EDA Agenda 06-23-1998 I I , AGENDA MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, June 23,1998 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chair Ron Hoglund, Vice Chair Barb Schwientek, Assistant Treasurer Ken Maus, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Bill Demeules, and Damn Lahr. STAFF: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. GUESTS: Bruce and/or Cindy Hamond. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 20, FEBRUARY 17, AND MAY 20,1998 EDAMINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF ADDING AGENDA ITEMS. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR APPROV ALIDISAPPROV AL THE DMRF APPLICATION FOR 232 WEST BROADWAY. 5. CONSIDERATION OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. 7. ADJOURNMENT. . , , MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, January 20, 1998 - 5:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Ron Hoglund, Vice Chair Barb Schwientek, Assistant Treasurer Ken Maus, and Clint Herbst. MEMBERS ABSENT: Roger Carlson, Bill Demeules, and Darrin Lahr. STAFF: Ollie Koropchak GUESTS: Eric and Carl Bondhus, Lake Tool, Inc. Chad Vitzthum, Marquette Bank Rita Ulrich, MCP 1. Call to order. Chair Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the October 21. 1997 EDA minutes. Barb Schwientek made a motion to approve the October 21, 1998 EDA minutes. Clint Herbst seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. Consideration to review for approval the preliminary GMEF loan application for Lake Tool, Inc. Eric Bondhus informed EDA members that they received appraisals on all the used equipment and with the exception of the super-max, all the equipment is one-year old. T.J. Martin, Inc. will purchase the equipment and lease to Lake Tool as an insurance against product liability. The new injection molds are larger in size to accommodate the customer's need which represents 25% of their customers. Their sales force consist of themselves by industry word-of-mouth and some trade shows. Marketing strengths are price and on-time delivery. Purchase of the new equipment will double Lake Tool's capabilities. Of their eleven moldmakers some lived in Monticello and worked in the cities or lived and worked in the Delano area. Additional to the listed equipment the company has received quotes on a new Fandel. Chad Vitzthum, Marquette Bank, requested the EDA structure the 7-year GMEF loan with interest payback only for the first two years and principal and interest payback 1 , , , EDA MINUTES JANUARY 20,1998 over the last five years. The preserved dollars would be used as the equity position for SBA approval. This would be equity not debt. Koropchak reviewed the GMEF application against the GMEF Guidelines and noted the recommendations. Commissioners received a list of the equipment for funding and letter from Marquette Bank verirying "gap financing" criteria and noting the credit riskofthe company is considered reasonable based on information received to date. The EDA aslo received copies of the financial statements. 4. Consideration to approve or deny approval ofGMEF Loan No. 014 for Lake Tool, Inc. EDA members determined the application encouraged economic development and the proposed purchase of machinery and equipment and the application complied with the GMEF public purpose criteria and policies. Barb Schwientek made a motion to approve GMEF Loan No. 014 for T.J. Martin, Inc. in the amount of $87,500. Terms ofthe M&E loan at a 6.5% fixed rate with an amortized schedule as such: Interest payback over 7 years or 84 months and principal payback over last 5 years or 60 months. The GMEF loan is in a subordinated position behind Marquette and SBA on all machinery/equipment. Loan fee is $200 paid at time of closing. GMEF No. 014 becomes null and void July 20, 1998 if approved funds are not disbursed. Collateral, guarantees, and other condition requirements to be determined and prepared by the GMEF attorney. Loan approval subject to lender and SBA approval. Clint Herbst second the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. City Council will be requested to ratifY the EDA's approval ofGMEF No. 014 on January 26, 1998. 5. Consideration to review for approvaVdisapproval the DMRF application (reimbursement fees) for 103 Pine Street The October 1, 1997, DMRF application from Kathy Froslie did not include a request for fee reimbursement therefore was the request now before the EDA. Based on the permit fee total and certification of payment in the amount of$I,764.50, Barb Schwientek made a motion to approve DMRF in the amount of $500 for reimbursement fees at 103 Pine Street (Going-in-Style). Seconded by Ken Maus and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of Executive Director's report: Report was accepted. 2 . , , EDA MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1998 7. Other Business: Maus indicated he would be out-of-town for a week and Herbst February 19 through 28. Koropchak informed the EDA commissioners that DAT reviewed and found the rear (north) facade of the building located at 103 Pine Street to be completed per DAT recommendations, the applicant elected not to complete the work on the side (east) facade, and found the front (south) facade improvements incomplete per approved DA T recommendations. Upon submitting certification of payment for the rear facade improvement costs, a check will be issued. 8. Adiournment. The EDA meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. CJ~ ~<fl~~ Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director ~ 3 I , I MINUTES MONTICELLOECONO~CDEVELOPMENTAUTHORnY Tuesday, February 17, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Ron Hoglund, Vice Chair Barb Schwientek, Assistant Treasurer Ken Maus, Roger Carlson, and Bill Demeules. MEMBERS ABSENT: Clint Herbst and Darrin Lahr. STAFF PRESENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Executive Director Ollie Koropchak GUEST: Rich Cline, Ernie's Bate. 1. Call to Order. Chair Hoglund called the annual meeting of the EDA to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the JanuRl)' 20, 1998 EDA minutes. Tabled. 3. Consideration of addina aienda items. Koropchak: submitted a draft copy of a marketing piece for local assistance programs. Submitted under item 9. Other business. 4. Consideration to review for approval/disapproval the DMRF application for 112 East Broadway. Taking Ernie's Bate Shop off the for-sale market, Rich Cline informed EDA members that workers began repairing the storm damage and make other improvements to the building. The front facade was replaced with new logs and new windows and a shingled awning was installed. One primary sign and smaller backlit signs are yet to be installed and the new log siding will be finished when the temperature is consistently above 50 degrees. Cline appeared interested in a fish sign if the new ordinance allows for such. Commissioners agreed the project is a big improvement~ however, they had concerns about setting a precedence ifEDA funds were approved for projects outside the target area or in non-compliance of the DMRF guidelines. Bill Demeules made a motion to modify the DMRF Guidelines to include Lots 6 through 15, Block 34 and Lots I through I I , , EDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 17,1998 10, Block 53, Original Plat, City of Monticello in the TARGET AREA of the D:MRF Guidelines. Barb Schwientek seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Modification forwarded to the City Council for approval. Ken Maus made a motion to approve DMRF in the amount of $2,500 for front facade and signage improvements and $500 for fee reimbursement at 112 East Broadway (Ernie's Bate). Disbursal of the matching grant funds in the amount of $2,500 and fee reimbursement of $500 subject to compliance of the facade designs as recommended by DAT, compliance of codes and ordinances by the Building Official, and evidence of payment of approved improvement costs. The approved funding becomes null and void October 17, 1998. Bill Demeules seconded the motion and with no further discussion the motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration to Elect 1998 EDA Officers. EDA commissioners reviewed the five-year staggering terms of each commissioner. Ken Maus made a motion to nominate and re--elect the current EDA officers for 1998: President Vice President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Secretary Ron Hoglund Barb Schwientek Rick W olfsteller Ken Maus Ollie Koropchak Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no other nominations, the motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration to review and acc~t the Year-End EDA Financial Statements. Activity R~ort. and 1998 Proposed Budiet. Koropchak reviewed the year-end 1997 statements starting with the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance. With interest income from notes and investments totaling $35,266.87 and expenditures totaling $1,158.75, the year +end EDA fund balance is $976,278.70. The Balance Sheet shows assets and fund equity of an equal amount of $976,278.70. Noting the remaining principal balance of the GMEF loans and the $200,000 annual appropriation, the cash in bank is $458,594.05. The 1998 Cash Flow Projections assume an annual appropriation of $200,000 from the SCREG and UDAG, payback from existing loans, and interest income investment for total 2 I I EDA MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 1998 receipts of $302,873.43. Expenditures include GMEF loans of $200,000 and DMRF grants of $30,000 and loans of $20,000 plus miscellaneous for total expenditures of $251,500. Expected cash balance year-end 1998 is $529,539.60. Also included was the year-end EDA activity report. Commissioners noted to recognize the EDA as being self-supporting and that the $200,000 matching DMRF dollars will produce a one-half million dollar investment in the revitalization of downtown. In order to accelerate the revitalization of downtown, Ken Maus made a motion to sunset the DMRF allocation of $200,000 to January 1,2000, and to market the dated allocation accordingly. Barb Schwientek seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Bill Demeules made a motion to accept the year-end EDA financial statements and activity report for submittal to the City Council on February 23, 1998. Ken Maus seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 7. Consideration to review year-end fund balances of the GMEF. UDAG. and ERG Funds. Koropchak reported on the year-end balances of the GMEF, UDAG, and ERG Funds stating with the disbursement of the GMEF loan to Lake Tool and the DMRF to Kathy Froslie, the total available uses of funds is $613,919.82. However, $199,000 is earmarked for the DMRF, the UDAG has two years of payback remaining, the SCREG is paid off,. and perhaps the Liquor Fund dollars will be earmarked for other activities. All GMEF loan paybacks are current. 8. Consideration of Executive Director's rel'orts. The report was accepted as written. 9. Other Business. Koropchak submitted a draft copy of the local financial assistance marketing piece for commissioners to review for comment. 10. Adjournment. The EDA meeting adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. I ~~~~~~ 3 , I , MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 20,1998 R 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Ron Hoglund, Assist Treasurer Ken Maus, Roger Carlson, and Bill Demeules. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Barb Schwientek, Clint Herbst, and Darrin Lahr. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Mayor Bill Fair, Steve Johnson, and Rita Ulrich. 1. Call to order Chair Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the Janu8.I:y 20. F ebrumy 17. and April 14. 1998 EDA minutes. Ken Maus made a motion to approve the April 14, 1998 EDA minutes. Seconded by Bill Demeules and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. Carlson abstained, not present at the meeting. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. Addition to Other Business: 6c: Mayor Bus Tour and Golf Outing. 4. Consideration to review for approval/disapproval the DMRF application for 107 West Broadway. Steve Johnson, owner and applicant of the parcel located at 107 West Broadway, described the revitalization, not restoration, plans for the building. The building is currently occupied by the Monticello Conununity Partners. Plans include the placement of a stucco cornice to the front and east side of the building and a 7 to 8 ft fixed-awnings at street level and possibly to second floor. Signage will be on the awning and the awning of an earth tone. Old photos indicate the building was originally stucco. EDA members found the project to be in conformance as the basic architectural appearance is consist with the 1940's. The cornice construction will be followed by the placement of the awnings Johnson implied. 1 I I . EDA MINUTES MAY 20, 1998 Bill Demeules made a motion to approve DMRF No. 007 in the amount of$1,750 for the front and signage facade improvements, $700 for the side facade improvements, and $200 for fee reimbursement at 107 West Broadway. Disbursal of the matching grant funds in the amount of $2,450 and the fee reimbursement of $200 subject to compliance of the facade designs as recommended by DAT, compliance of codes and ordinances by the Building Official, and certification of payment of approved improvement costs. DMRF No. 007 becomes null and void February 20, 1999. Ken Maus seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration to review the DMRF Guidelines and application form for modification. EDA reviewed the recommendation from DAT for modification to the DMRF Guidelines and application form. Conunissioners agreed the recommendations would serve to create an awareness to developers. Demeules felt the recommended language (if possible) on the application form was double talk. All commissioners agreed and also felt the request for a minimum of two written cost estimates was appropriate in most cases. However, in cases where specialized revitalization work is necessary only one estimate would be sufficient due to the shortage of the specialized craftsmanship and suggested any deviation to be approved by DAT. Ken Maus made a motion to modify the DMRF Guidelines adding the following language to FACADE GRANTS. REHABILITATION LOAN. AND FEE REIMBURSEMENT. page 2 and 3 of the guidelines: To be eligible for grant funds, rehabilitation loans, and lor fee reimbursements, projects must meet the following criteria: 1. Improvements must comply with applicable design guidelines and all codes and ordinances including building permits and inspections. And to modify the DMRF application to add the following language to m. Type of Revitalization Fund Request, A Facade Grants_ 1,2, and 3, and B. Rehabilitation Loan. page 2 and 3 of the application form:. Please submit a minimum of two written cost estimates for the proposed revitalization improvements, any deviation must be approved by the Design Advisory Team. Lastly, to add the following language prior to signature of applicant, page 3 of application form: IIwe certifY that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and I/we agree to apply for and receive all applicable building permits prior to the start of work and to comply with all building inspection requirements. 2 , , , EDA MINUTES MAY 20, 1998 The motion was seconded by Bill Demeules and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Modification to the guidelines to be submitted to City Council for approval on May 26, 1998. 6. Other Business: Commissioners were reminded of the joint commissions and council meeting of May 21 at 6:00 p.m. Additionally, Koropchak invited EDA members to the Mayor's City Bus Tour and Chamber golf outing on June 10, 1998. The tour begins at 10 o'clock at city hall and is intended for site locators and developers as well as a developer's appreciation event. The gratis event will be funded by the lIRA and the afternoon golf event will support the Chamber's fundrasier. 7. Adjournment. The EDA meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. a~ \<~o~J)~ Ollie Koropchak, EDA Executive Director 3 , . . , EDA AGENDA JUNE 23, 1998 4, Consideration to review for approval/disapproval the DMRF ~plication for 232 West Broadwl\)', A. Reference and Backifound: The enclosed application is from Bruce and Cindy Hamond, property owner of the building which is occupied on the street side by Rachel's. Recently, the Hamond's reconstructed the rear apartment for future office space and plan to revitalize the front and sides of the structure, Please read the enclosed project description and recommendation from DAT. The property owners will be present at the EDA meeting. Consider the following when reviewing this application. Purpose Does the proposed project seek to promote the revitalization of downtown Monticello? 1. Enhj.ces storefronts and facades in accordance with the design guidelines in the Plan. Yes No 2, Encourages the rehabilitation of building interiors to bring them into compliaqc~ wit~ local codes and ordinances. Y es ~ No '1\ __k ~~,' <:..- uJ&...JLU 3, JPcourages building rehabilitation to provide space suitable for the proposed use. Yes --rNO 4, Provides funding to close the "gap" between financing needed to undertake the project and the amount raised by equity and private loans, Yes.:.x- No _ 5. Provides economic incentives to locate businesses in the downtown, Yes L No i Target Area Preference given to Blocks 35,36,51, and 52, Original Plat. This proposed project lies within the preferred area. Location Block 36. Facade Grants Matching grant of $2,500 for eligible improvements to the front facade and signage, Request $2,500 Projected cost of improvements $7,000 Equity $4,500 1 I : , EDA AGENDA JUNE 23, 1998 Criteria to meet: 1. Do the improvements meet the applicable design guidelines and all codes and ordinances? Yes No You will note, DA T approved the design of the front facade. 2. Does the amount of the grant match the amount of the private investment up to the stated limit? Yes No Matching grant of up to $2,500 for eligible improvements to the rear facade. Request $2,500 Projected cost of improvements $22,800 Equity $20,300 1. Do the improvements meet the applicable design guidelines and all codes and ordinances? Yes No You will note, DATfinds the rear facade to be reconstruction or new construction as the old apartment was basically removed after storm damage. The Hamond's, however, refer to it as renovation. 2. Does the amount of the grant match the amount of the private investment up to the stated limit? Yes No Matching grant of up to $2,500 for eligible improvements to the side facade. Request $1,900 Projected cost of improvements $3,800 Equity $1,900. 1. Do the improvements meet the applicable design guidelines and all codes and ordinances? Yes No Yau will note, DA T approved the design guidelines for the side facade and determined the structure to be a free-standing building for consideration of side facade funding. 2 , , , EDA AGENDA ruNE 23, 1998 2. Does the amount of the grant match the amount of the private investment up to the stated limit? Yes No Fee Reimbursement Reimbursement of City fees in an amount equivalent of 10% of the total cost of the improvements up to a maximum of $500. Request $500 Projected costs of city fees Not known. Non-Performance The approved DMRF becomes null and void if funds are not drawn or disbursed within 270 days from date of ED A approval. March 23,1999 B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve DMRF in the amount of $ for front facade and signage, $ for rear facade, and $ for side facade improvements and $ for fee reimbursement at 232 West Broadway. Terms and conditions as determined. 2. A motion to deny approval ofDMRF in the amount of $2,500 for front facade and signage, $2,500 for rear facade, and $1,900 for the side improvements and $500 for fee reimbursement at 232 West Broadway. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The enclosed estimate appears to be for the rear reconstruction only~ therefore, the application does not include two estimates. You will note the modification of the application form to include the request for two estimates was in process of the approved change. Recommendation is to approve the request for a total of$4,400 DMRF Match Grant and $500 Reimbursement Fees with disbursal offunds subject to completed improvement review and approval by OAT and certification of paid improvement costs. D. SuPportini Data: 3 , , , DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO REVITALIZATION FUND Monticello Economic Development Authority - 271-3208 250 East Broadway, POBox 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 FUND APPLICATION I. Basic Information: II. Name of Applicant/Property Owner ~e.-,i /C(jn'llwiA. ~~ Nature of Revitalization Fund Request: Street Address of Revitalization Property "?~:b t#:, ~ad~ 40J1tJt~, /))11) M~~_f /d; .-02.D -OD/Dt; / Pro Number of Revitalization Property f /5 \' -I)/L) - () r~ .lj!L) Legal D~scription of vit~tion Property - Block (l.Pt Lot(s) () / I Revitalization Property is currently: Occupied ~ Unoccupied Prospective Occupant If applicable, ~ame of Occupant (Business) or Prospective Occupant (Business) Ra (! l'lI!!ls - ~&1Dn Tr> /J ~ It 1z4.,n~ ~ # ,v5HT k't::7'E?9rS R~;rfe" t n.- tlzLbLe.c - If applicable, brief description of the nature of the business of the occupant: 6toT~ fmt- fat!~.J BHadW71j ~ CL/;~'3 {!6nSt-fJ/l/?Un-t- ~ . baers{d e -Ee.s.idL/ttz..a..b nparfme/t 1- /C.'tILOUa..:&:-d.-tbr ~fi t! e-- f'Z't!e . 1 , , , Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Fund Application III. Type of Revitalization Fund Request: A. Facade Grants 1. Front Facade and Signage Grant (Matching funds of up to $2,500) ,.... Amount of Request $ 2 Ji'J/:> Projected Cost ofImprovements $ f r.),).) 2J 1- ~ ,S~ t:l ./ Amount of Equity $ ~ Amount of Private Loans $ rA' / { Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking f\mds: As L.e~crmmend~d.by me r:~'.ulfc/'-y tJ&~t ~ ~s~~ Jt-~Sertkt-1i'()naLl:s, tt.appfKJ.rd -1-0 t.()II't:r I1-mft~4.L brt~J::.f-~ I 'Rutz;f:U.. r}!-(.rn arOlu7d 1I./!.-nd.4ws ,&s'-~ _ ~ St'4LLd ~ ~ r,ean$l)177 ~ k.s~ - ~ UJnd,l.:H011e1" )t!!.~/1f.O'2A..41L, ;9tu. 'fit ppn-rW1nd"UjJ ~M in wca:::t. ~ 2. Rear Facade Grant (Matcmng funds of up to $2,500) ~ UJmple bd h Y &U)7'l.../.A/ Amount of Request $ 2.S;!!'O~ ,~O, t:, 0-0 Amount of Equity $ __; (?eX;> Amount of Private Loans $ Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: S~~ c.:J7;J7J Projected Cost ofImprovements $.22 .fo :J / I 3. Side Facade Grf, <:q lll>~cable) (Matching funds of up to $2,500) , Amount of Request ~:? r) T Projected Cost of Improvements $.s ro() ./ CJ./,Croo Amount of Equity $ ?f:) J ~ Amount of Private Loans $ r/ f Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: ~s7:!t .An 6-v~h~H-' ..4.t s'!~ ~/. ~'-0 c!LykJs~;//_ ;;;j 7 2 -40k-~ S'~c--T~y.,u~j ~b,-ck , , , Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Fund Application B. Rehabilitation Loan (Maximum amount is the lesser of25% of total cost of the improvements or $20,000) /Jv) 4/ I/' I ~ 7:.~ ~ Amount of Request $ Projected Cost of Improvements $ Amount of Equity $ Amount of Private Loans $ Brief description ofthe improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: IV. C. Fee Reimbursement (Reimbursement of City fees in an amount equivalent of 10% ofthe total cost of the improvements up to a maximum of $500) ----- d- Amount of Request $ S-Ol} Projected Cost of City Fees $ ,u1.J,/ ~ _nll.._;,/ l-!L ~ .:I.../p) L-/ '/e, T; ~vq- /7.:: c..:.;y 'b u-Ja/VG c;-<.LV ~c<:: / l~v<l:>la>eJ ~....7X '7J. rr L.'I"o ,.....~,7- / Lender Information: ,- v Name of Participating Lender /~~ 4/ /1 rt"", ~ Contact Person Telephone number I/we certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. L D-::f/ /'j /97;---- Signature of Applicant/Property Owner 3 '.~~' .,.' ': , ...~:' "I ~:: ... j. ", , '.i'," ~ G--v-e o..-\- ;.J(.) ~~~ t- Mc...,s c... "2 ~ '^- e... fC, OC; ~ I nllti(.(,,,O.\\~ 1'; ~'11 t COIlHt ~', :\1 j Iln,'sol:t. ". d ,~ I~ ., with tile leading and enterprising' busln.',s men of 1I1ontlcello. By his clo'~ att~nti,-,n to bU51n~"s Ilnd hOllorahle mcth<.Hls he h:ts ~ecured the (avor and conndence of the ('n- tire community, Mr. \Vet7.cl locat~d hcre ill 1369 and ('lljoyS the distinctloll of being" th" olde.!it m('l'ciJallt ill thp city. .TIr~ carrle~ it carefully f>{'lf'c{(\fl f't/lck o( wat.ch0s, eh"H:"lc,c;, r 147 (Ill Is attested hy the larp;-e number o( pa- ti~nts whn hn"~ l'l:1.ced in hiS ha.nds the "Iltirc cnl'~ o( not only thplr own teeth. but those o( all the 11l~llIb'.'I'" of the family. TOO much '-'annot he ~'id of the enre and patns. taklllg' of the U"e'''1' A g-rrldullte of the n. of ,\1. In the cJ:t~s of 1901. he (s full o( ,'nprgy ;tnl! push lint only [or his profes- , i'! . j F~~~~,~;L~,';,:.~~~~~~~~e:~~~."~~,~~,~~~I~~~.w;~~,. '..'W..).THOMPSONl!<SON..,:. qW.J.THOMP;;ON',~SON.'" WAGON AND CARRIAGE - SHCf' VIMK ;HITH ANn MACHINE ~1f(lP. AtJr{.7MoelLEAi.li(j 9t('YC(['~i'~AiJR"<r; ..;.,.;,~~. ~'!I[)~!"'l ~ ~Nu,l'~ . , e. ;t "Po .J. Tho'''I'~on & Snn.~ IUfl(!k~nlitb anfl '1r14'~hillt"' ,~hOIJ n~ 'loufi~l"lIot )lInn. sinn. ""t f"r tI'e city of hi~ selection as ""'ll. f I, " I} Y I- I} " jewelry, ~ilverware, fnllcy goods, sewing ma- chine", len.ther g-oods alld mlll;!eal Instru- ments. Tile stock would be a credit to any city three times the sl7,e of Monticello. A uniformly iow price and a unlfol'mly square deal. the quality of goods being- cnnSlder",-l. has wOn him just recog-nltlon and added a valuable asset to Ilis bUslnes~. III~ store Is 14>:60 and well filled. His SOn as~lsts him and both are practical jewelers. Mr. Wd- zel w.as at one time treasurer of the city. ,v. .J, '1'n()~H>"ON & lOON. A success attaine!1 by hut fl'w In either a mercantile or m"-Ilufacturlng' business Is the happy and prou,l <1istlnctlon enjoyed Ily W. J. and RoY S. Thompson. operatlng lin- deI' the firm name of W. J. Thompson & S"n. This lo.rg'p' blislness consists of the n.a,,"- facture and rp.p<\ir of bic:rcJe~" nutomn- biles. wllg'pns. eanill.g-es. lawn mowers "-'H1 all kinds of (arm mn.nhinery. the gentlemen conductlnl';' ;tn uP-to-,late machine shop. hut have (or sale blcyclf's and biCYCle sundries and ga.soline engines. This housoJ was p.~- tabllshe,1 in lR90 by W, J. Thompson an<1 successfully conducted by him until In,st year, whf'n his son RoY S. purchased an Interest an,1 the flrrn became as per tile ca.ptlon of thts skH.ch. The prem Ise~ oc- cupied a.~e 6S'<:70 of brlcl,. constltutlnP:' one of the lllrg'est a.nd hest equipped blll,cksmil h and lllllchlne shops In Wrlg-ht connty. Bpt,h gentlemen composing this firm n.l'e eXP~r- ff"nced workrn(>n and all work turned nut Is or tbe very best. hoth IlS to material alld work performed. 'VA show h"rewlth a ellt o( thts lll;tmllloth estnhllsllment. In Ilddltlo" to the cnlHluct of this shop Mr. 'W. J. h:ls (or 19 y~rtrs served the city In tilt' c"-pllcily of Rec()rdt~r. a continuance In office whi~h spAaks In,,,l~r thall words as to his reli:t~ billty all<l cap"-blllty. r , I , DR .J. re. 'I'nF.NCn. This "p'-'ein.lty In t.he bl"Oa.d fiehl nf me<l- lC1l1 sclelle,' tllat has for Its ob.i"et the ca,I''' and trert.tmellt of the or"",,-ns contained in the oral eavlty, has withi;, the Ind few ,l,'~ ca.des ma(h~ ad'i,;:,uIC0rnent (Illite equal to :lIlY o( the Illher !.rn.nel",s of menicllle. Dr. J. !C. Trench Is Ilmonl';' the foremost <lell tlsts o( the stMe, hllvlnl\' mastered ev~ry step of thp. proCAs:~ion ::\.llIl is a s',ilIed WOr"knl:l.n 'The Doctor e~tahli.sJlf~d in l\fontieoth> f:!01l10 tt't'r)jIt g,crn f'l"M ...I.........~ .l....a..lk.. "1___ L__ or lIF.I.'''~n JL\NSON. Tt Is very Important in every village, city or town to ha.ve a shoemaker, someone to n'pair our shoes and boots and thereby RaVe Uft the expense or purchasin~ new ones. In this regar<1 Monticello Is well fitted out, having in it.s midst such an able and competent shoemaker all Helmcr Hanson. ^/thoup;-h nnly having been leCllted here for rtbout six months. the eharacter at Mr. Han- son's work and his reasonahle prices have w,;n (or him Il host of customers and a. bus- ~~.:.~' w_~~::- ~t~..:~'~J'~'~~.: - I"ess whiCh Is ;t '-'~~<lit to his "stabllshment. No ,vO,"I.;; is allowpd 10 If'fl.n:~ this place which i~ not I1rst."I,,-ss in el'pry particular and (or thi8 ren~On ('\"ery fl0\V ClIstornf'r here becomes a regular. "Ir. llnnsot\ has a kindly word fOt' all and is SUrf' of succ~~s. (OVI< JnTTJ~R. ,; 6 . ' ! . / LeJ......_--n.:..,--...' - . , '" , . , . MONTICELW March 3, 1998 Mr. Bruce Hamond and Mrs. Cindy Hamond 1 021 West River Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hamond: , In response to an inspection request made by your contractor, I made an inspection of your building located at 232 West Broadway, The apartment unit located on the south side of the building had been heavily damaged as a result of the July 1, 1997 windstorm. Upon my observation of the building, the contractor had removed the roof, interior wall finish materials, and other damaged building elements. In the course of my duties with the City of Monticello I observed that the building was heavily and substantially damaged, and suffered a constructive loss due to damage caused by the storm. The damage rendered the building uninhabitable and unsafe under the Minnesota State Building Codes and other health and safety laws of the State of Minnesota. Upon my observations, I specifically observed that the exterior walls were significantly deteriorated and could not be used in the reconstruction of the building. All new construction and new construction elements for the building are required to meet the 1995 Minnesota State Building Code and other health and safety laws of the State of Minnesota. Should you have questions or concerns regarding this letter, please contact me directly at 271-3214. _ Sincere!> I ( --7 '-l.TF~ , Fredrick H. Patch, Building OfficiallZoning Administrator Monticello City Hall. 250 E. Broadway, PO Box] J47, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 · (611) 295.27J I . Fa)\.; (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello. MN 55362 · (612) 295-3170 · Fllx: (61::!) 271-3272 , I"~ ') / FOR~~ f#e:Z!~ ~ ~r 0. ::v"r~ 3/--: ~~/tf!- ~4/ ...s::.!?c; <::..- ____ ~~~.~ Z~1~. M.~ DESCAIPTION Paul Becker Construction , .. 600 West River Street Monticello. MN 55352 (612) 295-3857 c~ ~~ frv /<-~ ,P2~4 ~J ~ -~_.. -.,,;~ ~ , ~/ ~ ~?~ (..__~..-,,1' ~ (.<?1:#'(.,.r'/-:~ . ,RG~./ i.L~' 2- f ~~ , . , ~--~ A-?f ~-&......;:;; . ~' . /. I~ $ ~.,,4~ ___~p~~ / ~ ~4~~. C4-t.-~ ~~ ~ c~~ '. Y'<<~ ?t!~ +~-o/ -I ;1-0. #~ -r-p:...;~ #47/~, -~ __a~~ I~~ ~~~ c..~ ~ Ca..U4';~'~~~ 4/.uu #~ ~ ~ . c-_e~ ~ crV....,.~ . ~,p.-, ~ t. ,,9 2-2, J6-o . , ." , RE-CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND LABOR punch List DATE: AUGUST 1, 1997 PROJECT NAME: 232 E. BROADWAY COMMERlCAL RE-CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROJECT#: 9700025.PUN ACTIVITY NAME: CONTRACTOR: PREP DATE: PUR MAT DATE: DO WORK DATE: RATE: METHOD OF PAY: TOTAL COST: work unit Description Status Units Materials/Labor Costs l--------------------------------,-----~--I-----I--------------------------1 KITCHEN REPLACE CEILING TILE REPLACE PRESS BOARD WALL SHEETROCK BFD PAINT WALLS, 2 COATS REPLACE CEILING INSULATION R & R R & R R & R REFIN R & R , EXTERIOR REPLACE 2/1 CHALK BOARD R & R REPLACE ROLLED SIDING R & R PAINT EXTERIOR ROLL REFIN A.P.S. FENCE REPLACE CHAIN LINK FENCE R & R TOP RAIL FOR CHAIN LINK R & R GENERAL EMERGENCY REPAIRS CLEAN DEBRIS REMOVAL AND HAUL OFF CLEAN TREE REMOVAL FORM ROOF CLEAN ROOF ~MOVE EXISTING ROOF R & R REPLACE EXISTING ROOF R & R ADD ON FOR 2 STORY CHARGE R & R ADD ON FOR STEEP CHARGE R & R DECK UPPER LEVEL R & R DECKING ON LOWER LEVEL R & R REPLACE ANTENNA R & R REPLACE FOLL ROOFING R & R REPLACE FLASHING ON LOWER R & R BEDROOM , SHEETROCK BFT R & R PANELING R & R REPLACE CEILING TILE R & R CLEAN AND DISINFECT R & R CARPET AND PAD EeONO R & R , DATE: AUGUST 1, 1997 RE-CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND LABOR Punch List PROJECT NAME: 232 E. BROADWAY COMMERICAL RE-CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROJECT#: 9700025.PUN ACTIVITY NAME: CONTRACTOR: PREP DATE: PUR MAT DATE: DO WORK DATE: RATE: METHOD OF PAY: TOTAL COST: Work unit Description Status units Materials/Labor Costs 1--------------------------------1--------1-----1--------------------------1 ':IVING ROOM CLEAN AND DISINFECT CARPET AND PAD ECONO PANELING BASEBOARD REGISTERS PEPLACE CEILING TILE , Notes: bid should include Square Feet(SF} Eaches (EA) Linear Feet(LF) CLEAN R & R R & R RM/RST R & R in Units column in units column in units column , , , Design Advisory Team Review Date June 4, 1998 Team Members Present Rita Ulrich, Susie Wojchouski {until 9:30), Ron Hoglund {until 10:00) and Pam Campbell Team Members Absent Gail Cole Ex-Officio Members Present Ollie Koropchak and Fred Patch (until 9:25) Applicant Present Bruce and Cindy Hamond Property Owner Bruce and Cindy Hamond Building Address 232 West Broadway Monticello Sketch of Proposed Facade Improvements: See details in narrative Improvements in conformance with the Design Guidelines: Retain the existing serviceable clapboard siding. Replace the artificial brick siding with matching clapboard siding. Remove the air conditioner from the front facade to a more inconspicuous place. Remove the asbestos shakes from the front of the building and replace with clapboard siding. Paint the clapboard siding an appropriate color. (White or grey most probably.) The window trim will be painted, a transom window will be installed over the entry door. The front window aluminum trim will be covered with wood. Improvements in non~conformance with the Design Guidelines: Design Advisory Team Recommendation: To approve Comments: See attached , , , This building in Monticello probably dates to the mid-1850s and is one of the oldest commercial buildings in town. It is an example of the early clapboard buildings, most of which burned (early buildings heated with wood and most towns have lost a good share of them) and were replaced with brick or stone which were less flammable. Insurance companies offered lower premiums for brick or stone as well. So to have one survive nearly ISO years is remarkable and worth saving today. Front facade plan: The artificial brick will be removed and replaced by clapboard siding which will match the existing siding on the east side. The textured siding which may contain asbestos will be removed and replaced by clapboard siding. The air conditioner will be moved to a less conspicuous place. A transom window will be installed over the front main entrance. The 3 upper windows will remain the same, but the trim will be sealed against the weather and painted. The aluminum window trim on the lower windows will be covered with wood and painted. The color of the front will be grey. It is probable that sometime in the first few decades of this building's life it was grey or white. Either color would be appropriate. East side facade: The clapboards will be painted to match the front. . West side facade: The non-clapboard siding will be removed and replaced with matching siding. It is possible the non-clapboard siding is asbestos and will need specialized labor in its removal. The owners will check into it. Rear facade: The apartment in the rear of the building was damaged severely in the July 1, 1997 storm and was tom down and replaced. The 22 x 24 apartment is on the ground floor. The owners have completed this portion of the project. Sign: The retail business called '"Rachel's" will be renamed "Neat Repeats" and the question of sign placement came up. It would be possible to capture some of the traditional sign configuration ifit were painted on the front window. It would also be acceptable if the sign were to be placed over the first floor storefront windows. Windows: The upper windows will remain the size they are today even though the original were bigger. The lower windows and entry door will remain as they are today even though they formerly configured a center door flanked by two large windows. The cost of replacing them is prohibitive. One idea is to install mullions on either side of the center window with wood mullions. It would convey the 1850s style of windows without the cost. Window glass at that time was so expensive in large sizes, especially shipped this far west as to prohibit too many large panes in anyone building. So smaller panes were pieced together with wood or lead to make a bigger space for light to enter. Fire escape: The building to the west has a fire escape on its east side that is attached to the Hammond building. The Hamonds will inquire as to if this attaclunent is necessary. , , , MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO DESIGN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, June 4, 1998 - 9:00 am Monticello City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Campbell, Ron Hoglund, Rita Ulrich, Susie Wojchouski Gail Cole MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak, Bruce Hamond, Cindy Hamond. 1. Call to Order. PAM CAMPBELL CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER. 2. Consideration of addinQ items. No items were added. 3. Consideration of an application for a matchino Qrant under the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund. 232 West Broadwav. Applicant: Bruce & Cynthia Hamond. The Hamond's application was for matching grants for front, side and rear facades and fee reimbursement. The front of the building is occupied by a clothing consignment shop and the back of the building is currently a residential apartment which is also suitable for commercial office space. Proposed work on the front of the building includes replacing the artificial brick with clapboard siding to match existing siding on the east side of the building; removing the air conditioner over the door and replacing it with a transom window; sealing upper window trim; and covering the aluminum trim on windows with painted wood. The name of the business is going to be changed, so a new sign will be put up. It may be placed over the front lower level windows. On the west side of the building, the non clapboard siding will be replaced with clapboard siding matching the front and east sides of the building. All sides will be painted in the same color. probably grey or white. Work on the rear of the building has already been done. It was heavily damaged in the July 1',t storm of 1997 and needed to be rebuilt. The OAT members expressed their appreciation to the Hamonds for respecting the original integrity of the building in their plans for the building, which is one of Monticello's oldest commercial buildings. Since work on the rear of the building was already complete, members felt they would need to view the work to ascertain its appropriateness for DMRF funds. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED, AND RON HOGLUND SECONDED, TO TABLE APPROVAL OF THE REAR FACADE GRANT. AFTER DISCUSSION, SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED, AND RITA ULRICH SECONDED. TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE SIDE AND FRONT FACADE GRANT FOR 232 WEST BROADWAY. MOTION CARRIED. 1 , , , June 14, 1998 I have tried to contact Cindy Hammond today and have been unsuccessful. I left a message at 2:45. I have a few questions regarding this project that should be discussed at the June 17 meeting. 1. Will the fake brick on the front facade be removed or, as it states in the application, covered? 2. Are the Hamonds requesting matching funds for the rear apartment? Rita and I did an on-site inspection on Friday June 12, and it looks like the apartment is a completely new structure. The bid from Paul Becker states he will tear down old apartment and rebuild a 22 x 24' apartment addition. The apartment while it complements the existing 1850s colors, is covered in vinyl siding, has new windows, and a roof pitch that is much more modem. I question whether the rear facade meets the DMRF guidelines and the Design Guidelines. 3. The rear gable of the original building has been covered in vinyl siding as well. I don't think the purpose of the rehab funds is to purchase vinyl siding,:even though the color is the same. 4. Adjourn. RITA ULRICH MOVED, AND PAM CAMPBELL SECONDED, TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. • 2 , , , EDA AGENDA JUNE 23, 1998 5. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. a) Enclosed is a copy of the reminder letters written to Froslie and Johnson relating to the non~perfonnance provision of the DMRF Guidelines and their approved funding. You may wish to discuss how the EDA will handle a request for granting an extension for disbursal. GMEF are not extended and an applicant must submit a new application, this is avoid tie-up (commitment) of dollars rather than having available dollars and to encourage a timely completion of projects. b) I attended the Chamber of Commerce Merchant's meeting to market the DMRF program. The purpose was to encourage owners, tenants, or neighbors of and to use the available public dollars. The first~come, first-served dollars available through December 31, 1998. The process intended to be simple yet accountable of public dollars. c) City Council approved the recommended modifications to the DMRF Guidelines the end of May and the application and approval/disapproval fonns and guidelines have been adjusted accordingly. d) City budget process for 1999 begins in July, if you have anything for the EDA please so advise. e) Next regular meeting of the EDA is July 28. 1 ..t I - .) June 16, 1998 - ~.. ^X'i6:x ~ MONTICELLO Kathleen Ann Froslie 7833 Aetna Avenue NE Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund No. 101 : Dear Kathy, On behalf of the Economic Development Authority (EDA), this letter serves as a reminder of the Non- Performance Provision within the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) Guidelines. The provision states: An approved DMRF shall become null and void if funds are not drawn or disbursed within 270 days from date of ED A approval. , DMRF No. 101 was approved for the property located at 103 Pine Street on October 21, 1997, therefore, the approved funding becomes null and void on July 21. 1998. Two thousand five-hundred dollars of the approved $5,710 funds were disbursed on February 6, 1998, for the completed north side or River Street facade improvement. The Design Advisory Team (DA T) approved completion of the north side facade improvement on January 16, 1998; however, they tabled any decision on the east (Pine Street) and south sides until the work was completed. Should you wish to receive the remaining $3,210 approved funding, please contact DAT at 295-0999 to schedule a construction completion review for compliance with design guidelines and submit certified documentation of actual costs of the approved improvements to the EDA Office. I thank you for participation in the revitalization program and hope you will take this opportunity to maximize the funding approved for your facade improvements. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 271-3208. Respectfully yours, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA QJ~ ,<, en ~ \~ , Ollie Koropchak Executive Director cc: DA T File Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245. (612) 295-2711. Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (612) 295-3170. Fax: (611) 271-3272 , , June 16, 1998 -- MONTICELLO Steven C. Johnson P.O. Box 598 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund No. 102: Dear Steve, On behalf of the Economic Development Authority (EDA), this letter serves as a reminder of the Non- Performance Provision within the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) Guidelines. The provision states: An approved DMRF shall become null and void if funds are not drawn or disbursed within 270 days from date of ED A approval. DMRF No. 102 was approved for the property located at 121 West Broadway on October 21, 1997, therefore, the approved funding becomes null and void on Julv 21. 1998. Should you wish to receive the $6,200 approved funding, please contact DA T at 295-0999 to schedule a construction completion review for compliance with design guidelines and submit certified documentation of actual costs of the approved improvements to the EDA Office. I thank you for participation in the revitalization program and hope you will take this opportunity to maximize the funding approved for your facade improvements. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 271-3208. Respectfully yours, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA O~ \~~~~~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director cc: DAT File Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245' (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362' (612) 295-3170' Fax: (612) 271-3272 June 16, 1998 • • Kathleen Ann Froslie 7833 Aetna Avenue NE Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund No. 101- Dear Kathy, On behalf of the Economic Development Authority (EDA), this letter serves as a reminder of the Non- Performance Provision within the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) Guidelines. The provision states: An approved DMRF shall become null and void if funds are not drawn or disbursed within 270 days from date of EDA approval. DMRF No. 101 was approved for the property located at 103 Pine Street on October 21, 1997, therefore, the approved funding becomes null and void on July 21. 1998. Two thousand five-hundred dollars of the approved $5,710 funds were disbursed on February 6, 1998, for the completed north side or River Street facade improvement. The Design Advisory Team (DAT) approved completion of the north side facade improvement on January 16, 1998; however, they tabled any decision on the east (Pine Street) and south sides until the work was completed. Should you wish to receive the remaining $3,210 approved funding, please contact DAT at 295-0999 to schedule a construction completion review for compliance with design guidelines and submit certified documentation of actual costs of the approved improvements to the EDA Office. I thank you for participation in the revitalization program and hope you will take this opportunity to maxi_m»e the funding approved for your facade improvements. Should'you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 271-3208. Respectfully yours, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, NIINNESOTA o~ KN~~~~ cc: DAT File Ollie Koropchak Executive Director Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 • (612) 295-2711 • Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (612) 295-3170 • Fax: (613) 271-3272 MONTICELLO June 16, 1998 Steven C. Johnson P.O. Box 598 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund No. 102 - Dear Steve, On behalf of the Economic Development Authority (EDA), this letter serves as a reminder of the Non- Performance Provision within the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) Guidelines. The provision states: An approved DMRF shall become null and void if funds are not drawn or disbursed within 270 days from date of EDA approval. DMRF No. 102 was approved for the property located at 121 West Broadway on October 21, 1997, therefore, the approved funding becomes null and void on July 21, 1998. Should you wish to receive the $6,200 approved funding, please contact DAT at 295-0999 to schedule a construction completion review for compliance with design guidelines and submit certified documentation of actual costs of the approved improvements to the EDA Office. I thank you for participation in the revitalization program and hope you will take this opportunity to maximize the funding approved for your facade improvements. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 271-3208. Respectfully yours, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Ollie Koropchak Executive Director cc: DAT File • Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 • (612) 295-2711 • Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (612) 295-3170 • Fax: (612) 271-3272 MONTICELLO