EDA Minutes 05-22-2001 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room Members Present: Chair Hill Demeules, Vice Chair Barb Schwientek, Clint Herbst and Darri n LahI'. Members Absent: Ron Hoglund, Roger Carlson and Ken Maus Staff Present: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recorder Lori Kraemer. Guests: Susie Wojchouski, Chamber Director Pam Campbell, Design Advisory Committee Chair MI'. & Mrs. Brian Thickpenny, Primerica ] . Call to order. Chair Dell1eules called the meeting to order at 4 pm. 2. Consideration to approve the April 24, 200] EDA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERHST AND SECONDED HY BARB SCHWIENTEK TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Of THE APRIL 24, 2001 FDA MEE'lING. Motion carried. 3. Consideration of addinf.! or removing agenda items. None 4. Consideration to review for approval/disapproval the OMRF application for 20] Pine Street. The DMRF application is from Hrian Thickpenny,. Mr. Thickpenny presented his design concept to OAT on May] 5, 200 I. The unapproved minutes from DA T are attached as well as OAT Review. Please address the following OMRF (i.uidelines fix compliance. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director, provided a brief review of the DA T meeting held prior to the EDA meeting. Hrian Thickpenny, property owner of the building occupied by Primerica. provided pictures of the existing building, as well as samples of 111aterials they may be using. Thickpenny stated they would like to keep the "old look" of the bui Iding as well. He stated that the bui Iding is currently painted and that maintaining the exterior has been challenging due to road spray from snow plows, etc. as it is located on Hwy 25 which is a very busy road. Mr. Thickpenny's contractor was also present and . ED^ Minutes - OS/22/0 I described the types of materials they would like to use, as well as stated that if asbestos wcre found and the owner decided to not renlove it and covcr it, he would not be interested in the project. Pam Campbell, DAT Chair, discussed the possibility of removing the current slate and possibly resell it but it was determined that was not an easy task and they would not be doing that. Campbell added that the DAT voted to go with the vinyl siding due to the closeness of the building to Hwy 25 and the maintenance due to road spray. Campbell also noted they did not want this to set a precedent as it docs not coincide with the design guidelines, but they are sympathctic to the owner's situation. OAT's motion was to approve the use of the shake material along with the vinyl siding as presented, front and top gables to be shake material. New shutters will be added as well. The contractor advised the costs to be approximately $8,700 to do all four sides with vinyl; price contingent on asbestos test. Koropchak stated an additional $3,200 if they were to do all shakes ($1600/ea) for a total match of $5,277; or if just the tront & gables, it is $1,569 more (matching is $785/ea) for a total match of$4,462. Also pointed out that the guidelines stated tront rear and one side, but at times they have talked about all Jour sides. . TheEDA members asked "I'hiekpenny "if the EDA would match the cost to use shake overall, would they agree?", and Thickpenny responded yes. The members discussed that their objective is to clean up the back side of that entire block aHer the Thickpenny's stated their concern was that this would not occur and therefore it wouldn't make sense to spend the extra money for the back side if the building if cleanup were not to occur. Thickpenny also discussed 2 windows that would then be visible on the back side and asked if the EOA wanted them to upgrade those as well. The members agreed to the extra matching grant money to add the shutters to the back which would amount to $5.366.50 as the EDA's contribution. Schwientek stated the best they could do would be the $2500 per side and added that they could come back for additional support if asbestos was located. Lahr also added that this is a package and should not be split up or only small projects be completed by eliminating any parts of the package. Schwientek asked the owners if they agreed to this and they did. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HARB SCHWIENTEK AND SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR TO APPROVE DMRF NO. 112 IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,366 FOR TIlE BUlLDINO IMPROVEMEN'rS AS PRESENTED, AS A TOTAL PACKAGE. . 2 . . . EDA Minutes - OS/22/01 UTILIZING SHAKES ON FOUR SIDES. AND TO RETURN TO THE EDA FOR POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL SUPPORT SHOULD ASBESTOS BE FOUND UNDER THE CURRENT SIDING. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consideration to review for approval/disapproval the DMRF application for 205 Pine Street. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director, advised the EDA members that the DMRF application is from Rick Wolfsteller via Susie Wojchouski, Chamber Director, for the City of Monticello who owns the property which is occupied by the Chamber of Commerce. Susie presented the design concept to DA T on May 15,200 I. Susie stated their idea is to remove ric/rac and the stucco and wood will be repainted/repaired. She noted that the ric/rac on corner post of the building has to remain as it is embedded in the stucco; the corners around windows and corner posts will be painted a sage color, stucco color will be beige. There will be a new Chamber sign with the new logo which will be dark green with an M in the middle which will be lighter green, and it will be a sandblasted foam sign which is very durable. They will be lighting the sign (cap lighting) with a goose neck for angling. On the North side facing Co Rd 75 will be a small cap awning that says "Chamber" which will be dark green with white lettering. Susie provided painting estimates as well. Clint Herbst asked about installing a fixed, wood awning, but Susie wasn't sure how that would be affixed to the building or what was under it. It is also a cost factor. Susie has also talked to Clarence McCarty, adjacent building owner, to see if he would remove a portion of the wood on the building that is falling apart, but has not heard back from at this time. She did state she had also thought about having the painter extend the painting to the adjacent building if Mr. McCarty did not agree to remove the wood. Susie estimated the cost to remove the wood boards and paint that portion as well to be at $750; but that the Chamber would not be paying that portion. Koropchak stated the total estimated cost to be $4,731.13, and the EDA would match 50% of that total. Susie also provided a brief description of a concept to improve their park as well. Shrubs removed, /lower pots added. trim, public art work, and the turquoise bench will be redone. Did check in for putting in brick pavers where there is grass but that was too expensive. Sue also added that she would be willing to be the liaison to the EDA in approaching the property owners next to the Chamber bui Iding in regard to upgrading and htcade treatments. The EDA discussed that to improve the Chamber building and Primerica building would not do much good if the adjacent owners did not improve their buildings as well. ~ .) . . . EDA Minutes - OS/22/01 A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAIIR AND SECONDED BY BARB SCHWIENTEK TO APPROVE DMRF NO. 113 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,365.56 AND UP TO $500 FOR FEE REIMBURSEMENT AT 205 PINE STREET. Motion carried unanimously. A McrrloN WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY BARB SCIIWIENTEK AUTHORIZING SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI TO APPROACII CLARENCE MCCARTY FOR PERMISSION TO RE~PAINT THAT PORTION OF THE ADJACENT BUILDING WITH EDAFUNDS, UP TO A MAXIMUM OF $],000. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration to review the cost proposals from Planner Steve Grittman relative to Block 35 and authorization to move forward. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director, advised that she had received a quote from Steve Grittman for $] ,680 for design concepts which combine the trash handling and an overall plan for private parking located within Block 35, the Planner to work with the Public Works Department and the businesses within Block 35. Koropchak also spoke with John Simola regarding the EDA's plan. Pam CampbelL DAT Chair, asked where the proposal would go once received ti-om Grittman and Koropchak advised that it would be forwarded to the EDA and then on to the DAT as well if there were a design issue. Koropchak also advised that if the EDA authorized the go-ahead, Orittman would be suggested to use AI Loch as the key contact person for the downtown businesses and John Simola f()r Public Works. Bill Demeulcs asked about defining the scope of the project and he was advised that part of what Grittman is going to do is approach Al Loch, property owner, as pati of his proposal. The EDA will then have to decide where to go from there. llerbst noted it could be broken down in stages. Rick Wolfsteller asked if the EDA was going to approach the owners on paying for their own receptacles, etc. and they stated no, this was something the EDA wanted to do themselves for improvements. It was suggested that they start with garbage receptacles first and then move forward to parking area enhancements as well. As per Grittman's proposaL he would plan for an on-site block meeting of property owners, develop concepts, and then a follow-up meeting to present options. Schwientek stated she did not feel it was Steve's position at this time to be talking with owners regarding the back sides of their buildings. She also feels we need to clarify enhancing the rear entrances. in not meaning to enhance the design. Herbst states the owners may need some ideas to look at in order to get thelll interested. Second step would be to go to the DAT and building owners to start the clean up, stating the need to clean up the back sides first which would include garbage receptacles. Koropchak was to clarify that the FDA would not be doing individual hlcade improvements. 4 EDA Minutes - OS/22/01 . A MOTION WAS MADE RY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDI.:D RY CLINT HERBST AUTHORIZING PLANNER STEVE GRITTMAN TO PROCEED WITH SITE CONCEPTS FOR A POIZ'flON OF BLOCK 35, OR AS SO DESCRIBED, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,800; AND TO WORK WITH THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND DOWNTOWN BUSINESS OWNERS, WITH CLARIFICATION BY OLLIE KOROPCHAK TO STATE TlIlS IS NOT FOR FACADE IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consideration to approve amending the EDA Bylaws. Koropchak advised that at the April EDA meeting, the commissioners discussed the potential of merging the EDA and HRA. The commissioners felt combining the two commissions would create agendas of too great of length causing long meetings and perhaps hasty, inappropriate decisions. In order to reduce the number of evening meetings, the commissioners present suggested the EDA meeting time be 2:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. subject to consideration by Hoglund and Lahr who were absent. . Koropchak stated the EDA needs to decide if 2:00 or 4:00 p.m. works best and amend the EDA Bylaws accordingly. She also provided an excerpt of the Bylaws and stated the meeting time of the regular and annual meeting should be amended as well as the month of the annual meeting. The annual meeting this year was held in April which allowed the Finance Department more time to generate year-end repOlis. Koropchak stated that based on the discussion at the last meeting it was decided to change the time to 4:00 pm versus the 7:00 pm in order to get better attendance. Barb Schwientek asked why there is even a time listed in the bylaws and Wolfsteller stated that is what the City does with their other meetings as well, in getting the public to recognize or get familiar with meeting times. Schwientek noted she preferred to have the time taken out of the bylaws, but Koropchak stated the bylaws coincide with the City ordinances. Derl1eules stated possibly the EDA could change it to state an unspecified time, i.e. between 2 pm and 6 pm, but the EDA did not agree. Demeules also asked if this item had to go to the attorney for his review and they did not feel that it did, but they felt they needed the Attorney to advise. Schwientek stated her reasoning for not listing specific times would be for llexibility of the members. There was further discussion stating the 4:00 pm meeting time would stand at this time. . A MOTION WAS MADE l3Y l3ARB SCIIWIENTEK AND SECONDED BY CLINT I fERBST TO APPROVE AMENDING ARIK'LE V - MI.:ETINGS, SECTION 2., OF TilE BYLA WS AS FOLLOWS: REGULAR MEETINCJS OF TilE FDA SHALL BE HELD ON THE 4111 TUESDA Y OF JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, AND OCTOBER. AND TilE ANNUAL MEETING SHALL l3E IN CONJUNCTION WITII TIlE REGULAR APRIL MEL.:'fING. Motion carried unanimously. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. EDA Minutes - OS/22/0 I Consideration of Executive Director's Report. . Koropchak provided information regarding IRT which will be elosing on approximatcly 6/] 2/01; also noted they have received commitments from the bank. Faymar discusscd real estate being up for sale, business sold to someone in Ohio and they are downsizing. Working with thcm to build a IS,oon sq it building, hopefully in Monticello Redwing Foods - not going with the H Window building, hut perhaps building a 30,000 sq ft building and may want to be located at the corner of Fallon and Chelsea. She also noted there is a potential buyer fl.)r the H Window building. Wright Co Partnership has an event coming up. Wolfsteller and Koropchak went to a meeting there earlier in the day, looked at consistencies among other citics and buildings. Ryan Co has moved on. Economic down trend on some industries, seem to be waiting at this point. Silvcr Creek Developmcnt was in talking about a possibility of commerciallindustrial building on East 7th St. liRA authorized housing plan in conncction with the County. Hlue Chip is going to the Planning Commission for final PUD approval in June. EDMA is working with a cornpany looking at a site in Monticello. Production Stamping - providcd an analysis of uses/sources for them. IfTIF amount goes down perhaps the EDA would want to do a $20n,OOO loan. Having Legal Council review - seeing if that will work for a certain property in Monticello. Knows of a company in Monticello that will expand this summer. TJ Martin did opt to do the clectronic payment for their loan. Tapper paid off balloon payment. Took year end reports to council which they accepted. Did an adjustmcnt to cash flow, took out the amount that was paid to the Liquor Fund. Indudcd a letter that was given to City Council and Mayor provided by Chadwick regarding their property, this will be on the council agenda at their next meeting. I DC made a motion to encourage the negotiation - move forward. Also chairs are up. CH noted his concern on moving forward on this as pursuing this property he feels does not help as it will not be developable for a long period of time and states looking f()[ property that is usable now would be the way to go. Koropchak noted that the Chadwick property is the only one zoned industrial at this time, but Herbst added that if someone canle in proposi ng to re-zone a piece of property to industrial, the Council may go authorize that. He also stated his feeling would be to look at the Gold Nugget property again. Koropchak noted that owning the industrial land would be beneficial, as right now wc are markcting industrial land not owned by the City. Lahr added that the City needs to look at long term now. . . . 6 . EDA Minutes - OS/22/0 I . buy further out now and down the road it will he in demand. Koropchak added that she had missed one of the loans, an equipment loan, that was due hy the Demeules, which was paid. Koropchak approached the memhers regarding the downtown area for revitalizing, may want to encourage the owners to recreate what was originally there, and would FDA be interested in helping to fund this. . 9. Other Business. - None 10. Adjournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:45 PM. Motion carried unanimously. ~~ . . 7