EDA Minutes 01-29-2003 . . . MINlJTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, .January 29,2003 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Bill Demeules, Ron lIoglund, Darrin Lahr. and Clint Herbst. MEMBERS ABSENT: Roger Carlson and Barb Schwicntek. STAFr PRESENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Steve Grittn1an and Bob Kinnis, Northwest Associated Consultants. Pam Campbell, OAT member. 1 . Call to Order. Chair Demeules called the EDA meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the December 16, 2002 EDA minutes. RON Il0GLUND MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 16,2002 EDA MINUTES. SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST AND Willi NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS. 'fHE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRIT"rEN. ^' -) . Consideration of adding or removing agenda items. Koropchak asked to remove agenda item H6 and informed the coll1ll1issioners that the City Council on January 27, 2003, appointed Clint Herbst to the EDA seat vacated by Ken Maus after Mr. I Icrbst expressed interest to serve on the FDA. Herbst's six-year term expires December 2008. The EDA had suggested the two out-going Council members be contacted for the vacated scat. Rclsaas declined. Koropchak requested the addition of an item: Consideration of a request by City Council for commissions to review the City's Vision & Governing Policies for input and to develop a list of goals. 4. Consideration to review cosmetic design sketches and cost estimates few rear facade improvements on Block 35. Koropchak noted at the last EDA meeting, the commissioners authorized Northwest Associated Consultants to prepare design sketches and cost estimates flJr the rear facade of buildings on Block 35 at a cost not-to-exceed $3,000. . EDA Minutes - 1/29/03 Consultant Steve Grittman infonned commissioners that the sketches were designed as a framework or idea to create an attractive and appealing rear entrance and plaza. Grittlnan introduced Bob [(innis, an associate, who displayed a current panoramic photo of the rear of the buildings noting elevations and functions. Areas identified: l. Signage - no continuity. 2. Visual and exposure of trash. 3. Inconsistent building heights. 4. Lack of visual entrance. 5. Doors and windows not consistent (uniform) with year of construction. 6. Haphazard parking and trash areas. 7. Poor pedestrian connection bctween vehicles and east/west connection. Grittman noted the site plan can be adjusted to accomlnodate southerly parking. . Kinnis continued presenting a design sketch to address the elevations and function. Suggestions: I. Create a horizontal element for signage providing a sense of consistency and eye focus. 2. Relocate and consolidate trash into closed and detached containers. 3. Install parapets fiJr visual prOlninence and to screen roof mechanical units. 4. Canopy options to defIne entrance and to screen physical elements. 5. With the use of wood or transits alter existing doors and windows to the era of the building. 6. foacade color- individual choice of color or material to retain small town look. The site would create a pedestrian friendly plaza with cast/west walk area and plantings. The importance of the door/window elements crcate a focus f()r customer entrance. Responding to the cost and lnaterial of parapets, Grittman noted the material is similar to stucco I ike the cornicc on Cub Foods. The rnaterial is hoth durable and aiTordable and can be design cd into a drainage system. Grittman did not have cost estimates available but estimated each building less than $20.000. Perhaps would be a cost savings if constructed as one. Would all property owners agree. It was noted that three buildings and one lot is under the same ownership. The EDA requested NAC provide material and installation costs for each individual building and as one project hased on the suggestions. NAC could have the cost estimates hy the end of February. 5. Consideration of request from IDC to review G MEF Guidelines for busi ness/iob retention. The EDA received copies of the BRE Visit summaries and Business Suhsidy Criteria. Koropchak noted as followup to the H&B Metal Stamping visit, the EDA was requested to research to see if or should the l'l)A Criteria - GMEF Guidel i nes he amended to include job retention for existing husinesses. Demeules felt the purpose ofthe EDA loan was to increase value and jobs within the conununity. Their experience is that automatization requires more elnployees, generally higher paying wages. I-Ioglund agreed that automatization increases production which in . 2 . . . EDA Minutes - 1/29/03 turn means nlOre materials moving in and out. Lahr noted the EDA discounts the interest rate f()r growth. If the loan does not increase value orjobs to the community, then what is the benefit to the EDA? Koropchak noted in her research that the current EDA Business Subsidy Criteria - GMEF Guidelines states: In all cases, it is mandatory to create new jobs. Per the EDA Attorney the Guidelines can be amended to mee1the Business Subsidy Criteria - Public Policy Requirement: All business subsidies must meet a public purpose in addition to increasing the tax base. Job retention may only be used as a public purpose in cases where job loss is imminent and demonstrable. Imminent and demonstrable is much like the "but fiJI''' test. A business must demonstrate ifnot for the loan, the company will lay-ofT X number of people or move. ]'he Attorney warned in some cases, this may be a red flag and a business must have a long-term plan to demonstrate how they plan to increase productivity. CLINT HERBST MADE A M(YJ'ION TO NOT AMEND THE EDA BUSINESS SUBSIDY CRITERIA FORTI IE PURPOSE OF ./011 RETENTION FOR THE REASONS STArED BY TIlE COMMISSIONERS. DARRIN LAI IR SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Update of 2003 FDA lllembership appointments. Removed. 7. Executive Director's Report. In addition to the written report, Koropchak noted that the 11- Window building was scheduled to close on January 29. The buyer a local individual looking to lease out the building. Crostini Grille is scheduled to open, February 10. Lead from cn. Richard Ellis - 150,000 sq ft distribution. I,ooking for 12 acres,S acres outdoor storage. EDA accepted written report. 8. Other Business. Add on item: The conunissioners were informed ofthe request of the City Council for commissions to review the City's Vision & Governing Policies for input, comments, etc. and to develop a list of goals or projects which would lead to or support the City's vision. 3 . . . EDA Minutes - 1/29/03 The conunissioners arc to prioriti7e or rank their list prior to submission to the Council for their scheduled March 24 meeting. In addition to the City's Vision & Governing Policies, Lahr requested a copy of the previous Project Priority List. Commissioners agreed to give this sonle thought and agreed to develop an EDA list as a group at the next meeting. 9. Adjournment. CLINT HERBST MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN TI IE I-:T)A MEETING. SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR, 'filE EDA MEETING ADJOURNED AI' 5:15 P.M. o ~ ~ d) \) '\ j vJ:::. Recorder 4