Parks Commission Minutes 06-28-2007 Park Commission Minutes: 6/28/07 MINUTES PARKS CO~MISSION Thursday, June 28, 2007 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing maintaining City parks with a standard of quality." Members Present: Ben Hitter, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Tom Perrault. Members Absent: Nancy McCaffrey Others Present: Seth Nelson, Park Superintendent and Gene Emanuel 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes ofMav 24. 2007 rel!:ular Parks Commission meetinl!:. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 24, 2007 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl!: items to the al!:enda. The following items were added: I) Hillcrest Park playstructure; 2) Front Street landscaping; 3) Shelter at West Bridge Park; 4) Rock for Fran Fair's recognition and 5) Shelter at Groveland Park. 4. Citizens comments and reQuests: Larry Nolan had comments made by residents at Walk N Roll which included: I) The East Bridge Park parking area during the Walk N Roll event should be posted as "No Parking." 2) Freeway Fields should have additional parking but the resident was not in favor of having lights installed at the field. 3) Mowing of the pathway at Marquette Drive is not being done on a regular basis and the resident wanted to know ifthe homeowners can mow that area. 4) Request for sidewalk or pathway on the west side ofTH 25 from the area of the Ford dealership and beyond 5) Salted shell peanuts should be included in the food choices at the ballfield concessions. 6) Compliment on the parks and pathways. 7) Having a bus available on Walk N Roll to take people back and forth along the route. 8) Nancy McCaffrey noted that the Otter Creek sign is peeling. Seth Nelson was aware of that. Repair and repainting of signs is done by the staff in the winter. In general it was felt that Walk N Roll went very well. I Park Commission Minutes: 6/28/07 5. Park Maintenance. Seth Nelson distributed a list of the maintenance work completed by the Parks Department. The disc golf at Par West is completed except for discs and tees. There are discs available at the MCC to rent. Larry Nolan suggested doing a dedication for the new and expanded disc golf setup and invite the individuals from St. Cloud who had helped in designing the course. The Parks Department staff has been doing a lot of work at the cemetery, putting up the refurbished fencing, installing grave markers, doing fence installation and removal. In the area where adjacent property had structures that encroached into the cemetery area, the property owners had been notified to remove the encroachment. Seth Nelson reported that approximately $1,000 had been realized thus far in the sale of the old cemetery fencing. He also reported that an individual had agreed to pay for the cost of some landscaping work in the cemetery which was estimated at about $2,000. Other items completed by staff included repair to an irrigation leak at MCC, installation of a new batting cage at Xcel ballfields. The MCC operation of the concessions at the ballfields seems to be going. At the end of the season, the Parks Commission would like a report from the MCC Director or a representative on how it went both financially and otherwise. The Park Department staff with the Street Department overlaid the blacktopped area at Ellison Park. 6. Updates: Fran Fair Recognition: Seth Nelson had contacted two firms about the stone for the East Bridge Park garden area but only one had gotten back to him. He submitted some possible designs for the stone. The Parks Commission made some minor changes in the wording and asked if Seth Nelson could see if the design could include flowers as well. Larry Nolan asked if it would be placed in concrete in order to protect it from vandalism. Seth Nelson said that could be done or the rock could be anchored. The recognition was proposed to be held at River Fest that has been changed. Larry Nolan will verify some dates that Fran Fair will be available at the recognition will be held on one of those date preferably some time in July. Larry Nolan will also get a list of individuals to be invited to the dedication. Walk N Roll - Was discussed earlier under citizens' comments. 7. Preliminary Discussion for items for 2008 bud2et. Seth Nelson reported the budget process for 2008 has been started. Items listed include the Sunset Ponds Park, development of the Hunters Crossing Park, continuation of the pathway maintenance program; research GIS use for the Parks Department and start implementation plan for regional park at YMCA. Seth Nelson provided a breakdown of the Park Department's time in the performance of the primary duties. Other items listed for consideration in the 2008 budget: I) East Bridge Park Gazebo; 2 Park Commission Minutes: 6/28/07 2) Shelter at Par West; 3) BBQ grills at Par West; 4) Shelter and BBQ grills at Groveland Park; 5) L section for dock at Ellison Park; 6) Dugout roofs for the Xcel ballfields; 7) New rooffor concession building at Xcel ballfields; 8) New roof on Ellison log shelter and 9) Continuation of tree planting program. Seth Nelson noted there is money budgeted for restrooms at Ellison Park that could be allocated for other uses like the shelter at Groveland. What is proposed for Groveland would just be the shelter and would not include restrooms. It was felt rather than installing restrooms the City should stay with the portable units. The Parks Commission did suggest looking at some type of enclosure for the portable toilets and felt the Groveland site would be a good trial case. The Parks Commission also discussed the pathways and felt they should be looking at the pathway segment between River Mill and the old freeway exit. 8. Consideration of addinl! East River Street to the sidewalk l!rid svstem. This item was placed on the agenda as the Mayor had some inquiries about a pathway segment along River Street from the nursing home going west. Some time ago the Parks Commission had discussed a pathway running through the Bondhus property and connecting with Mississippi Drive but Bondhus was not willing to grant an easement. Since there was no drawing submitted to show the exact location of the pathway and the length of the pathway segment, the Parks Commission could not give approval to any proposed plan. They did feel however, it was something that should be pursued. The Parks Commission asked for a plan showing the property owners adjacent to River Street. Added Items: Hillcrest Park Playstructure: Seth Nelson submitted three proposed layouts from Play World, Evos and Miracle. All of the playstructure proposals were between $37,000-$38,000 which would be within the budgeted amount. In addition an Eagle Scout was proposed for the installation of the equipment. It would be a supervised installation which would result in a $10,000 savings. The Evos model was very unique and if the City would go with that model it would be only the second one in the state. The structure was designs for ages 5-12. It was noted the slide did not have sides so there was some concern about safety. The Miracle layout was more conservative and traditional while the Evos was very different and unique. The consensus of the Park Commission was to go with Play World which was a between the two extremes. There are four swings in the Play World proposal and only two in the other proposals. The Parks Commission did feel that the Evos proposal was an interesting concept and should be considered for future parks. Front Street Landscaping: Seth Nelson reported that residents in the townhomes along Front Street had expressed interest in adopting the park and maintaining the plantings. The plantings would be on the side of the pathway towards the dock. There is some money in the park budget for that. Seth Nelson will draw up a plan for the landscape work. Seth Nelson indicated that it may be necessary to extend the irrigation system but that would depend on the type of plants used. Seth Nelson reported the Women of Today adopted the 4th Street Park. 3 Park Commission Minutes: 6/28/07 West Bridge Park Shelter: The proposed site for the shelter would be south of the playstructure in the rock area. Seth Nelson submitted drawings of possible shelters which would run approximately $14,000 and include a five year warranty. The Parks Commission selected a double tier shelter. Groveland Park Shelter: Funds budgeted for the Ellison Park restrooms would be utilized for the shelter. Seth Nelson will draw up some plans and bring it back at the next meeting. The hardcourt was discussed. It was suggested that they may go with a colored hardcourt. Seth Nelson stated the color would last ten years before it starts to fade. 9. Discussion with potential Park Commission candidate. Gene Emanuel was present at the parks meeting and expressed an interest in serving on the Parks Commission. He and his family have resided in the community since 1995. He has been involved in youth sports such youth football, girls softball, girls basketball and youth softball. He has a Master's Degree in physical education from Bemidji State University. He also served on the Task Force working on the update to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Larry Nolan stated the Parks Commission strives to have balance on the commission with people representing various areas of the community and various interests. Rick Traver felt that Gene Emanuel because of his involvement with the various sports associations would have good perspective to bring to the Parks Commission. BEN HITTER MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF GENE EMANUEL TO THE PARK COMMISSION POSITION LEFT VACANT BY THE RESIGNATION OF FRAN FAIR. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Adiourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:30 P.M. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. .')~, }-\^-=~ Recording Secretary 4