City Council Minutes 09-24-2007 Special HRA/EDA MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL HRA/EDA CONSOLIDATION WORKSHOP Monday, September 24, 2007 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order: Clint Herbst called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. Review of HRA/EDA consolidation: Jeff O'Neill noted over the past few years the City has at various times looked at merging the HRA and EDA for the purpose of creating a board with more power and efficiency. With the recent turnover of commission members, merger of these two organizations was brought up again. It is hoped that the City, by this merger, can create an entity best equipped for job creation in the City. The EDA at their last meeting came up with a number of recommendations which Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director presented. The recommendations are as follows: I) The HRA powers and assets are to be transferred to the EDA; 2) The EDA shall consist of seven members; 3) EDA Commission is to be made up of two members from the City Council and five non-Council members; 4) Three of the non-Council members must be residents of the City and not more than two members may be non-residents. The non-resident members however, must operate a business and own property in the City; 5) The EDA be granted power to authorize expenditures for TIF and approve redevelopment contracts and 6) Place a minimum of$l ,000,000 plus inflation value in the EDA funds for the continuation of GMEF revolving loan fund. Martha Ingram from Ehlers & Associates noted that the statute governing the Economic Development Authority doesn't address residency requirements. The HRA Commission does require residency. She indicated the residency issue could be addressed either by the enabling resolution, in the by-laws or by ordinance. Martha Ingram said if the City thinks the residency requirement would change then it should be contained in a policy. Otherwise it should be part ofthe ordinance or enabling resolution. She indicated if you put it in the enabling resolution and then decide to change it, the City would have to hold a public hearing. Brian Stumpf asked if it was common to have the Council act as the EDA and whether that was an option that the City should explore. Joel Jamnik stated where the Council does not act as the EDA, budget, bonding, and acquisition of property would have to come before the Council but other EDA activities would not. Clint Herbst felt if there were people who were experienced in the activities of an economic development authority, the Council felt it would be better to have them on a commission serving with Council representatives. It was noted in the enabling resolution the Council can set out the amount of oversight that they want to have over the EDA. Clint Herbst said it is important that they are all on the same page and share a common VISIOn. Ollie Koropchak pointed out that if the City contributes anything to a development contract, then the contract must come before the Council for approval. Clint Herbst asked about EDA funds. Ollie Koropchak replied there is $1,500,000 in reserves but only about $500,000 in cash. Ollie Koropchak also noted the HRA has committed to pay the costs for the Chadwick property ifTIF financing is eliminated. Susie Wojchouski asked who the Chief Officer is if the two commissions merge. She was informed it could be the City Administrator, Chief Finance Officer or Economic Development Director. Martha Ingram noted that the EDA also appoints a treasurer. Wayne Mayer asked ifit would be beneficial to have someone from the Finance Department sit in as a non-voting member. Martha Ingram said it is common practice to have the Finance Director involved in the running of the EDA noted that the former City Finance Director, Rick Wolfsteller was appointed treasurer, which is a non-voting position. Clint Herbst noted in order for the HRA to transfer power from the HRA to the EDA, an appointment would have to be made to the HRA since there are currently only two members remaining on the board. Martha Ingram stated the Council could appoint whomever they wished on an interim basis and it was suggested that the Council liaison to the HRA be appointed. Martha Ingram said draft the enabling resolution and setting the public hearing would require Council action. Since the public hearing notice has to be published twice, the process would take about three weeks. Ollie Koropchak stated the next HRA meeting is scheduled for October 3,2007 but they will need to have three members in order to effect the transfer to the EDA. The Council again discussed whether to appoint the Council liaison to the HRA to serve on an interim basis or to appoint Sandy Suchy who had volunteered to serve. Ollie Koropchak stated the Council needs to look at the selection of commission members on the merger takes place. Brian Stumpf questioned the seven member board. Wayne Mayer felt with seven members on the board including two Council members, it would be less likely that Council members could wield excessive influence. Ollie Koropchak pointed out that the statute states the board can have three, five or seven members. Martha Ingram said the decision of the number of members would have to be made before the enabling resolution was adopted. It was pointed out that a seven member board would allow for establishment of sub-committees and would keep more people involved in the decision making process. Council determined that the public hearing will be set for October 22, 2007 and conducted as part of the regular meeting. 3. Adiourn: BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:40 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o~ ~s~ Recording Secretary