Planning Commission Minutes 07-09-1991
Tuesday, July 9, 1991 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart,
Cindy Lemm, Richard Carlson
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan McConnon at
7:01 p.m.
2. A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Richard Martie
to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held June 4,
1991. Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart absent.
Jon Bogart arrived at 7:04 p.m. for the meeting.
Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow the driveways of
a zero lot line duplex to be constructed up to the side yard
property line. Applicant, Don and Joan Doran.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. Jeff
O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed Mr. Doran's request
to have both driveways of a zero lot line duplex constructed
up to the side yard property line. O'Neill reviewed other
instances where the City of Monticello has allowed zero lot
line duplexes to have the driveways constructed next to each
other. These instances include Mel Wolters' duplexes on
Marvin Elwood Road, which were constructed prior to the Zoning
Administrator coming to work for the City of Monticello, and
the townhouses in Par West and Colony by the Greens 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th Additions.
O'Neill explained that allowing this type of driveway
construction is a policy decision. Mr. Doran's request will
be handled by Planning Commission and City Council approval,
and any future requests would be addressed through an
ordinance amendment.
Mr. Doran stated that he had explained his variance request to
neighbors, and none of the property owners that had contacted
him had any problem with his proposed variance request.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing and
asked for input from the Planning Commission members.
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Commission members felt that unique circumstances were created
with this variance request and previous zero lot line duplexes
and townhouses that were constructed allowing the driveways to
abut the side property line. They felt that any future
requests of this type should be handled through an ordinance
Motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Cindy Lemm
to approve the variance request allowing a zero lot line
duplex to be constructed with a zero lot line driveway.
Reason for approval: The 3-foot setback requirement was not
meant to apply to zero lot line townhouses; therefore, this
case is unique and will not set a precedent that could be
applied elsewhere. Planning Commission also directed City
staff to amend the ordinance exempting zero lot line townhomes
or duplexes from the driveway setback provision. Voting in
favor: Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Cindy Lemm.
Opposed: Richard Carlson.
Public Hearinq--A variance request to allow a pylon siqn to be
placed within the siqn setback requirement. Applicant, Wriqht
County State Bank.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. Jeff
o I Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed Wright County State
Bank's request to place a pylon sign within the IS-foot pylon
sign setback requirement. The potential hardship that would
be created by placing the sign at the required IS-foot setback
is the reduction in the visibility of the sign when traveling
southbound on Highway 25. The proposed placement of the sign
will not encroach into the public right-of-way, and the sign
will not obstruct other signs in the area, as there are no
other signs on the block from East Broadway to East River
Wi th no input from the wright County State Bank
representatives other than a willingness to answer questions,
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing.
With no further discussion amongst Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by
Richard Carlson to allow a pylon sign to be placed within the
sign setback requirement. Motion is based on the finding that
a hardship exists in that the sign is not easily visible from
southbound Highway 25 if it is set back the full 15 feet due
to the curve of the road and the location of the bank;
placement of the sign at the proposed location will not impact
the ability to see other signs from the street; the sign will
not hang over the street right-of-way. Motion carried
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Public Hearing--A preliminary plat request entitled phase I of
Cardinal Hills residential subdivision. Applicant, Value Plus
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. Jeff
O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the proposed
preliminary plat of phase I of the Cardinal Hills residential
subdivision. Phase I includes development of 24 lots on 10
acres of land located directly south of the proposed
elementary school site and adjacent to Fallon Avenue. Phase I
represents 10% of the total area to be developed by Value Plus
Homes. As part of phase I, cash will be received as part of
park dedication requirement.
Mr. John Leerson questioned any possible assessment that would
be on his property located south from there, and he asked if
all the drainage questions were addressed.
Mr. Dave Nelson addressed how future phases would affect the
drainage onto his property, as he farms the adjoining property
to the south.
Mr. Steve Holker addressed both Mr. Leerson and Mr. Nelson's
questions. Holker stated that the storm water, except for
that which is shared at the Value Plus south property line and
Mr. Nelson and Mr. Leerson's north property line, would be
managed on the Cardinal Hills sites. No storm water would be
dumped on adjoining lands. O'Neill addressed Mr. Leerson's
concerns as to any future assessments from this proposed
project by stating that there would be no forthcoming
assessments to his property, only at such time in the future
if services were requested and/or extended farther south past
his property.
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon then closed the public hearing.
Questions raised by the Planning Commission members dealt with
Mr. Bogart's concern of the double frontage lots and where is
the ponded water in the phase I outlet.
Mr. Richard Carlson questioned if any turn-arounds will be
required. The park development and naming of the streets
should be turned over to the new Parks Commission.
A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Richard Martie
to approve phase I of the preliminary plat of the Cardinal
Hills residential subdivision. Motion is based on the finding
that the preliminary plat is consistent with the comprehensive
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plan and meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance and
utility design standards. Added as conditions were: 1) the
developer's were put on notice that they should take care of
the double-fronted lots as part of any future phases of this
subdivision by either providing for added lot depth or by
limiting parallel roads along School Boulevard; 2) the pond
outlet question should be handled through the consulting
engineer; and 3) the school property and associated park
facilities may not be used to meet cardinal Hills park
dedication requirements. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Public Hearinq--A request to rezone 10 acres of unplatted land
from AD (aqricultural) to R-1 (sinqle family residential).
Applicant, Value Plus Homes.
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Public Hearinq--A request to rezone 120 acres of land from AD
(aqricultural) to R-1 (sinqle family residential) to allow
development of an elementary school facility as a conditional
use. Applicant, Monticello School District #882.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. Jeff
D' Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the Value Plus
Homes and School District requests to rezone 10 acres of AD
land for the Value Plus single family residential home site
and 120 acres of the School District property for future
school complexes to be rezoned to an R-1 (single family
residential) zone.
Chairperson Dan McConnon then closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Richard
Carlson to approve the proposed rezoning of the north 1/2 of
the southwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 13,
Township 121, Range 25, in the city of Monticello from AD
(agricultural) to R-l (single family residential). Motion is
based on the finding that the proposed zoning district is
consistent with the comprehensive plan of the City, it is
consistent with the geographic area, and there is a need for
establishment of an R-1 zone in this area. As noted in the
proposed finding above, the use of this property for
residential purposes is completely consistent with the
comprehensive plan of the City. Residential development of
this location will serve to complement the proposed School
District development to the north. Motion carried
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A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Jon Bogart to
approve the rezoning of 120 acres of land from AD
(agricultural) to R-1 (single family residential), which would
allow development of an elementary school facility as a
conditional use. Motion is based on the following findings:
1) The rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan
prepared by the City and is consistent with the
recommendations of the consulting planner; 2) The rezoning is
consistent with the character and geography of the area;
3) The need for the rezoning has been demonstrated, as it will
enable development of a needed school facility at this
location. Motion carried unanimously.
7 .
Public Hearing--A request to amend section 3-2: General
Building and Performance Requirements, by adding the following
provision to the list of dwelling unit restrictions: 5. In
the R-1 (single family residential) and R-2 (single and two
family residential) districts, all single and two-family
dwelling units constructed after July 22, 1991, must include
development of an attached or detached garage. Minimum size
of the garage floor is 440 sg ft.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. Jeff
O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the proposed
ordinance amendment to increase the size of the minimum garage
requirement from 14 feet by 24 feet, or 336 sq ft, to possibly
20-foot by 20-foot, or 400 sq ft. If the City amends their
ordinance to require the additional square footage in the
garage, the Farmers Home Administration will also look at
amending their requirements for the City of Monticello to
increase the garage square footage from 336 sq ft to
400 sq ft.
Mr. Ted Holker explained that the Farmers Home Administration
garage requirements would then be the same as the City of
Monticello's garage square foot requirements, with the
suggestion of a 16-foot minimum door width.
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon then closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Cindy Lemm to
approve the ordinance amendment requiring that all single
family dwellings be constructed to include a garage with a
minimum area of 400 sq ft and a minimum door width of 16 feet.
Planning Commission makes the finding that the minimum
requirement of the garage area of 400 sq ft is reasonable and
proper given the preponderance of two-car families, and the
added storage area provides space necessary to store household
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articles inside rather than outside, thereby improving the
appearance of the neighborhoods and contributing toward
maintaining property values. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Public Hearinq--A conditional use request which would allow
public school use in an R-1 (sinqle family residential) zoninq
district. Applicant, Monticello School District #882.
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. Jeff
0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the School
District's conditional use request to allow a public school in
an R-1 (single fam~ly residential) zone. O'Neill reviewed
some concerns that had been raised by the City staff: 1) The
location of the power line poles in relationship to the new
street, which would run east and west on the south side of
their property, called School Boulevard; 2) The school will
provide a storm retention pond on site; and 3) The school will
provide sidewalks on their property.
Mr. Sheldon Johnson, Monticello School District
Superintendent, explained that all power line poles would be
placed on the School District's property, the School District
will provide a storm retention pond for any water drainage on
their site, and the School will be looking at establishing
sidewalks on their new school site to complete the site
There being no further input from the public, Chairperson Dan
McConnon closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie
to approve the conditional use request which would allow
school use in an R-1 (single family residential) zone subject
to the following conditions:
1. The site plan should be amended to show a sidewalk
along the driveway providing access to School
The School
along the
Avenue at
such time
the site
agrees to install a sidewalk
providing access to Fallon
that residential development
warrants development of the
The drive leading to the service dock and loading
area should be modified to include space for a
turn-around near the dock area.
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A landscaping plan needs to be prepared which shows
placement of coniferous trees at 7-foot intervals
or two rows with IS-foot spacings along the
northern boundary of the property.
Prior to issuance of a building permit, all grading
plans must be approved by the City Engineer.
Planning Commission makes the finding that development of a
school facility as proposed is consistent with the
comprehensive plan and compatible with the character of future
and existing neighborhoods. This alternative is supportive,
as it is well established that the school use of this location
is proper and presents a positive development factor in this
area. Motion carried unanimously.
Review Chelsea area concept plan and determine if further
chanqes need to be made prior to development of detailed
Chairperson Dan McConnon opened the public hearing. Jeff
O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the Chelsea area
concept plans to determine if further changes need to be made
prior to development of the detailed plans. 0' Neill explained
that the concept plans for review this evening are basically
the same as were seen previously at the workshop at the
Monticello Nuclear Plant Training facility.
Dan McConnon closed the public hearing.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, it was the consensus of the members to send the plans
as submitted to the consulting planner for further
12. Review a proposal to establish a mobile treatment unit.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed a proposal
submitted by Orthopedics sports Center requesting permission
to operate a mobile physical therapy unit in Monticello. The
Planning Commission members are asked to review and discuss
the pro's and con's of a proposed ordinance amendment allowing
operation of a mobile care unit.
Mr. Dennis Lundquist, Monticello-Big Lake Hospital physical
therapist, voiced his concerns on behalf of his firm which
contracts services with the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital
District. He requested that the Planning Commission not
support this type of a physical therapy mobile treatment unit
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in the city of Monticello. His concerns addressed the
frequency of the unit in Monticello and if it would be
available when needed.
The recommendation of the Planning Commission members was not
to recommend a proposed ordinance amendment to allow this type
of mobile physical therapy unit to operate within the city
limits of Monticello.
Planning Commission discussed the matter and took no action.
11. Consideration of establishinq a recommendation to the Council
reqardinq outside storaqe of construction equipment.
Applicant, Floyd Kruse.
Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, requested that the
Planning Commission members make a formal recommendation to
the City Council regarding outside storage of construction
equipment on the Floyd Kruse/former Dino's Other World
property. 0' Neill presented a video that was taken that
afternoon of the existing site.
There being no input from the public and no further input from
the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Jon
Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to recommend to the
Council that the construction equipment be cleaned up within
30 days of the July 22 City Council meeting date. Reason for
recommendation: The existing zoning designation at the site
is appropriate, and the rules governing outside storage of
equipment should be upheld. There is no demonstrated need to
change the ordinance; therefore, it should be enforced.
Continued Public Hearinq--Consideration of establishment of
requlations governinq adult land uses. Applicant, City of
The recommendation of the Planning Commission Chairperson was
to continue the public hearing on this item.
14. Consideration of approvinq a resolution findinq the HRA's TIF
plan associated with pre-planninq for the Shinqobee, Inc.,
industrial development to be consistent with the comprehensive
plan of the City.
Jeff 0' Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the Shingobee,
Inc., project plans and associated land use for consistency
with the City's comprehensive plan. City staff has reviewed
the site plan and land use and found it to be completely
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consistent with the existing zoning ordinance and
comprehensive plan; therefore, City staff recommends approval
of the attached resolution.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission
members, a motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Jon
Bogart to approve the resolution stating that the Shingobee,
Inc., project plan is consistent with the City's comprehensive
plan. Motion is based on the finding that the project is
consistent with the comprehensive plan of the City and the
property is properly zoned and well suited for the proposed
use; therefore, it appears reasonable to support this
alternative. Motion carried unanimously.
1. Public Hearing--A preliminary plat request of Outlot I, Meadow
Oak subdivision, to be entitled Briar Oakes Estate.
Applicant, Prestige Builders of st. Cloud. Council action:
Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation.
Public Hearing--A rezoning request to rezone Outlot I, Meadow
Oak subdivision, from R-PUD (residential planned unit
development) to R-1 (single family residential) zoning.
Applicant, Prestige Builders of St. Cloud. Council action:
Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation.
Continued Public Hearing on establishment of regulations
governing adult land uses. Council action: No action
required, as the request did not come before them.
Continued Public Hearing--Consideration of an ordinance
amendment which would allow the City to withdraw a conditional
use permit due to violations of permit conditions. Applicant,
City of Monticello. Council action: No action required, as
the request did not come before them.
Consideration to approve a resolution finding the HRA's
modified redevelopment plan for Redevelopment Project No.1,
modified TIF plan for TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1-11, and
TIF plan for TIF District No. 1-12, all located within the
Redevelopment project No.1, to be consistent with the
comprehensive plan for the City. Council action: No action
required, as the request did not come before them.
6 .
It was the consensus of the Planning commission members to set
the next tentative meeting date for Tuesday, August 6, 1991.
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A discussion was held on double frontage lots. A motion was
made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to have the
City staff investigate how other communities address double
frontage lots as part of residential subdivision plats.
Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Cindy Lemm
to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator
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