City Council Minutes 02-22-1999MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 22, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. Abproval of minutes of the special meeting held February 8, 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDF.,D BY ROGER CARLSON 'I'O APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 8, 1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. B. A royal of minutes of the re ular meetin held Februar 8 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 8, 1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a eg nda. None. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. None. 5. Consent agenda. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADD ITEM #7 TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS S.B, WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF ALTERNATIVE #2. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of a resolution conditionally consentine. to the transfer of a cable television franchise from Janes Intercable to Comcast Cor oration d then to Bresnan Communications. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution consenting to the transfer of the cable franchise to Comcast Corporation, and adopt the resolution consenting to the ultimate transfer from Comcast to Bresnan Telecommunication Company. SEE RESOL,U"l"TONS 99-3 and 99-4. B. Consideration of requesting MOAA approval of annexation of_water tower/park rn obertX. Recommendation: Request MOAA approval of annexation of the water tower and newly-acquired park site upon completion of the MOAA Land [Ise Plan. A MOTION WAS MADE, BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE TI-IIELEN TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. Page 1 Council Minutes - 2/22/99 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of re uestin MOAA a royal of annexation of water tower/ ark ro ert . This item was added to the consent agenda as item SB. 8. Consideration of Change Order No. 1 for the Monticello Community and Training Center and consideration of establishin a rocedure allowin the Cit Administrator and Owner's re resentative to authorize char e orders not exce din 10 000. Change Order No. 1 Mark Wentzell of Ankeny Kell Architects reviewed items 1-7 of the proposal request and noted that Change Order No. 1 for the community center project resulting in a net savings of $103,872, bringing the new contract sum to $8,100,928. City Engineer Bret Weiss requested that Council strike item #7 from the proposal request regarding the revision of the bituminous paving until he has a chance to review it. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM #7 OF THE PROPOSAL REQUEST PENDING REVIEW BY THE CITY ENGINEER. Motion carried unanimously. Change Order Procedure City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that City Council is asked to reaffirm the previously-discussed procedure for efficient processing of change orders for the community center project by authorizing the City Administrator and Chief Building Official together to administratively approve change orders that result in a savings/deductive change, and to approve individual change orders that result in additional cost to the project, not to exceed $10,000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRLICE THIELEN TO AUTHORI7E THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL 'T'OGE`T'HER 'I'O ADMINIS`T'RA'T'IVELY APPROVE CHANGE ORDERS FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT THAT RESULT IN A SAVINGS/DEDUCTIVE CI IANGE, AND TU APPROVE INDIVIDUAL, CHANGE ORDERS THAT RESULT IN ADDITIONAL COST "T'O rT'HE PROJECT' NOT TO EXCEED $10,000. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Community center update. Bulk Tank Relocation Dcputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that, as directed by the City Council, staff has met with bulk tank operators to discuss plans far relocation of the bulk tanks. Page 2 Council Minutes - 2/22/99 The concept being considered included the City providing the standard relocation benefits provided by law, plus a low interest or no interest loan to be repaid in its entirety January 1, 2004. The amount of the loan would be based on the projected cost that the operators would have faced to upgrade their tanks by the end of 2003, which was estimated to range from $40,000 to $65,000. All land cost would be funded solely by the operators. However, it was noted that it is dif`ticult to separate cost items that the City is funding through relocation benefits from items that would be eligible for the loan, and staff is currently working with the operators on this matter. According to the City Attorney, a low or no interest loan for a relatively short duration appears supportable, although the Council must still make a finding of public purpose. Mr. Jeff Michaelis, owner of Riverside Oil, noted that the gap appeared to be in the same $SO,OOp range as the loan amount being discussed, and he requested that Council consider a no interest loan. After further discussion, the Council indicated they would be in favor of some type of loan and directed staff to continue discussions with the bulk tank operators. Aquatics Center Hold Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that staff was recently surprised by a notice from Donlar Contractors stating that the cost to place the aquatics portion of the community center project on hold until the survey is completed was estimated at $154,000. The City Attorney has advised staff that the City should plan for this amount financially but that the City may not be required to pay this amount. Mark Wentzell of Ankeny Kell Architects stated that he felt $154,000 was an exorbitant amount and explained that part of the architect's job is to decide what amount would be appropriate. If the City and contractor disagreed with the amount calculated by the architect, the issue would go to arbitration. No action by Council was required at this time. 10. Consideration of bills for the last half` of Februar~l 999. A MOTION WAS MAD.F., BY BR[1CE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE 'I"HE BILL FOR THE LAST HALF OF FEBRUARY 1999 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY .BRUCE THIELEN ANU SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADJOiJRN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clcrk Page 3