City Council Minutes 01-27-1999 Joint OAAMINUTES SPECIAL JOINT OAA WOKKSHOP MONTICELLO ORDERLY ANNEXATION BOARD MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP BOARD Wednesday, January 27, 1999 - 7:30 p.m. Monticello Township Hall MOAA Board Present: County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke, Mayor Roger Belsaas, Councilmember Clint Herbst, Township Chair Franklin Denn, Township Supervisor Ted Holker, County Planner Tom Salkowski Additional City Council Members Present: Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Council Members Absent: Brian Stumpf Additional Township Board .Members Present: Ted Kopff, Ken Scadden, Charles Holthaus Introductions. 2. Review and accept a eg nda. A MOT10N WAS MADE BY ROGER BELSAAS AND SECONDED BY FRANKLIN DENN TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. Motion carried unanimously. Brief overview of MOAA planning_process -Tom Salkowski. Wright County Planner Tom Salkowski reviewed the history of the MOAA Board and annexations, noting that a new agreement was reached in March 1998 between the City and Township which included the additional responsibility of land use planning for the MOAA Board. 4. Current land. use plan mawproposal. Wright County Planner Tom Salkowski reviewed the draft land use map and noted that a. public hearing was held by the MOAA Board regarding the proposed land uses. Comments from residents attending the public hearing indicated concern about the area located between the two golf courses being designated as industrial. In addition, the Board felt the Southwest Area Plan which was attached to the joint City/Township resolution was no longer appropriate and should be deleted from the agreement. City Planner Steve Grittman reviewed the five areas of the praposed land use map which differed from the City's current comprehensive plan. Industrial truck traffic, interchange access, the current city utility system, and the cost to upgrade utilities for industrial development were some of the paints of concern discussed. Fage 1 Special Joint OAA Workshop Minutes - 1/27/99 5. Discussion -tiros and cons of map proposal. There was considerable discussion regarding the 220-acres east of Highway 2S and south of Kjellbergs East Mobile Home Park proposed to change from residential to industrial. Steve Grittman explained that the original designation of residential was due to the site being surrounded by residential., the topography being more suited to residential than industrial, and attempting to shift industrial truck traffic away from the commercial corridor. Residential vs. industrial traffic generation was discussed based on a recent comparison prepared by City Engineer Bret Weiss. MOAA Board members noted that since the area was surrounded by roads on three sides, they felt it was more suited to industrial development. Additional discussion included the area east of Silver Springs Golf Course along the freeway, which was identified as industrial in the City's comprehensive plan due to the power line corridor along the freeway; however, the MOAA Board proposed that the area be designated as low density residential to allow higher-end home construction between the two golf courses. The group also discussed the area owned by John Chadwick located south of County Road 39, east of the YMCA property, anal west of the future Chelsea Road alignment. The City's comprehensive plan designated the area for industrial based on its accessibility and the presence of two major power line corridors through the property; however, the MOAA Board proposed that the area be changed to low density residential. Public comments were then accepted by the Board. The owner of the property located between the two golf courses requested that the land use remain industrial as planned by the City due to its exposure to the Ireeway, which is necessary for industrial development. Mr. Horst Grascr, representing Gold Nugget Development, explained that they began working with the City in developing the 220-acre site east of Highway 25 in January of 1998 and only first heard of the land use issue in October 1998. ble noted that a PUD concept was approved, an EAW was accepted, and a preliminary plat has been submitted for residential development of the site, which is based on previous approvals. He also informed the group that industrial truck traffic would not have easy access to Highway 25, as their request for an access from the proposed residential development was denied by MN/DOT. Mr. Grayer requested that a decision on the land use for this area be delayed tuitil further research of other areas that could be designated as industrial. Mr. John Gries, representing Ocello LLC, requested that, in all fairness to Gold Nugget Development, the 220-acre site remain designated as residential. He explained that Ocello LLC extended utilities to the 220 acres as required by the agreement for the Monticello Business Center development, which they could recoup if the land use is changed. "l'he land was then sold to Gold Nugget Development for residential development. In addition, he noted that there is currently industrial land available along the freeway which has been vacant for seven years. Page 2 Special Joint OAA Workshop Minutes - 1/27/99 r~ Mr. Shawn Weinand also requested that the land use for the 220-acre site remain as residential. He explained that he has a large investment in the roadway system in the area and noted that at this point in the process, litigation would ensue if the land use is changed to industrial. Mr. Dave Klein stated that he also had an investment in the 22p-acre site east of Highway 25 and reminded the Board that the construction industry brings many high-paying jobs to the area. In addition, at the current rate of construction, it was his view that the City will deplete its supply of residential areas faster than the supply of industrial property. Mr. Kurt Markling, owner of 7 acres located on the east end of Monticello between I-94 and County Road 75, requested that the proposed public land use for his property be changed to commercial use, which is the use currently being marketed. Residents from various areas noted their concern that same of the proposed industrial uses would surround residential areas and requested that the Board consider the investment residents have made in their homes. Questions were also raised as to whether the City's comprehensive plan could differ from the land use plan adopted by the MOAA. County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke responded that property located in an area designated by the City for a use other than shown in the MOAA plan would not likely be allowed to be annexed. 6. Discuss alteration.4f~oint resolution. The proposal to delete the Southwest Area Plan from the joint City/Township agreement was discussed, along with extending the deadline of the agreement in order to complete negotiations on the land use designations. It was the consensus of the group to extend the deadline for adoption of the land use plan four additional months, with County Planner Tom Salkowski and City staff drafting the language changes. The Township Board members were in agreement with the land use plan as proposed by the MOAA Board; however, Council members requested an opportunity to further discuss the plan at an upcoming Council meeting. 7. Adjourn. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER BELSAAS AND SECONDED BY FRANKLIN DENN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. ~v Kare Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 3