Police Advisory Commission Minutes 11-19-2003
Wednesday, November 19,2003 - 7 p.m.
Members Present:
Dick Slais, Brian Stumpf
Members Absent:
Jon Hoff Dave Gerads, Brad Fyle
Others Present:
City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, Patrol Division Lieutenant Dan
Anselment, Sergeant Mike Evan and Deputy Joe Hagerty.
1. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. It was noted that a quorum was not in attendance so
no official action was to be taken by the Commission.
2. Approval of minutes of Julv 16. 2003 Police Commission meetifi{!.
Consideration of recommendations on Police Commission appointments.
It was noted that terms of Commission members Dick Slais and Dave Gerads will expire on
December 31,2003 and a recommendation could be made to the City Council for individuals
who are interested in being reappointed. Mr. Slais noted he would be willing to serve again for
another three year term and the City Administrator was asked to contact Mr. Gerads to see if he
would be interested in serving another term.
Discussion with Sheriff's Department on possible service level chanl!cs if City l!rows
throul!h annexation.
Commission members reviewed with Sheriff Department representatives proposed annexation
area that could add up to 11,500 acres to the City in the near future. Discussion occulTed on
what type of service levels would be anticipated in this newly annexed area compared to the
rest of the City and it was noted by Dan Anselment that it was likely additional 8 hour shifi
would be required by the City to provide adequate coverage for this area. This could amount to
$130,000 or more to the contract for this additional coverage. It was also noted that if the
annexation did take place, the Sheriff s Department would look at the number of calls that have
occurred in the past from this area and make a recommendation to the Police Commission and
City Council on what they feel would be an appropriate level of service to add to the contract.
U pdale bv SherifPs Department on activities for last Quarter.
Sheriffs representatives provided to the Commission members quarterly and year-to-date
reports showing calls for service in both the City and in the Township. It was noted that the
City of Monticello currently has about four times the amount of calls for service compared to
Police Commission Minutes - 11/19/03
Monticcllo Township but they have not done a breakdown on the calls for service in the area
that would be proposed for annexation. Con~idering that the annexation area has a higher
density of dwelling units, it was assumed thaI possibly two-thirds or more of the calls occurred
in the annexed area supporting their earlier s4ggestion that an additional patrol officer would
likely be needed for 8 hours a day if this property was annexed into the City.
The meeting was adjourned at 8: 15 p.m.
Rccordina Secretarv .
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