City Council Agenda Packet 09-12-2007 Budget Workshop AGENDA 2008 PRELIMINARY LEVY AND HEARING DATES Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf, and Susie Wojchouski I. Set 2008 preliminary tax levy amount. 2. Set Truth In Taxation hearing dates. 3. Adjourn. l.O l.O e l.O e ~ .... MCOOJMM~CO CD CD 0 M lOCOeO CD a. OO<DCO<o:;tOlCO I'- I'- m...-oco N ...-COMWO>NCO ~ ~ M L6 O-C'\I- .,.: I'- M-<<iL6W~Ma6ci c:o <Xi I'- M N.... N "'- MC'\INCOLOCOm '" '" '" N..q-CXJl.OLOCOt-- '" '" ~ ~ ,....~cO...:cOr--:r.ti,,- ,.: ,.: .,. ...-...-NNC'\IMN N N 0 0- 0 000 0 mCXJI.()LOOOCO .... 0 ~ 0 00 0 ""'oc-...-...-OO""," M 0 '" OM c:o oommooo 0 0 o~a5 ei- cxi"Nr--:r--:OOM~ ,.: 0 NO mCXJl.Ol.()l.Oo,.... I'- 0 <C N """,,,mQ)I"'-LO-=:t a. c:o cDmcDcD cD cD 00 c:o ,.: :E - (1) :E all) ::l "'C"'C ~CD N 0 0 '" '" N M en ::s r::: "''''0 "'0 o .... '" CD .... 0 .... M .... ::s CD'" 0 "'0 .... I'- C! co ~ "! 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E ~"" (.l 0 '" c ~ '" '" Q; E 0 0 c;j Q) Ol 1:0 ~ .c Ol '" 0 ~e" 0 0 "" Q) c.9 :J f0- Ul 0 J: 0 () () Ul; D- <( N N W " a:: 2008 TAX LEVY BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Initial 2008 Proposed Tax Levy Budget Adjustments: Use alternative means to distribute council minutes ~ Do not publish R minutes in Times: E MEADA Contnbution E Planning & Zoning - Monticello "Branding" project R Data Process M Decrease Fiber Optics consulting E Data Process - Eliminate GIS for 2008, Permit Works Geobase R Data Process - Decrease Permit Works Maintenance E Fire Duty Officer Vehicle E Building Inspections - Salaries - Temp employees R Building Inspections - Telephone R PW/Streets - Salaries - Temporary R PW/Streets - Mise Operating Supplies R PW IStreets - Blacktop Roller R PW/Streets - Ditch tractor R PW/lce & Snow - Mise Operating Supplies E Community Education Contribution E YMCA Contribution R Transit - River Rider (revised contr. $15,000) E Econ Development - Initiative Foundation contribution I HRA . Marketing for land sales R Shade Tree. Misc. Repair & Maintenance R Parks. Supplies & Maintenance I Parks/Improvements - East Bridge Park Gazebo I Parks/Improvements - West Bridge Park - New windows E Parks/Improvements - River Mill parking lot R Parks/Ballfields - Dugout roofs I Health insurance increase for 2008 (25% increase) MCC - T & E Other: Blinds for Pool room (budgeted $9,800 in 2007, R increase in cost only, not fully re-budgeted.) Less: Total Budget Adjustments: Less: Scheduled Debt Levy Decrease SUB.TOTAL: PROPOSED LEVY AFTER SUGGESTED CUTS: Add: Eliminate transfer from Liquor to MCC Less: Unrestricted Funds (Savings): General Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Liquor Fund Less: Unrestricted Funds Used (Savings): 2008 PROPOSED TAX LEVY - REVISED: . I Increase in Expense R Reduce expense, lesser amount stili remains for this item. E Eliminated total amount for 2008 budget. (26,912) (3,500) (10,000) (20,000) (39,000) (1,000) (25,000) (25,000) (2,500) (1,300) (7,000) (17,500) (15,000) (2,000) (12,740) (5,460) (10,000) (2,000) 20,000 (500) (7,500) 15,000 5,000 (40,000) (13,000) 69,000 (9,800) (19,000) (176,150) (181,884) (150,000) 8,473,046 (187,712) (208,300) 8,077,034 250,000 (527,034) 7,800,000 G:\findept\BUDGET\200B Budget info\revised list.xls en w ~ I- >- 0"" I-~:lg - ~WN w () c: U ui 1-u.0i=> <c 0 .. Z'" ::;: CIl 0 0 i=Z~::;:~ Ul I- 11. ui W 0 ~O > enu~u> _ _-0 0::: 1::0 <( UN ll. :i!: o () 00 o o N <.> "0 N '" t5 '" '0' ~ 0.. 00 o o N .0"0 N '" t5 '" '0 ~ 0.. "" c: ~ '5> 'C o "0 '" '" X "S: ro "'I- 0::_ - '" "'Z o I- "0 '" '" ~C c.'" o E ~ - 0.. !!J iB:o' ~<( 00 o o X N ro "01- "'., ~Z '0 ~ 0.. 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