City Council Minutes 03-08-1999 Joint PCMINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COLJNC"lL MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, March $, 1999 - 5:30 p.rn. Council Present: Roger Belsaas, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Council Absent: Clint Herbst .Planning Commission Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsters, Robbie Smith, Roy Popilek Planning Commission Absent: None 2. Discussion of ro osed MOAA Land Use Plan. City Council and Planning Commission met to continue discussion of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the proposed MOAA Land Use Plan. After reviewing the proposed plan, the Industrial Development Committee recommended that the Gold Nugget Development area remain residential with commercial along Highway 25, the Chadwick property be designated as industrial, and the area between the golf courses be designated as industrial along the freeway and residential along the golf course. The Planning Commission also recommended that the Gald Nugget Development area remain as residential and had forwarded a recommendation to Council for approval of the Pine Meadows preliminary plat. The City Council and Planning Commission discussed the 220-acre area currently being developed by Gold Nugget Development. It was noted that designating this entire area as industrial as proposed by the MOAA Board would be more than needed. The group discussed creating a commercial strip along I"Iighway 25 as well as a frontage .road, possibly the extension of Cedar Street. It was estimated that a depth of 400 ft of commercial area would encompass approximately 25 acres of the total 220. Mr. Shawn Weinand noted that the development as currently proposed would lase some amenities and would have to be redesigned if 25 acres was designated for commercial. He suggested that the Council consider increasing the 5 acres on the corner of the property to 15 acres for commercial rather than the entire length ofthe property along Highway 25. AFTER FURTHER DISCUSSION, A MO'T`ION WAS MADE BY BRUCE TI-IIEI,EN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO RECOMMEND THAI"I"HE 220-ACRE GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY REMAIN RESIDENTIAL WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A 400-FT STRIP OF COMMERCIAL AREA ALONG IIIGI-IWAY 25, THE CI-IADWICK PROPERTY REMAIN AS INDUSTRIAL, AND "I'HE ENTIRE PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN TIME TWO GULF COURSES BE DESIGNATF,D AS RESIDENTIAL. Motion carried unanimously. Page 1 Special Joint Council/Planning Commission Minutes - 3/8/99 Bruce Thielen mentioned that it should be the intent of the representatives to bring the compromise to the MOAA Board. Changes to the City compromise should be brought back to the City Council prior to action. Representative Roger Belsaas and. Council members concurred. Mr. Ted Holker, Monticello Township Board, noted that there would be opposition on the MOAA Board to the recommendation that the 22~-acre Gold Nugget property be designated as residential. It was his view that the area should be designated as industrial since residential development alone does not pay for city services. The Council also discussed the strip of land located east of town between I-94 and County Road 75, which was designated as green space on the MOAA Land Use Plan due to its limited ability for development. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that this area remain designated as green space as proposed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPI: 'I'O ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Kar Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 2