Planning Commission Agenda 05-01-2007 . . . AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 1",2007 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings of April 3rd, 2007. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Consideration of a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Sales, Open and Outdoor Storage and Minor Auto Repair. Applicant: Moon Motorsports 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Development Stage PUD to allow an expansion of Open and Outdoor Storage and Outdoor Sales and Display. Applicant: Home Depot USA, Inc. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment for a change in land use designation from industrial to commercial and a request for Rezoning from I-IA (Light Industrial) to B-4 (Regional Business). Applicant: Mills Properties Inc. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Preliminary and Final Plat for the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District, to allow for the expansion of a medical office building. Applicant: Monticello- Big Lake Hospital District 9. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for a 7.9 acre proposed commercial development. Applicant: Mike Schneider 10. Adjourn. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 5'h, 2007 6:00 PM Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC 1. Call to order. Chairman Dragsten noted the full quorum of the Commission and the presence of the Council Liaison Stumpf. 2. Approval of the minutes ofthe Planning Commission meetings of March 6th, 2007. Commissioner Voight requested that in the item regarding the River Street overlay district and setbacks, his comment had been that government should not regulate setbacks "any more than necessary" . MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 6TH, 2007, AS CORRECTED, MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. NONE. 4. Citizen comments. NONE. 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to establish an overlav district applied to Properties along River Street, and an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 3-3 fFl regulating front vard setback averaging. Applicant: City of Monticello Planner Holien presented the staff report, describing the background of the item to date and noting that at the last meeting the Commission had requested that the planner prepare a report Planning Commission Minutes - 04/05/07 . comparing the setback options. Holien referred to a chart that had been provided to the Commissioner illustrating the number of non-comforming lots per potential setback scenario. Holien reported that the least number of non-conforming lots would be created under an ordinance requirement for a straight 30' setback. Holien stated that staff would recommend that the straight 30' be recommended based on consistency with other residential district, ease of enforcement, and that it creates the least number of non-conforming lots. Holien illustrated lot examples and the possible setback options for each. Voight asked about maximum setbacks within the Zoning Ordinance. Holien stated that she could check, but believed that only the minimums were in place. Spartz asked about where the current ordinance applies. Holien explained that it applies City- wide to areas where setbacks exceed 30'. Gabler asked if the non-conforming lots would be grandfathered in. Holien replied that would be accurate. Stumpf pointed out that the minimum setback wouldn't help the situation allowing a home to be set back some distance behind the neighboring properties. Voight asked Chief Building Official Anderson for confirmation on the issue. Anderson confirmed that the current clause only establishes the minimum. . Hilgart asked if it makes sense to do the averaging on both minimum and maximum setbacks. Schumann noted that Planner Grittman had previously indicated regulation of setbacks based on an adjacent property setback implies that the zoning code would not be enforced equally on all properties. Voight stated that we don't need more rules than necessary. Inquired what the purpose of the setback is. Some king of uniformity. Voight asked at what point we micromanage setbacks, taking away individual rights of property owner. Dragsten agreed, but indicated that the issue can be applied in the opposite way, having property rights affected by a house be set back so far as to impede the view from another property. Dragsten asked Stumpf about why the item was sent back to the Commission, after the Commission had made a recommendation. Stumpf answered that the concern was related to where houses might be placed on lots and the fact that consistency was an issue. Therefore, further discussion on the possible creation of an overlay district was needed with input from the area affected. . Anderson noted that there is a 50' minimum setback required on the river side of River Street. Anderson explained that in some cases the averaging doesn't necessarily help, and cited examples. He stated that the straight 30' setback regulation creates the least non-conforming lots. 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 04/05/07 Dragsten noted that there seemed to be consensus among the Commissioners to recommend the 30' minimum setback, the question was the maximum. Stumpf asked about a "not to exceed" clause for new or redeveloped property. Dragsten commented that his concern was that in some areas, it might better to have them lined up. Dragsten stated that there seemed to be a limited number of circumstances where the maximum setback should be applied, so try to regulate in that regard would be difficult. Dragsten asked the Commissioners if they saw a need for a maximum. Spartz commented that although there are some examples of where there are large differences between home setbacks, he sees the sense in keeping it simple. Voight and Hilgart agreed. Hearing no further comment, Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3-3[F] TO REQUIRE A 30 FOOT MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat for Monticello Business Center. a commercial subdivision in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust Planner Holien presented the staff report, stating that the applicants are seeking to split off a portion of Lot 1 to sell a .76 acre portion of the lot. Holien stated that no building footprint has been placed on the site and that setback information in not readily available. Holien reported that future land uses would be evaluated at the time that a formal application was brought forward. A conditional use permit for a gas station was applied for with the original Wal-Mart application and has since expired. An access easement was provided by the property owner for this parcel, and there is the ability to access the site from three locations. Based on the information provided, Holien stated that staff recommends approval ofthe request. Hilgart sought confirmation that only the subdivision plat is the application. Holien confirmed and explained that access will only be what is currently provided, and that no additional access would be allowed other than what is currently in place. Holien noted that any future user would most likely need to come forward with a formal application. Voight inquired ifthe area was zoned B-4. Holien replied that the agenda title was correct, the area is zoned B-4. She noted that the zoning doesn't affect lot width or area. She explained that the Commission is asked only to approve the subdivision as it currently exists, there is no request for rezoning. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 04/05/07 . Jim Zigman addressed the Commission, representing Wal-Mart. There was a question regarding setback requirements, to which Holien replied that B-4 has zero setbacks, so it would not affect the approval. Zigman noted that Wal-Mart is moving away from owning its own gas stations. Dragsten clarified that Zignman had received the engineer's report and asked ifWal-Mart had any problems with complying with the conditions. Zigman indicated that the applicant could comply. Hearing no further discussion, Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing. Gabler questioned how tight the site was for a drive through user. Dragsten noted that use would have to come in as a conditional use permit application. Gabler requested that the the item be noted. Dragsten asked if it has always been the City's understanding that plats have to be recorded within 100 days. Holien stated that is an ordinance requirement. . MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER FOURTH ADDITION, SUBJECT TO A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT, AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS: 1. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer, as noted in a memo dated March 28, 2007 and detailed above. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 3-2rNl. as related to the exterior storage of vehicles in rear vards in residential districts. Applicant: Citv of Monticello Planner Holien presented the staff report. Holien indicated that the current ordinance required that junk vehicles are not to be stored on any portion of the yard. Holien summarized the ordinance definition of 'Junk vehicles". To support the recent amendments to the nuisance ordinance and aid in enforcement, the proposed amendment prohibits vehicle storage in rear yard, with the exception of areas where the only garage is in the rear yard. . Regarding the number of vehicles stored in areas where there is a garage in the rear yard, Holien stated that the proposed ordinance would be self-limiting. The ordinance requires vehicles to be stored within the garage, or on surfaced space. Holien noted that the planning report for the amendment also refers to other off-street parking requirements. Holien noted that the City does not currently regulate parking in the side yard, which is currently allowed with no setback restrictions and directly abutting the property line. Planning staff would recommend that the Commission consider future amendments in this regard, along with other 4 Planning Commission Minutes - 04/05/07 . language revisions, which were noted within the report. Holien did note that in staffs experience as a consequence of this ordinance, property owners with rear yard vehicle storage may move their vehicles into the garage space and remove other items, which then end up in the rear yard. Holien explained that if the Commission would like to only address the rear yard, the ordinance amendment proposed is applicable. However, if a more comprehensive amendment addressing the items mentioned previously, that amendment can be addressed next month. Hilgart asked about sideyard parking, noting that the ordinance doesn't allow pavement to go all the way to the property line. Holien stated that while that is true, the ordinance only regulates front yard vehicle storage and surfacing currently. So in effect, cars can be parked on grassed surfaces in side yards up to the property line. Gabler asked how this ordinance would affect neighborhoods that may have restrictive covenants. Holien stated that this would apply to all properties, in addition to any covenant. Hilgart asked if there were complaints from the public. Holien stated she was not aware of any, but asked Anderson to respond. Anderson stated the Building Department has responded to complaints about "junk", which has also included vehicles. He noted that in some cases, there are in excess 7 or 8 vehicles stored in rear yards. Anderson suggested that if property owners have vehicles, they should be on a surface, or alongside the existing garage. . Dragsten stated that this amendment would be to address vehicles in the rear yard only, not necessarily other items. Holien confirmed that this ordinance addresses vehicles only. Anderson stated that Council had wanted to address problems in the street, and this issue was found in addition to the items in the blight ordinance. It wasn't the intent of this ordinance to address seasonal items. Anderson cited those items as incidental, where vehicles are more of a principal use. Dragsten asked if 'Junk" is referred to in the ordinance. Anderson confirmed, stating that the regulation requires property owners to keep things in a neat and orderly fashion. Dragsten questioned the ordinance requiring parking in front drives to be 15' off the property line. Anderson stated that regulation is difficult to enforce. Anderson noted that the boulevard comes to 13 to 15 feet, so vehicles parking on driveways, particularly in older sections of the community, may be out in the public right of way. He stated that the incidental use isn't the problem; the clause is mainly for use during snow removal. Stumpf noted that his emergency vehicle is parked at the end of his driveway, so that he can get his vehicle out of the driveway. Schumann noted that the intent of the provision was perhaps to protect the boulevard sidewalk and snow storage. Anderson commented that the purposed ofthis amendment is only to address rear yard vehicle storage. The other issues can be addressed at another time. Dragsten agreed. . Hilgart asked that if most vehicles parked in the rear yard are inoperable, and therefore in 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 04/05/07 violation under the blight ordinance. Anderson replied that the City wants to discourage the use ofthe rear yard for vehicle storage altogether. Hearing no further comment, Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing. Dragsten stated that there seemed to be agreement on this item, but asked staff to look at the 15' setback requirement. Voight requested that staff also look at side yard regulations. Voight noted that could probably be more of a problem than the rear yard. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE AMENDMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE OFF-STREET PARK REGULATIONS AND IT WILL ASSIST IN PROTECTING THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY AND TO REQUEST THAT STAFF BRING BACK AMENDMENT TO 15' AND SIDE YARD SETBACK. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 8. Consideration to approve a resolution finding that a modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Pro;ect No.1 and the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1- 38 conform to the general plans for the development and redevelopment of the city. WRE, LLC dba Walker In-Store Koropchak presented the item, stating that as indicated within the report, the Planning Commission has before them a resolution associated with creation ofTIF District 1-38. Koropchak stated that the statute allows Monticello to create TIP Districts. Koropchak indicated that TIF Districts can be created within the boundaries of Central MN Redevelopment Project No. I. She explained that this district will be created within Otter Creek property. The property will receive a write-down on the land cost. Koropchak illustrated the property to be acquired. She noted that although the company will have title to 5 acres, only 1.5 acres is developable. The potential property owners will construct a building of 10,000 square feet, and have an average wage level of$19.00 per hour without benefits. City staff has met with Walker In-Store for a pre-design. They are expected to close around May 1st on the purchase and redevelopment of the property. Koropchak explained that the property is in the area which is under a declaration of covenants. The covenants require no outside storage, no metal buildings, and require in- ground irrigation. Koropchak stated that the HRA will approve the TIF plan on April 11 th, then the plan goes to the Council on the 23'd. She noted that market rate for the land is $3.00 per square foot. The HRA markets it to qualified buyers at $1 per square foot. She stated that the TIF assistance does not go to the company, it goes back to the HRA for land costs and utility development. 6 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 04/05/07 Koropchak stated that the item before the Commission is to consider whether the proposed TIF district is consistent with the development district and with the comprehensive plan. It is required as part of meeting statutory requirements. Koropchak stated that the Commission is also asked to consider whether the use fits the zoning, covenants and goals of the economic development district. Dragsten asked if the Business Park was all set up as a TIF district, or if the Commission is asked to make these findings for each project. Koropchak stated that a new TIF district is created for each buyer. The reason each district is set up independently is because statute has timelines for when projects need to be completed for TIF district regulations. Koropchak stated that the City is platting each lot based on the size of the development. Dragsten noted that this item is not a public hearing and opened the discussion to the Commissioners. Spartz asked about parking. Koropchak noted that the applicant has more than ample parking based on 18 jobs. Spartz asked if Planning Commission can consider this item before HRA approves the TIF Plan. Koropchak confirmed that it can. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT A MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MINNESOTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I AND THE TIP PLAN FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-38 CONFORMS TO THE GENERAL PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 9. Consideration to review for comment the Wright Countv NEO Land Use Plan Holien indicated that a full summary of the draft NEQ plan had been presented to the Commission and invited questions or comments on the item. Hilgart asked how the area west of Monticello being designated as rural residential could interfere with future growth for the community. Holien stated that the rural residential classification allowing 1 home per 10 acres would be a permanent land use designation. Holien stated that in the previous plan the area had been designated as agricultural. Dragsten stated that when he read through the plan, it appeared that when the County looked at what type ofland it was, it wasn't necessarily good for agricultural use. Dragsten stated that he would think that would be better addressed in Monticello's land use plan. He indicated that to let it go to I per 10 would be a waste ofland in his opinion. Hilgart stated that he would rather see it as 2.5 acre lots. Holien stated that Wright County has not made any recommendations for within the Monticello OAA. Hilgart asked who has final say on the document. Holien stated that it would be the County Board of Commissioners. Hilgart asked if the County looks at each area separately. Holien 7 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 04/05/07 responded that the comp plans are broken into quarters of the County. Dragsten asked if the MOAA goes to the Otsego limits. O'Neill stated that it is close. Spartz stated that he doesn't see how the land use categories and the concerns over rural residential to the west would be any different for the east. O'Neill explained that perhaps because the east is more urban on that edge. O'Neill stated that planners, staff and township are all supportive of the 1 per 40 to preserve the rural character. In addition to that, the area is on the edge ofthe YMCA property, and the City wants to encourage less density in that area. Spartz asked if it might not be appropriate to also recommend agricultural, or I per 40 to the east, as well. Spartz asked when the next hearing is. O'Neill stated that the public hearing is at 8:00 PM on April 12th at Rockford township hall. Spartz asked if Schumann could provide more information on the meeting. Spartz stated that he is still concerned about the area to the east as going to the smaller lots would seem to tie Monticello's hands. O'Neill stated that he would check with Tom Salkowski. Dragsten asked about the status of the YMCA purchase. O'Neill responded that the task force of City and County reps are working toward the purchase. In the event that no deal is reached, under this plan, the land would be allowed to develop as scattered housing development. Then a portion of the YMCA could be sold for development. O'Neill stated that is why staff is recommending a I per 40 designation. Dragsten stated that the maximum development scenario under Wright County zoning would be by PUD, at 6 per 40. O'Neill stated that staff is comfortable with the plan, with the notations made within the report. Dragsten requested that the Commission's comments be forwarded to the City Council, with a notation that the east area rural residential designation is a concern, in addition to the west. 10. Adiourn. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 8 . . . 5. Consideration of a reQuest for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Sales. Open and Outdoor Storal.!:e and Minor Auto Repair. Applicant: Moon Motorsports (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On May 2nd, 2006, the Planning Commission reviewed a conditional use permit application submitted by Moon Motorsports. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit for Moon Motorsports to allow for open and outdoor storage, outdoor sales and display, and light auto repair, based on a finding that the proposed uses meet the requirements of the B-4 district. On May 8th, 2006, the Monticello City Council approved the same conditional use permit request. Due to non-use, the conditional use permit is set to expire on May 8th, 2007. The Monticello Zoning Ordinance requires that conditional use permits expire due to non-use after one year. Notification indicating this expiration was provided to applicants, Jeffs Dream, LLC. The notification did include information relating to the ability to seek an extension. By ordinance, a letter requesting extension must be received at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the permit. As such, an extension letter was received on April 9th, 2007. The extension request is attached. A review of the extension petition is required by the Planning Commission, with their recommendation going forward to the City Council. In the request for extension, the applicants have indicated that in addition to their request for extension of the Conditional Use Permit, they will be seeking to amend their CUP in a future application. The amendment will be requested to alter building size and design to better accommodate their current business model. The extension letter sent by the applicant does not reference a specific timeline for the extension period. Staff would recommend extension of the conditional use permit for one additional year, to May 8th, 2008. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend extension of the May 8th, 2006 Conditional Use Permit for Moon Motorsports to May 8th, 2008. 2. Motion to recommend denial of an extension of the May 8th, 2006 Conditional Use Permit for Moon Motorsports. 3. Motion of other. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the extension for one additional year. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Applicant Extension Request Proposed Site and Location Illustration EmaiJ: sales@moonmotorsales.com -1).....'.'.'. ,. . III !!; ~ .. .. fl1otorsports moonmotorsports.com P.O. Box 178 . 414 South Highway 25, Monticello, MN 55362 . Phone: 763-295-2920 . Fax: 763-295-5254 9 April 2007 Ms. Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Moon Motorsports Applicants: Jeff's Dream, LLC 08-05-019 Subj: Extension of Conditional Use Permit . Dear Ms. Schumann: On Maya'", 2006, the Monticello City Council approved a conditional use permit for Moon Motors (applicants Jeff's Dream, LLC) for the following: . Open and Outdoor Storage . Open or Outdoor Display . Minor Auto Repair Due to non-use, the Conditional Use Permit is set to expire on Maya'", 2007. This letter is sent to request an extension. In addition there have been changes made to the building size and site design to achieve a building that better meets the business model. We are aware that an amendment to CUP Amendment will be required. The CUP Amendment application will trail the CUP Extension. We look forward to working with the City of Monticello to keep the approval process moving forward. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, , ,(' ~1t. . !t~ el Erickson Owner - Moon Motorsports . RECEIVED APR - 9 2007 & HONDA VAMAHA' PDLRRIS' . . . 6. Public Hearinl! - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Development Stal!e PUD to allow an expansion of Open and Outdoor Storal!e and Outdoor Sales and Displav. Applicant: Home Depot USA, Inc. (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicant has requested that this item be tabled to the June meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to allow for submittal and review of application revisions. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS No action required. . . . Planning Commission Agenda- 05101/2007 7. Public Rearin!! Consideration of a reauest for Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-desi!!nate industrial land use to commercial land use in the area south of Chelsea Road East and a reauest for Rezonin!! from I-IA (Li!!ht Industrial) to B-4 (Rel!ional Business. Applicant: Mills Fleet Farm (NAC). BACKGROUND Mills Fleet Farm has submitted an application for a request to rezone a parcel on the south side of Chelsea Road East from I-lA, Light Industrial, to B-4, Regional Business. The applicant is also requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use guide plan from Industrial to Commercial. The subject is 33.66 acres in size. The above applications are requested to accommodate a 235,000 square foot Mills Fleet Farm retail building, as well a convenience storel gas station and automatic car wash. The proposed motor fuel station is 4,200 square feet in area. The current use of the site is fallow agricultural land. The current application is for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning only. If the City recommends approval of the requests, other land use approvals would be required. To accommodate the use the applicant shall also be required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for Outside Storage and Display for the main store, a Conditional Use Permit for the Motor Fuel Station/Convenience store, a Conditional Use Permit for the Car Wash, a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan, and Preliminary Plat approval. All additional approvals must be processed as separate applications and evaluated on their own merit. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is currently guided for industrial land use in the Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 1996. The policies of the Comprehensive Plan regarding Economic Development are as follows: . The purpose of the City's economic development activities is to broaden the City's tax base. . Monticello will target high quality businesses for its economic development programs. A Comprehensive Plan update is currently underway. The Comprehensive Plan Task Force has considered the issues of a potential land use change in the subject area. Individual input of the topic has been mixed. As such, the task force has not formally recommended that the City change the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as part of the update process. In specific reference to the subject site, the Development framework portion of the Comprehensive Plan states that "industrial areas in the southeast will infill, with a continued focus on higher quality light industry near the school campus and with exposure to the interstate." According to the current Comprehensive Plan, the City has 199 acres of I-I zoned land, comprising 5.7 percent of the total area of the City. A more recent calculation performed by City Staff found that the City currently has approximately 135.5 total acres of 1 Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . industrial land available. Specifically within the Monticello Commerce Center, 67.5 acres of industrial zoned are available. The current Comprehensive Plan also states that, at the time of adoption, 113 acres ofB-4 zoned land was available in the City. The update to the comprehensive plan discusses the options for designating additional industrial-zoned land at various locations in the orderly annexation area. Traffic. WSB & Associates, Inc. has prepared a draft Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for the site, and has summarized existing conditions on Chelsea Road and future traffic forecasts for the proposed Fleet Farm use. All development related traffic will access Chelsea Road to enter and exit the site. The existing corridor is a two- lane facility. However, Chelsea Road is planned for reconstruction in 2007 from Fallon Avenue to CSAH 18 as a three-lane facility. A roadway analysis was performed for Chelsea Road from Fallon Avenue to CSAH 18 as part ofthe EAW. For purposes ofthis study, operations were analyzed for the improved three-lane roadway. Chelsea Road currently operates as a local street, but is designated and is planned as a major collector. It currently carries an estimated 3,650 vehicles per day. The future analysis of Chelsea Road estimates that the proposed retail user will generate 11,179 trips each day. Of those 11,179 trips, approximately 20 percent are expected to be internal (between gas station/car wash and retail store). Therefore, the daily trip generation, excluding internal trips, is estimated to be 10,000 vehicles per day. . According to the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation Manual, general Light Industrial land uses produce 51.8 vehicles trips per acre each weekday, and 8.73 trips per day on weekends. Therefore, if the current zoning remains, the 33.66 acre site could be expected to generate 1,744 vehicles trips per day on weekdays, and 294 trips per day on weekends. In summary, a commercial land use designation is expected to generate 8,256 more trips per day than an industrial land use. It is not known how daily peak traffic patterns for both uses will interact or intersect without further study. The peak traffic demands for the uses may offset potential conflicts. The HCM analysis typically provides results in the form of a letter grade from A to F, otherwise called level of service (LOS). The letter is meant give a qualitative estimate of the operational efficiency or effectiveness. The system is set up similar to a report card, with A representing high quality operations and F representing poor operations. At LOS A, motorists experience very little delay or interference. The level of service at the intersection of Chelsea Road and CSAH 18 is currently an A grade. The introduction of the proposed commercial user would increase the future level of service at this intersection from an A to a B. ANALYSIS . In the following sections, information relating to both support of the re-designation to commercial and support of maintaining the current industrial designation are discussed. 2 Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . A. The following is a summary of factors that support the request for rezoning to commercial as an appropriate use for the site. These issues are intended to serve as a guide for the City in evaluating the requests. 1. Location of industrial with current transportation facilities and development pattern. The site is located south of 1-94, and west ofCSAH 18. Due to the construction of the CSAH 18 interchange, the nature of the Chelsea Road area is shifting to a high traffic area which is easily accessible from Interstate 94. This interchange was not in place at the time the Monticello Commerce Center industrial park was developed, or at the time the current Comprehensive Plan was adopted. The interchange has encouraged commercial development on the north side ofInterstate 94, including the Union Crossings Development, which contains Target and Home Depot. In that regard, staff believes it is important for the City to consider what land use designation would have been deemed the highest and best use of the land had the interchange been present prior to development. The subject site, as well as the vacant land on the north side of Chelsea Road, provides freeway exposure and accessibility. The City has a limited amount ofland abutting Interstate 94, and should carefully consider what type of development they would like visible from the freeway. . Commercial and industrial uses tend to have very different characteristics and aesthetics. Industrial uses are more inclined to utilize outdoor storage, generate noise, and construct buildings that hold functionality as a top priority, rather than aesthetics. Commercial uses are less intense and typically more aesthetically pleasing. In that regard, the City should consider which land use designation is more appropriate for freeway exposure and access. 2. Surrounding parcels demonstrate a mix ofland uses. The subject site is bordered by the Monticello Industrial Park to the east, office uses to the west, vacant I-I A zoned land to the north, and the Monticello High School to the south. While no formal requests have been submitted, without presupposing the City's intent, widely accepted planning precepts suggest that the land on the north side of Chelsea Road is likely to be converted to a commercial land use designation. The freeway exposure and layout of these parcels are consistent with classic commercial land use traits. Fleet Farm has stated that they are pursuing the purchase of a 2.5 acre parcel on the north side of Chelsea Road, directly across from the subject site, for their gas station use. However, the depth of the parcels on the north side of the road is not sufficient to accommodate the main retail store. No formal request has been received regarding this parcel, but the applicant has indicated that an application will be submitted for the June review cycle. . 3 Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . The office uses to the west, while zoned I-lA, is a compatible land use with a commercial zoning designation. The Monticello High School site to the south adds to the mix of land uses, as it is zoned R-I, Single Family Residential. Due to the mix of surrounding land uses, any change to a commercial land use designation would not be characteristic of spot zoning. It should also be noted that the land east of the site on Chelsea Road, adjacent to the interchange, is zoned 8-2, Limited Business. B. The following is a summary of factors that support maintaining the Light Industrial land use designation on the site. Again, these issues are intended to serve as a guide the City in determining whether the requested commercial land use designation is appropriate or inappropriate for the site. 1. An increase in traffic on Chelsea Road generated by a retail commercial use will cause conflicting traffic patterns between retail commercial users and industrial users. As indicated above, a traffic analysis has been performed for the site in reference to a potential retail commercial user. That study found that the proposed retail user will generate 11,179 trips each day. Also as noted previously, a commercial land use designation is expected to generate 8,256 more trips per day than an industrial land use. . Commonly held planning precepts recognize a conflict between commercial retail traffic and industrial, or truck, traffic. Mixing industrial truck traffic and retail traffic creates conflicts for both. Retail traffic may impede truck traffic due to the nature ofturning movements, time and distance necessary for acceleration, and the general number of retail vehicles expected on Chelsea Road each day. Likewise, wide turning movements and slow acceleration of industrial truck traffic may hinder retail traffic. 2. Alternate sites exist within the City that are zoned and guided for commercial use. Sufficient vacant parcels of similar size required for this use are available within an area zoned 8-4 along Highway 25, although there may be site constraints associated with those parcels. Land adjacent to Highway 25 does not provide freeway exposure, as sought by the applicant. However, Highway 25 does carry a great deal of traffic and provides the opportunity for commercial exposure. 3. Incompatible land uses may affect the future value of industrial property. . The introduction of commercial users adjacent to an industrial park may cause the future value of the industrial property to depreciate. Again, a commonly held planning precept recognizes that conflicting land uses, such as commercial or residential, in close proximity to industrial zoned property may affect the future value of that property by changing the nature of the area. 4 Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . As a general rule it can be expected that a large commercial retailer would increase property values in the area. However, this impact will have a varying effect depending on the nature of the surrounding properties. Those properties that are in a position to be redeveloped may benefit in the near future under an alternate land use designation. However, for those property owners that have recently made significant investments in their property with the notion that it would remain industrial, there is the potential that the introduction of a commercial use may have the opposite effect. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend denial of the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning, based on the findings for denial of the request contained within the Conclusions section of the May I, 2007 staff report. 2. Motion to recommend approval of the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning to accommodate Mills Fleet Farm retail store and motor fuel station uses, based on the findings for approval of the request contained within the Conclusions section of the May I, 2007 staff report. . If the City chooses to rezone the land to B-4 (Regional Business) as requested by the applicant, the designation would also allow for a number of other retail uses, including big box commercial, in the event that Fleet Farm does not pursue the site, or vacates the site at any point in the future. 3. Motion to recommend approval of the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning to accommodate the proposed Mills Fleet Farm retail use from I-IA to PUD, based on a finding that the proposed land use is compatible with the adjacent industrial land use designation, and will not have a detrimental affect on surrounding properties. In regard to the proposed motor fuel station use, the City may recommend that the applicant pursue purchasing the 2.5 acres on the north side of Chelsea Road, which may be rezoned from I- lA, Light Industrial, to B-3, Highway Business. Staff also offers the option of rezoning the site to PUD, Planned Unit Development, instead of the requested B-4 designation. Rezoning the property to PUD allows for commercial land, but can require them in a manner that minimizes negative aspects of retail commercial use in the area by requiring strict performance standards. A PUD zoning designation for the 33.66 acre site would allow for a more extensive review process, allowing the City more discretion over any future development. The applicant would also be required to comply with the general PUD guidelines, which allow for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. . The City currently allows PUD via the Conditional Use Permit process, and therefore an ordinance amendment would be required to establish a PUD district. The ordinance 5 Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . amendment would also allow the City to set goals and parameters for acceptable development, architectural controls, and specific uses in the PUD District. This district may be formulated to allow for certain retail commercial users, without allowing for a gas station use. In that regard, the applicant would be encouraged to pursue purchase of the referenced parcel on the north side of Chelsea Road, which could be rezoned to B-3, Highway Business, or B-2, Limited Business, both of which permit gas stations. This approach would allow the City to further limit the types of commercial uses that would be allowed next to the industrial park. As previously stated, the north side of Chelsea Road is characteristic of a classic commercial district, and in that regard the rezoning to 8-3 or 8- 2 may be appropriate. CONCLUSION Mills Fleet Farm has submitted a request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning of a 33.66 acre parcel within the Monticello Commerce Center. The City's current long range land use plan identifies the subj ect site for industrial land uses. Regarding this request, staff offers the above alternative actions. . If the City chooses Alternative I, to deny the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning of a 33.66 acre parcel within the Monticello Commerce Center, this action may be supported by the following findings: I. The subject site is currently designated for industrial land uses in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan calls for higher quality light industry near the school campus and with exposure to the interstate. 2. Alternate sites exist within the City that are zoned properly and large enough to accommodate the proposed use. 3. The increase in traffic volumes on Chelsea Road produced by a retail commercial user will be detrimental to the existing industrial uses. In general, retail commercial traffic will also conflict with industrial/truck traffic. 4. The introduction of commercial land use will be detrimental to the existing industrial properties, and may affect the future value of these properties. 5. The existing industrial use is the highest and best use of the land. If the City chooses to approve the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re- designate the land from industrial to commercial, and a request for rezoning from I-I A to 8-4, staff recommends Alterative 3 above. This recommendation for approval may be supported with the following findings: . 6 . Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 1. The subject site is surrounded by a mix ofland uses and the area is not exclusively industrial. Therefore, the requested action would not result in spot zoning. 2. The City has a limited amount ofland available with direct freeway exposure, and believes that the highest aild best use of this land is commercial. 3. The construction of the CSAH 18 interchange has changed the nature of the area, adding freeway access and higher traffic volumes. With that in mind, the City believes the highest and best use of the land is commercial. 4. The increased traffic on Chelsea Road will not have a detrimental effect on existing properties. Staff recommends that, if the City does choose to approve the request to rezone the property, the subject site be rezoned to PUD, Planned Unit Development, as opposed to B-4, Regional Business. This recommendation would allow the City to establish architectural controls and specific parameters for development. In the event that commercial uses are introduced, the City may want to consider a broader scope of commercial uses due to the location of vacant land in the area. This may include redevelopment of existing industrial properties with blight issues. . SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: . Aerial Site Image (WSB & Associates EAW Figure 3) Aerial Image - Southeast Area Applicant Narrative Monticello Zoning Map 1996 Monticello Comprehe*sive Plan - Southeast Monticello Land Use Guide Monticello Zoning Ordinance - B-4 (Regional Business) District Regulations IDC Resolution Surrounding Use Images 7 * Figure 3. 2006 Aerial Photograph Mills Fleet Farm EAW ~ MonticeHo,MN Legend 0 D Mills Fleet Farm EAW 250 5~~eet W*E S 4i.~_~.J,.., B . . . . . c NARRATIVE - Chelsea Road Development Mills Properties Inc. has a purchase agreeme~t with Monticello Industrial Park Inc. to purchase approximateiy 33 acres described a$ follows: That part of lots 11, 18 and 19 Auditors Subdivision No. One lying East of Monticello Commerce Center First Adc1ition, Monticello Commerce Center Third Addition and Monticello Commer~e Center Fifth Addition and lying West of Monticello Commerce Center Sixth Addition being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota which lies southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest comer of said Northwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 14 minutes 38 seconds West along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 708.88 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 63 degrees 32 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 4016.29 feet and there terminating. . Although zoned industrial (1-1A), Mills Properties Inc. requests that it be rezoned to Regional Business District (B-4) so they can construct a Mills Fleet Farm retail facility with a convenience store! fuel station and an automatic car wash facility. A change in the comprehensive plan from ihdustrial (I) to commercial (C) is also required as part of the City ordinances. The retail facility would be approximately 235,500 sf in size. It would house the retail floor, the accompanying warehouse and receiving, and the automotive repair. In addition, there would be an enclosed yard area that is screened from the neighbors that is set up to display gardening materials and supplies, yard goods, farm supplies, and overstock of items that can be stored outside. The loading docks and waste receptacles would also be in this area away from the general public eye. Hours of operation are typically 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. The convenience store and fuel station is planned to be about 4,200 sf with 23 fueling points, including all grades of fuel, diesel fuel and kerosene. Hours of operation are typically 6:00 am to 10:00 pm A multi-bay car wash is also proposed. It is automatic with no attendants present at the site except those responsible through the convenience store. There are 4 bays planned with 2 being for touchless washes and 2 being brush or soft-gloss washes. Hours of operation are typically 24 hours per day. - a; :( ~o 0 IX) '" ) .11 :>' .-1 - Z - 0 :>' 0 5 .,. ~r N- ....(1) , ~ 0 ~! 0 N ~ '% bc I '6 Ih " -' ...-~....... -- -- -- -- -- -- $ ~ ! l i j IE /f f """'1,,,,$ ;:.... ~ E""'~I . l' 2 ""#~~'l' 'I 2 ,~W~~q I ~ ~ :(lhfJl. " _ : " ?!I'I"", ~ "1, '. '" i ,C!4; ..'1 ....,_/', - "i{.'.:rJJ..">//).' il / ~~// f ,g',A"; I " " S S S " --; s ! " " " -{ " ~ " " " " .. .$ :4i."'.~. S S g ( j S -" " -- -- -- " ............. -' , ~...... .......' ........ ~ " ,- --- -,- -- ~"", . . "., 1f'llln till LJ ;.. , J> L-78,~90~ J. ;;2 s: ~ ~ r ~ ~~!_:>;f.~S~ ~ -S7J~ ~-<.<(....,:> T :X) ---( r - ~:~ ~ I;r~ ,,'. ", . '.~ ;.. E ;'~ (J) o c ...... ::r (l) Q.) (fl ...... $.: o ::::l !::!". o (j) o F CHAPTER 14 "B-4" REGIONAL BUSINESS DISTRICT . SECTION: 14-1: Purpose 14-2: Permitted Uses 14-3: Permitted Accessory Uses 14-4: Conditional Uses 14-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "B-4," regional business, district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. 14-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a "B-4" district: [A] [B] [C] [0] . [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [1] [K] [L] [M] [N] [0] . [P] All permitted uses as allowed in a "B-1 ", "B-2", and "B-3" district. Antique or gift shop. Amusement places (such as dance halls or roller rinks). Auto accessory stores. Enclosed boat and marine sales. Books, office supplies, or stationery stores. Bowling alleys. Carpet, rugs, and tile. Coin and philatelic stores. Copy service but not including press or newspaper. Costume, clothes rental. Department and discount stores. Dry cleaning, including plant accessory thereto, pressing, and repairs. Dry goods store. Electrical appliance stores, including incidental repair and assembly but not fabricating or manufacturing. Employment agencies. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/1 [Q] Finance companies. . [R] Furniture stores. [U] Haberdasheries and ladies ready-to-wear. [V] Insurance sales, claims and branch offices. [W] Jewelry stores and watch repair. [X] Leather goods and luggage stores. [Y] Record - music shops. [Z] Restaurants, tea rooms, cafes, taverns, and off-sales liquor stores. [AA] Sewing machine sales and service. [BB] Shoe stores. [CC] Tailor shops. [DD] Theatres not of the outdoor drive-in type. [EE] Toy stores. . [FF] Travel bureaus, transportation ticket offices. [GG] Variety stores, 5 & 10 stores, and stores of similar nature. [HH] Wearing apparel. [II] Government and public utility buildings. [JJ] Mortuaries [KK] Body Piercing Establishments [LL] Tattoo Parlors (#286, 2/1 0197)(#330,9/13/99) 14-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a "B-4" district: [A] All permitted accessory uses in a "B-3" district. 14-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a "B-4" district: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance.) . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/2 . . . [A] Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting a residential district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shal1 be hooded and so directed that the light source shal1 not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shal1 be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [B] Open or outdoor service, sale, and rental as a principal and accessory use and including sales in or from motorized vehicles, trailers, or wagons, provided that: 1. Outside service, sales, and equipment rental connected with the principal use is limited to thirty percent (30%) of the gross floor area of the principal use. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 2. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of the neighboring residential uses or an abutting residential district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. Al1lighting shal1 be hooded and so directed that the light source shal1 not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [C] Custom manufacturing, restricted production and repair limited to the fol1owing: Art, needlework, jewelry from precious metals, watches, dentures, and optical lenses, provided that: 1. Such use is accessory as defined in Chapter 2, Section 2, of this ordinance to the principal use of the property. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/3 . . . 2. Does not conflict with the character of development intended for this district. 3. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered satisfactorily met. [D] Motor fuel station, auto repair-minor, and tire and battery stores and service, provided that: I. Regardless of whether the dispensing, sale, or offering for sale of motor fuels and/or oil is incidental to the conduct of the use or business, the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply. These standards and requirements are, however, in addition to other requirements which are imposed for other uses of the property. 2. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building, structure, or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. A minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. 5. A drainage system subject to the approval ofthe City Engineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right-of-way and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed, pump islands shall be installed. 9. At the boundaries ofa residential district, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 10. Each light standard landscaped. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/4 . . . 11. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 12. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 13. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 14. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 15. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance with Chapter 13, Section 4, of this ordinance. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13, Section 4, be subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13, Section 4 [F], of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request, finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [E] Machinery sales. [F] Commercial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance. [G] Boarding House, provided that: 1. The building/structure is found to be substandard and/or blighted or contributing to blight and in need of substantial rehabilitation. a. The applicant must provide an overall development concept plan. b. The applicant must demonstrate that said rehabilitation is the most feasible use alternative and that said rehabilitation is not remodeling or simple structural alterations to accommodate a change in use. 2. There shall be no less than ten (10) units nor more than 18 units, and each unit shall be of a design considered to be an efficiency apartment. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/5 . . . 3. At least one unit shall be on the ground floor fully accessible to handicapped persons. 4. At least 50% ofthe floor area on the ground floor shall be developed as complete restaurant facilities with a minimum seating capacity of two seats per dwelling unit but in no case less than 25 seats. a. Restaurant shall not be eligible for licenses regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors, non-intoxicating malt liquors, wine, or the display and consumption ofliquors. b. The restaurant shall be so equipped to provide food service to the dwelling units if required. 5. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 6. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request, finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. (#138,7/23/84) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/6 . . . Gi INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA April 3, 2007 IDC Mission Statement "To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello." Dear Planning Commissioners Rod Dragsten, William Spartz, Lloyd Hilgart, Barry Voight, and Charlotte Gabler: Since the Planning Commission is comprised of some new members, please allow me to give a little history of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee (IDC). The IDC was established in the 1970's by the City of Monticello and Chamber of Commerce. It's mission was to increase the tax base of the City of Monticello. In the 1980's, the IDC spearheaded the efforts designating the City of Monticello as one of the first Star Cities in the State of Minnesota and expanded its mission statement to include business retention and expansion. Also in the 1980's, the City hired it's first Economic Development Director and in later years, the creation of jobs at liveable wage-levels became a priority. Currently, fourteen business and civic leaders sit on the IDC and meet monthly along with Mayor Herbst and Council Member Mayer. With an application request to amend the Comprehensive Plan and to re-zone approximately 33-acres ofland south of Chelsea Road from Light Industrial (I-IA) to Regional Business (B-4), the IDC discussed the impact of a regional retail district in an established and zoned industrial district. It must be understood, the IDC supports and welcomes a Mill's Fleet Farm to the City of Monticello. The IDC does not endorse the specific site selected along Chelsea Road. At the IDC meeting of April 3, 2007, the members approved the following motion: The IDC recommends the entire existing industrial-zoned land on the south side of Chelsea Road between Fallon Avenue and County Road 18 remain an industrial use. The IDC noted these factors: 1. The existing land use of the Monticello Commerce Center is I-IA - The purpose of Light Industrial District is to provide for establishment of limited light industrial business offices, limited light manufacturing, wholesale showrooms and related uses in an environment which provides a high level of amenities, including landscaping, preservation of natural features, architectural controls, and other features. 2. The application is to re-zone 33 acres of the Monticello Commerce Center to B-4 - The purpose of a Regional Business District is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. . April 3, 2007 Page 2 3, Manufacturin~industrial businesses make site selections based on like-type businesses and compatible land uses. 4. Local manufacturing businesses such as Twin City Die Castings, Ultra Machining Company (UMC), Suburban Manufacturing, and others made long-term investments and a commitment to the City of Monticello. They continue to create jobs at liveable wage-levels. Each company made its site selection based on the I-lA District zone. 5. A B-4 District increases both the pedestrian-foot traffic, customer vehicle traffic, and goods/merchandise delivery traffic thereby increasing safety and security concerns of the surrounding manufacturing/industrial businesses. 6. Due to the nature of big box retailers, will the capital investments made by manufacturing businesses be impacted? 7. The retention of the I-lA District supports the goal to create jobs at liveable wage-levels thereby generating new dollars to support the local economy (to purchase decent housing, support local businesses, and support local government services.) 8. Other commercial zoned sites are available for Mill's Fleet Farm. a) Site at Chelsea Road/Cedar/Edmondson. b) Site at Chelsea Road/School Blvd. c) Site at southeast comer of 1-94/County Road 18. . The IDC also approved a second motion. The IDC recommends the existing industrial-zoned land on the north side of Chelsea Road between the proposed Fallon Avenue Bridge and County Road 18 remain an industrial use. I. Should the entire area be re-zoned commercial and the existing manufacturing businesses become the minority, in some cases, the conflicts between the two land uses has resulted in forcing the manufacturing businesses out or to leave. 2. The retention of the I-lA District supports the goal to create jobs at liveable wage-levels thereby generating new dollars to support the local economy. (To purchase decent housing, support local businesses, and support local government services.) The IDC requests the Planning Commission consider their recommendation. Should you have questions, please contact me at 763-263-7625 or another member of the IDe. Respectfully, ON BEHALF OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE M' e Benedetto . Vice Chair c: IDe Members and File H . t'!'l >< == i-I = i-I --3 i-I .. TJ1 == "'l trJ "'l 0> 0 '" ~ == = l:lo .... = (J'Q ~ ~ = l:lo d rI.l ~ i-I e . ~ (J'Q ~ rI.l . en o ~ ::;: ro '" ~ . . . Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 8. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Sta2e Planned Unit Development and Preliminarv and Final Plat for the construction of a medical clinic. Applicant: Monticello Bi2 Lake Community Hospital. (NAC) The Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District has submitted an application for Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary and Final plat for the construction of a 60,000 square foot clinic addition. The proposed project also includes the construction of a parking lot and construction of a parking garage. The subject site is located at 1013 Hart Boulevard and is zoned PZM, Performance Zone Mixed Use. The total site is 15.59 acres in area. ANALYSIS The proposed expansion consists of a 60,000 square foot, two-story clinic building (30,000 sf per floor). The applicant is also proposing to construct a maintenance garage and parking lot. Construction of the proposed facilities requires the demolition of an existing garage and dental clinic. As part of the PUD application, the applicant is requesting a variance from the parking stall size requirement, a variance from the required number of parking stalls, and a variance from the required rear yard setback. The proposed clinic expansion is Phase I of a two-phase project. The timing of Phase II has not been determined at this time. The second phase will consist of further expansion of the campus including potential for an additional medical office building and a two- story parking ramp. All future construction is anticipated to the west of the current site. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Performance requirements for the R-3 District are typically applied to the PZM District. The area surrounding the hospital is residential in nature, and therefore the R-3 requirements are appropriate. The following table demonstrates the performance requirements for the R-3 District, as well as what is proposed for the site. As some variation exists, the minimum proposed setback has been provided. Lot Area Front Setback R-3 Standard Requirements 12,000 square feet 30 feet Proposed Phase 1 678,944 square feet -195 feet- clinic -270 feet- garage 10 feet- clinic 40 feet- garage 30 feet- clinic 28 feet- garage Side Setback 20 feet Rear Setback 30 feet The proposed clinic and garage structures are generally consistent with required setbacks. However, the proposed garage does not meet the rear yard setback requirement. Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility to the required rear yard setback, and as such, this two-foot deviation may be accommodated. 1 Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . Parking. The applicant is proposing to construct 269 parking stalls, in addition to the 119 stalls that will remain on site. Therefore, the total number of parking stalls proposed is 434. The hospital also has a joint parking arrangement in place with the School District to utilize 50 parking stalls in the school parking lot during the day. The hospital also shares parking stalls with the Mississippi Shores Senior Housing site. The parking requirement for office buildings, animal hospitals, and professional offices is three spaces plus one space for each 200 square feet of floor area. There is no parking requirement specifically relating to clinics, and staff believes the office parking requirement fits the use most appropriately. For purposes of determining the gross floor area of the building, 10% of the building is presumed to be reserved for hallways, utilities, and restrooms. In that regard, the parking requirement for the clinic use is 273 spaces, calculated as follows: (60,000*90%)/200=270 270+3=273 The applicant has provided 269 ofthe 273 required parking stalls, four short of the minimum requirement. However, the total site contains a great deal of parking, with 434 stalls. This slight deviation from the parking requirement may be accommodated through PUD, as the overall site appears to have adequate parking. . In addition to the large parking lot proposed in the western portion of the site, the applicant is proposing seven parallel parking stalls on the back side of the clinic building, off River Street. These parking stalls rely on a drive aisle located within the City right-of- way. As part of the PUD application, the applicant is requesting that all parking stalls be a minimum of 18'x9', as opposed to the 20'x9' requirement. Parking stalls of this size were deemed appropriate as part of the concept plan review in February of2005. Staff does not believe the proposed parking stall size will have a negative impact, and may be accommodated. Vacations. The applicant is requesting vacation of Dayton Street, vacation of the west portion of Hart Boulevard, and vacation of a portion of East River Street. As the City is not willing to vacate the right-of-way along East River Street at this time, the applicant has indicated that they will sign a license agreement holding the City harmless against any liabilities associated with the proposed drive aisle constructed within the City's right- of-way. The City shall also require drainage and utility easements over all vacated Hart Boulevard right-of-way areas. All street vacations shall require a separate public hearing at the City Council level. Approval of these vacations will be required as a condition of approval. The applicant is also proposing to purchase two city-owned parcels in front of Hart Boulevard. . Access. The applicant is proposing access to the site in four locations. An existing access is located to the east of the expansion site, off East Broadway Street. This access 2 Planning Connnission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . will remain, providing a connection to the expanded parking lot. The applicant is proposing an additional access off East Broadway Street on the west side of the site, within the Dayton Street right-of-way. As stated above, the applicant is requesting vacation of Dayton Street. Two access points are also proposed off East River Street. The applicant is proposing a curb cut on the west side of the site to provide access to the maintenance garage. This curb cut is proposed to be the 30 feet in width. The ordinance limits curb cuts to a maximum of24 feet. However, curb cuts in industrial and commercial districts may be allowed to exceed 24 feet, with the approval of the City Engineer. While the site is zoned PZM, the use is commercial in nature. The City Engineer has not expressed any concern with the proposed curb cut, and therefore it may be accommodated via PUD. A second access is proposed off East River Street on the east side ofthe site, to the north of the clinic building. This access contains two curb cuts, both 20 feet in width, to provide access to seven parallel parking stalls. The applicant had requested vacation of East River Street to accommodate a drive aisle for these parking stalls within the City right-of- way. As stated above, the City is not willing to vacate the right-of-way, and the applicant shall be required to enter into a license agreement with the City for use ofthe right-of- way. All internal drive lanes within the parking lot are proposed at a minimum width of 24 feet, wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic. . Pedestrian access through the site will be accommodated by a series of sidewalks, including a crossing from East Broadway Street to the north side of the site, connecting to East River Street. The City asked the applicant to provide this crossing in the proposed location to break up the block length, as no access is available to East River Street with the proposed vacation of Dayton Street. Staff recommends that the applicant utilize an alternate paving material in the location of this crossing to properly delineate it from the parking lot. The proposed crossing is intended to provide access to Ellison Park. The applicant is proposing stairs on the north side of the site, between the parking lot and East River Street. Due to the grade of this area, staff also recommends that the applicant construct an ADA accessible pedestrian ramp with landings in the green space between the parking lot and East River Street. Landscaping. By ordinance, for institutional sites a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 3,150 feet of site perimeter, requiring 63 overstory trees, as opposed to the 60 required under the square footage standard. The applicant has proposed 63 overstory trees, primarily around the site perimeter and within parking lot islands, satisfying the minimum requirement. . To avoid the undesirable monotony, heat, and wind associated with large parking lots such as the one provided, the ordinance requires that said lots shall require a minimum of one internal landscaped island for each additional 5,000 square feet of off-street parking space after the first 5,000 square feet. The proposed parking lot is 78,120 square feet in 3 Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . area, requiring 15 landscaped islands. A total of 15 landscaped islands have been provided, nine of which contain rock mulch and no plantings. In addition to the traditional landscaping requirement, the City also has a buffer yard ordinance requirement for situations where incompatible uses abut one another. In this case, the low density residential use next to a hospital use is considered a moderate intensity conflict. The buffer yard requirements for this type of conflict are a 30 foot minimum building setback, a 20 foot minimum landscaped yard, and 80 plant units required for each 100 feet of property line. The applicant is only responsible for one half of the required buffer yard. On the west side of clinic building, the applicant is proposing 61 plant units. While the minimum buffer yard requirement has been met, staff recommends that the applicant extend the proposed shrub plantings further north, to screen the parallel parking stalls from the adjacent residential property. On the west side of the maintenance garage, the applicant is proposing 150 plant units. The applicant is proposing 85 plant units on the west side of the parking lot, adjacent to the neighboring commercial use. . On the east side of the pedestrian crossing, the applicant is proposing 30 plant units. The buffer yard requirement is not met in this location. However, the location of the stairway, in addition to the location of a retaining wall on the east side, prevents the applicant from installing further landscaping in this area. In addition to the 30 shrub units proposed, the applicant is proposing a variety of perennials. While they do not count toward the buffer yard requirement, the proposed perennials will help to intensify the landscaping in this area. Additional plantings are proposed on the west side of the staircase. Staff recommends that, with the construction ofthe pedestrian ramp required above, the number of total plant units for the site not be decreased. Signage. No sign plan has been submitted as part of the application. The applicant has stated that they are unsure of their signage needs at this time, and this information will be submitted at a later date. Any signage proposed for the site in the future will be processed as a separate application and requires an amendment to the PUD. Building Design. The applicant has submitted color elevations for the clinic and maintenance garage. The proposed clinic building is a two-story building constructed primarily of brick, with a stone column and a great deal of tinted insulated glass at the entries on the north and west sides. The materials of the trash enclosure will match those of the principal structure. The building is proposed to be two stories. Up to two and half stories is permitted in the PZM District. The proposed maintenance garage is a five-stall garage with five separate doors facing River Street. The garage will contain brown lap siding with cedar shingle accents and asphalt shingles. The proposed garage is 9,944 square feet in area and will be built into the slope on the north side of the property. . 4 Planning Commission Agenda- 05iO 112007 . Lighting. The proposed lighting plan includes a total of 14 luminaries throughout the site, including 11 back-to-back luminaries and three single luminaries. The light fixtures are primarily located throughout the parking lot. No readings in excess of one footcandle are proposed to spill over onto the adjacent rights-of-way or residential properties. The Zoning Ordinance regulates that any light or combination oflights which cast light on a public street shall not exceed one (1) foot candle (meter reading) as measured from the center line of said street. Any light or combination of lights which cast light on residential property shall not exceed 0.4 foot candles (meter reading) as measured from said property. The applicant has indicated that wall pack lighting may be used on the north side of the clinic building and the maintenance garage. Any wall lighting shall be required to contain full cutoff fixtures. Staff recommends that the applicant provide additional pedestrian oriented lighting along the stairway and pedestrian crossing. Any additional lighting in this area shall be directed onto the stairway in a manner that does not spill over onto adjacent residential properties or the River Street right-of-way. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer has reviewed the grading, drainage, and erosion control plan, and has the following recommendations: . . Revise sidewalk shown in rain garden detail so top of walk is flush with top of ribbon curb and adjacent ground behind walk. . Identify the EOF elevation and overflow from the proposed rain garden. . The lone catch basin at the east end of E. River Street is very close to an existing driveway. IdentifY the low point of the area of East River Street as well as the overflow point and elevation at which street runoff overflows toward the infiltration pond. . The infiltration pond will need a vehicle maintenance access route to both inlets and the outlet structure. Utilities. The City Engineer has reviewed the Utility Plan and has the following recommendations: . . Consider connecting proposed 6" sanitary sewer from proposed garage to new manhole over existing Dayton Street sanitary sewer to avoid disturbing East River Street pavement section. . Review and revise all existing utility sizes and material types as necessary per as-built drawing. Sanitary sewer size and material type along East River Street is labeled incorrectly, watermain is not labeled at all, and alignment of storm sewer from existing pond to river is shown incorrectly. . Consider including utility profiles in plans where potential conflicts with other utilities may occur rather than calling them out with octagon symbol and general note. . Remove existing dental clinic services back to the trunk line (water and sanitary sewer). 5 Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 . . More detail is needed regarding the design of the proposed 21" storm sewer outlet pipe from the infiltration pond to the outlet control structure. Is an apron (with trash guard?) to be constructed? . Provide piling for 24" flared end section at infiltration pond per City Plate 4004. . The proposed outlet control structure does not provide skimming in its current configuration. The inlet pipe to the structure shall be placed 1 foot above the bottom of the pond and the invert in the structure needs to be a minimum of 0.5 feet above the highest opening ofthe outlet pipe. The City engineer has made additional recommendations regarding the site plan, existing conditions, preliminary plat, and the demolition plan, as outlined in the engineer's memo dated April 20, 2007. The applicant shall be required to comply with all recommendations set forth in this memo. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary and Final Plat approval for a clinic expansion, parking lot, and maintenance garage for the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital, the City has the following options: . 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary and Final Plat for the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital, based on a finding that the proposed uses are consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the PZM District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary and Final Plat approval for the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital, based on a finding that the proposed uses are not consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the PZM District. RECOMMENDATION Regarding the requested approvals for Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat, staff recommends approval. Staff have had an opportunity to meet with the applicant to discuss the items referenced in this reports and many of the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. . Flexibility to the rear yard setback requirement, required number of parking stalls, and minimum parking stall size can all be accommodated through Planned Unit Development. The applicant has made an effort to work with City Staff to provide pedestrian access to Ellison Park, provide an acceptable maintenance garage design, and create a functional site design. The proposed project, identified as Phase I of the overall 6 . Planning Commission Agenda- 05/01/2007 hospital expansion project, is consistent with the existing PUD, and generally consistent with the requirements of the PZM/R-3 District. In that regard, staff recommends approval of PUD and Preliminary Plat subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. All conditions of approval must be satisfied prior to Final Plat approval. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit J: Exhibit K: Exhibit L: Exhibit M: Exhibit Z: . . Existing Conditions Demolition Plan Site Plan Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Utility Plan Preliminary Plat Electrical Site Plan Landscape Plan Elevations Final Plat City Engineer's memo dated April 20, 2007 Memo from WSB dated April 23, 2007 Proof of parking arrangement with the Monticello School District Conditions of approval 7 . . . Planning Commission Agenda- 05/0112007 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval Monticello Big Lake Hospital Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat I. In lieu of vacating River Street, the City shall require that the applicant sign a license agreement holding the City harmless against any liabilities associated with the proposed drive aisle constructed within the City's right-of-way. 2. Drainage and utility easements shall be placed over all vacated Hart Boulevard right-of- way areas 3. An alternate paving material shall be used through the parking lot to delineate the pedestrian crossing. 4. The applicant shall construct an ADA accessible pedestrian ramp with landings in addition to the proposed stairway in the green space between the parking lot and East River Street. 5. The applicant shall provide additional shrubs on the west side of the clinic building to screen the parallel parking stalls from the adjacent residential use. 6. The total number of plant units on the site shall not be decreased with the construction of the required pedestrian ramp. 7. Additional lighting shall be required adjacent to the proposed pedestrian crossing. Said lighting shall not spill over onto adjacent residential properties or the River Street right- of-way. 8. Any wall pack lighting shall be full cutoff lighting. 9. Any signage proposed for the site in the future shall require a separate application and an amendment to the PUD. 10. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of engineering staff, as outlined in the memo from Bruce Westby dated April 20, 2007 and the memo from WSB dated April 23,2007. 8 I ~ :wz ~QO ILL. :::! ILL.::> ; 0 a:I iI. J "I ii' 'jl , 11; ,Il 'It 1ft I l!' I! i JIIIII!II I ., ~ <l-! I l~ ' 11.,i, llll .~ ;if 11i il :I 1 1 QJ~ g 1lO~ ~ tU C1J 's j E ...ll: I 1.1_ V) ~\, Hl 1.1 J 111I1I i I1I11I ill! III ,f I C ;", ! 0 [/l '. I j I I! I I "!l C!:l 'jl :;:; 10' ~ ! wz: 11" 'l' ~ III Qo j z { : j J > ' ~".~ Hi IIIII II!I . ~:::! s'f (U ~:::> =1 !.~~ I I'! . 10", _ OlD ;l!:l~ 1! J Ill: ! 12 I LU . . E E u. E , o "E , ~ ~ . . . c; :2 . ., . o ." . ~ o >= ~ , . o U o L.U -" . . 0= 1h t C 1 I I' ,...----------- '--; ;-------- , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I' I I I I I I I; l . . E . .J; E , o "E , ~ ~ . 0. . . 1'1 . . """" I I . , !w I~ l~ ill J i; 11'1111 IIII11 ill! III o' l~ I c:: Ii> J 0 ., I ! ' ~~ I I "i' ~ :t:i {1: . I!i 0 III .\l I 0 . il " c:: > ~H 0 "I LI , ~ :1 ' ~ .. (Q OJ II. 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"_~ _____~ :.,..9,~",\,< _I~: 'r~-'6 ~0-&c -, I , I,',) ~f., ....,~'":'9;, ',. "~-~ ('~.' - ,~'-..- Z ',~-, ~:~._~~. ~ ~-' , ,'i '> '" 1...-1.--, ,.-,1 , , , ' - -- I , , .'--'- - '" (.:. ,- >' , , .,--;. -i ,~' ..- _.' '2- ::~'. ~ " o " " , ~ ,', ~ uJ , , D Z ~ " s '. ,. ,~ " '"' \ " I '"", f 1.1] ,1;1 . . . ( ~ April 20, 2007 MONTICELLO Ms Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55422 Re: Monticello Community Hospital Building Addition Plan Review Comments City Planning Project No. 2007-011 Dear Ms Holien: On April 9, 2007 the City of Monticello received PUD re-submittal plans for the Monticello Community Hospital Building Addition. Upon receiving these plans the Engineering and Public Works Departments reviewed them for conformance to our previously submitted comments and as such respectfully offer the following comments: Plan Sheet CO.I No comments. Plan Sheet Ct.l 1. All sanitary sewer system components remaining in use along Dayton Street will require a drainage and utility easement. This relates directly to comment #1 for sheet C4.1. 2. The City is not willing to vacate the right-of-way along East River Street as requested in front of the proposed MOB. As such, the Hospital will be required to sign a license agreement holding the City harmless against any liabilities associated with the proposed drive aisle constructed within our right-of-way. 3. The City will require drainage and utility e1sements to be provided over all vacated Hart Boulevard right-of-way areas. Plan Sheet Ct.2 . 1. Revise all notes as necessary regarding the existing Dayton Street sanitary sewer should you choose to redesign it based on comment #1 from sheet C4.1. 2. Revise layout of storm sewer outlet for existing pond, including removals notes. Plan Sheet C2.1 1. Revise or remove retaining wall along East Broadway Street near west end of site as needed to avoid conflicts with sidewalk. 2. Construct ADA accessible pedestrian rampiwith landings, in addition to stairs, in green space between parking lot and East River S\:reet. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-27 I I . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax (763) 271-3272 Kimberly Holien April 20, 2007 Page 2 of2 . I , 3. Provide pedestrian crossing striping between all pedestrian curb ramps within parking lot. Plan Sheet C3.1 I. Revise sidewalk as shown in rain garden detail so top of walk is flush with top of ribbon curb and adjacent ground behind walk. . Plan Sheet C4.1 I. Consider connecting proposed 6" sanitary s~wer from proposed garage to new manhole over existing Dayton Street sanitary sewer t<j avoid disturbing East River Street pavement section. 2. Review and revise all existing utility sizes and material types as necessary per as-built drawings. Sanitary sewer size and material type along East River Street is labeled incorrectly, watermain is not labeled at all, and alignment of storm sewer from existing pond to river is shown incorrectly. 3. Consider including utility profiles in plans where potential conflicts with other utilities may occur rather then calling them out with octagon symbol and general note. 4. Remove existing dental clinic services back to the trunk line (water and sanitary sewer). 5. More detail is needed regarding the design of the proposed 21" storm sewer outlet pipe from the infiltration pond to the outlet control structure. Is an apron (with trash guard?) to be constructed? 6. Provide piling for 24" flared end section at infiltration pond per City Plate 4004. Plan Sheet CS.l I I. As noted under comment #2 of sheet Cl.l, the City is not willing to vacate the right-of- way along East River Street as requested in front of the proposed MOB. Revise plat accordingly. General Note All applicable City Standard Plates need to be included in the final construction plan set. See additional comments from the City's Engineeri*g Consultant, WSB and Associates. Please call me at 763-271-3236 should you have any questtons regarding any of the comments above. I Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ~c)~ Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Angela Schumann, Community Development Coordinator Shibani Bisson, WSB and Associates, Inc. Phil Elkin, WSB and Associates, Inc. . ... WSB L . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure _ Engineering _ Planning. Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763541-4600 Fax: 763541-1700 April 23, 2007 Ms. Kimberly Holien Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 202 Golden Valley, MN 55442 Re: Monticello Big Lake Hospital Addition Plan Review Comments City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2007-011 WSB Project No. 1627-72 Dear Ms. Holien: . We have reviewed the plans for the revised plans for above-referenced project dated April 9,2007 and offer the following comments: C3.1 - Grading, Drainage. and Erosion Control Plan 1. IdentifY the EOF elevation and overflow from the proposed rain garden. 2. The lone catch basin at the east end of E. River Street is very close to an existing driveway. IdentifY the low point of the area of East River Street as well as the overflow point and elevation at which street runoff overflows toward the infiltration pond. 3. The infiltration pond will need a vehicle maintenance access route to both inlets and the outlet structure. C4.1 - Utility Plan 1. The proposed outlet control structure does not provide skimming in it's current configuration. The inlet pipe to the structure shall be placed 1 foot above the bottom of the pond and the invert in the structure needs to be a minimum of 0.5 feet above the highest opening of the outlet pipe. Please contact me at 763-287-7162 if you have any questions. . Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~-: W"it"'uS'Plu""ing FiI~s;]OO:r,2007 Of l.MomiHo.rp,p"diminury PM1,LTR-K Ho{ie.,..()42301-ffospirollk.iew.do<' . . . Ms. Kimberly Holien April 23, 2007 Page 2 Phillip A. Elkin, PE Project Manager Enclosure cc: Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. F;\AngdnSU'lanning Filei'2007,20(17.0/ !.MOt1lillosp\f"elirn,n",)/ P!",ILTR-K Holi"n-042307.Ho.VJil"/~..'jew_doc . . . Apr.18. 2007 2:12PM No. 2762 P. 1 tJ\ II MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Independent School District No. 882 ~2 Wuhlngton Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 T./ephone (763) 211..Q300 Fax (163) 211-0309 i I, post.it> Fax Nota' 767t T. Co. '" CalOept. Phone # Barb Schweintek Monticello -' Big Lake Hospital 1013 Hart Blvd. Monticello, MN 55362 Barb, This letter is in regard to the standing oral agreement between the School District and the Hospital on parking issues. Both organizations are in agreement that we would like to continue the current arrangement as both organizations benefit. The current arrangement can be summarized as "The Hospital may use the east end of the Monticello Middle School parking lot along Broadway for parking of employees and ~isitors. The Monticello School District may use the west end of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital along Broadway for parking specifically during large events at the Middle School when the Middle School parking lots are full." This agreement will remain in effect until either party chooses to terminate the agreement for any reason. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. dd~ Superintendent . 9. . . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/01/07 Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stal!:e Planned Unit Development approval for a mixed-use commercial proiect to be known as Monticello Professional Center. Applicant: Mike SchMider. /NAC) BACKGROUND Mike Schneider is seeking approval for a Conditional Use Permit for concept stage planned unit development approval for the construction of a mixed-use commercial development located at the intersection of County Road 75 and Meadow Oak Drive, southwest ofInterstate 94. The site is 7.93 acres in size and is located outside of the City limits, in Monticello Township. The site is within the City's Orderly Annexation Area. ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing a mixed-use commercial center, consisting offour office buildings, a hotel, and a restaurant. The site is currently located in Monticello Township. An application for annexation shall be required after approval of any preliminary plat. A breakdown of the proposed structures is as follows: Building I: Building 2: Building 3: Building 4: Building 5: Building 6: 10,000 square foot single story office building 23,800 square foot two-story office building 23,800 square foot two-story office building 10,000 square foot single story office building 50 room hotel 5,000 square foot restaurant The site plan submitted demonstrates use ofland owned by the Minnesota Departroent of Transportation (MnDOT). The applicant is showing parking stalls and landscaping on the CSAH 75 right-of-way, currently owned by MnDOT, and a hotel building and stormwater pond on MnDOT property. The applicant has included land 25 feet from the centerline of CSAH 75 as part ofthe development project. The applicant has not demonstrated ownership, or any timeline for acquisition of any right-of-way land. Upon approval of any Concept Stage PUD application, the following additional applications shall be required: . An annexation request application . An application for rezoning . Preliminary Plat application . Development Stage Planned Unit Development application Zoning. Any rezoning of the land is dependent upon approval of an annexation request. Due to the land uses proposed, B-3 zoning appears to be most appropriate for the site. The purpose of the B-3, Highway Business district, is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle Planning Commission Agenda - 05/01/07 . oriented or dependent commercial and service 'Ictivities. Offices, hotels, and restaurants are '111 permitted uses in the B-3 District. ! ! I Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The fol1owirg chart demonstrates the applicable performance standards ofthe B-3 District: i i Lot Area N/A Lot Width 1 00 feet Front Yard Setback 30 feet Side Yard Setback 1 0 feet Rear Yard Setback 30 feet Due to the size ofthe site, it appears as though setback requirements could be met. The applicant has stated that a front yard setback variance may be required to accommodate building 4. While some degree of flexibility may be al10wed through PUD, the Ordinance does not al10w flexibility to the front and side yard perimeter setbacks. Therefore, the setback for building 4 must be met. As noted previously, the applicant is relying on land that is currently owned by MnDOT to achieve the site layout presented for concept approval. In the event that the applicant does not acquire this land, the site layout may need to be modified. In that regard, the proposed setbacks may also be required to be adjusted. As a result of the potential impact on the overall site plan, . staff recommends that the applicant submit a revised concept plan illustrating how the buildings function on the site, only including land which the applicant has control of at this time. Parking. The site plan includes a total of 412 parking stalls. The parking requirement for restaurants requires a breakdown of dining space to kitchen space. No floor plan has been provided. Staff typically estimates the area of a kitchen at 1/3 of the total building, with 2/3 reserved for dining space. The parking requirement has been calculated accordingly. The parking requirement for hotels is one space per each rental unit plus one space for each ten units and one space for each employee on any shift. The number of employees has not been provided. The parking requirement for office space is one stal1 for each 200 square feet of floor area. For each building, 10 percent of the gross floor area is estimated to be reserved for utilities, hallways, restrooms, and the like. The estimated parking requirement for site, based on the information provided, is as fol1ows: Use Required Spaces Restaurant Kitchen: 1,485 square feet 19 spaces Dining: 3,015 square feet 76 spaces Office: 60,840 square feet 305 spaces Hotel: 50 rooms 55+ spaces Total: 455 spaces . As proposed, the site is at least 43 parking stalls short of the minimum requirement. Additional stalls will also be required based on the number of employees working at the hotel on a given 2 . . . Planning Connnission Agenda - 05/01/07 shift. Some overlap in uses is expected (i.e., reftaurant guests staying at hotel, office workers eating at restaurant) and therefore some flexibility to the number of stalls required may be accommodated by the PUD process. However, a portion of the parking lot is depen@nt on the applicant acquiring the CSAH 75 right- of-way from MnDOT. Specifically, 130 of the !proposed parking stalls are located on land that is not under the control of the applicant. The timeframe for acquisition of the right-of-way is unclear at this time. Staff does not recommend allowing any flexibility from the City's parking standards until the applicant can demonstrate control of the land proposed for all parking stalls. Circulation and Access. Access to the site is proposed at two locations on the south side of the property, off County Road 75. As presented, any access onto County Road 75 shall require review by Wright County. The dimensions of internal drive lanes have not been provided. All internal drives shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width, wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic. As stated above, the proposed development uses land designated as MnDOT right-of-way. The applicant will need to abandon existing and dedicate new right-of-way to complete the project. The consulting Engineer has also recommended that the applicant revise the entrance configuration to the easterly most parking lot to distinguish it from the existing street section. Landscaping. Plantings materials are illustrated on the concept plan. However, no formal landscape plan has been submitted. The City requires every subdivision to submit a landscape plan that identifies areas of public value, including significant views, natural vegetation, and watercourses. At development stage, the applicant will be required to submit a landscape plan that provides for the addition of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers or grasses that achieve naturalized areas around the stormwater ponds and wetland and preserve the natural woodland areas at the edges of the subdivision. Tree Preservation. The subject site contains ~ense tree cover, particularly on the north side adjacent to Interstate 94. Said tree cover consi~ts of a number of mature oak trees that the City would like preserved. A formal tree inventory ~hall be required as part of any application for Development Stage PUD. As part of the PUD process, staff recommends that a tree preservation plan also be required, maintaining a buffer along the northern property line. City staff will review the preservation and grading plans in detail to ensure maximum preservation. Stormwater. Three ponds are proposed throughout the development, one of which is proposed on land currently owned by MnDOT. The pond in the southeast corner of the site has been specifically identified as a stormwater pond. No significant landscaping or other improvements are proposed surrounding these ponds, and they are therefore not expected to serve as an amenity to the development. Detailed stormwater plans shall be submitted as part of any application for preliminary plat. The City Engineer's comments regarding stormwater are included below. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer and WSB have reviewed the proposed concept plan and have made the following recommendations regarding grading and drainage: 3 I . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/0liO? 1. I A storm water management plan will be Jequired in which storm water ponds treat all new impervious surfaces and are connected to a controlled discharge rate, which does not increase existing discharge rates. This plan should incorporate connections to each pond and wetland as there is only one existing discharge pipe. The existing stormwater facilities north of CSAH 75 shall not be disturbed during the development of the site, other than adjusting casting elevations. The City wishes to keep our stormwater system separated from the proposed development's system at all times. A wetland delineation report will be needed to be submitted and approved by the City on the size of the existing wetland. i The proposed storm water management s stern will be required to incorporate all City, County and MnDOT storm water curren y managed through the site. The site plan proposes a pond on property currently owned by MnDOT. The applicant must first obtain the rights to pond on this site before it can be considered part of the site's storm water management facility. A grading plan will need to remove the eXisting ditch system and replace it with a curb and gutter storm water collection system. ' The applicant should provide the City with a tree protection plan. A berm may be required by MNDOT to block noise from I 94. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Utilities. The City Engineer and WSB have reviewed the proposed concept plan and have made the following recommendations regarding utilities: I. Sanitary sewer service is not currently available to this site. Existing city service utilities are located on the south side of Wright ~ounty Highway 75 and the existing railroad. The applicant would be required to jac~ service lines under the railroad along with obtaining the necessary permits from th~ BNSF railroad. 2. A water service line is also not availabl~ at this site and would require a connection similar to the sanitary sewer. Existing utilities such as storm sewer and fiber optic lines would need to be protected during construction. 3. Connection of service lines to the site \\!ould require a permit from Wright County and may require jacking under the roadway.j 4. Drainage and utility easements shall be required over all City-owned utilities. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Regarding the application for concept stage approval of the Monticello Professional Center, the Planning Commission has the following options: I. Motion to recommend approval of the request for concept stage approval, based on a finding that the proposed commercial development is consistent with the intent and performance standards ofthe B-3, Regional Business, District. 2. Motion to recommend denial the request for concept stage approval, based on a finding that the proposed commercial development does not meet the intent of the B-3 District. 4 . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/01107 3. Motion to table the request for concept ~tage approval to require the applicant to resubmit a concept plan limiting the proposed development area to land under the applicant's control and to require that the applicant submit a sketch plan for the entire development area, including area outside of the appliqant's control that may be included in future phases of the project. I ! RECOMMENDA nON Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, staff does not recommend approval as presented. The proposed concept plan relies on land currently owned by MnDOT for parking stalls, landscaping, ponding, and a hotel building. In the event that this land is not acquired, or not acquired in a timely manner, the parking, setbacks, and overall site layout may require modification. Additionally, the applicant cannot move forward to make application for preliminary plat and development stage planned unit development without the signature of all property owners, which would include MnDOT at this time. Staff would recommend that this item be tabled to allow the applicant submit a revised concept plan, limiting the proposed development area t~ land under the applicant's control. This may require phasing the proposed project in order t~o ave enough parking stalls available to accommodate the uses. Staff also recommends that the applicant submit a sketch plan for the entire development area, including area outside of the applicant's control that may be included in future phases of the project. While any future ncept plan would be considered on its own merit, staff recommends that the applicant com~ly with all recommendations of engineering staff in any future submittal, as outlined in the memq from WSB dated April 23, 2007, and the City Engineer's dated April 23, 2007. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Aerial Site Image Concept Plan Topographical Survey 5 ~CI) ~ f.) ~p.:j~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~: ~ -' ~ o z 0::: W I- Z W U ...J <l:j:!: Zo nCl) ~ .., .., z :!:: is 0..,..,: :ZZ~ ::t__1::Q =CCLlJtn UJ::!:::!uu u~~u:<( i:i:Cl:ICQ~c. -=WI.l.IOVl III UJ f I I I I ; ~ I I , ~ , I a~ II:. ; I ~ ~ ; ~ 't. ~ ~ U ~ ~I ... if" .+. m ~u N ~ wi . ~ ~p . ~ hi! <j~ ~ ~ Iii ; ! H "," . ,I I"d !j . I ! i 11H ~! 5 !II ~ ~H ~ U tan ~ .~ I ~ ~il ~ I ~ .00 III I 1m If i~ B , ~~ I~~ . ", ~il !~ " . 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