EDA Agenda 10-17-2001 . 1. 2. ., _L . 4. . AGENDA MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, Octo her 17,2001 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall - 505 Walnut Street - Academy Room MEMBERS: Chair Bill Demeules, Vice Chair Barb Schwientck, Assist Treasurer Ken Maus, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Ron Hoglund, and Darrin Lahr. STAFF: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, Recorder Lori Kraemer. GUFSTS: Steve Grittman, Northwest Associated Consultants DAT Chair Pam Campbell Al Loch and other business owners. Call to order. Consideration to approve the August 21, 2001 EDA minutes. Consideration of adding or removing agenda items. Consideration of an update for revitalization 0 f mock 35: a) Status of the allcy catch basin and alley eascment. b) Estimated costs to correct alley drainage. c) Review cost estimates previously provided by Planner Grittman. d) Progress by property owners and reaction to new information. c) Where do we go from here? 5. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. 6. Othcr Business. 7. Adjournment. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall- 505 Walnut Street - Academy Room Members Present: Assist Treasurer Ken Maus. Clint Herbst Roger Carlson and Ron Hoglund Absent: Chair Bill Demeules. Vice Chair Barb Schwientek and Darrin Lahr Staff: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recorder Lori Kraemer Guests: Steve Grittman. Northwest Associated Consultants DA T Chair Pam Campbell I. Call to order. Ron Hoglund called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm. 2. Consideration to approve the July 19.200 I EDA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KEN MAUS AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE IVIINUTES OF THE JUL Y 19.2001 EDA MEETING. Motion carried with Roger Carlson abstaining. .., .). Consideration of addin!.! or removing agenda items. Ken Maus added discussion regarding a request for expansion of the DMRF target area. This was placed as item 6A. 4. Consideration to hear of the interest of Block 3S propertv owners for revitalization of rear-parkin!.! entrv areas as presented bv Consultant Grittman and authorization to move forward. Steve Grittman reported that he had spoken to several property o\vners on Block 3S and discussed some concerns with the concepts he had previously brought to them. Grittman had met again with some of these owners earlier that day. They stated concerns with snow removal in the alley'. as well as possibly losing parking spots. Grittman had redesigned a few concepts based on the property owners concerns. They requested moving the dumpsters to a different location in the public parking lot area but Grittman was later informed by Public Works that the parking lot was not able to handle the weight of a garbage truck. EDA Minutes - 08/21/01 . Grittman ad'v'ised that one of the concepts would eliminate about 6 to 7 parking spots but would maintain the trees. Also noted vvas a power pole located in the lot that would have to be worked around. Karen Snyder. property owner. noted that they "fight"" over parking near the building at this time. She also noted that the alley is not being maintained during the winter and when the snow melts the slush builds up creating pot holes. Grittman advised that the alley is actually 2/3 owned by the property owners and 1/3 by the City and therefore may not be high priority on the City's schedule for plo\ving. He also stated that the City does not readily go onto private property for plowing. The property owners were not aware of this previously. AI Loch, owner of Loch Jewelers, noted that he believes there is only one catch basin for the entire alley. noting that the area is nat and he feels the key to resolving a majority of the drainage problem would be snow removal. He liked the idea of creating a terrace-like feeling up~rront near the buildings. making it more inviting. CI int l-Ierbst questioned taking out head-in parking in certain spaces and putting it on either side of the alley, although there may be an issue with the power poles that are currently there. . Jim Agosto, property owner. stated he would prefer not to take out any parking or trees ncar the building but does feel it is a good spot for the dumpster location. He did ask also about the parking lot not being able to support the refuse trucks. may have to put up a slab of concrete for the truck w-eight. Al Loch also stated that they had the parking lot resurbced 2 years ago, again they stated that there is a drainage problem. Herbst stated maybe they need to look at correcting the drainage problem prior to installing dumpsters and plantings. Susie Wojchouski. Chamber Director. also mentioned that last winter the alley was neglected for quite some time which then the snow melted and created even more of a problem. Ken Maus stated that perhaps this alley should be on the Public Works' regular work schedule and Loch stated that coming right down the alley while clearing the parking lot would eliminate a great deal of the problem. Maus also added that perhaps a developers agreement should be issued to work something out with the Public Works department since the alley belongs more to the property o\vners than the City. and is probably on a lower priority list. Ron Hoglund stated possibly an idea 'would be to give up the alley rights to the City and have the City take over the alley. Wojchouski added that on a normal business day the lot is practically full and reminded them that next year with the Broadway reconstruction. there \vill be e\en more parking back on that lot. . Koropchak asked the owners if they had an interest for the FDA to look into the drainage problem prior to beautification and Loch stated an interest as well as a willingness to 2 lDA Minutes - 08/21/01 . deed over alley rights to the City. Snyder stated that in speaking with other property owners they were in favor of moving the dumpster location to the parking lot. She also added she was in favor of some pull-in parking spots. Also discussed Flicker's having access f()r their delivery trucks entering from Hwy 25 through the alley and the need to ensure their access is maintained. Maus suggested hiring a private party to move the snow from the alley onto the City's parking lot and then having the City remove it from there. It was also noted that the parking lot concept may make access for snow removal a little less convenient. Koropchak requested Grittman verify existing drainage system with City Engineer and research options for the property owners. Also advised to check with John Simola regarding parking lot recontiguration. Maus stated that if a portion of this proposed project could be done without impacting the drainage problem, they could possibly start \vith the beautification process. Hoglund stated perhaps they should wait tor information from the City Engineer. Maus did state his concern with the distance from the buildings to the dumpsters. especially during winter months, stating the property owners probably will not want to be carrying the garbage any further distance than that. . McCarty, CentCom, stated at this time they take their garage home to dispose of. The property owners agreed they would have to police themselves regarding proper use of the dumpsters. Maus stated Dominos would be the most appropriate to question regarding use of the dumpsters in the proposed location as they would create the most trash. Koropchak stated she will check with John Simola about a cost tor removing all the snow and the building o\vncrs may opt to split the cost. It was decided that the best way is to hire someone privately to move the snow from the alley onto the City parking lot and have the City take it from there. Koropchak advised the property owners of the EDA's \villingness to pay a significant amount of the proposed improvements and questioned if the owners would be interested in entering into an agreement that the receptacles are being used properly and the buildings arc maintained. They agreed that some type of agreement should be written up. . A l'vJOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO TABLE ANY ACTION ON BLOCK 35 FOR FURTHER INFORMA nON FROM olliE CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. There was further discussion regarding the possible phasing on this project starting with pavers. lIearing no further discussion. motion carried unanirnously. . Koropchak advised that she had provided the EDA members \vith the balance of funds they have left in their account. 3 . . . 5. 6A. 6B. L EDA Minutes - 08/2\ 10 1 Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Koropchak provided her Executive Director's report. adding that no payment had been recei vcd from Bruce Hammond; the H- Window building is currently being used but they do still have approximately 20.000 sq. ft. available. and that it is still on the market. Also. Block 36 proposed project is possibly being scaled down and this may affect the proposed joint parking. Ken Maus stated that there was a group of property O\vners who approached him regarding funds available for facade improvements in the DMRF and questioned if the boundaries of this district could be expanded. Maus advised that it ,vas the owners of the building that Ron Hoglund is in and that there are 5 owners who would like to re-do signagc. etc.. but the building is not in the DMRF target area. [t was questioned if it was feasible to put the building in the area to be eligible. Koropchak stated that the EDA would need to revise their guidelines to extend the boundary to other blocks. She advised that she would re~search the matter. Maus suggested that the minutes be reviewed from approx. one year ago to see the rationale of the pros and cons to expand out of the downtown area at that time. Herbst stated there are a number of old buildings downtown and perhaps that could detine whether they would or would not be eligible for the funds. Koropchak will research the minutes for the next meeting. NlaUS asked if there was a way to create language in the guidelines that the EDA can consider applicants on a case by case basis. Also noted that when the money is spent that has been allotted for these projects, there would be no further funding. Other Business. None Adjournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY RON HOGLUND AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADJOURN THE MEET[NG AT 5:20 PM. Motion carried unanimously. Recorder 4 . . . EllA Agenda - 10/17/01 4. Consideration of an update for revitalization of Block 35. A. Reference and background: a) Status of the alley catch basin and alley casement. First the City has been unable to lind any record of recorded alley casements. The only reference found was the attached letter of January 1978. Legal descriptions don't identify easements; however. individual abstracts would note recorded casements. It's been a general understanding between the property owners and the city that this area was recorded as an easement for the purpose of a public alley to be maintained by the city. The Public Works was not interested in removing snow from private property. The alley and public parking lot will be plowed simultaneously and as quickly as possible. b) Estimated costs to correct alley drainage. Based the drainage concerns raised by the property owners at the last FDA meeting, I requested the Public Works Department take a look at the area. Public Works Director John Simola reported that there is one catch basin located to the easterly side of Block 35 alley and the depth of the catch basin is approximately 2.85 feet which perhaps indicates the catch basin freezes creating the lack of drainage. The storm sewer line on Walnut Street is about 15/16 feet deep. Upon request. Simola prepared a cost estimate to correct the problcln: Remove and replace the concrete alley at a lower elevation to improve drainage (drop 6 to 8 inches), and remove the existing catch basin and install two catch basins at a lower level (drop to 5 to 7 feet). Simola's estimate is $48,8] 7 which docs not inelude engineering costs nor the cost to slope the private surl~lce to match the new alley elevation. c) Review cost estimates previously provided by Planner Grittman. At the July meeting, Planner Grittman presented two cost estimates for parking and trash improvements. One estimate with no concrete sidewalk and curb ($50,000) and another estimate with concrete sidewalk and curb ($75,000). The EDA offered financial assistance in the amount of 75% to ] 00% of the cost to develop. At the August meeting, a third concept to provide two rows of parking divided by the alley to accommodate the request of the property owners for convenient, back-door parking was agreed upon between the EDA and property owners. Grittman was to review this with Public Works. d) Progress by property owners and reaction to new information. In August the property owners were asked about the status of commitment and a willingness to draft a maintenance agreement if the EDA financed 75% to 100% of the cost estimates presented in July. Given the int(mnation provided by Simola, docs the priority of the project change? If drainage and parking/trash improvements are completed as one project, are the property owners willing to be assessed for a portion? What percent? Are they willing to give written easements for the purpose of a public EDA Agenda - 10/17/01 . alley? e) Whcre do wc go from herc'! At the August meeting, it was suggested to take a wait and see approach through the winter relative to the drainage issue and to ask the Publie Works to remove the snow quieker. Perhaps, the drainage issue being a second phase project. Given the information provided by Simola, here are some alternatives: B. Altcrnativc Action: 1. Proceed as of August direction, property owners commit and draft maintenance agreelnent with EDA commitment of 7YY<l to 100% of third parking/trash improvement option costs and with the drainage issue as secondary or a phase two project. I Given information provided by Simola, the drainage issue becOlnes priority with EDA funding. The property owners providing written easements for the purpose ofa public alley. Spring project. ]. Given information provided by Simola, the drainage issue and the third parking/trash improvement option are completed as one project. Property owners willing to be assessed a percentage and provide written easements for purpose of public alley. Is the EDA's 75% to 10011'l1 commitment for only parking/trash improvements or to include alley improvement? Spring project. . 4. Elect not to proceed with a project. 5. Other suggestion. 6. Table any action. C. Recommcndation: No recommendation is given. As reported in August, the balance of the OM RF is approximately $140,000 including Chamber reimbursement and McCarty wall improvement. Simola recommends the need for a written easement for the purpose of public alley ifpublic dollars are being used. Perhaps, the EDA may want to consider a flat $100,000 donation. The BRA committed $90,000 TIF surplus dollars toward Block 36 parking improvements associated with the Amoco and O'Donnell projects. O'Donnell project will be re-valued in the spring. Amoco redevelopment on schedule. . 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ~'\/~ ,1\ / " "'" '.-.-" '--.) >! , '~~....J .,,,/" 215 S. CEDAR STREET .MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 TELEPHONE (612) 295-2711 METRO LINE 333.5739 MONTICELLO a century-old city with a nuclear age view I,tlll.l<ll'\ \) 1\)7" \ 11 '. C . Jl .\ l' r' i Il ~ I (. \ t L <.> I 'II C' \ -- d t - I d \,' 'Ionl j( ,'II,), \l~. Si,,(,2 RF: I'llhl it, l)sc 01 1\1 JC.Y'\l/iIYH Ded r' t;a r-'\': l-olk~\ing IIp nul' con\'('I'saL-ion on aT ICYh'dY;-; on ,J;-(]Iu lIar)), \Q7:), ('ont.actedMI'. (;cor'gcPhiI)jp~" (0 cktel'minc if' he had any files ('(mt.aininrl, possi hi (' tr'ansfcl' or alleyway r'ighLs ['OJ' f)]()cks .34,.5) flnd ~:2 of d,oh'rliowJl ~1nntice.llo. ~1r'. I)h-.i] I,i..p~ jndicat.cd hr> docs not have snch files. . Additionally, T again went through Vdl"iousfj I ('oS to detC'I'mine ,if anyt-,hing could be i'oundin our' ('xist_ing recnI'ds and the search came (,0110 [)vai C'Xlcpt fCll' the cne I osed memo i'J'om YC.luJ" 01'1' i I (~'-i "I rct)J'U.1I'Y lO, 197U. r am not Slll-'C, but it .Ij.l[.leill-,,; the memo \-I'as a l'esult or al I ('y i rllpr'oV(,ITH~n t,-,. in BI.<.Hh: ,~S done in lC)n9 and was intended to ;In:::;h<:''l' qllestions l'clat-ivc to public use, I iabil it.\ ilnd pl'upcr-'t.\ taxation. Tt \-I'ullld appeal' rl'Cllll thc:, content.s or tJw III ('!JlI) Uldt 1)IlCC' :l land U\\'n('I' ('vidences an int<:~nti()nthit( hi-, I and bc used fOI' d publ ic pUI'J)OSC the I ando\vn(,1 is c-;tup]H-'d to deny existencf' or pulll i( ri(~ht. lIII'tlwl'mnl'e, it \v()uld ilPPCiU' this pI,int UIJld Ii"( <Ill I -' 1H' d P J) lied t () B I 0(' k ,1 S U; L 1,1 1 a I ,s Cd Ie, () (i I II\-In ILlld\-ldl'C bioI\-) but al,su Blocks ,i4 (1Ill'I'I'nl. ,it> hdll blc)('\-) alld BJewk:;:2 (.John;:-;on Dc'pl. ~,(()I'I' b!(\<:I-'). :\s it I'csull, nu rUI,th<'I' iilLiun hl,(II,;l hi' IH'IC'S_-.<lI',\ on lh(' P,II't of thc' city tu obtain .....~~...........~~.~_'?If W f:~ ~ ~ ;' ..,......~' .' \':~to>i' .MONTICELLO ;) {F \ .1I..".....III...illili.U!.....IUllU.~.ta.~. . ~lr'. Gary Pringl e Monticello, MN. 55362 Page 2 an easement. This would certainly el~minate a lot of administrative and legal fees (lot to say anything about potential prdblems from adverse landowners. I would ask you review the matter plus any file you may have and submit your opinion. Gary Wieber City Administratop ..-." .'"Lq ... i~ II ~..... . ~ Il A/?-- (VI) . ;6 V Sincer'ely, ? CW/l g; . cc: A-22 . JUL-1g-2001 12:04 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. w o~ ~ ~ .... -y OF MONTICELLO ......OCK 35 PARKlNGrrRASH IMPROVEMENTS WSB PROJECT NO. 1010.00 ITE:M DESCRIPTION 1 2021.501 MO IL 2 2104.507 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 3 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH) 4 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) 5 2105.526 SELECT TOPSOIL BORROW (P) 6 2105.609 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, lYPE II 7 2331.521 IRREGULAR WIDTH PAVING 8 2411.505 CONCRETE STRUCTURE, DESIGN SLAB 9 2411.606 BRICK DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE 10 2521.501 4" CONCRETE. WALK 11 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. DESIGN VB 12 2557.516 PEDESTRIAN GATE - 3' W x ff H WITH POSTS 13 2557 .517 VEHICLE GATE - e" W x 6' H WITH POSTS 14 2564.603 4" saUD UNE WHITE. EPOXY 15 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE. 3" CALIPER, e&B 16 2571.504- CONIFEROUS $HRUB,24~ HIGH, CONTAINER 17 ,2571.505 DECIDUOUS SHRUB. 24- HIGH, CONTAINER 18 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL, TYPE 9 '(b.:i::'411'(~~ r' .l!J.,)/~.) ~. 7/1912001 COST OPINION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1 LUMP SUM 2.400.00 2.400.00 975 sa. YD. $2.00 $1,950.00 835 UN. FT. $3.00 $2,505.00 100 CU. YO $B.OO $600.00 45 cU.YD 520.00 $QOO.OO 150 Sa,YD. $3.00 $450.00 50 sa. YD. $18.00 ' S900.00 50 sa. YD. $40.00 $2,000.00 600 sa.FT, $25.00 $15.000.00 2.575 sa. FT. $3,50 $9,012.50 835 UN. FT. $8.00 $8,680.00 ' 2 EACH $350.00 S700.00 2 EACH 5600.00 $1,200.00 380 UN. FT. $0.50 $190.00 7 EACH $350.00 $2,450.00 20 EACH $75,00 $1,500.00 20 EACH. $75,00 $1.500.00 25 CU.YD $55.00 $1.375.00 SUBTOTAL + 10% CONTINGENCY $5,131.25 SUBTOTAL $56.443.75 + 28% INDIRECT COSTS $15.804.25 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $72,248.00 NOTES: 1. Dumpsters enclosures to be 4" block with brick facing, 6'high, 2, All gates to be heavy duty screened chain-link.. . TOTAL P.03 JUL-19-2001 12:04 ~ =.:.-;. WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. 7635411700 -t..~W- ~~~-U~.'>-_ ,1"";" <!~ ~~ t-'.0~/0..:S Y OF MONTICELLO ...OCK 35 PARKlNGfTRASH IMPROVEMENTS - NO CONCRETE SIDEWALK OR CURB 7/1912001 WSB PROJECT NO. 1010.00 ITEM 1 202. 5 MAX 2 2104.507 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 3 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH) 4 2106.601 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) 5 2105.526 SELECT TOPSOIL BORROW (P) 6 2105.809 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC. TYPE II 7 2331.521 IRREGUlAR WIDTH PAVING 8 2411.505 CONCRETE STRUCTURE, DESIGN SLAB 9 2531.603 PRECAST CONCRETe CURB STOP 10 2540.602 BRICK DUMPSTER ENClOSURE 11 2557.516 PEDESTRIAN GATE 12 2557.517 VEHICLE GATE. 8" WIDE 13 2564.603 4~ SOlID LINE WHITE. EPOXY 14 2571.502 DeCIDUOUS TREE. 3- CALIPER, S&B 15 2571.504 CONIFEROUS SHRUB. 24" HIGH. CONTAINER 16 2571.505 DECIDUOUS SHRUB, 24~ HIGH, CONTAINER 17 2575.511 MULCH MATEFUAl., TYPE 9 . . COST OPINION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1 LUMP SUM 1.600.00 1,600.00 185 sa. YD. $2.00 5370.00 500 LIN.FT. $3.00 51.500.00 100 CU.YD $6.00 $600.00 45 CU.YD 520.00 $900.00 150 sa. YD. $3.00 $460.00 50 sa.YD. S18.00 $900.00 49 so. Yo. $40.00 $1.960.00 25 EACH $50.00 $1.250.00 600 sa. FT. $25.00 $15.000.00 2 EACH $350.00 $700.00 2 EACH $600.00 $1,200.00 805 UN.FT. SO.50 5402.50 7 EACH $350.00 $2.450.00 20 EACH $75.00 $1,SOO.00 20 EACH $75.00 $1,500.00 25 cu. YO $55.00 $1.375.00 SUBTOTAL 33,657.50 + 10% CONTINGENCY $3,365.75 SUBTOTAL $37.023.25 + 3',4 INDIRECT cos~ $10,366.51 TOTAl ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $47.389.76 . 330 X 20 = 6,600 SQUARE FEET OR 773 SQUARE YARDS LOWER ALLEY 6 - 8" DESCRIPTION # UNITS UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST 6" REMOVAL 733 SQYD $ 14,00 $ 10,262.00 6"REPLACEMENT 733 SQYD $ 35,00 $ 25,655.00 6" CLASS V 175 CUYD $ 10,00 $ 1,750.00 REGRADE & HAUL OUT SUBGRADE 350 CUYD $ 4.00 $ 1,400.00 SUB TOTAL: ALLEY $ 39,067.00 DEEP STORM DESCRIPTION #UNITS UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST REMOVE & REPLACE STORM WITH 15" RCP 230 FT $ 25.00 $ 5,750.00 2CB 1 LUMP SUM $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 TIE IN TO MANHOLE & PATCH STREET 1 LUMP SUM $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 SUB TOTAL: STORM $ 9,750.00 . TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (LOWER ALLEY + DEEP STORM) $ 48817.00 . Prepared by John Simola: 09/27/2001 . . . (f) I~~eonomic Development Director's Report October 11,2001 All GMEr Loan payments are current as of October 1, 200 I. DMRF No. III annual principal and interest payment from Bruce Hamond was received in September. Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. - First invoice ti'om planner consultant rclative to Block 35. Steve Budd - Letter to Steve relative to follow-up items from closing of GMEF No. 0 I R for Integrated Recycling Technologies Corporation. lIave not received signatures nor reimbursement at this time. Partners now back in town. Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. - Satisfaction of Loan Letter per request. Pat Jensen - Invoice from Kennedy & Graven for GMEF Loan document preparation and evidence of payment by closer. This f()r EDMA loan. Industrial Marketing Brochure - The Marketing Subcommittee reviewed the brochure lay-out. including the new photos. on Scptember 2R and suggested a replacemcnt photo for the insidc education photo. something more high tech. T'he Director reviewed the final draft including high tech photo and noted a few changes such as NSP to Xcel Energy within the text. 'rhe brochure has gonc to print. Thc inserts will bc printed in phases rather than printing thc entire 2.000. "fhis to accommodate the need to update the data. The application or request for dollars fronl Xcel Encrgy has not becn drafted as the invoice has not been received to accompany the application. Expo 800th - The Marketing Subcommittee felt a booth at the Chamber Expo on Sunday, November 11, has value to the businesses. The booth will have thc same approach as two years ago when we displayed products manufactured in Monticello. Additionally, we'll give away one drawing of a value of $1 00 at either the Rand Mansion or Riverwood Confcrcnce Center. Volunteers may be necessary, as the city hall is closed for a three-day weekend (Veterans Day) and the Director may be out-or-town. Docs anyone have industrial racks to display products? 2002 Minnesota Manufacturers Register - In the next few days, an order will be placed for a CD- ROM and printed register, this to aid in marketing and mailing of new brochures. Cost $535 and $114 respectively. Our issue is 1996. Electro Industries - Attended their Expansion Open House on October 2 and sent a plant from the IDC. CoupIc of things I noted were the improvements in the production flow and the lighting within the production and workstation areas. Congratulations to Merrilyn and Bill. . . . Wiha Tools Expansion - Plans were received the first week of October f(Jr the 16,000 sq Ii addition. With the building official on vacation and with winter construction Llst approaching, the department has been swamped. The chief building official has been handling two roles: inspections and reviews. The review process should be completed within the next week or so. Paul Allen is concerned about increased costs due to winter construction or thc decision to hold the project. Allied COInpanies - At the IDC Banquet, I met Steve Heimbuch, Heimbuch Commercial, and Heidi Van lied, ^llied Companies. Mr. Heimbuch is assisting with the marketing elTorts f(lr thc commercial/industrial rental f~lCility proposed for East 7 Street. I was told they are looking at a spring construction. IRTI - Project moving along. Looking for a November 1 move-in date. Located at 9696 Fallon A venue NE. Plans are 101' an Open House, Steve Budd, owner. EDMA Company - Project moving along. Pat Jensen decided against a ground-breaking reception in order to keep construction moving along with the onset of winter. Did agree to a ground breaking photo f(lr newspaper. Open House latcr. II-Window building - Received a call from a second party interested in the 11- Window building. Looking f()r city incentives. The company now leases in Plymouth and would require about 30,000 sq ft of the I~lcility. The company provides engineering, manufacturing, and software solutions to Ineet the high demands of today" s technology driven businesses. The economic has reduced their cmployment from 50 to 20. Wages range from $30,000 to $60,000. Although a down economy. the company thinks the time to purchase is now. The company has two other spin-off businesses they'd like to relocate to H- Window facility. The president of the company has a Monticello address. Contacting lDS Telecom, need tlW DSL a must. UMC - I did respond to Don lomann relative to the depth of the production floor via voice mail after several calls. He has not returned my telephone calls. Also, I invited Tomann, Les Wurm of Stamping Production, and the above company to the banquet as guest but received no acceptances. I have heard via other sources, that Monticello is on the top of the list if not able to expand in Hamel. The city hall receptionist's husband made a service call to the Tomann home and reported this: Tomann talked about his business and Monticello for about a half-hour. Remember he was very clear with us that thcir first choice was to expand on the 46 acres they currently own in Ilamel. Need municipal infrastructure improvements for expansion is the holdup. I,ooked at II-Window building. Good company, employs 100 people, excellent wages. Products f()r medical and aviation industry sector. Fay-Mar building ~ No new updatc. Right Choice Fulfillment - Wrote a lettcr of the behalf of the HRA inquiring to the activity within the facility and offered assistance in marketing the f~lcility for lease or sale. No response 2 /' '" i . NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, Mf\! 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com INVOICE - Payable Upon Receipt - Unpaid Balances After 30 Days SUbject to 1.5% Interest Per Month CITY OF MONTICELLO City Administrative Offices 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 A TIN: Accounts Payable Monticello MN 55362 August 1, 2001 ') \ I "'"><i) {,/ "', \ \ \. ./ \ D\ . LA/ In Reference To: July 2001 Technical Assistance - City Projects \ Invoice No. 10238 t.~Pt ?~tl.4~$61.~lqq 01.05 BLOCK 35 DESIGN Hrs/Rate Amount . September 7, 2001 MONTICELW Mr. Stephen Budd Integrated Recycling Technologies Corporation 419 West Rivcr Street Monticcllo, MN 55362 Re: GMEF Loan No. OJ 8 Dear Steve: A couple of items to follow through with relative to the City of Monticello GMEF Loan. First, attached is the amortization schedule for the city loan which closed June 29,200 I. The nrst monthly payment is due on or before November 1,200 I. The City does not mail monthly invoices. Secondly, I have not received the signature page of the Guaranty Agreement. Due to the incorrect name and spelling of the name of the company and president, the signature page needed to be resigned by Arnie Berquam and Roger Meyer. The original signature page was given to you. Please return this . executed document as soon as possible. Lastly, as you recall the commercial closer, Karen Clare of Old Republic, could not record the EDA mortgage because of the incorrect name of the com pany and incorrect spell ing of the name of the company president; however, upon correction of the docLlments the EDA recorded the mortgage. Attached you will nnd the invoices from the County Auditor, Agricultural Preservation Fee, and Recorder's Fee. The total amount due to the Monticello EDA is $191.75. Please remit to Monticello EDA, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362. Should you have any questions, please call me at 763-271-3208. The building is looking great. Sincerely, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ~~~V\~~~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director Attachments . c: GMEF No. 018 File Monticello City Hall, 50S Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295.3] 70. Fax: (763) 27] .3272 . t <-D I C\J ~r~ J1 r-:I Of' (Y") /' . , (\J . l ...... ~ \jif"i 0 ~ Z '" i5. rn~ 'Qi '-' ~ 03 '" \], <l) E . 0 C -~ '-' <l) c -...9"""' J:l .- g ~ ~~ :J '" .., '" >. <l) X ~ ~ .. >- >- C C a:: :s :J l- e :::... 0 (f) Q) u CJ U >- -0 UJ U a: ..... <l) UJ .c c: CJ =tl ,g> <>:: .- '" CJ .. (b .~ ~ ...... ct:l t "t:l -" ~ .., O'J c: L.L. ~ <l) 0 c..l c: E I- '-= ";:; 0 <l) ~ !il z ~ ct:l if) UJ Q) ::;;: 0 .Q '" UJ E S rLJ Q) c: I- ..... O'Jo I U) e ct:l:+:; OJ O'J() >- ..... ...... (b '" .- '--- 0- "0 o- x :s ~8 '" I- < 0 '-- E' c: ><: I- o ct:l I (b 0 ><:1- ...J '-- '-- ct:l 0 <:( ~"- 1-...... z CI) (b :::..,...... ...... CJ ct:l ~ c: (b "_ '-- c: Q) \ a: '-- (b (;) ~ E 0 I- () "- 0 :::..,Q) O'JE: :::... (1:l ...... '-- (b ct:l Q c:::::::; a:: -0 ~ "- '-- Q) o ~ Q) o...c:: ;:,. () ~ "- ...... "m Q.l Q)~ - ...... u :::... 0; -Sii (j) Q ...c:: "- Q) ct: Q) ...... t:: '-- 0 "- () l- . \ \ . STATEMENT Office Of COUNTY RECORDER Wright County ~~I f01 ~ ~ W ::J Z W > W 0:: Buffalo, Minn. q - 7 - :JLtJlifJ~ ~ o.-g ~oQL) NO. o u Instrument Book Page FEES M Qrtgage o I- a. - ..... U ..... a: ..... It) , ..... 0) .... ..... Z >-..... = I- M - z..... .... :J ~ COlt) , i: 0 z ..... I-:E fn:c~ ..... '" 0 a: ::::...J a. a: <c C ==tt a: :J = a:J .... ... = U - a: CD C . Death Cert. Decree Descent Final Decree JUdgement Letters Lien Lis Pendens Partial Release Power Atty. Sheriff's Cert. Will TOTAL ~LLlJo QOAJ1 id . ~ - '------ ,t',;-- .~. C"~ ...;;.> .- "'-0 MZ O.j-J 00. ...- '03 ...- 0 Q) 0.0:: Z f/J m ~ (f) a: w I (J) f- .- 0 .- N 0 U w 0 Cf 0 0::: 0 w <( 0::: I <( (f) 0 I 0 (f) 0 W f- <( f- (f) u Q) > Q) o Q) 0:: August 17,2001 -- MONTICELLO Mr. Rusty Demcules Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. 207 Dundas Road Monticello, MN 55362 Re: GMEF Loan No. 007 Dear Rusty: . This is a letter of satisfaction for the Loan Agreement dated June 1, 1994, between Lawrence T. Demeules, Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. and the Monticello Economic Development Authority. GMEF Loan No. 007 was an equipment loan in the amount 0[$75,000 with a fixed interest rate of 5% amortized over 10 years with a balloon payment in seven years. The terms of the Loan Agreement were satisfied upon receiving the balloon payment of $26,432.13 on May 30, 2001. It has been the pleasure of the City of Monticello to clo business with Standard Iron and upon future expansion plans, please contact me at 763-271 - 3208 for questions and assistance. Continued success with your business operations. Sincerely, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA a~ \~Ir\ u~-D~ Ollic Koropchak Director of Economic Development c: GMEF No. 007 File . Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . Kennedy 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 & Graven (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax http://www.kennedy-graven.com CHARTERED August 30,2001 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 ------~-~----------~-~~----~---~--------------------~--~-----~"--~----- ~-~----------~-~---~-~~----~----~~----~-~~---~--~---~--~------~-~----- For all legal services rendered in connection with the preparation of loan documents for the Monticello EDA loan to GWl, LLC, including a Loan Agreement, Security Agreement, a Guaranty of the Loan, a Promissory Note and UCC-I Financing Statement. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $750.00 I declare under penalties of law that the account, claim or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. DJG-202473v I MN325-12 SEP-26-01 WED 01:59 PM FAX NO. P. 02/03 .~ oi'" ~ .': ". . . . .; -" , ' , , , '. . , " .: : , " " 'J', 0 ,," :' LANQ TITl-f;, J~C. TRU~ACNWN.T Kennedy & Graven NO. 350515 08/30101 TC- 106592 Attorney Fee 750.00 . Check Total $ 750.00 PLEASE AF.MOVE THIS AEMIlTANCE ADVICE BEFORE DEPOSITING " . WARNINQ. THIS 18 WATIiHMARKED PAPER. DO NOT ACCEPT WITHOUT VERIFVING WATERMARK ON REVERSE "IDE HOLD TO LIGHT TO Vl!fllllV WATERMARK. WESTERN BANK ~l I"AlJL. MN S~'G-l 'L'C- 106592 LA..NI> m TcmlArrouot 1900 SILVER I.AKU IW., SUITE 200 ,,' .." , " :I: NEW I)RJ(IIITO~, MN 55112 , ." \. . ' '(651) ()~ ~~ 1900 \' DATl': , ~ITLEE!l . , , " , ,,,.,,. NO. 350515 350515 GWJ, LLC 08/30/01 ~ 960 m P^y SEVEN HUNDRED FIF'I'Y ANn 00/100 D01..t,ARS $****...........750.00 TO ,I, 'I,,' Tile . , ORDEIl Kennedy & Graven OF I ' ';" ',.'1;.' :.;,t,;;I' ~ I : :' : I , .... ~ I ~ t . . .. I~ ~ ;,\ :,,,~ ~I', I " ,. I" I... I' " . : 11'1 I., t,' VOID IF NOT CASHED WITHIN 180 DAYS I LAND T1TL~ INC. TRUST ACCuUNT '. ,ll "..,l,_ RF.: ~ I : II I \ ,. \", P ~~ ;',\ f lit ~ ~' 'I' I I I I . '''! ,.\ I ;, , " 'I II I ~ II- :i SO 5 it 511' 1:0 q 1:':.000 r:.!; I.': ... 0 2 III :l 2 l'" a. II' ....... ~~ ....~ .';<lllMtI' '"...~......">IIII..~.:i~..I......., '0_. rr 1_... 1...._,... - ~~,~W~W-~If1"".,.'f".~.....,~'e"r:/l"tr.....\lM'.,.",~l':"~.n:l. ~ "* ONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET. SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763~295-2711 75.1664 "9f()'". NO. 66011 MARQUETTE BANK. Mo.NTICELLo. . f>o. aox 729 Mo.NTIC~LLo., MINNESOTA ~['362 . (763)295-2902 DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 08/30/2001 SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY AND 25/100 DOLLARS 66011 $6{960.25 PAY TO THE ORDER OF BRIAN THICKPENNY INC. 207 PINE STREET PO BOX 1146 MONTICELLO MN 55362 (..-,."----.~;a. ~.:...........n..:......---...;..:-:. n,.._.,.-..\ [....i. ... .... H... . i .... .....,.,.." .. .....'.. ".'i ::::<\:/\. . to. .. ,:(<"i::::.':i /.-. /.:. :.::(J:.k.:.:.:-:?/i!ftf;..:..:.:.:.:.-:.:.:-:.-::.::-. .:) "."'" n.", ". ,. ,. . .. .. _.."... II- 0 b b 0 ~ ~ II- I: 0 11 ~ 0 ~ b b L, ? I: ? bOO 0 ~ ? II- VENDOR .00831 BRIAN THICKPENNY INC. 08 30 2001 CHECK 66011 FUND r., l\('('OTTN'T' P O:/::l: TNVOT\'R DRF;('RTP'T'TON AMOUNT 250.46501.6602 GRANT EDA DMRF #112 6{960.25 TOTAL 6{960.25 . . CITY OF MONTICELLO. MONTICEllO. MN 55362 --- . DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO REVITALIZATION FUND GUIDELINES CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 (763) 271-3208 PURPOSE The Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Plan provides a guide for development in the downtown area. As part of its efforts to implement the Plan, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) offers financial assistance and incentives to property owners through a program known as the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF). The DMRF seeks to promote the revitalization of downtown Monticello by: * Enhancing storefronts and facades in accordance with the design guidelines in the Plan. * Encouraging the rehabilitation of building interiors to bring them into compliance with local codes and ordinances. . * Encouraging building rehabilitation to provide space suitable for the proposed use. * Providing funding to close the "gap" between financing needed to undertake the project and the amount raised by equity and private loans. * Providing economic incentives to locate businesses in the Downtown. These guidelines describe the funding parameters and eligibility criteria for programs offered by the EDA. Meeting the eligibility criteria does not entitle an applicant to funding. The distribution of funds is the sole decision of the EDA. TARGET AREA These financial incentives and assistance will be available for existing buildings within the planning area described in the Downtown and Riverfront Plan. Preference will be given to property located in Blocks 34,35,36, 51, 52, and 53, Original Plat, City of Monticello. . 1