City Council Agenda Packet 03-28-2022AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 28, 2022 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETING — CITY COUNCIL Monticello Community Center 5 p.m. East Bertram Area Development and Public/Private Improvement Discussion & Direction Workshop Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair Charlotte Gabler, Sam Murdoff 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from March 14, 2022 • Regular Meeting Minutes from March 14, 2022 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, except for referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • City Updates o Seasonal Employee Positions o Spring Weight Restrictions • Monticello Community Center Information o Summer Swimming Lessons o Egg Dive o Farmers Market • Sponsorship Opportunities o Fire Department Golf Tournament o Walk & Roll F. Council Liaison Updates • CMRP • 1-94 • Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission G. Department Updates • Minnesota Department of Agriculture — Emerald Ash Borer 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item be removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of approving a gambling permit for Monticello Grad Party for a raffle to be held on April 22, 2022 Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-31 reestablishing election precincts and polling places for 2022 Consideration of approving preliminary plat of Otter Creek Crossing 7t" Addition and Otter Creek Crossing 8t" Addition and an amendment to the Official Zoning Map for rezoning from A -O to 1-1 (Light Industrial). Applicant: City of Monticello and the Monticello Economic Development Authority G. Consideration of authorizing the replacement of the City Hall AC Unit and award contract to UHL Company for the bid amount of $32,996 H. Consideration of approving a contract with Northern Lines Contracting for the extraction of materials Consideration of suspending nuisance enforcement per City Code 91.06 for any violation of City Code 91.03(16)(b) from May 1 to May 31, 2022 in recognition of "No Mow May" Consideration of suspending winter parking restrictions to allow on -street parking beginning April 1 K. Consideration of approving a Bertram Chain of Lakes Park partnership policy L. Consideration of declaring a public nuisance per City Code Section 92.50 M. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 773 amending Section 95.37 to include commercial fire pits 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-33 approving vacation of drainage and utility easements as legally described at Otter Creek Crossing and Otter Creek Crossing 4t" Addition 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-32 to accepts bid and awarding contract to Knife River Corporation for 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project, City Project 22CO01 for a total amount of $959,308.62 B. Consideration of Library roof improvements by Roof Company Inc. in the amount of $92,810 5. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 14, 2022 — 5:15 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Sam Murdoff Absent: Jim Davidson Staff: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Matt Leonard, Sarah Rathlisberger, and Jennifer Schreiber Call to Order Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. 5:15 P.M. Ditch 33 Discussion Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, presented information on Ditch 33 including the impacts to property owners, the location of the ditch, the current issues and a proposed solution. Wright County is the authority responsible for operation and maintenance of the ditch. Minimal improvements have been made since 1920s. Ditch 33 serves the area east of the City, which is an area of current and future development. Because of this, the City has been working with the County on a proposed solution for ditch improvements. One such solution was to design for a new outlet, including wetland restoration which would help store and treat water prior to reaching the river. Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, noted that Wright County established a revolving loan program through the Wright County EDA to help fund the repairs. The City has the opportunity for a $2 million loan with a 0% interest from Wright County with repayment being tied to future development or specific time. Ms. Leonard added that repairs to Ditch 33 may facilitate future development, but the fees received from development are unlikely to full fund the repayment of the loan. There was some discussion among City Council regarding the necessity of ditch repair. There was consensus of the Council that staff work with Wright County on the loan for maintenance on Ditch 33. 3. Adjournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Council Special Meeting Minutes — March 14, 2022 City Administrator REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 14, 2022 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Sam Murdoff Absent: Jim Davidson 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Hilgart called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Fair moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from February 14, 2022 • Special Meeting Minutes from February 28, 2022 • Regular Meeting Minutes from February 28, 2022 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the three sets of meeting minutes. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements • A Pointes at Cedar Survey on City's website related to design features of The Pointes. • Additional kids lifting classes were scheduled at the MCC. • MCC summer swimming lessons registration opens March 16. • There are several seasonal employee positions open for the Streets and Parks Departments • Monticello Community Center egg dive is scheduled for April 8. • The EDA is developing an Integrative Marketing Plan. As part of the plan there is an engagement board set up in the MCC and there will be two community surveys conducted. F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC — Councilmember Fair noted that the group approved a new member; received reports on the CET Grant; and heard updates from the Wright County EDA and Monticello Chamber of Commerce. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler provided an update on the meeting held March 1, 2022. Items heard: Zoning for The Pointes at City Council Minutes: March 14, 2022 Page 1 1 5 Cedar PUD; Preliminary Plat for Otter Creek; Amendment to Subdivision Ordinance; Amendment to 2040 Comprehensive Plan, Chapters 4; and 2022-2025 Planning Commission Workplan. • Library Board — Councilmember Gabler stated that the Library Board held an escape room activity, scheduled a Minnesota author to visit, and hired a library assistant. • EDA — Mayor Hilgart noted that the EDA considered: Duffy Development Multifamily Housing Development proposal; GMEF loan application from Washburn Computer Group; Approval of an Interfund Loan related to TIF District 1-45; and quotes for services for projects related to Block 52. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding items K and M. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total of $1,364,724.46. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for city departments. Action taken: Approved hires for MCC, Hi -Way Liquors, and City Hall and terminations for MCC, Fire Department, and Parks. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property for the Parks and Recreation Department. Action taken: Approved as presented. D. Consideration of approving a gambling permit for Wright County Ducks Unlimited for a raffle to be held on May 2, 2022 at River City Extreme. Action taken: Approved the gambling permit. E. Consideration of approving a special event permit for the Monticello Fire Relief Association for the Monticello Fire Department 1251h Anniversary event on September 17, 2022. Action taken: Approved the special event permit. F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-27 calling for a public hearing on the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District 1-45 within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1, and the proposed adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plat for the District. Action taken: Resolution 2022- 27 was adopted as presented. G. Consideration of approving a lease agreement with Preferred Title for use of a portion of building located at 215 Cedar Street (former food shelf building) file storage. Action taken: Approved the lease agreement with Preferred Title. H. Consideration of approving the appointment of Kathleen Massmann to the Industrial Economic Development Committee (IEDC) for a term ending December 31, 2024. Action taken: Appointment was approved. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-28 approving an extension to December 31, 2022 for the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Final Plat and Development City Council Minutes: March 14, 2022 Page 2 1 5 Agreement. Applicant: Marc Schulte. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2022-28 approving an extension of the final plat and development agreement approval until December 31, 2022 or Haven Ridge 2nd Addition, contingent on compliance with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z and identified in said resolution. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 772 amending the City of Monticello's Subdivision Ordinance, Section 152.027 — Procedure for Final Plat and Section 152.061— Easements. Applicant: City of Monticello. Action taken: Adopted Ordinance 772 for Amendment to the City of Monticello Subdivision Ordinance based on findings in Resolution PC 2022-014. K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-29 approving an amendment to the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 4, "Mobility and Connectivity" as related to roadway classification and traffic. Applicant: City of Monticello. Action taken: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. L. Consideration of authorizing completion of the Strategic Transition Plan Summary by Bolton & Menk as a component of the CET Strategic Transition Plan. Action taken: Authorized preparation of a Strategic Transition Plan Summary by Bolton ad Menk at a not to exceed cost of $29,760, with final contract terms and conditions to be negotiated by the City Administrator. M. Consideration of approving the purchase of a new 2022 John Deere 325 G tracked skid steer from RDO Equipment Co. for $75,511.83. Action taken: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. N. Consideration of approving a contract with Mark Holker for the maintenance of City -owned property. Action taken: Approved the contract. 0. Consideration of endorsing Duffy Development's re -submittal of a Low -Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Application to MHFA in connection with a proposed 59 -unit affordable housing proposal located at 7t" Street and Elm Street and desired TIF Assistance. Action taken: Approved the endorsement. 2A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-30 supporting local decision-making authority as related to housing choice and authorizing companion letters to local legislators K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-29 approving an amendment to the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 4, "Mobility and Connectivity" as related to Roadway Classification and Traffic. Applicant: City of Monticello Councilmember Murdoff removed the item for clarification on tables included in the packet regarding right-of-way guidelines. He expressed that some of the information was confusing, such as definitions for driveway access. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, responded that the information provided in the Comprehensive Plan is to be used as a guideline and a foundation from which the City builds. Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works City Council Minutes: March 14, 2022 Page 3 1 5 Director, mentioned that there wasn't much of a change from the 2011 transportation classifications, but the table could be made clearer. Councilmember Murdoff moved to adopt Resolution 2022-29 approving the amendment to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 4 "Mobility and Connectivity". Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. M. Consideration of approving the purchase of a new 2022 John Deere 325 G tracked skid steer from RDO Equipment Co. for $75,511.83 Councilmember Gabler removed the item for clarification on Public Works equipment purchases. She expressed concern that the City doesn't have enough space for the equipment it currently owns or leases. In addition, she was frustrated in the number of equipment purchases being made and that this item was not in the capital equipment plan. There was also the question of what other equipment would be purchased this year. Matt Leonard responded that other equipment will be purchased this year. He also mentioned that this piece of equipment is needed to maintain the 85 stormwater ponds and wetlands within the City. Councilmember Gabler moved to approve the purchase of the new skid steer for $75,511.83 with that addition that a schedule of stormwater pond maintenance be provided to the Council. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearings: 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of adoatinia Resolution 2022-30 suoaortine local decision-making authority as related to housing choice and authorizing companion letters to local legislators Angela Schumann provided a brief overview of the resolution which is a result of bills being introduced at the State Legislature that would preempt City zoning authority. City Council had minimal discussion in support. Councilmember Fair moved to adopt Resolution 2022-30 supporting local decision-making authority as related to housing choice and authorizing companion letters to local legislators. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adjournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. City Council Minutes: March 14, 2022 Page 4 1 5 Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes: March 14, 2022 Page 5 1 5 it 3 Emerald Ash Borer Immature (under bark) Adult (free living) mda.state.mn.us/eab ■ How Does EAB Kill Trees? tru OR A VIM Y A.. Herres, The Ohio State University ONE— ............ . . . . . . . a�. s + 20� F 1 t •� How Does EAB Kill Trees? y } '0 -- — 'r Tne Ohjo State Universi :h 0 —% Tree Mortality EAB Population Size EAB populations grow slowly at first but then faster an faster 2 4 6 8 Years Since Introduction Many trees may die in a short amount of time when EAB populations are high 10 12 Percentage of trees of TitalAsh asaPercentageof SlarkAshFOrest Total Trees Reported nn 2410 Contentrations fzmz e p � Genus F�'ax] n � � �1S Rapid Assessment {RA) Cbrd& p per Acre A Low W Wne Inside of Municipal* RA surveyed mainta ined areas) 0 2-5 0.1%-10 Boundaries in 2010 G 10.1-A-20% s-9 And Black Ash Concentration in Cords per Acre 40 20.17A - 30% 0 a- W Y D 30.11 - 407E 10 -is a 40.1%-60% 1.1-17 • Communities • 1 -in -5 forest trees are ash • Up to 60% ash in some communities DEPAH TmEN1 OF NATURAL RESOURCES • o .. • • • • 5even,County Metro Area CSL V k r 7• r •- 5 k V 0 • Forestland • Nearly 1 billion ash trees DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 9 � t mda.state.mn.us/eab "S" shaped feeding gallery EAB adult beetle ,. i iiiil .kR SSNY16tl p�lerY xi���1 � WIYd mda.state.mn.us/eab EAB Larva "D" shaped exit hole L-.-71 6 { S f Y L F y f+ + N ' i r m DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE mda.state.mn.us/eab Woodpecker Damage ' �p ►��,.✓ r � it +� . •�,,�- gel r401 '.. :� a FIA 'fid !+'•' �(�� i• �'��� � ���' 'inn �. �! aw '���n� 'fie s �`•'; 4? �'c � � r+°slr• ' `'' of +-jou No ;ti hAh }� i � A3- � ;. 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AMms& Sewch .."a —., IM 1--d Bonar Fonar 1R tae Kbpio Lake bi Lwchao C,iA, EAILAv 1,4, vi, Lako� -------•A-1 Li. Nle. 13 5 t Paul Wn o a Mccoi 41 13 ------------- — ara say it 13' Hriu4ilr rmamocl NO be Lam Wwown I x Interactive Map q *aa♦*I= ! �4 ------------ f c: E&n Prada 1 � J Management v EAB Active Period May 1— September 30 Avoid removal of ash branches, trees and stumps mda.state.mn.us/eab EAB Dormant Period October 1— April 30 Conduct pruning and removal of ash as desired Management Target >>> Tree EAB Tree EAB Tree EAB Management Tactic V) Planning 4-jU ro 4-j Inventory M= Monitoring* .L Treatments U Rem ova l s/Sanitation * * C ° Wood management 9 Green - a good time to utilize this tactic Utilization Yellow - getting late to implement this tactic E I Replanting o U Red - last chance before opportunity is lost Biological Control Dark Gray - not appropriate tactic at this time • Know what you have and your target • There are many options available, create a management plan that fits your City's goals • Dedicate funds for EAB tree removal and/or treatment • Communicate early and often with residents to gain buy -in Management Target >>> Tree EAB Tree Management Tactic � Planning U Inventory 0 'Z .L Treatments Removals/Sanitation** rt Wood management -- � E Utilization Replanting 0 V 8iofogical Control --- - W Green - a good time to utilize this tactic r Yellow - getting late to implement this tactic Red - last chance before opportunity is lost Dark Gray - not appropriate tactic at this time • Insecticide treatments? • Shade tree pest ordinance? • Dedicated funding for removals? • Hire seasonal staff for treatments or removals? • Contract treatments and/or Management Target >>> Management Tactic Planning U U 0 L Tree Tree I F7 EAB Pemova Is/Sa n itation ** Wood management R Utilization EReplanting 0Wj V 8iofogical Control removals? W Green - a good time to utilize this tactic r Yellow - getting late to implement this tactic Red - last chance before opportunity is lost Dark Gray - not appropriate tactic at this time Removal o r Treatment? • Minimize wood movement • Safe disposal /utilization of wood Heavily Infested Area • Treat high value trees • Sanitation • Detecting and reporting infestations Uninfested Area DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Jonathan Osthus Jonathan.Osthus@state. mn. us 651-201-6248 mda.state.mn.us/eab DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE https://www.mda.state.mn.us/plants-insects/emerald-ash-borer-quarantine mda.state.mn.us/eab I L Q* a•nFl� 191 til Iry,y�;-r [i,i r NN1 Like ; ■ �� �4. Grand F�F.....� L-2r;l I IAF lw. 1 F � - +I rl _�•yF I� 4Y*rY* "A �L� ' rlal h f'N` y I V4�li�a� Folaal . 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Consideration of approving payment of bills Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Finance Director 3/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $838,830.00. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of bill and purchase card registers as presented. SUPPORTING DATA • Bill registers and purchase card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 03/17/2022 - 9:20AM Batch: 00201.03.2022 - 201.03.2022 US Bank Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Vendor: 4263 CAYAN Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 2157941 Feb 2022 (12,661) transactions 1,359.47 03/15/2022 609-49754-443980 2157941 Feb 2022 - (3) cc machine rental 128.69 03/15/2022 609-49754-443980 Check Total: 1,488.16 Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 3/l/2022 Life Insurance - March 2022 2,831.39 03/15/2022 101-00000-217066 Check Total: 2,831.39 Vendor: 5415 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 40141264 FSA - Medical 251.26 03/15/2022 101-00000-217300 40148423 FSA -Medical 233.36 03/15/2022 101-00000-217300 40148423 FSA - Dependent Care 0.01 03/15/2022 101-00000-217200 Check Total: 484.63 Vendor: 1593 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - ACH Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True February Feb Waste Tax - General 215.61 03/15/2022 101-00000-208120 February Feb Sales Tax - General 495.74 03/15/2022 101-00000-208100 February Feb Sales Tax - General 0.26 03/15/2022 101-41310-443990 February Feb Waste Tax - General 0.39 03/15/2022 101-43230-443990 February Feb Sales Tax - MCC 5,411.56 03/15/2022 226-00000-208100 February Feb Sales Tax - MCC 0.44 03/15/2022 226-45122-443990 February Feb Sales Tax - Water 1,935.50 03/15/2022 601-00000-208100 February Feb Sales Tax - Water 0.50 03/15/2022 601-49440-443990 February Feb Sales Tax - Liquor 45,419.00 03/15/2022 609-00000-208100 Check Total: 53,479.00 Vendor: 5147 MN PEIP Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 1177719 Health Insurance - April 2022 47,833.78 03/15/2022 101-00000-217061 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 47,833.78 Vendor: 1426 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 6 UB Jan 2022 7256-0013 - 113 Broadway W- bill to tenants 49.59 03/15/2022 101-00000-115030 UB Jan 2022 8631 - Animal Shelter 55.77 03/15/2022 101-42700-438200 UB Jan 2022 5026 - Ellison Park 17.50 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 8119 - 303 6th St - Parks Bam 68.12 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 8086 - 4th St. Warming House 17.50 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 8622 - Pioneer Park bathroom 17.50 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 5569 - spklr - Meadow Oak Ave 0.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 8488 - spklr - Hillcrest Park 0.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 15064 - spklr -Featherstone Pk 0.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 5248 - spklr - Bridge Park E 0.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 5249 - spklr - Bridge Park W 0.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 10063 - spklr - Front St. Park 0.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 5250 - Bridge Park W 17.50 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 5637 - Meadow Oak Dog Park 7.10 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 14522 - spklr - Hillside Cem. 0.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-438200 UB Jan 2022 8120 - Bldg. Inspec. Garage 68.12 03/15/2022 101-41940-438200 UB Jan 2022 5005 - spklr - 822 Hart Blvd. 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 5002- spklr- 1510 Hart Blvd 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 5004 - spklr - 1390 Hart Blvd 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 7441 - spklr - 200 W. Broadway 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 14915 - spklr - 4100 1/2 Cedar 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 15291 - Commuter Lot- Stormwtr 54.25 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 13953 - spklr - Hwy25/SE Brdwy 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 15363 - spklr- Fallon/7th St. 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 15292 - Dwntwn Parking-Strmwtr 26.25 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 15362 - spklr-Fallon/Chelsea 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 5003 - spklr - 1460 Hart Blvd 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 8621 - spklr- Fenning and-a-bt 0.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-438200 UB Jan 2022 7224 - WWTP 1,286.74 03/15/2022 602-49480-438200 UB Jan 2022 7885 - Facilities Maintenance 45.50 03/15/2022 701-00000-438200 UB Jan 2022 10128 - DMV 50.08 03/15/2022 653-41990-438200 UB Jan 2022 8674 - spklr - 207 Chelsea Rd 0.00 03/15/2022 601-49440-438200 UB Jan 2022 8394 - spklr - Riverside Cem. 0.00 03/15/2022 215-49010-438200 UB Jan 2022 10267 - spklr - Comm. Garden 0.00 03/15/2022 226-45127-438200 UB Jan 2022 7256-004 - 130 Brdwy- Stormwtr 26.25 03/15/2022 213-46301-438200 UB Jan 2022 7256-007 - 103 Pine St- EDA 45.50 03/15/2022 213-46301-438200 UB Jan 2022 7256-008 - 112 River St. W EDA 45.50 03/15/2022 213-46301-438200 UB Jan 2022 8117 - MCC 1,239.62 03/15/2022 226-45126-438200 UB Jan 2022 7256-003 - MontiArts 45.50 03/15/2022 101-45204-438200 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference UB Jan 2022 725 6-00 10 - 101 Broadway W 45.50 Check Sequence: 7 03/15/2022 101-45204-438200 UB Jan 2022 7256-0011 107 Broadway W 45.50 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 03/15/2022 101-45204-438200 UB Jan 2022 8177 - Library 49.59 03/15/2022 03/15/2022 101-45501-438200 UB Jan 2022 8528 - Monti -NSP Sftbll Fields 17.50 03/06/2022 03/15/2022 101-45203-438200 UB Jan 2022 15640 - 103 Chelsea Rd- Fire 92.58 20,200.97 03/15/2022 101-42200-438200 UB Jan 2022 8905 - PW Office 17.50 101-42200-443300 03/15/2022 101-43127-438200 UB Jan 2022 8906 - spklr - PW 0.00 Monti Printing - Signature Stamps (2) 03/15/2022 101-43127-438200 UB Jan 2022 8903 - PW Shop/Clerical 150.95 03/15/2022 03/15/2022 101-43127-438200 UB Jan 2022 8904 - PW Vehicle Storage 15.06 03/06/2022 03/15/2022 101-43127-438200 UB Jan 2022 8533 - spklr Chelsea Rd Lft St 0.00 2,650.00 03/15/2022 602-49490-438200 UB Jan 2022 8114 - Hi -Way Liquors 87.94 101-45204-431990 03/15/2022 609-49754-438200 191.95 03/15/2022 Check Total: 3,706.01 Runnings -(2) battery; lithium charger; chaps; he 602.05 03/15/2022 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 7 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 25.06 03/15/2022 609-49754-438400 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 35.80 03/15/2022 101-43127-438400 03/06/2022 PQL - (12) LED 864.31 03/15/2022 101-43160-421990 03/06/2022 WHCE - General Street Lighting 1,487.89 03/15/2022 101-43160-438100 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 44,198.30 03/15/2022 101-43230-438400 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 - Recycling 20,200.97 03/15/2022 101-43230-438400 03/06/2022 PayPal - FMAM Membership- 40.00 03/15/2022 101-42200-443300 03/06/2022 Active 911 Inc - (50) alerting subscription 628.77 03/15/2022 101-42200-443300 03/06/2022 Monti Printing - Signature Stamps (2) 71.78 03/15/2022 101-42400-421990 03/06/2022 Cub - Cookies & Donuts 29.46 03/15/2022 101-42400-433100 03/06/2022 Amazon - ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- easel for commas 26.58 03/15/2022 101-42500-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- 20pk ethernet cal 308.06 03/15/2022 101-42500-421990 03/06/2022 Apple.com - Grant - MacBook; (3) year warrant, 2,650.00 03/15/2022 101-45204-421990 03/06/2022 Adobe - State Arts Grant -Feb. 2022 service ima; 29.99 03/15/2022 101-45204-431990 03/06/2022 Runnings - (2) chain saw; (2) chain; pruner; (2) e 191.95 03/15/2022 101-46102-421990 03/06/2022 Runnings -(2) battery; lithium charger; chaps; he 602.05 03/15/2022 101-46102-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Sit Stand Work Station (HS) (1/2) 245.03 03/15/2022 213-46301-421990 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 12.53 03/15/2022 101-45501-431990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Tape Measure, Waterproof Badge Hob 21.25 03/15/2022 226-45122-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Label Maker Tape 18.40 03/15/2022 226-45122-421990 03/06/2022 Ausco - Uniform T Shirt (2) Sweatshirts (2) 44.00 03/15/2022 226-45122-421990 03/06/2022 Walmart - Items for Break Room; Promotional It 64.41 03/15/2022 226-45122-421990 03/06/2022 Franklin Graphics - Gym Banner for Apollo/Nor 75.00 03/15/2022 226-45122-431990 03/06/2022 Monti Printing - Renewal Cards (300) 64.99 03/15/2022 226-45122-431990 03/06/2022 Trusted Employees - Jan Background Checks - A 115.00 03/15/2022 226-45122-431990 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 219.30 03/15/2022 226-45126-438400 03/06/2022 Amazon - Replace Boom Box for Pool 239.99 03/15/2022 226-45127-421720 03/06/2022 Amazon - Easter Baskets for Egg Dive Event 146.93 03/15/2022 226-45127-421990 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 03/06/2022 Fun Express - Egg Dive Supplies: Misc Candy, 7 529.27 03/15/2022 226-45127-421990 03/06/2022 Monti Chamber - February Lunch (JT) 15.00 03/15/2022 213-46301-443990 03/06/2022 Jimmy Johns - Sandwiches for EDA Mtg 73.97 03/15/2022 213-46301-443990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Birthday Parry Paper Plates & Cups 100.11 03/15/2022 226-45123-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Glass White Boards (3) (Bridge, Boon 559.97 03/15/2022 226-45123-421990 03/06/2022 ELifeguard - Whistles (13) & Lanyards (12) for 25.81 03/15/2022 226-45124-421990 03/06/2022 Recreation Supply - Hooks for Pool Rope 72.07 03/15/2022 226-45124-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Pool Area Bulletin Board Trim 11.49 03/15/2022 226-45124-421990 03/06/2022 Horizon Pool - Training Fee for AFO Certificatic 360.00 03/15/2022 226-45124-431990 03/06/2022 Dacotah Paper - Food Trays for Concession 40.52 03/15/2022 226-45125-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Protein Bars for Concession (4 boxes) 83.67 03/15/2022 226-45125-425410 03/06/2022 Cub - Hot Dog Buns for Concession 7.50 03/15/2022 226-45125-425410 03/06/2022 Von Hanson Snacks - Pretzels & Meat Packs for 148.00 03/15/2022 226-45125-425410 03/06/2022 National Gym Supply - Bearings for Spin Bikes 179.90 03/15/2022 226-45126-422990 03/06/2022 WHCE - MCC 27.95 03/15/2022 226-45126-431900 03/06/2022 Constant Contact - Annual Subscription (1/4) 262.50 03/15/2022 226-45122-443990 03/06/2022 FSSolutions - 2022 annual subscribion - 1/4 Wat 125.00 03/15/2022 601-49440-443300 03/06/2022 Grainger - socket bit set - 1/2 Water 43.68 03/15/2022 601-49440-421990 03/06/2022 McMaster -Carr - #4- (2) valve ; (2) tube fitting 156.08 03/15/2022 601-49440-421990 03/06/2022 McMaster -Carr - (4) chemical feed tubing 1,012.99 03/15/2022 601-49440-421990 03/06/2022 MCS Meters -resale - (6) 1.5 meter flange kits 539.94 03/15/2022 601-49440-422710 03/06/2022 Home Depot - (2) ball valve; 260' teflon tape 25.62 03/15/2022 601-49440-422990 03/06/2022 Auto Value - coil pack 135.99 03/15/2022 601-49440-422990 03/06/2022 WHCE - 207 Chelsea Rd - Water 32.95 03/15/2022 601-49440-431900 03/06/2022 WHCE - 209 Cedar St - Water 29.95 03/15/2022 601-49440-431900 03/06/2022 WHCE - 132 E Broadway - Water 29.95 03/15/2022 601-49440-431900 03/06/2022 Verizon - Dec 21 - Jan 20 97.53 03/15/2022 601-49440-432100 03/06/2022 USPS - postage for water samples to MDH 5.10 03/15/2022 601-49440-432200 03/06/2022 MN RWA - Tech Conf. Training - 1/2 Water 250.00 03/15/2022 601-49440-433100 03/06/2022 St. Cloud Parkmobile - parking 3/1,2 & 3 - 1/2 V 8.88 03/15/2022 601-49440-433100 03/06/2022 St. Cloud Parking System - parking 3/1,2 & 3 - 1 19.50 03/15/2022 601-49440-433100 03/06/2022 WHCE - DMV install remaining 70% 1,898.39 03/15/2022 653-41990-440100 03/06/2022 Holiday - Unleaded fuel 13.129 gal. @ $3.299 43.31 03/15/2022 701-00000-421200 03/06/2022 Amazon - AED Inspection Tag 16.00 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Combination Locks for Cabinets (2 - : 53.96 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Heavy Duty Chips for Cabinets @ Cit 11.07 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Apex Controls - Actuator w/Linkage for AHU #S 546.77 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 1,387.36 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - Return 2x4 - Cedar -18.58 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - Door Parts for PW 31.34 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - Pest Control for Head End 9.87 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - Door Parts @ PW 156.23 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Monti Vacuum - Cirrus 9100 Vacuum 450.00 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 03/06/2022 Recreation Supply - Filter Strainer Basket for Sp 52.80 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Runnings - Wood Shims 2.29 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Runnings - Misc Hardware 15.68 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 706.25 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - Velcro 11.88 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Dacotah Paper - can liners - Hi -Way Liquor 144.59 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - Misc Hardware 7.98 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Runnings - AAA Batteries; Sheet Metal Screws 10.78 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - 16" Wall Mount Fan 35.55 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Circle K - Car Wash 11.00 03/15/2022 701-00000-421990 03/06/2022 WHCE - March 22 - 200 Dundas Rd Security 29.95 03/15/2022 701-00000-431900 03/06/2022 WHCE- 5980 Jason Ave NE -Seurity Water 19.95 03/15/2022 701-00000-431900 03/06/2022 WHCE - March 22 - Hi -Way Liquor Security 21.42 03/15/2022 701-00000-431900 03/06/2022 WHCE - March 22 - MCC -Security 19.95 03/15/2022 701-00000-431900 03/06/2022 Zee Medical - medicine cabinet refill - Hi -Way b 149.99 03/15/2022 701-00000-431990 03/06/2022 Cintas - mat service- #4109467232; 4110153542 270.53 03/15/2022 701-00000-431990 03/06/2022 Cintas - mat service- #4110153566, 4110153496 219.66 03/15/2022 701-00000-431990 03/06/2022 Cintas - mat service- # 4112221406; 411527304 234.88 03/15/2022 701-00000-431990 03/06/2022 Cintas - Mat Svc #4110845562, 4110845576, 41 116.03 03/15/2022 701-00000-431990 03/06/2022 Verizon - Dec 21 - Jan 20 80.02 03/15/2022 701-00000-432100 03/06/2022 WHCE - 200 Dundas Rd - install & equipment 285.00 03/15/2022 701-00000-440100 03/06/2022 WHCE - 2171 W River St - alarm upgrade 150.00 03/15/2022 701-00000-440100 03/06/2022 WHCE - 209 Cedar St -install & equipment 285.00 03/15/2022 701-00000-440100 03/06/2022 Smartdraw Software - drawing software 119.40 03/15/2022 702-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - HDMI Cable (Mississippi Room) 22.99 03/15/2022 702-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Single Monitor Mount 31.25 03/15/2022 702-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Zebra LS2208 Handheld Laser Scannf 100.00 03/15/2022 702-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Batteries Plus - 12V Lead Batteries (2) 52.52 03/15/2022 702-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - card reader - Fire 22.98 03/15/2022 702-00000-421990 03/06/2022 Ubiquiti - Switchfor MCC Camera System 1,516.00 03/15/2022 702-00000-424100 03/06/2022 Microsoft - Monthly E3 Email User Licenses (Fe 64.00 03/15/2022 702-00000-443300 03/06/2022 GoDaddy.com - 2 Year Standard SSL 127.98 03/15/2022 702-00000-443300 03/06/2022 Constant Contact - Annual Subscription (1/4) 262.50 03/15/2022 609-49754-443990 03/06/2022 Holiday - Unleaded fuel 10.255 gal. @ $3.299 33.83 03/15/2022 653-41990-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday - Unleaded fuel 8.782 gal. @ $3.299 28.97 03/15/2022 653-41990-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday - Unleaded fuel 10.582 gal. @ $3.499 37.03 03/15/2022 653-41990-421200 03/06/2022 Amazon - Desk Chair Mats (5) 314.95 03/15/2022 653-41990-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Acrylic Sign Holder (6 pk) 33.99 03/15/2022 653-41990-421990 03/06/2022 Innovative Office - Paper, Staples, 86.84 03/15/2022 653-41990-421990 03/06/2022 MinnCor - Title Paper 140.00 03/15/2022 653-41990-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Calculator 60.44 03/15/2022 653-41990-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Plastic Spoons, Duster, Batteries 108.97 03/15/2022 653-41990-421990 03/06/2022 WHCE - DMV 32.95 03/15/2022 653-41990-431900 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 03/06/2022 Randys - Shredding Service (DMV) 30.00 03/15/2022 653-41990-431990 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 119.05 03/15/2022 602-49480-438400 03/06/2022 FSSolutions - 2022 annual subscribion - 1/4 Sew 125.00 03/15/2022 602-49490-421990 03/06/2022 Grainger - socket bit set - 1/2 - Sewer 43.68 03/15/2022 602-49490-421990 03/06/2022 Runnings - propane for camera trailer 19.99 03/15/2022 602-49490-421990 03/06/2022 Verizon - Dec 21 - Jan 20 97.52 03/15/2022 602-49490-432100 03/06/2022 MN RWA - Tech Conf. Training - 1/2 Sewer 250.00 03/15/2022 602-49490-433100 03/06/2022 St. Cloud Parkmobile - parking 3/1,2 & 3 - 1/2 S 8.87 03/15/2022 602-49490-433100 03/06/2022 WHCE -Sunset Ponds 1/1-2/1/2022 (1028) kWl 143.51 03/15/2022 602-49490-438100 03/06/2022 Cub - resale - limes/lemons 31.68 03/15/2022 609-49750-425500 03/06/2022 Arctic Glacier - resale - inv. 3454202703 435.90 03/15/2022 609-49750-425500 03/06/2022 Cub - resale - limes/lemons 53.23 03/15/2022 609-49750-425500 03/06/2022 Walmart - vacuum 245.89 03/15/2022 609-49754-421990 03/06/2022 Cub - (4) batteries 53.64 03/15/2022 609-49754-421990 03/06/2022 Innovative Solutions - (2) suckers; organizer; (6) 623.64 03/15/2022 609-49754-421990 03/06/2022 Trusted Employees - Jan Background Checks - I 46.00 03/15/2022 609-49754-431990 03/06/2022 DISH - March 2022 service 77.03 03/15/2022 609-49754-432500 03/06/2022 FSSolutions - 2022 annual subscribion - 1/4 Stre 125.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-443300 03/06/2022 Midway Iron - 12' flat for sanders 227.04 03/15/2022 101-43125-422100 03/06/2022 Force America - coupler 68.20 03/15/2022 101-43125-422100 03/06/2022 CWP - #104 - hydr, hose 42.99 03/15/2022 101-43125-422100 03/06/2022 Auto Value - #110 sander - hydro hose- (2) male 98.01 03/15/2022 101-43125-422100 03/06/2022 Runnings - bulk bin (1.5) lb. bolts/nuts/washers 8.54 03/15/2022 101-43127-421990 03/06/2022 Midway Iron -steel forklift extentions 561.12 03/15/2022 101-43127-421990 03/06/2022 Auto Value - (12) qt. OW20 synthetic 59.88 03/15/2022 101-43127-421990 03/06/2022 Auto Value - (8) 40 lb. floor dry; HD air construc 152.67 03/15/2022 101-43127-421990 03/06/2022 Auto Value - (4) asst. filters 76.89 03/15/2022 101-43127-422120 03/06/2022 Auto Value - (9) asst. filters 114.54 03/15/2022 101-43127-422120 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm - U-13 - unleaded (17.364) gal. 57.28 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm -Eng.I l- unleaded (2.941) gal. 10.00 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm - U-12 - unleaded (13.355) gal. 45.39 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm -Tenderl l - diesel (19.785) gal. 75.76 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm - E-11 - diesel (27.281) gal. @ 103.64 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Kwik Trip U-12 (16.025) gal. Oxy87 @ $3.489 55.91 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Speedway -Command 11-(19.197) gal. unleaded 64.67 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Kwik Trip E-12 (21.376) gal. D2 Bio@ $3.849 82.28 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm - non-oxy (1.955) gal. @ $4.09 20.31 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday -E-13 unleaded (5.800) gal. @ $4.359 25.28 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday -E-11 unleaded (14.566) gal. @ $4.359 63.49 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday -Tender 11 diesel (21.191) gal. @ $4.35' 92.37 03/15/2022 101-42200-421200 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm - toaster 32.99 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - cs. copy paper 60.00 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - 36 pk. dry erase markers 29.98 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 03/06/2022 SmartSign - My Asset Tag- (11) anodized tag cin 31.95 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 03/06/2022 Streichers - (2) Ni -cad streamlight stinger batter 65.00 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 03/06/2022 SmartSign - My Asset Tag- (2) anodized tag circ 12.77 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Gorilla Max glue 17.96 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 03/06/2022 Monti Printing - Tri Fold Brochures Street Dana 89.96 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 03/06/2022 Monti Napa - Tire pressure fill chuck 20.39 03/15/2022 101-42200-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - tire inflation gun 22.98 03/15/2022 101-42200-422100 03/06/2022 Auto Value Utility 12 - hub assembly 174.99 03/15/2022 101-42200-422110 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm - (2) antifreeze; (3) B1ueDEF; e 110.81 03/15/2022 101-42200-422990 03/06/2022 AT & T - FirstNet Jan 2022 - mobile unlimited a 76.46 03/15/2022 101-42200-432100 03/06/2022 Verizon - Dec 21 - Jan 20 180.05 03/15/2022 101-42200-432100 03/06/2022 USPS - first class certified mail 7.38 03/15/2022 101-42200-432200 03/06/2022 USPS - first class certified mail 36.90 03/15/2022 101-42200-432200 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 50.12 03/15/2022 101-45201-438400 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 25.06 03/15/2022 101-45201-438400 03/06/2022 FSSolutions - 2022 annual subscribion - 1/4 Part 125.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-443300 03/06/2022 SpyPoint - trail camera 15.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-443300 03/06/2022 Nat;l Notary Assoc - Notary Commission Stamp 76.10 03/15/2022 101-45201-443300 03/06/2022 Natal Notary Assoc - Sales Tax Credit -2.10 03/15/2022 101-45201-443300 03/06/2022 Kwik Trip - #230 D2 Bio fuel (9.062) gal. @ $3. 33.97 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Kwik Trip 4230 D2 Bio fuel (11.070) gal. @ $_ 41.50 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday 4215 diesel fuel (13.409) gal. @ $3.7, 50.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday- diesel fuel (33.432) gal. @ $3.739 125.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Red Marathon - fuel - Parks tanks down 108.42 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Red Marathon - fuel - Parks tanks down 76.94 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Kwik Trip - #230 D2 Bio fuel (12.826) gal. @ $: 49.37 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Kwik Trip - #230 D2 Bio fuel (12.941) gal. @ $; 51.10 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday - diesel fuel (12.045) gal. @ $4.359 52.50 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday - Unleaded fuel 6.225 gal. @ $3.749 - 23.34 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday - Unleaded fuel 3.739 gal. @ $3.829 - 14.32 03/15/2022 101-45201-421200 03/06/2022 Home Depot - grounding plug; 50amp outlet; sin 44.40 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 Grimco - (10) 6mm -4'x 8' Maxmetal white 1,387.70 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - 2pk super glue 4.96 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - 25pk flip toggle bolts; screws; etc 45.56 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 4 Imprint - PARC Hats (12) 259.90 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - chainsaw blade; (2) motor speed contr 60.26 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 Dacotah Paper -(2) lOpk safety glasses 36.66 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 Auto Value - (3) gal. prem, blue; air filter; oil frlt 160.90 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Epson Printer Ink (3 Cartridges) 130.47 03/15/2022 101-45201-421990 03/06/2022 PayPal - John McElderry - MV4 - (2) mirror arrr. 210.93 03/15/2022 101-45201-422990 03/06/2022 Mills Fleet Farm -antenna; gal. Rust-Olcum; wir 160.46 03/15/2022 101-45201-422990 03/06/2022 Morrie's switch 77.35 03/15/2022 101-45201-422990 03/06/2022 WHCE - 2171 W River St - Parks 29.95 03/15/2022 101-45201-431900 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 03/06/2022 WHCE - 107 River St W - Parks 19.95 03/15/2022 101-45201-431900 03/06/2022 Night Hawk Security - Monthly Security @ Park 49.95 03/15/2022 101-45201-431990 03/06/2022 Verizon - Dec 21 - Jan 20 235.06 03/15/2022 101-45201-432100 03/06/2022 MN Nursery & Landscape - (4) Shade Tree Crs- 800.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-433100 03/06/2022 MN Park & Sport Turf Mgrs Assoc - Spring Wor 215.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-433100 03/06/2022 League MN Cities - 2022 Safety & Loss Control 40.00 03/15/2022 101-45201-433100 03/06/2022 Amazon - WixGear mount metal plate 6.99 03/15/2022 101-43110-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - (2) USB adapter 17.98 03/15/2022 101-43110-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - (10) rm. printer paper; 6 pk. pck. tape; 82.22 03/15/2022 101-43110-421990 03/06/2022 WHCE - March 2022 - 909 Golf Course Rd 19.95 03/15/2022 101-43110-431900 03/06/2022 Constant Contact - Annual Subscription (1/4) 262.50 03/15/2022 101-43110-443990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Gorilla Grip desk chair mat 62.99 03/15/2022 101-43111-421990 03/06/2022 League MN Cities - 2022 Safety & Loss Control 20.00 03/15/2022 101-43111-433100 03/06/2022 Verizon - Dec 21 - Jan 20 115.03 03/15/2022 101-43115-432100 03/06/2022 Holiday 4555 unleaded fuel (20.216) gal. @ $3 66.49 03/15/2022 101-43120-421200 03/06/2022 Kwik Trip -132 Bio fuel (20.625) gal. @ $33849 79.39 03/15/2022 101-43120-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday 4105- diesel fuel (13.411) gal. @ $3.72 50.01 03/15/2022 101-43120-421200 03/06/2022 Red Marathon - #101 - fuel tanks down (4,270) 81.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday 4105- diesel fuel (33.522) gal. @ $3.72 125.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-421200 03/06/2022 Holiday 4113 unleaded fuel (11.331) gal. @ $3. 37.38 03/15/2022 101-43120-421200 03/06/2022 Kwik Trip -#230-D2 Bio fuel (13.437) gal. @ $3 52.39 03/15/2022 101-43120-421200 03/06/2022 Home Depot - (6) keys pole shed 15.72 03/15/2022 101-43120-421990 03/06/2022 Runnings - bulk bin (0.06) lb. bolts/nuts/washers 0.18 03/15/2022 101-43120-421990 03/06/2022 Runnings - #145 - light bar wiring 100' 99.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-421990 03/06/2022 Grainger - (3) rain pants 253.62 03/15/2022 101-43120-421990 03/06/2022 Home Depot - (2) 50 lb. Quikrete road patch 21.94 03/15/2022 101-43120-421990 03/06/2022 MN State Patrol - 2022 DOT stickers 28.50 03/15/2022 101-43120-421990 03/06/2022 Runnings - #109 - (2) 1.5" elbow; 1.5' short pipe 29.47 03/15/2022 101-43120-422100 03/06/2022 Runnings - #110- 1.5" valve; tee;;(2) 1.5' short p: 79.45 03/15/2022 101-43120-422100 03/06/2022 Auto Value - #116 - clamp 28.99 03/15/2022 101-43120-422110 03/06/2022 Auto Value - #116 - flex tubing 43.97 03/15/2022 101-43120-422110 03/06/2022 St. Cloud Exhaust - #116 -(2) adapters; 90 * elbc 228.38 03/15/2022 101-43120-422110 03/06/2022 Nuss Truck - #116 - stainless tub 416.15 03/15/2022 101-43120-422110 03/06/2022 RDO - JD 624 - engine break-in plus oil 1Ow30 25.56 03/15/2022 101-43120-422110 03/06/2022 Auto Value - #116 -stik weld - carded 7.49 03/15/2022 101-43120-422110 03/06/2022 Nuss Truck - block coolant 104.21 03/15/2022 101-43120-422110 03/06/2022 Verizon - Dec 21 - Jan 20 275.07 03/15/2022 101-43120-432100 03/06/2022 MN Nursery & Landscape - Shade Tree Course 200.00 03/15/2022 101-43120-433100 03/06/2022 MOFA -Visa - to be refunded fraud- acct. closed 405.00 03/15/2022 101-00000-115030 03/06/2022 Cintas - CC Processed Incorrect Amt; CC Rec'd . 116.08 03/15/2022 101-00000-115030 03/06/2022 Advanced Disposal - Jan 2022 - GFEE 4,202.56 03/15/2022 101-00000-208120 03/06/2022 GFOA - Annual CPFO Dues (SR) 175.00 03/15/2022 101-41520-443300 03/06/2022 MN GFOA - Annual Membership Dues (LL) 70.00 03/15/2022 101-41520-443300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 03/06/2022 MN GFOA - Annual Membership Dues (SR) 70.00 03/15/2022 101-41520-443300 03/06/2022 Target - Gift Card for Safety Bingo Prize 40.00 03/15/2022 101-41800-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Sit Stand Work Station (HS) (1/2) 245.02 03/15/2022 101-41910-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Magnetic Hooks, Wall Calendars (2) 58.15 03/15/2022 101-41910-443990 03/06/2022 Jimmy Johns - Sandwiches for Planning Commi; 108.04 03/15/2022 101-41910-443990 03/06/2022 US Bank Quarterly Rebate -7,760.64 03/15/2022 101-00000-362970 03/06/2022 Jimmy Johns - Sandwiches for Council 59.51 03/15/2022 101-41110-443990 03/06/2022 Jimmy Johns - Sandwiches for Council 109.58 03/15/2022 101-41110-443990 03/06/2022 Walmart - Snacks, Beverages for Meetings 83.94 03/15/2022 101-41110-443990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Table for Copy Area 269.00 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Mesh Office Chair 158.99 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Chair Mat, Office Chair, Wastebasket 178.20 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Paper Bowls 41.50 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Paper Plates 33.49 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Innovative Office - Folders, Markers 52.98 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Innovative Office - Return Paper -43.90 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Coffee K Cups (80 ct) 32.77 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Coffee K Cups (80 ct) 35.14 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Amazon - Return Office Chair -113.99 03/15/2022 101-41310-421990 03/06/2022 Randys - Shredding Service (CH) 30.00 03/15/2022 101-41310-431990 03/06/2022 Quadient Leasing - Postage Machine Lease Pmt 470.46 03/15/2022 101-41310-441500 03/06/2022 AP Stylebook - Annual Online Subscription (HF 22.00 03/15/2022 101-41310-443300 03/06/2022 Constant Contact - Annual Subscription (1/4) 262.50 03/15/2022 101-41310-443990 Check Total: 101,173.14 Vendor: 2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 8 00012338244 Vanco Gateway Exchange - Feb 2022 (1/2) 56.60 03/15/2022 601-49440-443980 00012338244 Vanco Gateway Exchange - Feb 2022 (1/2) 56.60 03/15/2022 602-49490-443980 Check Total: 113.20 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns Check Sequence: 9 Mar 22 Liq Store CC Fees (WF -0990) 6,664.63 03/15/2022 609-49754-443980 Mar 22 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 56.18 03/15/2022 602-49490-443980 Mar 22 UB CC Fees (Bluefin - 7022) 896.74 03/15/2022 602-49490-443980 Mar 22 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 56.19 03/15/2022 601-49440-443980 Mar 22 UB CC Fees (Bluefin - 7022) 896.74 03/15/2022 601-49440-443980 Mar 22 MCC CC Fees (iAccess FM -1476) 87.90 03/15/2022 226-45127-431992 Mar 22 MCC CC Fees (Clover App- Fmrs Mkt) 21.42 03/15/2022 226-45127-431992 Mar 22 MCC CC Fees (Daxco- 2887) 1,784.40 03/15/2022 226-45122-443980 Mar 22 WF account interest earnings -218.13 03/15/2022 101-00000-362110 Mar 22 CH CC Fees (WF -0999) 101.00 03/15/2022 101-41520-443980 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Mar 22 WF account bank charges Mar 22 Global Payments - CivicRec 11,725.82 Check Total: Vendor: 1565 WELLS FARGO CORP TRUST SERVICE 3/8/2022 Addt'1 Investment to RBC Capital Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 1,137.07 03/15/2022 101-41520-443980 241.68 03/15/2022 101-45201-443980 11,725.82 Check Sequence: 10 220.000.00 03/15/2022 955-00000-104010 220,000.00 442,835.13 10 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 3/28/22 Approved by: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/17/2022 - 9:20 AM) Page 10 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 03/23/2022 - 2:46PM Batch: 00203.03.2022 - 203.03.2022 AP Invoice No Description Moiiii6effo Y Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2925 1 ST LINE/LEEWES VENTURES LLC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 141571 Flavored Syrups for Concession (2) 206.75 03/29/2022 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 206.75 Vendor: 5168 ABRA EQUIPMENT SUPPLY LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 0170361 Switch Limit Body Only 158.73 03/29/2022 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 158.73 Vendor: 5660 ABSOLUTE PRINT GRAPHICS Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 58783 March Events & Activities Insert (3700) 764.44 03/29/2022 226-45122-434990 58783 UB March Invoices (3648) Print, Fold, Stuff, En 653.07 03/29/2022 601-49440-431800 58783 UB March Invoices (3648) Print, Fold, Stuff, En 653.07 03/29/2022 602-49490-431800 Check Total: 2,070.58 Vendor: 2139 ADVANCED FIRST AID INC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 0322-067 AED Pads (2), Battery @ DMV 332.00 03/29/2022 701-00000-421990 Check Total: 332.00 Vendor: 5184 ADVANCED GRAPHIX INC. Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 208159 Non Reflective Unit #13 (2); Non Reflective Ma 265.00 03/29/2022 101-42200-440500 208708 Non Reflective Magnets (2);Magnets (13) 170.00 03/29/2022 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 435.00 Vendor: 2407 ALL ELEMENTS Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 8982 leaking in garage area begin repairs -PW 785.14 03/29/2022 701-00000-440100 9034 leaking in garage area repair completed -PW 1,014.12 03/29/2022 701-00000-440100 Check Total: 1,799.26 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4928 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORP Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 15512 2022 S-2 Supplement Editing Pages - City Code 818.51 03/29/2022 101-41610-430400 15560 2022 S-2 Folio/Internet Supplement Pages - City 91.85 03/29/2022 101-41610-430400 Check Total: 910.36 Vendor: 1039 AQUA LOGIC INC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 474 Spider Gaskets (2) 76.85 03/29/2022 226-45124-421990 Check Total: 76.85 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 3524349 resale - wine 106.15 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 3524350 resale - beer 101.70 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 3525532 resale - beer 497.30 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 705.15 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 3/8/2022 Managed IT Services - March 2022 1,218.60 03/29/2022 702-00000-431990 Check Total: 1,218.60 Vendor: 5243 DAVID BARTHOLOMAY Check Sequence: I1 ACH Enabled: False 22310 2022 Leadership Growth Group (May - Decembi 400.00 03/29/2022 101-41310-433100 Check Total: 400.00 Vendor: 1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 2031282 PCA Petro Therm (108); Drum Deposit 1,822.36 03/29/2022 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 1,822.36 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 104816700 Assorted Bags 69.75 03/29/2022 609-49754-421990 104816700 resale - mix 120.80 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 104816700 resale - condiment 107.35 03/29/2022 609-49750-425500 104816700 freight 1.37 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 93936600 freight 82.07 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 93936600 resale- wine 168.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 93936600 resale - liquor 6,012.79 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 93942700 resale- wine 88.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 93942700 freight 1.65 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 93991000 freight 69.30 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 93991000 resale -liquor 7,022.10 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 94031500 reale - liquor 4,510.08 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 94031500 freight 50.67 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 94077600 reale - wine credit -14.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 18,289.93 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 310862 resale - pop 33.06 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 310863 resale - beer n/a 52.30 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 310863 resale - beer 978.75 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 312763 resale - Beer Credit -21.96 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 312764 Resale - Pop, Gatorade. 112.27 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 312765 Resale - Beer n/a 52.30 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 312765 Resale - Beer 2,483.05 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 312766 Resale - Pop, Gatorade, Water, Muscle Milk 613.20 03/29/2022 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 4,302.97 Vendor: 1074 BOLTON AND MENK INC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 0284543 21C005 - Sewer Comp Plan 10,036.50 03/29/2022 602-49490-431990 Check Total: 10,036.50 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 343281297 resale - liquor 4,817.58 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 343281297 freight 68.48 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 343281297 resale - mix 127.28 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 343281297 resale - wine 700.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 343373321 resale - wine 575.40 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 343373321 Freight 60.10 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 343373321 resale - liquor 3,531.12 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 409543531 resale - liquor credit -36.17 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 9,843.79 Vendor: 5699 BRETH-ZENZEN FIRE PROTECTION, LLC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 13983 2022 sprinkler system inspec. - Fire Station Proj 425.00 03/29/2022 701-00000-440100 Check Total: 425.00 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 2348-OOOOGG 235 202147 - Twin Pines 1st Addition - Feb 2022 128.00 03/29/2022 101-00000-220110 2348-OOOOGG 235 202144 - Michaelis Subdivision - Feb 2022 80.00 03/29/2022 101-00000-220110 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2348-OOOOGG 235 General Admin - Feb 2022 1,923.80 03/29/2022 101-41610-430400 2348-OOOOGG 235 21C009 - Otter Creek Plat - Feb 2022 128.00 03/29/2022 101-41910-430400 2348-OOOOGG 235 Public Works Admin - Feb 2022 240.00 03/29/2022 101-43110-431990 2348-OOOOGG 235 Public Works Engineering - Feb 2022 144.00 03/29/2022 101-43111-431990 2348-OOOIG 148 Building Code Enforcement Services - Feb 2022 48.00 03/29/2022 101-42400-430400 2348-OOOIG 148 Fire Code Enforcement Services - Feb 2022 243.26 03/29/2022 101-42200-430400 2348-0183G 2 202147 - Twin Pines 1st Addition - Feb 2022 525.00 03/29/2022 101-00000-220110 2348-0184G 1 Otter Creek Crossing - Feb 2022 757.20 03/29/2022 101-41910-430400 Check Total: 4,217.26 Vendor: 1801 CANNON RIVER WINERY Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 13170 resale - wine 312.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 312.00 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 17440166 resale - beer credit -20.70 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 17440168 resale - beer credit -21.70 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 2661252 resale - beer n/a 146.70 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 2661252 resale - beer 13,589.11 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 2661252 resale - liquor 132.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2664252 resale - Liquor 196.08 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2664252 resale - beer 12,513.27 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 2664252 resale - beer n/a 40.98 03/29/2022 609-49750-425500 2664252 resale - mix 17.87 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 26,593.61 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 0000554155 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (618 lbs) 167.41 03/29/2022 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 167.41 Vendor: 2197 CORPORATE CONNECTION Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 59630 (22) safety green shirts - split Water 83.13 03/29/2022 601-49440-421990 59630 (22) safety green shirts - split Streets 143.20 03/29/2022 101-43120-421990 59630 (22) safety green shirts - split Sewer 83.13 03/29/2022 602-49490-421990 Check Total: 309.46 Vendor: 1746 CUSTOM FIRE APPARATUS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 0021245 A/C Compressor, Belt, Switch, Body Assembly 1,107.27 03/29/2022 101-42200-440500 0021275 4 Way Toggle Air Valve (3) 125.12 03/29/2022 101-42200-422110 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,2.i2.S`l Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 1546618 resale - beer 1548183 resale - beer credit 1548429 resale - beer 1548429 resale - beer n/a 1549981 resale - beer 1549983 resale - beer credit 1551600 resale - beer 1551858 resale - beer credit 1551946 resale - beer 1551947 resale - beer 1551947 resale - beer n/a 1553579 resale - beer credit 1553626 resale - beer 1553626 resale - beer n/a 1555200 resale - beer - credit 1555535 resale - beer 1555536 resale - beer 1555571 resale - beer - credit 1,2.i2.S`l Check Total: Vendor: 1131 DAMA METAL PRODUCTS INC 15956 ACH Enabled: True S-3 Model F.D. Key Box w/Tamper SW (12) 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 1136 GORDON J DEHMER 2468 5,954.75 Annual Maintenance & Repairs to Fire Extingui,, 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 2050 DEMVI LLC 3/22/2022 03/29/2022 Parking Lot Maintenance - April 2022 -49.00 Check Total: Vendor: 5588 DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING INC 21813 609-49750-425200 19C003 CONSTR - SCADA System Improveme 21813 03/29/2022 19C003 CONSTR - SCADA System Improveme 21889 433.80 19C003 CONSTR - SCADA System Improveme 1,2.i2.S`l Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 12,065.93 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 -381.95 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 5,954.75 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 209.20 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 11,070.54 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 -49.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 239.20 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 -56.40 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 433.80 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 32,699.64 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 25.20 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 -180.90 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 12,528.63 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 138.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 -157.63 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 420.40 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 25,857.95 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 -22.20 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 100,795.16 Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 2,228.00 03/29/2022 101-42400-421990 2,228.00 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 439.50 03/29/2022 701-00000-431990 439.50 Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 198.02 03/29/2022 213-46301-443990 198.02 Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 1,278.75 03/29/2022 602-49490-453010 1,278.75 03/29/2022 601-49440-453010 1,278.75 03/29/2022 601-49440-453010 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 21889 19C003 CONSTR - SCADA System Improveme 1,278.75 03/29/2022 602-49490-453010 Check Total: 5,115.00 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 1426898 resale - beer 1,349.25 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 1429594 resale - beer 735.95 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 1751000209 resale - beer credit -26.50 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 2,058.70 Vendor: 4010 MARILYN DIRKSWAGER Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 194 March - May Programs/Story Times (2 1) 720.00 03/29/2022 101-00000-220150 Check Total: 720.00 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 881200 PH Otter Creek Crossing Ad# 1209115 241.52 03/29/2022 101-41910-435100 Check Total: 241.52 Vendor: 4336 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False P66008 Oil & Filter 134.24 03/29/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 134.24 Vendor: 2154 FEDERATED CO-OPS INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 1059742 (64.60) Gallons of Propane 109.76 03/29/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 109.76 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 0489687 Resale - (30) LF 5/8x3/4" T10 Meter R900I Us€ 8,266.85 03/29/2022 601-49440-422701 WL005506 Resale - LF 1 1/2" T10 Meter R900I Usg (2) 1,631.90 03/29/2022 601-49440-422710 Check Total: 9,898.75 Vendor: 2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Cable - MCC 194.85 03/29/2022 226-45127-432500 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone & Internet - Monti Arts 96.55 03/29/2022 101-45204-431990 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Cable - City Hall 116.85 03/29/2022 101-42200-431990 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone - City Hall 883.72 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone - MCC 545.61 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone - Ballfields 19.73 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone - DMV 292.84 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone -Hi Way Liquor 349.02 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone - Fire Hall 424.85 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone - Public Works 1,222.43 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone - Parks 114.63 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Phone - Prairie Center 13.24 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Internet - City Hall 248.90 03/29/2022 702-00000-432300 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Internet - MCC 10.00 03/29/2022 702-00000-432300 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Internet - DMV 89.90 03/29/2022 702-00000-432300 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Internet - Hi Way Liquor 45.95 03/29/2022 702-00000-432300 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Internet - Fire Hall 170.90 03/29/2022 702-00000-432300 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Internet - Animal Shelter 33.95 03/29/2022 702-00000-432300 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Internet - Public Works 53.95 03/29/2022 702-00000-432300 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Data Hosting 500.00 03/29/2022 702-00000-431900 3/8/2022 March 2022 - Service Contract 250.00 03/29/2022 702-00000-431900 Check Total: 5,677.87 Vendor: 3230 SCOTT GEAREY Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 3/12/2022 Mileage Reimbursement (102 miles) 59.67 03/29/2022 101-42200-433100 Check Total: 59.67 Vendor: 5901 HARDLINE NORTH LLC Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 15123 lube core install 7,200.00 03/29/2022 101-43120-424100 Check Total: 7,200.00 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 6136324 Polymer - Aqua Hawk - WWTP 11,708.96 03/29/2022 602-49480-421990 6138823 Pool Chemical 36.92 03/29/2022 226-45124-421600 6139117 Azone 12 - Well Chemicals 217.00 03/29/2022 601-49440-421600 Check Total: 11,962.88 Vendor: 5444 J & G HOLDINGS Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 3832 April 2022 Cleaning - split Fire & Law Enforcer 560.00 03/29/2022 701-00000-431100 Check Total: 560.00 Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 4872 Cremation Dig - Harhun 2/11/22 250.00 03/29/2022 215-49010-431150 Check Total: 250.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 41 2005095 resale - liquor 270.72 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2005095 freight 4.95 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2005096 freight 16.50 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2005096 resale - wine 486.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 2005622 freight 47.34 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2005622 resale - liquor 3,319.15 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2005623 freight 97.40 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2005623 resale - wine 3,335.08 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 2005623 resale - mix 151.85 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 2006671 freight 15.12 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2006671 resale - liquor 1,279.65 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2006672 resale - liquor 59.20 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2006672 freight 13.20 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2006672 resale - mix 99.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 2006672 resale - wine 322.46 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 2006673 resale - beer 27.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 2010087 resale - liquor 6,412.88 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2010087 freight 91.45 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2010088 freight 84.15 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2010088 resale - wine 2,780.53 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 2011231 Freight 40.01 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2011231 resale - Liquor 3,596.40 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2011232 Freight 31.32 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2011232 resale - wine 1,204.20 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 2011232 resale - mix 70.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 2011233 resale - beer 27.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 2013468 resale -- liquor 332.25 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2013468 Freight 4.95 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2013469 Freight 29.69 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2013469 resale - wine 1,270.80 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 25,520.25 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 42 MN190-00163 21TOO 1 - Headwater Townhomes TIF - Jan 2022 1,161.50 03/29/2022 213-00000-220110 MN190-00170 21 T001 - Headwater Apartment TIF - Jan 2022 1,011.50 03/29/2022 213-00000-220110 MN190-00171 Project Suburban Expansion Purchase & Dev Ag 75.00 03/29/2022 213-46301-430400 MN190-00172 TIF 1-44 - Washburn POS Economic Developme 125.00 03/29/2022 213-00000-220110 Check Total: Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. 2,373.00 Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 158424 Resale - Wine 1,000.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 158424 Freight 12.50 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 158683 resale - wine credit Inv# 157532 -52.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 158683 freight credit Inv# 157532 -1.25 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 158867 Resale - Wine 320.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 158867 Freight 8.75 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 159077 Freight 36.25 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 159077 Resale- Wine 2,594.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 159077 Resale - Wine n/a 88.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 159077 Resale- Liquor 238.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 4,244.25 Vendor: 3829 STEVE LANGANKI Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 1516 2/21 - 3/20/22 Service - Porta Toilet Rental (9) 760.75 03/29/2022 101-45201-431901 Check Total: 760.75 Vendor: 5285 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 9309379867 Heavy Hex Nut 5/8" 2H Plain (25) 82.72 03/29/2022 101-43125-421990 Check Total: 82.72 Vendor: 3550 RACHEL LEONARD Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 3/17/2022 Mileage Reimb - CUC Legislative Testimony @ 55.22 03/29/2022 101-41310-433100 Check Total: 55.22 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 338399 Resale - tobacco, cigars, barware etc. 1,413.87 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 338399 Resale - cigarettes, Juice 1,554.81 03/29/2022 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 2,968.68 Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: True INV9764830 Microsoft 0365 Contract 3/16/22 - 4/15/22 649.50 03/29/2022 702-00000-431990 Check Total: 649.50 Vendor: 3187 MES - MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 1685921 Fire Dex Boots, Gloves (DC) 543.25 03/29/2022 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 543.25 Vendor: 4216 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference P67233 R/H & L/H Cutting Edge 193.79 03/29/2022 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 193.79 Vendor: 1364 MOBILE HEALTH SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True 40934 Qualitive FIT Testing (18); Respiratory Medical 956.00 03/29/2022 101-41800-431990 40946 SCBA User Medical Exam & Quantative FIT Te 3,060.00 03/29/2022 101-42200-431990 Check Total: 4,016.00 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True March 2022 Monthly Allocation - March 2022 5,416.67 03/29/2022 101-45175-444310 Check Total: 5,416.67 Vendor: 5586 MOOSE LAKE BREWING CO. Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: True 321-002 resale - beer 144.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 36-008 resale - beer 144.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 288.00 Vendor: 2396 MICHAEL MOSSEY Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 3/12/2022 Mileage Reimbursement (104 miles) 60.84 03/29/2022 101-42200-433100 Check Total: 60.84 Vendor: 4867 NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSULTING INC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 30140 G2202001 - Vacant Residential Land/XXXX 7th 1,200.00 03/29/2022 213-46301-431990 Check Total: 1,200.00 Vendor: 1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 184681 freight 12.50 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 184681 resale- wine 444.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 184688 freight 2.50 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 184688 resale - liquor 270.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 729.00 Vendor: 1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 7001 202211- REVEXP CET Grant & Long Term Fins 5,250.00 03/29/2022 101-41520-431990 Check Total: 5,250.00 Vendor: 2928 NUSS TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9000548P Bellows - Exht5 422.54 03/29/2022 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 422.54 Vendor: 4633 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 966656 Food for Concession Resale @ MCC 1,124.07 03/29/2022 226-45125-425410 970372 Food for Concession Resale @ MCC 126.72 03/29/2022 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 1,250.79 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 6360713 resale - liquor 1,786.75 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 6360713 freight 32.97 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 6360714 freight 33.44 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 6360714 resale - wine 1,244.32 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 6363476 freight 39.57 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 6363476 resale - liquor 2,953.75 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 6364468 Resale - Liquor 2,151.40 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 6364468 Freight 27.29 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 6364469 Freight 44.59 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 6364469 Resale - Cherry Syrup 57.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 6364469 Resale- Wine 1,256.70 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 6366301 Freight 16.49 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 6366301 resale - liquor 1,510.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 6366302 Freight 9.90 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 6366302 resale- wine 372.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 11,536.17 Vendor: 5713 R.D.OFFUTT COMPANY Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False E0103314 2022 Trailer B2 Spotter 852.97 03/29/2022 101-43120-424100 Check Total: 852.97 Vendor: 4660 SAFE -FAST, INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True 258185 Insulated Winter Bibs (8) 667.20 03/29/2022 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 667.20 Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True March 2nd Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,622.25 03/29/2022 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,622.25 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 1 I Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS; Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 2187844 resale - liquor 3,893.85 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2187844 freight 40.60 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2190408 Freight 16.92 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2190408 Resale - Liquor 2,186.09 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 2190409 Freight 39.20 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 2190409 resale - Wine 2,190.25 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 8,366.91 Vendor: 1507 STREICHERS INC Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False I1549685 ZZZNEP IMPLEM - Polo Shirt (1) 49.99 03/29/2022 101-42500-421990 Check Total: 49.99 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 763-271-3257 TDS 100.24 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 763-295-0078 TDS - Fire 228.96 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 763-295-0338 TDS 66.07 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 763-295-2005 TDS 20.13 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 763-295-3714 TDS- Reservoir 343.25 03/29/2022 702-00000-432100 Check Total: 758.65 Vendor: 5924 TEXTILE CENTER OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 196 2 Classes in July 747.10 03/29/2022 101-00000-220150 Check Total: 747.10 Vendor: 5922 SHILOH THOMPSON Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 3/18/2022 Relocation Benefit Payment 7,100.00 03/29/2022 213-46301-461500 Check Total: 7,100.00 Vendor: 2397 TOWMASTER Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 447544 Spring Ramp T-14/18DD (4) 67.98 03/29/2022 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 67.98 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 1017226 resale - orange twist syrup 85.90 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 85.90 Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Permit #42 Permit #42 First Class Presort Annual Fee (1/2) 132.50 03/29/2022 602-49490-443700 Permit #42 Permit #42 First Class Presort Annual Fee (1/2) 132.50 03/29/2022 601-49440-443700 Check Total: 265.00 Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L: Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 9000023754 April 2022 - WWTP Operations & Maintenance 63,809.50 03/29/2022 602-49480-430800 Check Total: 63,809.50 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True 2890007 Resale - Pop 541.25 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 541.25 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 299622 freight 10.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 299622 resale - mix 24.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425400 299622 resale - wine 232.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 299622 resale - liquor 67.50 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 300101 resale - liquor 1,217.83 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 300101 resale- wine 360.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 300101 Freight 20.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 300102 Freight 12.50 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 300102 resale- wine 560.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 2,503.83 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 199291 Resale - Wine 1,120.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 199291 Freight 33.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 199291 Resale- Liquor 292.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 1,445.00 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 7371512 resale - wine 1,655.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 7371512 freight 23.12 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,678.12 Vendor: 1206 WINEBOW INC. Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True MN00109945 Resale - Wine 684.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-425300 MN00109945 Freight 9.00 03/29/2022 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 3/28/2022 Approved by Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 14 Check Total: 693.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: True 3/10/2022 Court Fines & Fees - Feb 2022 3,221.77 03/29/2022 101-42100-430410 Check Total: 3,221.77 Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 202200000007 202127 - CUP A# 1499723 46.00 03/29/2022 101-41910-443990 202200000007 202127 - Variance A# 1499724 46.00 03/29/2022 101-41910-443990 Check Total: 92.00 Vendor: 5923 WRIGHT SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION L Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 3/10/22 bare root trees for Arbor Day Event( 250 seedlin 350.00 03/29/2022 101-46102-421990 Check Total: 350.00 Total for Check Run: 395,994.87 Total of Number of Checks: 80 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 3/28/2022 Approved by Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2022 - 2:46 PM) Page 14 City Council Agenda: 3/28/2022 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑x Consent Agenda Item Human Resources Manager 03/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTE Motion to approve new hires and departures for City departments. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to ratify the attached list of new hires and departures for the City. This listing includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees. The listing may also include status changes and promotions. Budget Impact: Positions are generally included in the budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: If new position, there may be some training involved. If terminated position, existing staff will cover hours as needed, until replacement. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of new hires and departures as identified on the attached list. SUPPORTING DATA • List of new hires and terminated employees Name Kennedy O'Connell Nicole Smith Gabriella Hegg Hallie Hansen Tara Frandsen Name NEW EMPLOYEES Title Lifeguard Guest Service Lifeguard Supervised Play Attendant Clerk Department MCC MCC MCC MCC Liquor Store TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Hire Date 3/7/22 3/10/22 3/13/22 3/16/22 3/21/22 Class PT PT PT PT PT Reason Department Last Day Worked Class New Hire and Terms City Council 2022: 3/22/2022 City Council Agenda: 3/28/2022 2C. Consideration of approving the sale of Fire Department surplus property Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk 3/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the sale of Park & Recreation Department items. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. The Fire Department is selling a TNT Tool (value around $200) and Bumper from E-12 (value approximately $1,000). I. Budget Impact: The value of the equipment. II. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of sale of surplus property. SUPPORTING DATA A. Surplus List B. Photos Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: Fire 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. B. C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. C. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. TNT Tool B. Bumper from E-12 C. 8. $0-$100 A. B. C. Date: 3/28/2022 wry.. etiarl� `71 tit City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 2D. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Grad Partv on April 22. 2022 at River Citv Extreme. 3875 School Blvd. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk 03/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator Motion to approve the temporary gambling permit for the Monticello Grad Party for a raffle to be held on April 22, 2022, at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Monticello Grad Party has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on April 22, 2022. The event is being held at River City Extreme, 3875 School Blvd. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the temporary gambling permit. SUPPORTING DATA • Permit Application MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 11/17 Page 1 of 2 An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit Application Fee (non-refundable) organization that: Applications are processed in the order received. If the application • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of $1,5QQ or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite your county by calling 651-539-1900. service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization r Previous Gambling Name: 4rxlj&Permit Number: ..�_.— Minnesota Tax ID, J Federal Employer ID Number, if any: —- 7 J~7 Number (FEIN), if any: Mailing Address --_ t�J� __ --- .—_--—------- - — . City: State:, �j Zip: X 107 County: Wrl Name of Chief Executive Officer CEO Daytime Phone: j(/ -73EO Ernail: (.�Guil., ( mit will b emailed- _ is email address unless oth6pWise indicated below) Email permit to (if other than the CEO): NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): __ Fraternal Religious _ Veterans Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling; and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): ..... .._ .... _........ ... ....... Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): _? �) �L +�✓►--�Cf-t— r� 4_/V 4�3h Check one: I,, l� ro . City: ... _..C,�_LID __ Zip: �'` ... __ Cal+nty: __...IAV...e? Ai�. Township: -------------- -- Zip ----- County: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the data of the drawing;: Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: Bingo _ Paddlewheels Pull -Tab; Tipi;cards X_ Raffle Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, anfei tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed frorn another organization authorized to conduct. bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov/gcb and dick on Distributors undier the List of Licensees tab, or call 651-539-1900. M LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 11/17 ?aqe 2 of 2 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises for a gambling premises located within city limits located in a township —The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. ---___The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. .__.__.The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after (60 days for a 1st class city). 30 days, _-_The application is denied. The application is denied. Print City Name: v r � Print County Name: �__.�1 — - ----- --------------- -- Signature of City Personnel: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Dater Title: _ _ _ Date: which law or legal order authorizes a new use or TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) address which will remain public. Private data On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization ----------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------- ------------------ is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township The city or county must sign before limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or submitting application to the deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349.213.) Gambling Control Board. Print Township Name: ......._........... ............ _......... __. _.... _....__..._......._..........._.................... . I I Signature of Township Officer: available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. Title: � Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to the Board w;thin 30 days of the event date. r Chief Executive Officer's Signature: Date: 3- / 7 —,:;, Vol (Signature mint e C s signature; designee may not sign) AtJG I_� Print Name: _ REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on twc or more consecutive days; or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status; and • all gambling conducted on one day. Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are _ application fee (non-refundable). If the application is — postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. � the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Cornp!ete To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South Roses�iile, SIN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for mall the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested application. Your oi-ganizat€on's name and ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; on this form (and any attachments) will be used address will be public information when received Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to by the Board. All other information provided will Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative determine your organization's qualifications to be private data about your organization until the auditor, national and international gambling be involved in lawful gambling activities in Board issues the permit. when the Board issues regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court Minnesota. Your organization has the right to the permit, all information provined will become order; other individuals and agencies specifically refuse to supply the information; however, if public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all authorized by state or federal law to have access your organization refuses to supply this information provided remains private, with the to the information: individuals and agencies for information, the Board may not be abie to exception of your organization's name and which law or legal order authorizes a new use or determine your organization's qualifications and, address which will remain public. Private data sharing of information after this notice was as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. about your organization are available to Beard given: and anyone with your written consent. If your organization supplies the information members, Board staff whose work requires requested, the Board will be able to process the access to the information; Minnesota's Depart - This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer City Council Agenda: 3/28/2022 2E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-31 re-establishing election precincts and polling places for 2022 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk 3/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Administrative/Elections Assistant City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-31 re-establishing four election precincts and polling places for 2022. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION December 13, 2021: City Council adopted Resolution 2021-99 establishing four election precincts and polling places for 2022. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In late 2021 City Council established four election precincts and polling places for the City of Monticello. However, Minnesota State Statutes require municipalities to reestablish their precincts and polling locations once redistricting is complete. Redistricting necessitated by the 2020 Census was recently finalized, and the deadline to reestablish precincts and polling places is March 29, 2022. Elections take place on August 9, 2022 (Primary) and November 8, 2022 (General). The precincts and polling locations remain the same since they were adopted last December, but their boundary lines have now been established. The final precinct map will be submitted to the Secretary of State and is included in the packet for review. The following are the four precinct locations with the estimated population: MONTICELLO P-1 POLLING PLACE LOCATION — Monticello Community Center Gymnasium Address: 505 Walnut Street Population: 2,589 MONTICELLO P-2 POLLING PLACE LOCATION — Resurrection Lutheran Church Address: 9300 Jason Avenue NE Population: 1,756 MONTICELLO P-3 POLLING PLACE LOCATION — Monticello High School Fieldhouse Address: 5225 School Boulevard City Council Agenda: 3/28/2022 Population: 2,665 MONTICELLO P-4 POLLING PLACE LOCAITON — Kindred Hearts Events Center Address: 1549 Broadway East Population: 1,163 Residents who live on north side of 1-94 and west of Washington Street continue to vote in the MCC gymnasium. Those that live east of Washington Street now vote at Kindred Hearts Events Center. Residents who reside south of 1-94 and east of Fenning Avenue still vote at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Those that live west of Fenning Avenue vote at the Monticello High School Fieldhouse. Voters must be notified by July 15, 2022 of their new precinct. City staff intends to use Wright County again to send the notice to voters as a postal verification card through the State Voter Registration System (SVRS). I. Budget Impact: There will be a cost to notify the public of the new precincts. This cost will be approximately $0.30 per registered voter. II. Staff Impact: There will be an increase in election planning with four precincts. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approving the resolution establishing the four election precincts and polling places for 2022. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2022-31 • Monticello Precincts Map RESOLUTION 2022-31 REESTABLISHING PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of Minnesota has been redistricted; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute section 204B.14, subd. 3 (d) requires that precinct boundaries must be reestablished within 60 days of when the legislature has been redistricted or at least 19 weeks before the state primary election, whichever comes first; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Monticello, Wright County, State of Minnesota hereby reestablishes the boundaries of the voting precinct(s) and polling place(s) as follows: Monticello Precinct 1 Monticello Community Center Gymnasium, 505 Walnut St. That part of the City lying north of Interstate 94 and west of Washington Street. Monticello Precinct 2 Resurrection Lutheran Church, 9300 Jason Avenue NE That part of the City lying south of Interstate 94 and east of Fenning Avenue. Monticello Precinct 3 Monticello High School Fieldhouse, 5225 School Boulevard That part of the City lying south of Interstate 94 and west of Fenning Avenue. Monticello Precinct 4 Kindred Hearts Events Center, 1549 Broadway East That part of the City north of Interstate 94 and east of Washington Street. Attached to this resolution, for illustrative purposes, is a map showing said precincts and the location of each polling place. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello on the 28th day of March, 2022. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL By: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk 24 358 440 � 564 674 730 844 -------� 273 349 409 12715 '2�Tis.. CO / - --\-� \ ----- Voting Precinct 229 741 -----� 647 ti� RO �: Monticello P-1 12591 12$11 Monticello P-2 12534 692 12480 12470 TON pV.E= 688 692 -----� L Monticello P- 12355 PAF ` / 114 �,�4 12471 124TH -S- 884 ^� \1 Monticello P-4 6 71 683 12374 12373 6 12353 12354 12347 638 w $ p ,..I City UO LI n U a ry 12301 12320 123RD_S-T_NEI Iso 12290 12297 2807 \\ 12267 12260 12265 s725 1479 \\` C;0 12351 12228 \\ 12171 12250 796 84 166 194 12145 1314 \ 1754 `\ \\ 12108 398 12077 654 700 1020 1615 1930 �\ �\ 306 12048 954 984 2101 120TH-STNE $ 557 589 613 653 687 j r 971 11948 \! \ 355 11865 526 550 974 604 6qp 680 � \� 11"9.TH S.1' -NE 1241 2101 ^'�' 583 614 645 673 705 11899 2100 B� 11693 11802 747 1717 `\\ >a 0 ,9 O�qy 1e21 11706 Z 1383 11711 I . 2118 \\ N 2139 2110 = ti o 17, 13� v� o V 1707 1335 NU \\\\ 2150 [[ 71696 J ^ 7 5 V �(( 1661614 \ 11576 21592236 1009 '^ 2186 2220 2169 1 2156 \\ � Oso 2197 2219 11562 1 5 11 1 ALPINE C 11(942 ' io Z I \ aFRAIRIE-RD ss o U �^ 1� 1413 1401 \. _ 0103 102W� \� '760 x HIL -L -TOP -DR \ 1606 1405 1323 \X 11344 11380 O n m 1 Z7 m 1 Z 2� 1titi°° 0 3 U 104 710 7 \\ 22j01ho ^ 01 0 1 RiVFR \ S.T w 3 C.� Z 11229 v 11263 w O6 an 0 1 ,110 �% Q.' 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Consideration of a request for preliminary plat of Otter Creek Crossing 7th and 8th Additions and an amendment to the Official Zoning Map for rezoning from A -O to 1-1 (Light Industrial). Applicant: City of Monticello & the Monticello Economic Development Authority Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item NAC, Community Development Director 03/28/22 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Project Engineer, Community & City Administrator Economic Development Coordinator, Economic Development Manager ACTION REQUESTED Decision 1: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat for Otter Creek Crossing 7th Addition Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-34 approving the Preliminary Plat of Otter Creek 7th Addition, based on findings in the attached resolution, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z. The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the preliminary plat of Otter Creek 7' Addition. Decision 2: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat for Otter Creek Crossing 8' Addition Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-35 approving the Preliminary Plat of Otter Creek 8th Addition, based on findings in the attached resolution, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z. The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the preliminary plat of Otter Creek 8' Addition. Decision 3: Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Official Zoning Map for rezoning of from A -O (Agriculture -Open Space) to 1-1 (Light Industrial) District for Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 774 amending the Monticello Official Zoning Map for rezoning of from A -O (Agriculture -Open Space) to 1-1 (Light Industrial) District for Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing, based on findings in Resolution No. 2022-36, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z. The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the rezoning. City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description (current): Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition, and Lot 1, Block 1, Outlot A, and Outlot B, Otter Creek Crossing 411 Addition (Otter Creek 7th Addition - Plat Area 2) Outlot E (part) and Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing, and Outlot A, 90th Street 3rd Addition (Otter Creek 8th Addition - Plat Area 3) PIDs Plat Area 1: 155194000010, 155223000010, 155223001010, 155223000020 PIDs Plat Area 2: 155171000050, 155185000010, 155171000060 PID for Parcel Rezoning: 155171000060 Planning Case Number: 2022-011 Request(s): The City, through its EDA, seeks to re -subdivide the subject property into a series of buildable parcels and revised outlots for industrial development and reconfigured stormwater ponding. As owner of Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing, the EDA also seeks to rezone the parcel to 1-1, Light Industrial, consistent with the Monticello 2040 Plan and the balance of Otter Creek Business Park. Deadline for Decision: Not applicable Land Use Designation: Light Industrial Zoning Designation: 1-1, Light Industrial District Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Industrial and Vacant Surrounding Land Uses: North: Industrial and Vacant (Nuss Trucking) East: Industrial Vacant South: Industrial and Vacant West: Industrial and Bertram Lakes Park City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 Project Description: The City seeks to revise current property lines in the affected areas to accommodate expansion of existing and new industrial development, revise and update the stormwater system in the area, and update wetland configurations to facilitate more efficient use of the district. ANALYSIS: The proposed plats consist of land owned currently by the City of Monticello, the Monticello Economic Development Authority and Suburban Manufacturing. The proposed plats of Otter Creek 7t" Addition and Otter Creek 8t" Addition consist of approximately 23 acres northwest of Dalton Avenue (including Suburban Manufacturing) and 50 acres adjacent to Chelsea Road (east of the Dahlheimer Distributing property). All of the area is part of the Otter Creek Crossing Business Park, and platted for development, or as outlots for wetlands and stormwater management. City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 Under Monticello's zoning ordinance, outlots are not considered developable property. As such, the City's EDA is seeking to subdivide the outlots in Otter Creek, Otter Creek 3rd Addition, and Otter Creek 4th Addition to create developable lots and to reconfigure existing lots for development purposes. Otter Creek 7th Addition Preliminary Plat For the 23 -acre property in Decision 1 above identified as Otter Creek 7th Addition identified at Planning Commission as "Plat Area 2", the project consists of a series of lot line adjustments to accommodate the planned expansion of the existing Suburban Manufacturing (located on the proposed Lot 3, Block 1), as well as the property needs of future industrial development adjoining Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court. At this time, staff believes the plat will be Otter Creek 7th Addition, but this will require review and verification by the Wright County Surveyor. Specifically, as related to Suburban Manufacturing, the existing lot line between the underlying Lot 1, Block 1, and Outlot A of Otter Creek 4th Addition is proposed to be re -platted to allow for the conveyance of additional property to the south to Suburban. The lot line between Lot 1, Block 1 of 4th Addition and the adjacent Outlot A of Otter Creek 3r1 Addition will be an adjustment to straighten Suburban's property line to the west. As a current owner in the plat, Suburban Manufacturing will be required to sign the plat, with any consents to plat as necessary. At the time of Planning Commission review, the lot line between the proposed Lots 1 and 2 was in the same location as shown on prior plats, but now shown as platted lots rather than outlots. Since the public hearing at Commission, the lot line has been adjusted to the north to accommodate a potential user on Lot 1. In addition, easements to the preliminary plat have been added as follows: • An 80' easement along the northern boundary of Lot 1, Block 1 • Easement for an existing stormsewer running through Lot 2, Block 1 • Easement for required ponding expansion along the northeast/north boundaries of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 Lot Requirements. The resulting plat reflects three lots, each meeting the width and area requirements of the zoning ordinance. In the 1-1 zoning district, lots have a required minimum width of 100 feet, and lot size square footage standard of 20,000 square feet. All lots are far in excess of these standards, ranging from 4.6 acres to more than 10 acres in area. Outlot A is platted to cover both drainage and utility as well as delineated wetland purposes. A future stormwater expansion is planned within Outlot A. To facilitate the expansion, additional City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 drainage and utility easement was necessary along Lots 1 and 2 at the discretion of the City Engineer. Access. Access to the proposed lots remains unchanged. Lot 3, Block 1, will continue to gain access from Dalton Avenue. Lots 1 and 2 access points are proposed from Dalton Court. Any access to Lot 2 from Dalton Avenue would be at the discretion of the City Engineer. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. Each lot has access to a public street and public utilities. The proposed plat also includes a reconfiguration of the outlot that covers the existing and soon to - be -reconfigured stormwater pond currently between Suburban and Karlsburger Foods to the northwest of the site. Otter Creek 8th Addition Preliminary Plat For the approximately 50 -acre property in Decision 2 above, identified at Planning Commission as "Plat Area 3", the project replats the outlots of Otter Creek Crossing, as well as a portion of 901h Street Addition into developable lots. Verification of the plat name as Otter Creek 8th Addition will require review and verification by the Wright County Surveyor. The primary purpose of the subdivision is to provide for the creation of buildable lots, rather than outlots, and to provide street and utility access to the proposed lots via the platting of extension of the Dalton Street right of way. Since the time of Planning Commission review an easement to the preliminary plat has been added for the purpose of future intersection improvements at 90th Street and Chelsea Road. Lot Requirements. The resulting plat reflects four lots, each meeting the width and area requirements of the zoning ordinance. In the 1-1 zoning district, lots have a required minimum width of 100 feet, and lot size square footage standard of 20,000 square feet. All lots are far in excess of these standards, ranging from 4.6 acres to more than 10 acres in area. Outlot A is platted to cover both drainage and utility as well as delineated wetland purposes. A future stormwater expansion is planned within Outlot A. Access. The plat provides for a right of way extension for Dalton Way from the current terminus via the plat of Otter Creek 3rd Addition into the proposed plat. The extension of Dalton Way will provide lot access to Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1 and 2, Block 2. Lot 1, Block 3 will be accessed from Chelsea Road. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. As proposed on the plat, Lott, Block 1 and Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 are proposed to have access to a public street via the proposed Dalton Court right of way. Utility extensions would also occur within the right of way. City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 Rezoning of Outlot F The Monticello Economic Development Authority is the owner of Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing. The parcel is currently guided for Light Industrial Park (LIP) within the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Although annexed to the City with the original plat of Otter Creek Crossing, the parcel retained its A-0 designation upon annexation. At that time, the parcel was owned by a private party. Since that time, the EDA acquired the property. As it is contiguous to the existing Otter Creek Business Park, the acquisition provides additional land area needed for the creation of jobs and tax base within the community. The parcel is directly adjacent to an existing residential neighborhood to the south. Any industrial development requires buffering through landscaping. In addition, a larger building setback to the property lines is required. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission reviewed the proposed preliminary plats and rezoning and held a public hearing on each item on March 1s1, 2022. The Commission inquired as to the purpose of platting. Staff clarified that the platting will support the development of properties and expansion of existing business. Under the current ordinance, development cannot occur on outlots. The Commission also clarified the area that Suburban will be acquiring. It was also explained that all owners within the plat will be required to sign the plat, including Suburban. The Otter Creek 71h Addition replats their existing property and adds the additional land for their expansion area. During the hearing, Brad Barger, owner of Suburban Manufacturing, addressed the Commission. He noted that the current lot line meanders along the existing stormwater pond. The plat will straighten out the line and add land to the south for their approximately 20,000 square foot addition. Kim Parchem, 10050 Darrow Avenue NE, addressed the Commission. He noted that he had owned his directly adjacent residential property about 24 years. He stated that the outlot proposed for rezoning was originally proposed as residential. They would prefer a residential use. If not, he noted that the prior owner put in a tree line along that boundary and requested that the tree line remain. He also noted that any berming could cause drainage or flooding. In response, the Commission inquired whether conditions could be added to the rezoning to retain the tree line. Staff explained that conditions are not typical for rezoning. Staff stated that the site is currently zoned agricultural but guided for light industrial use. Staff noted that there is a buffer yard requirement with any development of the site, of which the trees could City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 be a part. The building setback also increases to 50' from 15' due to the adjacency to residential and a screening standard for off-street parking standard related to screening vehicle lights. The Commission verified that the setback to the cemetery would also be 50'. The powerline corridor was noted as limiting tree planting on the north side, but not south side. It was explained that Lot 1, Block 3 would be accessed from Chelsea Road, with the other three lots accessing from the proposed extension of Dalton. At this time, Dalton is not proposed to connect to 90th Street. Following the discussion, the Commission unanimously recommended approval of the preliminary plats of Otter Creek 7th Addition, 8th Addition and rezoning of Outlot F to 1-1. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Based on the preceding review, City Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plats as shown on the exhibits to this report, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. The platting facilitates the use of the site as intended for economic development purposes. Staff further recommends rezoning of Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing to 1-1. The City of Monticello's EDA acquired the property for the specific purpose of economic development — the creation of tax based and living wage jobs. Rezoning of the parcel is consistent with those goals and the guided land use. In response to the concerns of the adjacent residential neighborhood, staff will recommend that the EDA add conditions to their covenants in Otter Creek for the industrial land relating to setbacks for accessory structures and note the required buffer and screening standards. Budget Impact: Preparation of the plats is part of the approved contract for plat services with WSB. II. Staff Workload Impact: Workload impact is expected at approximately 10-20 hours for review nd recommendation on the vacation requests and platting. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 plan guides the subject plat areas for Light Industrial development. The proposed plats are rezoning are therefore consistent with the 2040 Plan. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-34 Preliminary Plat, Otter Creek 7th Addition B. Resolution 2022-35 Preliminary Plat, Otter Creek 81h Addition C. Resolution 2022-36 Rezoning D. Ordinance No. 774 for Rezoning E. Resolution PC -2022 -011 -Preliminary Plat, Otter Creek 7th Addition F. Resolution PC -2022 -012 -Preliminary Plat, Otter Creek 8th Addition City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 G. Resolution PC -2022 -013 -Rezoning H. Preliminary Plat, Otter Creek 7th Addition, without topography I. Preliminary Plat, Otter Creek 71h Addition, with topography J. Preliminary Plat, Otter Creek 8th Addition, without topography K. Preliminary Plat, Otter Creek 8th Addition, with topography L. City Engineer's Letter, dates February 22, 2022 (incorrectly cited as February 24, 2022 in Planning Commission agenda) M. Otter Creek Crossing N. Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition O. Otter Creek Crossing 4th Addition P. Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan, Excerpts Q. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Preliminary Plat of Otter Creek 7th Addition of Otter Creek Industrial Park 1. All proposed easements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 2. As a current owner in the plat, Suburban Manufacturing will be required to sign the plat, with any consents to plat as necessary. 3. Plats are subject to the review of the Wright County Surveyor. 4. Additional drainage and utility easement shall be provided along Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Plat Area 2 for stormwater purposes at the discretion of the City Engineer. 5. Additional drainage and utility easement is required for the existing stormwater pipe along the southern portion of the proposed Lot 3, Block 1, per the direction of the City Engineer. 6. Compliance with the comments of the City Engineer's letter dated February 22, 2022. 7. Final plats are approved and filed in accordance with the requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. 8. Approval of the associated easement vacation by the City Council. City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 9. Considerations of other Staff and the Planning Commission. EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Preliminary Plat of Otter Creek 8th Addition of Otter Creek Industrial Park 1. All proposed easements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 2. Plats are subject to the review of the Wright County Surveyor. 3. Compliance with the comments of the City Engineer's letter dated February 22, 2022. 4. Final plats are approved and filed in accordance with the requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. 5. Approval of the associated easement vacation by the City Council. 6. Considerations of other Staff and the Planning Commission. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-34 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR OTTER CREEK CROSSING 7" ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is seeking a replatting of certain property in the Otter Creek Industrial Park; and WHEREAS, the site has previously been platted as a series of lots and outlots for industrial development, stormwater management, and wetland protection; and WHEREAS, the replat is intended to facilitate the more efficient use and/or expansion of new and existing industrial businesses; and WHEREAS, the platted lots will be consistent with requirements of the City's Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance requirements; and WHEREAS, the subject property will be developed under the requirements of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the plat pursuant to the regulations of the applicable ordinances and land use plans and policies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 1, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, following the hearing, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat of Otter Creek 7th Addition; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the 1-1, Light Industrial District. 2. The proposed uses will be consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located, including the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-34 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by the existing and future land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The proposed access and development details meet the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, and are consistent with the applicable land use policies and ordinances. 5. The proposed plat is not anticipated to negatively impact surrounding industrial properties, and instead is expected to encourage future industrial development on the subject property. 6. Approval of the plat will not result in the need for additional road or utility infrastructure and should not otherwise negatively impact the health or safety of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Otter Creek 8th Addition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. All proposed easements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 2. As a current owner in the plat, Suburban Manufacturing will be required to sign the plat, with any consents to plat as necessary. 3. Plats are subject to the review of the Wright County Surveyor. 4. Additional drainage and utility easement shall be provided along Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Plat Area 2 for stormwater purposes at the discretion of the City Engineer. 5. Additional drainage and utility easement is required for the existing stormwater pipe along the southern portion of the proposed Lot 3, Block 1, per the direction of the City Engineer. 6. Compliance with the comments of the City Engineer's letter dated February 22, 2022. 7. Approval of the associated easement vacation by the City Council. 8. Final plats are approved and filed in accordance with the requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. 9. Approval of the associated easement vacation by the City Council. 10. Considerations of other Staff and the Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 28th day of March 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-34 MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-35 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR OTTER CREEK CROSSING 8" ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is seeking a replatting of certain property in the Otter Creek Industrial Park; and WHEREAS, the site has previously been platted as a series of lots and outlots for industrial development, stormwater management, and wetland protection; and WHEREAS, the replat is intended to facilitate the more efficient use and/or expansion of new and existing industrial businesses; and WHEREAS, the platted lots will be consistent with requirements of the City's Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance requirements; and WHEREAS, the subject property will be developed under the requirements of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the plat pursuant to the regulations of the applicable ordinances and land use plans and policies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 1, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, following the hearing, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat of Otter Creek 8th Addition; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the 1-1, Light Industrial District. 2. The proposed uses will be consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located, including the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-35 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by the existing and future land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The proposed access and development details meet the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, and are consistent with the applicable land use policies and ordinances. 5. The proposed plat is not anticipated to negatively impact surrounding industrial properties, and instead is expected to encourage future industrial development on the subject property. 6. Approval of the plat will not result in the need for additional road or utility infrastructure and should not otherwise negatively impact the health or safety of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Otter Creek 8th Addition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. All proposed easements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 2. Plats are subject to the review of the Wright County Surveyor. 3. Compliance with the comments of the City Engineer's letter dated February 22, 2022. 4. Final plats are approved and filed in accordance with the requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. 5. Approval of the associated easement vacation by the City Council. 6. Considerations of other Staff and the Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 28th day of March 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL M CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-35 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-36 ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP, REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM A -O, AGRICULTURE OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO 1-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT: OUTLOT F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING PID: 155-171-000060 WHEREAS, the City, as owner, proposes to incorporate said property into the Otter Creek Crossing Industrial Park for development; and WHEREAS, the property is currently platted as an outlot, and has remained zoned A -O during the time it has been undeveloped; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for light industrial uses in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the site is located and was originally platted as a part of the City's Otter Creek Industrial Park district, and that district accommodates a variety of light industrial uses; and WHEREAS, a companion plat, along with the proposed rezoning, is consistent with the long- term use and development of the property for light industrial uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 1, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, following the hearing, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the rezoning; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The Rezoning provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to reasonable industrial uses for the area. The proposed improvements on the site under the 1-1 Light Industrial Zoning are consistent with the needs of the development in this location and the adjoining Otter Creek Industrial Park. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-36 4.. The industrial uses for the project are consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the proposed zoning regulations, in support of the companion plat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the rezoning of the subject property to 1-1, Light Industrial District. ADOPTED this 28th day of March 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MI - 2 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 774 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, AMENDING THE ZONING MAP BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM A -O, AGRICULTURE OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO I-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT: OUTLOT F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended by rezoning Outlot F of Otter Creek Crossing (PID 155-171-000060) from A -O, Agriculture Open Space to 1-1, Light Industrial District. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make any changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this day of , 2022. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-011 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR OTTER CREEK CROSSING REPLAT AREA 2 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is seeking a replatting of certain property in the Otter Creek Industrial Park; and WHEREAS, the site has previously been platted as a series of lots and outlots for industrial development, stormwater management, and wetland protection; and WHEREAS, the replat is intended to facilitate the more efficient use and/or expansion of new and existing industrial businesses; and WHEREAS, the platted lots will be consistent with requirements of the City's Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance requirements; and WHEREAS, the subject property will be developed under the requirements of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the plat pursuant to the regulations of the applicable ordinances and land use plans and policies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 1, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the I-1, Light Industrial District. 2. The proposed uses will be consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located, including the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by the existing and future land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The proposed access and development details meet the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, and are consistent with the applicable land use policies and ordinances. 5. The proposed plat is not anticipated to negatively impact surrounding industrial properties, and instead is expected to encourage future industrial development on the subject property. 6. Approval of the plat will not result in the need for additional road or utility infrastructure and should not otherwise negatively impact the health or safety of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota recommends to the City Council that the proposed Preliminary Plat for Plat Area 2 of the Otter Creek Industrial Park be approved, subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. All proposed easements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 2. Final plats are approved and filed in accordance with the requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. 3. Considerations of other Staff and the Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 1 st day of March, 2022 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MO TPLANNING COMMISSION By: 9 7 Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schu�dann,Wommunity Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-012 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR OTTER CREEK CROSSING REPLAT AREA 3 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is seeking a replatting of certain property in the Otter Creek Industrial Park; and WHEREAS, the site has previously been platted as a series of lots and outlots for industrial development, stormwater management, and wetland protection; and WHEREAS, the replat is intended to facilitate the more efficient use and/or expansion of new and existing industrial businesses; and WHEREAS, the platted lots will be consistent with requirements of the City's Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance requirements; and WHEREAS, the subject property will be developed under the requirements of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the plat pursuant to the regulations of the applicable ordinances and land use plans and policies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 1, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the I-1, Light Industrial District. 2. The proposed uses will be consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located, including the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by the existing and future land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The proposed access and development details meet the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, and are consistent with the applicable land use policies and ordinances. 5. The proposed plat is not anticipated to negatively impact surrounding industrial properties, and instead is expected to encourage future industrial development on the subject property. 6. Approval of the plat will not result in the need for additional road or utility infrastructure and should not otherwise negatively impact the health or safety of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota recommends to the City Council that the proposed Preliminary Plat for Plat Area 3 of the Otter Creek Industrial Park be approved, subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. All proposed easements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 2. Final plats are approved and filed in accordance with the requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. 3. Considerations of other Staff and the Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 1St day of March, 2022 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MOI)I-iC)LLCANNING COMMISSION By:,- Paul Y: Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumar jn, j4m�hunity Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-013 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP, REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM A -O, AGRICULTURE OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO I-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT: OUTLOT F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING PID: 155-171-000060 WHEREAS, the City, as owner, proposes to incorporate said property into the Otter Creek Crossing Industrial Park for development; and WHEREAS, the property is currently platted as an outlot, and has remained zoned A -O during the time it has been undeveloped; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for light industrial uses in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the site is located and was originally platted as a part of the City's Otter Creek Industrial Park district, and that district accommodates a variety of light industrial uses; and WHEREAS, a companion plat, along with the proposed rezoning, is consistent with the long- term use and development of the property for light industrial uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 1, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Rezoning provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to reasonable industrial uses for the area. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the I-1 Light Industrial Zoning are consistent with the needs of the development in this location and the adjoining Otter Creek Industrial Park. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The industrial uses for the project are consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the proposed zoning regulations, in support of the companion plat CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-013 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the rezoning of the subject property to I-1, Light Industrial District. ADOPTED this 1St day of March, 2022, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICEL O PLANNING COMMISSION By: - Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumft, rojnrnunity IYevelopment Director 2 N N O CNi Q J n rillz 2 J ry H ry 0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Outlot A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Outlot A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Outlot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. PROPERTY SUMMARY 1. Subject property's addresses are shown on survey. 2. Subject property's property identification numbers are shown on survey. 3. The gross area of the subject property is 1,012,405 Square Feet or 23.242 acres. SURVEY NOTES 1. The bearing system is based on the recorded plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, having an assumed bearing of N00°25'16"E for the West line of Outlot A. 2. The vertical datum is based on NAVD88. 3. Field work was completed on 12/10/2021. PLAT AREAS Proposed plat areas are as follows: Lot 1, Block 1 = 425,325 Square Feet or 9.764 acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 269,621 Square Feet or 6.190 acres Lot 3, Block 1 = 204,092 Square Feet or 4.685 acres Outlot A = 113,367 Square Feet or 2.603 acres Total = 1,012,405 Square Feet or 23.242 acres C E F LEGEND Q FOUND SECTION MONUMENT FOUND MONUMENT O SET MONUMENT -7- SIGN DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE © PEDESTAL HAND HOLE FL TI FIBER OPTIC VAULT LIGHT POLE ,O' POWER POLE GUY WIRE ❑E ELECTRIC PANEL ELECTRIC MANHOLE ss SOIL BORING D FLARED END SECTION ® CATCH BASIN ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN s� STORM MANHOLE @s SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY LIFT STATION IRR IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX � HYDRANT Z WATER VALVE — SANITARY LINE — STORM LINE — WATER MAIN — UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION — UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC — UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC — UNDERGROUND GAS off OVERHEAD POWER FENCE CURB & GUTTER - -VICINITY MAP - CSAH NO. 39 �\\111 -1\� s y 9Q 0 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 6 �{ N N l �-6 l N T T BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, NOT TO SCALE AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. 1 V\/. div z \ wLU 2 \ \ J W H a I z \ LL w N ~Lr) LU b W J JW LL W (n \ 0z�W ZLD U)O LL LU Jtn oZ0 \ a 2 U N LL I \ \ LU Z o O z \ \ 0 zQ� LU wOfW zC/) \ \ \ U H a U I 11f UO I, Wz0 \ r www I\ I I Uma \ ` �1 O I n� � 0. 0o. FD RLS 16233 S89°53' 4"E 494.44 C310,e / / / \ /0 FIST I 12 - I -I- y N I I 0 000 N Cfl r EXISTING DRAINAGE AND } L` O I I ` UTILITY EASEMENT PER o (� �\'� o� T- 103.79 T \ \ \ Z — I PLAT OF OTTER CREEK S89°53'44"E Iib �20p _. \ \ 0.63 I — — — — — N CROSSING 1ST ADDITION _J — — ` ��°°3 I I o a O� I I LU �' �� S89153'44" E s1„w \ Z� U I I p \ S00°06'16"W IPM I QaY I I W W - \ \'�- _ 6 34.00 N o °' I Z� QI l (` \ �- ; �I Q w I I O \ \� �\�10 `� FD RLS 42621 5210 I oQ� I I ZI 1s"F O I� / 200• S3 FID 1/2" FD 1/2" PIPE �J J \ ' I ` i PIPE \ \� M 29S C/) I \ EDGE OF � 4--S. �136 3 d \ 02 R` DELINEATED 113,367 SQ.'FT_27 ? 7 ° rn \ \ 0�/ WETLAND 2.603 AC. \ 43„ h 49.>141 9 ,J�'� Z I o \ \ r�\�\� �6�� ��o� oo\� ,� �` _ _ OUTLOT A ���, �h 9 �o 00 I J O 1 J� / �� < P D� DRAINA E AND UTILITY EASEMENT'\' O / O z N � Z LOT 1 OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO \ sQ O \ tJo / O �� nj� \°? OVALL OF OUTLOT �� I g �j I ADDRESS: UNASSIGNED \� J „ LLJ N O 425,325S FT. PID: 155194000010 "S\ 2i9� I n \� ���/ CPQ \�O �_V` \ 421 \ ams°Sg! ,,� I - I z o \ `�°/ �' 5`' •v /\I ITI nT 1'60.26 /^ �\,\ f 273 N12°25'13"W _ n ¢� 9.764 C. _ 2 ��. 1-6 O D z Q a \(,� \ \est^ I� — — N90°00'00°W 210.00 - —iii / ����o� t�.`h� \� v I L_v j ,I�, ff g - - � /`C3 �:`�� Q °_ FD 1/2° 1' �7 ; 43.48 U H /1 I ITI /'\ T A \ 9�, �� !`P �� o V` OAC \, 75.26 'l°� a Y N I I I� I o I ~ O � z L/ U I L_L/ I /1 \� @' nJ ,\Q- / ° 0 W 0 PIPE p IUB 02 I �_\\ \ g�` OG���O N871842'W OwvQ /i� O� z I I I a J(n I �_ J ��� EXISTING GAO <�P 204,092 Q. FT. z 0. / O C) w I �` ` J / 60 \ Y O POND ��� 4.6 5 AC. OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO w z / ^^ 80 I L_J z LLU L 0o J / <0 - � �� / �� �0 i / ADDRESS: 10531 DALTON AVE Q 2 0 U_ N I ��\ ^ 7�,, �} OT 3 PID: 155223001010 Q Q 0.0cn / O / I I OFFS \�p L D BEING W WQ I -� \ F� G\(yip 4j NVEYED TO I, 7Q , ��' g 2 �j UBURBAN 3,279 SQ. FT. 0 ?0 6 0.075 AC. 1� I /1 / I <� D 1/2" PIPE / O LAND BEING C00EYED 69 ��9� 29� \ L0 / /i TO CITY O MONTICELLn 6 ,�` \�PG��P O / /�^ /¢ 5,919 SQ. FT` G p' N O (\ L zz�SNN ///�•/!l0.1136\•�C.,O FD RLS 9 0i o °k 25341 6 ND -130 M/O / / FID 1/2"PIPE / II i <. i �•l\�- \ \ \�\�\.\ -.%' !i;,� ///-\ r- -�i �-/-- / / j^/�Q= O0.62N88°5 0 "W T377 ° -S65 30N4°'10"W 62° 22.58 qS o 40.26O - - � I I .< \ I \ ; /// \ \\\ < �� / / ^� �rx s3a°oo'oo"w I I \ 1 \ PIPE \ �Jti \� �J y� LOT 2 LAND BEING �`� 79h o�\�� / CONVEYED TO x i 269,621 SQ. FT. I \ O \ SUBURBAN t- 6.190 6.190 AC. 7,984 SQ. FT. „'C A A A \ _)70 A 70tK OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO ,�� / c ADDRESS: UNASSIGNED Q / 00 0 \ \ \ I PID: 155223000010 �� `�= \- _ - X00 \ a, ''sN LO \ \ T� \;I- C, \ N o o / cn Lo I \� FD 1/2" P1I' C4'0 0 i \ N- Q(' / \ 7%0 0 % ��<'TPIPE ' \ I7�,__` 06i 1=95� \ \ (90 Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY: SR JRH U) O VJ W 0Y W a 0 O z O O TREE LINE ADDRESSES O Q w W 0 Z BUILDING EDGE Owner: City of Monticello 0 00 LO -0 PLAT BOUNDARY Surveyor: WSB PROPOSED LOT LINE 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 o 4-1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT 2 �- H J �mOJ _ LAND BEING CONVEYED W ~WWQZ= Q' >, TO SUBURBAN 2 Q L) L Z W O LAND BEING CONVEYED NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY TO CITY OF MONTICELLO EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER — N W < �� r NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING CREEK CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, L — J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY BLOCK 2, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING HAVE N EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY BEEN VACATED PER DOCUMENT. NO. A974166. Q� THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK — � in J =) L CROSSING 4TH ADDITION U WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, L BLOCK 1 AND OUTLOT B, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH }+ W ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO O �+ O BE VACATED. - -VICINITY MAP - CSAH NO. 39 �\\111 -1\� s y 9Q 0 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 6 �{ N N l �-6 l N T T BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, NOT TO SCALE AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. 1 V\/. div z \ wLU 2 \ \ J W H a I z \ LL w N ~Lr) LU b W J JW LL W (n \ 0z�W ZLD U)O LL LU Jtn oZ0 \ a 2 U N LL I \ \ LU Z o O z \ \ 0 zQ� LU wOfW zC/) \ \ \ U H a U I 11f UO I, Wz0 \ r www I\ I I Uma \ ` �1 O I n� � 0. 0o. FD RLS 16233 S89°53' 4"E 494.44 C310,e / / / \ /0 FIST I 12 - I -I- y N I I 0 000 N Cfl r EXISTING DRAINAGE AND } L` O I I ` UTILITY EASEMENT PER o (� �\'� o� T- 103.79 T \ \ \ Z — I PLAT OF OTTER CREEK S89°53'44"E Iib �20p _. \ \ 0.63 I — — — — — N CROSSING 1ST ADDITION _J — — ` ��°°3 I I o a O� I I LU �' �� S89153'44" E s1„w \ Z� U I I p \ S00°06'16"W IPM I QaY I I W W - \ \'�- _ 6 34.00 N o °' I Z� QI l (` \ �- ; �I Q w I I O \ \� �\�10 `� FD RLS 42621 5210 I oQ� I I ZI 1s"F O I� / 200• S3 FID 1/2" FD 1/2" PIPE �J J \ ' I ` i PIPE \ \� M 29S C/) I \ EDGE OF � 4--S. �136 3 d \ 02 R` DELINEATED 113,367 SQ.'FT_27 ? 7 ° rn \ \ 0�/ WETLAND 2.603 AC. \ 43„ h 49.>141 9 ,J�'� Z I o \ \ r�\�\� �6�� ��o� oo\� ,� �` _ _ OUTLOT A ���, �h 9 �o 00 I J O 1 J� / �� < P D� DRAINA E AND UTILITY EASEMENT'\' O / O z N � Z LOT 1 OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO \ sQ O \ tJo / O �� nj� \°? OVALL OF OUTLOT �� I g �j I ADDRESS: UNASSIGNED \� J „ LLJ N O 425,325S FT. PID: 155194000010 "S\ 2i9� I n \� ���/ CPQ \�O �_V` \ 421 \ ams°Sg! ,,� I - I z o \ `�°/ �' 5`' •v /\I ITI nT 1'60.26 /^ �\,\ f 273 N12°25'13"W _ n ¢� 9.764 C. _ 2 ��. 1-6 O D z Q a \(,� \ \est^ I� — — N90°00'00°W 210.00 - —iii / ����o� t�.`h� \� v I L_v j ,I�, ff g - - � /`C3 �:`�� Q °_ FD 1/2° 1' �7 ; 43.48 U H /1 I ITI /'\ T A \ 9�, �� !`P �� o V` OAC \, 75.26 'l°� a Y N I I I� I o I ~ O � z L/ U I L_L/ I /1 \� @' nJ ,\Q- / ° 0 W 0 PIPE p IUB 02 I �_\\ \ g�` OG���O N871842'W OwvQ /i� O� z I I I a J(n I �_ J ��� EXISTING GAO <�P 204,092 Q. FT. z 0. / O C) w I �` ` J / 60 \ Y O POND ��� 4.6 5 AC. OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO w z / ^^ 80 I L_J z LLU L 0o J / <0 - � �� / �� �0 i / ADDRESS: 10531 DALTON AVE Q 2 0 U_ N I ��\ ^ 7�,, �} OT 3 PID: 155223001010 Q Q 0.0cn / O / I I OFFS \�p L D BEING W WQ I -� \ F� G\(yip 4j NVEYED TO I, 7Q , ��' g 2 �j UBURBAN 3,279 SQ. FT. 0 ?0 6 0.075 AC. 1� I /1 / I <� D 1/2" PIPE / O LAND BEING C00EYED 69 ��9� 29� \ L0 / /i TO CITY O MONTICELLn 6 ,�` \�PG��P O / /�^ /¢ 5,919 SQ. FT` G p' N O (\ L zz�SNN ///�•/!l0.1136\•�C.,O FD RLS 9 0i o °k 25341 6 ND -130 M/O / / FID 1/2"PIPE / II i <. i �•l\�- \ \ \�\�\.\ -.%' !i;,� ///-\ r- -�i �-/-- / / j^/�Q= O0.62N88°5 0 "W T377 ° -S65 30N4°'10"W 62° 22.58 qS o 40.26O - - � I I .< \ I \ ; /// \ \\\ < �� / / ^� �rx s3a°oo'oo"w I I \ 1 \ PIPE \ �Jti \� �J y� LOT 2 LAND BEING �`� 79h o�\�� / CONVEYED TO x i 269,621 SQ. FT. I \ O \ SUBURBAN t- 6.190 6.190 AC. 7,984 SQ. FT. „'C A A A \ _)70 A 70tK OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO ,�� / c ADDRESS: UNASSIGNED Q / 00 0 \ \ \ I PID: 155223000010 �� `�= \- _ - X00 \ a, ''sN LO \ \ T� \;I- C, \ N o o / cn Lo I \� FD 1/2" P1I' C4'0 0 i \ N- Q(' / \ 7%0 0 % ��<'TPIPE ' \ I7�,__` 06i 1=95� \ \ (90 Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY: SR JRH U) O VJ W 0Y W a 0 O z O O J 0' W O Q w W 0 Z (7 �DwZ Q 0 00 LO -0 >IYQO Oz �2= ZQ o 4-1 U) 2 �- H J �mOJ _ J W ~WWQZ= Q' >, 2 Q L) L Z W O (n W fn V) LL N 0 C\1 U) W Of J 0 N W < �� L ce) o �UZ-5 LLJpUzw N o = w _U Z p Q� — � in J =) L Preliminary Plat WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 O � ♦♦--+-+ 0 -0 _Co NW 4-1 U) U) G 0 0 O U L a� �UZ-5 O N o L Q� U L U L }+ W O �+ O WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 N 0 N O CNi Q J n rillQ Z 2 ry ry PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Outlot A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Outlot A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Outlot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. PROPERTY SUMMARY 1. Subject property's addresses are shown on survey. 2. Subject property's property identification numbers are shown on survey. 3. The gross area of the subject property is 1,012,405 Square Feet or 23.242 acres. SURVEY NOTES 1. The bearing system is based on the recorded plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, having an assumed bearing of N00°25'16"E for the West line of Outlot A. 2. The vertical datum is based on NAVD88. 3. Field work was completed on 12/10/2021. PLAT AREAS Proposed plat areas are as follows: Lot 1, Block 1 = 425,325 Square Feet or 9.764 acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 269,621 Square Feet or 6.190 acres Lot 3, Block 1 = 204,092 Square Feet or 4.685 acres Outlot A = 113,367 Square Feet or 2.603 acres Total = 1,012,405 Square Feet or 23.242 acres C E F LEGEND Q FOUND SECTION MONUMENT FOUND MONUMENT O SET MONUMENT SIGN DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE © PEDESTAL HAND HOLE FL TI FIBER OPTIC VAULT LIGHT POLE ,a POWER POLE --) GUY WIRE Q ELECTRIC PANEL ELECTRIC MANHOLE ss SOIL BORING D FLARED END SECTION ® CATCH BASIN ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN s� STORM MANHOLE @s SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY LIFT STATION IRR IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX � HYDRANT Z WATER VALVE — SANITARY LINE — STORM LINE — WATER MAIN — UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION — UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC — UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC — UNDERGROUND GAS OH OVERHEAD POWER FENCE CURB & GUTTER VICINITY MAP CSAH NO. 39 �\\111 I \� S 9Q — 0 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 6 �{ N N �-6 _1 IL 1_ N T T BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, NOT TO SCALE AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. EDGE OF STREAM J \ QS� 0O GA IG / ^ A I_I N I /1 ^ 1 N \._/ 95_ �. ADDRES' 1 31 D TON E 0 �} , OT 3 PID:1552230010 F / L D BEING W 0/ / NVEYED TO I� ,I L) / UBURBAN / 3,279 SQ. FT. 4vt 78 I / 0.075 AC. �� I �^ / . ,I ` % 'PIP ! / L,L_\.Jr\ I / RET WALL 8 G� LEV: SPF \� OGFzO�a ACE 51TUMM 2" E S / / / N L, 4 Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 � 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY - SR JRH U) Z O U) w 0Y z 0 H a - U W UJ 0 UJ a 0 0 z Q O } O TREE LINE ADDRESSES O W Z 4-0 BUILDING EDGE Owner: City of Monticello 0 00 LO -0 PLAT BOUNDARY Surveyor: WSB PROPOSED LOT LINE 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 � 4-1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT 2 ~J � �mOJ _ LAND BEING CONVEYED W ~ WW Q Z = Q' > TO SUBURBAN �< —LL 0-a� LAND BEING CONVEYED NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY TO CITY OF MONTICELLO EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER — N W < 3: �= r NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING CREEK CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, L — J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY BLOCK 2, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING HAVE N EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY BEEN VACATED PER DOCUMENT. NO. A974166. Q� THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK — E F5 J 5 L CROSSING 4TH ADDITION U WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, L BLOCK 1 AND OUTLOT B, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH }+ W ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO O }' O BE VACATED. VICINITY MAP CSAH NO. 39 �\\111 I \� S 9Q — 0 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 6 �{ N N �-6 _1 IL 1_ N T T BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, NOT TO SCALE AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. EDGE OF STREAM J \ QS� 0O GA IG / ^ A I_I N I /1 ^ 1 N \._/ 95_ �. ADDRES' 1 31 D TON E 0 �} , OT 3 PID:1552230010 F / L D BEING W 0/ / NVEYED TO I� ,I L) / UBURBAN / 3,279 SQ. FT. 4vt 78 I / 0.075 AC. �� I �^ / . ,I ` % 'PIP ! / L,L_\.Jr\ I / RET WALL 8 G� LEV: SPF \� OGFzO�a ACE 51TUMM 2" E S / / / N L, 4 Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 � 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY - SR JRH U) Z O U) w 0Y z 0 H a - U W UJ 0 UJ a 0 0 z Q O } O WQ11'J0 O W Z 4-0 (� � C) Z zQ W 0 00 LO -0 �IYQ�O O Oz UWQZ� � 4-1 U) 2 ~J � �mOJ _ J W ~ WW Q Z = Q' > �< —LL 0-a� W fn N 0 U) W Of J 0 N W < 3: �= L- 0 ce) o w��U)o �OwzW W p N w = w — _U Z Q� p — E F5 J 5 L Preliminary Plat WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 O 4-0 }, 0 -0 _Co CL �--+ 4-1 U) 0 0 O U L- 0 Z-5 N o L Q� U L U L }+ W O }' O WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 N C] CC\1 (] k N41 Q J z 2 J ILLQ 0 LEGEND PLAT \ e�`� ���\ \ \ PLAT AREAS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOUND SECTION MONUMENT Q �� LU y U z .� Pro osed lat areas are as follows: Outlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Wright County, Minnesota. \ O OQ / �. z Y z O \\ p p 0 FOUND MONUMENT U U) ~ \ \ Lot VO.1, , Square Feet or 7.940 acres O SET MONUMENT p o \ 2 \ Block 1 = 345887 S q EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: m ()f Q s Lot 1, Block 2 = 452,317 Square Feet or 10.384 acres SIGN w Y \ '6,• \ Lot 2, Block 2 = 387,057 Square Feet or 8.886 acres That part of Outlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, O w /Z \ DECIDUOUS TREE \ _ _ - - - - J w \ Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK � \ N'LY LINES OF OUTLOT E, _ _ - - / � � � sLot 1, Block 3 = 273,577 Square Feet or 6.280 acres \ \ OTTER CREEK CROSSING \ \ / 0 p of \ \ oo, CROSSING 1 ST ADDITION, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, EVERGREEN TREE \ / / w \ Minnesota; thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, assumed bearing along the southeasterly line of said © PEDESTAL \ o \ \ Outlot A = 635,018 Square Feet or 14.578 acres Lot 1, 434.31 feet; thence South 40 degrees 53 minutes 16 seconds East, 507.03 feet; thence North 41 degrees 02 HAND HOLE \ O ti \ minutes 17 seconds East, 434.31 feet to the northeasterly line of said Outlot E; thence North 40 degrees 53 minutes 16 Q X \� / / ��� \ \ seconds West, along said northeasterly line, 507.03 feet to the point of beginning. vLT FIBER OPTIC VAULT L_v I \ j �\ / I FR/W Dalton Way = 68,319 Square Feet or 1.568 acres LIGHT POLE \ \ / FD RLS 44581 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY �, A v pF�OR/W 90th St E = 20,258 Square Feet or 0.465 acres AND ALSO EXCEPT: EASEMENT PER PLAT OF \ \ F� �O Total = 2,182,435 Square Feet or 50.102 acres O POWER POLE OTTER CREEK CROSSING \ \ O GUY WIRE S'Oi �x \ That part of Outlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, \ \ / / \S4J, F \ ADDRESSES Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of Outlot A, OTTER CREEK ❑E ELECTRIC PANEL `sA9°� A� �' / o I v v I L_u I v V c \ CROSSING 1ST ADDITION, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, ELECTRIC MANHOLE o� \ \% Minnesota; thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, assumed bearing along the southwesterly extension ,sr „ / I Owner: City of Monticello ss SOIL BORING c.Q�<y �F \ (1 \ / / i of the southeasterly line of said Outlot A, 512.89 feet to the west line of said Outlot E; thence North 00 degrees 49 �F� �/ti AS�3 ; \ ✓ / / \ I /'\ TT r- r) / �) r- r- / r ^ ^ \ I Surveyor: WSB minutes 08 seconds West, along said west line, 686.83 feet to the southwesterly line of said Outlot A; thence South 49 FLARED END SECTION cA OA, - - I < 1-) 1 N 1 / y degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East, along said southwester) line, 458.31 feet to the point of beginning. pS,S/00 i \�_ / C I I V \ 7 \ \ \ 2�0° \ 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 g g y p g g ® CATCH BASIN \ I Minneapolis, MN 55416 ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN �<O ,,� f1 AND / / /\ / \ ti L \ 7 s[\T STORM MANHOLE ST y </ O° v/ I\ LJ /—� V V I I I U I v ,� 6'% 90OO�Tsem, �\ Outlot A, 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION, Wright Count Minnesota. lam_A / NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY g Y, \ SANITARY MANHOLE w0 //O,I,'�' �"" / I I �6' ��\\ fid, EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER AND \ SANITARY LIFT STATION Z -� I I of 1 \\ �O CREEK CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, IRR IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX o / sE'LY LINE OF OUTLOT A, OTTER \ s I BLOCK 2, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING HAVE � P O / CREEK CROSSING 1ST ADDITION I O� ��\ Outlot F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Wright County, Minnesota. HYDRANT � �— EXISTING \ 0 o U p �, BEEN VACATED PER DOCUMENT. NO. A974166. /�� / t1� oO POND \ Z WATER VALVE \ \ O w </ < �� / �� MOST S'LY CORNER I\ \ wLU OF OUTLOT A, OTTER CREEK \ ��` > SANITARY LINE co \ Of o J U v' / CROSSING 1ST ADDITION I \ \ \ <' \ \ PROPERTY SUMMARY » STORM LINE °' , �. I / F LU co tic 0� \ WATER MAIN z o I o ti / I �- \ 72 O F \ 1. Subject property's addresses are shown on survey. \ oOFh �T 'c �\ C UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION II �'/'09� Q`0o \ \ 2. Subject property's property identification numbers are shown on survey. E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC \ / '' I � SWLY EXTENSION OF THE SELY o � \ �`9\ \ \ / 3. The gross area of the subject property is 2,182,435 Square Feet or 50.102 acres. F UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE OF OUTLOT A, OTTER CREEK c UNDERGROUND GAS CROSSING 1ST ADDITION `� OH OVERHEAD POWER FENCE EDGE OF j DELINEATED / �L SURVEY NOTES CURB &GUTTER - 7 \ IR \ 1� �11 WETLAND Z - FD RLS 44581 1. The bearing system is based on the recorded plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Thaving an assumed bearing of S00°49'08"E for the West lines of Outlot E and Outlot F. S38°42'52"ELOT 1 I _ 2. The vertical datum is based on NAVD88. 93.79 N ' \) \ BLOCK 1 I \ o i DRAINAGE AND UTILITY /, �\ L - w\ \ wl ,' ' T EASEMENT PER PLAT OF --------------- - - _ - _b �Q\� ���� �� 3. Field work was completed on 12/10/2021. OTTER CREEK CROSSING \\� 345,887 SQ. FT. MI \ 7.940 AC. v ' �� \ oll \ ' OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO0� 0 7 - \ \ \ cn ADDRES: UNASSIGNED �o� Q7 °O \ I i PID:1155171000050 %2 o� ��i �'�`�� o L I J \ \ 0 \ 68,319 Q. FT. \ \ 00 \ \ I / 4Q Q\\'s61\ 1.568 \ \ I / / A0 / I 273,577 SQ. FT. \ \ HEDGE J - LINE TREE LINE BUILDING EDGE PLAT BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT L -J \ 7° .A\ \ I NN 6.280 AC. I nT 370, ,x �\ \\ I /�' / ti o LOT 1 / \\ �'-------- OUTLOT A = / �------------ � / z \ \ 00 \ ` \Q` O� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT / / z / \ \ i/�\/ / L� L I < �J— O c \ \\ �\o Q S \ / OVER ALL OF OUTLOT A / \ `/ f \ I \ I , o , BLOCK 3 / 1 L I J DO � \ \ \� ` \ 7� 00 \ I / dW ) 635,018 SQ. FT. / �_ f_ T L� 1 f O w \ \ \ \ \ I/ �h T I 1 1 \ L- L- ,; 'Vsr o \ i 90TH LINE 3 D ADDITION 1, r 1 1 r \v v 1 \ L _ IJ LL Y \� �, 14.578 AC. / \ �` T L� 1 C oma\ v V 1 LLj LU v I L/ I / / � OWNARf C F MPNTIO9L�Ov \ �, Nip UTILITY 6 � N LINE OF VACATED T 1 / I T of L=51.31 o 6'0\��\ \ \ /</� \ / I I / ' cn / `/ 1 \ li PID: 1`3 SER DOSSING / / 6) \ _ �\ CHELSEA ROAD WEST I 1 sem 00 \\ 4,/ tel / .' 'r EATER CREEK CR / .J`� . ���/\ ; R=30.00 \ — — FD 1/2" PIPE 7, J / / ° 3� I w / ��' .I\ T \ — I \N \ , .T l A=97059'36"i +— I \ \ ( \ I I / I / 6$ 4 1$ 0 5 LL — /1 I /1T/ O ^ \ 6 0 --_— FD RLS 23968 \J V I L_�J I 0 r w ' 6 N $ i� — — — — — — — —---------- �— 4� 20,258 SQ. FTS i O - - 12 �� 88.94 S88°38'27"E 666.91 ---- — \ �� X0.46\C� O S88054'20" '� / i� O� O ° \ �/ 0 / FD RLS 15233 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ' / / i 1p \ \ \ \ \ / I \ \ \ EASEMENT PER PLAT OF �, X10 �. / �Pll�\ \R\ \ =45.06 I I \� / / 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION ` 00� J O0 I �j\ \ \ / R 60.00 I / \ 1'\ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ` Cp Q � \ \ i EASEMENT PER PLAT OF 00 ,� D--2°1 23 \ / \ I 00\ 00 ,gyp , p5 \I- 0 CL I \ \ 2p \ OTTER CREEK CROSSING / Oc o o (p o o \ \ / �.� I �� �O 253 1 wzwU I.F� of \ O �� �� g �� ✓\ 1 w I �/% \ \ ' \ S�?� F< \ �- \ L — -1 NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING �\ j Q w 0' I` \ �ti �0'T \ \ / "�/ L — J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY FD RLS 22703 Q w I I 6°°°-� \ O�`,Q/O� \ \ / �0� EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY 190 CL OF VACATED �\ \ \� OO Q9� \ / ocL THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK S CHELSEA ROAD WEST 0 w ~o S36°28'59"W \ /\ �9° ,� S,�/ \ / �� CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN pA 11 W / \ 2�s S3,/ \ n \ / OUTLOT E AND OUTLOT F AND OJ , 71 O,y \ \ / I OUTLOT H, SAID OTTER ao I "\\\\\ L-263.97 \ 79 c� \ \ CREEK CROSSING ARE R-60.00 / PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. o i = \ sr� \ \ \ '2, % CO — I 0=252°04'34" \ � \ � %23\.IQ5 AND �- - _ S88°54'20" ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE FD 1/2 PIPE I°O \ AND UTILITY EASEMENTS 117.23 DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF S' \ \� S2� \ I 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION \�! I \ \ 3� \ \ \ \ WHICH ARE WITHIN OUTLOT A, \ \ I SAID 90TH STREET 3RD I I `\ \ 2�s \ \ \ ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO LOT 1 i \ \ \ sus• \ \ \ \\ ^ \ \ BE VACATED. 452,317 SQ. FT. I \ GG \ ` \\ i�o \ \ 10.384 AC. I � I -12 V11 PIPELINE EASEMENT /,'F PER DOC. NO. 724490 ,\ N w a_ d --34.50 O N LL I OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA ADDRESS: UNA3UG T UT PID: 155171000060 BLOCK 450.23 /1 N I f1 1-1 1 1^ L,\JI 4LJ1 1U�, r - i 2 88059'20"E 1121.27 \ \ \ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT y \ \ N6 \ FD 1/2" REBAR LOT 2 N S00020'11 6"E CENTERLINE OF 60 FT TEMPORARY \ \ \ \ 2 To\\�L� \ 0.91 387,057 SQ. FT. STORM WATER DRAIN EASEMENT 8.886 AC. PER DOC. NO. 731770 J \,` Mo FD 1/2" \ (EXPIRED YET ???) \ ' \ PIPE \ A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY r EASEMENT PER PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING �^ J \ 671.04 FD 1/2� 0 �F�CT�/C</4'cc\OC'L� F/CTp�\ PIPE4'O SF,�TA9 2\ 6 'Sp \ /1 r1 r1 1 T l /1 N I - sr :/0 \ l/ \LJLJI I I\JI V \ 0ti \ _VICINITY MAP CSAH NO. 39 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA L S LINE OF VACATED i CHELSEA ROAD WEST L CHELSEA ROAD WEST VACATED PER DOC. NO. Al 091043 (CITY RESERVES DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT HOWEVER) DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: N 11 N 6 i{ N N I 6 I� NOT TO SCALE BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY: SR JRH z O U) W z O a U LU 0 w a 0 O z O } O Z cn J 0 O Z Q W >�Q�o O -U) U W Q Z H _ ~ J f� CO 0 J W Q OW Q Z P _QQz-0IL W0 U) wU)W Of -i W< �U)W � 0OUzw =WW0z W 0 J 5 M 0 00 LO O 0 U_ J N N 0 N N M 0 LLI Q 0 Preliminary Plat WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 0.O _Co NW 4-1 W G O 0-2 U L a� �U0 N^ o W G U L- 0 0 4-1 O WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 N C? CC\1 0 k N4Q J z 2 ILL Q I \ \ \ 0�le�\0 PLAT AREAS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LEGEND FOUND SECTION MONUMENT I N4, -7rooseareas are as follows: p Of c9 z �ti Pd plat follOutlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Wright County, Minnesota. \ O�N LU Y z_ O_ \ \ p 0 FOUND MONUMENT 887 S Block 1 = 345 Lot 1 , , Square Feet or 7.940 acres /K 0 O SET MONUMENT o 0 EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: 0 \ 2Roo \ q Lot 1, Block 2 = 452,317 Square Feet or 10.384 acres 0 \ �, \ SIGN w Y � \ 's-- \ Lot 2, Block 2 = 387,057 Square Feet or 8.886 acres That part of Outlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, ^ O w /2 DECIDUOUS TREE \ N'LY LINES OF OUTLOT E, \_ _ - - - - - - / �� � J \ so Lot 1, Block 3 - 273,577 Square Feet or 6.280 acres Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK \ F OTTER CREEK CROSSING \ / 000 \ \ o CROSSING 1 ST ADDITION, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, EVERGREEN TREE \ \ \ w \ \ Minnesota; thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, assumed bearing along the southeasterly line of said © PEDESTAL Outlot A = 635,018 Square Feet or 14.578 acres Lot 1, 434.31 feet; thence South 40 degrees 53 minutes 16 seconds East, 507.03 feet; thence North 41 degrees 02 HAND HOLE \ \ / \ \ ® O / \ , � y o ti minutes 17 seconds East, 434.31 feet to the northeasterly line of said Outlot E; thence North 40 degrees 53 minutes 16 ❑ \ Q seconds West, along said northeasterly line, 507.03 feet to the point of beginning. vLT FIBER OPTIC VAULT I LX ��\_\ < \ R/W Dalton Way = 68,319 Square Feet or 1.568 acres AO iP LIGHT POLE V ; / D RLS 44581 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ��' \ v pF�o R/W 90th St E = 20,258 Square Feet or 0.465 acres AND ALSO EXCEPT: EASEMENT PER PLAT OF \ \ 6 "�a POWER POLE EJ L \A / u r I",, v �n Total = 2,182,435 Square Feet or 50.102 acres • Jif I Q OTTER CREEK CROSSING \ O GUY WIRE STORM 6-\ 'Ao to That part of Outlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, OUTLET ^' 'TI ^T n \\� ��j� �\ ADDRESSES Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of Outlot A, OTTER CREEK ❑E ELECTRIC PANEL / 9 v U I L_U I v \ c CROSSING 1ST ADDITION, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, E ELECTRIC MANHOLE 90 , � / / \ � � �TNH ELEV: 937.18 0 NH 37. �\ \\\ I y s6 Minnesota; thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, assumed bearing along the southwesterly extension of Monticello SOIL BORING S'S'��Y �� / \ A i Owner: Cit of the southeasterly line of said Outlot A, 512.89 feet to the west line of said Outlot E; thence North 00 degrees 49 ��/r ��ti AS�� ; \ ✓ PCi /'\ TT r- �) / �) r- r- I / �) /'\ ^ ^ I (\ I / �\ \ I Surveyor: WSB minutes 08 seconds West, along said west line, 686.83 feet to the southwesterly line of said Outlot A; thence South 49 FLARED END SECTION - - - ,\� degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East, along said southwesterly line, 458.31 feet to the point of beginning. CATCH BASIN �pss�OCi i \�_ �j / `/ \ \J I I L_ I \ 1 \ L_ L_ C \ I 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 ,y �� \` �5 /� \ T \ \ \ Minneapolis, MN 55416 AND ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN 1 c, o� J /Cr, p/ Q �L) n I I/ -\N S 9 0 \\ OS 1 \ L) /-\ LJ LJ I I I\j�)) SQ STORM MANHOLE �p �� l \ cr'- NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY Outlot A, 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. �s SANITARY MANHOLE \ 1 /T/o��' EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER L SANITARY LIFT STATION wz ti l� / � \ I-_ SELvL�N€OFrLOTA\i� CREEK CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, AND IRR IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX � O !�� / /X CRE CROSSING 1$T AD ITI I O '� \\ BLOCK 2, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING HAVE Outlot F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Wright Count Minnesota. y / l ��\ T 9 Y, � HYDRANT `001 ° o Y / r / � � OST S LY CORN' ( O�'' 00�' \\ EXISTING \ O BEEN VACATED PER DOCUMENT. NO. A974166. \ ER I �I'\ \ \ OW LU / `/OFOUTLOT A,OTTER REE \ Gj \ za^STORM/ \ NH ELEV: 937.36 00 z 1 / CROSSING 1STADDITIN \ sCOX J PROPERTY SUMMARY \ � � � 3: LU�� j \ � OUTSET , \ � \ \ o \ \ \ � 1. Subject property's addresses are shown on survey. / �\ '<9�jy �A ------------ 0Q) s ELEV: 943.53 ` - �\ \ \ \ \ \ � '1'O Q��0 2. Subject property's property identification numbers are shown on survey. o,S, (� � �ITUMF(\IOUS PATH �/ W' EXTENSION � \ GJ \� ' \ SW' EXTENSION OF THE SE'LY \ \ \ \ o \ \� �'� ` 3. The gross area of the subject property is 2,182,435 Square Feet or 50.102 acres. G SIGN / LFNE OUTLOT A, OTTER CREEI4 ' \ CROSSING 1STADDTI?N- 1 i S n \ SSG _ ---- \ \ //� EDGE OF - �� \ p� FES 18" --- \ l DELINEATED -r- S SURVEY NOTES -7 10F \ / / \ IIG�> , WETLAND ��� I /� \ \, ' / / — NH ELEV: 946.43 1. The bearing system is based on the recorded plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING, ; having an assumed bearing of S00°49'08"E for the West lines of Outlot E and Outlot F. / ASSIGN / py �p WHAT STUB?� n \ LOT I \ ' I� �— / 93 9 ' 2. The vertical datum is based on NAVD88. \ _ ` 934.' A T GRAY 0 �LFOCK` o i DRAINAGE AND UTILITY �/ \ \ /�� - --- 3. Field work was completed on 12/10/2021. M3 9 LU 43 1 H vv, 1 EASEMENT PER PLAT OF v ' 1 OTTER CREEK CROSSING 34"87 C. T � ll ��� / cbV'y \ \ \ \ o I \ \ \ , OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO < ( y ' x . N , ADDRE, S: UNASSIGNED / / / o Qp>0O \ \ \ \\ \ �\ \ \\ \� ; PID: 155171000050 / / / / j� ITUMINOUS PATHj2 \ "Ir i ,g cPa \ \ Q s \ \ 1 , O � Q �\ �9, \ \ \ \ 1 , , / // / / s NH ELEV: 958.63 I I STy AT�.� . \ �� \ \ I I / / / < HEDGE LINE TREE LINE BUILDING EDGE PLAT BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT III \ O L 19 FToti \ \ M �J- - - 12 \ QcS6,V 1. O \ 273,57 SQ. FT. I / 6280 AC. � moov )/ OUTLOT a ��-- �� ----— -- / = o LOT 1� H ELEV: 962.19- \ - It Q���� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT � z / / s®_ �; \ �/ / L� L �J- I O /\ ( `\ \ o Q j \ , OVER ALL OF OUTLOT A \ \ s / u r \ I L I J / o ` \ 0 �o \ / / / / / ; 1 635,018 SQ. FT. / //// '' BLOC 1 �- �U_Y \ �A \�\ oy V O V/ �° I 14.578 AC. �I / �TL1 - �_ �� �SV&WLINE OFLOT 1,BLOCK 1, A�IL-U X \ \ / \ / / 1 / / j 1 1 1 1 \ L- 1 sro 96TW§TREET 3RD ADDITION r 1 1 r IzLr \\\ \ i n r- �� /// I /� / �00 u1;r �I1 T1��1 ^ i,\\ 41S �� ��nn1i `EXISTING TRAIL `/ 0 R2 F M TtCJLLOv $ 4 p PLAITY 60 \ - I ELEV. 96nCHddELSEA ROAD WEST n \ U v 1 1 � ttif��CI�E OF VACATED �� 0 PID. 1�M (ER T OF \ L_5 'll 1 r / i i / /� ' / /// �/ ///� EpSEMCREEKCROSSING / 6 j)=O.00 OTTER 59'36" D 1/2 RIPE --A LL \\ I I \5�68� 20,25 Q. /F�. S , i 91 V / y 65 7-12 \ \ � \\ � � \ r' ,' \ / , � oq � ? > � � /i / �" d / l �� i / I , � I I I � � \l \ \'�\ � i' I \ S, 5 2� � � -/� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY �I \/ CA PLS 15 3 EASEMEv NT PER PLAT OF / 1 /��' 0 iIf I )7� \ v v ti / / / — 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION f �� � tzO / / \A / � 4 6 \ / I / BLDG CcT�,¢s j (- cn / / \ s �� / AGE D JI BLDG / N -1�' O. \\� / RAIN � < 0 \ E SEMCENT K C ST G' y . I / I / / / , \ 2 0 3 �\ / / O TER (� 0 / QLL ��tK LU Z w I \ / / \ % TQC \ - I \ I / / / / / NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING < w \ o \ �/ ® L - J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY FDR 03 �( i �i Q w j �\ / / / / / �T oy ti / I I\/ / /// / / EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK �o Nk I'�LEV:6�/ Q W L9iy\ I \ r o CROSS NG WHICH ARE WITHIN LU -&31&�W59 W \ \ X53, OUTLOT E AND OUTLOT F AND OJ \69 98 -may \\ /o��/ / I OUTLOT H, SAID OTTER _ _ l // CREEK CROSSING ARE I / / / \ \� o\ ti/ x / PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. \ \ I I I I I / /-60 4 \ v' oti y / / AND FD 11 IP �_ \ I \ \ 588 0" �2 Q \ \ UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UT DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF III III FT. 084. ,\\ �— - NER: CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA I I \ / / / I A AND TIL I E I / "RESS: UNA3UG T[ _v I /� / PID: 155171000060a�" L6T/PENTRLINE OF60 FT- —TEMPOR7\\� \ ,387,057 �Q. TII I STOR WA RDRAN ." EX 1 8.886 AC D ?? Q \y\ � ) _BL KI \ \\ \ / / / �/ / / I I I A / D �lT�11 I iP \ \ \ PE'LINE EASEMIEN WER DOC. NO. 724490 671.4LU a 4.50 It`\ NII \ S88°59'20"E 1121.27 A r\ F\ 1 -71 /1 N I 77_ LL L114LJi ilJ�: —vVVI I �\JIV <<< 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION WHICH ARE WITHIN OUTLOT A, SAID 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. \ FD 1/2" ,r REBAR // S00020'16"E ti , 0.91 F 1/2' \ IP \ 5 I \ _ Ckti \ � T \ G� c F \ pO�c C °ysO\ \ \ dos2�'Ftxtis's \ - -VICINITY MAP - F_ CSAH NO. 39 C',- ,�, I I►\\�` I N 5� I NOT TO SCALE SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 11 1� CL OF VACATED I I CHELSEA ROAD WEST I 1 I I I 1 IL S LINE OF VACATED CHELSEA ROAD WEST I I I CHELSEA ROAD WEST VACATED PER DOC. NO. Al 091043 (CITY RESERVES DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT HOWEVER) DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: II 6 i{ N nl I�I 6 I BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. N Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY - SR JRH z O U) LLI z O a 0 LU 0 w a 0 O z O O Z WATER VALVE > SANITARY LINE >> STORM LINE WATER MAIN C UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC F UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC G UNDERGROUND GAS OH OVERHEAD POWER o FENCE U)2 CURB & GUTTER HEDGE LINE TREE LINE BUILDING EDGE PLAT BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT III \ O L 19 FToti \ \ M �J- - - 12 \ QcS6,V 1. O \ 273,57 SQ. FT. I / 6280 AC. � moov )/ OUTLOT a ��-- �� ----— -- / = o LOT 1� H ELEV: 962.19- \ - It Q���� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT � z / / s®_ �; \ �/ / L� L �J- I O /\ ( `\ \ o Q j \ , OVER ALL OF OUTLOT A \ \ s / u r \ I L I J / o ` \ 0 �o \ / / / / / ; 1 635,018 SQ. FT. / //// '' BLOC 1 �- �U_Y \ �A \�\ oy V O V/ �° I 14.578 AC. �I / �TL1 - �_ �� �SV&WLINE OFLOT 1,BLOCK 1, A�IL-U X \ \ / \ / / 1 / / j 1 1 1 1 \ L- 1 sro 96TW§TREET 3RD ADDITION r 1 1 r IzLr \\\ \ i n r- �� /// I /� / �00 u1;r �I1 T1��1 ^ i,\\ 41S �� ��nn1i `EXISTING TRAIL `/ 0 R2 F M TtCJLLOv $ 4 p PLAITY 60 \ - I ELEV. 96nCHddELSEA ROAD WEST n \ U v 1 1 � ttif��CI�E OF VACATED �� 0 PID. 1�M (ER T OF \ L_5 'll 1 r / i i / /� ' / /// �/ ///� EpSEMCREEKCROSSING / 6 j)=O.00 OTTER 59'36" D 1/2 RIPE --A LL \\ I I \5�68� 20,25 Q. /F�. S , i 91 V / y 65 7-12 \ \ � \\ � � \ r' ,' \ / , � oq � ? > � � /i / �" d / l �� i / I , � I I I � � \l \ \'�\ � i' I \ S, 5 2� � � -/� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY �I \/ CA PLS 15 3 EASEMEv NT PER PLAT OF / 1 /��' 0 iIf I )7� \ v v ti / / / — 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION f �� � tzO / / \A / � 4 6 \ / I / BLDG CcT�,¢s j (- cn / / \ s �� / AGE D JI BLDG / N -1�' O. \\� / RAIN � < 0 \ E SEMCENT K C ST G' y . I / I / / / , \ 2 0 3 �\ / / O TER (� 0 / QLL ��tK LU Z w I \ / / \ % TQC \ - I \ I / / / / / NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING < w \ o \ �/ ® L - J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY FDR 03 �( i �i Q w j �\ / / / / / �T oy ti / I I\/ / /// / / EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK �o Nk I'�LEV:6�/ Q W L9iy\ I \ r o CROSS NG WHICH ARE WITHIN LU -&31&�W59 W \ \ X53, OUTLOT E AND OUTLOT F AND OJ \69 98 -may \\ /o��/ / I OUTLOT H, SAID OTTER _ _ l // CREEK CROSSING ARE I / / / \ \� o\ ti/ x / PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. \ \ I I I I I / /-60 4 \ v' oti y / / AND FD 11 IP �_ \ I \ \ 588 0" �2 Q \ \ UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UT DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF III III FT. 084. ,\\ �— - NER: CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA I I \ / / / I A AND TIL I E I / "RESS: UNA3UG T[ _v I /� / PID: 155171000060a�" L6T/PENTRLINE OF60 FT- —TEMPOR7\\� \ ,387,057 �Q. TII I STOR WA RDRAN ." EX 1 8.886 AC D ?? Q \y\ � ) _BL KI \ \\ \ / / / �/ / / I I I A / D �lT�11 I iP \ \ \ PE'LINE EASEMIEN WER DOC. NO. 724490 671.4LU a 4.50 It`\ NII \ S88°59'20"E 1121.27 A r\ F\ 1 -71 /1 N I 77_ LL L114LJi ilJ�: —vVVI I �\JIV <<< 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION WHICH ARE WITHIN OUTLOT A, SAID 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. \ FD 1/2" ,r REBAR // S00020'16"E ti , 0.91 F 1/2' \ IP \ 5 I \ _ Ckti \ � T \ G� c F \ pO�c C °ysO\ \ \ dos2�'Ftxtis's \ - -VICINITY MAP - F_ CSAH NO. 39 C',- ,�, I I►\\�` I N 5� I NOT TO SCALE SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 11 1� CL OF VACATED I I CHELSEA ROAD WEST I 1 I I I 1 IL S LINE OF VACATED CHELSEA ROAD WEST I I I CHELSEA ROAD WEST VACATED PER DOC. NO. Al 091043 (CITY RESERVES DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT HOWEVER) DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: II 6 i{ N nl I�I 6 I BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. N Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY - SR JRH z O U) LLI z O a 0 LU 0 w a 0 O z O O J W < w W Z (7 � 0 z 000 LO W LL > p Oz << o 4_0 U)2 2 ~ J U �mOJ _ J W ~WW <Z=>+ Q' =Qzo� 0 0 W U) N fn 0 04 W U) W Of J p N U < W : = L ce) o �UZ-5 0 0f00zw W C1 o = W - _U Z Q� p — E F5 J 5 L Preliminary Plat WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 0).0 _Co NW 4_0 G 0 p o U L a� �UZ-5 0 o L Q� U L U L L y� T}� 04-1 O WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 L11, onticello February 22, 2022 Re: Otter Creek City Project # 2022-011 OFFICE: 763-295-2711 FAX: 763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street Suite 11 Monticello, MN 55362 The Engineering Department has reviewed the Preliminary Plats dated 2/15/22 as prepared by WSB and offers the following comments: General Comments 1. Provide easements for trunk sewer and water mains on Lot 1 of Plat area 2. 2. Provide easement for existing stormsewer on Lot 2 of Plat area 2. The City is not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please contact the Engineering Department with any questions. Sincerely, Ryan Melhouse Project Engineer www.ci.monticello.mn.us C 00117IF1!G Y,,F- OTTER CREEK CROSSING KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Otter Creek, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, the South Half of the Northwest Quarter all in Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southerly and westerly of Interstate No. 94 right of way except the following described tracts of land: 1) The East 50 rods of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter. 2) Beginning at the northwest comer of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence south along the west line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a seconds East along the distance of 632.70 feet; thence east deflecting 90 degrees 19 minutes left along an old fence line, a distance of 518.32 feet; thence north parallel with said of beginning of the land to west line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 56 feet more or less to the thread of Otter Creek; thence easterly and northerly along said seconds East, a distance of thread of Otter Creek, a distance of 834 feet to the north line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence west along said north line a distance of ADDITION, according to the recorded plat; thence South 45 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West, 630.00 feet to the point of beginning. more or less to the South line of said Lot B: thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds West along said South line of Lot B, a distance of 441.15 feet to the point of beginning. And that J. Edwin Chadwick, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liablity Company, fee owner, J. X. Beat, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, fee owner of the following'�p� described property situated In the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit That part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter and that part of Lot B, according to the plat by E. B. McCord recorded May 4, 1886 in Book 1 of Sectional Plats, Page 566, in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: AND Commencing at the Southwest comer of said East Half of the Southwest Quarter, thence North 0 degrees 49 minutes 08 seconds West, assumed bearing along the West line of said East Haff of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 494.12 feet to the actual point of beginning of the land to be described, said point being the Northwest comer of BONDHUS ADDITION, according to the recorded plat; thence South 88 degrees 58 minutes 44 seconds East, along the North line of said BONDHUS ADDITION, a distance of 1167.86 feet to the centerline of a township road (also known as 90th Street Northeast); thence North 45 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds East, -along said centerline, a distance of 218.66 feet to the East line of sold East Half of the Southwest Quarter, thence North 0 degrees 22 minutes 22 seconds West, along said East line a distance of 46.10 feet to the Northwesterly right—of—way line of said township road, said point being 696.34 feet North of the Southeast comer of said East Half of the Southwest Quarter, as measured along said East line; thence North 49 degrees 38 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 476.31 feet; thence North 40 degrees 21 minutes 44 seconds East, a distance of 418.51 feet to the North line of the Southeast Quarter of said Southwest Quarter, thence South 88 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds East, along said North line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 88.25 feet to the Northeast comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest corner of said Lot B of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds East along the South line of said Lot 8 (also being the South line of said North Half of the Southeast Quarter), a distance of 223.15 feet; thence North 45 degrees 28 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 530.02 feet; thence South 53 degrees 14 minutes 41 seconds East, a distance of 319.12 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot B, formerly the centerllne of 90th Street Northeast and also being the northwesterly line of 90TH STREET 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat; thence North 45 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds East, along the southeasterly line of said Lot B. a distance of 498.00 feet more or less to the Southwesterly right—of—way line of interstate Highway Number 94; thence Northwesterly along said Southwesterly right—of—way line, to Its intersection with the North line of said Lot B, also being the North line of said North Half of the Southeast Quarter, thence North 88 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West along said North line of Lot B, a distance of 195.42 feet to the Northeast comer of said East Half of the Southwest Quarter, thence continue North 88 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West, along the North line of said East Half of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 1342.19 feet to the Northwest comer of said East Half of the Southwest Quarter, thence South 0 degrees 49 minutes 08 seconds East, along the West line of said East Half of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 2153.98 feet to the point of beginning. That part of The East 50 rods of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25 lying Southwesterly of 1-94; and that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, lying Southwesterly of 1-94; Wright County, Minnesota. And that the City of Monticello, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: That part of Lot B, according to the plat by E. B. McCord recorded May 4, 1886 in Book 1 of Sectional Plats, Page 566, in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Lot B of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds East along the South line of sold Lot B (also being the South line of said North Half of the Southeast Quarter), a distance of 223.15 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 45 degrees 28 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 530.02 feet; thence South 53 degrees 14 minutes 41 seconds East, a distance of 319.12 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot B, formerly the centerline of 90th Street Northeast and also being the northwesterly line of 90TH STREET 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat; thence South 45 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West, along the southeasterly line of said Lot 8, a distance of 271.31 feet more or less to the South line of said Lot B: thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds West along said South line of Lot B, a distance of 441.15 feet to the point of beginning. Hoye caused the some to be surveyed and platted as OTTER CREEK CROSSING and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the Road, Highway and the easements for drainage and utility purposes only as shown on this plat. monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as In witness whereof said Otter Creek, LLC, has caused these presents to be signed 4 by its proper officer this 13' day of Deem 60-c 20 611. SIGNED: v its chief manager and president n E. Chadwick STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OFHen� —�• �jh}�@ foreg9o�ing instrument wag acknowledged before me this � day of e 2004 by JyhN Cb1.e 111 A4f4 $of Otter Creek, LLC, a Minnesota Limited LI Company, on behalf of the company. CYNT" J. M0WAL Notary ublic, canA eln County, Minnesota MOTARYrt1ttC•MI1t�a My Commission expires �•aaa.a.,•u 31 a00J Mir. sonrol•s In witness whereof sold J. Edwin Chadwick, LLC, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of CL e_ j1J' b Q. Y' 20 641 SI MED: ' its manager and vice president n E. Chadwick STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF C e -i rThe foregoing inst,' merit was ocknowledged before me this y of e C e r r,ber 200q by J O �Y1 G • Chadw �-ht n{QA�QQtr� $ i•>e i �G_nt of J. Edwin Chodwick, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, on behalf of the company. E a CYNTHIA J. MORICAL Notary Public, County, Minnesota i i NOTARY PURI -�ESOw1 My Commission expires a 3 JL 0 05 ofcarOA"nyubmsl.m C)n I;%\4_ \I I_OMMe.Ck_.\o-\ 90.rA-r\I ., - ,?-tth In witness whereof said J. X Bowers, LLC, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of ZeCen-I 111 20 Dpi `� its James K. Bowers STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OFhonvine-po Th foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /3 day of Dee C rte h er 20 OLI , by r 5 chief manager of J. X. Bowers, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, on behalf of the company. ,t CYNTHIA J. MORICAL Notary Public, N4 rip_ n,vs County. Minnesota " NOTARY PUBUC-MINNESOTA My Commission expires ''•a.n0,14b31 i .iDoS My Caron sbnE Or�Awk 31,E P PIN In witness whereof City of Monticello, Minnesota, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this\ +ti day of \_)f C C r•-.;y� c i• 20c LA �� ��/#i. +_ its � �d•�C.(1� ;45 Croy R01"rn1ISrA TV II STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF' k� i.. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me. this 1 day of e cerr.'r e:: 20 by >rucE h e \e•�y +�R ��oY Rick �.,o\�tiac\1eM of the Cit of Monticello, Minnesota, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. C.\4•`1 iac\M.1k5t+ck,�c,\•r V V--us)r "1^ n _lam S �, Notary Public, 1�9v Yob i My Commission expires —� ,)L z• I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as OTTER CREEK CROSSING; that this plat is a correct representation of said survey, that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown, or will be placed as required by the local government unit; that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat; and that there are no wet lands as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 505.02 Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated on the plat, other than as shown. urt M. Kisch, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License -No. 23968 The foregoing surveyors certificate was acknowledged before me this �� t,1 day of bizasnI 20-1 by Kurt M. Kisch, Licensed Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 23968. CYNTHIA I MORICAL Notary Public, F ennepin County, Minnesota STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTARY PUBLIC 31.2A 14Comrxc;anExpiresJan 31.2005 My Commission expires �'c�n. 31 . AI COUNTY OF II,W^ .r,.P CITY COUNCIL This plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING was approved and accepted In compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2, by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota at a meeting held thisday of 100IIIe •200 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINN /J�fltes� < Mayor City Administrator CITY PLANNING COMMISSION This plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING was approved and accepted by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a meeting held this `15+ day of _k\}©veMl,f ,^. 20' 1 . i Chairman AI P"r Secretary COUNTY AUDITOR, Wright County, Minnesota Taxes paid for all years through year ,2663. and transfer entered this R3" day of Deed tr. 20Qy. DAWN M GROSSINGL-f, tJOTPRY PUBLIC 4XIINESO4 I.K CC'^d EXP 011311X"5 COUNTY TREASURER, Wright County, Minnesota 1 hereby certify that taxes payable in the year aooy on lands herein described are paid this 23TtP day of l�eeeYxher 20Q�. COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER, Wright County, Minnesota This plat was recommended for. approval this 23! day of 06C. 20_9�4 �L).�.�� Wright County Treasurer i V,v M�1 fi.p_lWright County Highway Engineer COUNTY SURVEYOR, Wright County, Minnesota Examined and recommended for approval this 23day of , eez,,�oer 20 fight County Surveyor COUNTY RECORDER, Wright County, Minnesota 1 hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this �O day of �C'C emh2f. 20-t!9,at LI o'clock j .m., and was duly recorded in Cabinet Sleeve 1654 as Document Number, 9 119 /inA 1 1j Ar Wright County Retarder 3LI A D CK.—LL --I ., - ., - RLK - Kuusisto; Ltd. SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS NORTHWEST CORNER OF BONDHUS ADDITION N S8858'44 00 W W ~ QYO, coal in L5 Z � Wo uWi SOUTHWEST CORNER J OF THE EYZ- SW Y4 ��-8250 SEC. 10 T. 121 R. 25--,\\ h l 1319.85 --- SOUTHWEST CORNER N88'58'45"W 2639.70 SEC. 10, TWP 121, RGE. 25 OFFICIAL_ PLAT 0 200 400 g 92 \ SCALE IN FEET Scale: 1 Inch = 200 Feet J \ / -7 / /� I •O Denotes found Wright County cast iron monument \ \ / \ / �� • Denotes found iron monument NORTH LINE LOT B p Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument that --OF N Y - SE Ya will be set within one year of recording of this plat, SEC 10 T 121 R 25 and marked with Minnesota Registration No. 23968. 95.42 95.37 MEAD Denotes wet land N8850 00"W) \ \ For the purposes of this plat the West line of the \\ East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, is assumed to bear S00'49'08"E. 'pot \ETAIL-'^\� _3 61o `L\oJ�� N6/p / aB0 S ?\ < 0,1. 6 - \ \ 1.17 70� \ / • 4S 9\ Ro` 96 \ 47-104,E9 yh 6 fie•, eL \ N4572 4�'�S yo��j �F° G�' y �o�`o ro p` \ N>5.1 \ ! \ .\ B Op.Os4 \\ ,_ ?B �s�3\\ j �k�/0°�`PQ�S ` a�` 0 15 2.60 Q \ 8. s r- \ I 0• \i P rp e 32.60 \ opo\46s o����sr?,SII 1�0�\ S6ot 1;L�cnF'4,f` / ��1•L,�.(��,y1�`'re r oSOv �byoo•��` '6. �BsO�(po 0..11\\4 90 300.00�'L `l '116.33 OWN 5-67'47 96 E o ��O✓✓;t '` \ `- OU Tj OT G r l 441 15 /nFFn) 5-883827 f(YEAS.) \ S8932'41 E (DEED) \ -SOUTH LINE LOT B \ \\ SEC• 10 T. 121 R 25 ( "88-94 ofgEAS.)x 58854 20'E UT F age and utility easement____`-----� - \ 46.96 (MEA: 46.10 (DEED) I 'mss ,,-NORTH LINE OF BONDHUS ADDITION N0020'16"W (MEA / ' \ N002222"W (DEEL -90�h, STREET NE MEAS. \ 'LAT) Q (MEAS) / <� tT/a P51 1 v 2 g 't \ bEEO \ 1 _\V��� P5• o10 Lr) x to ld ro a�40 b o N ry1g6,h� �6 (a a o / -//' SOUTH Y4 CORNER --- J SEC. 10, TWP. 121, RGE. 25, WRIGHT COUNTY CAST 13 9,85 / IRON MONUMENT -` - 754.: CIM '00 0 0 ;0. P � n^ p� cc J 1.76 i.'. 61'4756"E?�� - - 243454 \ FDIP Southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Block 2, 90TH STREET ADD1T1ON 1 1�I- ,t q �1T 1t 1 r ✓� l" I 1 �< ^ DETAIL\ / Not to scale °o �a \ e / A !, ^� a, o O� F` Pr' l o, t�O o �o °° s• 553'14'41"E 33 33.35 RLK B, — JS45'06'16"W IIL7Enwir10 IzrD �r 47'5 361 4.49 56"E / 34.49 RLK - Kuusisto, Ltd. SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS � Fo NORTHWEST CORNER OF BONDHUS ADDITION N S8858'44 00 W W ~ QYO, coal in L5 Z � Wo uWi SOUTHWEST CORNER J OF THE EYZ- SW Y4 ��-8250 SEC. 10 T. 121 R. 25--,\\ h l 1319.85 --- SOUTHWEST CORNER N88'58'45"W 2639.70 SEC. 10, TWP 121, RGE. 25 OFFICIAL_ PLAT 0 200 400 g 92 \ SCALE IN FEET Scale: 1 Inch = 200 Feet J \ / -7 / /� I •O Denotes found Wright County cast iron monument \ \ / \ / �� • Denotes found iron monument NORTH LINE LOT B p Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument that --OF N Y - SE Ya will be set within one year of recording of this plat, SEC 10 T 121 R 25 and marked with Minnesota Registration No. 23968. 95.42 95.37 MEAD Denotes wet land N8850 00"W) \ \ For the purposes of this plat the West line of the \\ East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, is assumed to bear S00'49'08"E. 'pot \ETAIL-'^\� _3 61o `L\oJ�� N6/p / aB0 S ?\ < 0,1. 6 - \ \ 1.17 70� \ / • 4S 9\ Ro` 96 \ 47-104,E9 yh 6 fie•, eL \ N4572 4�'�S yo��j �F° G�' y �o�`o ro p` \ N>5.1 \ ! \ .\ B Op.Os4 \\ ,_ ?B �s�3\\ j �k�/0°�`PQ�S ` a�` 0 15 2.60 Q \ 8. s r- \ I 0• \i P rp e 32.60 \ opo\46s o����sr?,SII 1�0�\ S6ot 1;L�cnF'4,f` / ��1•L,�.(��,y1�`'re r oSOv �byoo•��` '6. �BsO�(po 0..11\\4 90 300.00�'L `l '116.33 OWN 5-67'47 96 E o ��O✓✓;t '` \ `- OU Tj OT G r l 441 15 /nFFn) 5-883827 f(YEAS.) \ S8932'41 E (DEED) \ -SOUTH LINE LOT B \ \\ SEC• 10 T. 121 R 25 ( "88-94 ofgEAS.)x 58854 20'E UT F age and utility easement____`-----� - \ 46.96 (MEA: 46.10 (DEED) I 'mss ,,-NORTH LINE OF BONDHUS ADDITION N0020'16"W (MEA / ' \ N002222"W (DEEL -90�h, STREET NE MEAS. \ 'LAT) Q (MEAS) / <� tT/a P51 1 v 2 g 't \ bEEO \ 1 _\V��� P5• o10 Lr) x to ld ro a�40 b o N ry1g6,h� �6 (a a o / -//' SOUTH Y4 CORNER --- J SEC. 10, TWP. 121, RGE. 25, WRIGHT COUNTY CAST 13 9,85 / IRON MONUMENT -` - 754.: CIM '00 0 0 ;0. P � n^ p� cc J 1.76 i.'. 61'4756"E?�� - - 243454 \ FDIP Southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Block 2, 90TH STREET ADD1T1ON 1 1�I- ,t q �1T 1t 1 r ✓� l" I 1 �< ^ DETAIL\ / Not to scale °o �a \ e / A !, ^� a, o O� F` Pr' l o, t�O o �o °° s• 553'14'41"E 33 33.35 RLK B, — JS45'06'16"W IIL7Enwir10 IzrD �r 47'5 361 4.49 56"E / 34.49 RLK - Kuusisto, Ltd. SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS 10 00 n �- 82.50 1 _ _ 194 35 I I -----NORTHWEST CORNER SEC. 10, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 I / '`-DETAIL /r r/r -41 1 0 C.S.A.I 10 f NO.3S ,- -NORTH ST "" 1n T CO a,TY 1n uu, v r nc 1 CORNER .. R1 VI'll LrVV,.I 1 H1vH.r/11 RIV 11 v1 I Ir OF S X NW Y4 117AY of 4T •ln - \ I 1 1 / AI I N I /1 {{ 6271 (MEAS.)— (a �S8900'10'E 1 I 630.00 (DEED) -_ 1 - 4 1 r 1051.86F! t 59.10- ,`}i o ; 1 \ S8900'1 E 1 ,n \ 0 473 10 1^ A H NORTH LINE- - - I - - - - x a F I OF S - NW Y 0)y v 269.56 �= 2q 98, g- ry _ �4=79'30'19" INDO'02'26"E ,,N4 L-115 75 673'4q• \ z o rn I 'C\ON I ryMg' `� N `, '6 ?p, --12 foot -L=45.$1 f `o _m o 2 I \ c^ W.•w `--'-L=1021 3 Q, 069109 . V� R=303 " z of w H v 3 z 1- z oI ` I u •F ,r k- \ 1 _ _,-drainage and I \� \\ / - utility easement i1a Survey line, -315 ohN 1 ` \ lo0i- � 0 1 \\sus. v `Ix W 5895344'Ea ? N� N� !\ 6p6> \S s 518.32 - 25513/. N % 01 p\\ 06\ o o \ S85'45'24W14. 60 =_ a- -<-, S/ 2 N89'53'44"W 182 5 142.5 I I o r, dS \\ II I I 4 I 1 Z I/ goo l I 101 100 1 -----�2 foot dralnag and utility easement------- II s ��tn I I I I I R9�9• LOT 1 BLOCK 2 o FFkci AL PLAT OTTER CREEK CROSSING / LIU LJ F \ -- C.S.A.H. N0. 39 EST 111-)I/�1 IT /\/\1 'N IT\/ 1 11(\1 111/ A \ )I/ IT r 1 �\ I R rrI71\7f11 \.vvlvl 1 fllvflrrnl R;%7r 1 v1 I \ '� J Y2 - NW Y4 +I / n r. I ,1 I \ 1 r 1 627± (MEAS)CPO \ / 589 00' 70'E 1 1 \ 630.00 (DEED) - I \ — `' \ r/ 1051.86 1 1 59.10 12460 1\ 1 \ 58473.10 -00,10 E I � ,Ln ' /_ 0 1 \-NORTH LINE py �� — _269.56 OF S Y - 00 NW Y4I 2 \tea, _ -� p=19*30'19' - '\ \ o, �,, IN00'02 26' E \ T_ 3L=115.75 --- ---- \ON ix� \� s \` 6�)6 12 foot arainage an 107 ss<_, Q� \�• > O \� \ \-L=45. 1 - r a �C�C pp `f 0 rn \Q A=10'05$44r' / v N89-00-1 rW - - i\ I 1 ` O. c Q O• CP \an OV P IN s \ I I c� r" co.'s \Q ": --<L=102.13 nage and utility easement --� r �a \�\\ R=300.00 N \ p o\ D=19'30' 19„ \ \ 01 � z rn \ �) \ ---,-,,,--drainage and WEST LINE OF THE 1 `1' z �_ I I \�\ �// 1 -\X utility easement EAST 50 RODS --ry \\ OF THE SE Y4 '- NW Y4 EAST50 RODS 825 FT)-->°' J to hLr) / \ N, SEC ' SEC 10 T 121 R 25--'' -------------- ------------ rn W N� r r7� OUTLOT C w \\ \ a a �o po � Survey y= ii3gk/ �� � i \ \ r) / / p 6 S• rp / r I rL_ o 203\aO s\ p 585 t$. 271.49 / \\ - froc�0,0 N89'53'44"W - c^Jp `'�•. Q I V V O \ / o\\�lIgj3o' \\\/ eyes \\ \\ \ old 7 64S a2\9 WEST Ya CORNER e o - \ \ \ � \ \ ��� <\ SEC. 10, TWP 121, .� tiJ� \ `0 \ \ � \ r RGE. 25. WRIGHT COUNTY %• \ , -rCASI IRON MONUMENT 1 --NORTH LINE NORTHEAST CORNER \, 11 I / I si \ \ (�` OF NE Y. - SW A O\\/ OF THE E Y - SW Y4 \ NORTH LINE LOT B / SEC. 10, T 121, R 25-, \ o ` - 241 00 \ I - \ \ ,� -\ \ \SEC 10 T 121 R 25 g\ p,0 � •hry ,yai _ _ \ I 6>\ ' - OF N Y - SE Y _ � ,'' SEC. 10 T 121 R 25 r ` 1342 19 t- - - - r \ 1 r \ - - ' yh0.�0� ---2684 37--- 1 r \\ 1342 19 '- - - r � �_ \ N8850'00"W i , N8850'00'W �� / i ` \ 195 42 (OEEDj� - - - - \ \ `- k° A / 1195.37 MEAS) \ 1 I I \ IN, '-NORTHWEST NORTHWEST CORNER g+62''� \ \ I N8850 O"W r \ 12' IN, to OF THE E J4 - SWY4 \ \\ --- moo\ / \ s OUTLOT D( 'o. P o oar \yo c, c\ �\ 7>S . pyo 1 \ \ S`�\� O>'6., ,''2�o \ \ c'SB \ ` <i 1 1 O. A \ (� ,' is �'i' ,ro \ O 9�� \ 1 0 \ \o��\ �> \ . or 01 /r9. \ I I I W I SS ✓ o s \ 6, \ �s G.i °/: 9p \ 1R z'� 16 ,rp, (3 c \\ �9J. \ ^6^ 'OI I >\ F\ \/ �o iimo'S \ �90ZJ, 2� yF I °"� ."� '`'\ e9j \ 9P o ' \ S �' I c I \ F TPS \ ")� P S 63 .O�' 1 I \ '1%\ \ \ coo. e0- \ 0 200 400 SCALE IN FEET Scale: 1 Inch = 200 Feet IN, \ � /` 9°j4? 4SeS ?h'` 1 i `\\` \ \ \ \ �fi� y � � \ \ � ✓ l_- • Denotes found iron monument 3N .I OUTLOT B \ I °F ' i \ \ I T Pa "4. \\ DETAIL` % 0 Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument that wN ° m \ \ \ n I 1 \ \ \\ \ S"� y' �� \ �' will be set within one year of recording of this plat, o I rn I \ \ t. P, ��,� , \ 3 v \ t \ I 'L/ \ �a \ \ and marked with Minnesota Registration No. 23968. co j N r \ 9T I \ �c \-/I C nC0 I I W1- oca \ �� �\ ,, Denotes wet land t v e / � �r \ \ 1 _ � 7> Drainage /�/ � \ .�ry A v t / coA�e / ►7 Easement '�' t ye Z ^ I L )i 1_i `n `w I / \ \00 i \ 1 / Y ^ \ \ \ \ a�ce1 // s- (� \ 41-O- uwi `�`. \ \ \ a'?• taaJ�-1,6j // 4.642S\ <o34 ;S \ o rn 1 I / /) I \ \ \2 e ry o o/ y° 1/ o \ , 6\ �' �\ �� I \ rnl•i ad \ �: NI / 1 \ \ \ \/ \5e 01 ,/ �a�4'//y'Sa' `t'/��� ,� 2" \ \ \ -Ir� j/ r 1 \\ oN O \\ t{il_N / 1 \ \ \\ \ l09 \\ ri �\ // BL�{"i' ,`Z7 / -833 �-`O% \ J J o \ w of OUTLOT E I \ / , /i / k, / �\ 1 I � \\ I \ m 1 I \ 1 I\` 'RS6Sg\ R? \\ / / 47.10 E 11 825 82.5 \ "k, IN, \ i \ 1 I \ /1 `\\ °2e \\S°\`2 / N45724� t�o��°io�PS;�y .Oc °moo iii I \ 1 I \ \ y \\ \ ° �OSR \ ---� SSp-\\ I/O° P 5 `? c�oJ�e °l \ - 12 fact drainage and utility easement ------ IN, --_ \ W �` -------- \\ s O �646�8 sr9r'ri IN,.! O ":;L IN, so \ \ ocor P IN, \ SOUTHWEST CORNER LOT B o� 3 gi f r c \ 1 OF THE N }t - SE Y4 20 <,0 0 \ s r oro IN, src \ 1 \ AND NORTHEAST CORNER ao M ry0 L�� \ \ S t1 \ o \ \ OF SE Y4 - SW Y4 �' 9` ( h M ' r �� m \ \ iii 7s \ - - IN \ .a�� 4 k C) 12 cli49'k�56 .% -�\i 20 c�P 1 \ J s \ 1 \ SEC. 10 T. 121 R. 25 - �\ 1 0o h�'y°:1*� �6b6�7\ \ `e0 r ;'� t\ V 0`,�,•-��l 1 ,.. s s. 1 h s ry s �- \ 90 tL 12 4t drainage and uAjlity easement ------- For the purposes of this plat the West line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, is assumed to bear S00'49'08"E. RLK - Kuusisto, Ltd. SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS '-Northwest corner of —�_NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 o. c� I") 1` Lno -West line of NE 1/4 - `^/ SE 1/4, SEC. 4, TWP 121, RGE. 25 I \ SS3 1 °'s/"\'o F 1 A�� r 1 / '`-DETAIL /r r/r -41 1 0 C.S.A.I 10 f NO.3S ,- -NORTH ST "" 1n T CO a,TY 1n uu, v r nc 1 CORNER .. R1 VI'll LrVV,.I 1 H1vH.r/11 RIV 11 v1 I Ir OF S X NW Y4 117AY of 4T •ln - \ I 1 1 / AI I N I /1 {{ 6271 (MEAS.)— (a �S8900'10'E 1 I 630.00 (DEED) -_ 1 - 4 1 r 1051.86F! t 59.10- ,`}i o ; 1 \ S8900'1 E 1 ,n \ 0 473 10 1^ A H NORTH LINE- - - I - - - - x a F I OF S - NW Y 0)y v 269.56 �= 2q 98, g- ry _ �4=79'30'19" INDO'02'26"E ,,N4 L-115 75 673'4q• \ z o rn I 'C\ON I ryMg' `� N `, '6 ?p, --12 foot -L=45.$1 f `o _m o 2 I \ c^ W.•w `--'-L=1021 3 Q, 069109 . V� R=303 " z of w H v 3 z 1- z oI ` I u •F ,r k- \ 1 _ _,-drainage and I \� \\ / - utility easement i1a Survey line, -315 ohN 1 ` \ lo0i- � 0 1 \\sus. v `Ix W 5895344'Ea ? N� N� !\ 6p6> \S s 518.32 - 25513/. N % 01 p\\ 06\ o o \ S85'45'24W14. 60 =_ a- -<-, S/ 2 N89'53'44"W 182 5 142.5 I I o r, dS \\ II I I 4 I 1 Z I/ goo l I 101 100 1 -----�2 foot dralnag and utility easement------- II s ��tn I I I I I R9�9• LOT 1 BLOCK 2 o FFkci AL PLAT OTTER CREEK CROSSING / LIU LJ F \ -- C.S.A.H. N0. 39 EST 111-)I/�1 IT /\/\1 'N IT\/ 1 11(\1 111/ A \ )I/ IT r 1 �\ I R rrI71\7f11 \.vvlvl 1 fllvflrrnl R;%7r 1 v1 I \ '� J Y2 - NW Y4 +I / n r. I ,1 I \ 1 r 1 627± (MEAS)CPO \ / 589 00' 70'E 1 1 \ 630.00 (DEED) - I \ — `' \ r/ 1051.86 1 1 59.10 12460 1\ 1 \ 58473.10 -00,10 E I � ,Ln ' /_ 0 1 \-NORTH LINE py �� — _269.56 OF S Y - 00 NW Y4I 2 \tea, _ -� p=19*30'19' - '\ \ o, �,, IN00'02 26' E \ T_ 3L=115.75 --- ---- \ON ix� \� s \` 6�)6 12 foot arainage an 107 ss<_, Q� \�• > O \� \ \-L=45. 1 - r a �C�C pp `f 0 rn \Q A=10'05$44r' / v N89-00-1 rW - - i\ I 1 ` O. c Q O• CP \an OV P IN s \ I I c� r" co.'s \Q ": --<L=102.13 nage and utility easement --� r �a \�\\ R=300.00 N \ p o\ D=19'30' 19„ \ \ 01 � z rn \ �) \ ---,-,,,--drainage and WEST LINE OF THE 1 `1' z �_ I I \�\ �// 1 -\X utility easement EAST 50 RODS --ry \\ OF THE SE Y4 '- NW Y4 EAST50 RODS 825 FT)-->°' J to hLr) / \ N, SEC ' SEC 10 T 121 R 25--'' -------------- ------------ rn W N� r r7� OUTLOT C w \\ \ a a �o po � Survey y= ii3gk/ �� � i \ \ r) / / p 6 S• rp / r I rL_ o 203\aO s\ p 585 t$. 271.49 / \\ - froc�0,0 N89'53'44"W - c^Jp `'�•. Q I V V O \ / o\\�lIgj3o' \\\/ eyes \\ \\ \ old 7 64S a2\9 WEST Ya CORNER e o - \ \ \ � \ \ ��� <\ SEC. 10, TWP 121, .� tiJ� \ `0 \ \ � \ r RGE. 25. WRIGHT COUNTY %• \ , -rCASI IRON MONUMENT 1 --NORTH LINE NORTHEAST CORNER \, 11 I / I si \ \ (�` OF NE Y. - SW A O\\/ OF THE E Y - SW Y4 \ NORTH LINE LOT B / SEC. 10, T 121, R 25-, \ o ` - 241 00 \ I - \ \ ,� -\ \ \SEC 10 T 121 R 25 g\ p,0 � •hry ,yai _ _ \ I 6>\ ' - OF N Y - SE Y _ � ,'' SEC. 10 T 121 R 25 r ` 1342 19 t- - - - r \ 1 r \ - - ' yh0.�0� ---2684 37--- 1 r \\ 1342 19 '- - - r � �_ \ N8850'00"W i , N8850'00'W �� / i ` \ 195 42 (OEEDj� - - - - \ \ `- k° A / 1195.37 MEAS) \ 1 I I \ IN, '-NORTHWEST NORTHWEST CORNER g+62''� \ \ I N8850 O"W r \ 12' IN, to OF THE E J4 - SWY4 \ \\ --- moo\ / \ s OUTLOT D( 'o. P o oar \yo c, c\ �\ 7>S . pyo 1 \ \ S`�\� O>'6., ,''2�o \ \ c'SB \ ` <i 1 1 O. A \ (� ,' is �'i' ,ro \ O 9�� \ 1 0 \ \o��\ �> \ . or 01 /r9. \ I I I W I SS ✓ o s \ 6, \ �s G.i °/: 9p \ 1R z'� 16 ,rp, (3 c \\ �9J. \ ^6^ 'OI I >\ F\ \/ �o iimo'S \ �90ZJ, 2� yF I °"� ."� '`'\ e9j \ 9P o ' \ S �' I c I \ F TPS \ ")� P S 63 .O�' 1 I \ '1%\ \ \ coo. e0- \ 0 200 400 SCALE IN FEET Scale: 1 Inch = 200 Feet IN, \ � /` 9°j4? 4SeS ?h'` 1 i `\\` \ \ \ \ �fi� y � � \ \ � ✓ l_- • Denotes found iron monument 3N .I OUTLOT B \ I °F ' i \ \ I T Pa "4. \\ DETAIL` % 0 Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument that wN ° m \ \ \ n I 1 \ \ \\ \ S"� y' �� \ �' will be set within one year of recording of this plat, o I rn I \ \ t. P, ��,� , \ 3 v \ t \ I 'L/ \ �a \ \ and marked with Minnesota Registration No. 23968. co j N r \ 9T I \ �c \-/I C nC0 I I W1- oca \ �� �\ ,, Denotes wet land t v e / � �r \ \ 1 _ � 7> Drainage /�/ � \ .�ry A v t / coA�e / ►7 Easement '�' t ye Z ^ I L )i 1_i `n `w I / \ \00 i \ 1 / Y ^ \ \ \ \ a�ce1 // s- (� \ 41-O- uwi `�`. \ \ \ a'?• taaJ�-1,6j // 4.642S\ <o34 ;S \ o rn 1 I / /) I \ \ \2 e ry o o/ y° 1/ o \ , 6\ �' �\ �� I \ rnl•i ad \ �: NI / 1 \ \ \ \/ \5e 01 ,/ �a�4'//y'Sa' `t'/��� ,� 2" \ \ \ -Ir� j/ r 1 \\ oN O \\ t{il_N / 1 \ \ \\ \ l09 \\ ri �\ // BL�{"i' ,`Z7 / -833 �-`O% \ J J o \ w of OUTLOT E I \ / , /i / k, / �\ 1 I � \\ I \ m 1 I \ 1 I\` 'RS6Sg\ R? \\ / / 47.10 E 11 825 82.5 \ "k, IN, \ i \ 1 I \ /1 `\\ °2e \\S°\`2 / N45724� t�o��°io�PS;�y .Oc °moo iii I \ 1 I \ \ y \\ \ ° �OSR \ ---� SSp-\\ I/O° P 5 `? c�oJ�e °l \ - 12 fact drainage and utility easement ------ IN, --_ \ W �` -------- \\ s O �646�8 sr9r'ri IN,.! O ":;L IN, so \ \ ocor P IN, \ SOUTHWEST CORNER LOT B o� 3 gi f r c \ 1 OF THE N }t - SE Y4 20 <,0 0 \ s r oro IN, src \ 1 \ AND NORTHEAST CORNER ao M ry0 L�� \ \ S t1 \ o \ \ OF SE Y4 - SW Y4 �' 9` ( h M ' r �� m \ \ iii 7s \ - - IN \ .a�� 4 k C) 12 cli49'k�56 .% -�\i 20 c�P 1 \ J s \ 1 \ SEC. 10 T. 121 R. 25 - �\ 1 0o h�'y°:1*� �6b6�7\ \ `e0 r ;'� t\ V 0`,�,•-��l 1 ,.. s s. 1 h s ry s �- \ 90 tL 12 4t drainage and uAjlity easement ------- For the purposes of this plat the West line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, is assumed to bear S00'49'08"E. RLK - Kuusisto, Ltd. SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT OTTERCRffEXCRO.SSING.;RDADDITION KNOWALL MENBY 7HESEPRESENTS: That the City of Monticello, a Minnesota Munidpa/ Corporation, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County ofWiight, State of Minnesota to wit.• A// of OU77 0TB, OTTER CREEK CROSS/NG, according to saidplat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Andalso: That pad of OU77-OTE OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to saidplat on file and offeaoni in the office of the County Recorder Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly comer ofLot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK CROSS/NG 1STADD/T/ON, according to said plat on file and ofrecvrd in the office of the County Recorder Wright County, Minnesota; thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, assumed bearing along the southeasterly line ofsaid Lot 1, 434.31 feet thence South 40 degrees 53 minutes 16 seconds East, 507.03 feet; thence North 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds East, 434.31 feet to the nodheasterlyline ofsaid OUTL0TE,• thence North 40 degrees 53 minutes 16 seconds West, along said northeasterly line, 507.03 feet to the point ofbeginning. And also: That pad of OWL LTE, OTTER CREEK CROSS/NG, accofding to saidplat on file and ofrecord in the ol/rce ofthe County Recorder Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows Beginning at the most southerly comer ofOudotA, OTTER CREEKCROSS/NG 1STADD/T/ON, accord/ng to said p/at on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder Weight County, Minnesota, thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, assumed bearing along the southwesterly extension of the southeasterly line of said OudotA, 512.89 feet to d)e westline ofsaid OU77 0TE,• thence North 00 degrees 49 minutes 08 seconds West, along said west fine, 686.83 feet to the southwestedy/ine of said OU77 0TA, thence South 49 degrees 07m/nutes 40 seconds East, along said southwesterly line, 458.31 feet to the point of beginning. Andalso: That pad ofOU77-OT C, OTTER CREEKCROSS/NG 2NDADD/T/ON, according to said p/at on file and ofrecord in the office of the County Recorder Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows Beginning at the most westerly comer ofsaid OUM0TQ- thence North 38 degrees 32 minutes 17 seconds East assumed bearing along the northwesterly line ofsaid OU77-0T C, 24.47feet, thence South 42 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds East 136.91 feet to the southwestedyline ofsaid OUTZOT C; thence North 52 degrees 47m/nutes 51 seconds West along said southwesterlyline, 135.28 feet to the point of beginning. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as OTTER CREEKCROSS/NG 3RDADD/T/ONand does hereby donate and dedicate to the pub//c forpub/ic use forever the thoroughfares, cu/de sacs and the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and uti/itypurposes only. In witness whereof, said City ofMontice//o, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers this I to % day of ck kY, 200 6 . C BY, BY.• � ClintJdql',�-� Herbst, Mayor Rick Wo/fsteller, Qk Administrator STATEOFM/NNESOTA COUNTY OF W r %91r a the foregoing instvment was acknow/edged before me this St� aayoL0&LrdTZ,201Z(s by Clint Herbst, Mayor, and Rick Wo/fste/%r 0tyAdministrator of the City ofMondce//o, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation on beha/fofthe corporation. L )mxkr � 'M • —4ZN. W S3 w%W. NotaryPub/ic, lu �t �County, Minnesota DAWN R GROSSINGER M Commission Ex ires. JQ& 3 10 O NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA Y P 1 My Commission Exgres Jan 31. 2010 /hereby cert* Mat /have surveyed andp/atted the property described on this plat as OTTER CREEK CROSS/NG 3RDADD/T/ON, that this plat is a correct representation ofsaid survey, that at/ distances are correctly shown in feet and hundredths of foot, that a//monuments have been coffect/y placed in the ground as shown or wi//be placed as required by the ftelgovemmenta/ unit, that the outside boundary lines are conecdydes/gnated on said platand that there are no wet /ands as defined by MS 505.02, Subd. 1 orpub/ic highways to be designated other than as shown. s r. "Va . Steven V. lsche, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 22703 STATEOFM/NNESOTA COUNTYOF S The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this 10 day of Oc f0lXr , 200(o by Steven V. /sche, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 22703 Notary Pub/ic, Shuiur'V. County, Minnesota My Commission FD/res: Otlat(tD DEANNA MARIE LESEMAN ,. NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA a ycewwrnEgnubn 31,2010 PLANNING COMM/SS/ON This p/at of OTTER CREEKCROSS/NG 3RDADD/T/ON City of Monticello, Minnesota ata regular meeting he/d this I S} day of N oytmber, 200U4. By Chairman C/TYCOUNC/L was approved by the Planning Commission ofthe This p/at of OTTER CREEKCROSS/NG 3RDADD/T/ON was app�ved and accepted by the City Council of Me City ofMontice//o, Minnesota at a r�sgu/armeeting held this t y* day of 11 L*q US 200 . ClintBY BY Herbst, Arayor RickWo/fste/%r QyAd inishator COUNTYSURVEYOR Examined and recommended forappmva/ this I E*day of ©Gm BEie , 200f.- By. Q .� County Surveyor Wright County, Minnesota COUNTYAUD/TOR Taxes paid fora//years through year 2Q.0s* and bansferentered thisL!�dayofkaug-^5eq , 200&. By.-- gazdgy4— W'i4;� 1144 l T ccw%Ll�cq CountyAuditor, right County, Minne ta 17 r OO COUNTY7REASURER /hereby certify that taxes payable in the year a04 L on /ands herein desdfbed ars paid this i,r day of ,,,,Zm[iE•a200(.. By.• &dd LT4- County Treasurtir, Weight County, Mi nesot? COUNTYRECORDER l hereby certify drat this /nstvment was #16din the ot!% ofthe CountyRecorderformwrI this!Ltday of�DVGmDex,200L, at . c t) o'clock P.M., and was du/yrecorded in Cabinet to , Sleeve 1481 ,as Document Number )031418' . By. ' County Recorder, PfthtCoun6VMnnesot9 AB S/�ffF10F2Sff�ffTS C:Ai b� 1`t OMA-►ccklo 4 66.00 d-_19 $105-1 Centerline of 200 foot Electric Tronsmissimn -- Easement (per Doc No 469184) '� I S89'53'44"E `',1229 89 1494.44 -- --- -- +J --- %; T ofFIC IAL PLAT V Abw CXE�1YCRO,KS,SIVCY",40-PVTIDN \ \ ----NORTH LINE OF NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 SEC 10 T 721 R 25 OUTLOT 1 VICINITY MAP Not To Scale Section 10, Township 121, Range 25. / I ----------- Drainage - ---------- -------------------- X09 - --i Easement 4 3 1 / 9 1 �, 1 \ \I '/ oo \ co \ o \ 1 P Do C, 1 \\ M --WEST LINE OF OUTLOT E, jt '� OR1F7! CIlDC O OTTER CREEK\CROSSING ADDN. Z \ 'oma \ 1 r ---NORTH LINE OF SE !14 OF THE psp \\ SW �14 SEC 10 L 721 R 25 \ \ ` 1331.02 ', I --SE COR OUTLOT B OTTER \ I r ------ 41i / II CREEK CROSSING \ \ I \ \ Ile / /'\ G \ CD C) 'fir/ \ \ / G Ppb OJ O� \ \ / �h� I w s z S8S �� F\ (��,• ivy �i . � � \\ OUTLOT C I oo / \ 4o IS,/, \ I o O %� 6 1j 1 \\ \ Ozw I OUTLOT Do0 °. S��c --- / SOcS� w ,-MOST SLY COR I 4K tK 41 IN \ \ .� OUTLOT A, OTTER I., a op \ \ CREEK CROSSING `mss h� 6� •O�' IST ADDITION9T \ �C) I \ o\<')- \\ C:)' \� k0• I 1 F \ 0° I ----------- Drainage - ---------- -------------------- - --i Easement �F�,oT / 1 / 1 \ \I '/ oo \ co \ o \ 1 P Do C, 1 \\ M --WEST LINE OF OUTLOT E, jt O OTTER CREEK\CROSSING ADDN. Z \ 'oma \ 1 r ---NORTH LINE OF SE !14 OF THE psp \\ SW �14 SEC 10 L 721 R 25 \ \ ` 1331.02 ', I --SE COR OUTLOT B OTTER \ I r ------ II CREEK CROSSING \ \ I \ GRAPHIC SCALE 120 0 60 120 6 Ilf Nl II 1N NOT TO SCALE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12' IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING PLAT AND RIGHT OF WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS PLAT THE WEST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 SEC. 10 T. 121 R. 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR S01'17'56"E 0 DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT 0 DENOTES 1/2*x 14' IRON MONUMENT TO BE SET WITHIN ONE YEAR OF RECORDING OF THE PLAT. DENOTES FOUND WRIGHT COUNTY CAST IRON MONUMENT W18 A.V" F,? &JV,?A-fffffffFAy cn -? O -o 0 0 t s / 1 DoT 9 F Cp Ob "�• /� / pQ V \ `\ \ / / �0 CSS/� I c .11 nod Clj� Q) \ Oil / / v f C L=41.10 ---- - R=45.00 A=52'19'27" C�rrr�i j /_5.61 1.v. 91'`000 \ Y 09 0.� X99 tp° ON, Ir I � s• ^ U; / \ "tA. [>7 \ \ O • \ \ t�LQ•,�O \ h �Z z w � ;0 \ \ \ \ rnp O CO� o� N oam \� 7)0, 3 00> =N OC rL OC D C)Z00 p Z� Z ■ m F d ID mx o z r�ic)mi z N r r`F , C40 Z� O OU' 00 00 m� O Z N M 2 z C N M = mrn n C/)�� -A Ox O• Z cQ< Cn Z ' ;t 0 c Iz u u n 0 H tb ON 17 a 0 C Z o g�m 0 C m �£oX U) m =, 7 fD as m� CL m Ir ;D o O OEF _ (D 0 w 3 o;,z :m Zo °a CD C 'm (D CD a O 7 _„ fp 5 o� N ' c 'm -0 N C �O c o� _ �M 1 woo ° 0 0 Z X M c't y �c 0 � M N M O o� 0 (n N co c a f0 X 0 v a) o) c W 0 N m m o_ O 7 S 0 d 7 CL S 0 W 7 N 0 N CL N K 01 QQQryN 7 01 a 9 9 1 to SO - 3 3 d M- CD m O o 0 CrZ' c -N (ED; 0. 4 9 01 N �c nm X d 0 N -{ Mr N �v 00 `z O C.) 0 Jam; \-0 \E'm Cm n A n O �cn O Z c � FD a o = v CD f/J O m Z 2) Dt N fO�D -0 sR 0 N a� gra N 07 a 7 0 a `0G O N I� 0 O N ' o O 3 CD 0 'z y s; v z z 2 O 0 O 3 N U) O Z K O 3 3 c ,n N. n 0 3 X -0 N O c r (� 0 1 CD w m pCD o r ro o• o� TLzori <D CL o c N V) 0 2 m O 7 N 0�1 N 0 x 3 m CL Co CD CL m O N m V, I� c m r f 1 < rL OC D o p ° ■ m F d ID 9 co O \ ` N r r`F , a "O r- L �s�y►'4. '�4 $ '4bdp'4kSfK � "��� �u `aDf xQ,'Rail O co 4 s� � � Is y �-d'dal�iCl1{YaCftl ���111 m ' - OTS -A CD U 0)CDOCD M- CD m O o 0 CrZ' c -N (ED; 0. 4 9 01 N �c nm X d 0 N -{ Mr N �v 00 `z O C.) 0 Jam; \-0 \E'm Cm n A n O �cn O Z c � FD a o = v CD f/J O m Z 2) Dt N fO�D -0 sR 0 N a� gra N 07 a 7 0 a `0G O N I� 0 O N ' o O 3 CD 0 'z y s; v z z 2 O 0 O 3 N U) O Z K O 3 3 c ,n N. n 0 3 X -0 N O c r (� 0 1 CD w m pCD o r ro o• o� TLzori <D CL o c N V) 0 2 m O 7 N 0�1 N 0 x 3 m CL Co CD CL m O N m V, I� c m r f 1 l m ii 3r 3r < rL OC D o p ° m m F d ID 9 co O \ ` N r / a "O r- ° Z O co m ' - OTS -A CD U 0)CDOCD cq / ' o m mr -. ��o m 4 n J_,' 51. °F 0 0 O O (j)y N 0 0 (D �A� K Z �O / am ii 0 m� W A / 0r 0 °• ad 91m 0 '< O (OD CD °0 c ° M / °0 3: `0GCD — //Z— / S f/1 0 >v _ n y tf �a °do}v M 03 ° EF 1 a e 0 H N .� Q 7 N .0i N O. 0N N O N to dpi of O O 0 M`< ?�O CD3 w N 7 > >a 0 a CL m M m S y 0. ' O» '< N O pj01aoa � } c d M M Q r3. CD N 0 N 0 Q c N in y c 0 (D O z N a S a N d fa O N 7 N N ' �C O O0 N O w Cl)O 3 CR 3..0s w N P• O C m w� 3- CD W O N a N 0 ° c0i 3 a, 3 M'W CD 0 K CL l m ii 3r 3r --1n0) OC D CD ° 014 O 9 co O \ ` O / r zP Sp co m ' - -A cq / ' r M 4 n J_,' 51. °F r_1z �/ (D �A� K Z �O / am ii 0 m� W A / �.M£,V'��Z�N / / — //Z— / / / R U --1n0) OC D CD ° O d co O O T O co T 2 CD 3 m 4, A o x O CL Z m CD a v C FDI 0 CD W n D i 3 a J N N 0 C> O_ fD n z O • N O .tea, l 0 a 5' 4 O ° CUD) O ZCL 0 0 O N 5. CD CD arc' m CO 0y 0 CD 4 A N O m o'�a m 3A<;CD* Cil C m 0 ? ° ° z C7 m ' m ° ° d N n o O= 0 2 W 0 c ctj (D 7 NCL a CD CD N n> CL N 07 L CL ? 01 fD = LY O N 7 O !� M' n ° > COD m ID0 .0•i 07 y N OZ jTl d aC a3 m c a N N O CL rn 0 c M w --4 NN 0 O C. N a D) m N -+ O -00 .Zml N d m M 0 M. CD mr 0 3onfd M fDn3m 7C � m a O- 0 w N , O 0 0 O CD co '\ co Cnn w `I O Ud 7 Z N O) M (�D CD O M m� C7 E; CD ID N NCD ' N = O v O,ON00 0 CD CD M O. O Nt0 ? Q. Er 3 n N — 0 a d 7 �. a m N0 =L N a 7 I � 0 9. O 0 S 0 01 N cr oai n°>>. o 0 cc c a M CL cD O o' o r- a) (D O - ' CD �4p7 c 0 0 0 co 0 c iZ CD O O O O Qa N 0 CL A D Z CO O 0 aD v r- 0 O -0 Cm Z Z cM 7 = �m N o m ''� m M z A Fr NI .0o S CD m 0 9 CD ° CD O O Oe f0D rr O 0 Monticello SION 46 ;N FUTURE LAND USE MAP LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK (LIP) The Light Industrial designation accommodates uses such as process and production manufacturing which uses moderate amounts of partially processed materials, warehousing and distribution, research and development, medical laboratories, machine shops, computer technology, professional and corporate offices and industrial engineering facilities. Characteristics such as noise, vibration and odor do not occur or do not generate significant impacts. Hazardous materials handling and storage may also occur but must be stored indoors or screened from the public right-of-way. Activities such as the handling of hazardous materials and outdoor storage are limited. Industrial • Warehousing and Distribution • Manufacturing • Research and Development • Medical Laboratories • Computer Technology • Professional and Corporate Offices Commercial • Office • Service -based Secondary Mode Shared bike/ pedestrian facilities • Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.50 to 0.75 • Height - Up to 4 stories • Lot Area - N/A ♦\ 2018 Correlating J Zoning District 1-1 Light Industrial District MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN 81 Primary Mode Vehicular with access to collectors and arterials F� Transit or shuttle service Secondary Mode Shared bike/ pedestrian facilities • Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.50 to 0.75 • Height - Up to 4 stories • Lot Area - N/A ♦\ 2018 Correlating J Zoning District 1-1 Light Industrial District MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN 81 Section 3.6 (D) 1.1 Light Industrial District The purpose of the "I-1," light industrial, district is to provide for the establishment of warehousing and light industrial development. Base Lot Area • Minimum = 20,000 square feet Base Lot Width • Minimum = 100 feet CHAPTER 3: ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.6 Industrial Base Zoning Districts Subsection (D) I- I: Light Industrial District City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 127 CHAPTER 3: ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.6 Industrial Base Zoning Districts Subsection (D) 1-I: Light Industrial District is Minimum street side yard setback of 30 feet. 2: Minimum front yard setback of 30 feet 3: Minimum lot width of goo feet 4: Light manufacturing plant as a permitted use 5: Interior side yard setbacks of 15 feet 6: Minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet 7: Rear yard setback of 15 feet. - - 20.000 SF MINIMUM6 - - - -- 20,000 SF N ,Z MI/viMUM� �ti i6 Page 128 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance DEVELOPMENTTABLE 3-17: 1-1 I I REQUIRED YARDS (in feet) f I] I I Max Height (stories Max Floor Area Max Impervious (% Front Interior Street Rear / feet) Ratio (FAR) of gross lot area) Side Side All Uses 30 15 30 15 4 stories (Reserved) (Reserved) 45 feet [2] [1]: When any yard abuts a zoning district other than I -I or 1-2, the setbacks for the abutting yard must be 50 feet. [2]: Multi -story buildings of more than 4 stories and 45 feet may be allowed as a conditional use pursuant to Section 2.4(D) contingent upon strict adherence to fire safety code provisions as specified by the International Building Code as adopted in Title 4, Chapter I of the Monticello City Code. Accessory Structures See Section 5.3(B) for all general standards and limitations on accessory structures. ■ Section 3.3, Common District Requirements Other Section 3.6(B), Standards Applicable to All Industrial Base Zoning Districts Regulations N Section 4.1. Landscaping and Screening Standards to Consult Section 4.5. Signs (not all Section 4.8, Off -Street Parking inclusive) Section 4.9, Off -Street Loading ■ Section 4.1 I. Building Materials is Minimum street side yard setback of 30 feet. 2: Minimum front yard setback of 30 feet 3: Minimum lot width of goo feet 4: Light manufacturing plant as a permitted use 5: Interior side yard setbacks of 15 feet 6: Minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet 7: Rear yard setback of 15 feet. - - 20.000 SF MINIMUM6 - - - -- 20,000 SF N ,Z MI/viMUM� �ti i6 Page 128 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4. I Landscaping and Screening Subsection (G) Standards for Perimeter Buffers (b) The above incentives may be combined to achieve a cumulative reduction in the amount of required tree ACI. (G) Standards for Perimeter Buffers (1) Purpose and Intent Perimeter landscape buffers are intended to mitigate potential negative effects of different contiguous uses. (2) Applicability Except for adjoining single-family detached residential uses, adjoining commercial and industrial uses occurring within the same zoning district boundary, and uses in the CCD district, all development shall provide a perimeter landscape buffer to separate it from uses in a different use classification in accordance with Table 4-2: Buffer Types, and Table 4-3: Buffer Type Application. (3) Types of Buffers Table 4-2: Buffer Types, describes four different buffering types in terms of their function, opacity, width, and planting requirements. Where a particular buffer type is required in Table 4-3: Buffer Type Application, the requirement may be met with the combination of minimum buffer width and minimum screening requirements specified under either Option 1 or Option 2. Where an option utilizing a fence or wall is selected, the fence or wall shall comply with the standards of Section 4.3, Fences and Walls. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 243 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.1 Landscaping and Screening Subsection (G) Standards for Perimeter Buffers I I IIJ [JCI II I ICICI UUIICI IUI II-LIUI 1J QJ UQJII- CU6C 2 ACI of canopy trees + 10 ACI of understory trees + demarcating individual properties with a slight visual 15 small shrubs per 100 linear feet obstruction from the ground to a height of ten feet. TYPE B —AESTHETIC BUFFER This perimeter buffer functions as an intermittent visual obstruction from the ground to a height of at least 20 feet, and creates the impression of special separation without eliminating visual contact between uses. TYPE C — SEMI-OPAQUE BUFFER This perimeter buffer functions as a semi-opaque screen from the ground to at least a height of six feet. TYPE D — OPAQUE BUFFER 8 ACI of canopy trees + 10 ACI of understory trees + 15 small shrubs per 100 linear feet 12 ACI of canopy trees + 14 ACI of understory trees + 25 small shrubs per 100 linear feet 2 ACI of canopy trees + 14 ACI of understory trees + 35 small shrubs per 100 linear feet One 4 -foot high berm or one 4 -foot high solid fence + 2 ACI of canopy trees + 16 ACI of understory trees per 100 linear feet This perimeter buffer functions as an opaque screen 18 ACI of canopy trees + One 6 -foot high solid from the ground to a height of at least six feet. This 20 ACI of understory fence + 12 ACI of canopy type of buffer prevents visual contact between uses trees + 55 small shrubs trees per 100 linear feet and creates a strong impression of total separation. per 100 linear feet [ I ]: Any required perimeter buffer width can be reduced to five feet with the provision of a solid masonry wall at least five feet in height along with ten large shrubs per every 100 linear feet. [2]: Perimeter buffer widths (but not vegetation amounts) may be reduced in accordance with Section 2.4(G) upon approval of an Alternate Landscape Plan under the provisions of Section 4.1(E) if adhering to these requirements is not possible. [3]: In cases where an adjacent use is designed for solar access, understory trees can be substituted for canopy trees. [4]: Required plantings shall conform to the planting standards outlined in section 4.1(C)(2). [5]: Fences and walls shall comply with the standards in Section 4.3, Fences and Walls. Page 244 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4. I Landscaping and Screening Subsection (G) Standards for Perimeter Buffers (4) Determination of Required Buffer Type Table 4-3 specifies the type of perimeter landscape buffer that new development shall provide between it and adjacent property, based on the uses present on the development site and that on the adjacent property. The buffer type is indicated by a letter corresponding to one of the four buffer types depicted in Table 4-2, Buffer Tunes. (5) Location of Perimeter Buffers (a) Perimeter buffers required by this section shall be located only along the outer perimeter of the parcel where it abuts another parcel, and shall extend to the parcel boundary line or right-of-way line. (b) In an industrial district, perimeter buffers are not required along lot lines abutting streets except as provided for in Tables 44=2 and 44=3 when abutting non -industrial districts. In such cases, the outdoor operation or storage components shall include perimeter buffers as necessary to screen outdoor use areas from off-site views. (c) A perimeter buffer may be located along shared access easements between parcels in nonresidential developments. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 245 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.1 Landscaping and Screening Subsection (G) Standards for Perimeter Buffers (6) Responsibility for Buffer Installation (a) Vacant Parcels Where a developing parcel is adjacent to a vacant parcel and a perimeter buffer is required in accordance with this section, the developing parcel shall provide a minimum of one-half of the perimeter buffer required adjacent to the vacant land. (b) Existing Land Uses Where a developing parcel is adjacent to an existing use and a perimeter buffer is required in accordance with this section, the developing parcel shall provide the full perimeter buffer required adjacent to the existing use in accordance with Table 4-2, Buffer Types, and Table 4-3: Buffer Type Application, unless a portion or all of a perimeter buffer that complies with the standards of this section already exists between the lots. Where all or part of a perimeter buffer exists, but the buffer does not fully comply with the standards of this section, the developing parcel shall be responsible for providing all the additional planting material necessary to meet the standards of this section. (7) Development within Required Buffers (a) The required buffer shall not contain any development, impervious surfaces, or site features (except fences or walls) that do not function to meet the standards of this section or that require removal of existing vegetation, unless otherwise permitted in this ordinance. (b) Sidewalks, trails, and other elements associated with passive recreation may be placed in perimeter buffers if all required landscaping is provided and damage to existing vegetation is minimized to the maximum extent practicable. (c) Overhead and underground utilities required or allowed by the City are permitted to cross a required buffer in a perpendicular fashion, but shall minimize the impact to vegetation to the maximum extent practicable. Where required landscaping material is damaged or removed due to utility activity within a required buffer, the landowner shall be responsible for replanting all damaged or removed vegetation necessary to ensure the buffer meets the standards in this ordinance. Page 246 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance City Council Agenda: 3/28/2022 2G. Consideration to authorize replacement of the City Hall air conditioning unit and award contract to UHL Company for the bid amount of $32,995 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Facilities Maintenance Manager 03/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: City Engineer/PW Director, Finance City Administrator Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to authorize a contract with UHL Company to replace the City Hall air conditioning unit for the bid price of $32,995. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The air conditioning unit serving the City Hall portion of the community center is nearing the end of its useful life and needs replacement. This project is planned maintenance for 2022. The building's rooftop air conditioning units were replaced in 2019. The unit proposed for this project was not included because it has easier access and was functioning well, minimizing the benefit of including it with the others. It can now be replaced as a stand-alone project. Staff secured three quotes for the replacement ranging from $32,995 to $51,423. Staff recommends awarding the project to the low bidder: UHL Company. The quotes were: • UHL Company- $32,995 • McDowall Company- $46,940 • Climate Maker - $51,423 Budget Impact: The 2022 Capital Projects Fund budget includes $30,000 for this improvement. The additional funding will be repurposed from the budget for the HVAC improvements at Public Works since that project came in under budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: The facilities staff will coordinate the replacement. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends replacing the AC unit at City Hall and awarding to UHL Company. SUPPORTING DATA A. Verbal/written quote summary B. Quotes "IT'Y OF MONTICELLO VERBAL/ WRITTEN QUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes required for items/services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for items/ services costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items purchased through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to sang ma irize quotes received and to select vendor for award Kasrae: -, Jerry Hanson . Dept: Facilities Maintenance Phone: _.763-271-7114 Signature of Person Obtaining Quotes: Jerry Hanson__. IItem/Service Requested: City Fall AC Unit Dote: If your are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in motes/comments. 0 Date Vendor Blame Contact Person Phone Number Total $ Amount 1 3/8/22 UHL Company _.quoted Jake Lehmann 692-807-5374 $32,995.00 2 2/17/22 Climate Makers Evan Rksdal 612-360-4954 $51,423.00 3 3/4/2 McDowall Company Terry Bottema 320-309-4993 $46,940.00 41 1 51 Selected Vendor: gill L C®Ml ZM7 11# you are selecting other than low quote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section): Notes/comments: Approval Acknowledgement: _ - - Date: Attach this form and written quotes obtained to invoice. Questions may be directed to the Finance Department. Quote Summary Sheet 10/27/2015 UHL 9065 Zachary Lane N. PROPOSAL Maple 61-o e„ N n-5369 Proposal ##: JL22026 Date: 3/5/2022 To: City of Monticello Project: City Hall Condensing Unit 505 Walnut Street Dual Circuit Monticello, MN 55362 Attention: Jerry Hanson We propose to furnish the material and perform the labor necessary to: • Replace current single circuit condensing unit serving the city hall with new Trane TTA240 dual compressor, dual circuit condenser including hail gaurds • New unit to sit on slab where existing unit currently sits • Remove existing single circuit evaporator coil from air handling unit and replace with new dual circuit coil • Including refrigerant piping and devices from condenser to new evaorator coil for both circuits • Reuse electrical wiring, control wiring, and power disconnect • Including new larger circuit breaker to handle larger electrical load of new dual circuit unit • Diconnect and reconnect to existing UHL control system • All rigging, removal and disposal of old unit • Including permit to complete work • Startup and verification of operation • One year parts and labor warranty All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of: $32,995.00 Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra cost will be executed only upon written order and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. This proposal is valid for 30 days. Respectfully submitted: Jake Lehmann Account Manager ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The prices, specifications and additional Terms and Conditions set forth on the next page of this proposal are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined herein. Accepted by: Name (print): Title: Company ;Name: Date: Page I of 2 Cccr— LIMATE MAKERS 1700 Freeway Blvd., Suite 10, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 Phone (763) 786-5999 or 800-773-9084 Fax (763) 786-3893 rk-v-w.climatemakersiitc.conl evanf@climatemakersinc.com PROPOSAL February 17, 2022 To: Jerry Hanson Jeer hansonfo.c t,monticclIo.mn.LI; Site: Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut St #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Project Option #1 Daikin: Monticello City Hall Condenser Replacement: • CMI will provide all the labor and materials necessary to furnish and replace (1) 20 -ton condensing unit and evaporator with a new Daikin RCS020 unit and custom evaporator coil. All piping and insulation to be replaced as needed. The new piping will include hot gas by-pass, liquid line driers, sight glasses, and expansion valves_ The condenser coils are a V shape so they have "built in" hail protection. • CMI will provide all permits, crane services, rigging, and electrical. • CMI will start up and test equipment for proper operation. • CMI will dispose of all used equipment, piping, construction debris and refrigerant. Total Cost..........................................................................................$56,908.00 initial Project Option #2 Trane: Monticello City Hall Condenser Replacement: • CMI will provide all the labor and materials necessary to furnish and replace (1) 20 -ton condensing unit and evaporator with a new Trane TTA24044DAA unit and custom evaporator coil. All piping and insulation to be replaced as needed. The new piping will include hot gas by-pass, liquid line driers, sight glasses, hail guards, and expansion valves. • CMI will provide all permits, crane services, rigging, and electrical. • CMI will start up and test equipment for proper operation. • CMI will dispose of all used equipment, piping, construction debris and refrigerant. TotalCost..........................................................................................$51.423.00 initial With entry into this proposal, the owner accepts the following: CMI warranty extends to project as designed and does not cover labor to repair or replace defective equipment or material. All material and equipment to be warranted by manufacturer. Payment to be made as follows: Net 15 days ACCEPTED. The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work, as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance By Title RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CLIMATE MAKERS, INC. By Evan Fiksdal 612-360-4954 cell Note: This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 10 days. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3E1D766D-D2AC45AB-94A6-DE700094997E MAMUM Co _ _ -Enh A five Genorafion Company Project Agreement ProposalDate Proposal March 4, 2022 PPTS22-563 BY AND BETWEEN: McDowall Company AND City of Monticello PO Box 746 505 Walnut St #1 Waite Park, MN 56387 Monticello, MN 55362 hereinafter CONTRACTOR hereinafter CUSTOMER SERVICES WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE FOLLOWING LOCATION(S): City Hall Area McDowall Comfort Management proposes the replacement of the AC unit and DX coil for the City Hall Office Area which includes the following items: • Removal and disposal of the existing Condensing unit and DX coil for the city hall location • Removal of all existing AC piping and components • Provide and install new Trane Condensing unit with dual circuit R41 Oa 20 ton capacity • Provide and install new DX coils with dual circuit R410a Provide and install new DX copper piping, TXVs, Valves, filter driers, refrigeration specialties • Provide and install new Armoflex insulation for AC piping suction lines • Electrical disconnect reconnect required - Also includes new 50 amp breaker to ensure adequate size and prevent nuisance trip outs possibly. • Control wiring required • City permit The price for this aforementioned project is $46,940.00. Cbriificatl.ons-a d ExdvsiQt1sL • Work to be performed during normal business hours • Mechanical drawings are not included in this scope of work • "Premium Time" or Price Contingency is not included in this scope of work • McDowall Comfort Management will not perform any work if working conditions could endanger or put at risk the safety of our employees or subcontractors • McDowall Comfort Management is not responsible for any pre-existing conditions to the existing mechanical systems Linc Service ISMO t1b]"1l4fill/1M. RIsm City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 2H. Consideration of approving a contract with Northern Lines Contracting for the extraction of materials Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Engineer/Public Works Director 3/28/22 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Finance Director, Community City Administrator Development Director Motion to approve a contract with Northern Lines Contracting for the extraction of materials on the properties as legally described within the agreements, contingent on necessary land use approvals. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council approved The Pointes at Cedar Small Area Plan in September 2021. The idea for a re -envisioned mix of commercial, residential, and park space within the centrally located 100+ acre area necessitated a general vision to guide planning and decision-making in the area. A central piece of this developing plan is the construction of a central stormwater/ water feature. The initial grading plan associated with the Small Area Plan indicated that approximately 300,000 cubic yards of material needs to be hauled off-site and the preliminary grading plan for the project continues to estimate nearly 300,000 cubic yards that will need to be exported for this project. To reduce costs, staff explored opportunities for allowing contractors to extract and remove materials at no cost to the city. Northern Lines Contracting indicated they are interested in approximately 11,000 cubic yards of material to be used on the Stony Brook Village project located on Elm Street. The draft construction agreement indicates that Northern Lines Contracting must remove the material by August 15, 2022. To keep the project area safe, the contractor must keep all slopes no steeper than a 3:1 during non -working hours. This work will require an amendment to the current Interim Use Permit in place, and this is planned to be brought to the Planning Commission on April 5, 2022. I. Budget Impact: No budget impact is anticipated from these agreements. City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 II. Staff Workload Impact: City engineering, and community development staff will be involved in managing the excavation of material on this site. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The completion of The Pointes Small Area Plan is consistent with the Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan as identified in the Commercial/Residential Flex District planning. The Pointes is also specifically identified as a future Community Park in the Parks chapter of the Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the contract with Northern Lines Contracting. SUPPORTING DATA • Stormwater Facility Construction agreement STORMWATER FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of , 2022, by and between NORTHERN LINES CONTRACTING, INC., a Minnesota corporation (the "Contractor") and the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City„). RECITALS A. The real property located in Wright County, Minnesota legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("Property") is owned by the City of Monticello ("Owner") and is used for crop production; and B. The City, and the Contractor agree that the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, require that on-site stormwater pond ("Stormwater Facilities") be constructed and maintained on the Property; and C. The City requires that the Stormwater Facilities as shown on the draft and final plans ("Plans") be constructed on the Subject Property ("Project"); and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants of the parties set forth herein and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Construction of Stormwater Facilities. Contractor shall perform grading of the excavated areas to meet final grading in accordance with the City's approved plans. Topsoil must be stockpiled, seeded, and stabilized as approved by the City. The contractor shall meet all requirements as identified in the interim use permit as approved by the City Council. This agreement is for the removal of approximately 11,000 cubic yards of aggregate/sand material and restoration and grading withing the Easement Area in accordance with the draft grading plan. The Contractor must coordinate with other contractors performing site grading on adjacent parcels. Also, a grading permit shall be acquired for the site where the material is being placed. 2. Term of Agreement and Payment. The Contractor must complete the work by August 15, 2022. There shall be no cost to the City for this Project. 3. Project Area. The Contractor must operate only within the area shown on Exhibit A. Contractor is responsible for staying within the City's property and stay at least 20 feet from property line. 4. Completion of the Project. Any removed topsoil or boulders must be stockpiled at a location on-site as approved by the City. Any waste material, rubbish or other materials left by the Contractor upon public property, or the subject Property may be removed by the City and the cost charged to the Contractor. 1 217569v1 5. Permits. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, governmental fees, licenses, and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Project. Such permits and legal obligations include, but are not limited to: A. Contractor must submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan along with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") permit and complete the required monitoring and repairs per the permit requirements. B. Contractor must stabilize the site following the removal of the top soil and aggregate material as required per the NPDES permit. 6. Site Safety. Contractor must abide by relevant legal safety requirements and best safety practices during the course of the Project. Additionally, during non -working hours, the Contractor must keep the excavation area at less than 3:1 slope. 7. Labor, Materials, Sales Tax. and Employees. Unless otherwise specifically noted, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, materials sales tax, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Project. 8. Indemnification. This Agreement imposes no liability of any kind whatsoever on the City. The Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from the Contractor or the Contractor's agents or employee's negligent or intentional acts, or any violation of any safety law, regulation or code in the performance of this Agreement, without regard to any inspection or review made or not made by the City, its agents or employees or failure by the City, its agents or employees to take any other prudent precautions. In the event the City, upon the failure of the Contractor to comply with any conditions of this Agreement, performs said conditions pursuant to its authority in this Agreement, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees, agents and representatives for its own negligent acts in the performance of the Contractor's required work under this Agreement, but this indemnification shall not extend to intentional or grossly negligent acts. 9. Insurance. Contractor shall secure and maintain insurance for not less than the following amounts: Bodily Injury General & Automobile General & Automobile Property Damage General & Automobile General $2,000,000 Each Person $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy. 2 2 »s69vl 10. Security. The Contractor shall provide a letter of credit or bond which shall be in the amount of 100% of the costs to restore all disturbed areas, including the Subject Property and any property covered by the amendments noted herein. The Contractor shall be responsible for prompt repair of any roadway or other public improvements damaged by the operations. 11. Notice. All notices required under this Agreement shall either be personally delivered or be sent by certified or registered mail and addressed as follows: To the Contractor: Northern Lines Contracting, Inc. 9705 Upton Circle South Minneapolis MN 55431-2453 To the City: City of Monticello Attn: City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, #1 Monticello, MN 55362 or to such other party at such other address as such party, by ten (10) days prior written notice given as provided, shall designate. All notices given hereunder shall be deemed given when personally delivered or two business days after being placed in the mail properly addressed as provided herein. 12 Whole Agreement. The contract documents, as described in the executed contract, form the contract. The contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and agreements, either written or oral. 13. Controlling Law. This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The parties agree that the venue of any legal action arising under the agreement shall be Wright County, Minnesota. 14. Assignability. This agreement shall not be assignable by either party without the written consent of the non -assigning party. 217569v1 CONTRACTOR: NORTHERN LINES CONTRACTING INC. By: Its STATE OF MINNESOTA_ ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by , the of NORTHER LINES CONTRACTING INC., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said entity. Notary Public 4 217569v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor (SEAL) :Me STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by Lloyd Hilgart and by Jennifer Schreiber, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 LCMK 5 217569v1 EXHIBIT A Legal Description Of The Property A portion of Outlot A of the Cedar Street Addition Plat in Section 14, Township 121 Range 25 as shown in Exhibit B. 217569v1 EXHIBIT B 217569v1 City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 21. Consideration to suspend nuisance enforcement per City Code 91.06 for any violation of City Code 91.04(16)(b) -(c) from May 1-31 in recognition of "No Mow May' Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Community Development Director 03/28/22 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: City Clerk, Park & Recreation Director, City Administrator Chief Building & Zoning Official, Building Permit Technician ACTION REQUESTED Motion to suspend nuisance enforcement per City Code 91.06 for any violation of City Code 91.04(16)(b) -(c) from May 1-31 in recognition of "No Mow May." REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND "No Mow May" is a program that encourages minimal spring lawn mowing for a specific month to increase pollen opportunity and allow bees to do their important pollination work. Pollination impacts critical systems such food supply, tree health, ground cover and more. The event has increased in both statewide and national participation over the past few years. To encourage our community to participate, City Council is asked to suspend nuisance enforcement per City code 91.06 for any violation of City Code 91.04(16)(b) and (c) from May 1- 31. This action would suspend the inspection, notice of violation, and further enforcement for suspected violations of grass length over 8" within 100 feet of a building. During the month of May, the City typically receives 5-10 grass length complaints. This is average for the spring/summer season. Practical implementation of "No Mow May" will include a public information campaign by the City to promote and inform residents and property owners of the program. The Building Department will receive talking points to address reported concerns regarding grass length violations. No registration to participate will be required for property owners. City parks will participate in the "No Mow May" event in passive areas. However, lawn and grass areas adjacent to rental structures and facilities will still be maintained in accordance with code requirements for usability purposes. Budget Impact: None. In practice, the program will minimally reduce costs of mailing of nuisance notices. City Council Agenda: 03/28/22 II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time of approximately 15-20 hours is anticipated for implementation of the information campaign. This time is offset by a reduction in nuisance enforcement activities over the month of May. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: "No Mow May" is a minor sustainability initiative in alignment with the Monticello 2040 Plan's Value Statements for a healthier and more beautiful community. Small -step initiatives, including protection of pollinator habitat relates directly to a more resilient future for the community. The Monticello 2040 Plan notes that "Sustainability touches on numerous aspects of everyday life. In practical terms, a sustainable approach reduces resource consumption, avoids pollution, considers economic resiliency, promotes development in harmony with the environment, fosters equitable distribution of City services and helps people live healthier lives." STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of suspending enforcement of grass length violation as an implementation strategy for a "No Mow May" program. SUPPORTING DATA A. Monticello 2040, Vision & Value Statements B. Monticello City Code, Excerpts C. News Flash • Wright County. MN • CivicEngage Monticello 2040 - VISION + PLAN - PHASE ONE I JANUARY 2020 This first phase of the Comprehensive Plan process, the Visioning phase, included a community engagement process to identify common values, growth aspirations and a vision to inform the planning direction for the next 20 years. The vision, value statements and preferred development scenario will serve as the foundation for creating the new Comprehensive Plan during the second phase of the planning process. The Comprehensive Plan provides a set of goals, policies and strategies for achieving Monticello's vision for the future. 11 In 2040 the City of Monticello is an inclusive community focused around sustainable growth while maintaining its small-town character. Monticello is a Mississippi River town known for its schools, parks, biking and walking trails and vibrant downtown. Monticello is an evolving, friendly and safe community that respects the quality of its environment, fosters a sense of belonging and connection, encourages a healthy and active lifestyle and supports innovation to promote a prosperous economy. A safe, clean, and beautiful community supported by caring and helpful residents. A network of parks, open space and trail connections that provide recreation opportunities. An inclusive community welcoming people of all ages, races, religions and ethnic backgrounds. A diversified and strong local economy competitive at regional, state and national levels. A vibrant downtown that embraces the River and provides a focal point for the community. A healthy community focused on physical and mental health and wellness of its residents. A range of attainable housing options in terms of type, cost, and location. A respected school and education system serving the community. A balanced land use and transportation framework that provides options and connectivity. A thriving arts and culture scene that reflects the creativity of the community and supports a sense of place. PUBLIC NUISANCES § 91.01 GENERAL POLICY. It is determined that the uses, structures, activities, and factors described with this subchapter, if allowed to exist, will tend to be harmful to the public welfare, safety, and morals. No person shall maintain or permit to be maintained any public nuisance identified within this subchapter on property in the city that is owned, leased, rented, occupied, or otherwise in the control of the person. (Prior Code, § 7-1-1) § 91.02 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Where terms are not defined this subchapter but are defined in the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) or elsewhere in the city code, the terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as stated in those codes. PREMISES. Include any yard, lot, parcel, sidewalk, boulevard, street, highway, alley, park, playground, restaurant, cafe, church, school, any car or other motor vehicle, parking lot, drive-in, building used for business, commercial, or industrial purposes, washroom or lavatory, apartment hallway, or other location whether public or private in the city. PUBLIC NUISANCE. Whoever by act or failure to act does any of the following is guilty of maintaining aPUBLIC NUISANCE: (1) Annoy, injure, or endanger the safety, health, comfort, or repose of the public; (2) Offend public decency; (3) Unlawfully interfere with, obstruct, or tend to obstruct or render dangerous for passage, a lake, navigable river, bay, stream, basin, public park, square, street, alley, or highway; and (4) In any way render a considerable number of persons insecure in life or in use of property. (Prior Code, § 7-1-2) § 91.03 NUISANCES UNLAWFUL. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or association to maintain any public nuisance defined in this subchapter and it shall further be unlawful to do any act that is defined as a public nuisance in this subchapter. (Prior Code, § 7-1-3) Penalty, see §91.99 § 91.04 PUBLIC NUISANCE. (A) Misdemeanors. The following nuisances are declared to be misdemeanors: (1) Unwholesome substance that is brought in, deposited, left, dumped, or allowed to accumulate within the city; (2) Junk vehicles: a JUNK VEHICLE is a vehicle without a valid current license, or without a valid current registration (if applicable), or which is apparently inoperable located outside an enclosed building in a residential area including, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, snowmobiles, trailers, all -terrain vehicles, and watercraft; (3) Pest harborage: (a) All exterior property shall be free from rodent harborage and infestation; (b) Boxes, lumber, scrap metal, and similar materials shall not be allowed to accumulate outside a structure in a manner that attracts an infestation of pests; and (c) Materials permitted and approved for exterior storage shall be neatly stacked. (4) Garbage and rubbish: (a) All household garbage, offal, dead animals, animal and human waste, and waste materials; (b) Accumulations of litter, glass, scrap materials (such as wood, metal, paper, and plastics), junk, combustible materials, stagnant water, plastic bags, or trash; and (c) Accumulations of clothing and any other items not designed for outdoor storage. (5) Non -trash items; (a) Accumulations of wood pallets; (b) Accumulations of vehicle parts or tires; (c) All construction and building materials unless the materials are being used at the time in the construction of a building, in which case the construction must be permitted and on a continuous uninterrupted basis; (d) All appliance or appliance parts; (e) All indoor or upholstered furniture of a type of material which is deteriorated by exposure to outdoor elements; and (f) All other non -trash items which: 1. Are of a type or quantity inconsistent with the normal and usual use; 2. Are of a type or quantity inconsistent with then intended use of the property; or 3. Are likely to obstruct or impede the necessary passage of fire or other emergency personnel. (6) Fertilizer and burial of waste: (a) No person shall leave, deposit, or cause to be placed on any private ground any garbage; and (b) Sewage, waste, debris, carcass, or other substance or matter which is offensive or unhealthy by decomposition unless the same be buried at least three feet under the surface of the ground; provided, that the use of manure and phosphorous fee fertilizer in the normal course for agriculture or horticulture is permitted. (7) Engaging within the city in any trade or employment which is hurtful to the inhabitants or dangerous to the public health, or injurious to neighboring property, or from which obnoxious odors arise, or undue noise emanates, and specifically no person shall operate a dump or garbage dumping area or rendering plant except the specific activity be authorized by the issuance of a permit as hereinafter provided; (8) Causing or permitting garbage, tin cans, or refuse to be thrown or scattered upon any street, alley, highway, parkway, boulevard, or real estate; (9) Causing or permitting detached structures not requiring a building permit that do not conform to the following requirements: (a) All such detached structures shall be constructed of uniform building grade material; (b) All sides, roof, and floor shall be securely fastened to the interior frame of the detached structure; (c) All surfaces of the detached structures shall be stained, sealed, or painted; (d) Exterior metal surfaces shall be treated with materials designed to resist corrosion; (e) Structures that do not have slab floors shall have a rodent barrier that extends eight inches under the surface of the ground along the perimeter of the outside wall of the structure; (f) All the detached structures shall be permanently anchored to the ground; (g) Storage sheds erected after the adoption of the zoning ordinance shall meet district setback requirements; and (h) Detached structures shall be erected in the side or rear yard of any residence. (10) Consumption of beer, wine, or liquor in public except as provided bylaw; (11) Strewing, scattering, littering, throwing, or disposing of any garbage or refuse onto any premises except into receptacles provided for such purposes; (12) Marking with ink, paint, chalk, or other substance, or posting handbills on, or in any other manner defacing or injuring any public or private building or place within the city, or marking, defacing, or injuring fences, trees, lawns, or fixtures appurtenant to or located on the site of the buildings, or posting handbills on the fences, trees, or fixtures, or place a sign anywhere on any site except as permitted by the owner thereof; (13) Lingering about the doorway of any building, or sitting or lingering upon the steps, window sills, railing, fence, or parking area adjacent to any building in a manner as to obstruct or partially obstruct ingress to or egress from the building or in a manner to annoy the owner or occupant; (14) Obstructing pedestrian or vehicular traffic or otherwise causing an obstruction or interference with premises or rendering any premise dangerous for passage except in cases of emergency; (15) Failing or refusing to vacate or leave any premises after being requested or ordered, either orally, in writing, or by posted sign, to do so by the owner, agent, manager, or person in charge thereof, or by any law enforcement agent or official, and also the return at any time thereafter to any such premises after having been so requested or ordered to vacate or leave the premises; (16) Maintaining nuisance vegetation as follows: (a) In any area the existence of any noxious or poisonous vegetation such as poison ragweed or other poisonous plants, or any weed, grass, brush, or plants which are a fire hazard or otherwise detrimental to the health or appearance of the neighborhood; (b) In any area within 100 feet of the nearest building, the existence of weeds or grass in excess of eight inches in height or any accumulation of dead weeds, grass, or brush; or (c) In any area on an occupied lot, the existence of weeds or grass in excess of eight inches in height or any accumulation of dead weeds, grass, or brush. (17) All other conditions or things that are likely to cause injury to the person or property of anyone; and (18) Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas, soot, or cinders in unreasonable quantities. (B) Petty misdemeanors. The following nuisances are declared to be petty misdemeanors: (1) Racing the motor of any motor vehicle so as to cause unnecessary and unreasonable noise; (2) Causing, producing, or creating any unnecessary and unreasonable notice by shouting, mechanical means, the blowing of motor vehicle horns, or any similar noise; (3) Improper or annoying use of spot lights onto persons or premises; (4) Using profane, abusive, indecent, or threatening language in public; and (5) Occupying a standing motor vehicle in an area generally reserved for parking or occupies a standing motor vehicle while the vehicle is double parked. (Prior Code, § 7-1-4) (Ord. 602, passed 10-13-2014) § 91.05 EXCEPTION. The provisions of this subchapter do not apply to the hauling or accumulation or spreading of manure for the purposes of agriculture provided the public health, safety, and welfare is not adversely affected thereby. (Prior Code, § 7-1-5) § 91.06 ABATEMENT. (A) Notice. Whenever the officer who is charged with enforcement determines that a public nuisance is being maintained or exists on premises in the city, the officer shall notify the owner and occupant of the premises of the fact and order that the nuisance be terminated and abated. The owner of the property will be determined as shown by the records of the office of the County Recorder. The notice shall be served in person or by regular mail. If the premises is not occupied and the owner is unknown, the notice may be served by posting it on the premises. The notice shall specify the steps to be taken to abate the nuisance and the time, not exceeding five business days for any grass or weed nuisance and not exceeding 20 days for all other nuisances, to either correct the violation or appeal to the City Council for a determination that the complained of activity does not violate the subchapter. (B) Accelerated abatement. For second or successive violations concerning grass, weeds, and other vegetation in a calendar year, the city will, without additional notice, correct the conditions creating the violations and assess the cost therefor against the property. (C) Recovery of cost. The owner of the premise on which a nuisance has been abated by the city shall be personally liable for the city's cost of abatement, including administrative costs. As soon as the work has been completed and the cost determined, the city shall prepare a bill for the cost and mail it to the owner. Thereupon, the amount shall be immediately due and payable to the city. (D) Assessment. If the nuisance is a public health or safety hazard on private property, the growth of weeds on private property or outside the traveled portion of streets, or unsound or insect -infected trees, the City Clerk shall, on or before September 1 next following abatement of the nuisance, list the total unpaid charges along with all other charges as well as other charges for current services to be assessed under M.S. § 429.101, as it may be amended from time to time, against each separate lot or parcel to which the charges are attributable. The City Council may then spread the charges against the property under that statute and other pertinent statutes for certification to the County Auditor and collection along with current taxes the following year or in annual installments, not exceeding ten, as the Council may determine in each case. (Prior Code, § 7-1-6) (Ord. 602, passed 10-13-2014) City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 21. Consideration of suspending winter parking restrictions to allow on -street parking April 1 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Street Superintendent 03/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: City Engineer/Public Works Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to suspend winter parking restrictions to allow for on -street parking starting April 1. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Ordinance §70.02 states, "There is no parking on any street or roadway between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. from November 15 through April 15, except physicians on emergency calls." The past few seasons, City Council has modified this ordinance to allow on - street parking prior to April 15. After reviewing the extended forecast, staff recommends modifying the restriction again to allow on -street parking starting on April 1, 2022. Staff also plans to investigate alternative options for next winter, such as a snow emergency policy rather than the seasonal parking restriction currently in-place. I. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: Removing ordinance signs a few weeks early. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of removing the winter parking restrictions early this year. SUPPORTING DATA None. City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 2K. Consideration of approving Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Partnership Policy Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑x Consent Agenda Item Parks, Arts & Recreation Director 3/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Partnership Policy. BACKGROUND In 2017, City staff assembled the Bertram Athletic Subcommittee consisting of Monticello sports association representatives. The Bertram Athletic Subcommittee held multiple sessions to gather feedback and input about a Bertram Chain of Lakes Partnership Policy. The scope of the policy is to ensure the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park is developed, maintained, and operated for the benefit of the general public. The guiding principles for the use, development and maintenance of the full regional park are established by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Monticello and Wright County. The City of Monticello will use, develop, and maintain the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park (BCOLAP) in accordance with the MOU. Understanding that the resources needed to develop and maintain the park are limited, partnerships and donations from private entities offer a way to make facilitate improvements, advance timelines, and enhance amenities planned for the facility. It also allows a way for community partner to make a long-term commitment to the park. The purpose of this policy is to define the types of allowable donations or partnerships for the BCOLAP, the procedures to approve them, and the conditions and timeline under which they are allowed to continue and/or remain. Partnerships and donations for BCOLAP authorized by this policy are intended to encourage the creation and maintenance of the park as well as participation in programs that foster the general welfare and health of the public. All aspects of park development should reflect the character of the park and be consistent with the mission and goals of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. It is further understood that approved elements, installations, or events will be removed or cease when they have reached the end of their useful life or conflict with park system needs. City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND I. Budget Impact: None. II. Staff Workload Impact: Managing Bertram Athletic Policy. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact Build community recreation and services. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of a Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Partnership Policy. SUPPORTING DATA • Partnership Policy CITY OF MONTICELLO BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL ATHLETIC PARK DONATION & PARTNERSHIP POLICY Adopted March 28, 2022 PURPOSE AND INTRODUCTION The Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park is developed, maintained, and operated for the benefit of the public. The guiding principles for the use, development and maintenance of the regional park are established by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Monticello and Wright County. The City of Monticello will use, develop, and maintain the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park (BCOLAP) inaccordance with the MOU. As with other public infrastructure, resources needed to develop and maintain the park are limited and partnerships or donations from private entities offer a way to make improvements that may not be implemented with existing resources, or as leverage to further advance the timeline or desired amenities of the planned facility. Donations and partnerships made by supporters of the BCOLAP are encouraged as a means to maintain and improve the condition of the park, and to identify community partners seeking to promote long-term commitment to the park. Partnerships and donations for BCOLAP authorized by this policy are intended to encourage the creationand maintenance of the park and participation in programs that foster the general welfare and health of the public. The purpose of this policy is to define the types of allowable donations or partnershipsfor the BCOLAP, the procedures to approve them, and the conditions and timeline under which they are allowed to continue and/or remain. A. PARTNERSHIP OVERVIEW Park partnerships are intended to fulfill an identified need in the BCOLAP system, with the recognition or advertising component incidental to the use or improvement within the park. As delineated in this policy, opportunities for partnerships may be limited and the activity or physical improvement which a donation or partnership supports may have a limited useful Iife.As such, it may not be possible to accept partnerships in some locations or for some activities or improvements unless otherwise noted or authorized per agreement or contract. City staff will be responsible for the installation of all park elements, including but not limited to buildings, structures, fencing, fields, signs, banners, flags, etc. Installation of park partnership elements shall be scheduled at a date and time determined by the Parks, Arts & Recreation Department. \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 1 of 9 All elements should reflect the character of the park and shall be consistent with the mission and goals of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. It is further understood that approved elements, installations, or events will be removed or cease when they have reached the end of their useful life or conflict with park system needs. B. PARTNERSHIP POLICIES Partnerships and donations for the use, development, and maintenance of the BCOLAP have been divided into categories, the individual review, acceptance, and conditions framework for which may be amended from time to time: 1. Standard Benches and Trees 2. Park Physical Improvements 3. Park Donation Recognition Areas 4. Events, Tournaments or Programs 5. Field Advertising 6. Field Naming 7. Concession Contracts 8. Other Donations Standard Benches and Trees Partnerships for benches and trees within the park shall follow the Parks, Arts & Recreation Department's current policy for bench and tree memorials or donations. 2. Park Physical Improvements Park Physical Improvements may include, but are not limited to, structures and facilities such as: bike racks or repair stations, playgrounds, or play areas, park shelters or other buildings, pathway segments, and landscaping planters. Park physical improvements do not include field advertising or naming. Proposed Park physical improvements will be reviewed on an individual basis. The following items will be considered when reviewing suchproposals: o The extent to which the park function of the partnership proposal satisfies identified needs within the BCOLAP park system. o Integration, both visually and functionally, of the partnership proposal into thepark. o Whether the proposed park physical improvement is at a site, or a part of a facility identified in the BCOLAP Master Plan of locations for potential physical improvement, which serves as a guide to individuals wishing to make park physical improvement donations. o The balance between the partner recognition component and the park physical improvement. To be approved, the partner recognition component must be incidental to the park physical improvement and should not detract from the public's enjoyment of the installation, nor the surrounding park. \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 2 of 9 • Physical improvement partnerships are not to be of a design that places the focus on the partnership recognition component versus the park physical improvement. • The park physical improvement and associated partnership recognition component shall not give the appearance of an edifice or monument and shall be approved at the discretion of the Monticello Parks, Arts & Recreation Commission. • In most cases, the partnership recognition component of the proposal will be limited to two (2) square feet of area (e.g., 12" x 24" or 17" x 17") and will be placed in a non -visually prominent location within the installation. • Graphics on the recognition component must be related to the park or architectural aspects of the donation and will not directly reference or depict the subject of the partnership. • Audio/video displays are prohibited. • Language included on the partnership physical improvement is subject to the following restrictions: o Shall not directly or indirectly endorse or promote unlawful activity. o Shall not directly or indirectly endorse or promote age -restricted products such as alcohol or tobacco products, or other products generally considered detrimental to the health, welfare, or safety of children. o Shall not directly or indirectly endorse or promote sexually explicit signs or graphics, including signs that describe sexual conduct in a patently offensive manner. o Shall not directly advertise, market, or promote a business, organization, or causeby including a sales pitch, phone number, website address, social media address or QR code. o All other language will be reviewed on an individual basis. All proposals shall be submitted to the Parks, Arts, & Recreation Director and reviewed by both the Parks & Recreation Commission and Parks Maintenance staff. • An agreement will be drafted between the partner and the city that includes the following: o Clear description of the proposed installation. o Outline of financial obligations (in most cases, the entire financial burden will lie with the donor). o Recognition of no tax benefits to the donor in donating to the city. o Clarification of maintenance responsibilities (in most cases, any maintenance requirements beyond what is currently provided by the city will be the donor's responsibility). o Outline of the conditions and timeframe for the eventual removal of the installation. • The proposal, along with a report and recommendation from staff, will be presented to the Parks, Arts & Recreation Commission for review and for their recommendation regarding approval to the City Council. • Final approval and acceptance of the park physical improvements and the associated agreement by the City Council is required. City Council may reject any park physical improvements which Council deems inconsistent with the mission of the BCOL Regional \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 3 of 9 Park, and/or the positive image of the BCOLAP. • The city will take normal care to protect and maintain the partnership park physical improvement. Park physical improvements will be removed at the City's sole discretion for, including but not limited to, the following reasons: they conflict with other needed park improvements; they are vandalized beyond reasonable repair; or they have exceeded their useful service life or no longer meet the character of the park or Park Master Plan. • The city will attempt to contact the partner to inform them of the pending removal oftheir park physical improvement. • The city is not obligated to repair or replace the park physicalimprovement. • Thank you, letters will be sent to partners. • Park physical improvements are the property of the City of Monticello. • Park physical improvements that were installed prior to the approval date of this policy may remain in the park under the terms of this updated policy. Existing Park physical improvements will be removed, refurbished, modified, or replaced in the manner provided for in this updated policy as a non -conforming park physical improvement. At such time that the non -conforming park physical improvements, in the sole discretion of the City, have exceeded their useful life, are vandalized beyond reasonable repair, conflict with other park improvements, or no longer meet the character of the park or Park Master Plan, the improvements will be removed. 3. Park Donation Recognition Areas • The City Council may designate a defined section of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park as a "park donation recognition area." • Park donation recognition areas shall be intended to recognize a prominent or historic person, a significant event, or a notable group of people, such as a veterans'memorial. • Park donation recognition areas are not cemeteries, and the remains of humans, pets, etc. are not permitted to be interred in a city park. • Designated Park donation recognition areas would permit the installation of large structures, fountains, statues, plazas, flag poles, markers and gardens. • Park donation recognition areas shall be public spaces designed and developed primarily by the City's Parks Maintenance Department as a component of the City's parks system. • While the City may choose to partner with individuals or groups to develop and maintain park donation recognition areas, these are considered city park facilities and not private facilities. • The City shall have full authority as to the location, design, amenities, operations and maintenance of "park donation recognition areas." • An agreement will be drafted between the partner and the city that includes the following: o Clear description of the proposed installation. o Outline of financial obligations (in most cases, the entire financial burden will lie with the donor). \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 4 of 9 o Recognition of no tax benefits to the donor in donating to the city. \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 5 of 9 o Clarification of maintenance responsibilities (in most cases, any maintenance requirements beyond what is currently provided by the City will be the donor's responsibility). o Outline of the conditions and timeframe for the eventual removal of the installation. • The proposal, along with a report and recommendation from staff, will be presented to the Parks & Recreation Commission for review and for their recommendation regarding approval to the City Council. • Final approval and acceptance of the park donation recognition area and the associated agreement by the City Council is required. • The City will take normal care to protect and maintain the park donation recognition area. Park donation recognition areas will be removed at the City's sole discretion for, including but not limited to, the following reasons: they conflict with other needed park improvements; they are vandalized beyond reasonable repair; or they have exceeded their useful service life or no longer meet the character of the park or Park Master Plan. • The City will attempt to contact the donor to inform them of the pending removal of their park physical improvement. • If it is determined to be in the best interest of the park system, the donor may be afforded the opportunity to repair, replace or take possession of the memorial at the donor's expense. • The City is not obligated to repair or replace the park donation recognition area. • Thank you letters will be sent to donors. • Upon installation, the memorial becomes the property of the City. 4. Events, Tournaments or Programs The BCOLAP hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Partnership opportunities for the individual promotion of events, tournaments and programs are available but are limited. The City of Monticello Parks, Arts & Recreation Commission will review each event partnership opportunity based on field or facility availability, consistency with the mission and goals of the park. All print and electronic marketing materials for any event must include the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park logo. Any City event promotion will also include funding partner logos. 5. Field Advertising • Field advertising shall be allowed in the form of banners permitted only on permanent athletic field fencing at the BCOLAP. Partnership for athletic field advertising shall be limited to the banners only and shall not include any other mention in print or electronic media. • Partnership under this program will include the placement of banners as expressly set forth herein but shall in no way entitle the partner to any rights of use or access, or ownership in anyway, of any facility. \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 6 of 9 • Banners shall be available at the quantities and for the duration set forth annually by the City of Monticello and will be awarded by the City Council after a complete application and payment in full from each partner. Each partner shall enter into a field advertising agreement. • The display of banners shall be considered temporary and shall only be displayed for the duration specified in the field advertising agreement. • The City shall be responsible for the ordering, installation, and removal of banner on any BCOLAP athletic field or recreational facility, and as such, all banners shall be considered the property of the City. No individual, including partners, shall have the authority to move or otherwise alter an installed sign or banner in any manner unlessthat individual is acting under the direction of the City. • No banner shall be installed as to intentionally face any roadway. • The banners created as a result of the Field Advertising Partnership shall be considered official government agency signs. • City Council may reject any Field Advertising Partnership which Council deems inconsistent with promoting youth sports programs and/or the positive image of the BCOLAP consistent with the mission of the BCOL Regional Athletic Park. • Banners shall be no larger than three feet by six feet in area and shall be constructed of materials that are flexible and are suitable for outdoor use. • Partners are encouraged to keep the amount of text on any banner to a minimum. In that regard, larger -type font sizes are encouraged in order to maximize visibility. • Language included on field advertising banners is subject to the following restrictions: o Shall not directly or indirectly endorse or promote unlawful activity. o Shall not directly or indirectly endorse or promote age -restricted products such as alcohol or tobacco products, or other products generally considered detrimental to the health, welfare, or safety of children. o Shall not directly or indirectly endorse or promote sexually explicit signs or graphics, including signs that describe sexual conduct in a patently offensive manner. o No derogatory, offensive, or profane remarks or insults shall be permitted onany sign or banner. o All other language will be reviewed on an individual basis. o All proposals and a proof of the banner shall be submitted to the Parks Department and reviewed by both the Parks, Arts & Recreation Commission and the Parks, Arts & Recreation Director. 6. Field Naming The selection of a partnership for naming rights for a BCOLAP field is a thoughtful process which requires careful analysis. The City will permit naming partners to advertise on athletic \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 7 d 9 fields located on BCOLAP property, in order to promote community spirit, to encourage public participation in the creation and maintenance of recreation and athletic facilities, in programs that foster the general welfare, and in the upkeep and upgrades to recreational and athletic facilities in BCOLAP. Partnership under this program will include the placement of signage or other media recognition expressly set forth herein but shall in no way entitle the partner to any rights of use or access, or ownership in any way, of any facility. All revenue generated as a result of Field Naming shall be used to fund the construction, maintenance, and improvement of BCOLAP athletic fields and related recreation facilities. Partnership funds may also be used to repair or establish facility fencing, the renovation or rehabilitation of fields, general facility maintenance, capital improvement projects, and debt services, as well as lawn maintenance, fertilization, aeration, reseeding, court striping or other improvements,as determined by the City of Monticello. A. General Rules Each field naming partnership interest form must be based upon prescribed forms that the City will furnish. • The Parks, Arts & Recreation Commission shall review each interest form and shall make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the partnership. • The City Council shall act on the partnership interest form, and if accepted, shall direct the preparation of a partnership contract. • City Council may reject any Field Naming application whichCouncil deems inconsistent with promoting youth sports programs and/orthe positive image of the BCOLAP and its mission. • The City shall enter into a contract with the partner in order to fulfill the requirements of Field Naming. • Multiple -year field partnerships shall be renewable at the City's option and shall be specified by partnership contract. • A payment schedule for all field partnership/naming rights shall be established by duly adopted resolution or fee ordinance of the City Council, which may be amended from time to time, and shall be specified in the Partnership Contract. B. Partnership Promotion • The partner's name shall be located on all BCOLAP information that the City may generate in electronic or print format, including practice schedules, game schedules, tournament information and maps. \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 8 d 9 • The City of Monticello shall be responsible for the ordering, installation, and removal of any sign on any BCOLAP athletic field or recreational facility, and as such, all signs shall be considered the property of the City. No individual, including sponsors shall have the authority to move or otherwise alter an installed sign in any manner unless that individual is acting under the direction of the City. • No sign shall be installed as to intentionally face any roadway. • The signs created as a result of Field Naming shall beconsidered "official government agency signs". • Exclusive field title sponsorship/naming shall include all of the provisions and recognition included in the field naming rules set forth above for the entire term of the sponsorship. • Field naming signs shall be located in exact locations as determined by theCity of Monticello Parks, Arts & Recreation Department. • Size and design will be determined by the Parks, Arts & Recreation Director. 7. Concession Contracts This portion of the program is yet to be determined and may be added in the future as the Athletic Park continues to expand. 8. Other Donations The City of Monticello may consider other BCOLAP donations opportunities for equipment, operations and maintenance, or other system needs. These opportunitieswill be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Recommendations on BCOLAP park donations will be reviewed by the Parks, Arts & Recreation Commission and final acceptance shall be at the discretion of the City Council. Donations shall be considered and accepted based on park need and their consistency with the Master Plan for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Parkand the mission and goals of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Occasionally, members of the public will donate small to medium sized amenities or fixtures such as Eagle Scout projects. The acceptance of these donations shall follow thesame policy guidelines as listed above. \\FILESERVER\FDRIVE\CITY CLERK\AGENDAS\COUNCIL AGEN DAS\2022 COUNCIL AGE NDAS\032822\CONSENT AGENDA\2K BCOL POLICY\2K A - BCOL PARTNERSHIP POLICY DRAFT. DO CX Page 9 of 9 City Council Agenda: 3/28/2022 2L. Consideration of declaring a public nuisance per City Code Section 92.50 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Parks, Arts & Recreation Director 3/28/22 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved By: Finance Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to declare a public nuisance per City Code Section 92.50. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Emerald ash borer (EAB) is a non-native (invasive) insect from Asia that kills ash trees. Trees become infested when adult beetles lay eggs on the bark. The eggs hatch into larvae that bore into the tree, eventually destroying the tree. City staff identified emerald ash borer in Monticello in February 2022, and the finding was confirmed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Therefore, staff recommends the declaration of a public nuisance wherever the following conditions exist in the city: any living or dead fraxinus spp. tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the insect emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennix) or any other tree species infected with a disease. The declaration of public nuisance will assist with prevention, control, and abatement of emerald ash borer necessary for the protection, preservation, and conservation of public and private lands and the investment and benefit therein, and to protect and promote the general welfare of the public and this community. Under the direction and control of the City Council and city administrator, the City Forester (Parks, Arts & Recreation Director, Tom Pawelk) will coordinate municipal activities relating to the control and prevention of shade tree disease. The City Forester shall recommend the program details for the control of shade tree disease and perform or assign the duties of a program adopted by the Council. The next steps to mitigate EAB from Monticello will begin in April. City staff and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture will perform a tree inventory to identify both diseased and healthy ash trees in the community. The inspections will begin in the northeast quadrant of the city, where EAB has already been located before continuing to the other three quadrants over time. During the inspections, staff will also measure Diameter Breast Height (DBH) of the ash trees, a measurement from the highest point of ground at the tree's base. Staff will use the DBH measurement to determine if a tree can receive injection treatment or needs to be removed. City Council Agenda: 3/28/2022 The City will treat ash trees within parks and public spaces if they meet the following criteria: • Tree is greater than 10" in diameter • Tree is not competing with other trees or infrastructure • Tree shows no more than 30% of canopy decline if infestation is suspected • Tree is in good physical condition City staff will encourage residents to use the same criteria to treat significant, well-placed, healthy ash trees on private property. Additional information for private property owners is available on the city's website or by contacting City Hall. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND I. Budget Impact: The cost will be determined once the tree survey is complete. Staff will be able to estimate an annual cost for injection and removal in future budget years. II. Staff Workload Impact: The EAB tree project will take many years for staff to manage. Once the tree inventory is complete, staff will have a better idea of the demand. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: Community value and quality of life. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends declaring a public nuisance per City Code Section 92.50. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial of infection B. Map location of NE Quad where tree inventory/inspections will begin c�Tv oY � Monticello 1 in = 6,019 ft N A March 11, 2022 Map Powered By Data Link wsb Monticello Geographic Information System 1 inch = 2 092. 828706 feet Source City ofMonticello GIS F DR i\ a 0 1,250 2,500 Feet W.-,'=���Ii� HARVEST CT 2 NE Mon, ARTSticello 2022 EAB INSPECTION PROGRAM 17111 \\� � S AGO O �ISSI r DI T �( NE Q& iVV D, NF1 4001-1 "'QUA f q z a \M o7 R R`No Ifir A,17\ �r NE CO LINTY ROAD 39 NE 2 ff U W Z I W I W � o I � N LA�� w—�—E ent Path: J:1gislcityVM0NTIM3pslBasemap mxd s City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 2M. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 773 amending Section 95.37 to include commercial fire pits Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Fire Marshal 03/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Chief Building Official City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Ordinance 773 amending Section 95.37 to include commercial fire pits. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to adopt Ordinance 773 with revised language to include commercial fire pits. The existing ordinance only covers residential fire pits, and staff recommends adding language guiding commercial properties to have recreational fires. A local business inquired about replacing their current gas -powered outdoor heaters with real wood fire pits. Staff researched this request and found the city does not have a policy or ordinance that covered this type of recreational fire. Staff researched other city ordinances and the fire code and created the proposed ordinance changes. To maintain public safety, commercial fire pits need to follow these safety measures: • Fire pit needs to be 15 feet away from any combustible item, exterior fagade or awning. • There can be nothing above the fire pit (tents, patio covers, etc.). • Firewood can only be handled by employees. In addition to wood fires, the ordinance allows gas or LP led fires. This is the preferred method for recreational fires at commercial properties. While reviewing the recreational fire ordinance, staff evaluated the existing distance requirement. Staff recommends changing it from 25 feet to 15 feet. Staff felt 25 feet was too restrictive given commercial and residential lot sizes. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: Fire Department staff may have to respond to complaints or to inspect fire pits. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 Staff recommends approving the ordinance to safely allow residential and commercial fire pits. SUPPORTING DATA • Draft Ordinance 773 95.36 RECREATIONAL FIRES. Fires set for recreational, ceremonial, food preparation, or social purposes are permitted provided the following conditions are adhered to: (A) Only dry raw wood, or wood products such as sticks. No painted or treated wood or other lightweight vegetation such as leaves shall be burned in a recreational fire. (B) Fire must be contained within a three feet diameter fire pit area. (C) Fire must not be left unattended; and (D) Residential fire pits must be located in rear yard only, at least 15 feet from any structure and property line. Portable fire pits with covers are allowed for use in front yards on driveways only and may not be within 15 feet of any structure in the front yard. All fires must be completely extinguished with water before leaving them unattended. Portable fire pits with covers shall not be stored on the driveway or front yard when not in use. The wind should also be considered before lighting any fire. (E) Commercial fire pits must comply with all of the Residential rules with the addition of: • Must be 15 feet from the property line and building and any combustible exterior fagade or awning • No overhead covering above fire • Wood storage must be locked and only accessible by staff Note: Natural Gas or LP fire pits are also permitted under this ordinance (Prior Code, § 5-4-7) (Ord. 252, passed 6-13-1994; Ord. 373, passed 4-22-2002) City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 3A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-33 vacating drainage and utility easements as legally described for Otter Creek Crossing and Otter Creek Crossing 4th Addition Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Consent Agenda Item Community Development Director 3/28/22 ❑ Regular Agenda Item ® Public Hearing Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Project Engineer, City Clerk City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-33 vacating a drainage and utility easement as legally described for the plats of Otter Creek and Otter Creek 4th Addition, contingent on: 1. Comments of the Wright County surveyor 2. Re-establishment of easements for the proposed plats of Otter Creek 7th Addition and Otter Creek 8th Addition as directed by the City Engineer 3. Approval of the final plats A supermajority vote of Council is necessary for the vacation. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to vacate the drainage and utility easements within the plats of Otter Creek Crossing and Otter Creek Crossing 411 Addition for purposes of replatting of these areas. The replatting is proposed to facilitate the expansion of Suburban Manufacturing and encourage development of vacant parcels within the balance of the Otter Creek plat areas. Drainage and utility easements along the plat perimeter, internal lot lines, and over stormwater and wetland facilities are proposed to be re-established within the proposed plats. The proposed vacation areas are shown on the proposed preliminary plats in gray. The proposed easements are shown in magenta. In addition to the customary lot line, plat perimeter, and stormwater/wetland easements, the proposed easements for 7th Addition include an 80' easement along the north line of Lot 1, Block 1 for the extension of utilities west to the Bertram Chain of Lakes and an expanded easement along Lots 1 and 2 for the future required stormwater pond expansion. In addition to the customary lot line, plat perimeter, and stormwater/wetland easements, the proposed easements for Otter Creek 8th Addition include the necessary establishment of a City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 permanent drainage easement across Lot 2, Block 2 and an easement area for future intersection improvements at 90th Street and Chelsea Road on the proposed Lot 1, Block 3. The City of Monticello is the fee title owner of Outlot B, Otter Creek Crossing 4th Addition and Outlot E of Otter Creek Crossing. Suburban Manufacturing is the fee title owner of Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 4th Addition. The Monticello EDA is the fee title owner of Outlot F of Otter Creek Crossing. Only the portion of easements within Otter Creek Crossing and Otter Creek Crossing 4th Addition impacted by the plat lot line adjustments are proposed for vacation. Suburban Manufacturing has not petitioned for the vacation of easements. However, the proposed vacation facilitates the platting of the necessary lot expansion, and the City/EDA are preparing the plat documents to facilitate the lot expansion. Absent a petition by the property owner, the approval to vacate the drainage and utility easements will require a supermajority vote by the City Council. WSB has prepared final plats for review, which will be considered by the City Council on April 14, 2022. The City Engineer's office and Community Development Department will review the final plats to verify all required public easements for drainage and utility purposes are in place. Required publication and mailing of notices for the public hearing have been completed. City staff has prepared and will send the notices to be published in the Monticello Times and sent to affected property owners. Budget Impact: Preparation of the vacation areas and legal is part of the approved contract for plat services with WSB. II. Staff Workload Impact: Workload impact is expected at approximately 10-20 hours for review and recommendation on the vacation requests and platting. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 plan guides the subject plat areas for Light Industrial development. The proposed development plan is therefore consistent with the 2040 Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adoption of the resolution for vacation of easements with the conditions as noted. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-033 B. Vacation and Preliminary Plat Exhibit C. Vacation Legal Description CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-33 RESOLUTION VACATING A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED FOR OTTER CREEK CROSSING AND OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4Th ADDITION WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 412.851, after two (2) weeks published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before a hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation, the Monticello City Council has conducted a hearing to consider the vacation of the public easement legally described in the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, following the hearing and consideration of the proposed vacation, the Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the drainage and utility easement, contingent on the following: 1. Comments of the Wright County surveyor 2. Re-establishment of easements for the proposed plats of Otter Creek 71h Addition and Otter Creek 81h Addition as directed by the City Engineer 3. Approval of the final plats NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello: 1. The drainage and utility easement legally described in the attached Exhibit A. 2. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor and County Recorder. ADOPTED this 28th day of March, 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of Easement Vacation All the drainage and utility easement as legally described as: 1. OUTLOT E and OUTLOT F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, WRIGHT COUNTY, MONTICELLO, MN 2. OUTLOT B and LOT 1, BLOCK 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4T" ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MONTICELLO, MN N 0 N O CNi Q J n rillQ Z 2 ry ry PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Outlot A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Outlot A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Outlot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. PROPERTY SUMMARY 1. Subject property's addresses are shown on survey. 2. Subject property's property identification numbers are shown on survey. 3. The gross area of the subject property is 1,012,405 Square Feet or 23.242 acres. SURVEY NOTES 1. The bearing system is based on the recorded plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, having an assumed bearing of N00°25'16"E for the West line of Outlot A. 2. The vertical datum is based on NAVD88. 3. Field work was completed on 12/10/2021. PLAT AREAS Proposed plat areas are as follows: Lot 1, Block 1 = 425,325 Square Feet or 9.764 acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 269,621 Square Feet or 6.190 acres Lot 3, Block 1 = 204,092 Square Feet or 4.685 acres Outlot A = 113,367 Square Feet or 2.603 acres Total = 1,012,405 Square Feet or 23.242 acres C E F LEGEND Q FOUND SECTION MONUMENT FOUND MONUMENT O SET MONUMENT SIGN DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE © PEDESTAL HAND HOLE FL TI FIBER OPTIC VAULT LIGHT POLE ,a POWER POLE --) GUY WIRE Q ELECTRIC PANEL ELECTRIC MANHOLE ss SOIL BORING D FLARED END SECTION ® CATCH BASIN ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN s� STORM MANHOLE @s SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY LIFT STATION IRR IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX � HYDRANT Z WATER VALVE — SANITARY LINE — STORM LINE — WATER MAIN — UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION — UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC — UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC — UNDERGROUND GAS OH OVERHEAD POWER FENCE CURB & GUTTER VICINITY MAP CSAH NO. 39 �\\111 I \� S 9Q — 0 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 6 �{ N N �-6 _1 IL 1_ N T T BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, NOT TO SCALE AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. EDGE OF STREAM J \ QS� 0O GA IG / ^ A I_I N I /1 ^ 1 N \._/ 95_ �. ADDRES' 1 31 D TON E 0 �} , OT 3 PID:1552230010 F / L D BEING W 0/ / NVEYED TO I� ,I L) / UBURBAN / 3,279 SQ. FT. 4vt 78 I / 0.075 AC. �� I �^ / . ,I ` % 'PIP ! / L,L_\.Jr\ I / RET WALL 8 G� LEV: SPF \� OGFzO�a ACE 51TUMM 2" E S / / / N L, 4 Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 � 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY - SR JRH U) Z O U) w 0Y z 0 H a - U W UJ 0 UJ a 0 0 z Q O } O TREE LINE ADDRESSES O W Z 4-0 BUILDING EDGE Owner: City of Monticello 0 00 LO -0 PLAT BOUNDARY Surveyor: WSB PROPOSED LOT LINE 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 � 4-1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT 2 ~J � �mOJ _ LAND BEING CONVEYED W ~ WW Q Z = Q' > TO SUBURBAN �< —LL 0-a� LAND BEING CONVEYED NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY TO CITY OF MONTICELLO EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER — N W < 3: �= r NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING CREEK CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, L — J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY BLOCK 2, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING HAVE N EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY BEEN VACATED PER DOCUMENT. NO. A974166. Q� THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK — E F5 J 5 L CROSSING 4TH ADDITION U WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, L BLOCK 1 AND OUTLOT B, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH }+ W ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO O }' O BE VACATED. VICINITY MAP CSAH NO. 39 �\\111 I \� S 9Q — 0 SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 6 �{ N N �-6 _1 IL 1_ N T T BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, NOT TO SCALE AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. EDGE OF STREAM J \ QS� 0O GA IG / ^ A I_I N I /1 ^ 1 N \._/ 95_ �. ADDRES' 1 31 D TON E 0 �} , OT 3 PID:1552230010 F / L D BEING W 0/ / NVEYED TO I� ,I L) / UBURBAN / 3,279 SQ. FT. 4vt 78 I / 0.075 AC. �� I �^ / . ,I ` % 'PIP ! / L,L_\.Jr\ I / RET WALL 8 G� LEV: SPF \� OGFzO�a ACE 51TUMM 2" E S / / / N L, 4 Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 � 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY - SR JRH U) Z O U) w 0Y z 0 H a - U W UJ 0 UJ a 0 0 z Q O } O WQ11'J0 O W Z 4-0 (� � C) Z zQ W 0 00 LO -0 �IYQ�O O Oz UWQZ� � 4-1 U) 2 ~J � �mOJ _ J W ~ WW Q Z = Q' > �< —LL 0-a� W fn N 0 U) W Of J 0 N W < 3: �= L- 0 ce) o w��U)o �OwzW W p N w = w — _U Z Q� p — E F5 J 5 L Preliminary Plat WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 O 4-0 }, 0 -0 _Co CL �--+ 4-1 U) 0 0 O U L- 0 Z-5 N o L Q� U L U L }+ W O }' O WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 N C? CC\1 0 k N4Q J z 2 ILL Q I \ \ \ 0�le�\0 PLAT AREAS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LEGEND FOUND SECTION MONUMENT I N4, -7rooseareas are as follows: p Of c9 z �ti Pd plat follOutlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Wright County, Minnesota. \ O�N LU Y z_ O_ \ \ p 0 FOUND MONUMENT 887 S Block 1 = 345 Lot 1 , , Square Feet or 7.940 acres /K 0 O SET MONUMENT o 0 EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: 0 \ 2Roo \ q Lot 1, Block 2 = 452,317 Square Feet or 10.384 acres 0 \ �, \ SIGN w Y � \ 's-- \ Lot 2, Block 2 = 387,057 Square Feet or 8.886 acres That part of Outlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, ^ O w /2 DECIDUOUS TREE \ N'LY LINES OF OUTLOT E, \_ _ - - - - - - / �� � J \ so Lot 1, Block 3 - 273,577 Square Feet or 6.280 acres Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK \ F OTTER CREEK CROSSING \ / 000 \ \ o CROSSING 1 ST ADDITION, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, EVERGREEN TREE \ \ \ w \ \ Minnesota; thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, assumed bearing along the southeasterly line of said © PEDESTAL Outlot A = 635,018 Square Feet or 14.578 acres Lot 1, 434.31 feet; thence South 40 degrees 53 minutes 16 seconds East, 507.03 feet; thence North 41 degrees 02 HAND HOLE \ \ / \ \ ® O / \ , � y o ti minutes 17 seconds East, 434.31 feet to the northeasterly line of said Outlot E; thence North 40 degrees 53 minutes 16 ❑ \ Q seconds West, along said northeasterly line, 507.03 feet to the point of beginning. vLT FIBER OPTIC VAULT I LX ��\_\ < \ R/W Dalton Way = 68,319 Square Feet or 1.568 acres AO iP LIGHT POLE V ; / D RLS 44581 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ��' \ v pF�o R/W 90th St E = 20,258 Square Feet or 0.465 acres AND ALSO EXCEPT: EASEMENT PER PLAT OF \ \ 6 "�a POWER POLE EJ L \A / u r I",, v �n Total = 2,182,435 Square Feet or 50.102 acres • Jif I Q OTTER CREEK CROSSING \ O GUY WIRE STORM 6-\ 'Ao to That part of Outlot E, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, OUTLET ^' 'TI ^T n \\� ��j� �\ ADDRESSES Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of Outlot A, OTTER CREEK ❑E ELECTRIC PANEL / 9 v U I L_U I v \ c CROSSING 1ST ADDITION, according to said plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, E ELECTRIC MANHOLE 90 , � / / \ � � �TNH ELEV: 937.18 0 NH 37. �\ \\\ I y s6 Minnesota; thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, assumed bearing along the southwesterly extension of Monticello SOIL BORING S'S'��Y �� / \ A i Owner: Cit of the southeasterly line of said Outlot A, 512.89 feet to the west line of said Outlot E; thence North 00 degrees 49 ��/r ��ti AS�� ; \ ✓ PCi /'\ TT r- �) / �) r- r- I / �) /'\ ^ ^ I (\ I / �\ \ I Surveyor: WSB minutes 08 seconds West, along said west line, 686.83 feet to the southwesterly line of said Outlot A; thence South 49 FLARED END SECTION - - - ,\� degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East, along said southwesterly line, 458.31 feet to the point of beginning. CATCH BASIN �pss�OCi i \�_ �j / `/ \ \J I I L_ I \ 1 \ L_ L_ C \ I 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 ,y �� \` �5 /� \ T \ \ \ Minneapolis, MN 55416 AND ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN 1 c, o� J /Cr, p/ Q �L) n I I/ -\N S 9 0 \\ OS 1 \ L) /-\ LJ LJ I I I\j�)) SQ STORM MANHOLE �p �� l \ cr'- NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY Outlot A, 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. �s SANITARY MANHOLE \ 1 /T/o��' EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER L SANITARY LIFT STATION wz ti l� / � \ I-_ SELvL�N€OFrLOTA\i� CREEK CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, AND IRR IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX � O !�� / /X CRE CROSSING 1$T AD ITI I O '� \\ BLOCK 2, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING HAVE Outlot F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Wright Count Minnesota. y / l ��\ T 9 Y, � HYDRANT `001 ° o Y / r / � � OST S LY CORN' ( O�'' 00�' \\ EXISTING \ O BEEN VACATED PER DOCUMENT. NO. A974166. \ ER I �I'\ \ \ OW LU / `/OFOUTLOT A,OTTER REE \ Gj \ za^STORM/ \ NH ELEV: 937.36 00 z 1 / CROSSING 1STADDITIN \ sCOX J PROPERTY SUMMARY \ � � � 3: LU�� j \ � OUTSET , \ � \ \ o \ \ \ � 1. Subject property's addresses are shown on survey. / �\ '<9�jy �A ------------ 0Q) s ELEV: 943.53 ` - �\ \ \ \ \ \ � '1'O Q��0 2. Subject property's property identification numbers are shown on survey. o,S, (� � �ITUMF(\IOUS PATH �/ W' EXTENSION � \ GJ \� ' \ SW' EXTENSION OF THE SE'LY \ \ \ \ o \ \� �'� ` 3. The gross area of the subject property is 2,182,435 Square Feet or 50.102 acres. G SIGN / LFNE OUTLOT A, OTTER CREEI4 ' \ CROSSING 1STADDTI?N- 1 i S n \ SSG _ ---- \ \ //� EDGE OF - �� \ p� FES 18" --- \ l DELINEATED -r- S SURVEY NOTES -7 10F \ / / \ IIG�> , WETLAND ��� I /� \ \, ' / / — NH ELEV: 946.43 1. The bearing system is based on the recorded plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING, ; having an assumed bearing of S00°49'08"E for the West lines of Outlot E and Outlot F. / ASSIGN / py �p WHAT STUB?� n \ LOT I \ ' I� �— / 93 9 ' 2. The vertical datum is based on NAVD88. \ _ ` 934.' A T GRAY 0 �LFOCK` o i DRAINAGE AND UTILITY �/ \ \ /�� - --- 3. Field work was completed on 12/10/2021. M3 9 LU 43 1 H vv, 1 EASEMENT PER PLAT OF v ' 1 OTTER CREEK CROSSING 34"87 C. T � ll ��� / cbV'y \ \ \ \ o I \ \ \ , OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO < ( y ' x . N , ADDRE, S: UNASSIGNED / / / o Qp>0O \ \ \ \\ \ �\ \ \\ \� ; PID: 155171000050 / / / / j� ITUMINOUS PATHj2 \ "Ir i ,g cPa \ \ Q s \ \ 1 , O � Q �\ �9, \ \ \ \ 1 , , / // / / s NH ELEV: 958.63 I I STy AT�.� . \ �� \ \ I I / / / < HEDGE LINE TREE LINE BUILDING EDGE PLAT BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT III \ O L 19 FToti \ \ M �J- - - 12 \ QcS6,V 1. O \ 273,57 SQ. FT. I / 6280 AC. � moov )/ OUTLOT a ��-- �� ----— -- / = o LOT 1� H ELEV: 962.19- \ - It Q���� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT � z / / s®_ �; \ �/ / L� L �J- I O /\ ( `\ \ o Q j \ , OVER ALL OF OUTLOT A \ \ s / u r \ I L I J / o ` \ 0 �o \ / / / / / ; 1 635,018 SQ. FT. / //// '' BLOC 1 �- �U_Y \ �A \�\ oy V O V/ �° I 14.578 AC. �I / �TL1 - �_ �� �SV&WLINE OFLOT 1,BLOCK 1, A�IL-U X \ \ / \ / / 1 / / j 1 1 1 1 \ L- 1 sro 96TW§TREET 3RD ADDITION r 1 1 r IzLr \\\ \ i n r- �� /// I /� / �00 u1;r �I1 T1��1 ^ i,\\ 41S �� ��nn1i `EXISTING TRAIL `/ 0 R2 F M TtCJLLOv $ 4 p PLAITY 60 \ - I ELEV. 96nCHddELSEA ROAD WEST n \ U v 1 1 � ttif��CI�E OF VACATED �� 0 PID. 1�M (ER T OF \ L_5 'll 1 r / i i / /� ' / /// �/ ///� EpSEMCREEKCROSSING / 6 j)=O.00 OTTER 59'36" D 1/2 RIPE --A LL \\ I I \5�68� 20,25 Q. /F�. S , i 91 V / y 65 7-12 \ \ � \\ � � \ r' ,' \ / , � oq � ? > � � /i / �" d / l �� i / I , � I I I � � \l \ \'�\ � i' I \ S, 5 2� � � -/� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY �I \/ CA PLS 15 3 EASEMEv NT PER PLAT OF / 1 /��' 0 iIf I )7� \ v v ti / / / — 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION f �� � tzO / / \A / � 4 6 \ / I / BLDG CcT�,¢s j (- cn / / \ s �� / AGE D JI BLDG / N -1�' O. \\� / RAIN � < 0 \ E SEMCENT K C ST G' y . I / I / / / , \ 2 0 3 �\ / / O TER (� 0 / QLL ��tK LU Z w I \ / / \ % TQC \ - I \ I / / / / / NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING < w \ o \ �/ ® L - J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY FDR 03 �( i �i Q w j �\ / / / / / �T oy ti / I I\/ / /// / / EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK �o Nk I'�LEV:6�/ Q W L9iy\ I \ r o CROSS NG WHICH ARE WITHIN LU -&31&�W59 W \ \ X53, OUTLOT E AND OUTLOT F AND OJ \69 98 -may \\ /o��/ / I OUTLOT H, SAID OTTER _ _ l // CREEK CROSSING ARE I / / / \ \� o\ ti/ x / PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. \ \ I I I I I / /-60 4 \ v' oti y / / AND FD 11 IP �_ \ I \ \ 588 0" �2 Q \ \ UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UT DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF III III FT. 084. ,\\ �— - NER: CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA I I \ / / / I A AND TIL I E I / "RESS: UNA3UG T[ _v I /� / PID: 155171000060a�" L6T/PENTRLINE OF60 FT- —TEMPOR7\\� \ ,387,057 �Q. TII I STOR WA RDRAN ." EX 1 8.886 AC D ?? Q \y\ � ) _BL KI \ \\ \ / / / �/ / / I I I A / D �lT�11 I iP \ \ \ PE'LINE EASEMIEN WER DOC. NO. 724490 671.4LU a 4.50 It`\ NII \ S88°59'20"E 1121.27 A r\ F\ 1 -71 /1 N I 77_ LL L114LJi ilJ�: —vVVI I �\JIV <<< 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION WHICH ARE WITHIN OUTLOT A, SAID 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. \ FD 1/2" ,r REBAR // S00020'16"E ti , 0.91 F 1/2' \ IP \ 5 I \ _ Ckti \ � T \ G� c F \ pO�c C °ysO\ \ \ dos2�'Ftxtis's \ - -VICINITY MAP - F_ CSAH NO. 39 C',- ,�, I I►\\�` I N 5� I NOT TO SCALE SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 11 1� CL OF VACATED I I CHELSEA ROAD WEST I 1 I I I 1 IL S LINE OF VACATED CHELSEA ROAD WEST I I I CHELSEA ROAD WEST VACATED PER DOC. NO. Al 091043 (CITY RESERVES DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT HOWEVER) DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: II 6 i{ N nl I�I 6 I BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. N Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY - SR JRH z O U) LLI z O a 0 LU 0 w a 0 O z O O Z WATER VALVE > SANITARY LINE >> STORM LINE WATER MAIN C UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC F UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC G UNDERGROUND GAS OH OVERHEAD POWER o FENCE U)2 CURB & GUTTER HEDGE LINE TREE LINE BUILDING EDGE PLAT BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT III \ O L 19 FToti \ \ M �J- - - 12 \ QcS6,V 1. O \ 273,57 SQ. FT. I / 6280 AC. � moov )/ OUTLOT a ��-- �� ----— -- / = o LOT 1� H ELEV: 962.19- \ - It Q���� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT � z / / s®_ �; \ �/ / L� L �J- I O /\ ( `\ \ o Q j \ , OVER ALL OF OUTLOT A \ \ s / u r \ I L I J / o ` \ 0 �o \ / / / / / ; 1 635,018 SQ. FT. / //// '' BLOC 1 �- �U_Y \ �A \�\ oy V O V/ �° I 14.578 AC. �I / �TL1 - �_ �� �SV&WLINE OFLOT 1,BLOCK 1, A�IL-U X \ \ / \ / / 1 / / j 1 1 1 1 \ L- 1 sro 96TW§TREET 3RD ADDITION r 1 1 r IzLr \\\ \ i n r- �� /// I /� / �00 u1;r �I1 T1��1 ^ i,\\ 41S �� ��nn1i `EXISTING TRAIL `/ 0 R2 F M TtCJLLOv $ 4 p PLAITY 60 \ - I ELEV. 96nCHddELSEA ROAD WEST n \ U v 1 1 � ttif��CI�E OF VACATED �� 0 PID. 1�M (ER T OF \ L_5 'll 1 r / i i / /� ' / /// �/ ///� EpSEMCREEKCROSSING / 6 j)=O.00 OTTER 59'36" D 1/2 RIPE --A LL \\ I I \5�68� 20,25 Q. /F�. S , i 91 V / y 65 7-12 \ \ � \\ � � \ r' ,' \ / , � oq � ? > � � /i / �" d / l �� i / I , � I I I � � \l \ \'�\ � i' I \ S, 5 2� � � -/� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY �I \/ CA PLS 15 3 EASEMEv NT PER PLAT OF / 1 /��' 0 iIf I )7� \ v v ti / / / — 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION f �� � tzO / / \A / � 4 6 \ / I / BLDG CcT�,¢s j (- cn / / \ s �� / AGE D JI BLDG / N -1�' O. \\� / RAIN � < 0 \ E SEMCENT K C ST G' y . I / I / / / , \ 2 0 3 �\ / / O TER (� 0 / QLL ��tK LU Z w I \ / / \ % TQC \ - I \ I / / / / / NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING < w \ o \ �/ ® L - J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY FDR 03 �( i �i Q w j �\ / / / / / �T oy ti / I I\/ / /// / / EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK �o Nk I'�LEV:6�/ Q W L9iy\ I \ r o CROSS NG WHICH ARE WITHIN LU -&31&�W59 W \ \ X53, OUTLOT E AND OUTLOT F AND OJ \69 98 -may \\ /o��/ / I OUTLOT H, SAID OTTER _ _ l // CREEK CROSSING ARE I / / / \ \� o\ ti/ x / PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. \ \ I I I I I / /-60 4 \ v' oti y / / AND FD 11 IP �_ \ I \ \ 588 0" �2 Q \ \ UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UT DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF III III FT. 084. ,\\ �— - NER: CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA I I \ / / / I A AND TIL I E I / "RESS: UNA3UG T[ _v I /� / PID: 155171000060a�" L6T/PENTRLINE OF60 FT- —TEMPOR7\\� \ ,387,057 �Q. TII I STOR WA RDRAN ." EX 1 8.886 AC D ?? Q \y\ � ) _BL KI \ \\ \ / / / �/ / / I I I A / D �lT�11 I iP \ \ \ PE'LINE EASEMIEN WER DOC. NO. 724490 671.4LU a 4.50 It`\ NII \ S88°59'20"E 1121.27 A r\ F\ 1 -71 /1 N I 77_ LL L114LJi ilJ�: —vVVI I �\JIV <<< 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION WHICH ARE WITHIN OUTLOT A, SAID 90TH STREET 3RD ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. \ FD 1/2" ,r REBAR // S00020'16"E ti , 0.91 F 1/2' \ IP \ 5 I \ _ Ckti \ � T \ G� c F \ pO�c C °ysO\ \ \ dos2�'Ftxtis's \ - -VICINITY MAP - F_ CSAH NO. 39 C',- ,�, I I►\\�` I N 5� I NOT TO SCALE SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 11 1� CL OF VACATED I I CHELSEA ROAD WEST I 1 I I I 1 IL S LINE OF VACATED CHELSEA ROAD WEST I I I CHELSEA ROAD WEST VACATED PER DOC. NO. Al 091043 (CITY RESERVES DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT HOWEVER) DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: II 6 i{ N nl I�I 6 I BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. N Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch = 100 feet wsb SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1" = 100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY - SR JRH z O U) LLI z O a 0 LU 0 w a 0 O z O O J W < w W Z (7 � 0 z 000 LO W LL > p Oz << o 4_0 U)2 2 ~ J U �mOJ _ J W ~WW <Z=>+ Q' =Qzo� 0 0 W U) N fn 0 04 W U) W Of J p N U < W : = L ce) o �UZ-5 0 0f00zw W C1 o = W - _U Z Q� p — E F5 J 5 L Preliminary Plat WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 0).0 _Co NW 4_0 G 0 p o U L a� �UZ-5 0 o L Q� U L U L L y� T}� 04-1 O WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 Location: City of Monticello Project No: 019295-000 Date: February 3, 2022 Description of Drainage and Utility Easement area to be vacated: Those Drainage & Utility Easements, originally dedicated on OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, and now to be vacated, which lie within Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Location: City of Monticello Project No: 019295-000 Date: February 3, 2022 Description of Drainage and Utility Easement area to be vacated: Those Drainage & Utility Easements, originally dedicated on OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, and now to be vacated, which lie within Outlot E and Outlot F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 4A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-32 accepting bids and awarding contract to Knife River Corporation for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement project, City Proiect No 22C001 for a total amount of $959,308.62 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Consent Agenda Item PW Director/City Engineer 03/28/2022 ® Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Project Engineer, Finance Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-32 accepting bids and awarding contract to Knife River Corporation for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement project, City Project No 22C001 for a total amount of $959,308.62. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION July 12, 2021: City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2022 Street Improvements project and for the approval of a contract with Hakanson Anderson to provide engineering services. November 8, 2021: City Council accepted the Feasibility Report for the 2022 Street Improvements Project and set a public hearing date for December 13, 2021. December 13, 2021: City Council held a public hearing and authorized ordering improvements for the 2022 Street Improvements Project. December 13, 2021: City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2022 Sidewalk Improvements and amended the contract with Hakanson Anderson to provide engineering services for this work. January 10, 2022: City Council accepted the Feasibility Report for the 2022 Sidewalk Improvements Project and set a public hearing date for February 14, 2022. February 14, 2022: City Council adopted Resolution 2022-12 approving plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement for bids with the bid opening on March 15, 2022. February 14, 2022: City Council adopted Resolution 2022-13 ordering improvements for the 2022 Sidewalk Improvements Project. City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In February the City Council ordered the improvements for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvements Project which includes improvements for the following roadways: • Badger Street North • Hawthorne Place • Bakken Street • Endicott Trail • Fox Street • Briar Court • Bear Avenue • Shady Oak Circle • Deer Street • Eastwood Circle • Troy Marquette Drive • Eastwood Lane • Troy Marquette Lane • Broadway Street • Wildwood Way • Hart Boulevard • Briar Oaks Boulevard The project also includes proposed sidewalk improvements at the following locations: • The addition of sidewalk in front of 520 Chelsea Road, completing a connection from the Monticello High School driveway entrance westerly to County State Highway 39 • A section along 318 4th Street West and other sections in the area with tripping hazards requested by Cargill • The section on Washington Street over the railroad tracks The project will consist of an edge mill and asphalt overlay as well as other full depth spot repairs. Sections of curb and gutter replacement and utility improvements will be made as needed throughout the project areas. Mailbox clustering will also be completed where needed. Improvements to the parking lot at the wastewater treatment plant will be made, but these costs will not be included in the assessments for the project. A total of 7 bids were received and the summary is as follows: Contractor Grand Total Bid Knife River Corporation $ 959,308.62 OMG Midwest, Inc $ 972,857.83 Duininck, Inc. $ 987,593.64 Valley Paving, Inc. $ 1,002,711.23 Omann Brothers Paving, Inc. $ 1,027,294.40 Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. $ 1,090,068.52 Northwest Asphalt $ 1,164,093.12 City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 Construction is proposed to begin in May/June of 2022 with substantial completion in September/October 2022. A more definitive schedule will be determined with the contractor. Budget Impact: The total project budget included in the feasibility report is shown below. $1,700,000 is included in the 2022 Capital Improvement Plan and Budget for the pavement preservation program and sidewalk improvement projects. Total Project Budget Engineering/Legal/Admin $181,462 Construction Contract including contingency $1,145,098 Project Total $1,326,560 II. Staff Workload Impact: Hakanson Anderson and City staff will be involved throughout various steps of the project. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2022-32 accepting bids and awarding contract to Knife River Corporation for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement project, City Project No 22C001 for a total amount of $959,308.62. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-32 B. Letter of recommendation CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-32 ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE 2022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO. 22CO01 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the project, the following street improvements including the milling and/or removal of existing pavement and overlaying of new pavement; curb and gutter replacements; storm sewer and drainage improvements; pedestrian improvements; traffic control; signage; and other necessary appurtenant work in the following areas: • Badger Street North • Bakken Street • Fox Street • Bear Avenue • Deer Street • Troy Marquette Drive • Wildwood Way • Briar Oaks Boulevard • Hawthorne Place • Endicott Trail • Briar Court • Shady Oak Circle • Eastwood Circle • Eastwood Lane • Broadway Street • Hart Boulevard • WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids for the project, the following sidewalk improvement will be made in the following areas: • Chelsea Road • County Road 39. • 4th Street West • Washington Street Bids were received, opened, and tabulated, and the following bids were found to comply with the advertisement for bids: Contractor Grand Total Bid Knife River Corporation $ 959,308.62 OMG Midwest, Inc $ 972,857.83 Duininck, Inc. $ 987,593.64 Valley Paving, Inc. $ 1,002,711.23 Omann Brothers Paving, Inc. $ 1,027,294.40 Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. $ 1,090,068.52 Northwest Asphalt $ 1,164,093.12 WHEREAS, the bid of Knife River in the amount of $959,308.62 for the total bid for the construction of said improvements for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvements Project, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, is the lowest responsible bidder and shall be and hereby is accepted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Monticello. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 28h day of March, 2022. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Main Office: 45 Haltanson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 � Anderson www.haa-inacom '� ° '' March 22, 2022 Matt Leonard, Public Works Director / City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 RE: 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Dear Mr. Leonard: As you are aware bids were received and opened on March 15, 2022, for the City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project. A total of seven bids were received as shown on the attached Bid Tabulation and as listed below: Total Bid Knife River Corporation $ 959,308.62 OMG Midwest, Inc. $ 972,857.83 Duininck, Inc. $ 987,593.64 Valley Paving, Inc. $1,002,711.23 Omann Brothers Paving, Inc. $1,027,294.40 Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. $1,090,068.52 Northwest Asphalt $1,164,093.12 The Engineers Estimate for this project was $1,106,214. As shown above Knife River Corporation was the lowest responsible bidder with a Total Bid of $959,308.62. We have worked with Knife River on previous projects and recommend award of the contract to Knife River Corporation in the amount of $959,308.62. Sincerely, Anderson Project Engineer BID TABULATION City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Bids were opened at 10:00 a.m., March 15, 2022. Seven (7) bids were received, as shown herein. Base Bid Knife River Corporation OMG Midwest Inc. dba Minnesota Paving & Materials Duininck, Inc. ITEM NO. Mn/DOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $19,537.84 $19,537.84 $32,500.00 $32,500.00 2 2021.601 PERMIT FEES - BNSF RAILWAY LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $6,689.90 $6,689.90 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 3 2104.502 SALVAGE CASTING EACH 14 $1,000.00 $14,000.00 $1,144.92 $16,028.88 $956.00 $13,384.00 4 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 328 $4.25 $1,394.00 $6.77 $2,220.56 $5.00 $1,640.00 5 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH LIN FT 200 $4.25 $850.00 $5.01 $1,002.00 $5.00 $1,000.00 6 2104.503 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH LIN FT 2223 $4.25 $9,447.75 $2.39 $5,312.97 $1.90 $4,223.70 7 2104.503 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 1481 $7.00 $10,367.00 $4.36 $6,457.16 $4.35 $6,442.35 8 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SQ FT 2239 $6.50 $14,553.50 $1.96 $4,388.44 $1.95 $4,366.05 9 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ FT 1072 $5.50 $5,896.00 $1.45 $1,554.40 $1.45 $1,554.40 10 2104.601 RELOCATE RAILROAD SIGN LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 $802.28 $802.28 $500.00 $500.00 11 2104.604 SALVAGE AND REPLACE LANDSCAPING EACH 6 $500.00 $3,000.00 $1,002.85 $6,017.10 $500.00 $3,000.00 12 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON CU YD 197 $25.00 $4,925.00 $28.53 $5,620.41 $29.00 $5,713.00 13 2106.507 COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) CU YD 65 $25.00 $1,625.00 $24.92 $1,619.80 $25.00 $1,625.00 14 2106.609 HAUL AND DISPOSE OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL (LV) CU YD 171 $20.50 $3,505.50 $14.79 $2,529.09 $15.00 $2,565.00 15 2130.523 WATER MGAL 139 $30.00 $4,170.00 $42.93 $5,967.27 $50.00 $6,950.00 16 2211.509 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 281 $23.00 $6,463.00 $16.30 $4,580.30 $16.25 $4,566.25 17 2118.509 AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 2 TON 35 $42.00 $1,470.00 $74.51 $2,607.85 $55.00 $1,925.00 18 2232.504 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE - SPECIAL SQ YD 25021 $2.00 $50,042.00 $1.70 $42,535.70 $1.10 $27,523.10 19 2232.504 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (3") SQ YD 1415 $4.25 $6,013.75 $8.20 $11,603.00 $5.00 $7,075.00 20 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLONS 4942 $0.01 $49.42 $1.81 $8,945.02 $2.25 $11,119.50 21 2360.509 TYPE SP 4.75 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR TIGHT BLADE LEVELING TON 196 $100.00 $19,600.00 $146.04 $28,623.84 $130.00 $25,480.00 22 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) TON 6818 $68.00 $463,624.00 $66.55 $453,737.90 $66.88 $455,987.84 23 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 BITUMINOUS FOR PATCHING TON 310 $88.00 $27,280.00 $138.08 $42,804.80 $130.00 $40,300.00 24 2433.603 SAW AND SEAL JOINT LIN FT 1098 $15.50 $17,019.00 $11.58 $12,714.84 $11.55 $12,681.90 25 2504.602 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD EACH 129 $50.00 $6,450.00 $100.29 $12,937.41 $125.00 $16,125.00 26 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 60 $300.00 $18,000.00 $414.95 $24,897.00 $290.00 $17,400.00 27 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM) EACH 62 $300.00 $18,600.00 $295.84 $18,342.08 $395.00 $24,490.00 28 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY) EACH 91 $300.00 $27,300.00 $295.84 $26,921.44 $395.00 $35,945.00 29 2506.602 GROUT CATCHBASIN OR MANHOLE (STORM) EACH 142 $200.00 $28,400.00 $251.72 $35,744.24 $251.00 $35,642.00 30 2506.602 GROUT MANHOLE (SANITARY) EACH 82 $150.00 $12,300.00 $189.54 $15,542.28 $189.00 $15,498.00 31 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 1464 $32.00 $46,848.00 $27.73 $40,596.72 $32.00 $46,848.00 32 2521.518 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 4121 $6.50 $26,786.50 $7.62 $31,402.02 $7.60 $31,319.60 Page 1 of 6 BID TABULATION City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Base Bid Knife River Corporation OMG Midwest Inc. dba Minnesota Paving & Materials Duininck, Inc. ITEM NO. Mn/DOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 33 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1941 $14.75 $28,629.75 $13.04 $25,310.64 $13.00 $25,233.00 34 2521.518 8" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 283 $8.50 $2,405.50 $11.93 $3,376.19 $12.00 $3,396.00 35 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 358 $52.00 $18,616.00 $60.17 $21,540.86 $60.00 $21,480.00 36 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $4,412.56 $4,412.56 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 37 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 9 $150.00 $1,350.00 $150.43 $1,353.87 $115.00 $1,035.00 38 2573.503 SILT FENCE; TYPE MS LIN FT 610 $2.00 $1,220.00 $2.01 $1,226.10 $2.25 $1,372.50 39 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD CHIP LIN FT 1795 $2.35 $4,218.25 $2.36 $4,236.20 $3.25 $5,833.75 40 2574.507 LOAM TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CU YD 40 $60.00 $2,400.00 $27.43 $1,097.20 $28.00 $1,120.00 41 2575.604 SITE RESTORATION SQ YD 2061 $2.00 $4,122.00 $2.01 $4,142.61 $6.00 $12,366.00 42 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE MUTT -COMPONENT LIN FT 4244 $0.50 $2,122.00 $0.50 $2,122.00 $0.50 $2,122.00 43 2582.503 12" SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 17 $6.50 $110.50 $6.52 $110.84 $6.50 $110.50 44 2582.503 24" SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 31 $7.00 $217.00 $7.02 $217.62 $7.00 $217.00 45 2582.503 8" BROKEN LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 102 $1.10 $112.20 $1.10 $112.20 $1.10 $112.20 46 2582.503 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 96 $1.00 $96.00 $1.00 $96.00 $1.00 $96.00 47 2582.518 PAVEMENT MESSAGE MULTI-COMPONENT SQ FT 1 75 $6.00 $450.00 $6.02 $451.50 $6.00 $450.00 48 2582.518 CROSSWALK MULTI-COMPONENT SQ FT 1 690 1 $4.00 1 $2,760.00 1 $4.01 1 $2,766.90 $4.00 $2,760.00 Base Bid Total $959,308.62 $972,857.83 $987,593.64 Page 2 of 6 BID TABULATION City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Bids were opened at 10:00 a.m., March 15, 2022. Seven (7) bids were received, as shown herein. Base Bid Valley Paving, Inc Omann Brothers Paving Inc. Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. ITEM NO. Mn/DOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $26,000.00 $26,000.00 $16,200.00 $16,200.00 $54,000.00 $54,000.00 2 2021.601 PERMIT FEES - BNSF RAILWAY LUMP SUM 1 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 3 2104.502 SALVAGE CASTING EACH 14 $1,015.00 $14,210.00 $869.48 $12,172.72 $1,320.00 $18,480.00 4 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 328 $11.80 $3,870.40 $4.50 $1,476.00 $6.00 $1,968.00 5 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH LIN FT 200 $5.90 $1,180.00 $4.20 $840.00 $4.00 $800.00 6 2104.503 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH LIN FT 2223 $2.25 $5,001.75 $2.10 $4,668.30 $3.50 $7,780.50 7 2104.503 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 1481 $8.50 $12,588.50 $7.10 $10,515.10 $7.81 $11,566.61 8 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SQ FT 2239 $1.50 $3,358.50 $3.25 $7,276.75 $3.63 $8,127.57 9 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ FT 1072 $1.50 $1,608.00 $2.45 $2,626.40 $3.63 $3,891.36 10 2104.601 RELOCATE RAILROAD SIGN LUMP SUM 1 $725.00 $725.00 $525.00 $525.00 $770.00 $770.00 11 2104.604 SALVAGE AND REPLACE LANDSCAPING EACH 6 $550.00 $3,300.00 $825.60 $4,953.60 $770.00 $4,620.00 12 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON CU YD 197 $23.75 $4,678.75 $25.00 $4,925.00 $52.80 $10,401.60 13 2106.507 COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) CU YD 65 $85.00 $5,525.00 $39.00 $2,535.00 $66.00 $4,290.00 14 2106.609 HAUL AND DISPOSE OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL (LV) CU YD 171 $9.20 $1,573.20 $23.50 $4,018.50 $31.35 $5,360.85 15 2130.523 WATER MGAL 139 $51.00 $7,089.00 $57.00 $7,923.00 $44.00 $6,116.00 16 2211.509 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 281 $16.50 $4,636.50 $30.00 $8,430.00 $46.20 $12,982.20 17 2118.509 AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 2 TON 35 $90.00 $3,150.00 $72.50 $2,537.50 $49.50 $1,732.50 18 2232.504 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE - SPECIAL SQ YD 25021 $1.40 $35,029.40 $0.94 $23,519.74 $1.54 $38,532.34 19 2232.504 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (3") SQ YD 1415 $9.55 $13,513.25 $6.20 $8,773.00 $2.42 $3,424.30 20 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLONS 4942 $1.60 $7,907.20 $3.00 $14,826.00 $3.30 $16,308.60 21 2360.509 TYPE SP 4.75 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR TIGHT BLADE LEVELING TON 196 $115.00 $22,540.00 $195.00 $38,220.00 $104.50 $20,482.00 22 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) TON 6818 $76.00 $518,168.00 $81.35 $554,644.30 $72.71 $495,736.78 23 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 BITUMINOUS FOR PATCHING TON 310 $135.00 $41,850.00 $155.00 $48,050.00 $118.80 $36,828.00 24 2433.603 SAW AND SEAL JOINT LIN FT 1098 $12.00 $13,176.00 $11.92 $13,088.16 $15.50 $17,019.00 25 2504.602 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD EACH 129 $50.00 $6,450.00 $56.76 $7,322.04 $170.00 $21,930.00 26 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 60 $565.00 $33,900.00 $125.00 $7,500.00 $176.00 $10,560.00 27 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM) EACH 62 $225.00 $13,950.00 $219.00 $13,578.00 $275.00 $17,050.00 28 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY) EACH 91 $225.00 $20,475.00 $219.00 $19,929.00 $275.00 $25,025.00 29 2506.602 GROUT CATCHBASIN OR MANHOLE (STORM) EACH 142 $135.00 $19,170.00 $135.00 $19,170.00 $308.00 $43,736.00 30 2506.602 GROUT MANHOLE (SANITARY) EACH 82 $135.00 $11,070.00 $135.00 $11,070.00 $308.00 $25,256.00 31 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 1464 $26.15 $38,283.60 $27.06 $39,615.84 $28.38 $41,548.32 32 2521.518 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 4121 $6.00 $24,726.00 $6.49 $26,745.29 $7.15 $29,465.15 Page 3 of 6 BID TABULATION City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Base Bid Valley Paving, Inc Omann Brothers Paving Inc. Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. ITEM NO. Mn/DOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 33 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1941 $11.60 $22,515.60 $12.06 $23,408.46 $16.22 $31,483.02 34 2521.518 8" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 283 $10.00 $2,830.00 $10.51 $2,974.33 $9.35 $2,646.05 35 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 358 $62.10 $22,231.80 $61.92 $22,167.36 $57.20 $20,477.60 36 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 $6,900.00 $6,900.00 $6,820.00 $6,820.00 37 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 9 $385.00 $3,465.00 $125.00 $1,125.00 $220.00 $1,980.00 38 2573.503 SILT FENCE; TYPE MS LIN FT 610 $3.00 $1,830.00 $2.58 $1,573.80 $4.40 $2,684.00 39 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD CHIP LIN FT 1795 $3.00 $5,385.00 $3.61 $6,479.95 $4.40 $7,898.00 40 2574.507 LOAM TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CU YD 40 $85.00 $3,400.00 $90.00 $3,600.00 $49.50 $1,980.00 41 2575.604 SITE RESTORATION SQ YD 2061 $2.07 $4,266.27 $2.58 $5,317.38 $4.68 $9,645.48 42 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE MUTT -COMPONENT LIN FT 4244 $0.52 $2,206.88 $0.52 $2,206.88 $0.55 $2,334.20 43 2582.503 12" SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 17 $6.73 $114.41 $6.71 $114.07 $7.15 $121.55 44 2582.503 24" SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 31 $7.25 $224.75 $7.22 $223.82 $7.70 $238.70 45 2582.503 8" BROKEN LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 102 $1.14 $116.28 $1.14 $116.28 $1.32 $134.64 46 2582.503 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 96 $1.04 $99.84 $1.03 $98.88 $1.10 $105.60 47 2582.518 PAVEMENT MESSAGE MULTI-COMPONENT SQ FT 75 $6.21 $465.75 $6.19 $464.25 $6.60 $495.00 48 2582.518 CROSSWALK MULTI-COMPONENT SQ FT 690 $4.14 $2,856.60 $4.13 $2,849.70 $4.40 $3,036.00 Base Bid Total $1,002,711.23 $1,027,294.40 $1,090,068.52 Page 4 of 6 BID TABULATION City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Bids were opened at 10:00 a.m., March 15, 2022. Seven (7) bids were received, as shown herein. Base Bid Northwest Asphalt ITEM NO. Mn/DOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $46,802.00 $46,802.00 2 2021.601 PERMIT FEES - BNSF RAILWAY LUMP SUM 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 3 2104.502 SALVAGE CASTING EACH 14 $1,052.70 $14,737.80 4 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 328 $15.00 $4,920.00 5 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH LIN FT 200 $5.00 $1,000.00 6 2104.503 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH LIN FT 2223 $2.50 $5,557.50 7 2104.503 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 1481 $9.70 $14,365.70 8 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SQ FT 2239 $2.55 $5,709.45 9 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ FT 1072 $2.00 $2,144.00 10 2104.601 RELOCATE RAILROAD SIGN LUMP SUM 1 $770.00 $770.00 11 2104.604 SALVAGE AND REPLACE LANDSCAPING EACH 6 $500.00 $3,000.00 12 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON CU YD 197 $42.20 $8,313.40 13 2106.507 COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) CU YD 65 $12.00 $780.00 14 2106.609 HAUL AND DISPOSE OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL (LV) CU YD 171 $15.76 $2,694.96 15 2130.523 WATER MGAL 139 $50.00 $6,950.00 16 2211.509 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 281 $25.40 $7,137.40 17 2118.509 AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 2 TON 35 $50.00 $1,750.00 18 2232.504 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE - SPECIAL SQ YD 25021 $1.67 $41,785.07 19 2232.504 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (3") SQ YD 1415 $12.60 $17,829.00 20 2357.506 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLONS 4942 $3.00 $14,826.00 21 2360.509 TYPE SP 4.75 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR TIGHT BLADE LEVELING TON 196 $150.26 $29,450.96 22 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) TON 6818 $71.43 $487,009.74 23 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 BITUMINOUS FOR PATCHING TON 310 $181.61 $56,299.10 24 2433.603 SAW AND SEAL JOINT LIN FT 1098 $12.12 $13,307.76 25 2504.602 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD EACH 129 $150.00 $19,350.00 26 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 60 $250.00 $15,000.00 27 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM) EACH 62 $255.00 $15,810.00 28 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY) EACH 91 $255.00 $23,205.00 29 2506.602 GROUT CATCHBASIN OR MANHOLE (STORM) EACH 142 $500.00 $71,000.00 30 2506.602 GROUT MANHOLE (SANITARY) EACH 82 $500.00 $41,000.00 31 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 1464 $26.51 $38,810.64 32 2521.518 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 4121 $6.09 $25,096.89 Page 5 of 6 BID TABULATION City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Base Bid Northwest Asphalt ITEM NO. Mn/DOT SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 33 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK SO FT 1941 $11.76 $22,826.16 34 2521.518 8" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 283 $10.18 $2,880.94 35 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 358 $63.00 $22,554.00 36 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $35,085.00 $35,085.00 37 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 9 $150.00 $1,350.00 38 2573.503 SILT FENCE; TYPE MS LIN FT 610 $3.50 $2,135.00 39 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD CHIP LIN FT 1795 $5.00 $8,975.00 40 2574.507 LOAM TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CU YD 40 $75.00 $3,000.00 41 2575.604 SITE RESTORATION SQ YD 2061 $9.95 $20,506.95 42 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE MUTT -COMPONENT LIN FT 4244 $0.50 $2,122.00 43 2582.503 12" SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 17 $6.50 $110.50 44 2582.503 24" SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 31 $7.00 $217.00 45 2582.503 8" BROKEN LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 102 $1.10 $112.20 46 2582.503 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT LIN FT 96 $1.00 $96.00 47 2582.518 PAVEMENT MESSAGE MULTI-COMPONENT SQ FT 1 75 1$6.00 1 $450.00 48 2582.518 CROSSWALK MULTI-COMPONENT SQ FT 1 690 1 $4.00 $2,760.00 Base Bid Total Page 6 of 6 $1,164,093.12 City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 4B. Consideration of library roof improvements performed by Roof Company, Inc for the bid amount of $92,810 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Facilities Maintenance Manager 03/28/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: City Engineer/PW Director, Finance City Administrator Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve roof improvements to the Monticello Public Library and award the project to Roof Company, Inc. for the bid amount of $92,810. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND During the city-wide roof assessment completed in 2021, several issues were identified with the roof of the library building located at 200 West 6t" Street. The existing roof is a ballasted EPDM; it is unknown when it was originally installed. The metal sections of the roof appear to have been installed in 2011. The roof was rated in fair to poor condition in 2021, and a replacement date of 2025 was estimated. However, given the use of the facility and its contents, staff recommended replacing it sooner and City Council included the proposed roof replacement in the 2022 budget. Staff is seeking to replace the existing roof with a PVC roofing system, the same type recently installed at the Monticello Community Center. PVC is a stronger material, so it should hold up better than what is there now. In addition, the PVC roof is white which helps reflect sunlight, making it easier to cool the facility in the summer. The roof will include a fifteen -year warranty with an expected lifespan between 20 and 30 years. Staff received three quotes for removing the ballasted EPDM roof and installing a PVC roofing system: • Roof Company Inc. - $92,810 • Jackson and Associates - $99,900 • All Elements - $99,849 Significant price increases this year resulted in higher costs than the $55,000 budgeted for the project in 2022. City Council could allocate the remaining 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvements funding to the roof replacement and complete the project this year. City Council Agenda: 03/28/2022 Alternatively, City Council could delay the project until 2023 to allow a budget more in line with current cost estimates. If approved, construction is expected to begin this spring/summer and is to be completed by August 31, 2022. Budget Impact: The 2022 Capital Projects Fund budget includes $55,000 for the roof replacement. Additional funding from the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvements is available at City Council's discretion. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff will be involved in managing the construction process. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends replacing the roof sooner than 2025 but will defer to the Council on whether they would prefer to allocate additional funds this year or wait until the next budget cycle. SUPPORTING DATA A. Written/Verbal Quote Summary B. Library Roof Inspection Report MTY OF MONTICELLO VERBAL/ WRITTEN QUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes required for items/services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for items/services costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items purchased through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to summarize quotes received and to select vendor for award. Name: Jerry Hanson Dept: _Facilities Maintenance Phone: _763-271-7114 Signature of Person Obtaining Quotes: Jerry Hanson Item/Service Requested: Library Roof Replacement Note: If you are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in notes/comments. # Date Vendor Name Contact Person Phone Number Total $ Amount Quoted 1 3/17/22 Roof Company Inc. Marty Duenow 612-358-4624 $92,810.00 2 3/17/22 Jackson & Ass. Paula Jackson 507-273-8400 $99,900.00 3 3/17/22 All Elements Paul Levisee 763-438-4090 $99,849.00 4 5 Selected Vendor: Roof c ompaRny (lfyou are selecting other than low quote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section): Notes/ comments: Approval Acknowledgement: Date: Attach this form and written quotes obtained to invoice. Questions may be directed to the Finance Department. Quote summary Sheet 10/27/2015 "Your Roofing Specialists" Inspecti 90'�`W* � on Report 4 Prepared For: City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 A�+ I www.allelementsinc.net 301 Chelsea Rd I Monticello, MN 55362 "Y—Footing Sp-i.fmn" City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Site Overview Total Sections: 1 Total Sq/Ft: 8,995 Map A�+ I 'vou� xavrsng specior�srs' Section Name Public Library ALL Your Roofing �l AEI Specialists" Sq/Ft Grade 8,995 C- www.al elementsinc.net 301 Chelsea Rd I Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Section Overview Section: Public Library Size: 8,995 Overall Grade: C - Inspection Date: 10/20/2021 Inspected By: Paul Levisee Overview of roof Overview of roof E "Y—Footingsp-i.fmn" ALL Your Roofing AEI Specialists" lEME� Overview of roof Overview of roof www.allelementsinc.net 301 Chelsea Rd I Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Observations Section: Public Library Size: 8,995 Overall Grade: C - Inspection Date: 10/20/2021 Inspected By: Paul Levisee Drains were open and clear of debris Pipe flashings look to be in decent condition AEI Your Roofing Specialists" Overflow scuppers were open and free of debris Tenting along wall www.allelementsinc.net 301 Chelsea F6 1 Monticello, MN 55362 4 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Observations Section: Public Library Size: 8,995 Overall Grade: C - Inspection Date: 10/20/2021 Inspected By: Paul Levisee Repairs were present in multiple locations Perimeter metal is in good condition ALL Your Roofing �l AEI Specialists" Parapet walls look to be adhered well Minor tenting along NW wall www.al elementsinc.net 301 Chelsea Rd I Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Observations Section: Public Library Size: 8,995 Overall Grade: C - Inspection Date: 10/20/2021 Inspected By: Paul Levisee Hole is corner Roof hatch is in good condition AEI Your Roofing Specialists" Metal has been caulked NW corner www.al,[elementsinc.net 301 Chelsea Rd I Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Deficiencies Section: Public Library Size: 8,995 Overall Grade: C - Inspection Date: 10/20/2021 Inspected By: Paul Levisee ALL Your Roofing �l AEI Specialists" 40 Hole in corner Quantity: 1 Deficiency: Corrective Action: Patch hole with like material Estimated Repair Cost: $300 www.al lements inc. net 301 Chelsea Rd I Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Summary Section: Public Library Size: 8,995 Overall Grade: C - Inspection Date: 10/20/2021 Inspected By: Paul Levisee Condition Summary Membrane: C_ Flashings: C_ Sheet Metal: C_ Overall: C_ Estimated Replace: 2025 ALL Your Roofing �l AEI Specialists" A Roof is "New" or in "Like New" condition. Continue to monitor and maintain. B Roof is "Good" condition. General repairs may be required and a maintenance program may minimize unnecessary leaks C Roof is in "Fair"condition. The roof is beginning to show age-related deficiencies, or is a newer roof that is n of performi n g as expected. A ma intenen ce program may h el p prevent unnecessary leaks and minimize repair costs. O Roof is in "poor" condition and is nearing the end of its useful life. Repairs could help reduce unexpected leaks, depending on the severity. F Roof has failed. The roof has exceeded its expected service Iife. While it may be possible to address active leaks, it should be assumed that leaks wiII continuetadevelop. Recommendations: Roof is in decent shape, but showing signs of age. Regular maintenance will be required as roof ages Estimated Repair Cost: $300 Estimated Replacement Cost: $80,955 E "Yvu� Fooling Specialists" www.al elementsinc.net 301 Chelsea I Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Budget Module Section: Public Library Size: 8,995 Overall Grade: C - Inspection Date: 10/20/2021 Inspected By: Paul Levisee 1 - Public Library (8,995 SF) Grade C - Deficiencies Hole in corner Full Replacement Total D Y Fonfing sp-of"I" ALL Your Roofing �l AEI Specialists" Qty Emergency Proactive Replacement 1 $300 8,995 SF $80,955 $0 $300 $80,955 www.al elementsinc.net 301 Chelsea Rd I Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Site Overview Total Sections: 1 Total Sq/Ft: 8,995 A Roof is "New" or in "Like New" condition. Continue to monitor and maintain. e Roof is "Good" condition. General repairs may be required and a maintenance program may minimize unnecessary leaks C Roof is in "Fair" condition. The roof is beginning to show age-related deficiencies, or is a newer roof that is nat performing as expected. A maintenence program may help prevent unnecessary Ieaks-and minimize repair costs. D Roof is in "Poor" condition and is nearing the end of its useful life. Repairs could help reduce unexpected leaks, depending on the severity. F Roof has failed. The roof has exceeded its expected service life. While it may be possible to address active I eaks, it should be assumed that leaks will continue to d evelop. 1 - Public Library (8,995 SF) Grade C- ALL Your Roofing �l AEI Specialists" OAdlm.geryC2021 Rma.,Re.hnda�ges Deficiencies Qty Emergency Proactive Replacement Hole in corner 1 $300 Full Replacement 8,995 SF $80,955 Tota 1 $0 $300 $80,955 Emergency Proactive Replacement Budget Totals $0 $300 $80,955 E "Y-, Roofing sp-i.fnn" www.a I lementsinc.net 301 Chelsea d I Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Monticello Public Library 200 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Description Amount Emergency $0.00 Proactive $300.00 Terms and Conditions Work Authorization Signature: Printed Name: E "Y—Footingsp-i.fnn" Date: PO#: www.allelementsinc.net 301 Chelsea Rd I Monticello, MN 55362 ALL Your Roofing AEI Specialists" lEME�