City Council Minutes 02-08-1999 Joint PCMINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, February 8, 1999 - 5:30 p.m. Council Present: Roger Bclsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Council Absent: None Planning Commission Present: Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Kobbie Srnith, Roy Popilek Planning Commission Absent: Dick Frie 2. Discussion of propQSed MOAA Land Use Plan. City Planner Steve Grittman reported that at the joint meeting of the MOAA Board, City Council, and Township Board, it was determined that each jurisdiction would examine and discuss the proposed MOAA plan and bring a recommendation back to the MOAA Board. Discussion focused on the 220 acres east of Highway 25 and south of K.jellbergs East Mobile 1-Tome Park, which is currently in the process of being developed by Gold Nugget Development as a residential PUD. The City's comprehensive plan, along with :previous land use plans, directed this land for low density residential development; however, the MOAA Board suggested redesignating this site for industrial development. The group discussed whether there was an i~x-mediate need for additional industrial property and the need far buffer requirements between industrial and residential uses. It was noted that the MOAA Board and IDC felt that the 220 acres east of Highway 25 would be more readily available for development than the property near the golf course. However, it was also pointed out that the northwest area designated for future industrial development would not develop as planned if the entire 220 acres along Highway 25 was zoned industrial. It was suggested that perhaps the property could be divided and developed as both industrial and residential. City Engineer Bret Weiss noted that it was not likely that full access would be granted from this site to I [ighway 2S. A right- in/right-out access may possibly be allowed; however, he explained that the land is flat and would make storm water management difficult and more expensive. City Planner Steve Grittman added that he was concerned with the amount of truck traffic that would be routed through the Klein Farms and Cardinal Hills developments, as well as the school area if the property is zoned industrial. Discussion also included inventory of buildable lots for residential development, which was estimated at a two-year supply. Concerns were raised that residential areas are developing too fast and the industrial development tax base is not keeping up, which will ultimately result in an increased tax levy to pay for services. Page 1 Special Joint Council Minutes - 2/$/99 Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that the cost of the land is the first item considered by industries when selecting a community in which to build, followed by location, with easy and quick access to the interstate and preferably away from residential development. She also noted that available industrial land currently amounts to approximately 125 acres. The City Planner noted that, based on the current level of absorption, the City has about a 20-year supply of industrial property. Mayor Belsaas asked whether the developer of the 220-acre parcel had explored the possibility of splitting the property and satisfying both needs for industrial and residential development, and whether there were any other parcels he felt could be designated as industrial. Mr. Shawn Weinand, Ocello LLC, responded that the sewer line stubbed in for the development was sized for residential, which would have to be upgraded for industrial development. In addition, the flat land would make the installation of loading docks very difficult. He also noted that a large industry with 200-300 employees is concerned with the demographics when selecting a community in which to build. It was his view that industrial development along the freeway corridor usually occurs first, which has been the experience in cities such as Plymouth and Maple Grove. Ifthe residential proposal for the 220-acre site moves Forward, the funds from the project would be used to extend Chelsea Road, giving more access to industrial property. He noted that Ocello has been working in Monticello for seven years on retail, residential, and roadway development. He suggested that the City consider designating the City-owned parcel directly across from the Monticello Comamerce Center as industrial, as well as the 17-acre parcel behind it owned by Ocello. Planning Commissioner Richard Carlson stated that from a marketing standpoint, the freeway has a negative impact on future resale of single family and medium density residential development. It was his view that areas along the freeway should be designated as industrial. "fhe possibility of dividing the parcel near the golf course for industrial development an the freeway side and residential development on the golf course side was also discussed. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON 1'O APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO TIIE JOINT CITY/TOWNSHIP RESOLUTION EX'I"ENDING TI-IE DEADLINE FUR LAND USE PLAN APPROVAL TO JULY 8, 1999, AND TO SCHEDULE A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING WITH TIIE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR NIARCII 8, 1999, A I' 5:30 Y.M., TO CONTINUE.. DISCUSSION ON THE PROPOSF,D MOAA LAND USE PhAN. Motion carried unanimously. - Karen ty Deputy City Clerk Page 2