EDA Minutes 07-25-1995 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, JuJy 25, 1995 ~ 7:00 p.m. City HaJ] MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Vice Chairperson Barh Schwientak, Assistant Kenda 11, (';1lnt Herbst, r,ar~;i(m: and 5i 11 Dnmeulas. Treasurer Harvey Tom Perrault, Al STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director. STAFF ABSENT: Rick woJfstoller, Troasurer. GUEST: John Babcock, R-window Company. 1 , CALI, TO ORDER. Chairperson Hoglund called thA EDA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ,.., 6. CONSIP~I?,~IIQH_'J:'Qbf'J'~9YJ?",THE M~I?gf{. ...7..,.._.. 15!.9.5..1.. EDA MINUTES. Barb Schwientek made a motion to approve thp March 7, 1995, EDA minutes. Al [.arson second:.:~d the motion and wi th no corrections or additions, the motion passed 6-0"1. Yeils: Hoglund, Schwientek: Kendall: Perrault, Larson, and nomeulos. Nays: None. Ahstention: Clint Herhst, not present on March 7. ':l ..~~ It CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR APPROVAL THE SF-CONn PREL MTNARY "," ,.." ''''," '."."."","" "".'.. ."...."'- ,",., ,". """ ,,,.., '"'''''' ...".."., ....".."...,.'^ m.." ".".". "~,._.,.,...,'~...,...,,." ...... ........... ................... n.,. ........ ....... '_un. ..........____._................. ......... ,.. ........._...,... " ............_........ .Af:JP.. .... .fJ.~AI:. ......9..Mr~.f..AP_p L I qATIQH~J?!:lQ_f'1.__A.f'YL I C A NT / ..T.Ii.~..... .Ii..:::W If:JI?g~ QQt1?A.r-JX . John Babcock of the H-Window Company reported the original facility was compL:,tQd in 1987 and th,' Qxpansion compl'-.~t('d in 1993/94, Both sa If;l8 and. prof i ts have increased and the company is growing fast. Sixty percent of the SAles were in the commsrc ial miJ.rket; however, the res iden t ial market is expected to become stronger with the design of a new handle ,;ind the sidp. crack window. All of the 51 manufacturing empJoyc'C>8 fU',) ful1--time and the second-shi :ft consjst I)f a skelton crew. Eighteen people are employed in the office. BDA members :t'1)vjewed the GMEF loan application of Jun,:, 22, 1995, from the H-Window comp<"1.ny <:1.nd the financial analysi13 prepared by PRG. Page 1 . . . EDA MINUTES ,JULY 25, 1995 4 . c:;Q~::::IPE;t:!?\TIQ!'!...TQ,2l.}='l?139yg m9~_.p;rE;,2l.EPF9Y~ GMEF.J:J9.a..~. J'.rQ:.....g()I)..ti'Q~.... TB.f;......tl-:yUJ~PO~,.gDMr:_At:TY...__ After EDA members determined the $50,000 loan application from the H--Window w.op" in c;ompl i ,U1CC, wi tb the; nMRF pnbl i c pUl'pOSO and policy, Barb Schwientek ma.de a motion to approve GMEF LOtJ,n No. 009, an oquipment lOAn, to thp H-Window Company. Tho loan t t 1 5 0% . t t t . 1 't'-!rms were se.. a' ;:J. , . In eres rate 8.mor .1ZC(J. over seven yoars; loan fee at $750; legal feos the responsibility of tho applicant; loan becomes null and void on January 25, 1996; the GMEF and SCERG to share a first position; collateral, gll;::~ran tee8, and other condi t ion req\.l i rements are to be determined and prepared by the GMEF attorney; tho GMEF loan approval subject to SCERG closing; and loan disbursement from the UD.AG Fund.. Al I.arson seconded the mot.ion and memlH_"r::.; restated the rationale used in determining the loan term and rate, With the H-Window's request for an interest rate of 5% over 10 years, the EDA determined the reduction of the term length from 10 years to 7 y~ars was the greater benefit of the two GMEF provisions; loan term an!'1 interest r."te. The 7-yc,ar amortization brings the request into compliance with the GMRF provisjon (personal property generally 5-7 years) and recyclos the GMEF dollars faster. The EDA members felt to additionally impOSE' a high'-"l' intorost rate places an additional stain on a hus i nees dur ing cr it ieal per iods. Cr i t lca 1 p";r lod::,; w::)re defined as first fivA years of a husiness startup or during 8xpansion and f;~st-growth, This was the rationale used for approval of the 5% interest rate rather than the guidolinc provis ion of 6,7591; - Next, the apprnved loan supported the EDA's philosophy and tho IDC's Business Retention and Rxpan;-3ion Program which encourage existing industrial husinl::"!ss,::,s to expand in Montice]lo. Lastly, the FDA recogn ized the H--Wi ndow expans ion ha!;, more than doubled the propC'rty I s (>st ima ted m<:'lrket va I Ill.' i3nd ha:::; i ncrear.:..;ed the ] (Ica] employment by 15 since its 1994 application, Koropchak reminded EDA membors that the City Council on August 14, 1995, will review Uti? l08n approved, by the BDA,. The Counc.i] may l:'E~ver;-::;e a dE,ci sion of the EDA if the Coone;] dE)termines the Inan WiOlS ISBu,:::':! in violation of the GMEF Guirll?l.im$. The motion pa;-::;sed on a 7-0 vote. Staff will request quarterly finiOlncial statements for the first two-yeiOlt's to monitor the financial position of the company and for the neces8ity to renew the Letter of Credit. Page 2 . . . BDA Tv1INUTES .JULY 25, l00S S . g_gJ~~JP~..~. ~TIQI'i_ T 0 ._..PI?9D!?$_T!:l_~_~PA___!?[!PC?~J'._At:J:Q______1IQ~LQ~ ....._E[L~_R_ APPROPRIATION FOR RECOMMENDATION IN PREPARATION OF THE CITY ..... ............"....~....~...._.........__.._......_...._..._...._._._..__ ..... .............................. ................ .......... ............. ................................_._._...._ ............_......._ ............ ..... ....... ..... ............. ......... ........... .. u_ ..... n. . ..................... ... .................. ....................... .................... ....... .... ...._ 1_22_f.tJ?~LQ_9~T:... After reviewing the balances of the GMEF and other sources of f\lnor.;: H.:'lrvey Kendal] made a motjon r('quest-ing ..-=I $100:000 appropr ia t ion from thE! 1. iqllor Fund for 1996 City BlJdUet: prepar8tjon. Thjs to secure tho longevjty of the GMEF. It j~ anticip8.terl the \lse of the revolving loan fund m.';.\y incrf~d:.;e cl(l~:' to I,(>(1i~c.;]..-=IhYrs nlac:ino additional :t'lo"':c.;1-ric;t.ions on the 1)::;:'; . , - _ - - - - -- .i. ., _ r - - . " of TIF and the Council's reluctant to use TIF because of the RACA Penalty. Bill Demeu]es seconded the motion. EDA members felt the GMEF encourages growth from within and agreed that the EDA's intent .is a payback to the Liquor Fund. Thc> motion passed unanimously. 6. 99_~!?IP_E~AT I O~......r9._...f..MENR..."...TR..'E GMEF' GU I DEL I NE PRO,! 1$ r9~_:_ LOAN SIZE. Koropchak explained this item appears on the agenda hec8.usc the IDC BuggE'sterl using a "percentage" of the revolvjna ]CJ;';Ul fund bal<3nc8 (or the annual approval/dL3bursement guhh::. It: was be.] if:'vud the IDC may he confusing th:;> afH)ual Liqnor Fun(l A:ppropriatior, 01" $200,000 with the revolving lO;::It\ fund b.d.3t"1cc of dpproxj m<3 tol y $4-30: 000 . The IDC Waf.; concE'rtl(>(l tha t th(> EDA have the flexibility to approve more th~n the 50% max of the rem..-=lining balanc,: of the $200:000 in a givun Y€>i;H' jf for example four excellent application werc received. Koropchak and Wc;]fsteJler recommended: "A minimum nf $5,000 and 8. maximum of $100,000 per loan approval. All loan size approvals ::HJbje,ct to avaj]ab]::! fnnch:, of the l';evolvjng loan fund halance or not to eXCEed 50% of the remaining revolving loan fund balance." Thc' -intent of tho loan size provjsion j;,;as a guide to the question asked hy rnost hu.sines8c~;; "Wb...)t is trw maximum amount of doJJar(.; available from thE' GMEF?" RDA members felt Koropchak ar~ Wolfsteller's recommendation would Jock jn the dollar amount and prohibJt the EDA from approving a gre8t~r than $100:000 loan. No action was taken hy the EVA. 7. OTHER RUSINESS: None. Pagf: 3 . . . EDA MINUTES .JI1L Y "l~ (!... ~J .. 1995 s. ADJOURNMENT. The EDA meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. CJ~ ~Cf\U~~ OlliA Koropchak, Executive Director PFI 9 c., 4