City Council Minutes 05-10-1999MINUTES .REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 10, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A royal of minutes of the re ular meetin held A ril 26 1999. Councilmember Brian Stumpf requested that Council review the motion far item #8 regarding authorization to prepare plans and specifications for CSAH 75 improvements and asked whether it was also intended to remove the proposed sidewalk an the north side from the project as discussed. Mayor Belsaas noted that he had meant to include removal of the sidewalk in his motion. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY GLINT HERBST TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF THE SIDEWALK IN THE MOTION FOR ITEM #8 AND APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 26, 1999, AS AMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Discussion of recent MOAA Board action. At the MOAA Board meeting held on Wednesday, May 5, 1999, the Board adopted a land use map which incorporated Exhibit C, established apublic/quasi- public designation on the YMCA land, and designated the Gold Nugget property as industrial. The Board also included adoption of existing county agricultural land use policies as a component of the land use plan. In addition, they placed a moratorium an annexations within the area covered by Exhibit C pending a public hearing on July 7 regarding land use changes to the Exhibit C area. Councilmember Bruce Thielen requested an explanation from the City representatives to the MOAA Board as to why the vote on the land use map was contrary to the City Council's recently-adopted resolution. Councilmember Clint Herbst responded that the joint agreement with the Township was amended to extend the deadline for adoption of a land use plan to July 7; however, as of July 1, the Minnesota Municipal Board will na longer accept annexation requests due to the Board's sunset date of December 31, 1999, which he felt would leave the City without an agreement. Fage 1 Council Minutes - 5/10/99 Councilmember Thielen stated that without a joint City/Township agreement, the City would have the option of annexation by state statute, which he felt would be the best option for the City since the current method of annexation does not seem to be working. He also pointed out that Councilmember Herbst should represent the majority of the City Council at the MOAA Board meetings. Council discussed the Gold Nugget Development area, which was designated for industrial use by the MOAA Board rather than residential as was requested by the City Council,lDC, HRA, and Planning Commission. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN TO DIRECT CITY STAFF TO RESEARCH POSSIBLE CHANGES TO THE CITY ORDINANCE TO ALLOW REMOVAL OF COUNCILMEMBER CLINT HERBST FROM THE MOAA BOARD DUE TO ACTIONS NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY, WITH THE INTENTION THAT IF THE LAND USE ISSUE FOR THE GOLD NUGGET PROPERTY IS NOT RESOLVED, THE CITY WILL USE ITS OPTION OF ANNEXATION AS ALLOWED BY STATE STATUTES. STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PLACE THIS ITEM ON THE AGENDA FOR THE MAY 24 COUNCIL MEETING. City Attorney Paul Weingarden explained that there are some provisions for removal of same appointees for various causes; laowever, because the ordinance does not specifically provide for removal of a Council member from the MOAA Board, there is no method that can be used. He noted that the biggest concern with drafting an ordinance of this kind is enforceability due to freedom of expression. Mr. Weingarden also stated that the land use map adopted by the MOAA Board does not constitute a land use plan as defined by state statutes. I-le suggested that Council advise the MOAA Board that they are dissatisfied with the action taken, identify their concerns regarding the Gold Nugget parcel and that it should remain residential, and that MOAA actions so far do not constitute a land use plan; therefore, the MOAA Board has not fulfilled the agreement. COUNCILMEMBER ROGER CARLSON AMENDED THE MOTION TO STATE THAT THE CHANGES TO THE ORDINANCE BE MADE TO APPLY TO ALL APPOINTMENTS RATHER THAN SPECIFIC TO REMOVAL OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO THE MOAA BOARD. COUNCILMEMBER BRUCE THIELEN ACCEP'T'ED THE AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf. Motion failed. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO D[RECT STAFF TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE MOAA BOARD EXPRESSING THE COUNCIL'S DISSATISFACTION WITH THE CURRENT PROCESS, THAT THE GOLD NUGGET PROPERTY SHOULD BE Page 2 Council Minutes ~ 5/10/99 DESIGNATED AS RESIDENTIAL RATHER THAN INDUSTRIAL, AND THAT ADOPTION OP' A LAND USE MAP DUES NO'f CONSTITUTE A LAND USE PLAN. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Roger Belsaas, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. B. Update on Danner Trucking. Chief Building Official Fred Patch reported that the following steps must occur in order for Mr. Danner to obtain a building permit: The City must execute a valid purchase agreement far Parcel No. 15 in the Highway 25 improvement project, based on an accurate legal description. 2. The City must determine the total of "recent costs for acquisition" of the land from Parcel No. 15 in the Highway 25 improvement project. 3. The City must determine a sale price of that portion of Parcel No. 15 to be sold to Mr. Danner. 4. The City and Mr. Danner must execute a purchase agreement for land to be sold to Mr. Danner. Mr. Danner must submit all required submittals for building permit. Mr. Patch noted that an error in the legal description caused a delay in negotiations, and the City Attorney has reported that until the settlement of the litigation and obtaining of the legal description axe done, a purchase agreement cannot be prepared. In addition, he noted that he has been advised by the City Attorney not to issue a building permit until Mr. Danner has acquired rights to the property. 4. Citizens comments/ etitions re uests and com Taints. A. Ms. Diane Herbst, Chair of the Library Board, reported that $10,000 was included in the 1999 budget for studying structural damage to the library building, permanent and temporary repairs, and the need for expansion. It was proposed that an outside consultant review the extent of the damage. The Library Board is scheduled to meet again on May 24, 1999. It was the consensus of Council to direct staff to hire a consultant to study the damage to the building and report back to the Library Board at its May 24 meeting. Page 3 Council Minutes - 5/10/99 B. Mr. Tom Giroux stated that he had paid his utility bill late, but the check was returned with a note stating that an additional $50 had been added to the bill. He explained that he was trying to work things out with his creditors but felt the additional fee charged by the City was too high. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller explained that the $50 charge is an administrative fee for the additional cost of mailing notices, publishing the public hearing notice, etc. The City Council explained that to remove the administrative charge after the assessment roll has been adopted would set a precedent, and they did not feel they could reduce the amount of the bill. C. Mr. Todd Banek noted that he is in the process of meeting with surrounding townships and the school district regarding youth sporting activities. He noted that he would also like to discuss the City's long-range planning for these types of activities. Council suggested that he first discuss the issue with the Parks Commission. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving on-sale liQUor license transfer--Joyner Lanes. Recommendation: Approve the transfer of the liquor license to Duane Lindenfelser, dba River City Lanes, contingent upon proof of adequate liquor liability insurance coverage. B. Consideration of resolution supporting the 10`".anniversary of Rivers of Hope or and ization. Recommendation: Adopt the proclamation supporting the Rivers of Hope's efforts and proclaiming May 1 S, 1999, as Rivers of Hope Day in honor of their 10`" anniversary. C. Consideration of Chan e~Orde_r^No. 20 City Project #93-14C, Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Ex ansion. Recommendation: Approve Change Order Na. 20 in the amount of $6,211. D. Consideration of a re uest for conditional use ermit fora fanned unit development within the B-3 zoning district and a preliminary plat to allow outdoor vehicle sales and associated automotive service uses. Applicant:_ Monticello Ford. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permits far a PUD and outdoor sales based on a finding that the site plan meets the intent of the zoning district, and all performance standards of the ordinance are complied with; and approve the preliminary plat based on a finding that the proposal is consistent with dimensional requirements of the B-3 zoning district. Approval is subject to the review comments of the City Engineer and other City staff. Page 4 Council Minutes _ 5/14/99 E. Consideration of a conditional use ermit Fora Tanned unit develo meat in an R-2 district. A licant: Little Mountain Limited Partnershi .This item was tabled until the May 24, 1999, Council meeting. F. Consideration for approval of conditional use taermits far faint parking and building height in excess of two (~ stories. Applicant: Comfort Inn Motel. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow far joint parking between the two facilities and approve the conditional use permit to allow far a three-story building subject to the following cpnditions: The Planning Commission finds that the criteria for each separate conditional use permit application is satisfactorily met. 2. The applicant submits a landscaping plan that indicates the type and height of trees to be used on the site, subject to the review and approval by the City. 3. The proposed cul-de-sacing of Oakwood Drive is subject to the review and approval by the City Engineer. 4. Occupancy of the building is contingent upan compliance with all building and fire codes, including a fire suppression program. Approval is based on the finding that it is consistent with the direction of the comprehensive plan and complies with the criteria approving a conditional use permit found in the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. G. Consideration of a zoning text amendment to allow externally_lluminated ro'ectin wall si 7ns. A licant: Cit of Monticello. This item was removed from the consent agenda for discussion. H. Consideration of an amendment to the zonin 7 ordinance which allows essential services as permitted uses in the R-1 zoning district.. Applicant: Cit~f Monticello. This item was removed from the consent agenda For discussion. Consideration of sale of remnant parcel to Dave Peterson Ford. Recommendation: Approve the sale of the remnant parcel at a cost of $3 per square foot plus the prorated share of the legal/administrative overhead to be determined. Dave Peterson Ford's share to include the administrative cast to transfer the property from the City to Dave Feterson Ford. Page S Council Minutes - S/ 10/99 1 Consideration of ado tin resolution orderin ublic hearin on trunk storm sewer im rovements relatin 7 to CSAH 75 and Trunk Hi hwa 25. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution ordering a public hearing to be conducted on May 24, 1999, on the storm sewer improvements related to the CSAH 75 and Trunk Highway 2S projects to include parcels not included in the original project notice. SEE RESOLUTION 99-23. K. Consideration of ado tion of the River View S uare develo meat a reement. Recommendation: Adopt the development and disbursement agreements. L. Consideration of a ointin Kathleen Baltos to the osition of Communit Center Director. Recommendation: Appoint Ms. Kathleen Baltos to the position of Community Centex Director. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AFFROVE ITEMS SA, SB, SC, SD, 5F, 5I, SJ, SK, AND SL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. Il 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. G. Consideration of a zonin text amendment to allow externall illuminated projecting wall sins. Applicant: City of Monticello. Chief Building Official Fred Patch reported that the proposed ordinance amendment is the result of an application recently reviewed by the Design Advisory Team for a projecting wall sign for Metcalf, Larson & Muth, located in the Central Community District. The proposed sign was found to be consistent with the goals of the Monticello Downtown and Riverfrant Revitalization Plan; however, the downtown guidelines are inconsistent with the general regulations of the zoning ordinance relating to signs. The proposed amendment would allow externally illuminated projecting wall signs only in the Central Community District. The Design Advisory Team felt that allowing the projecting signs in the downtown area would bring back a historical, reminiscent feel to the community. Concerns were noted by the City Council that the downtown may look cluttered with the installation of projecting wall signs. It was suggested that if staff could provide photos of other downtown areas utilizing these types of signs, it may help give a better visualization of the appearance of the downtown area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO TABLE ACTION ON THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED PROJECTING WALL. SIGNS PENDING ADDITIONAL RESEARCH, AND STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PROVIDE PHOTOS FOR COUNCIL REVIEW AT THE NEXT MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 Council Minutes - 5/10/99 H. Consideration of an amendment to the zonin ordinance which allows essential services as ermitted uses in the R-1 zonin district. A licant: Cit of Monticello. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that in conjunction with a discussion regarding booster stations as essential services, it was discovered that essential services is not currently listed as a permitted use in the R-1 zoning district. City staff proposed an ordinance amendment to correct this oversight. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING ESSENTIAL SERVICES AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE R-1 ZONING DISTRICT BASED ON THE FINDING THAT IT REFLECTS THE INTENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. Motion carried unanimously. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 325. 7. Consideration of ado tin 7 a resolution acce tin bids and awardin ra'ect for Trunk Hi hwa 25 cantin ent u on final MNDOT a royal and trunk storm sewer im~rov~rnents. Mr. Ron Bray of WSB & Associates reported that the Trunk Highway 25 improvement is located from 1-94 to just south of Kjellbergs Mobile Hame Park and includes the addition of a travel lane in both directions, installation of a raised concrete median to provide left- turn channelization to the new intersection of Chelsea Road, the modification of the Oakwood Drive intersection to accommodate interchange improvements which are anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2000, the relocation of the park-and-ride lot to an area located south of School Boulevard, the extension of School Boulevard west, and construction of a frontage road south toward Kjellbergs Mobile Home Park. The project also includes numerous trunk and lateral sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer improvements. Bids for the Trunk Highway 25 project were received on Apri129, 1999. The low bid was presented by Buffalo Bituminous at $5,44$,000. The City's portion of the project was estimated at $1.37 million based on the low bid. The total City project cost, including indirect and right-of--way costs for TH 25 and future extensions of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street, was estimated at $2.7 million. MNDOT's share of the project cast based on the low bid is approximately $4.08 million. City Engineer Bret Weiss noted that much of the City cost for the project would be recovered in the long term through trunk storm sewer fees collected as property is developed, assessments, right-of- way purchase by MNDOT, and MNDOT storm sewer payment. Ron Bray also noted that the cost participation agreement is in the process of being prepared, and he recommended that award of the project be made contingent on final approval of the MNDOT cooperative agreement and City approval of trunk storm sewer system improvements. Page 7 Council Minutes - 5/10/99 Public Works Director John Simola noted his concern regarding maintenance of the signal system at the entrance and exit ramps at Oakwood Drive and maintenance of the 300 catch basins. Mr. Bray responded that MNDOT has stated they will assist in maintenance of the catch basins. However, MNDOT's policy regarding signals states that if a city street is involved, the City is responsible for maintenance. Negotiations will continue on the issue of signal maintenance. The Public Works Director also noted that the trunk storm sewer policy affects only undeveloped property. Any developed property would be assessed for trunk storm sewer, and he wanted to make sure all property owners were notified of the pending assessment. City Attorney Paul Weingarden suggested that award of the project be contingent on completion of the public hearing process. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC., IN THF, AMOUNT OF $5,448,000 CONTINGENT UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF THE MNDOT' COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT, CITY APPROVAL OF THE TRUNK STORM SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ALONG TH 25, AND COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS FOR TRUNK STORM SEWER ASSESSMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 99-24. 8. Consideration of ro ased Li date to the trails and athwa lan and consideration of authorization to stud ark dedication fee to include trail fee. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that, due to the various projects occurring throughout the city, the Parks Commission recently reviewed the existing park and trail plan for possible modifications to meet the emerging need for separation of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. In addition to updating the pathway system, the Parks Commission also suggested that the City Council consider modifying the current park dedication fee to include a pathway development surcharge. Pathway modifications in the following areas were recommended by the Parks Commission: Fallon Avenue Svuth of School Boulevard In conjunction with the Klein Farms 5`" project, it is proposed that a pathway be extended along Fallon Avenue from its current location at School Boulevard to the entrance of the Klein Farms 5`" development. Since the MOAA plan. identities a large area to the south for future residential development, it is recommended that an off-road pathway be extended down Fallon Avenue to coincide with future development of this area. Page S Council Minutes - S/10/99 ~. ~_ County Road l$ The County Road 18 project includes a provision for a pathway to be constructed at some point in the future. The current plans for the project do not include construction of the pathway; however, they do include grading necessary to install the pathway at some point in the future. Due to the County's involvement in upgrading County Road 18 and the support received from residents, it is suggested that the pathway plan be adjusted to show a pathway extending along County Road 18. The pathway would not be constructed with the County Road I8 project but would be constructed at such tune that funds axe available. In addition, the pathway easement would need to be purchased. Mississippi River Walk Connection ~ Bondhus/Hospital District Bypass The initial pathway plan included the creation of a river walk connecting Mississippi Drive through the wastewater treatment plant property to the hospital campus; however, the link cannot be made at this time because the City does not have complete site control. Mr. John Bondhus owns a segment separating the City easement at Mississippi Shores from the wastewater treatment plant property but at this time is not interested in providing the City with a pathway easement. As an alternative, the Public Works Director and Park Superintendent have proposed a temporary bypass by extending the pathway From Mississippi Drive along the boundary of the Bondhus and wastewater treatment plant properties to Hart Boulevard. The path would then be extended along CSAH 7S to Washington Street rather than through the Bandhus and 1-lospital property along the river. Pathwny Funding Program Development The Deputy City Administrator reported that the Parks Commission proposed that the City Council consider establishing a pathway funding program which would be used to collect funds from new development for extension of pathways to growing areas. The funding mechanism calls for establishing an average cost per lot for extension of pathways to a developing area. The fund would allow the City to pool resources from the development area and avoid the problems associated with assessing only the adjoining property owner for the project cost. This charge would be applied to construction of pathways serving general areas; pathways needed to connect individual residential areas to the main pathways designated on the plan would continue to be funded directly by the developer. It was also noted that the pathway policy would need to be compared to the current sidewalk grid system policy for possible conflicts. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE PATHWAY PLAN AS PROPOSED BY THE PARKS COMMISSION. Motion carried unanimously. Page 9 Council Minutes - 5/10/99 Councilmember Clint ~-lerbst suggested that staff discuss with Mr. Bondhus the idea of swapping a pathway easement for CSAH 75 assessments in order to complete the river walk connection. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO DIRECT STAFF TO COMPLETE A STUDY DETERMINING TEIE PROPER AMOUNT FOR THE PATHWAY DEDICATION FEE AND DEVELOP POLICCES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FEE PROGRAM FOR FUTURE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL AND POSSIBLE PUBLIC COMMENT PROCESS. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of urchasin a ~-ft wide stri of land for access to arkin lots from Broadway. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that Mr. Bill Grassl, owner of Domino's Pizza, has offered the City of Monticello an opportunity to purchase a 6-ft by 155_ ft strip of the downtown parcel described as the west 17 tt of .Lot 10 and east 26 ft of Lot 11, Block 35. This strip of land would allow the City to carry out the goals and objectives of the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan by creating a public access or walkway between Broadway businesses and the rear public/private parking lot. In addition, she noted that Mr. Grassl is also interested in asking the HRA to swap his lot for the one located next to the MCP office. Council members noted that they wauld be interested in creating a public walkway from Broadway to the parking lot; however, they felt that the land swap should f rst be discussed with the HRA. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM PENDING FURTHER STUDY BY THE PIRA REGARDING THE PROPOSED LAND SWAP. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of urchase of the ro ert owned b Jim Eisele located ad'acent to community center site. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that Mr. Jim Eisele has offered to sell his garage and land to the City and accept relocation expenses for a total amount of $156,000. The sale wauld be contingent on Mr. Eisele obtaining approvals for development of a similar facility on a portion of property recently purchased by Jeff Michaelis for his bulk oil facility. It was noted that the City did not need to acquire this site from Mr. Eisele for the community center to develop and operate; however, acquisition of the building and the associated site control would benefit the City by providing storage space for vehicles and equipment. In addition, Mr. O'Neill noted that in the past the National Guard has expressed interest in leasing space from the City for maintenance of Guard vehicles. Page 10 Council Minutes - S/10/99 Council discussed whether it would be best For the Guard to purchase the property directly from Mr. Eisele and what price would be charged by the City to lease the space. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM PENDING ADDITIONAL RESEARCH BY CITY STAFF. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of bills for the first half of May 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF MAY 1999 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Taken e / oty Deputy ity erk Approved by Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator !1 u Page 11