EDA Agenda 03-15-2001 . . ..... - AGENDA MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMI':NT AUTHORITY Thursday, March 15,2001 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room MEMBERS: Chair I3illlkmeulcs. Vice Chair Barb Schwientek. ^ssistant Treasurer Ken Maus. Clint Ilerbsl. Roger Carlson. Ron Iloglund, and Darrin Lahr ST^FF: Treasurer Rick WolfstellcL Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. and Recorder Lori Kraemer GUlSlS: Steve Budd. Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. I. Call to Order. ! Consideration to approve the Novernber 8. 2000 EDA minutes and the January 30. 200 I FDA summary of discussion. 3. Consideration of adding or removing agenda items. 4. Consideration to review fl.)!" discussion the preliminary GMEF loan application for Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. 5. Consideration to approve or deny GMEF No. 018 for Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. 6. Continued - Consideration to review for approval/disapproval the second DM RF application for 113 West Broadway. 7. Continued - Consideration to review CiMEF No. 014 relative to late payments for actions to call loan. 8. Executive Director's Report. 9. Other Business. a) Annualmecling of the ED^ - Tuesday. April 24.2001. 10. Adjournment. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 8,2000 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room ~MBERS PRESENT: Chair Bill Demeules, Roger Carlson, Ron Hoglund, and Darrin Lahr. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Barb Schwientek, Assistant Treasurer Ken Maus, and Clint Herbst. STAFF PRESENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. GUESTS: None. 1. Call to Order. Chair Demeules called the EDA meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. Consideration to apProve the August 29.2000 EDA minutes. Ron Hoglund made a motion to approve the August 29,2000 EDA minutes. Seconded by Roger Carlson and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. Additional information relative to DMRF No. 111 (Bruce Hamond) added under 6. Director's Report. 4. Consideration to approve extending the balloon payment date for GMEF Loan No. 010 (Blue Chip Development Company). At the request of Jim Harwood and Brad Barger, the EDA is asked to consider extending the balloon payment date from December 1,2000, to December 1,2005, for GMEF Loan No. 010 for Blue Chip Development Company dba Vector Tool & Mfg, Inc. Assuming the November 1,2000, payment is received, the remaining principal balance is $42,962.81. The $50,000 real estate loan was approved on September 13, 1995, at 6.75% fixed interest rate and amortized over 20 years with a five-year balloon payment. The conventional lender is Firstar Bank, Gary Taverna. 1 2 . . . EDA Minutes - 11/8/00 The request to extend the balloon payment is not because Blue Chip "the borrower" is unable to refinance. The request is due to the high cost of refinancing due to unusual circumstances of the real estate parcel split for Vector Tool and the B&B Metal Stamp buildings. The EDA Business Subsidy Criteria, GMEF Guidelines state under Deferral of Payments: 1. Approval of the EDA membership by majority vote. 2. Extend the balloon if unable to refinance, verification letter from two lending institutions subject to Board approval. The EDA noted the following: 1. Firstar Bank submitted a letter of support to extend the balloon payment date and noted the lenderlBlue Chip loan had been paid to date according to contract terms. 2. The EDAlBlue Chip loan agreement in good standing as of October 30,2000. 3. The CMIFIBlue Chip loan agreement in good standing as of November 8,2000. 4. Prime rate, November 8, 2000, 2:00 p.m., First Bank, 9.5%. 5. EDA-GMEF current cash balance approximately $600,000. Because of a timing issue and the unusual high costs associated with refinancing the real estate loan and cost of appraisals of the split lot, Roger Carlson made a motion to extend the balloon payment date from December 1,2000, to December 1, 2003, for GMEF Loan No. 010 (Blue Chip Development Company) at a fixed interest rate of7.5%. Preparation costs associated with amending and reaffirming the documents, the responsibility of the borrower. The motion was subject to submission of credit worthy current year financial statements or financial summary for Vector Tool from a CPA. Ron Hoglund seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The requested five year balloon date extension was reduced to three years to ensure an adequate funding balance of the EDA/GMEF and the fixed prime rate was increased to 2% below the current prime rate to discourage similar request. 5. Public Hearin!! - Consideration to adopt a resolution amending the EDA Business Subsidv Criteria. Based on the authorization of the EDA at their August 29,2000 meeting, a public hearing notice appeared in the local newspaper October 26 and November 2, 2000, relative to the proposed amendments to the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria. The proposed amendments included an increase to the wage level (a wage of the higher of $9.00 per hour, or at least) and other criteria affected the Legislative action. The proposed amendments provide consistency between the HRA and the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria. Chair Demeules opened the public hearing for comments and hearing no public comments, closed the public hearing. 2 2 . . . EDA Minutes - 11/8/00 Roger Carlson made a motion to adopt EDA Resolution No. 00-2 amending the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria as proposed. Darrin Lahr seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 6. Executive Director's Report. The EDA accepted the Director's report and invoice of $204.19 as submitted with the agenda with the exception to the following addition. Koropchak provided each commissioner with a copy of the request from Bruce Hamond relative to the approved DMRF No. III and an excerpt of the DMRF Guidelines. After discussion, the commissioners elected to retain the guidelines for the DMRF rehabilitation loan as stated: The rehabilitation loan will be in a subordinated position to the lender. The commissioners agreed the intent of the EDA programs are not as competitive dollars with the lending institutions and felt the combination ofthe below EDA prime rate and the lender rate provided for a blended interest rate. Ron Hoglund made a motion that approved DMRF No. III rehabilitation loan remain in second position behind the lender. The approved loan remains at an amount of $10,644, fixed interest rate of5.5%, 10 year amortization with balloon payment is 3 years. The non-performance date for DMRF No. III to be extended from May 29, 2001 to August 29, 2001, per the request. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 7. Other Business. None. 8. Adiournment. The EDA meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. O~ \~cJ\o ~~~ Ollie Koropchak, RecorderlExecutive Director 3 L . . . FDA Minutes - 1/30/01 MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, January 30, 2001 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall - Academy Room Members Present: Absent: Staff: Guests: Chair Bill Demeules. Roger Carlson. and Ron Hoglund Barb Sel1\vientek. Ken Maus. Clint Herbst and Darrin Lahr Executive Director Ollie Koropehak and Recorder Lori Kraemer. Kevin Heaton. property owner of 113 West Broadway. Pam Campbell. DAT Chair 1. Call to Order. 4. Chair Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm and declared no quorum. It was decided to discuss item 4 on the agenda as both Kevin Heaton and Pam Campbell were present and the following is a summary of the discussion. Consideration to review for aporoval/disapprovalthe second DMRF application for 113 West T3roadwav. Ollie Koropchak. Executive Director. rcminded the members that at the August 29. 2000 EDA meeting. the commissioners approved DMRF No. 110 for the property located at 113 West Broadway after much discussion rclative to the three plans approved by the OAT and the three bids presented by Kevin Heaton. Approved DMRF No. 110 was for up to 50% of the rehabilitation costs, not to exceed $11.000. for the front facade and signage. The one time exception to the DI'v1RF Guidelines was due to unusual circumstances: length of linear front footage. prominent location (heart ofto\vn). and extreme per square j(Jotage rehabilitation costs. Koropchak also provided the DA T minutes for review. After the approvals by OAT and FDA. Heaton elected not to mme for'Yvard with the brick facade options and proceeded with a front facade treatment of stucco. retaining the cornice and installing a canvas awning. Prior to applying the stucco. Mr. Heaton informed the Building Official and EDA Office of his change in plans and the OAT Chair \vas notified. 1vIr. Heaton inquired if the awning would qualify t()r funding. he was advised to re~apply with the kno\vlcdge of no promises. The a\\l1ing was included with the three (brick facade) plans and bids approved by the OAT and LDA. EDA M inutt's - 1/3010 I . On January 2. 200 I OAT vvas requested to review the design of the awning associated with the second funding application. DAT did not accept the application as the request came after the installation of the <l\vning. The OAT minutes and review were provided. It was the Office of the EDA that suggested Mr. lIeaton submit a new application for funding. It appears that the first approved DA T plans include awnings with either of the brick t~lcade options. In review of the approval for the design and funding of DMRF No. t 07. it appears a previous application submitted by Mr. Steve Johnson received approval tor design and funding lor the awning on the MCP office at the time the stucco was applied. The 01\ T review noted stucco would not be recommended if this were a restoration. but for rehabilitation purposes it was just tine. However. Mr. Johnson was never reimbursed because he did not complete the cornice treatment as appro\ed. Tv"o points of consistency: First. DMRF No. 110 or 107 did not receive reimbursement because they did not complete the projects as approved for design. Secondly. application No. 107 and 112 both request funding for an avvning only vvith a new stucco fi.lCade. . Again. January 2 OAT motion .. application not accepted as request after completion of the installation of the awning'" Mr. lIeaton stopped by the Office of the rOA on October 17 or November I. 2000 relative to his change in plans. OAT and Bob Claybaugh were both notified for input and to encourage the brick facade as \\e11 as city stafr. The building permit for the stucco was issued October 23.2000. and the permit t()r the awning was mailed December 21. 2000. The OMRF application is dated December 27.2000. It is unclear as to the commencement or completion date of the installation of the awning. Certainly every effort was made by the city staff and OAT to encourage a brick t~lCade treatment. Mr. Heaton addressed his reasons for the change in Llcade treatment. Skip Sorenson. a new member of OAT and local architect. is researching other community design guidelines. It is his view if the design guidelines are only enforceable by those wanting EOA funding. the design guidelines have no teeth and the objectives of the downtO\vn revitalization bcade program will not be met. Mr. Heaton inquired if the reason OAT did not accept his application was because he had stuccoed or if it was the fact that the application was submitted after he had installed the awnings. Pam stated that OAT was under the impression that Mr. Heaton \\as not going to come back to them t()r funding since he was not putting brick on the: building as he had lirst intended and \vhat DAT had approved. Pam noted that stucco \vas not recommended. I !caton asked if OAT would have turned them down for funding of the awnings had he come back to DAT with plans for stucco and awnings. Pam explained again that OAT . 2 . . . EDA Minutes - 1/30/01 would not have approved the stucco of the building and could not state tor sure whether DA T would have approved or not. Chair Demeules advised that the ED1\ needs to be consistent as in the case of Steve Johnson's application. lie also felt that DAT/EDA would not have approved a plan involving stucco and fcels that we need to remain consistent. Heaton advised the reason he went with stucco explaining that the building had previously been ravaged by fire and after he contacted someone \vho docs masonry. they found that the bricks did not match up. the upper right hand corner of building was in poor condition and Vvould have to be replaced. and it was also discovered that whoever did the original brick work put the windows in after bricking which meant that if I Icaton would be redoing the brick. he would have to replace the windows as \velI as he was advised that the original glass would break ifremoved. Mr. Heaton also advised that this company would not take on this project. Heaton advised that the brick work was approximately $20.000 to $25.000 and $10.000 for new glass. He stated that he could not justify putting that kind of money into this building. He also stated that the steel beam across the front of the building was severely bowed and would have to be replaced if brick work \vas going to be done. There \vas no action taken. 5. Consideration to review GMEF No. 014 relative to late pavments t'iJr action to call loan. The members discussed this item and stated they would like to look at modifying the guidelines to either add a percentage or a tlat rate for late payments. They did discuss that perhaps that would not include this item but that it would be for future loans. As you recall. GIVIEF Loan No. 014 with 1..J. Martin (Lake Tool. Inc.) has been a topic of discussion at previous ED^ meetings. The loan payments consistently appear to be late. Letters dating November 2000 and August 2. 1999 and numerous telephone calls relative to late payments h.we been made. The company eventually pays but not on a timely basis. [01\ loans have no penalty for late payments. Koropchak prO\ided copies of the payment status lor #014 noting their late payments. The GMEF (iuidelines read: LATE P A Yl'vlENT POLICY: Failure to pay principal and interest when due may result in the loan being immediately called. Events of default under the Loan Agreement: (a) failure to pay when due any principal or interest on the Loan. Koropchak stated that this information appears on the agenda for t\VO reasons: Notice to .., .J . . . FDA I'vI inutes - J /30/0 I FDA member and consideration of action. She also advised of some options the EDA could consider. 6. Executive Director's Renort. Koropchak provided the EDA with updates regarding GMEF No. 010 (Vector Tool), modifications to the Loan Agreement and other documents which \vere drafted and executed by appropriate individuals at the closings on November 29.2000. Appropriate filings at the Secretary of State and Wright County have been recorded and originals returned: GMEF No. 017 (["win City Die Castings). UCC not filed as all equipment has not arrived or been paid for: EDA Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 24,2001. Koropchak attached a copy of minutes from a budget workshop of the city council on November 16, 2000 noting some discussion relative to the EDA funds. After the )"ear-end report. the EDA may give some consideration to begin payback tl.W Liquor Funds. Secondly. relative to the DMRF - I will research a few parcels which received DMRFs ll)r a comparison of incrcased markct value over the years to see if the EDA imestment is paying off: Intcgrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. - The Prospect Team visited this Rogers company. They are an auto catalyst refiner \vith 3 FT and 2 PT employees. The owner. Steve Budd, purchased Kermit Benson's home. He's looking to perhaps build a 10,000 sq ft mctal building on a 2-acre parcel along Fallon A venuc. He would add 3-4 fT workers within 2 years. Wages betvveen $35,000 to $50.000 annually w/o benefits: Barger/Han\ood - Looking to construct another 15.000 sq ft metal building behind Vector Tool. This resulted after C. H. Holt Company called my office for the need tl.W another 5.000 sq ft and B&B Metal Stamping's need for additional space. Space may also accommodate a 51. Cloud and Big Lake company: Red Wing Foods - Met \\lith Charlie Pfeffer. company, staff. and builder relative to construction of a 50,000 sq ft precast building on 6 acres of land to the west of Twin City Die Castings. Red Wing Foods \vould take 20,000 sq ft and the remaining for lease. Red Wing foods is a pacbger and distributor of gourmet foods with contacts to Byerly's. Lund's. Target. etc: North Anchor - Still working on acquisition of parcels along Front Street and \vorking on concepts tl.)!' Amoco Block. SIO\\ going. There are concepts and liRA is working \vith Barry Fluth and Brad Johnson: Economic De\elopment Goals for 200 I - There has been some suggestion to think about the City' of l'vlonticello combining the po\\ers of the HRi\ or EDA. Simplicity and consistencv. Give sonle thou!.!ht to this for discussion at the annual meetin!.!. 5econdh, . "- ....... .. looking to host a Lenders Breakbst \vith IIRA/EDA again this year. Thirdly. looking at the MTED community assessment for le\el of readiness tl.)r [-commerce. Ron Hoglund added getting more industries inLU to\\n as another goal. Dcmeules also discussed that at one time [1),\ had talked about putting up a building that \\ould be ready tl.)!' a business to move into and \Vas that still a goal. and the) belie\ed it \Vas something they \\ould like .f . . . EDA Minutes - 1/30/0 I to look at again; DMRF No. III Hamond - Following the EDA motion ot"November 8. I mailed Mr. Hamond Attachment D for signature and confirmation. It was never returned and the lender. Mr. Doty. has heard nothing from him. 8. Adiournment. The meeting \vas adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 5 . . . EDA Agenda - 3/15/()1 4. Consideration to review for discussion the prcliminarv GMEF application for Intccratcd Recvclinc Technolo2:ies, Inc. Steve Budd, Applicant. A. Reference and Backcround: GMEF I,oan Application: See Attachment A. Rcquest is fl1r an $80.000 real estate loan. Project Summary: Steve Budd is President and 113 owner of Integrated Recycling "Technologies. Inc. Untl1rtunately the date set fl1r the I.:!)A meeting is the Thursday prior to his wedding date so I excused him. lie was present at the I-IRA meeting on the Jlh of March. The HRA approved the preliminary concept for $40.000 ofTIf pay-as-you-go assistance for land write-down. the City Council \vill consider this the night of the 121h of March and Mr. Budd will be present. The company is {()llr years old and currently exists in Rogers. The company recycles platinull1 group rnetals from spent auto catalyst. The Prospect Teall1 of Fred Patch. Mayor Belsaas. Kevin Doty. Ron Hoglund, and rnyself visited the existing plant some time ago. Mr. Budd purchased the Kermit Benson home in anticipation of his upcoming marnage. The company proposes to purchase 2 acres of I-I property along Fallon A venue to the immediate north of Pipeline Supply. The 10.000 sq ft: steel structure with some brick will consists of production and office space. Proposed contractor is Tricon, Inc. Construction to begin soon as possible. The company requires no outdoor storage. The company plans to create 5 new jobs for the City of Monticello within two years. See Attachment B. USES AND SOURCES I:::stimated Uses of Funds Construction Costs W AC/SAC Fees Trunk Fees Permit Fees I.and Costs Contingency TOTAL $433.868 $ 10.J25 $ 17 ,.,!~ . ,-)~) $ 2.676 $ 87.120 $ 13.211 $565.000 I~DA Agenda - 3/15/01 . Estimated Uses of Funds (TIF reimhursementmethod $40,000 NPV) Lender City GMEF hluity (2 ()lYo) TOTAL $3X6,XOO 9,000 $ 72.500 $ 96,700 $565.000 Please review the application for compliance with the EDA-CiMEF Business Subsidy Criteria. GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDI.:L1NES PUBLIC PURPOSE CRrTERIA: Must comply with four or more orthe criteria listed belovv, criteria #1 being mandatory. 1. Job Coal: Five new full-tinle johs to the City of Monticello within two years of the benefit date. . Wage Goal: At least 4.5 or the nevv jobs must pay a wage or the higher of $9.00 per hour, or at least 160(Yc) of the federal minimum wage, exclusive of benefits, fl.)!' individuals over the age of20 during the tcrm ofthc assistance. See Attachment B. Annual reports arc required until termination date. Failure to meet job and wage goals require partial or full payment of the assistance plus interest. 2. Increases the comlllunity tax hased: [MY of building is $290,000 Estimated increase of annual taxes is $12.000 (land and building). .., -, . Factors: To assist a new manufilcturing business to expand their operations. Otherbctors for consideration but no limited to: Nature of business (manufilcturing), no availahility of service and product currently, potential adverse environmental effect (permit for furnace). and cOlllpatihility to the comprehcnsive plan and zoning policy (yes, steel exterior acceptable in I-I zone.) . 7 . . . KDA A~enda - 3/15/01 4. Used as a secondary source to supplement conventional financing. The GMEF will be a second position real estate loan behind the lender. 5. Used as gap financing: Used as gap financing and as an incentive to encourage development. 6. U sed to assist other funds: [n addition to the GMEF. other funds obtained are lenders, TIF. and equity. UREATFR MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND POUCIL.:S I. BUSINESS ELIGIBILITY Industrial business: Yes. Located within city limits: Yes, Zoned I-I. Credit worthy existing business: For determination by Tim Melrose, State Bank of Rogers. ([ .eHer to be provided in future.) $10,000 loan per each job created. $ I 0.000 X 5 ' $50.000. Or $SJlOO per every $20,000 increase in property rnarket valuation. whichever is higher. $290.000 divided by $20.000 is 14.5 X $5.000'- $72.500. Criteria: $72,500. II. FINANCING METHOD: Companion Direet I.oan: All such loans may be subordinated to the primary lender if requested by the primary lender. The GMEF is leveraged and the lower interest rate of the (;MEr lowers the crfCctive interest rate on the entire project. Criteria: The GMEF takes a second position behind the State Bank of Ro~ers on the rcal estate. III. USES OF PROCEEDS: Real property acquisition and development. "l _J . . . IV. EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 rERMS AND CONOrnONS: Loan Size: Maximum not to exceed 50o;() of the rernaining revolving loan fund balance. Approximate balance March 12. 200 L $420.000. Request: $80.000. Criteria: $210,000. Remaining balance thereafter, $210,000. Leveraging: Minirmlln 60lYrl private/public non-GMEF Maximum 30% public (GMEF) Minimum 10% equity of EDA loan Proposed $386.800 (68.4%) $ 72.500 (12.8%) $ 9.000 ( 1.59IYo) $ 96.700 (17.1 %) (> 1 0% EDA) $565,000 (99.89%) Lender (lMI.:F City Equity TOTAl. Loan Term: Real estate property maximum of 5-year maturity amortized up to 30 years. Balloon payment at 5 years. Criteria: As stated above. Interest Rate: Fixed rate not less than 2% below Minneapolis prime rate. Prime rate per National Bank of Minneapolis on date of EDA loan approval. Prime rate March 15. 2001. Criteria: Minimum rate is fixed rate. I.oan Fee: Mininlum fee of$200 but not to exceed 1.5% of the total loan project. Paid by applicant to the EDA within five working days after City Council approval of GMEF loan. Non-refundable. Loan fee may be incorporated into project costs. EDA retains the right to reduce or \vaive loan fee or portion of loan lee. Crih.'ria: Minimum fee of $200 or $1,147.50, due and payable not later than April 2, 2001. Prepayment Policy: No penalty f(Jr prepayment. Deferral of Payments: 1. Approval of the FDA membership by majority vote. 2. Extend the balloon if unable to refinance. verification letter from two lending institutions subject to Board approval. 4 EDA Agenda - 3/15/1)1 . Late Payment Policy: Failure to pay principal or interest when due may result in the loan heing immediately called. Interest Ii m i tat ion on guaranteed loans: Not applicable. Assulllability of loan: None. Business equity requirelnents: Subject to type of loan; Board of Directors will determine ease by ease. analysis under normal lending guidelines. Collateral: Personal and/or corporate guarantees (requires unlimited personal guarantees) as per the (rMEF attorney. Non-performance: ^n approved CiMEF loan shall be null and void if funds are not drawn upon or disbursed within 180 days from date of ED^ approval. March 15,2001 EDA approval - loan becomes null and void Septemher 15, 20()). Non-performance extension: Not applicable. . Legal Fees: R.esponsibility of the GMEF applicant. B. Rccommel1d~ltion: Recommendation is to review this infonnation prior to the EDA meeting for discussion and potential questions. Consideration to approve or deny CiMEF Loan No. 018 is the next agenda item. C. Supllortinc Data: Preliminary GMEF application and job and wage-level goals. . 5 . . . GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE 250 EAST BROADWAY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FOR LOAN AtI 0 t.,r."K 1 A- APPLICANT: ~t(:>\I(:> Rllrl~ FIRM OR TRADE NAME: ntegra ted BUSINESS ADDRESS: 20005 Hwy 81 CITY/STATE: Rogers MN TELEPHONE: (BUS.)763-428-1954 DATE ESTABLISHED: July 17.1997 ___SOLEPROPRmTOR s Recycling Technologies ZIP CODE: OiOME) 763-295-3830 EMPLOYER LD.# 41-1883563 CORPORATION _PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT NAME TITLE President Treasurer OWNERSHIP % 33 33 33 ~tQve l3'1dd Rngpr Mpypr Arn;p Rprqllam PROJECT LOCATION: Monticello MN -2L-NEW LOCATION TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $ $ 513 , 000 . 00 _EXISTING BUSINESS PROPOSED USES: REOUEST: LAND $ 80.000.00 EXISTING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 433.000.00 MACHINERY CAPITAL WORKING CAPITAL OTHER TOTAL USES: $ 513.000.00 AMOUNT OF LOAN $ MATURITY & TERMS REQUESTED APPLICANT'S EQUITY LOAN PURPOSE PROPOSED BEGINNING DATE: ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 1:1- 01-01 TITLE TO PROJECT ASSETS TO BE HELD BY: OPERATING ENTITY ALTER EGO PARTICIPATING LENDER: State Bank of Rogers (Name) Tim MplrnC:p (Contact Person) (Address) <Z.al)428-2222 (Telephone #) ):'flt( _ " \. '> - y ~ g - ~ So \--0 PROJECTED # OF F.T. EMPLOYEES(within :2 yean) PRESENT # OF F.T. EMPLOYEES: PROJECTED AVERAGE WAGE PER HOUR: $14.00 - ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: APPLlCANTSIGNATURE:~ d .. ~ DATE SIGNED~ft / LJA fr\t~c,~~ ~ . ) " GOALS OF BUSINESS RECEIVING ASSISTANCE Please indicate number of employees at each level and indicate the corresponding benefit level, Number of jobs created is over the first two years. . Job Creation Full-rime Part.time ~ / / . / . Tricon, Inc. Construction · Development February 19,2001 Mr. Steven Budd Integrated Recycling Technologies P.O. Box 455 Rogers, ~runesota . 55374 Dear Mr. Budd: We are pleased to provide a quote fora Butler@ pre-engineered. steel building system for ~...' .... propoSed new facility in Monticello, Minnesota, . This consists of a 10,000 square foot building; , .: ' with an eave height of 20'0". This provides a minimum under-struct1lra1 clearance of 17'9", .' L BUlLDING . ., A. STRUCTURAL - The proposed building is a structural steel building system,., engineered and fabricated by Butler Manufacturing. The roof is a double slope roofaric;l has~'. ",: 1/4": 12" roof slope. The roof structurals are-designed for a 30 pOund.' per square foot snow load'" , . and a 3 pound per square foot collateral load. ' The interior sidewall col~ are straight, not:' tapered, to allow for easy pallet racking installation. . B. ROOF - The roof system will be the Butler MR-24@ standing seam roorsyste~" . which is constry.cted of 24 gauge ALZN panek The roof has a UL'Class 90 windup-lift rating;'.'- ~ereby allowing for possible insurance reductions. The roof is designed to expand and contract.' , ' Roof clips hold the panels to the supporting structurals with no fasteners to'penetrate the panel. Gable and eave trims are provided for full roof panel/wall panel closure. Gutter and doWnspouts- are provided on the eaves. , c. WALLS - The walls will have natural colored rock faced concrete block to a height of 3' 4"and 10', with Shadowall@ panels above" as per the preliminary architectuial drawings. The block walls are insulated, above and below grade, with a core-filled foam which provides aR-19 insulation value.. These new Shadowall panels are finished with a Butler-Cote 500 FP paint' " which has a 70% K YtW-t finish., There are two colors' of panel beillg utilized 011 this' building, ,s~ell .: . gray, and hun~er green. The gutters, downspouts, and eave trims are hunter grl?en-,' " ' ',' :. ' -' '. - D.INSULA nON . The roof will ~' iriSulated~tli i 0" of scrim foilla~inat~:iIisulation. 'i luiytfig II ~ame spread of 25 or. less., Thi~r.will 'provide an insulatlon.value. of-'R~31.-,The. ": " SIla.dowallpanels ,will have 6" of scrim foll laminateinsulation, providing an insulationvahie,of ..,C,It:?\\ithlhO ~e characteristics :;0::: DriVe .... , . ....' <. ,:' ~\%.;0;;i.~:L "'~rtl~;~~::~' . il63} 29~o;::;u:.::t!~f~;:~i51.'.... .... .... " .....~,,~2:;:.~.,.. ... .~'... ,...~ .. : /. ",,::..,".," ... . -, ,:;'>:-::. ':..'; "!"::::.,:),' u,~-:~-~;,}:~,):.:_'.>:,,;Y~/i::::~;~;..'~:/: ::>, ':.;~.'. ~;,~'.;~:~>>:::' .,,::.;.{ ::::, ::.>.c.:~:\..,.:.-,.. ~I- " .' ..' .....' . C; ........... . .... . '.'i.i{i. .......... .':.;<::::,:::,S;\},;~'(r;-, cj:').~(!j:':::'~}: , ~':" .- ,., ,E. DOORS & ~WS:~ -.11ie~e,areJivt(?)"~~9C:-'9~~~)ilsulated;(yvith)*~~e',~:;,~.,,\;.:~.:,'~ ii,1cll1~ ,in .this proposal.::: Utere" are)w~2)~plat~d_-'oy~r~e~d,~C\90t,s\~c:lu~ed #i"~~:'pr9p<>~;,-:'/t~;;:,..;,:;. ,,' ne . ..oyerhead 400is are.::' 12'xl4~,,:.aD.c;t(,,12'*1~,.:~;,~,Jp:~~~:P<l9rs~:'!ie.\elec.1rlcatJy:oPeratea,:~d_ are ':,':/;::';~;':':':" .,. .0', .. ........ -'JO. \ I '.:,~ '," '.;'I."l.A..,. ""'-:':"~'..::-',i"\'~ ,..,!.. .:....'I.......~>l,'..'j .,. d. _., .+~ "';;... ,. '''''..;" .:",~ ','.. ',' ,insula~~d to ,R~ ~4.' The~_9fli~;..~t)~:~~o!;:~s~90~~~:~~~~d(~~~~,_:~y.~ted, '~~ :for~:~gi;~n:;':<7,;.~":-~ frames. . The WIndows lD :the .office ~e ~~ doubl~ ..~ated glass~' gray tinted, In forest :gr~n" , . ' . frames.' . ". ;::" ~: "':::i':;,:. ,~:: :!,;:!~:i;F~{;:,,:;. . . '.: ,. ," :,q . .,' n. .E~CA V A TION/SITEWORK/LANDSqNPI~GivtItt'TIES/BITUMINOUS":;~'(.;;~,,:",: .: '. "~STTD1l'ACING' <. "." u - .' 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LANDSCAPIN~ - LaIidscaping,is iliclut!ed iQ. this:propQsaL'(See'allO\Y81lcesy; ...,' ',:' ""t.. .'~>.: :'.~.: :'. ::' : <.. "'>(~:::'''~:':'':;'~::'' : ~ , ",' , "'..:, :';;. :,,;1: '.:...., .:< ,'; ,::. . ':'"" ,,::,"~.~,,':- "., " ,',' ::~,',~; .:.~~~:::.:,~.~~..::,:,~.,,;~:?:~:;{~,~,\;:: _ ):;!}'~>:':';,',.:- :.:~~.,~ '. . -:'. \.". C.- utILITIES' w Utility hook-ups are inclUded lit this propOsal. (See'iijlo~J'~':L ' .'. .-":::: <: ,"': ~'~. : . : :;'.;::.}-:-:' .~.~,:,,,.' ,'.:',-:-: -.:: ':;_...:,,'~ - :..... :">. ...-,:<;.:>~; :"',. '<'.'.:..:~~\~~:~<~,;.:.~~~'~t./~.~.:~",:-:;,,:~_.,;,,:,.. .-: :~,;,P~""'Ill1MINOUS SURFAClNG.':BitWnino~'.surfadng is incWd ii{iliiSj;r6pOsai>~..'.'.'~,:" ~~~~Ie:i#~' ~l qave ~n r, ~l~ :~'w:ay~i.~~e.~i? a;2"~bas~'~Qufs~:~1;arta:~"~"_~~~t:'(i6~~'~,-<: ".-::":...n._ "'. . ~,tl.?r.,.....a.,.-,to..ta1...... of4" Of.. bl~m.~us.,~ac..'.. 1 J;lg':"fh.~.a.yto_~..~.a..s~.:~ll,l1aveQ:I,-.O{Cl~S.'-~~l::~~:;\,:.,;:,..''': . Wl~J~..lY2,,':base course m~ and a_I .%~ w~~course nux;.for a, totalof-3" .of bltuinmous;,';(','>, surf~irig; ':The truck turn aroun~ area,:"ill have, S"of class 5reey,?led pase_ . : . , ". . .., _, ::,' '_, ,;, >':-':,-." '.,-' ,. ..., ,..,.;', :'. '", . "" >.. ....,.,;.,.; '. :',. " .. .., o " ' . . -. ... I i ~ . ' I r . ~~:;):'CONCRETE , .' _ " . ,.,: ..J' . ',,>.'..3.;,,:".,,:', ,c ,_' ',', ',', , "'n . .":, .:"-', "'. ',"~ .':.; co'; '.:' ,',..",,''','''',. >: ;' ';.: '.', _", ' . ':,.:J~:'~.'FOOnNGS- AND FOUNDA nos 'WAL~-::,Fo<>tiiigs' have beelld~signed: ~:C6rdiiig>~~:)" /.-:,:.- , , ,~ ,...., ,!' ,.. . , ,.. . 0 ~. '. ,.. . ,', ~., ~.~'. '" ,,': '. '.tQ.:,~,4;:,~pgine,eiing practices" based on j ~ooo" poimd,jesf'sdil: -:':foQtings.ai~ desigrieautilizing">{:,,~>.~: ,~jkllf.~;~~~~I.~i.~. "~~~:ilii:~i:i.;(.> "....,.,~,:...,._~~~T~W1i1.".' "'es~.' tJ?J"Mth. 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'~ ShopArea ' ,,' . " " " ; , Floors ~ Exposed concrete , ,',' , " .'. "', ",,,," " .' . Ceilmg~ Exposed insulation ,'. .' H, ',::' >r:' ,::~:,-,>, ,::' ".' '.., "'. Walls - pxposed insulation "",," ", ',' ' , , , '~, Baths ' , , "', ,::' , '" /', Flqors - Ceramic tile' , " ,,: , ..:.' -'. '. ',' '. Ceiling-Acoustical Ceiling tile, 2'x4', scored to appear 2'x2', .' , " i., ',- '.'~' , .' , ,: ,t'" :,;".,Wa~ls,~Sheetrocked,sanded,primedandpaipted;ceramictiletoahdghfof.4~,~ >;' :.':; :,',:,' " , '. L h' . , . .'.. '" " , " une room " , , , " :. . ,. .' ' .', ". :' ,.".:,' ,;,. ," ""','" :. .~ r... -", .' ,..' .: '. . ." '. ".' ,.' '~. .., ,. ',~,':';" .T .: ...."J,', .',,'~::. '~.~, . ';~, ":,i.. '. .- '. " " ',' Floqrs- Vmyl floor tIle WIth VInyl base: ',;'" ";',: ,;''',' k'<,' : . _ ',: .,,:,,:,: ': '" '. ,:"Cei~g'.: Acoustical Ceiling tile, 2'x4'1scoredtoapPear 2'x2',.':- '" '.,' :"':', ~', :,>~, .<~>':,/.':/" '::',,"',' . ".,", Wcij~s,- Sheetrocked,sanded, primed8.nd painted, ': '.' ,: " . . "', . .;:' ',', '~,::~;;:;::<..<-: ..,: ",c',:: .~. ""; ," ~ ':'. Offices and R~eption Area'., " : . "",:'" '" -,,' " . . ), FloorS~ Carpet with carpet base "" , ;: :,' ',. , ' " , :/,' Ceiling - Acousti~al Ceiling tile~ 2'x4'; scored'to apPe3r 2'X2' i '.: ' '., .' ',:..,; :', ,'~ \ ' ,';., ',' W~is-Sheetrocked,sarided,prim~dandpainted : ,.','''' ,,'.',.:......1\, :., ' ",", Miscellaneous<. . . ':"',, _ ,',.' :"'::~':; \: ...;;,,.:,,,,:,';',','.:..';', ',:- ,,' " , '.;, ,Ply'wo~d mezza.nine above' offices dCsigned for, 7,5 PoUndisq~~' foot Joad::: ,'/; /..";~:~'/;'. '.: .~, :', " ' ,', "':.;'.'~:' '~~~~ ~~~~, " ; '. ,:.':':'.\:',DeIivery' Qf steel will be 10 -llweeks'after receipt'o(contnict'::PioJecicOriipl~on\is':::,_ /:: ,'" ',:tJ;ir~eO) nion$s'after delivery of steet; "contingent upon'reaSonable,'~v~lability'.of:laoor9.il~::~:/i,:"''-. "materials. '<,.' ' , .' " '~' ':, ,:,"<.:. ,,'; \~".:..'f;','.~:"'. ;, ,'. , ". . ,.,.. ,I,'.' ~ ... " , ~. , . ., '. TERMS . " ..... . x.. ,'''. ) . r ~t. j ~.;. " " _: "f" ~ ':~'....'"",'. .,', ",' Five ~r cent (~%) of the contract amount upon receipt of the c~>li~t ',Steel to be paid ,,~. ,five' days 4fter delivery. Balance of contract made at 'monthly interVals ~ progress:'payments. ' " finalpa)'lt1ent within five days after completion ofproject. ' ,", ". ,': I . ,'. .', :'~~t;I~JI~l:~~~J "-'3.".,:/::::.:' .. . ,. ~ ,..' ".: ' .' , . . ',", ,;',"~:",';;'ici~;;:i\,:,,,t,:,"i,,,;<~;'il~ff~tf~;IJil~~~:~~~t.i~i~i. ":""",~".I,,'..I,,.~.,. '~""<"',':,<"~''-:-'' :"v'<l' :" .'; ";,:",~~,~jJ:'i~,'fi)t:f;'::lrk!l,";i'i1!;~,:f.~,~~l;;',,:-;:,,,:,,;' , ;., . ~ .' ,., .1": ~'~.,/t ~'_,:<'r~'":.:, ....> ":~':.~:~,j":',~~~.'~:,. ," .~~~~.t';::'(.:?~~),~~:";'~":~~~~,.'f\:~ti~~;':~~i~~~~~~:'11~~)~~.J,,;i~~~~~~!?~';". , I · .. BASE BID COST for this project includlllg del;veIy,;~i!lli~~PPliCable tax~,ere~on;steel. ... ,~ncrete and masonry, architecturit1an~ structural drawing~,'site plan:, and eVerything specified in ~s proposal: FOUR HUNDRED TJiIRrt" TIiREE'QJQUSAND JLIGHf HUNDRED SIXTY , , ~IGHT DOLLARS($433,868.o()) , ,", .:' ," ',:' , ':, '.';:', " ,,',' "'_::'" "..", -' :';, ' ,', ';' .: , , ' .- " ,'- ,:" "... ,,'oj ALTERNATES ". :'..'r~.'~.. ". ._" .': '~.}.-.~' . -, .- Alternate #1 Replace 1200 Ampservj~e'with 160Q -' "::"AddS2,500.0Q Amp Service' ,",. ..'.", " ',~ ,;.... ..' '.' '::. ALLQWANCES " " ,,' , , ,,_ _ , An allowance is a number in,cluded in thepase bid~bu~ estimated at th~ time of the proposal. contnict willlle adjusted once the actual costs are known.",' . .-", , : ,,' . ' .' .' . .' .. ~: ' \' , The .~. ~". \; ,. . - I" . ., Allowance # 1- Landscaping, Allowance #2 - Utility Connections $ 5,000.00 $10,000.OQ ,'. .': ",.:..' ,l! '"., ...., ,I, : XI. EXCLUSIONS., _ ,_', _ " ' , ," ,I': , Utility hook.up charges, building permit; land puichasecost~ unforseen local ,governing - body requirements and anything not specifically mentioned in this proposaL ,:, ' ' , - , ' , . . I ' ',: .. . . .', : .,! . , ~. , .,., - . " ~ . j.: '-:,.:," " . We are certainly looking forward to working with yo~ on,this'project~ Any further qu~stions can, '__ bedirept..rtomeortoTravisRippieat(763)'295.,.1141. ,,' n,:_" ',',. . j' ~,~, ... .j..... j",:, Respectfully, ,,',' " :'(0' . r;:.; Thomas N. Feaski:t.__" , President ' - I :,:.'. " ...;. r',.. . r . ,.., , ,'j" '. ':" " ",' ...-- ..' ....,".> . . ." . \ ;' '.'~-./ ,"'1 .( ~""", ."" ; .', ,;. . 'I. ~. ./'(' , .' -' -! ''t:;::'; , -- , ,. '&.~;, ,. ,:. , , '. . ", '. ": .~, '," "~,><,',..~;,,,,'~'::':;'.:"'<:;': "~'_.'" ' " J' ~: . -- ' ",; ,,: , ,I, '". "j,'. '" , . , .,'1. " , ,..... ,. ,\,' '~', , , . . .' :""!',' ... J ;", ,j'.:.... I..,. .." '~' ..... ,. ',.,;1' '.'" '. I . -;',.':',' ~; .' ,.,~ \ . . ,~. ':s ~. : . .t. , .'",,<;, '..' ',' ,- If , ' , ' - . . ~ ~ . " . '. ~ '.,',' ",'.i ",' .."".,. ~' J,' ') .... .,.; ~"i , . " . . ~ " ' I, . ., ~ ....,.' ~ . ~. ." .' ," " ,'.. ; .... .., ~. " .'-,: , , " /,' '.. ~ ' .. ,.',: ;. .. . " ; I.i ... . . ~ r ), ;',-' <", ~;' '. , ....;. '. I ... .c," f:'.~,: t~,~~ ~"'~"'" . ,:' 1.1~' ~ :.I ~, . . . . ,:'. ., . I'. '';..:, . ''', l(..... .', -.:. . ,.:, ~; e " , . , . . I \ '~,' _ ., '. '. ,',." . .:,'" I""'. ..; '. '~ :- ~ ,', ,\. " ,. '. :\' . . . EDA Agenda - 9/28/99 5. Considenltion to approve or denv GMEF No. 018 for Integrated Reeveling Technologies, I nc.. A. Reference ~,"d Backc:round: After review and discussion of the preliminary application from Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. (IRTI). the EDA is asked to consider approval or denial of the request f()r a $XO.OOO (,MI.:F loan. In my conversations with the lender, Tim Melrose of the State Bank of Rogers, Tim inf(lrmS me the bank linds the company to be sound. lie also infonns Inc. the bank has not received sufficient information relative to the project to make a conHnitrnent for funding.. First. the I-:DA needs to determine if this GMFF loan application from IRTI will encourage economic development. Secondly, the EDA must determine if the proposed construction real estate project application cOlnplies with the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria - (iMFF Guidelines. Lastly, the FDA must determine the amount and terms of the loan for approval. The City Council will consider ratilication of the EDA's action for compliance of the EDA-CiMI~F Business Subsidy Criteria on March 26. 2001. If approved, the GMEF will be disbursed at the closing date yet to be determined. It is recommended, the approved dollars be disbursed from the GMEF funds. The UDAG and Aroplax State (lrant should be closed out. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to approve GMEI.' L,oan No. 018 f(Jr Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc.. an '.S" corporation, in the amount of $72,500 with term and conditions as recommended at the meeting Collateral. guarantees, and other condition requirements to be determined and prepared by the (iMEF attorney. The (iMEF loan approval subject to lender commitments. verification of company financial credit ability. and Council ratification of EDA action. 7 A motion to deny (lMEf Loan No. 01 g f(H Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. 3. A motion to table any action. EDA Agenda - 9/28/99 . c. Recommendation: RecollHncndation is for Alternative No. I with terms and conditions as recOlnmcndcd at the meeting. Arrmwa1 subject to lender commitment and determination as a credit worthy company by lender. D. Supporting Data: None. . . 2 . . . EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 6. Consideration - Consideration to review for approval/disapproval the second DMRF application for 113 West Hmmlway. A. Reference and back!!round: This agcnda item was tabled from the January 30 meeting because of the lack orquorum. Mr. Heaton was present at the January meeting and informed those EDA members present of the high cost to removc paint rcpair brick and repaint: remove paint and repair brick; or re-brick. l-Ie also mentioned it was his understanding the awning was approved for funding with the first application.f'he FDA is asked to review for approval/disapproval the second DMRf application for 113 Westl3roadway. TIIF FOLLOWING BACKGROUND APPEARI]) IN TI W JANUARY AGENDA At the August 29.2000 FDA meeting, the commissioners approved DMRF No. 110 for thc property located at 113 West Broadway after much discussion relative to the thrce plans approved by the DAl and the three bids presented by Kevi n (--Icaton. Approved DMRF No. 110 was for up to 5<n'll of the rehabilitation costs. not to exceed $11,000. j'IJr the front facade and signage. The one time exccption to thc DM RF Guidel ines was due to unusual circumstances; length of linear frontllJotage. prominent location (heart or town). and extreme per square flJotage rehabilitation costs. Attached are the DAT minutes and review. After the approvals by DAT and EDA. Ileaton elected not to move fl)rward with the brick t~lCade options and proceeded with a tt-ont facade treatment of stucco retaining the cornice and installing a canvas awning. Prior to applying the stucco. Mr. I Icaton informed the Building Official and EDA Office of his change in plans and the OAT Chair was noti lied. Mr. Heaton inquired if the awning would qualify for funding. he was advised to IT-apply with the knowledge of no promises. The awning was included with the three (brick t~lcade) plans and bids approved by the DAT and EDA. On January 2. 2001 DAT' was requested to review the design of the awning associated \vith the second funding application. The DAT minutes and revieyv are attached. DAT did not accept the application as the requcst carne alkr thc installation of the awning. It was the Office of the EDA that suggested Mr. Ileaton submit a new application lew funding. It appcars that the lirst approved DA T plans include awnings with eithcr of the brick f~lCade options. In review orthe approval Il.lr the design and funding ofDMRF No. 107, it appears Mr. Johnson received apphlVal Il.lr design and funding fi)r the awning on thc MCP office at thc titnc the stucco was applied. The DAT review noted stucco would not be recOllllllcndcd if this wcre a restoration but lilr rehabilitation purposes it isjust line. /-lowever. Mr. Johnson was never reimbursed becmlse he did not cOlllplete the . B. I. . 2. ~ -) . c. EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 cornice treatment as approved. Two points of consistcncy: First DMRf No. 110 or 107 did not rcceive reimbursement because they did not complete the projects as approved for design. Secondly. application NIL 107 and I] 2 both request funding for an avvning only with a new stucco facade. Again. January 2 DA T motion" application not accepted as request after completion of the installation of the awning." Mr. Heaton stopped by the Onice of the EDA on October ] 7 or November 1. 2000 relative to his change in plans. DAT and Bob Claybaugh vvere both notified for input and to encourage the brick j~lcade as well as city staff. The building permit for the stucco vvas issued October 23.2000. and the permit j()r the awning was mailed Dccember 21.2000. The DMRF application is dated December 27.2000. It is unclear as to the commencement or completion date of the installation of the awning. Certainly every effort was made by the city stair and DAT to encourage a brick ElCade treatment Alternativc Actions: A motion to approve DMRF No. 112 in the amount of $2.250 I()!" the J/'ont signagc improvement at I] J West Broadway. A motion to deny approval of DMRF j(lr 113 West Broadway. A motion to table any action. Rccommendation: Although it is very important [or the EDA to endorse the DAT design findings. it is also important that the design approvals be consistent Everyone worked very hard to encourage this project as a prime example I()r dO\vntown revitalization and was let down with the stucco facade: however, the second application is j(lr funding of the awning only similar to another application. Whether DA 1'"s request to review the application came arter completion of the installation of tile awning is unclear to the On-Ice of the EDA. DAT's question was: Docs the awning meet the Design Guidelines?"" D. Sunnortin2: Data: Second DMRF appl ication. DA T minutes and review. Previous I)AT minutes and revievv. . :2 . informed the Building Officialand EDA Oftice of his change in plans and the OAT Chair was notified. Mr. Heaton inquired if the awning would qualify for funding. he was advised to re-apply with the knowledge of no promises. The awning was included with the three (brick facade) plans and bids approved by the OAT and EDA. On January 2. 200 I OAT was requested to review the design of the awning associated with the second funding application. OAT did not accept the application as the request came after the installation of the awning. The OAT minutes and review were provided. It was the Office of the EDA that suggested Mr. I-Ieaton submit a new application for funding. It appears that the first approved OAT plans include awnings with either of the brick facade options. In review of the approval tor the design and funding of DMRF No. 107. it appears a previous application submitted by Mr. Steve Johnson received approval for design and funding for the awning on the MCP office at the time the stucco was applied. The OAT review noted stucco would not be recommended if this were a restoration. but for rehabilitation purposes it was just fine. However. Mr. Johnson was never reimbursed because he did not complete the cornice treatment as approved. . Two points of consistency: First. DMRF No. 110 or 107 did not receive reimbursement because they did not complete the projects as approved for design. Secondly. application No.1 07 and 112 both request funding for an awning only with a new stucco facade. Again. January 2 OAT motion .. application not accepted as request after completion of the installation of the awning."' Mr. Heaton stopped by the Office of the EDA on October 17 or November 1.2000 relative to his change in plans. OAT and Bob Claybaugh were both notified for input and to encourage the brick facade as well as city staff. The building permit for the stucco was issued October 23.2000. and the permit for the awning was mailed December 21.2000. The DMRF application is dated December 27,2000. It is unclear as to the commencement or completion date of the installation of the awning. Certainly every eftcxt was made by the city staff and OAT to encourage a brick facade treatment. Mr. Heaton addressed his reasons for the change in facade treatment. Skip Sorenson. a new member of DA T and local architect. is researching other community design guidelines. It is his view if the design guidelines are only enforceable by those wanting FDA funding. the design guidelines have no teeth and the objectives of the dov,intown revitalization facade program will not be met. Mr. Heaton inquired if the reason OAT did not accept his application was because he had stuccoed or if it was the fact that the application was submitted after he had installed the awnings. Pam stated that OAT was under the impression that Mr. l-katon was not going to come back to them fix funding since he was not putting brick on the building as he had . ! 6;4 . . . , \ \ EDA Minutes - ]/30/01 first intended and what OAT had approved. Pam noted that stucco was not recommended. Heaton asked if OA T would have turned them down for funding of the awnings had he come back to OAT with plans for stucco and awnings. Pam explained again that OAT would not have approved the stucco of the building and could not state for sure whether OA T would have approved or not. Chair Oemeules advised that the EOA needs to be consistent as in the case of Steve lohnson's application. He also felt that OA T/EOA would not have approved a plan involving stucco and feels that we need to remain consistent. Heaton advised the reason he went with stucco explaining that the building had previously been ravaged by fire and after he contacted someone who docs masonry, they found that the bricks did not match up, the upper right hand corner of building was in poor condition and would have to be replaced, and it was also discovered that whoever did the original brick \vork put the windows in after bricking which meant that if Heaton would be redoing the brick, he would have to replace the windows as well as he was advised that the original glass would break if removed. Mr. Heaton also advised that this company would not take on this project. Heaton advised that the brick work was approximately $20,000 to $25,000 and $10,000 for new glass. He stated that he could not justify putting that kind of money into this building. He also stated that the steel beam across the front of the building was severely bowed and would have to be replaced if brick work was going to be done. There was no action taken. ~ 5. Consideration to review GMEF No. 014 relative to late pavments for action to call loan. The members discussed this item and stated they would like to look at modifying the guidelines to either add a percentage or a flat rate for late payments. They did discuss that perhaps that would not include this item but that it would be for future loans. As you recalL GMEF Loan No. 014 with T. 1. Martin (Lake TooL Inc.) has been a topic of discussion at previous EDA meetings. The loan payments consistently appear to be late. Letters dating November 2000 and August 2. 1999 and numerous telephone calls relative to late payments have been made. The company eventually pays but not on a timely basis. EDA loans have no penalty for late payments. Koropchak provided copies of the payment status for #014 noting their late payments. The GMEF Guidelines read: LATE PAYMENT POLICY: Failure to pay principal and ... .) . . . DOWNTOWN MONTICELLO REVITALIZATION FUND Monticello Economic Development Authority - 271-3208 250 East Broadway, POBox 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 FUND APPLICATION I. Basic Information: Name of Applicant/Property Owner \< ~ \J I~ L \\. e.l:L.'"t" " 'f'.. ~\ b <b ":). -r..l\.~\p.i. '. Q...() ~ Address of ApplicantJProperty Owner ~ \...ID ~"'v "' "^ f\) '5 s "1> ~C Telephone Number of ApplicantJProperty Owner ~?-o - CO S ~ - ~ <"\ <\ S ~ 'b":4::> - ?-"i:>e - '-J", I..t ~ Social Security of Applicant/Property Owner l,\.l\ f) - fl t ~ (.p 0 J _ -:s Tax ID# of Applicant/Property Owner II, Nature of Revitalization Fund Request: Street Address of Revitalization Property \ '\ ~ \....) '<2l1\....c cd v.) ~ . "0\~ PID Number of Revitalization Property \ S S - c \. c - b S .'). 0 La!) Legal Descrie...tion of Revitalization Property - Block ~ ~ Lot(s) Lc\ \.0 b- t:: \~ ~t \8 \~. ~q.. LC' S Revitalization Property is currently: Occupied '(, Prospective Occupant Unoccupied Ifawlicable, Name of Occupant (Business) or Prospective Occupant (Business) '<.J..l hu.J\ Q ~ \' 0\ ~_ \) If applicable, brief description of the nature of the business of the occupant: ~ \...a ~ ' ~J \\....~ ~ ~ '"~ o.-b \ ~ 1 .1 LPB . . 4 . . . . Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Fund Application m. Type of Revitalization Fund Request: A. Facade Grants 1. Front Facade and Si2Ilage Grant (Matching funds of up to $2,500) Amount of Request $ ~ ~ ~ So Projected Cost of Improvements $ '-\ SOt) Amount of Equity $ Amount of Private Loans $ Please submit a minimum of two written cost estimates for the proposed revitalization improvements, any deviation must be approved by the Design Advisory Team (OAT). The DMRF does not Cover routine maintenance or insured losses. Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: 2. Rear Facade Grant (Matching funds of up to $2,500) Amount of Request $ Projected Cost of Improvements $ Amount of Equity $ Amount of Private Loans $ Please submit a minimum of two written cost estimates for the proposed revitalization improvements, any deviation must be approved by the Design Advisory Team (DAT). The DMRF does not cover routine maintenance or insured losses. Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: 2 L( .1 . . . . . . Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Fund Application ill. Type of Revitalization Fund Request: A. Facade Grants 1. Front Facade and Si2Ilaee Grant (Matching funds of up to $2,500) Amount of Request $ ~ ~ ":). So Projected Cost of Improvements $ l\ So V Amount of Equity $ Amount of Private Loans $ Please submit a minimum of two written cost estimates for the proposed revitalization improvements, any deviation must be approved by the Design Advisory Team (DAT). The DMRF does not cover routine maintenance or insured losses. Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: 2. Rear Facade Grant (Matching funds of up to $2,500) Amount of Request $ Projected Cost of Improvements $ Amount of Equity $ Amount of Private Loans $ Please submit a minimum of two written cost estimates for the proposed revitalization improvements, any deviation must be approved by the Design Advisory Team (DAT). The DMRF does not cover routine maintenance or insured losses. Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: 2 .1 . . . Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Fund Application 3. Side Facade Grant (ifaoolicable) (Matching funds of up to $2,500) Amount of Request $ Projected Cost ofImprovements $ Amount of Equity $ Amount of Private Loans $ Please submit a minimum of two written cost estimates for the proposed revitalization improvements, any deviation must be approved by the Design Advisory Team (DAT). The DMRF does not cover routine maintenance or insured losses. Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: B. Rehabilitation Loan (Maximum amount is the lesser of25% of total cost of the improvements or $20,000) Amount of Request $ Projected Cost of Improvements $ Amount of Equity $ Amount of Private Loans $ Please submit a minimum of two written cost estimates for the proposed revitalization improvements, any deviation must be approved by the Design Advisory Team (DAT). The DMRF does not cover routine maintenance or insured losses. Brief description of the improvements for which applicant is seeking funds: c. Fee Reimbursement (Reimbursement of City fees in an amount equivalent of 10% of the total cost of the improvements up to a maximum of $500) Amount of Request $ Projected Cost of City Fees $ 3 ., . . . 4 . . . Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Fund Application IV. Lender Information: Name of Participating Lender Contact Person Telephone number J/we certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and J/we agree to apply for and receive all applicable building permits prior to the start of work and to comply with all building inspection requirements. ~~~ Signa e of Applicant/Property Owner / ~... ~ '7 -OCJ Date 4 ., . . . 4 . . . DowntowD Monticello Revitalization Fund Fund Application N. Lender Information: Name of Participating Lender Contact Person Telephone number J/we certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and J/we agree to apply for and receive all applicable building permits prior to the start of work and to comply with all building inspection requirements. ~~~ Sign e of ApplicantlProperty Owner / ;)... d '7 -OC> Date 4 ., . G & J A wning and Canvas, Inc. 1260 10th Street North Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 I BILL TO fpREFERRED TITLE, INe. ! CINDY HEATON & KEVIN HEATON i 113 WEST BROADWAY I PO BOX 727 I MONTICELLO, MN 55362___J ITEM I---- AWNING I I I . I DESCRIPTION I' 2 TRADITIONAL STYLE A WNINGS, ONE I W/GRAPHICS I Invoice ~-~-----I I DATE INVOICE # i I 12/20/'00 594\ --. L....-__ ---------' I SHIP TO rsAME I I ~--~---------. i TERMS I DUE DATE I i 12/30/'00 - J F PO NO=J Est Amt Prior Inv. NET 10 4,500.00 2,050.00 ! Prior % I 45.56% I I i : Curr % Total % _lease remit to above address. Thank you! l1\ny questions? Call 320-255-1733 L----- 54.44% I 100.00% I i I I ! i I _~____-L__ i I Total R~~j I T~ , AMOUNT ! ~ 2,450.00. . I ; I .~-~,~~---~ $~ (gC-, . . . / I. \ KC & THE BOYS, LLC 21082 FRANKUN ROAD CLEARWATER, MN 5532Q..1307 ~170 919 4271610394 5067 Oat. I ~ - .}'7-01.J Pay to the A " . .It Order of 0" -1-- ::r- I"'tW f\ ; ^ ~ Q r. A.l"\ "IL ~ ~Z; ~"d - ;+--~. --lJ. 015- ~~ ::~:: NOfWtltll 8,mk Minne.solll SouM. N.A. NORWSrBANKS SI. Cloud Otllee .<;/I_iII. 400 Fiftlt Stletlt South ,;~::qOOb"q::N~'.b .03%172~-~-~--~ I $ al 4 sa . (T() ,..; ~ - Dollars I'D =-~-= - -----.---..-- -_.~--- \ \ ~. ( '--/- . . . 3w.f3c J I Building constructed about 1912. The storefronts were reconstructed prior to this 1930's photograph. Two-bay storefront wtth decorative brick comice and band above storefront. Exposed steel beam over storefront. Canvas roll.up awning above display windows. Wood and glass storefronts wtth transom windows. Wall signs and projecting signs. Historic Photograph ~.~~"}!?,,~;:;:>i - . ....... Transom windows have been covered with a pointed wOod panel that serves as a sign panel. Projected lighting over sign panel. Brick building front facade and bulkheads below the display windows have been painted. The historic wood and glass display windows at Preferred Title. Inc. have been replaced with a aluminum and glass system. The wood and glass display windows are stili in place at Mountain Top. One of the wood entry doors has been replaced with an aluminum door. Preferred Title, Inc 11 3 West Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota PT-O 1 Apr. 10. 2000 CCLAYBAUGH PRESERVATION ARCHITECTURE INC l.Pl> . . . '------ .. . ~ ...... Ii 'j I I , I i I .~ f' 4 ,J ~. . . 'J.. , " 1! i j . c( . . . Minutes Regular Meeting - Design Advisory Team Tuesday, January 2, 2001 Monticello City Hall - Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Campbell, Dennis Sullivan, Ron Hoglund, Mike Cyr MEMBERS ABSENT: Susie Wojchollski, Amanda Gaetz, Skip Sorenson OTHERS PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill Ollie Koropchak, and Fred Patch 1. Call to Order Pam Campbell called the meeting to order at 4:30pm 2. Approval of minutes Mike Cyr made a motion to approve the minutes of December 5.2000 Seconded by Pam Campbell Motion Passed 3. Consideration of adding items a) Renewal of expiring Terms b) Agenda Preparation c) Update on Methodist Church 4. Heaton Property at 113 West Broadway Heatons are requesting funding for a matching grant for the installation of awnings. In effect the application is requesting design approval after installation has heen complete~. Motion to not accept the applic~n was made by Mike Cyr and seconded by Dennis Sullivan. Motion passed 4 S. Update on Broadway Avenue Improvement. The Wright County Highway comminee approved the application for variance to the State of Minnesota. By the time this was accomplished, the quickest it could be considered will be in March. This pushes the project off until the 2002 season. 6. Update on \Va]nut Street Landscaping plan Steve Grittman is still \vorking the details. 7. Discussion ,,'ith the City Council concerning strengthening the design guidelines. a) JetT O"Neill made copies of the city ordinance covering the CCD district and passed them around for study. lYE . ~. . . . . Design Advisory Team Final Review of Project . Date January 12, 2001 Project Preferred Title Building Name of Property Owner Kevin and Cindy Heaton Address of Property 113 West Broadway Team Members Present Dennis Sullivan, Mike Cyr, Ron Hoglund, Pam Campbell Team Members Absent: Susie Wojchouski, Skip Sorenson StafT Members: Ollie Koropchak, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch Findings: From the DAT minutes of Tuesday January 2,2001, "Heatons are requesting funding for a matching grant for the installation of awnings. In effect the application is requesting design approval jlfter_ the installation has been completed. Motion to not accept the application was made by Mike Cyr and seconded by Dennis Sullivan. Motion passed." . Approve Disapprove Not accept the application Comment: The Design Advisory Team worked with the Heatons for over a year to rehabilitate their building facade at 113 West Broadway. Bob Claybaugh, historic preservation architect, assessed the building in March 2000. At the August 2,2000 meeting the DAT approved three possible treatments for this facade based on his assessment. They were: repainting the brick with an appropriate color, stripping the existing paint to expose the original brick, or rebricking the entire front facade. Awnings were an option with any of the choices approved by DAT. The Heatons chose instead to stucco the exterior. This treatment of a turn of the century building does not comply with the design guidelines. In fact, the design guidelines encourage the removal of such inappropriate materials to retain the architectural character of a building. While the awnings alone would otherwise be eligible for matching funds, the Heatons did not get DAT approval prior to installation. . . . . Design Advisory Team Final Review of Project Date January 12, 2001 Project Preferred Title Building Name of Property Owner Kevin and Cindy Heaton Address of Property 113 West Broadway Team Memben Present Dennis Sullivan, Mike Cyr, Ron Hoglund, Pam Campbell Team Memben Absent: Susie Wojchouski, Skip Sorenson Staff Memben: Ollie Koropchak, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch Findings: From the DAT minutes of Tuesday January 2, 2001, "Heatons are requesting funding for a matching grant for the installation of awnings. In effect the application is requesting design approval j!ftc!" the installation has been completed. Motion to not accept the application was made by :Mike Cyr and seconded by Oennis Sullivan. Motion passed. " Approve Disapprove Not accept the application Comment: The Design Advisory Team worked with the Heatons for over a year to rehabilitate their building fucade at 113 West Broadway. Bob Claybaugh, historic preservation architect, assessed the building in March 2000. At the August 2, 2000 meeting the OAT approved three possible treatments for this facade based on his assessment. They were: repainting the brick with an appropriate color, stripping the existing paint to expose the original brick, or rebricking the entire front facade. Awnings were an option with any of the choices approved by OAT. The Heatons chose instead to stucco the exterior. This treatment of a turn of the century building does not comply with the design guidelines. In fact, the design guidelines encourage the removal of such inappropriate materials to retain the architectural character of a building. While the awnings alone would otherwise be eligible for matching funds, the Heatons did not get DA T approval prior to installation. F MONTICELLO / BUILDING PERMIT · n Street/Suite 1/Monticello. MN 55362 (612) 295-3060 )ite Address: Broadwa Legal: 6 Block Pr.rty Owner Name: Preferred Title. Address: 113 West Broadway PERMIT # 00-5501 PID # 155-010-052060 52 Plat Zone: Original Pla~ Acldition CCD rue. - Kevin Heaton City: Monticello =ontractor Name: S tate License # Address: City: :::ng./Architect Name: Address: City: )lumber Name: Address: City: Iechanical Name: Address: City: escription of work: Stucco front of buildiuK facing Broadway. Est. Value: $ 4,000.00 .J''' ...f Work: L New tA\ddition gII' Alteration o Repair o Move o Other pe of Con'itrurnon: o Single Family o Duplex o Multi-Family .g Commercial o Industrial o Res. Garage o Other Tree Ordinance Applies: 0 Yes x::J No Other Handouts Required: 0 Yes ~ No Additional Information: COIlSL type: VIi Occ. group: HID Division: Sq.FL: 1 . # Stories: . # Res. units: 0 Max. ace. load: NA Fue zone: NA FIre sprinlders: 0 yes D no Off-street parking covered: Off-street parking uncovered: _ ******************* ark performed without required inspections will result in removal or materials at Iler/contractor's expense until inspections are completed. NO EXCEPTIONS. Big. pennit 97.25 Plan review S~tesunax 2.00 BIg. Total Plbg. permit Fixtures State surtax Plbg. Total Mech. pennit Futures State surtax Mech. Total Sewer access Warer access Warer meter Meter sales tax Meter Total Sew & wafer pennit Trunk water Trunk san. sewer Stann sewer Lift station Park & Pathway Fire Lock Box TOT AL FEES Receipt # ;;;(, l~~ Date /i..$ 057 / L . -, ::::> _ /"\. /,..-. () ....,..{ , r i .~ L?f' 99.25 99.25. !fl A~ CITY OF MONTICELLO / B ILDING PERMIT 505 Walnut Street/Suite 1/Monticello MN 362 (612) 295-3060 PERMIT # 00-5561 pm # 155-010-052060 Zone: eCD Plat Or1einal Plat Addition . Site Address: 113 Vest Braadwa Legal: Lot ~perty Owner Name: ""'rln L. llearon Address: 21082 Franklin Road City: Clearwater Phone 4# 320-558-6795 State: MB Zip: 55320 Contractor Name: State License # Address: Phone # City: Eng./ Architect Name: Address: Plumber Name: Address: Ylechanical N~: .J Address: City: City: City: gescription of work: Install AwninJZ: on Store Frane. Est. Value: $ 4 ~ 000. 00 ~,v . New Addition c: Alteration o Repair o Move o Other Tree Ordinance Applies: 0 Yes DNo Other Handout') Required: 0 Yes 0 No Additional In(ormation= Canst. type: Oce. group: Division: Sq.Ft: # Stories: # Res. unit'): Max. oce.load: FIre lone: FU'e sprinklers: 0 yes 0 no Off-street parking covered: Off-street parking uncovered: _ r~~e or Cnn~tructinn~ o Single Family o Duplex o Multi-Family l:J Commercial o Industrial o Res. Garage o Other ******************* Work performed without required inspections wUl result in removal 01 materials at )wner/contractor's expellSe until inspections are completed. NO EXCEPl'IONS. : have read and examined tb~ permit and agree to comply with the building code in ofTect at the time 01 th~ application. I agree to comply with the ordinances of the ~ity of Monticello. - .\ I'.'. . ~ ); ~ L\Q..) -\e?.... ant SiFture '. -' '// 3uiiding Official ignature \~-a \ ~CY) Date \'~. o.._\-('() Date FEES: BIg. pennit 97.15 Plan review S tate surtax 2 . 00 BIg. Total Plbg. pennit Fixtures State surtax Plbg. Total Mech. permit Fixtures S tate surtax Mech. Total Sewer access Water access Water meter Meter sales tax Meter Total Sew & water permit Trunk water Trunk san. sewer Stann sewer Lift station Park & Pathway Fire Lock Box -9t TOTAL FEES 99.2. ' -:uW ( ~ Ii CITY OF MONTICELLO / B ILDING PERMIT 505 Walnut Street/Suite 1/Monticello MN 362 (612) 295-3060 PERMrr # 00-5561 pm # 155-010-052060 Zone: CCD Plat Orh:inal Plat: Addit:1.on Site Address: 113 Wesc Legal: Lot .operty Owner Name: Kevin L. Beacon Address: 21082 Franklin Road Phone # 320-558-6795 State: KN Zip: ~ City: Clearwater Contractor Name: Stare License # Address: Phone # City: Eng./ Architect Name: Address: Plumber Name: Address: \lIecbanical N~: .,/ Address: City: City: City: ~escription of work: fusca!.l AwninJl: on Store Front:. Est. Value: $ 4,000. 00 [vue of Work~ New 'Addition . Alteration o Repair o Move o Other Tree Ordinance Applies: 0 Yes DNa Other Handouts Required: 0 Yes B No Additional Inrnrmation~ COnsL type: OcC. group: Division: Sq. Ft.: # S rories: # Res. units: Max. occ. load: Fue zone: FIre sprinklers: 0 yes 0 no Off-street parking covered: Off-street par.king uncovere.d; _ .~"V~ nf rnn!fitrllctinn~ o Single Family o Duplex o Multi-Family EJ Commercial o Indusaial ORes. Garnge o Other ******************* .;y ork performed without required inspections will result in removal o{ materials at lwuer/coDtractor's expeDSe until inspections are completed_ NO EXCEPTIONS. : have read and examined tb~ permit and agree to comply with the building code in ~tTect at the time o{ this application. I agree to comply with the ordinances of the :ity o{ Mooticello. I.. ,\ '\ \ . ~ '" ."\,...,.\ ,,"-.\ . J ~p t Sianature '-...... n ,/'1/ 3uiiding Official ignarure l~ - a \-("() Date \~-a \-CY) Date FEFS= BIg. permit 97.15 Plan review Slate surtax 2.00 BIg. Total Plbg. pennit Furores State surtax PIbg. Total Mech.pemtit Furores Slate surtax Mech. Total Sewer access Water access Water meter Meter sales tax Meter Total Sew & water permit Trunk water Trunk san. sewer Stann sewer Lift station Park & Pathway Fire Lock Box 99.25 TOTAL FEES 99.25 'S' . . . MINUTES Special Meeting - Design Advisory Team Wednesday, August 2 - 1O:30am Monticello City Hall - Academy Room . 1vfEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Campbell, Ron Hoglund, Susie Wojchouski, Mike Cyr, Amanda Gaetz OTHERS PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak, Cindy Heaton, Jeff Heaton, Bruce Hamond 1. Call to Order Pam Campbell called the meeting to order at 10:30. 2. Add Items Not all DA T members were present so no agenda items could be added during the special meeting. 3. Review of proposed building improvements to Heaton property (113 W Broadway) The Heaton's expressed their appreciation of the Bob Claybaugh concept drawing completed for their building, but also expressed concern with the idea of removing the gray paint from the brick on the front fayade. It is very possible that major patching and poor tuckpointing has been completed on the brick underneath the paint and would look quite poorly if exposed. Pam stated that the best historical preservation work would be to remove the paint and expose the original brickwork. Mike stated that this building has great potential to be restored and that it may be possible to rebrick the front fa<;ade if the paint is removed and the original brick is found to be in poor condition. . Kevin Heaton stated that they will be having an awning made by Steve Houle in Clearwater. They will have signage on the awning and the windows. The east side of the building is in good shape and probably will not be touched. The boards will be removed over the transon windows and the windows underneath will be repaired and exposed. Doors will be repaired or new doors will be found. DA T members decided to approve the proposed improvements in a 3-tract format so as to allow the Heatons to attain assessments for removing the paint and for an entire rebricking of the front fa<;ade. Pam Campbell moved and Susie Wojchouski seconded the motion to approve the design improvements plans for the Heaton property at 113 W Broadway provided that they follow one of the following three plans: Plan A includes repair of existing brick and repainting of brick in a new color scheme; refurbishing of aluminum trim, uncovering & repair of transom windows, restoration of door, and awning addition. Plan B includes all items from plan A except that the front fayade brick will have its paint removed and all necessary tuckpointing . ~G . . . and repair will be completed. Plan C includes all items from plan A except that the front facrade brick will be removed and replaced with new or refurbished brick, with the understanding that DA T will make a recommendation to the EDA to increase the funding for this project. The Heaton's will move fOlWard with either plan A, B, or C at their own discretion. . Motion carried. 4. Review of proposed building improvements to Hamond property (214 W Broadway) Bruce Hamond handed out copies of his DMRF application. He stated that he is requesting grant monies for all four sides of the building and is also applying for the rehabilitation loan. The Hamond property improvements will be done in 2 phases. Phase 1 has already begun and is designed to get the building in decent condition for their tenant to open her business. Phase 2 will involve more major improvements and is the phase that will be using the DMRF program. Phase 2 may include removal of the front staircase provided that it will meet code requirements. They will be adding a side entryway to the small green space on the west side of the building whether or not the staircase is removed, but the staircase removal will dictate where the entryway is located. The front facrade will look similar to the concept drawing completed by Bob Claybaugh. Bruce stated that they will probably use siding rather than clapboard because of the lower cost and maintenance associated with siding. Mike eyr stated that masonry siding should be used instead of vinyl siding as it is not much more expensive than vinyl siding and it is much more aesthetically pleasing. . Susie Wojchouski moved and Mike Cyr seconded the motion to approve the design and materials presented for the Hamond property at 214 W Broadway with the reconunendation that masonry siding be used instead of vinyl siding. Motion carried. 5. Adjourn Pam Campbell moved and Amanda Gaetz seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Amanda Gaetz, DA T Secretary . 4 . . . and repair will be completed. Plan C includes all items from plan A except that the front fa~ade brick will be removed and replaced with new or refurbished brick, with the understanding that DA T will make a recommendation to the EDA to increase the funding for this project. The Heaton's will move forward with either plan A, B, or C at their own discretion. Motion carried. 4. Review of proposed building improvements to Hamond property (214 W Broadway) Bruce Hamond handed ont copies of his DMRF application. He stated that he is requesting grant monies for all four sides of the building and is also applying for the rehabilitation loan. The Hamond property improvements will be done in 2 phases. Phase I has already begun and is designed to get the hnilding in decent condition for their tenant to open her business. Phase 2 will involve more major improvements and is the phase that will be using the DMRF program. Phase 2 may include removal of the front staircase provided that it will meet code reqnirements. They win be adding a side entryway to the small green space on the west side of the bnilding whether or not the staircase is removed, bnt the staircase removal win dictate where the entryway is located. The front fa~ade will look similar to the concept drawing completed by Bob Claybaugh. Bruce stated that they will probably use siding rather than clapboard because of the lower cost and maintenance associated with siding. Mike Cyr stated that masonry siding should be used instead of vinyl siding as it is not much more expensive than vinyl siding and it is much more aesthetically pleasing. Susie Wojchouski moved and Mike Cyr seconded the motion to approve the design and materials presented for the Hamond property at 214 W Broadway with the recommendation that masonry siding be used instead of vinyl siding. Motion carried. 5. Adjourn Pam Campbell moved and Amanda Gaetz seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Amanda Gaetz, DA T Secretary . . . Design Advisory Team Review Date August 24, 2000 Team Members Present Ron Hoglund, Susie Wojchouski, Mike Cyr, Amanda Gaetz, Pam Campbell . Team Members Absent Gail Cole Ex-Officio Members Present Ollie Koropchak, Applicant Present Kevin and Cindy Heaton Property Owner Kevin and Cindy Heaton Building Address 113 West Broadway Sketch of Proposed Facade Improvements: See attached Improvements in conformance with the Design Guidelines: All improvements listed in the report by Bob Claybaugh are in conformance with the Design Guidelines. Improvements in Don-conformance with the Design Guidelines: . None at this time Design Advisory Team Recommendation: To approve the application. Comments: The DAT approved three alternatives for this project regarding the brick facade. First, and least complicated is to simply repaint. Second, chemically remove the existing paint on the brick, repair damaged brick and retuckpoint the mortar joints where necessary. Third, if the historic brick is so damaged as to be unrepairable, the front of the building will be refaced with new brick. Obviously this is the most costly of the alternatives. Until an assessment of the condition of the brick is done, the owners have not reached a decision. At this time they are considering the options. Any of the three will meet the revitalization guidelines. My initial recommendation would be option two. Find out what condition the brick is in by chemically removing the existing paint and repairing the brick and mortar joints. Although there is a chance the building will have to be repainted if the bricks are not in good enough shape, there seems to be an equal chance they could be exposed to recapture the original facade of the building. However, the DAT will work with the Heatons on whichever option they choose. This building is one of the few with a reasonable chance of easily exposing the historic brick facade. The owners seem conunitted to completing a quality project that will restore the integrity and character of this building. It is a fine example of early twentieth century small town architecture. . lo~ . . . EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 7. Consideration to rcview GMEF No. 014 f'elative to latc payments for action to eall lo~rn. A. Rcferenee and background: This agenda item was tabled fhllll the January 30 meeting because ofthe lack of quorunl. The members did discuss the potential to amend the GMFF Guidelines to include a penalty fee which \vould apply to future approved loans. Koropchak was requested to inquire with the local lenders as to the amount and type of penalty tees. TI-II~ FOLLOWINC BACKGROUND APPEARED IN THI::: JANLlAR Y AGENDA As you recall. GM[~F Loan No. 014 with T. J. Martin (Lake Tool, Inc.) has been a topic of discussion at previous EDA meetings. The loan paynlents consistently appear to be late. I.etlers dating November 2000 and August 2. ] 999 and numerous telephone calls relative to late payments have been made. lhe company eventually pays but not on a timely basis. I:::DA loans have no penalty fl.)r late paynlCnts. You will notice on the attached record, the Octoher I and Novemher I, ::WOO payments were paid on Novemher '"21. 2001. The December 1. 200! payment was paid on January 19, 200!leaving the January L 200! payment unpaid \vith the February 1. 200! payment due vvithin days. Plcase note the most recent paymcnt schedulc. Although T. .J. Martin madc a payment on Febmary 28, they still rcmain delinquent for the payments due February 1 and March I. The February, !99S, 7-year loan anlOunt was $87.500. 6.5% interest rate. Interest payments cOllllllenced the first day of the second month fi)lIowing the Loan Closing date and principal payments cOl11menced on the first day of the twenty-fifth l110nth immediately following the Loan Closing date. Monthly principal and interest payments are $1.716.12 with last payment due Aprill. 2004. Remaining principal balance is $76.!52.03. The GML~F C,uidelines read: LATE PA YMFNl POLICY: Failure to pay principal and interest when due mav result in the loan beinL'. immediatel)! called. Events of default '"' L under the Loan Agreement: (a) fililure to pay \vhen due any principal or interest on the I . ()(1l1. This appears on the agenda for two reasons: Notice to FDA l11ember and consideration of action. Below arc some alternative li)r the FDA to consider. . EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 B. Alternative Action. I. A motion directing staff to dran a letter stating late payment clue 'vvithin days. ifpayment not received the EDA authorizes stalTto contact legal consultant to begin proceedings to call fl.)r loan. ! A 1l1Otion directing stalTto contact our legal consultant to research the potential of an arnendlnent to the Loan Agreement adding an interest rate pcnalty 01'____ ___ % or a flat monthly late fee 01'_ ___ Il.)r C1MEF No. 014 as an alternative to calling the loan. 3. A motion to continue notifying the bOITO'vver of late payments due. 4. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation. . Recommendation is alternative no. 1 and 2. Again another I Y: months have passed and the account is not current. An interest rate or tlat monthly fee with substance may act as an incentive lor the borrower to pay on time. This gives the borro'vver the choice to agree 10 a late ICe or call of the loan. Il00vever. the penalty involves more bookkeeping but doable. D. Supporting Data: Copy of previous letters and loan payment record. . ! ,-_. .._Q4/(11/00 '0 1226 . - 86273.64 2 05 01 00 467.32 1248.80 85024.84 3 06 01 00 475.90~ 1240.22 83784.62 4 07/01 00 453.83~' 1262.29 82522.33 5 08 01 00 461.90./ 1254.22 81268.11 6 09 01 00. 454.88 V 1261.2 80006.87 7 -1.Q.LOl 00 433.37 v 1282.751/ 78724.12 8 11 01 00 440.64 ,,/' 1275.48 774:48.64)8' 9 12 01 00 419. 51,./'" 1296. 6lv' .-76152. 03 - ". . _ ' / YEAR 2000 4097.11 11347.97 76152.03 To- _n "ol/oi/Ol' u_ 426: 24/ t289 .8"8---''-''i4862~T5:~ ---ii --..- 02/b:L10i' . 419.02' 1297.10 73565.05 12 03/ailaT' 371.91 "-'-1344. if 7~~~Q~I1I ----'.'--' 13 - 04/01/01- 40'4:24 1311.88 70908.96 '._"___ 11 .. ,9s!gIZQ\':' ,.' 384:Q~"--"Ij~'2-':,"'63 '-"--,~~E~,$I~,~?~_ 15 06/01/01 389.44 1326.68 68250.25 .---.--'-~--.~~_.,-.--...-.---T6'-'-...lJ7/0l/0J. '369.69"'1346 :43' .. 6690:r: 8X'- ..---------""-'.--17 . 'u8101/01 '--'J74048-. 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