per site to six
i terns that may be advertised for sale per year, and that
item #2 state that no more than two items can be displayed at
anyone time.
Motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to
approve amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 6 - 3,
permitting accessory uses in an R-l, R-2, R-3, and PZM zone by
adding "allowing sale on a limited basis of items accessory to
private residential use of land including, but not limited to,
automobiles, recreational vehicles, lawn and garden equipment,
boats, and other equipment. Allowing the property as a
limited open sales lot shall conform to the following
No more than a total of six items per site may be
advertised for sale per year.
2. No more than two items can be displayed for sale at
anyone time.
3. Individual items may not be displayed for sale for
more than 30 days per year.
4. Items sold are limited to articles owned by the
individuals that make their primary residence as
the limited open sales site.
5. Sale of items may not be placed on a public right-
6. One sign not exceeding 2 sq ft in area advertising
sale item is allowed without permit. Said sign
must be placed within or attached to sale item and
shall not be freestanding.
Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie and Richard
Carlson absent.
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Consideration of calling a public hearing on establishment of
an ordinance amendment regulating adult land uses.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members and the public the proposed ordinance
amendment regulating adult land uses. Mr. O'Neill went on to
explain the areas shown on an attached site plan, highlighted
in green, where proposed adult land uses could be built under
the proposed plan.
Questions centered around the rationale Mr. O'Neill used in
development of this plan and if it was in tune with what other
communities are doing. They had no problem with the proposed
ordinance amendment.
Therefore, a motion was made by Jon Bogart, seconded by Cindy
Lemm, to call for a public hearing on establishment of an
ordinance amendment regulating adult land uses, public hearing
to be conducted at the April meeting of the Planning
Commission. Based on studies conducted by other cities
regarding the impact of adult land uses, the Planning
Commission finds that there is sufficient evidence to justify
further study and it is appropriate at this time to call for
a public hearing on establishment of an ordinance amendment
regulating adult land uses. O'Neill noted that he will
complete the planning study and generate a potential
resolution outlining findings. In addition, a proposed
ordinance amendment will be presented at the public hearing.
Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie and Richard
Carlson absent.
Additional Information Items
Continued public hearing--A conditional use request to allow
used automobile/light truck sales in a B-3 (highway business)
zone. Applicant, Hoglund Transportation/94 Services. Council
action: No action required, as the request did not come
before them.
Continued public hearing--A variance request to allow less
than the minimum 4,500 sq ft of sales and display area.
Applicant, Hoglund Transportation/94 Services. Council
action: No action required, as the request did not come
before them.
Follow up of the workshop conducted on regulation of adult
land uses and the preparation of official planning study.
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It was the consensus of the three Planning Commission members
present to set Tuesday, April 2, 1991, as the date for the
April Planning Commission meeting.
Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Jon Bogart, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously with Richard
Martie and Richard Carlson absent. The meeting adjourned at
8:56 p.m.
Consider recommending the City complete an industrial land use
and plan study.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning
Commission members the proposed land use and planning study as
submitted by our consulting planner, John Uban of Dahlgren,
Shardlow & Uban. The proposed plan showed a land use study of
the area around the proposed new elementary school site which
is just west of the existing middle school site in the area
across Fallon Street from the existing M & P Transport
complex. The proposed study would show different areas of
study from the existing industrial park on the east into
Chelsea Road on the land that is owned by Farm Credit
Services, extending southerly to take in the area as far out
as around the Klein farm and as far to the west up to the area
just east of the proposed Evergreens development near the east
Kjellberg Trailer Park.
There being no further input from City staff, a motion was
made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Jon Bogart, to recommend to
the City Council that they go ahead with the complete study as
presented by consulting planner, John Uban. Motion carried
unanimously with Richard Martie and Richard Carlson absent.
Motion was made by Cindy Lemm,
adjourn the reconvened meeting.
9:46 p.m.
seconded by Jon Bogart to
The meeting adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator
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