EDA Minutes 08-21-2001
Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 4:00 p.m.
City Hall - 505 Walnut Street - Academy Room
Members Present:
Assist Treasurer Ken Maus. Clint llerbst. Roger Carlson and Ron Iloglund
Chair Bill Demeules. Vice Chair Barb Schwientek and Darrin I,ahr
Ex.ecutive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recorder Lori Kraelner
Steve (irittman. Northwest Associated Consultants
DAT Chair Pam Campbell
1. Call to order.
Ron Hoglund called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.
Consideration to approve the July 19.2001 EDA lninutes.
.1'0 APPROVE THE MINtrIT~S OF TIlE JliL Y 19.2001 rmA MEETING. Motion
carried \vith Roger Carlson abstaining.
Consideration of adding or removin\! agenda items.
Ken Maus added discussion regarding a request for expansion or the DM RF target area.
This was placed as item 6A.
4. Consideration to hear or the interest of Block 35 property owners It)r revitalization of
rear-parkin\! entry areas as presented bv Consultant Grittman and authorization to move
Steve Grittman reported that he had spoken to several property owners on Block 35 and
discussed some concerns with the concepts he had previously brought to them. Grittman
had met again with some or these owners earlier that day. They stated concerns with
snow removal in the alley. as well as possibly losing parking spots. Ciritunan had
redesigned a tC\V concepts based on the property owners concerns. They requested
moving the dumpsters to a different location in the public parking lot area but Grittlnan
was latcr inl()rmed hy Puhlic Works that the parking lot was not able to handle the weight
of a garbage truck.
EDA Minutes - 08/2110 I
Grittman advised that one of the concepts would eliminate ahout 6 to 7 parking spots but
would rnaintain the trees. ^lso noted was a power pole located in the lot that would have
to he worked around.
Karen Snyder. property owner. noted that they "fight" over parking near the building at
this time. She also noted that the alley is not being Inaintained during the winter and
when the snow' melts the slush builds up creating pot holes. C1rittman advised that the
alley is actually 2/3 owned by the property owners and 1/3 hy the City and therefore Inay
not he high priority on the City's schedule for plowing. lie also stated that the City does
not readily go onto private property f<Jr plowing. The property owners were not aware of
this previously. AIl.och, owner of I,och Jewelers. noted that he believes there is only
one catch hasin f<Jr the entire alley. noting that the area is tlat and he feels the key to
resolving a majority of the drainage problem would he snow removal. tIe liked the idea
of creating a terrace-like feeling up-front near the buildings. making it more inviting.
Clint Ilerhst questioned taking out head-in parking in certain spaces and putting it on
either side of the alley. although there may he an issue with the power poles that are
currently there.
Jim Agosto. property owner, stated he would prefer not to take out any parking or trees
near the huilding but docs feel it is a good spot for the dumpster location. He did ask also
about the parking lot not heing able to support the refuse trucks. may have to put up a
slab of concrete fin the truck weight. ^l Loch also stated that they had the parking lot
resurbced 2 years ago. again they stated that there is a drainage prohlem. Herbst stated
maybe they need to look at correcting the drainage problenl prior to installing dumpsters
and plantings.
Susie Wojchouski, Chamber Director. also mentioned that last winter the alley was
neglected t~lr quite sorne time which then the snow melted and created even more of a
problem. Ken Maus stated that perhaps this alley should he on the Public Works' regular
work schedule and l.och stated that cOIning right down the alley while clearing the
parking lot would eliminate a great deal of the problem. Maus also added that perhaps a
developers agreement should he issued to work sOlnething out with the Public Works
department since the alley belongs more to the property O\vners than the City. and is
probahly on a lower priority list.
Ron Iloglund stated possihly an idea would he to give up the alley rights to the City and
have the City take over the alley. Wojchouski added that on a normal business day the
lot is practically full and reminded them that next year with the Broadway reconstruction.
there will be even rnore parking back on that lot.
Koropchak asked the owners i I' they had an interest t~)r the EDA to look into the drainage
prohlem prior to beautification and Loch stated an interest as well as a willingness to
LDA Minutes - 08/21/01
deed over alley rights to the City. Snyder stated that in speaking with other property
owners they were in LlYor of moving the durnpster location to the parking lot. She also
added she was in Llvor of some pull-in parking spots. Also discussed Flicker's having
access for their delivery trucks entering fi'om Hwy 25 through thc alley and the need to
ensure their access is maintained.
Maus suggested hiring a private party to move the snow from the alley onto the City's
parking lot and then having the City remove it fi'om there. It was also noted that the
parking lot concept may make access tlW snow removal a I ittle less convenient.
Koropchak requested Grittman verify existing drainage systen1 vvith City Engineer and
research options l()l" the property owners. Also advised to check with John Simola
regarding parking lot reconliguration. Maus stated that if a portion of this proposed
project could be done without impacting the drainage problem, they could possibly start
with the beautilication process. Hoglund stated perhaps they should wait tl)r information
froln the City Fngineer. Maus did state his concern with the distance from the buildings
to the durnpsters, especially during winter Inonths, stating the property owners probably
wi II not want to be carryi ng the garbage any further distance than that.
McCarty, CcntCom, stated at this time they take their garage home to dispose of. The
properly owners agreed they would have to police thelnsclves regarding proper use of the
dumpsters. Maus stated Dominos \\ould be the most appropriate to question regarding
use or the dumpsters in the proposed location as they would create the most trash.
Koropchak stated she wi II check with John Simola about a cost f()l' removing all the snow
and the building owners may opt to split the cost. It was decided that the best way is to
hire someone privately to n10ve the snow from the alley onto the City parking lot and
have the City take it fron1 there. Koropchak advised the property owners of the EDA's
willingness to pay a significant amount of the proposed improvements and questioned if
the oVvners would be interested in entering into an agreement that the receptacles are
being used properly and the buildings are maintained. They agreed that some type of
agreement should be written up.
'fhere was further discussion regarding the possible phasing on this project starting with
pavers. llearing no further discussion, motion carried unanimously.
Koropchak advised that she had provided the EDA members with the balance of funds
they have len in their account.
ED^ Minutes - OS/2 I/O]
Consideration of Executive Director's Report.
Koropchak provided her Executive Director's report. adding that no payment had been
received from Bruce Hammond: the H- Window building is currently being used but they
do still have approximately 20.000 sq. ft. available. and that it is still on the market.
Also. Block 36 proposed project is possibly being scaled down and this may affect the
proposed joint parking.
Ken Maus stated that there was a group of property owners who approached him
regarding funds available Il.)!' facade improvements in the DMRF and questioned irthe
boundaries of this district could be expanded. Maus advised that it was the owners of the
building that Ron Hoglund is in and that there arc 5 owners who would like to re-do
signage. de.. but the building is not in the LJMRF target area. It was questioned if it was
feasible to put the building in the area to be eligible.
Koropchak stated that the EDA would need to revise their guidelines to extend the
houndary to other blocks. She advised that she would re-search the matter. Maus
suggested that the minutes be reviewed li'om approx. one year ago to see the rationale or
the pros and cons to expand out of the downtown area at that time. I Icrbst stated there
are a number of old buildings downtown and perhaps that could deline whether they
\\ould or would not he eligible fl.)!' the funds. Koropchak will research the minutes (l.)r the
next meeting. Maus asked if there was a way to create language in the guidelines that the
~:J)A can consider applicants on a case by case basis. Also noted that when the money is
spent that has been allotted for these projects. there would be no further funding.
Other Business. None
llERBST TO ADJOURN TIlE MEFTlN(r AT 5:20 PM. Motion carried unanimously.