City Council Agenda Packet 11-26-2007AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday November 26, 2007 — 7 p.m. Note: Special Meeting at 5:30 on Cedar Street right of way agreement Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of November 13, 2007 Regular Council meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of November 13, 2007 Special Council meeting — 2008 Budget 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Liquor Store and Parks.(Admin) B. Consideration to approve the first reading of the Ordinance Relating to the Division of Economic Development, Redevelopment and Housing Powers between the Economic Development Authority and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority; Repealing City Code, Title Il, Chapter 3. (011ie Koropchak) C. Deletion/creation of special revenue funds. (TK) 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of authorizing purchase and installation of headlight screening fence for Lots 15-26, Block 4, Groveland 4th Addition. (BW) 8. Review of Walt's Pawn Shop compliance with ordinance and consideration of request for pawn shop license application by Michael Helm (Legal) 9. Consideration of approving assessments covered under development agreements/assessment agreements. (TK). 10. Consideration of approving plans and specifications for biosolid storage tank mixers and authorization to advertise for bids. (7s) 11. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications for the vehicle storage building for the WWTP City Project No. 2007-19C and authorization to advertise for bids. (is) Agenda Monticello City Council November 26, 2007 Page 2 12. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 4 for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the current termini to CSAH 18, City Project No. 2005-05C and the Reconstruction of a segment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange Project, City Project No. 2004-1C. (BW) 13. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvements for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the current termini to CSAH 18, City Project No. 2005-05C and the Reconstruction of a segment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 184-94 Interchange Project, City Project No. 2004-1 C. (BW) 14. Consideration of authorizing issuance of bonds. (TK) A. 2007 General Obligation Bonds B. EDA — Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds 15. Consideration to prepare a change order for Grading and Drainage Improvements at the Monticello Middle School Pond and Appurtenant Work, City of Monticello Project No. 2006- 15C (BW &WSB) 16. Consideration of establishing interview dates for the EDA Commission candidates.(OK) 17. Consideration of Reviewing Policy for Applying Surcharge to Fund Costs Associated with providing boosted water pressure — Monti Hill area. 18. Consideration of approving payment of bills for November, 2007. 19. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 11/13/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday November 13, 2007 — 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: Susie Wojchouski Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of October 22. 2007 Regular Council meetin¢. Tom Perrault noted that the motion adopting the assessment for the 2007 Core Street Project was adopted unanimously. Wayne Mayer asked for clarification of the motion on agenda item #12 relating to the membership on the new EDA Commission. He questioned whether the non-residents had to own a business and property in the City or whether it was operate a business and own property in the City. Brian Stumpf and Tom Perrault stated their understanding was that it was to operate a business and own property in the City. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 22, 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.. No items were added. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REMOVE ITEMS #10, LAND EXCHANGE AGREEMENT REGARDING CEDAR STREET RIGHT OF WAY AND #13 KJELLBERG LITIGATION FROM THE AGENDA. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. None. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC and Streets. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving transfer of liquor license for River City Lanes. Recommendation: Approve the transfer of the on -sale liquor license for River City Lane from 101 Chelsea Road to 3875 School Boulevard. Council Minutes: 11/13/07 C. Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat for the proposed River City Station, a commercial plat in a B-3 (Highway Business) district and a request for rezoning from B-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business). Recommendation: 1) Approve the rezoning from B-3 to B-4 for the proposed plat of River City Station, based on a finding that the requested zoning designation is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and will not have an adverse affect on surrounding properties; 2) Approve the preliminary plat of River City Station, subject to a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-4, Regional Business District and the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the conditions outlined as follows: a) The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer as outlined in the September 25, 2007 memo from Bruce Westby; and b) The 60 -foot wide area south of the cul-de-sac shall be dedicated to the City as right-of-way prior to final plat approval. D. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit to allow open and outdoor storage in the B-3 District. Applicant: Olson Property Management. Recommendation: Approve the request for a conditional use permit for open and outdoor storage for the property at 19 Sandberg Road based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the conditions of approval and the performance requirements for the B-3 District subject to the following conditions: 1) The applicant shall stripe the parking lot to delineate a minimum of 21 stalls; 2) All materials stored outside on the site, other than licensed vehicles and trailers shall be stored within the fenced storage area at all times; and 3) The conditional use permit is subject to annual inspection of the site to ensure compliance with the conditional use permit. E. Consideration of adopting resolution reimbursing City from bond proceeds for land purchase, WWTP mixers and vehicle storage building. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-90 declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the projects outlined. F. Consideration of approving final payment and acceptance of work for Jefferson Commons 1.0 MG Water Tower, Project No. 2004-30C. Recommendation: Approve final payment to C B & I Constructors in the amount of $64,677.20 and accept the work on the Jefferson Commons 1.0 MG Water Tower, City Project No. 2004-30C contingent upon receipt of lien waivers and withholding certificates. G. Consideration of approving final payment and acceptance of work for repainting of 800,000 gallon water tank on Monte Club Hill, Project No. 2007-05C. Recommendation: Approve final payment to Odland Protective Coatings in the amount of $221,001 for painting of the 800,000 gallon water tank on Monte Club Hill, City Project No. 2007-05C and accept the work contingent upon receipt of lien waivers and withholding certificates. H. Consideration of approving final payment and acceptance of work on Fourth Street Park Parking Lot, City Project No. 2007-14C. Recommendation: Approve final payment to Hardrives, Inc. in the amount of $13,588.72 and accept the work on the 4th Street Park Parking Lot, City Project No. 2007-14C contingent upon receipt of lien waivers and certificates of withholding as required by Minnesota Statutes. I. Consideration of approving foreman position in the Street Department, approve job description and authorize advertising internally. Recommendation: Approve the job description for foreman position, authorize the position to be rated for pay and authorize 2 Council Minutes: 11/13/07 advertisement from within the City of Monticello's existing employees. Consideration of approving a contract with Michels for installation of fiber optic cable and conduit. Recommendation: Authorize a contract with Michels Communications for the installation of the fiber optic cable conduit including connection to the co -locate equipment at City Hall in the amount of $33,175.91 with the option to add additional hand holes or vaults at $1,500 a piece. K. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of work for Groveland Park Parking Lot, City Project No. 2006-27C. Recommendation: Approve final payment to Rum River Contracting in the amount of $2,983.38 and accept the work on the Groveland Park Parking Lot Improvements, City Project No. 2006-27C. L. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 4 for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the current termini to CSAH 18, City Project No. 2005-05C and the Reconstruction of a segment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 184-94 Interchange Project, City Project No. 2004-1C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $10,093.17 for R.L. Larson Excavating Inc. for Meadow Oak Avenue Extension, City Project No. 2004-1 C. M. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvements for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the current termini to CSAH 18, City Project No. 2005-05C and the Reconstruction of a segment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange Project, City Project No. 2004-1C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment to R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $127,129.58 for City Project No. 2004-1C contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. N. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 3 for the Chelsea Road Extension (901h Street to CSAH 39) and Dalton Avenue (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South), City Project No. 2005-11C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 3 to R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $19,876.70 for the Chelsea Road Improvement, City Project No. 2005-11C. O. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvements for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and Dalton Avenue (Chelsea Road to 1,330 Feet South), City Project No. 2005-11C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $158,522.79 to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. for Chelsea Road Improvement Project No. 2005-11C contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. P. Consideration of approval of increase in the amount in the change fund for MCC operation of public skate time. Recommendation: Approve the $25 increase in the change fund for MCC for the operation of the public skate time at the ice arena. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA CONSISTING OF ITEMS #5A, #513, #5C, #51), #5E, #5F, #5G, #5I, #50 AND #5P. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 Council Minutes: 11/13/07 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. #5H Fourth Street Park Parking Lot. Tom Perrault asked why the project was over the estimated amount. Park Superintendent, Tom Pawelk indicated that when the milling was done the contractor found that there were areas where there was only 1" of blacktop. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE FINAL PAYMENT TO HARDRIVES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,588.72 PENDING THE RECEIPT OF LIEN WAIVERS AND CERTIFICATES OF WITHHOLDING AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5JApproval of contract with Michels for installation of fiber optic cable and conduit: Wayne Mayer noted the contract with Michels is to install the fiber optic cable and conduits. Tom Perrault pointed out that on the Michels contract there were some dates that have already past. Jeff O'Neill said he would check on those. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH MICHELS COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE FIBER OPTIC CABLE AND CONDUIT INCLUDING CONNECTION TO THE CO -LOCATE EQUIPMENT AT CITY HALL IN THE AMOUNT OF $33,175.91 WITH THE OPTION TO ADD ADDITIONAL HAND HOLES OR VAULTS AT $1,500 A PIECE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5K.• Groveland Park Parking Lot Improvement Project No. 2006-27C. Tom Perrault asked why this project went over budget. Tom Pawelk stated that there was sidewalk added to the project and some other miscellaneous items which contributed to the cost. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPOVE THE FINAL PAYMENT TO RUM RIVER CONTRACTING FOR PROJECT NO. 2006-27C IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,983.38 FOR PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS, SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS, STORM SEWER AND RELATED CURB RESTORATION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5L: Change Order #4 on Meadow Oak Avenue Extension, City Projects No. 2005-05C and No. 2004-0IC. Brian Stumpf questioned the $7,500 for additional traffic control and signage. He asked if this was work that could have been done in-house. Clint Herbst asked if this change order was a result of something the City had overlooked. Brian Stumpf said if it was not 100% the City's fault then these items should be negotiated with the contractor. Bruce Westby said these items were added to the contract at the direction of the Council. Brian Stumpf said he didn't recall the City authorizing $7,500 in traffic controls. Bruce Westby said the coordination of multiple projects is difficult and it is not easy to anticipate required signage needs. Clint Herbst felt there should be a cost breakdown of items. It was asked who authorized this work since it had not come back to the Council. Was it authorized by the City Engineer or the consulting engineer? Clint Herbst said it was not so much a question of whether or not the work should be done but the cost of the work. The consensus of the Council was that the cost for the actual work done was excessive and it was something that should have been negotiated down. Clint Herbst felt the City needs to get a better handle on the change orders. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DIRECT CITY STAFF AND WSB TO CONTACT R.L. 0 Council Minutes: 11/13/07 LARSON TO NEGOTIATE SOMETHING LESS FOR THE WORK DONE UNDER THIS CHANGE ORDER. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. #5M Final Payment for Meadow Oak Avenue Extension, City Projects No. 2005-05C and No. 2004-01C. Since Change Order #4 was not approved at this time and the work covered by this change order was included in the final payment, it was felt this item should also be tabled. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON APPROVING THE FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR CITY PROJECT NO. 2005-05C AND NO. 2004-01 C. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing and consideration of adoutin2 assessment for delinauent miscellaneous accounts receivable (MARS). The City is proposing to assess accounts receivable invoices which have been delinquent for more than 60 days and certify them to the County for collection with the 2008 taxes. Clint Herbst asked if the MARS accounts included a processing fee similar to what is done with the utility billing. Cathy Shuman from the Finance Department stated there would be a $50 charge for processing added to the bill, Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CHARGES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Review of headlieht screening outions for River Citv Center. Bruce Westby reviewed the various options to provide for the screening of headlight glare from the new bowling alley parking lot area into the abutting lots of the Groveland development. In reviewing the various options, staff felt that construction of a privacy fence would provide the most effective screening. It was noted that the fencing would be in place for 10-15 years at which time the buffer trees would be of sufficient size to provide screening. Staff obtained a quote from Authority Fence and Deck for 704 feet of 6 -foot tall white vinyl privacy fencing at a cost of $27,950. Staff did look at other fencing types but it was felt vinyl privacy fencing offered the best value with the least maintenance requirements. The Council discussed who would pay for the cost of installing the fencing. It was proposed that the City pick up 1/3 of the cost; River City Lanes would pick up 1/3 of the cost and the affected residents in the Groveland development would pick up the remaining 1/3. River City Lanes indicated that they would prefer any contribution they make towards the privacy fence would not be required until they have been in operation at their new site for awhile and can see how the cash flows are. They indicated that the City had not brought up anything about the screening to them earlier and if this screening was required the City should have made River City Lanes aware of it then. They did state they would not contribute in excess of $9,300 for the screening as they felt the screening provided more benefit to the residents than it did to them. River City Lanes also requested that the fence not be constructed on their property for liability and maintenance reasons. Council Minutes: 11/13/07 It was pointed out that when the properties to the east developed, the City would be looking at the same type of problem and for that reason staff would like to consider an amendment to the buffer yard provisions of the zoning ordinance to address screening for headlight glare. Clint Herbst felt the City should be picking up the cost of the fencing since the City did not require the developer of the residential development to provide screening and they did not require sufficient screening on the commercial site. Clint Herbst asked why the City didn't extend the fence to the Fogarty property. Bruce Westby said it was because there was a good stand of trees in that area that provided adequate screening. Sean Fogarty, 3608 Redford Lane, who was present at the meeting, indicated the trees were dense enough for screening purposes and added that he was acceptable with what was being proposed for screening of the headlight glare. Brian Stumpf asked about the 1/3 to be picked up the residents. He asked how many lots are affected by the headlights coming from the commercial use and if the lots would split the cost equally. There was lengthy discussion on which lots were affected by the headlight glare and would need the privacy fence. There was also discussion on whether the residential property owners should pick up any of the cost. Clint Herbst asked if it would make sense to have the fence poles located on the property line so if a property owner wanted to remove the fence they could do so. Bruce Westby said it could be done but it may add to the cost. Clint Herbst felt staff should be proceeding with getting the fencing project started. Staff also needs to look at other properties in this area as far as buffer/screening between uses. Wayne Mayer felt staff should look at Lot 26 to make sure that the lot is adequately screened from the headlight glare. The Council again discussed cost. Brian Stumpf felt there should be some type of contribution by the homeowners. Clint Herbst felt there should be a defined time frame that the fence needs to remain in place after it has been installed. It was felt that five years would allow sufficient time for the trees to grow and provide screening. Brian Stumpf suggested polling the affected property owners to see if the fencing is something they are interested in. He felt $400/per lot would be a reasonable amount for the residents to contribute towards the fence. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO POLL THE TEN AFFECTED LOTS INCLUDING THE FOGARTY PROPERTY, FIND OUT MANY WOULD BE FOR THE FENCING AND COME BACK TO THE COUNCIL WITH THE RESULTS. Bruce Westby asked if there were be cost associated with this for the property owner. Council further discussed whether to include a cost and if so how much. WAYNE MAYER RESCINDED HIS MOTION. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO HAVE THE STAFF POLL THE 10-11 PROPERTY OWNERS TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE OWNERS WANTED THE FENCING WHICH COULD COST THEM UP TO $400/PROPERTY. Brian Stumpf proposed an amendment to his motion that would allow for the cost to be assessed against the property owners. Legal counsel indicated that the 429 Statute does not allow the assessment for this type of improvement. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION BECAUSE HE DIDN'T FEEL THE RESIDENTS SHOULD BE D Council Minutes: 11/13/07 PAYING ANY COST FOR THE FENCING. 9. Consideration of policy for designating restricted parking on streets. Tom Moores provided background information on the item. Clint Herbst stated he had a problem with why this item was being brought back before the Council. He felt the Council had determined where the "No Parking" signs were to be located on Hillcrest Road. He questioned why the staff didn't do as the Council directed them to do. Brian Stumpf said he was under the impression the signs were going to be placed on the river side of the street. He felt that ordinarily there would be no parking at all on the street because the street width was not the standard 32 feet. The Council felt rather than discussing a policy staff should have followed through on the Council directions. Tom Moores made a presentation on parking restrictions and how they had been applied on other streets. With the Core Street Reconstruction Program the City is restricting parking on streets that do not meet standard specifications for street width. Hillcrest Road is 26' in width which is less than design standards. Staff was recommending that "No Parking" signs be placed on the west side of streets running north/south and on street running east/west there would be no parking on the south side. Brian Stumpf said on a loop road the no parking should all be on one side. Tom Moores indicated by following the policy he had described, the "No Parking" would be on just one side of the street. Tom Moores said their intent was to be consistent in how the signs were placed. Brian Stumpf said it was the Council's direction that there was not to be any parking on the right side of Hillcrest Road. A resident on Hillcrest Road stated the one side of Hillcrest Road has the mailboxes and hydrants located there so the parking is already restricted and he felt that side (the river side) should have the "No Parking" signs. Clint Herbst felt the placement of "No Parking" signs should be looked at on an individual basis. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REITERATE THE ORIGINAL DIRECTION OF THE COUNCIL WHICH WAS THAT THE "NO PARKING" SIGNS WOULD BE ON THE OUTER RING OF THE ROAD. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of amendment to land exchange agreement regarding Cedar Street right—of-, way REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. 11. Review and approval of annual snowvlowing/removal poliev and discussion of pathways designated for snow removal. Tom Moores reviewed the snowplowing/removal policy pointing out changes in the policy from last year. Changes included 1) Adding Fenning Avenue from School Blvd to 85th Street to the primary snow emergency route and adding Gillard Avenue from CSAH 39 to 95th Street to the secondary snow emergency route; 2) A change in the public parking lots to correct a previous typographical error; 3) on city maintained sidewalks the area of East Broadway from Washington to Dayton Street was removed because Dayton Street was vacated. Wayne Mayer asked if there was any agreement with the people on the north side of Broadway that the City was going to 7 Council Minutes: 11/13/07 maintain the sidewalk. Tom Moores stated this section of sidewalk was added to the grid system in 2003. He went on to explain that the grid system was originally set up to cover sidewalks in the old part of town but it was not the intention that the City would be plowing all the sidewalks on the grid system. When Washington Street was added to the grid system the Council directed that winter maintenance be done on it. There was discussion on who should maintain this section of sidewalk. At that time the hospital was made aware that if the City had to maintain the sidewalk, the rock that was placed as part of the landscaping design would have to be removed. The issue is not the plowing but the removal of the rock. Clint Herbst suggested contacting the hospital to have them either remove the rock or have them sign an agreement stating the hospital will maintain the sidewalk. Tom Moores will talk to the hospital about this section of sidewalk. Tom Moores and Bruce Westby had met with the different schools about the sidewalks because of the changes in the school's bussing policy. Clint Herbst suggested contacting the schools about monitoring pedestrian traffic in the area. Tom Moores pointed out that there are certain sidewalks that they will be trying to have cleaned before 7 a.m. because they are being used by children to get to school. Tom Perrault asked why Chelsea Road was not listed on the primary snow emergency route. Tom Moores replied that School Boulevard was designated the primary route because it connects with major roads such as TH 25 and CSAH 18. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE SNOW PLOWING/REMOVAL POLICY AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of going into closed session to discuss vending Kiellberg litigation., REMOVED FROM AGENDA. 14. Consideration of avvroving vavment of bills for November, 2007,. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of authorizing offer on Hoglund vroverty. (Possible Closed Session) At 8:50 p.m. the Council went into closed session to discuss the possible purchase of the Gladys Hoglund property. 15. Adiourn. At approximately 9 p.m. the Council came out of the closed session and adjourned the meeting. Recording Secretary Special Council Meeting Minutes: 11/13/07 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, November 13, 2007 — 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order. The meeting came to order at 5 p.m. with a quorum of the Council present. 2. Review of proposed 2008 budeet. City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill opened the special meeting on the 2008 budget by reviewing projects that have been completed as well as those projects still in progress. He talked about staffing and organizational issues and how that impacted the budget process. The Finance Department then reviewed with the Council a list of items that had been removed from the budget as well as some items that had been added. Some of the items cut included: 1) Publication of minutes; 2) MEADA contribution; 3) Decrease in the amount for consulting fees for fiber optics; 4) Reduction in the amount for the temporary personnel for the building department and 5) Reduction in the maintenance fee for PermitWorks. Wayne Mayer asked about the $10,000 that was added to Planning and Zoning for "branding". Jeff O'Neill it was important to have the branding effort coincide with the development of the fiber optic system. The Council discussed a vehicle for the fire department duty officer. Fire Chief Steve Joerg stated he is not reimbursed for his mileage. The vehicle would allow the duty officer to go directly to the scene, evaluate the situation and alert the department if the situation was a false alarm or a situation not requiring a full department response. The duty officer should be the first on the scene to determine how the scene should be set up to best handle the emergency. Steve Joerg explained the responsibilities of the duty officer and how this position is utilized in emergencies. Steve Joerg indicated that the duty officer vehicle would need to be equipped with certain options like opti-scan. He thought a squad car would work well for the duty officer vehicle. The Fire Department was comfortable with removing this item from the 2008 budget so it could be studied further. The Council questioned the need for the temporary personnel for the Building Department. Gary Anderson, Building Official, stated code enforcement takes a considerable amount of staff time. Jeff O'Neill said there isn't any scientific way to measure the need for the temporary position. Duane Gates from Monticello Community Education asked that the City keep their contribution to Community Education in the 2008 budget. He explained that the Community Education had over 3300 registrants for their recreational programs. With the Special Council Meeting Minutes: 11/13/07 City's support Community Education can continue programs that they can't recoup fees on citing as examples, Wednesdays in the Park and the Prairie Fire Theater program for children. He also pointed out the school offers tennis facilities for the use of the public which is something the City does not provide. In addition the school and the City working together give a good image of the community. Brian Stumpf said he doesn't want to take away from the children but he felt there is probably duplication in the programs offered by the Monticello Community Center and Community Education. Since economic times are difficult now, he felt this should be looked at. He pointed out that the City makes a substantial contribution to the hockey arena with the City receiving 200 hours of ice time for their $75,000 contribution. He asked if the City was the only government entity contributing to the Community Education program. Duane Gates replied that Becker Township contributes $550 which is the only other government contribution besides the City of Monticello. The contribution for Community Education was left in for now but the contribution for the YMCA programs was removed. The amount budgeted for RiverRider was reviewed and the Council generally discussed the quality of the program and the service it provided to city residents. The contribution for the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund was pulled since it was felt their programs did not impact the City of Monticello. Funds in the HRA budget for marketing were discussed. The marketing for fiber optics was also discussed. Tom Perrault questioned how much more prep work was needed for fiber optics. He was informed the City must have a full marketing plan in place before the City can bond for fiber optics. The Council discussed the amounts budgeted for park improvements which included funds for the gazebo at East Bridge Park. The money for the gazebo was left in the budget but the Council felt that staff should be able to get a local contractor to do the work for less than the amount budgeted. They also questioned whether there weren't other parks that needed the gazebo more than East Bridge Park. Tom Perrault noted the expenditures for Walk & Roll exceeded budget. The Finance Department said some of this cost is picked up by sponsors. Tom Perrault stated the marketing of this event makes it appear that it is a Chamber of Commerce event not a city event. The Council discussed at length the need for a vehicle for DMV. At the present time DMV staff uses their personal vehicles to provide courier services to those dealers within the city and they are reimbursed mileage. It was also noted that there is no room to store another vehicle. It was felt that when the DMV was providing courier services to dealers outside the City, the Council would again look at the issue of a vehicle. The Council did determine to leave funding for a vehicle in the budget. Tom Kelly, Finance Director, reviewed additional items that were budgeted including an administrative assistant for Community Development and salary increases for the firefighters, fire chief and fire secretary. Tom Kelly noted that this budget would require the use of $935,000 in reserve funds. The Truth in Taxation Hearing for the City will be held on December 4, 207. 2 Special Council Meeting Minutes: 11/13/07 3. Adiourn. The workshop closed at approximately 6:50 p.m. Recording Secretary Council Agenda: 11/26/07 5A. Consideration of aoMrovinLy new hires and debartures for MCC, Liauor store and Parks. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Liquor Store and Parks It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Watts, Valarie Cashier, Stocker Liquor Teresi, Brian Cashier, Stocker Liquor TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department O'Brien, JJ Involuntary Schoenborn, Herb Seasonal Barthel, Jerry Seasonal employee council list.xls: 11/9/2007 MCC Parks Parks Hire Date Class 10/25/2007 PT 11/06/2007 PT Last Day Class 11/05/2007 PT 10/23/2007 Temp 10/26/2007 Temp City Council Agenda - 11/26/07 5B. Consideration to approve the first readine of the Ordinance relating to the Division of Economic Development. Redevelopment. and Housine Powers between the Economic Development Authoritv (EDA) and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA): Repealing City Code. Title II. Chapter 3. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: 1) Budget Impact: Legal fees associated with preparation of documents. 2) Staff Impact: Research and preparation time. 3) Priority List: Council priority and authorization. As part of the process to consolidate the HRA and EDA, the Council is requested to conduct the first of two readings of the proposed Ordinance. The second reading and the actual adoption of the Ordinance will take place at the Council meeting of December 10, 2007. The Ordinance relates to the division of economic development, redevelopment, and housing powers between the EDA and HRA, and repeals the initial City Code which established the EDA in 1989. The Ordinance allocates to the EDA all the powers listed under Section 2: a) economic development powers under the EDA Act, b) all the housing and redevelopment powers under the HRA Act, c) all city powers under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 and 469.134, d) all powers and duties of a redevelopment agency, e) authority to issue bonds in accordance to the EDA and HRA Act, e) authority to levy special benefit taxes under the HRA and EDA Act subject to approval of the Council, g) and h). Section 3. states no powers are allocated to the HRA. Section 4. states the City retains the powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 to 469.134 which may be exercised concurrently with the EDA and does not limit or affect any powers, duties or obligations specifically assigned to the City. Section 5. states the City can modify the Ordinance or the Enabling Resolution. Section 6. states the original City Code is repealed and Section 7. states the ordinance is effective 30 days after publication. City Council Agenda - 11/26/07 B. Alternative Action: A motion to approve the first reading of the Ordinance relating to the Division of Economic Development, Redevelopment and Housing powers between the Economic Development Authority and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority; repealing City Code, Title II, Chapter 3. 2. A motion to deny approval of the first reading of the Ordinance relating to the Division of Economic Development, Redevelopment and Housing powers between the EDA and HRA; repealing City Code, Title II, Chapter 3. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. 1 as the Ordinance is consistent with the goals of the City Council and is standard Statutory language. Again, the second reading and adoption of the Ordinance will occur at the December 10 Council meeting. D. Supporting Data: Copy of the proposed Ordinance. OA ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DIVISION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING POWERS BETWEEN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; REPEALING CITY CODE, TITLE II, CHAPTER 3 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Recitals. It is hereby determined that: (a) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and predecessor statutes ("HRA Act"), the City previously established the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("HRA") for the purpose of carrying out housing and redevelopment activities in the City; and (b) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081 ("EDA Act"), the City Council established the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA") by Ordinance No. 172, approved April 10, 1989 (the `Enabling Ordinance"), codified as Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code; and (c) on October 22, 2007, the City approved an amended and restated Enabling Resolution intended to supersede Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code; and (d) the City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.094, subdivision 1 to divide the economic development, redevelopment, and housing powers between EDA and the HRA; and (e) the City has determined a need to allocate all development, redevelopment and housing powers to the EDA, and to clarify that the EDA is governed by the terms of the Enabling Resolution. Section 2. Powers Allocated to EDA. Except as limited by this ordinance or the Enabling Resolution, as either may be amended from time to time, the City allocates to the EDA all of the following powers: (a) all powers of an economic development authority under the EDA Act. (b) all powers of a housing and redevelopment authority under the HRA Act. (c) all powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 to 469.134. (d) all powers and duties of a redevelopment agency under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165 for a purpose in the HRA Act or the EDA Act, and all powers and duties in the HRA Act and the EDA Act for a purpose in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165. 315923v1 MNI MN190-130 (e) the authority to issue bonds in accordance with the EDA Act and the HRA Act. (f) the authority to levy special benefit taxes in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6 of the HRA Act in order to pay or finance public redevelopment costs (as defined in the HRA Act), subject to approval by the City Council in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6. �� r� , UJ - (g) all powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.474 to 469.179, subject to all approvals required by the City under those provisions. (h) any other powers related to development, redevelopment or housing authorized under Minnesota Statutes, to the extent such allocation to the EDA is consistent with such statutes. Section 3. No Powers Allocated to HRA. The City allocates no powers to the HRA, it being the intent of this ordinance that all development, redevelopment and housing powers under law be allocated to the EDA. Section 4. Powers Retained by City. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the City retains the powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134, which powers the City may exercise concurrently with the EDA. Nothing in this ordinance is intended to limit or affect powers, rights, duties or obligations that are specifically assigned to the City under the Enabling Resolution, the EDA Act, the HRA Act, or any other law. Section 5. Amendment. Nothing in this ordinance is intended to limit or prevent the City from (a) modifying this ordinance to revise the respective powers of the HRA and the EDA, or (b) modifying the Enabling Resolution to impose new or different limitations on EDA as authorized by the EDA Act. Section 6. Repealer. Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code is repealed. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance is in effect from and after thirty (30) days after its publication in accordance with the City Code. 315923v1 MM MN190-130 First Reading.. Seeond Read g.. Otrcred BY Seconded BY Roll Call: Date of passage. CItYAdml�strator 3Is923y1 W, W `W 190 130 Aj,a2r Council Agenda: 11/26/07 5C. Elimination/Creation of Special Revenue Funds,. A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The City currently accounts for 15 Special Revenue Funds. According to generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP) special revenue funds may be used "to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes." This definition is intended to apply to legal restrictions imposed by outside parties, but it is commonly interpreted to apply, as well, to restrictions imposed on specific resources by the City. Based on this definition, the finance staff recommends the following changes; • Eliminate Street Reconstruction Fund (Fund 212). • Eliminate Parks — Administration and Maintenance (Fund 225). • Create a Special Revenue Fund for the DMV activities. The reasoning behind these changes is as follows; Street Reconstruction Fund — This fund's revenue source is a property tax levy of about $500,000 each year. The revenue is then transferred to the Capital Improvement Funds to pay the City's share of street reconstruction costs. By eliminating this fund the tax levy would go directly into the Capital Improvement Fund where it will be used, thus eliminating the need for the transfer. If all the funds are not used in a year, the balance can, and will, be maintained and tracked in the Capital Improvement Fund. By doing this, it eliminates extra work for finance and audit staff by eliminating the transfer of funds. Parks — Administration and Maintenance — Most cities record this activity as a General Fund department. The City's past audit firm, reported this activity as a General Fund activity and not as a separate fund. The City's new audit firm, MMKR, met with staff on November 2nd and staff discussed moving this into the General Fund. They support the move, stating all the cities they currently audit have Parks — Administration and Maintenance as a department within the General Fund. This fund should not be confused with the Park and Pathway Dedication Fund, which will still exist as a Special Revenue Fund. The Parks — Administration and Maintenance records expenditures related to maintenance of the parks and its main revenue source is property taxes. The expenditures can easily be maintained within the General Fund as a separate department. The only issue is the fund balance of the fund. Currently, if expenditures of the fund are less than revenues, the funds are retained for future park maintenance expenditures. However if the fund balance were to be negative, then a larger tax levy would be required in the future to make up the difference. If it is the intent to use reserves in this manner, it should be retained as a Special Revenue Fund. If it is not the intent to maintain a fund balance for park maintenance, then by closing it into the General Fund the difference between revenue and expenditures would roll into the General Fund's fund balance along with all other operating funds of the City to be used as City Council feels best serves the City. However funds could be reserved for future park maintenance items as needed in the future. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 The Parks — Administration and Maintenance Fund has a cash balance of $494,888 as of October 31St. If this fund is closed into the General Fund, staff recommends closing the fund at year-end with any cash balance transferred to the Parks and Pathway Dedication Fund to be used for future park and pathway construction or to help purchase the YMCA property. Finally, staff would like to create a new Special Revenue Fund for the DMV. While the DMV is not design to be self-supporting, revenue and expenditures of the DMV should L, offset and any operating profits and losses would be maintained by the DiviV, with losses covered by future tax levies. The benefit is the ability of staff to keep Council informed as to the cost of providing this service. The City's new audit firm supported this move, stating they typically see these activities as a Special Revenue Fund or an Enterprise Fund. If approved, this change would take place at year-end also. Staff has reviewed revenues and expenditures associated with this activity for the past five years to determine a beginning fund balance (reserves) and recommends transferring the balance from the last three years. Currently, $240,217.33 would be transferred from the General Fund to the new DMV Special Revenue Fund. A.1 Budget Impact: The cash balance (currently at $494,888) of the Parks — Administration and Maintenance Fund would need to be move into another fund. It is staff's recommendation to move it into the Parks and Pathway Dedication Fund for future park and/or pathway projects. Future balances would be part of the undesignated fund balance of the General Fund unless designated for a specific purpose by Council. The creation of a Special Revenue Fund for the DMV activity would have possible future balances designated for DMV activities unless transferred to another fund or project by City Council. In addition staff recommends transferring $240,217.33 of undesignated fund balance as a beginning fund balance for the DMV Fund. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: Having less funds would reduce staff time and possible audit time but it would be very minimal. B. ALTERNATIVES: The first alternative is to approve the elimination of the Street Reconstruction Fund (Fund 212) and the Parks — Administration and Maintenance (Fund 225) and the creation of the DMV Fund. In addition approve the transfer of the Parks — Administration and Maintenance Fund's fund balance to the Parks and Pathway Dedication Fund and transfer from the General Fund the balance of DMV revenues for the last three years as a beginning fund balance for the DMV Fund. 2. The second alternative is to approve the elimination of the Street Reconstruction Fund (Fund 212) and the Parks — Administration and Maintenance (Fund 225) and the creation of the DMV Fund, but do not approve the transfer of funds as presented in alternative 1. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 3. The third alternative would be to approve some of the Fund changes and/or transfers but not all as presented in alternatives 1 and 2. 4. The fourth alternative would be to leave existing funds structure as is. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a Staff recommendation that the City Council approve the elimination of the Street Reconstruction Fund (Fund 212) and the Parks —Administration and Maintenance (Fund 225) and the creation of the DMV Fund. In addition approve the transfer the Parks — Administration and Maintenance Fund's fund balance to the Parks and Pathway Dedication Fund and transfer from the General Fund the balance of DMV revenues for the last three years as a beginning fund balance for the DMV Fund. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Governmental Financial Reporting Model (The Blue Book) definition of special revenue funds and the DMV statement revenues and expenditures /-�� -Z4 a ,�L y The Governmental Financial Reporting Model 19 t !ue funds Often certain revenues are raised for a specific purpose. For example, a gov- ernment may levy a tax on gasoline with the express purpose of using the proceeds to finance road maintenance and repair. Similarly, legal restric- tions on grant proceeds often require that they be spent only for specified purposes. GAAP provide that special revenue funds may be used "to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than ... for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for speci- fied purposes."" This definition is intended to apply to legal restrictions imposed by outside parties, although it commonly is interpreted to apply as well to restrictions imposed on specific resources by the governing body. The use of a special revenue fund is almost alrvays permitted (if the criteria are met) rather than required. That is, governments do not have to use a spe- cial revenue fund for any or all of the situations that meet the definition just cited- Indeed, several of the nation's largest local governments use no spe- cial revenue funds at all, even though they have numerous grants and ear- marked revenues that meet the definition of a special revenue fund. As noted, however, GAAP do require the use of a special revenue fund to ac- count for the general fund of a legally separate entity (component unit) that is blended with the government." Special revenue funds are very common even though their use is essen- tially voluntary. The popularity of special revenue funds seems to reflect as much a desire to avoid including restricted revenues within the general fund as to provide separate information on the sources and applications of restricted resources. In addition, GAAP require that states use either a special revenue fund or the general fund to account for their administration of the federal food stamp program." Sometimes there is a requirement through enabling legislation that a portion of restricted resources be "permanently invested." GAAP expressly indicate that a government may use a special revenue fund in such situa- tions. In that case, fiend balance would need to distinguish amounts that are available for spending from those that are not." The use of a risk -financing special revenue fund is not appropriate, even when such activities are supported, in whole or in part, by dedicated reve- nues. If a single fund is to be used for risk financing activities (or for all risk financing activities of a given type), that fund should be either the general fund or an internal service fund.1' funds Often governments set aside resources to meet current and future debt ser- vice requirements on general long-term debt. GAAP permit the use of debt service funds "to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest!'" The use of a debt service fund normally is permitted rather than re- quired. There are, however, two specific instances when GAAP require the use of a debt service fund rather than the general fund or some other type of "NCGA Statement 1, paragraph 3 "CASU Statement No 14, paragraph 54. "GASB Statement No 24, AcmuOling i7flrl Finmicini 1417orhiq for Ccrlrtin Grnrris and Q11rer Financinf Assis- lrmce, paragraph G — .r r-.,,6.-owali"n Cnrde (2004), 7 248 As noted elsewhere, a permanent fund may City of Monticello, Minnesota Department Motor Vehicles Statement of Revenues and Expenditures From Inception to December 31, 2007 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE BEGINNING OF PERIOD END OF PERIOD 48,040.32 80,612.73 111,564.28 73,090.53 87,525.41 48,040.32 80,612.73 111,564.28 73,090.53 87,525.41 400,833.27 0.00 400,833.27 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 INCEPTION YEAR TO YEAR TO YEAR TO YEAR TO YEAR TO TO DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE BALANCE REVENUES: Property Taxes 0.00 Licensing Fees 195,535.30 285,811.46 296,320.06 260,650.06 262,378.06 1,300,694.94 Interest income 0.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 Operating Transfer Fund 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 195,535.30 285,811.46 296,320.06 260,650.06 262,378.06 1,300,694.94 EXPENDITURES: Full-time Salaries 82,951.79 116,685.28 101,557.77 109,317.71 93,006.09 503,518.64 Full-time Salaries Overtime 4,860.95 582.66 741.88 1,931.00 3,498.95 11,615.44 Part-time Salaries 3,816.98 32,414.26 28,201.66 28,833.28 23,502.71 116,768.89 Severance Pay 1,684.87 1,684.87 PERA Contributions 5,726.85 8,981.23 7,645.11 7,725.25 6,551.39 36,629.83 FICA Contributions 5,591.38 8,880.29 8,149.14 8,153.37 7,128.90 37,903.08 Medicare Contributions 1,307.68 2,077.00 1,906.06 1,906.86 1,667.33 8,864.93 Insurances 14,214.44 23,094.76 20,771.31 16,755.06 13,799.73 88,635.30 Flex Benefits 197.12 338.87 407.32 330.11 286.98 1,560.40 Copy Supplies 174.64 276.44 451.08 Printed Forms 220.79 179.56 161.66 105.02 67.10 734.13 Miscellaneous Supplies 399.68 544.91 1,145.18 588.52 2,343.92 5,022.21 Cleaning Supplies 22.35 28.72 72.06 123.13 Misc. Operating Supplies 838.52 469.86 1,113.77 877.53 1,067.90 4,367.58 Misc. Repair Supplies 40.28 179.88 88.76 85.00 309.38 703.30 Computer Equipment 1,503.78 2,244.93 1,548.69 5,297.40 Data Processing 587.69 470.97 255.00 1,313.66 Website/E-mail 866.63 1,188.00 1,181.40 1,188.00 1,188.00 5,612.03 Misc. Professional Services 320.79 382.50 645.00 212.50 722.50 2,283.29 Maintenance Agreements 376.15 397.66 288.05 238.97 1,327.84 2,628.67 Telephone 2,739.11 3,269.82 3,154.14 3,342.58 3,399.84 15,905.49 Postage 1,311.25 1,202.00 1,212.60 1,166.00 1,084.25 5,976.10 Travel Expense 685.94 183.69 474.56 234.94 155.16 1,734.29 Conference & Schools 149.00 100.00 249.00 Public Information 999.88 276.28 75.20 43.20 1,394.56 Electric 1,791.22 1,637.84 1,507.86 1,233.76 1,093.39 7,264.07 Gas 508.35 434.10 446.67 570.19 481.94 2,441.25 Repair & Maint. Building 708.31 299.15 991.75 448.83 1,834.38 4,282.42 Equipment Rental 101.40 101.40 Dues & Memberships 553.00 414.00 557.00 72.00 871.56 2,467.56 Books 60.65 62.84 59.00 59.00 241.49 Miscellaneous 12,380.50 254.33 28.00 32.00 236.80 12,931.63 Buildings 9,154.55 9,154.55 Furniture 0.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 147,494.98 205,198.73 184,755.78 187,559.53 174,852.65 899,861.67 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE BEGINNING OF PERIOD END OF PERIOD 48,040.32 80,612.73 111,564.28 73,090.53 87,525.41 48,040.32 80,612.73 111,564.28 73,090.53 87,525.41 400,833.27 0.00 400,833.27 Council Agenda: 11126107 7. Consideration of authorizing purchase and installation of headlight screening fence for Lots 15-26, Block 4. Groveland 4tib Addition. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the November 13, 2007 City Council meeting Council directed staff to poll the property owners of Lots 15-26, Block 4, Groveland 4th Addition to see which residents would like headlight screening fence installed on their property, with the cost of the fence to be paid for by the City with the exception of up to $400 to be paid by each property owner for their section of fence. Council made this motion based on the understanding that the owners of River City Center would not allow the fence to be installed on their property. Following the Council meeting, staff contacted the owners of River City Center to inform them of Council's decision. At that time staff was informed that the screening fence could now be installed on River City Center's property if we still wanted to. Staff thinks it would be best to install the fence on River City Center's property rather than on residential lots for several reasons. First, the cost of the fence would be less if installed on River City Center's property since 2 corner posts would no longer be required at each residential property line. Second, River City Center is willing to contribute up to $9,300 towards the cost of the fence if installed on their property since there is a direct benefit to them. This is more than twice what the contribution from the residents would be based on previous direction from Council, up to $4,000 based on 10 properties contributing $400 each. And East but not least, this will ensure that there will be no gaps in the fence due to property owners not wanting the fence for whatever reason, .both now and into the future. Staff therefore met with the owners of River City Center last Monday and verified that they will not require any special stipulations of the City to install the fence on their property, and that they are willing to contribute to the cost of the fence once they know more about their cash flow situation. River City Center did request that they be allowed to remove the fence after a sufficient period of time to allow the buffer trees to grow together to provide effective screening, to which staff responded that this was the intent of providing the fencing in the first place, to allow the buffer trees a chance to grow. If the Council wishes to specify what this length of time should be it could be added to the motion. Otherwise, the motion could state that River City Center will need to obtain approval from the City prior to removing the fence. The City received quotes from 3 fence suppliers. The lowest quote was provided by Authority Fence and Decks of Clearwater in the amount of $27,950 (see supporting data). The City has used Authority on several projects in the past and has found their work to be of very good quality. In summary, 704 linear feet of 6 -foot tall white vinyl privacy fencing is proposed to be installed on River City Center's property, roughly half a -foot behind their property line, to screen the properties in Groveland 4`h Addition abutting River City Center's parking lot (see supporting data). If approved, the fence will be installed this year and River City Center will maintain and remove the fence. Council Agenda: 11126107 Council should note that the proposed fence is white: If another color fence is desired to better blend into the surrounding features the cost will increase by about $2,500. Since the fence will be installed between 2 rows of trees it will initially be screened from view to some extent, and as the trees grow the Ievel of screening will increase. Authority does have the white fence in stock and is therefore able to install it this year. If another color fence is desired Authority will need to be contacted as to its Ovajl4,ility, which could delay the installation of the fence until spring. A photo of the proposed white fence is included in the supporting data. As previously discussed, Council should also note that as the property to the east develops the issue of headlight screening will likely once again need to be addressed. Per Council's previgk5 djre�,tion staff is reviewing oig } pFvx vard ordinance and will amend it as needed to provide immediate headlight screening in similar situations of conflicting uses on future developments. B. 4LTUB-Y,ATM-- AMPM: 1. Motion to authorize the purchase and installation of 704 linear -feet of 6 -foot tall white, vinyl privacy fencing from Authority Fence and Decks, Inc. on River City Center's property at a cost of $27,950. 2. Motion to deny purchase and installation of privacy fencing at this time. 3. Motion of other. C. 5TAF"F PZCO OPATJO, ;Y: Staff recommends selecting Alternative Action No. 1. D. $VPrQAj j` G DATA; Figure A - Fence Installation Limits Quote from Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. of Clearwater, MN Photo of proposed white, vinyl fence iJT: 7-A lrr IN �T.1Wa of ;Lzis r if ll-) -JIN I :D Ti I i T Im IT T11 7117M Hill M M I I f _ _� r_j F-7 II 1 F!J 9 I t Q�- fONJ171 - O s"mmer Name Address r40VI/ c4slw t-At4 c35a, City State ZP Phone # Date Dealer Name (:�,rZ-s t�-`fit l Dealer Phone # /Heritaffe V:ny�� �iad.art? GZD - 4(98 Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. 1295 County Rd 75 'earwater, AN 55320 Name / Address City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite u t Monticello. MN 55362 copy Estimate Date Estimate 0 10122/2(X)7 6003 Thanks for the opportunity to quote your proiectl! Total s27,950.00 Thank you for the opportunity to bid your project This cstirnatc is void 30 drys after origination date. We reserve the right to withdraw this bid within 10 days. Phone # Fax # 320-558-4488 320-558-4441 P.O. No. Terms Rep Project Due on receipt S1S Dowling alley fence Item Description Qty Rate Total QUOTE FOR 704 LINEAR FEET OF FEN WHITE FRANKLEN W1.27a WALL POSTS f K72.95 -W Franklin 721195W section white xS 0.00 (LOOT �c10RFt WR SS LOB heavy wall profile white 89 0.00 O.00T ,sNEPC-W 5' new england cap white 99 0.00 0.00' Subtotal 0.00 Discount 2007 MUNICIPAL DISCOUNT •20.00% 0.00 Concrete concrete to postslgates 267 0.00 O.00T Install Instailatioa/Cabor 704 0.00 0.00 Bid Authority Fence & Decks will provide Above project 27,950.00 27,950.00 including materials, sales tart, and labor for $27,950.00 complete! Any changes from above stated project requiring extra animals will be bltled ar current retail price upon oompictian of project. e-mailed 10-22-07 sjs &IN sales Tax 6.50"/v 0.00 Thanks for the opportunity to quote your proiectl! Total s27,950.00 Thank you for the opportunity to bid your project This cstirnatc is void 30 drys after origination date. We reserve the right to withdraw this bid within 10 days. Phone # Fax # 320-558-4488 320-558-4441 r 'y i I *�^�J Ham. t;1�IR °� �'- ' •` � . _ - + , Council Agenda: 11/26/07 8. Consideration of approving application for pawn shop license at 1219 TH 25 -Applicant: Michael Helm (JJ/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council previously tabled the application of Mr Michael Helm, operating as HELMCO, Inc. for approval to operate a pawn shop at 1219 TH 25 until such time as the site is brought into compliance with the terms of the previous approvals and the City Code. City staff has inspected the property and confirmed that the identified items of noncompliance communicated to the owner by the City's June 2007 letter have been addressed. Should the Council approve the pawn shop application, the applicant, Michael Helm is requesting approval of off-site storage facilities. Section 3-15-19 of the ordinance deals with off-site storage facilities and requires the following: 1) A written request by the licensee for approval of off-site storage; 2) All provisions of the ordinance as far as record keeping and reporting apply to off-site storage facilities; 3) Property shall be stored in compliance with all provisions of city code; and 4) The licensee must either own the building in which the business is conducted and any approved off-site storage facility or have a lease on the premise that extends for more than six months. Mr. Helm was contacted about this provision of the ordinance and indicated he would provide the requested information. However, because of the shortened week due to the holidays, he did not think he would be able to get the information to staff before the agenda went out on Tuesday but he would have it available for the Council on Monday night. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: First Decision — Approval of license application 1. The Council could approve the application. 2. The Council could determine that the property remains in non-compliance and table the application until such time as the site is brought into compliance with those items identified by the Council as remaining non-compliant. 3. The Council could determine that the property remains in non-compliance and deny the application on that basis. Second Decision — Approval of off-site storage facilities. Assuming the application for Michael Helm is approved and the required information is supplied, the council could approve the off-site storage facilities as requested. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 2. Council could deny or table approval of off-site storage facilities if the information set forth in Section 3-15-19 of the ordinance is not provided. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has inspected the property and is of the opinion that currently there are no substantial issues of non-compliance justifying a denial. Should the Council determine otherwise and select either Alternative #2 or #3 the particular items of non-compliance should be specified as part of the motion. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Previous Council Agenda Item • Ordinance Section 3-15-19 17. Consideration of avvrovinu application for pawn shop license at 1219 TH 25 — Applicant: Michael Helm. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: For the past several years Walt's Pawn Shop, owned by Randel Thompson, has operated out of the building located at 1219 TH 25. Mr. Thompson is in the process of selling his business to the applicant Michael William Helm operating as HELMCO, Inc. The applicant has cleared the criminal history check and warrant check conducted by the Wright County Sheriff s Department. Mr. Helm is requesting approval of his application to operate a pawnshop at 1219 TH 25. During Mr. Thompson's period of ownership the.property at 1219 TH 25 was issued a conditional use permit for open and outdoor storage and outdoor sales and display in a B-3 District. Compliance with the conditions of the conditional use permit has been an issue. In June of 2007 the Building Department did an inspection of the site at 1219 TH 25 as fax compliance issues. Subsequently in a letter to the property owner two items were noted that were not in compliance. One item of non-compliance was the display of boats and snowmobiles parked on the grass at the south end of the property. It was noted that for the area to be used for storage it needed to be paved. The property owner was also informed that the outdoor display/storage must not encroach into the public right-of-way. The other item of non-compliance related to fencing. The fence did not meet the height noted in the original proposal and did not contain the slats needed for screening. The non-compliance issues were made known to the applicant and Mr. Helms did briefly discuss these issues with D. J. Hennessey of the Building Department. Mr. Helms indicated that it is his intent to bring the site into compliance but he is reluctant, because of the cost, to do so until he knows he has a license to operate the business. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could deny the application for a pawn shop license for Michael Helm at 1219 TH 25 based on the fact that the site's non-compliance is a violation of City Code, Title 3, Chapter 15, Section 18 which states a license may be denied or suspended if, "the proposed use does not comply with any applicable zoning code." If the site is brought into compliance, it would eliminate the basis for denial of the license and the applicant could at that time resubmit his application. 2. Council could table action on the license application until such time as the site is brought into compliance. 3. The Council could approve the application contingent upon the site being brought into compliance within a given time frame. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has presented the options available for the Council to consider. The decision to approve or deny the license application rests with the Council. If the Council feels this business use should be allowed to continue with minimal disruption to the business, alternative #3 would be recornmended. If the Council's primary concern is the non-compliance with the terms of the conditional use permit, alternative #1 or #2 would be recommended as a license would not be issued until the compliance issue is resolved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Non -Compliance Letter of June 15, 2007 Application for license 3-15-19 BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. A license under this chapter authorizes the licensee to carry on its business only at the permanent place of business designated in the license. However, upon written request, the police inspector may approve an off-site locked and secured storage facility. The licensee shall permit inspection of the facility in accordance with (INSPECTION OF ITEMS). All provisions of this chapter regarding record keeping and reporting apply to the facility and its contents. Property shall be stored in compliance with all provisions of the city code. The licensee must either dwn the building in which the business is conducted, and any approved off-site storage facility, or have a lease on the business premise that extends for more than six (6) months. 3-15-20 SEPARABILITY. Should any section, subsection, clause or other provision of this chapter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid such decision shall not effect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part other than the part so declared invalid. (#356, 10/10/00) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III/Chapt 15/Pagel 1 Council Agenda: 11/26/07 9. Consideration of adoption of assessment resolutions for those assessments covered by assessment agreements or development aEreements. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: By authority of state statutes, the City Council has the power to assess the cost of improvements back to benefiting properties. It has been the practice of the City to adopt formal assessment resolutions only for those improvements constructed under the 429 state statutes. Assessments covered by special assessment agreements or development agreements had not been formally approved and certified by the City Council prior to 2007. It was assumed that since the property owner had signed an assessment agreement or development contract waiving his rights to a public hearing that was a binding document which required no additional action by the Council. The League of Minnesota Cities noted a ruling by the Minnesota Court of Appeals that stated an assessment agreement alone is not sufficient be a valid lien against the property. A valid lien requires a resolution adopting a special assessment. Listed below are assessments covered under development and/or assessment agreements that the City is proposing to certify to the county for collection with 2008 taxes. Pineview: The assessment covers trunk charges and park dedication fees. In addition there is an assessment for the CSAH 75 and Otter Creek Road against the underlying parcel (155-020- 004010) which will be split among the lots making up the Pineview plat. River Citv Lanes: The assessment covers trunk charges and a street assessment for School Boulevard. The property was previously assessed (in 2006) for traffic signal at TH 25 and School Boulevard and for street lighting improvements. Proposed Mills Fleet Farm Site: Under the interchange project, Monticello Industrial Park signed an assessment agreement covering certain charges for the CSAH 18/I-94 interchange improvement and Chelsea Road that included the property that will be the site of the future Mills Fleet Farm store. Although a final plat has not been approved for Mills Fleet Farm, there is a metes and bounds description covering the property that will become the Mills Addition plat. Since it is not known how long it will be before the final plat of Mills Fleet Farm is recorded, it is recommended that the charges for the interchange project be assessed at this time against the metes and bounds description of the Mills Fleet Farm property. The assessment for trunk charges and other development fees will be placed on the property when the final plat is recorded. In the process of preparing the assessment for the Mills Fleet Farm property, it was noticed there was a discrepancy between the acreages shown on the preliminary plat and the figures supplied by the developer. Staff is in the process of reconciling the difference and will try to have the information available at the meeting on Monday night. If the question has not been resolved by that time, the assessment would be delayed until the 2009 taxes. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt a resolution for each of the above projects formally approving the assessment. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 2. Do not adopt the assessments. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although the City has not been challenged on any of the assessments levied in the past that were covered by assessment or development agreements, adopting the resolutions would only support the City's position should any assessments made under the terms and provisions of an assessment or development agreement were ever challenged. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Finance Director that the City Council approve by resolution all assessments covered by assessment or development agreements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed assessments CITY OF MONTICELLO 2006 ASSESSMENT/PAYABLE 2008 PINEVIEW DEVELOPMENT TRUNK CHARGES Annual Installments: Method: Equal principal, declining interest Interest Rate: 5% Interest Due From: 5/22/06 First Installment Due: January 1, 2008 Purpose: Trunk fees, park & pathway fees, Total Project: $16,855.00 Otter Creek Road Assmt. Assessed as part of 2006-01 C Parcel 155-020-004010 Park dedication - 229 $11,500.00 Pathway - 229 $1,240.00 Sanitary sewer - 262 $826.20 Storm sewer - 263 $2,215.20 Waterman - 265 $1,050.60 Assmt Reimb. $23.00 $16,855.00 4 lots in one plat; 5th lot created from ROW will be in a separate plat Deferred assessment for right of way acquired to be paid when Outlot A is replatted 0 E 2 £ / j \ 0 in - 0 ) 6 0- / (D $ / 69 7 � \ \ 0 } CD � \ 2 x \ \ \ 2 ƒ \ \ 0 / / OL 0 7 2&G/ aaaa epee 0000 aaaIt, c000 0300 Soo/ awe - 0000 rrrr 0 0 0 0 auN)- =I== \\\ /. \/pQ -00 z nmw0 § A m in �.2q a�mE 6 z k9�m �r CD2m� @2 co # e _6969_ \ \\\k © M \ $$$\ $ � @ 7@$7 2` to //3E / 3\§k 2® m .: � eeee $\ eN)e� \ E3gq MCD = 6666 \ aaaa . 2 ± eeee e�N)� � ///\ to to / SEGS 69 ?/2? � \ q# 0000 / col 0000 t $ 77/7 q ddGd& R -00 z nmw0 § A m in �.2q a�mE 6 z k9�m �r CD2m� @2 co CITY OF MONTICELLO 2006 ASSESSMENT/PAYABLE 2008 RIVER CITY LANE TRUNK CHARGES Annual Installments: 10 Method: Equal principal, declining interest Interest Rate: 5.50% Interest Due From: August 30, 2006 First Installment Due: January 1, 2008 Purpose: Trunk charges; SAC/WAC Street Assessment Total Project: County Assessment Charge $11.50 School Blvd - 2005-02C $280,962.00 Sewer Access $139,195.00 Water Acess $3,831.00 Trunk Water Main $14,297.00 Trunk Sanitary Sewer $18,560.00 Trunk Storm Sewer $20,461.00 Misc -Not identified $50.00 Misc.- Not identified $100.00 $477,467.50 *Development agreement notes the street assessment in the amount of $280,962.00 but there is no description on how the amount was calculated. m0m0 m2m2 § _ § I ; E : E 0 0 \ \ 7 7 7 2 6 3 . P @ E E g q ee � / f f k 2 2 \ \ k ;a m§ ■G n �k� m� E'q .z§ a si>�r / mo CO (n Council Meeting - 11/26/2007 10. Consideration of avvrovin2 Plans and Specifications for Biosolids Storaze Tank Mixers and authorization to advertise for bids. Citv Proiect #2007-18C. (J -S-) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This project was originally included with the Biosolids Dryer Project. This project involves adding two mixers to the 65' diameter sludge storage tank/future digester. Currently our biosolids, after being processed in the first and second stage digesters and being thickened by the gravity belt thickener, goes into our 65' diameter concrete storage tank. The biosolids are stored in this tank for approximately 6 months until the timing is right for application to the farm fields. Since there is no mixing whatsoever in the sludge storage tank the biosolids tend to layer and stratify in the tank. When the biosolids are withdrawn for application on the field the amount of solids varies from 1.3% to 5%. In addition, we often find that getting the last 5' to 10' out of the storage tank is extremely difficult. Many times we have had to add a quarter of a million gallons of water to get the tank emptied. This further dilutes the biosolids. This tank totally full holds 650,000 gallons, but it is rarely filled to the top as the cover supports get emerged in the Biosolids and there is the danger of overflowing with the level near the top. The two mixers to be added to the tank are 27" diameter draft tube type. They are 10 hp and have the capabilities of circulating 10,000 gallons per hour each. They will be cycled to keep the biosolids from stratifying. Since the sludge storage tank has frozen in the past and formed damaging ice, the mixers will be equipped with heat exchangers plumbed back to the digester basement. The final connection to the heating source will be completed with another project in the future. We expect to see some immediate benefits from the installation of the mixers. We will have a more homogenous mixture of biosolids to be applied at the farm and this should give us a more uniform application of nitrogen to the farm fields; thus, eliminating thin spots and reducing the possibility of hot spots. In addition, we will not be hauling a quarter million gallons of clear water with the final cleanout of the bottom of the tank. The mixers are also needed to ensure a homogenous feed stock for the biosolids dryer in the future. If the biosolids dryer is not built and the City stays with the Class B process, the sludge storage tank will have to be converted to a second stage digester and a massive sludge storage tank will have to be built. Consequently, the mixers will still be needed for the future if we use Class B as well. The following is the proposed schedule for the project.- Council roject. Council Approval of Plans: 11/26/2007 - MPCA Review: 12/00/2007 - Advertise for Bids: 12/07/2007 - Receive Bids: 01/15/2008 - Award Project: 01/28/2008 - Project Completion: 08/00/2008 Council Agenda - 11/26/2007 A.1. Budget Impact: There are sufficient funds in the sewer funds to pay for this project. The sale of bonds is also being considered. The following are the estimated construction costs for the project: Mobilization $ 40,000 General Conditions $ 30,000 Site Piping $ 25,000 Landscaping $ 5,000 Remove and Replace Fence $ 2,000 Digester Mixers $ 250,000 Paint $ 20,000 Ladder/Platform $ 20,000 Electrical/Controls $ 45.000 TOTAL S 437000 A.2. Staff Workload Impact: This project will impact the workload of the Public Works Director, one of the Municipal Construction Inspectors and also impact the Building Inspection Department to some degree. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative is to approve the Plans and Specifications for the Biosolids Storage Tank/Digester Mixers and authorize Bolton & Menk to advertise for bids based upon the proposed schedule. 2. The second alternative, after review of the Plans and Specifications, would be to make additional changes as determined by the Council and then approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize advertisement for bids based upon the schedule shown above. 3. The third alternative would be not to move forward with the Biosolids Storage Tank/Digester Mixers at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Biosolids Committee that the Council move forward with the project as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Enclosed you will find some sections of the plans for the mixers. Due to the volume of the Plans and Specifications the complete set is not enclosed. They may be reviewed at City Hall or at the Office of Public Works. City Council Agenda - 11/26/07 5B. Consideration to approve the first readine of the Ordinance relating to the Division of Economic Development. Redevelopment. and Housine Powers between the Economic Development Authoritv (EDA) and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA): Repealing City Code. Title II. Chapter 3. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: 1) Budget Impact: Legal fees associated with preparation of documents. 2) Staff Impact: Research and preparation time. 3) Priority List: Council priority and authorization. As part of the process to consolidate the HRA and EDA, the Council is requested to conduct the first of two readings of the proposed Ordinance. The second reading and the actual adoption of the Ordinance will take place at the Council meeting of December 10, 2007. The Ordinance relates to the division of economic development, redevelopment, and housing powers between the EDA and HRA, and repeals the initial City Code which established the EDA in 1989. The Ordinance allocates to the EDA all the powers listed under Section 2: a) economic development powers under the EDA Act, b) all the housing and redevelopment powers under the HRA Act, c) all city powers under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 and 469.134, d) all powers and duties of a redevelopment agency, e) authority to issue bonds in accordance to the EDA and HRA Act, e) authority to levy special benefit taxes under the HRA and EDA Act subject to approval of the Council, g) and h). Section 3. states no powers are allocated to the HRA. Section 4. states the City retains the powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 to 469.134 which may be exercised concurrently with the EDA and does not limit or affect any powers, duties or obligations specifically assigned to the City. Section 5. states the City can modify the Ordinance or the Enabling Resolution. Section 6. states the original City Code is repealed and Section 7. states the ordinance is effective 30 days after publication. City Council Agenda - 11/26/07 B. Alternative Action: A motion to approve the first reading of the Ordinance relating to the Division of Economic Development, Redevelopment and Housing powers between the Economic Development Authority and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority; repealing City Code, Title II, Chapter 3. 2. A motion to deny approval of the first reading of the Ordinance relating to the Division of Economic Development, Redevelopment and Housing powers between the EDA and HRA; repealing City Code, Title II, Chapter 3. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. 1 as the Ordinance is consistent with the goals of the City Council and is standard Statutory language. Again, the second reading and adoption of the Ordinance will occur at the December 10 Council meeting. D. Supporting Data: Copy of the proposed Ordinance. OA ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DIVISION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING POWERS BETWEEN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; REPEALING CITY CODE, TITLE II, CHAPTER 3 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Recitals. It is hereby determined that: (a) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and predecessor statutes ("HRA Act"), the City previously established the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("HRA") for the purpose of carrying out housing and redevelopment activities in the City; and (b) pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081 ("EDA Act"), the City Council established the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA") by Ordinance No. 172, approved April 10, 1989 (the `Enabling Ordinance"), codified as Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code; and (c) on October 22, 2007, the City approved an amended and restated Enabling Resolution intended to supersede Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code; and (d) the City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.094, subdivision 1 to divide the economic development, redevelopment, and housing powers between EDA and the HRA; and (e) the City has determined a need to allocate all development, redevelopment and housing powers to the EDA, and to clarify that the EDA is governed by the terms of the Enabling Resolution. Section 2. Powers Allocated to EDA. Except as limited by this ordinance or the Enabling Resolution, as either may be amended from time to time, the City allocates to the EDA all of the following powers: (a) all powers of an economic development authority under the EDA Act. (b) all powers of a housing and redevelopment authority under the HRA Act. (c) all powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 to 469.134. (d) all powers and duties of a redevelopment agency under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165 for a purpose in the HRA Act or the EDA Act, and all powers and duties in the HRA Act and the EDA Act for a purpose in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165. 315923v1 MNI MN190-130 (e) the authority to issue bonds in accordance with the EDA Act and the HRA Act. (f) the authority to levy special benefit taxes in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6 of the HRA Act in order to pay or finance public redevelopment costs (as defined in the HRA Act), subject to approval by the City Council in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6. �� r� , UJ - (g) all powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.474 to 469.179, subject to all approvals required by the City under those provisions. (h) any other powers related to development, redevelopment or housing authorized under Minnesota Statutes, to the extent such allocation to the EDA is consistent with such statutes. Section 3. No Powers Allocated to HRA. The City allocates no powers to the HRA, it being the intent of this ordinance that all development, redevelopment and housing powers under law be allocated to the EDA. Section 4. Powers Retained by City. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the City retains the powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134, which powers the City may exercise concurrently with the EDA. Nothing in this ordinance is intended to limit or affect powers, rights, duties or obligations that are specifically assigned to the City under the Enabling Resolution, the EDA Act, the HRA Act, or any other law. Section 5. Amendment. Nothing in this ordinance is intended to limit or prevent the City from (a) modifying this ordinance to revise the respective powers of the HRA and the EDA, or (b) modifying the Enabling Resolution to impose new or different limitations on EDA as authorized by the EDA Act. Section 6. Repealer. Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code is repealed. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance is in effect from and after thirty (30) days after its publication in accordance with the City Code. 315923v1 MM MN190-130 First Reading.. Seeond Read g.. Otrcred BY Seconded BY Roll Call: Date of passage. CItYAdml�strator 3Is923y1 W, W `W 190 130 Aj,a2r Council Agenda: 11/26/07 5C. Elimination/Creation of Special Revenue Funds,. A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The City currently accounts for 15 Special Revenue Funds. According to generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP) special revenue funds may be used "to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes." This definition is intended to apply to legal restrictions imposed by outside parties, but it is commonly interpreted to apply, as well, to restrictions imposed on specific resources by the City. Based on this definition, the finance staff recommends the following changes; • Eliminate Street Reconstruction Fund (Fund 212). • Eliminate Parks — Administration and Maintenance (Fund 225). • Create a Special Revenue Fund for the DMV activities. The reasoning behind these changes is as follows; Street Reconstruction Fund — This fund's revenue source is a property tax levy of about $500,000 each year. The revenue is then transferred to the Capital Improvement Funds to pay the City's share of street reconstruction costs. By eliminating this fund the tax levy would go directly into the Capital Improvement Fund where it will be used, thus eliminating the need for the transfer. If all the funds are not used in a year, the balance can, and will, be maintained and tracked in the Capital Improvement Fund. By doing this, it eliminates extra work for finance and audit staff by eliminating the transfer of funds. Parks — Administration and Maintenance — Most cities record this activity as a General Fund department. The City's past audit firm, reported this activity as a General Fund activity and not as a separate fund. The City's new audit firm, MMKR, met with staff on November 2nd and staff discussed moving this into the General Fund. They support the move, stating all the cities they currently audit have Parks — Administration and Maintenance as a department within the General Fund. This fund should not be confused with the Park and Pathway Dedication Fund, which will still exist as a Special Revenue Fund. The Parks — Administration and Maintenance records expenditures related to maintenance of the parks and its main revenue source is property taxes. The expenditures can easily be maintained within the General Fund as a separate department. The only issue is the fund balance of the fund. Currently, if expenditures of the fund are less than revenues, the funds are retained for future park maintenance expenditures. However if the fund balance were to be negative, then a larger tax levy would be required in the future to make up the difference. If it is the intent to use reserves in this manner, it should be retained as a Special Revenue Fund. If it is not the intent to maintain a fund balance for park maintenance, then by closing it into the General Fund the difference between revenue and expenditures would roll into the General Fund's fund balance along with all other operating funds of the City to be used as City Council feels best serves the City. However funds could be reserved for future park maintenance items as needed in the future. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 The Parks — Administration and Maintenance Fund has a cash balance of $494,888 as of October 31St. If this fund is closed into the General Fund, staff recommends closing the fund at year-end with any cash balance transferred to the Parks and Pathway Dedication Fund to be used for future park and pathway construction or to help purchase the YMCA property. Finally, staff would like to create a new Special Revenue Fund for the DMV. While the DMV is not design to be self-supporting, revenue and expenditures of the DMV should L, offset and any operating profits and losses would be maintained by the DiviV, with losses covered by future tax levies. The benefit is the ability of staff to keep Council informed as to the cost of providing this service. The City's new audit firm supported this move, stating they typically see these activities as a Special Revenue Fund or an Enterprise Fund. If approved, this change would take place at year-end also. Staff has reviewed revenues and expenditures associated with this activity for the past five years to determine a beginning fund balance (reserves) and recommends transferring the balance from the last three years. Currently, $240,217.33 would be transferred from the General Fund to the new DMV Special Revenue Fund. A.1 Budget Impact: The cash balance (currently at $494,888) of the Parks — Administration and Maintenance Fund would need to be move into another fund. It is staff's recommendation to move it into the Parks and Pathway Dedication Fund for future park and/or pathway projects. Future balances would be part of the undesignated fund balance of the General Fund unless designated for a specific purpose by Council. The creation of a Special Revenue Fund for the DMV activity would have possible future balances designated for DMV activities unless transferred to another fund or project by City Council. In addition staff recommends transferring $240,217.33 of undesignated fund balance as a beginning fund balance for the DMV Fund. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: Having less funds would reduce staff time and possible audit time but it would be very minimal. B. ALTERNATIVES: The first alternative is to approve the elimination of the Street Reconstruction Fund (Fund 212) and the Parks — Administration and Maintenance (Fund 225) and the creation of the DMV Fund. In addition approve the transfer of the Parks — Administration and Maintenance Fund's fund balance to the Parks and Pathway Dedication Fund and transfer from the General Fund the balance of DMV revenues for the last three years as a beginning fund balance for the DMV Fund. 2. The second alternative is to approve the elimination of the Street Reconstruction Fund (Fund 212) and the Parks — Administration and Maintenance (Fund 225) and the creation of the DMV Fund, but do not approve the transfer of funds as presented in alternative 1. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 3. The third alternative would be to approve some of the Fund changes and/or transfers but not all as presented in alternatives 1 and 2. 4. The fourth alternative would be to leave existing funds structure as is. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a Staff recommendation that the City Council approve the elimination of the Street Reconstruction Fund (Fund 212) and the Parks —Administration and Maintenance (Fund 225) and the creation of the DMV Fund. In addition approve the transfer the Parks — Administration and Maintenance Fund's fund balance to the Parks and Pathway Dedication Fund and transfer from the General Fund the balance of DMV revenues for the last three years as a beginning fund balance for the DMV Fund. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Governmental Financial Reporting Model (The Blue Book) definition of special revenue funds and the DMV statement revenues and expenditures /-�� -Z4 a ,�L y The Governmental Financial Reporting Model 19 t !ue funds Often certain revenues are raised for a specific purpose. For example, a gov- ernment may levy a tax on gasoline with the express purpose of using the proceeds to finance road maintenance and repair. Similarly, legal restric- tions on grant proceeds often require that they be spent only for specified purposes. GAAP provide that special revenue funds may be used "to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than ... for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for speci- fied purposes."" This definition is intended to apply to legal restrictions imposed by outside parties, although it commonly is interpreted to apply as well to restrictions imposed on specific resources by the governing body. The use of a special revenue fund is almost alrvays permitted (if the criteria are met) rather than required. That is, governments do not have to use a spe- cial revenue fund for any or all of the situations that meet the definition just cited- Indeed, several of the nation's largest local governments use no spe- cial revenue funds at all, even though they have numerous grants and ear- marked revenues that meet the definition of a special revenue fund. As noted, however, GAAP do require the use of a special revenue fund to ac- count for the general fund of a legally separate entity (component unit) that is blended with the government." Special revenue funds are very common even though their use is essen- tially voluntary. The popularity of special revenue funds seems to reflect as much a desire to avoid including restricted revenues within the general fund as to provide separate information on the sources and applications of restricted resources. In addition, GAAP require that states use either a special revenue fund or the general fund to account for their administration of the federal food stamp program." Sometimes there is a requirement through enabling legislation that a portion of restricted resources be "permanently invested." GAAP expressly indicate that a government may use a special revenue fund in such situa- tions. In that case, fiend balance would need to distinguish amounts that are available for spending from those that are not." The use of a risk -financing special revenue fund is not appropriate, even when such activities are supported, in whole or in part, by dedicated reve- nues. If a single fund is to be used for risk financing activities (or for all risk financing activities of a given type), that fund should be either the general fund or an internal service fund.1' funds Often governments set aside resources to meet current and future debt ser- vice requirements on general long-term debt. GAAP permit the use of debt service funds "to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest!'" The use of a debt service fund normally is permitted rather than re- quired. There are, however, two specific instances when GAAP require the use of a debt service fund rather than the general fund or some other type of "NCGA Statement 1, paragraph 3 "CASU Statement No 14, paragraph 54. "GASB Statement No 24, AcmuOling i7flrl Finmicini 1417orhiq for Ccrlrtin Grnrris and Q11rer Financinf Assis- lrmce, paragraph G — .r r-.,,6.-owali"n Cnrde (2004), 7 248 As noted elsewhere, a permanent fund may City of Monticello, Minnesota Department Motor Vehicles Statement of Revenues and Expenditures From Inception to December 31, 2007 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE BEGINNING OF PERIOD END OF PERIOD 48,040.32 80,612.73 111,564.28 73,090.53 87,525.41 48,040.32 80,612.73 111,564.28 73,090.53 87,525.41 400,833.27 0.00 400,833.27 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 INCEPTION YEAR TO YEAR TO YEAR TO YEAR TO YEAR TO TO DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE BALANCE REVENUES: Property Taxes 0.00 Licensing Fees 195,535.30 285,811.46 296,320.06 260,650.06 262,378.06 1,300,694.94 Interest income 0.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 Operating Transfer Fund 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 195,535.30 285,811.46 296,320.06 260,650.06 262,378.06 1,300,694.94 EXPENDITURES: Full-time Salaries 82,951.79 116,685.28 101,557.77 109,317.71 93,006.09 503,518.64 Full-time Salaries Overtime 4,860.95 582.66 741.88 1,931.00 3,498.95 11,615.44 Part-time Salaries 3,816.98 32,414.26 28,201.66 28,833.28 23,502.71 116,768.89 Severance Pay 1,684.87 1,684.87 PERA Contributions 5,726.85 8,981.23 7,645.11 7,725.25 6,551.39 36,629.83 FICA Contributions 5,591.38 8,880.29 8,149.14 8,153.37 7,128.90 37,903.08 Medicare Contributions 1,307.68 2,077.00 1,906.06 1,906.86 1,667.33 8,864.93 Insurances 14,214.44 23,094.76 20,771.31 16,755.06 13,799.73 88,635.30 Flex Benefits 197.12 338.87 407.32 330.11 286.98 1,560.40 Copy Supplies 174.64 276.44 451.08 Printed Forms 220.79 179.56 161.66 105.02 67.10 734.13 Miscellaneous Supplies 399.68 544.91 1,145.18 588.52 2,343.92 5,022.21 Cleaning Supplies 22.35 28.72 72.06 123.13 Misc. Operating Supplies 838.52 469.86 1,113.77 877.53 1,067.90 4,367.58 Misc. Repair Supplies 40.28 179.88 88.76 85.00 309.38 703.30 Computer Equipment 1,503.78 2,244.93 1,548.69 5,297.40 Data Processing 587.69 470.97 255.00 1,313.66 Website/E-mail 866.63 1,188.00 1,181.40 1,188.00 1,188.00 5,612.03 Misc. Professional Services 320.79 382.50 645.00 212.50 722.50 2,283.29 Maintenance Agreements 376.15 397.66 288.05 238.97 1,327.84 2,628.67 Telephone 2,739.11 3,269.82 3,154.14 3,342.58 3,399.84 15,905.49 Postage 1,311.25 1,202.00 1,212.60 1,166.00 1,084.25 5,976.10 Travel Expense 685.94 183.69 474.56 234.94 155.16 1,734.29 Conference & Schools 149.00 100.00 249.00 Public Information 999.88 276.28 75.20 43.20 1,394.56 Electric 1,791.22 1,637.84 1,507.86 1,233.76 1,093.39 7,264.07 Gas 508.35 434.10 446.67 570.19 481.94 2,441.25 Repair & Maint. Building 708.31 299.15 991.75 448.83 1,834.38 4,282.42 Equipment Rental 101.40 101.40 Dues & Memberships 553.00 414.00 557.00 72.00 871.56 2,467.56 Books 60.65 62.84 59.00 59.00 241.49 Miscellaneous 12,380.50 254.33 28.00 32.00 236.80 12,931.63 Buildings 9,154.55 9,154.55 Furniture 0.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 147,494.98 205,198.73 184,755.78 187,559.53 174,852.65 899,861.67 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE BEGINNING OF PERIOD END OF PERIOD 48,040.32 80,612.73 111,564.28 73,090.53 87,525.41 48,040.32 80,612.73 111,564.28 73,090.53 87,525.41 400,833.27 0.00 400,833.27 Council Agenda: 11126107 7. Consideration of authorizing purchase and installation of headlight screening fence for Lots 15-26, Block 4. Groveland 4tib Addition. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the November 13, 2007 City Council meeting Council directed staff to poll the property owners of Lots 15-26, Block 4, Groveland 4th Addition to see which residents would like headlight screening fence installed on their property, with the cost of the fence to be paid for by the City with the exception of up to $400 to be paid by each property owner for their section of fence. Council made this motion based on the understanding that the owners of River City Center would not allow the fence to be installed on their property. Following the Council meeting, staff contacted the owners of River City Center to inform them of Council's decision. At that time staff was informed that the screening fence could now be installed on River City Center's property if we still wanted to. Staff thinks it would be best to install the fence on River City Center's property rather than on residential lots for several reasons. First, the cost of the fence would be less if installed on River City Center's property since 2 corner posts would no longer be required at each residential property line. Second, River City Center is willing to contribute up to $9,300 towards the cost of the fence if installed on their property since there is a direct benefit to them. This is more than twice what the contribution from the residents would be based on previous direction from Council, up to $4,000 based on 10 properties contributing $400 each. And East but not least, this will ensure that there will be no gaps in the fence due to property owners not wanting the fence for whatever reason, .both now and into the future. Staff therefore met with the owners of River City Center last Monday and verified that they will not require any special stipulations of the City to install the fence on their property, and that they are willing to contribute to the cost of the fence once they know more about their cash flow situation. River City Center did request that they be allowed to remove the fence after a sufficient period of time to allow the buffer trees to grow together to provide effective screening, to which staff responded that this was the intent of providing the fencing in the first place, to allow the buffer trees a chance to grow. If the Council wishes to specify what this length of time should be it could be added to the motion. Otherwise, the motion could state that River City Center will need to obtain approval from the City prior to removing the fence. The City received quotes from 3 fence suppliers. The lowest quote was provided by Authority Fence and Decks of Clearwater in the amount of $27,950 (see supporting data). The City has used Authority on several projects in the past and has found their work to be of very good quality. In summary, 704 linear feet of 6 -foot tall white vinyl privacy fencing is proposed to be installed on River City Center's property, roughly half a -foot behind their property line, to screen the properties in Groveland 4`h Addition abutting River City Center's parking lot (see supporting data). If approved, the fence will be installed this year and River City Center will maintain and remove the fence. Council Agenda: 11126107 Council should note that the proposed fence is white: If another color fence is desired to better blend into the surrounding features the cost will increase by about $2,500. Since the fence will be installed between 2 rows of trees it will initially be screened from view to some extent, and as the trees grow the Ievel of screening will increase. Authority does have the white fence in stock and is therefore able to install it this year. If another color fence is desired Authority will need to be contacted as to its Ovajl4,ility, which could delay the installation of the fence until spring. A photo of the proposed white fence is included in the supporting data. As previously discussed, Council should also note that as the property to the east develops the issue of headlight screening will likely once again need to be addressed. Per Council's previgk5 djre�,tion staff is reviewing oig } pFvx vard ordinance and will amend it as needed to provide immediate headlight screening in similar situations of conflicting uses on future developments. B. 4LTUB-Y,ATM-- AMPM: 1. Motion to authorize the purchase and installation of 704 linear -feet of 6 -foot tall white, vinyl privacy fencing from Authority Fence and Decks, Inc. on River City Center's property at a cost of $27,950. 2. Motion to deny purchase and installation of privacy fencing at this time. 3. Motion of other. C. 5TAF"F PZCO OPATJO, ;Y: Staff recommends selecting Alternative Action No. 1. D. $VPrQAj j` G DATA; Figure A - Fence Installation Limits Quote from Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. of Clearwater, MN Photo of proposed white, vinyl fence iJT: 7-A lrr IN �T.1Wa of ;Lzis r if ll-) -JIN I :D Ti I i T Im IT T11 7117M Hill M M I I f _ _� r_j F-7 II 1 F!J 9 I t Q�- fONJ171 - O s"mmer Name Address r40VI/ c4slw t-At4 c35a, City State ZP Phone # Date Dealer Name (:�,rZ-s t�-`fit l Dealer Phone # /Heritaffe V:ny�� �iad.art? GZD - 4(98 Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. 1295 County Rd 75 'earwater, AN 55320 Name / Address City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite u t Monticello. MN 55362 copy Estimate Date Estimate 0 10122/2(X)7 6003 Thanks for the opportunity to quote your proiectl! Total s27,950.00 Thank you for the opportunity to bid your project This cstirnatc is void 30 drys after origination date. We reserve the right to withdraw this bid within 10 days. Phone # Fax # 320-558-4488 320-558-4441 P.O. No. Terms Rep Project Due on receipt S1S Dowling alley fence Item Description Qty Rate Total QUOTE FOR 704 LINEAR FEET OF FEN WHITE FRANKLEN W1.27a WALL POSTS f K72.95 -W Franklin 721195W section white xS 0.00 (LOOT �c10RFt WR SS LOB heavy wall profile white 89 0.00 O.00T ,sNEPC-W 5' new england cap white 99 0.00 0.00' Subtotal 0.00 Discount 2007 MUNICIPAL DISCOUNT •20.00% 0.00 Concrete concrete to postslgates 267 0.00 O.00T Install Instailatioa/Cabor 704 0.00 0.00 Bid Authority Fence & Decks will provide Above project 27,950.00 27,950.00 including materials, sales tart, and labor for $27,950.00 complete! Any changes from above stated project requiring extra animals will be bltled ar current retail price upon oompictian of project. e-mailed 10-22-07 sjs &IN sales Tax 6.50"/v 0.00 Thanks for the opportunity to quote your proiectl! Total s27,950.00 Thank you for the opportunity to bid your project This cstirnatc is void 30 drys after origination date. We reserve the right to withdraw this bid within 10 days. Phone # Fax # 320-558-4488 320-558-4441 r 'y i I *�^�J Ham. t;1�IR °� �'- ' •` � . _ - + , Council Agenda: 11/26/07 8. Consideration of approving application for pawn shop license at 1219 TH 25 -Applicant: Michael Helm (JJ/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council previously tabled the application of Mr Michael Helm, operating as HELMCO, Inc. for approval to operate a pawn shop at 1219 TH 25 until such time as the site is brought into compliance with the terms of the previous approvals and the City Code. City staff has inspected the property and confirmed that the identified items of noncompliance communicated to the owner by the City's June 2007 letter have been addressed. Should the Council approve the pawn shop application, the applicant, Michael Helm is requesting approval of off-site storage facilities. Section 3-15-19 of the ordinance deals with off-site storage facilities and requires the following: 1) A written request by the licensee for approval of off-site storage; 2) All provisions of the ordinance as far as record keeping and reporting apply to off-site storage facilities; 3) Property shall be stored in compliance with all provisions of city code; and 4) The licensee must either own the building in which the business is conducted and any approved off-site storage facility or have a lease on the premise that extends for more than six months. Mr. Helm was contacted about this provision of the ordinance and indicated he would provide the requested information. However, because of the shortened week due to the holidays, he did not think he would be able to get the information to staff before the agenda went out on Tuesday but he would have it available for the Council on Monday night. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: First Decision — Approval of license application 1. The Council could approve the application. 2. The Council could determine that the property remains in non-compliance and table the application until such time as the site is brought into compliance with those items identified by the Council as remaining non-compliant. 3. The Council could determine that the property remains in non-compliance and deny the application on that basis. Second Decision — Approval of off-site storage facilities. Assuming the application for Michael Helm is approved and the required information is supplied, the council could approve the off-site storage facilities as requested. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 2. Council could deny or table approval of off-site storage facilities if the information set forth in Section 3-15-19 of the ordinance is not provided. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has inspected the property and is of the opinion that currently there are no substantial issues of non-compliance justifying a denial. Should the Council determine otherwise and select either Alternative #2 or #3 the particular items of non-compliance should be specified as part of the motion. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Previous Council Agenda Item • Ordinance Section 3-15-19 17. Consideration of avvrovinu application for pawn shop license at 1219 TH 25 — Applicant: Michael Helm. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: For the past several years Walt's Pawn Shop, owned by Randel Thompson, has operated out of the building located at 1219 TH 25. Mr. Thompson is in the process of selling his business to the applicant Michael William Helm operating as HELMCO, Inc. The applicant has cleared the criminal history check and warrant check conducted by the Wright County Sheriff s Department. Mr. Helm is requesting approval of his application to operate a pawnshop at 1219 TH 25. During Mr. Thompson's period of ownership the.property at 1219 TH 25 was issued a conditional use permit for open and outdoor storage and outdoor sales and display in a B-3 District. Compliance with the conditions of the conditional use permit has been an issue. In June of 2007 the Building Department did an inspection of the site at 1219 TH 25 as fax compliance issues. Subsequently in a letter to the property owner two items were noted that were not in compliance. One item of non-compliance was the display of boats and snowmobiles parked on the grass at the south end of the property. It was noted that for the area to be used for storage it needed to be paved. The property owner was also informed that the outdoor display/storage must not encroach into the public right-of-way. The other item of non-compliance related to fencing. The fence did not meet the height noted in the original proposal and did not contain the slats needed for screening. The non-compliance issues were made known to the applicant and Mr. Helms did briefly discuss these issues with D. J. Hennessey of the Building Department. Mr. Helms indicated that it is his intent to bring the site into compliance but he is reluctant, because of the cost, to do so until he knows he has a license to operate the business. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could deny the application for a pawn shop license for Michael Helm at 1219 TH 25 based on the fact that the site's non-compliance is a violation of City Code, Title 3, Chapter 15, Section 18 which states a license may be denied or suspended if, "the proposed use does not comply with any applicable zoning code." If the site is brought into compliance, it would eliminate the basis for denial of the license and the applicant could at that time resubmit his application. 2. Council could table action on the license application until such time as the site is brought into compliance. 3. The Council could approve the application contingent upon the site being brought into compliance within a given time frame. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has presented the options available for the Council to consider. The decision to approve or deny the license application rests with the Council. If the Council feels this business use should be allowed to continue with minimal disruption to the business, alternative #3 would be recornmended. If the Council's primary concern is the non-compliance with the terms of the conditional use permit, alternative #1 or #2 would be recommended as a license would not be issued until the compliance issue is resolved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Non -Compliance Letter of June 15, 2007 Application for license 3-15-19 BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. A license under this chapter authorizes the licensee to carry on its business only at the permanent place of business designated in the license. However, upon written request, the police inspector may approve an off-site locked and secured storage facility. The licensee shall permit inspection of the facility in accordance with (INSPECTION OF ITEMS). All provisions of this chapter regarding record keeping and reporting apply to the facility and its contents. Property shall be stored in compliance with all provisions of the city code. The licensee must either dwn the building in which the business is conducted, and any approved off-site storage facility, or have a lease on the business premise that extends for more than six (6) months. 3-15-20 SEPARABILITY. Should any section, subsection, clause or other provision of this chapter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid such decision shall not effect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part other than the part so declared invalid. (#356, 10/10/00) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III/Chapt 15/Pagel 1 Council Agenda: 11/26/07 9. Consideration of adoption of assessment resolutions for those assessments covered by assessment agreements or development aEreements. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: By authority of state statutes, the City Council has the power to assess the cost of improvements back to benefiting properties. It has been the practice of the City to adopt formal assessment resolutions only for those improvements constructed under the 429 state statutes. Assessments covered by special assessment agreements or development agreements had not been formally approved and certified by the City Council prior to 2007. It was assumed that since the property owner had signed an assessment agreement or development contract waiving his rights to a public hearing that was a binding document which required no additional action by the Council. The League of Minnesota Cities noted a ruling by the Minnesota Court of Appeals that stated an assessment agreement alone is not sufficient be a valid lien against the property. A valid lien requires a resolution adopting a special assessment. Listed below are assessments covered under development and/or assessment agreements that the City is proposing to certify to the county for collection with 2008 taxes. Pineview: The assessment covers trunk charges and park dedication fees. In addition there is an assessment for the CSAH 75 and Otter Creek Road against the underlying parcel (155-020- 004010) which will be split among the lots making up the Pineview plat. River Citv Lanes: The assessment covers trunk charges and a street assessment for School Boulevard. The property was previously assessed (in 2006) for traffic signal at TH 25 and School Boulevard and for street lighting improvements. Proposed Mills Fleet Farm Site: Under the interchange project, Monticello Industrial Park signed an assessment agreement covering certain charges for the CSAH 18/I-94 interchange improvement and Chelsea Road that included the property that will be the site of the future Mills Fleet Farm store. Although a final plat has not been approved for Mills Fleet Farm, there is a metes and bounds description covering the property that will become the Mills Addition plat. Since it is not known how long it will be before the final plat of Mills Fleet Farm is recorded, it is recommended that the charges for the interchange project be assessed at this time against the metes and bounds description of the Mills Fleet Farm property. The assessment for trunk charges and other development fees will be placed on the property when the final plat is recorded. In the process of preparing the assessment for the Mills Fleet Farm property, it was noticed there was a discrepancy between the acreages shown on the preliminary plat and the figures supplied by the developer. Staff is in the process of reconciling the difference and will try to have the information available at the meeting on Monday night. If the question has not been resolved by that time, the assessment would be delayed until the 2009 taxes. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt a resolution for each of the above projects formally approving the assessment. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 2. Do not adopt the assessments. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although the City has not been challenged on any of the assessments levied in the past that were covered by assessment or development agreements, adopting the resolutions would only support the City's position should any assessments made under the terms and provisions of an assessment or development agreement were ever challenged. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Finance Director that the City Council approve by resolution all assessments covered by assessment or development agreements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed assessments CITY OF MONTICELLO 2006 ASSESSMENT/PAYABLE 2008 PINEVIEW DEVELOPMENT TRUNK CHARGES Annual Installments: Method: Equal principal, declining interest Interest Rate: 5% Interest Due From: 5/22/06 First Installment Due: January 1, 2008 Purpose: Trunk fees, park & pathway fees, Total Project: $16,855.00 Otter Creek Road Assmt. Assessed as part of 2006-01 C Parcel 155-020-004010 Park dedication - 229 $11,500.00 Pathway - 229 $1,240.00 Sanitary sewer - 262 $826.20 Storm sewer - 263 $2,215.20 Waterman - 265 $1,050.60 Assmt Reimb. $23.00 $16,855.00 4 lots in one plat; 5th lot created from ROW will be in a separate plat Deferred assessment for right of way acquired to be paid when Outlot A is replatted 0 E 2 £ / j \ 0 in - 0 ) 6 0- / (D $ / 69 7 � \ \ 0 } CD � \ 2 x \ \ \ 2 ƒ \ \ 0 / / OL 0 7 2&G/ aaaa epee 0000 aaaIt, c000 0300 Soo/ awe - 0000 rrrr 0 0 0 0 auN)- =I== \\\ /. \/pQ -00 z nmw0 § A m in �.2q a�mE 6 z k9�m �r CD2m� @2 co # e _6969_ \ \\\k © M \ $$$\ $ � @ 7@$7 2` to //3E / 3\§k 2® m .: � eeee $\ eN)e� \ E3gq MCD = 6666 \ aaaa . 2 ± eeee e�N)� � ///\ to to / SEGS 69 ?/2? � \ q# 0000 / col 0000 t $ 77/7 q ddGd& R -00 z nmw0 § A m in �.2q a�mE 6 z k9�m �r CD2m� @2 co CITY OF MONTICELLO 2006 ASSESSMENT/PAYABLE 2008 RIVER CITY LANE TRUNK CHARGES Annual Installments: 10 Method: Equal principal, declining interest Interest Rate: 5.50% Interest Due From: August 30, 2006 First Installment Due: January 1, 2008 Purpose: Trunk charges; SAC/WAC Street Assessment Total Project: County Assessment Charge $11.50 School Blvd - 2005-02C $280,962.00 Sewer Access $139,195.00 Water Acess $3,831.00 Trunk Water Main $14,297.00 Trunk Sanitary Sewer $18,560.00 Trunk Storm Sewer $20,461.00 Misc -Not identified $50.00 Misc.- Not identified $100.00 $477,467.50 *Development agreement notes the street assessment in the amount of $280,962.00 but there is no description on how the amount was calculated. m0m0 m2m2 § _ § I ; E : E 0 0 \ \ 7 7 7 2 6 3 . P @ E E g q ee � / f f k 2 2 \ \ k ;a m§ ■G n �k� m� E'q .z§ a si>�r / mo CO (n Council Meeting - 11/26/2007 10. Consideration of avvrovin2 Plans and Specifications for Biosolids Storaze Tank Mixers and authorization to advertise for bids. Citv Proiect #2007-18C. (J -S-) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This project was originally included with the Biosolids Dryer Project. This project involves adding two mixers to the 65' diameter sludge storage tank/future digester. Currently our biosolids, after being processed in the first and second stage digesters and being thickened by the gravity belt thickener, goes into our 65' diameter concrete storage tank. The biosolids are stored in this tank for approximately 6 months until the timing is right for application to the farm fields. Since there is no mixing whatsoever in the sludge storage tank the biosolids tend to layer and stratify in the tank. When the biosolids are withdrawn for application on the field the amount of solids varies from 1.3% to 5%. In addition, we often find that getting the last 5' to 10' out of the storage tank is extremely difficult. Many times we have had to add a quarter of a million gallons of water to get the tank emptied. This further dilutes the biosolids. This tank totally full holds 650,000 gallons, but it is rarely filled to the top as the cover supports get emerged in the Biosolids and there is the danger of overflowing with the level near the top. The two mixers to be added to the tank are 27" diameter draft tube type. They are 10 hp and have the capabilities of circulating 10,000 gallons per hour each. They will be cycled to keep the biosolids from stratifying. Since the sludge storage tank has frozen in the past and formed damaging ice, the mixers will be equipped with heat exchangers plumbed back to the digester basement. The final connection to the heating source will be completed with another project in the future. We expect to see some immediate benefits from the installation of the mixers. We will have a more homogenous mixture of biosolids to be applied at the farm and this should give us a more uniform application of nitrogen to the farm fields; thus, eliminating thin spots and reducing the possibility of hot spots. In addition, we will not be hauling a quarter million gallons of clear water with the final cleanout of the bottom of the tank. The mixers are also needed to ensure a homogenous feed stock for the biosolids dryer in the future. If the biosolids dryer is not built and the City stays with the Class B process, the sludge storage tank will have to be converted to a second stage digester and a massive sludge storage tank will have to be built. Consequently, the mixers will still be needed for the future if we use Class B as well. The following is the proposed schedule for the project.- Council roject. Council Approval of Plans: 11/26/2007 - MPCA Review: 12/00/2007 - Advertise for Bids: 12/07/2007 - Receive Bids: 01/15/2008 - Award Project: 01/28/2008 - Project Completion: 08/00/2008 Council Agenda - 11/26/2007 A.1. Budget Impact: There are sufficient funds in the sewer funds to pay for this project. The sale of bonds is also being considered. The following are the estimated construction costs for the project: Mobilization $ 40,000 General Conditions $ 30,000 Site Piping $ 25,000 Landscaping $ 5,000 Remove and Replace Fence $ 2,000 Digester Mixers $ 250,000 Paint $ 20,000 Ladder/Platform $ 20,000 Electrical/Controls $ 45.000 TOTAL S 437000 A.2. Staff Workload Impact: This project will impact the workload of the Public Works Director, one of the Municipal Construction Inspectors and also impact the Building Inspection Department to some degree. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative is to approve the Plans and Specifications for the Biosolids Storage Tank/Digester Mixers and authorize Bolton & Menk to advertise for bids based upon the proposed schedule. 2. The second alternative, after review of the Plans and Specifications, would be to make additional changes as determined by the Council and then approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize advertisement for bids based upon the schedule shown above. 3. The third alternative would be not to move forward with the Biosolids Storage Tank/Digester Mixers at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Biosolids Committee that the Council move forward with the project as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Enclosed you will find some sections of the plans for the mixers. Due to the volume of the Plans and Specifications the complete set is not enclosed. They may be reviewed at City Hall or at the Office of Public Works. Council Meeting - 11/26/2007 11. Consideration of annroval of Plans and Specifications for the Vehicle Storage Building for the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Citv Proiect #2007-19C and authorization to advertise for bids. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This project was originally included with the biosolids dryer project and it involves the construction of a vehicle storage building with an inside dimension of 45' deep x 60' wide. There will be three stalls with 14' x 16' overhead doors. The building will be located within 4' of the shop building to the north of the lower parking level. It is a masonry type building with gas radiant heat, a wash sink and exhaust fan. Since restroom facilities are provided in the shop building next door they will not be provided in this building. Sewer and water services for the building will come from the sanitary sewer and water mains just off the southeast corner of the building. This building will house the 4,000 gallon liquid straight truck which is used for emergencies at the plant, in the community and for hauling biosolids. It will also house our 6,000 gallon tanker and the applicator along with the disk. It will free up the existing maintenance building for repair and maintenance work. The following is a proposed schedule for the project: Council Approval of Plans: 11/26/2007 - MPCA Review: 12/00/2007 - Advertise for Bids: 12/07/2007 - Receive Bids: 01/15/2008 - Award Project: 01/28/2008 - Project Completion: 09/00/2008 A.I. Budget Impact: There are sufficient funds in the sewer fund to pay for the vehicle storage building along with the biosolids mixers. The City also is considering the sale of bonds. The Following are the estimated construction costs for the project: Mobilization: $ 25,000 General Conditions: $ 20,000 Building/Doors/Precast: $ 230,000 Landscaping: $ 5,000 Pavement/Curb: $ 35,000 Paint: $ 15,000 Mechanical/HVAC $ 35,000 Electrical: $ 40,000 TOTAL S 405.000 A.2. Staff Workload Impact: This project will have some impact on the workload for the Public Works Director and the Building Inspection Department. Council Agenda -11/26/2007 B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative after review of Plans and Specifications would be to approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize Bolton & Menk to advertise for bids based upon the schedule shown above. 2. The second alternative after review of the Plans and Specifications would be to make changes as requested by the City Council, then approve the Final Plans and Specifications and authorize advertisement for bids. 3. The third alternative would be not to approve the Plans and Specifications or authorize advertisement for bids. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Biosolids Committee that the City Council move forward with the project as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of portions of the plans are included for your review. Due to the volume of the Plans and Specifications they are not included in your packet. They are available at City Hall or Public Works for your review. MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 2007-19C mill 1 "11 Oil CONTRACT DRAWINGS 2007 BOLTON & MENK, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS MANKATO, MINNESOTA rea=sr Eanrr AT -: SR Ct=f.FipV pVR?CST 'A'i5'3=- d 'r ME CR :- DER MY Dik--CT LCE�S T-- r?RC{ES3(- E1:GNEE3 .ri;tE"•OT� SGtF7uRC T+?EO CR NA)"E _ C? TE RE-�-' ':o r:\ma+u�e;to\uz, _saa}\sroscuos arsceessr.Ne•�;.,�Rzee .nn uu,rve\ca�.ac:\�saz»oi,e.q to/zq; oz zees om SUPPORTING DATA WWTP VEHICLE STORAGE BLDG PAGE 1 OF 4 ~ WOODED, ``--------~.--' ' ----' \ ----`^ it �17 49 \ ` ' - --- - 10u � w e =ms~"�==�e�°"°�~'°"=�~��° — ���� �� — ' - �� x*�~ NR o�mmw�mwaa,u�nnamv ^v=^��+".�om`�o��,�z�=v°°"=° °�°*,�n=. n��"o=�^"`~� ^�= ^�« — 'y\`—~=, ^��~'=�=a��—�=`�=� � � / - SUPPORTING DATA ' VVVVTpVEHICLE STORAGE BLDG PAGE 2DF4 onPROJECT NO. 2DO7-19c woNTICoLLo. mwwcaOTA| / . | VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING ( / � ! FACILITIES LOCATION AND SITE GRADING pLAN-- |�.A� ALTERNATIVEALTERNATIVEALTERNATIVE xnooca ^w^ | --- CONC. WALK W/ INVEIFIED CROWN ' --____�Lot'_ 90, ON' � -_ --_~ �R. � . 90133 �.'13 90� *+ � =~^ _ U 1,90787 41 WOODED, ``--------~.--' ' ----' \ ----`^ it �17 49 \ ` ' - --- - 10u � w e =ms~"�==�e�°"°�~'°"=�~��° — ���� �� — ' - �� x*�~ NR o�mmw�mwaa,u�nnamv ^v=^��+".�om`�o��,�z�=v°°"=° °�°*,�n=. n��"o=�^"`~� ^�= ^�« — 'y\`—~=, ^��~'=�=a��—�=`�=� � � / - SUPPORTING DATA ' VVVVTpVEHICLE STORAGE BLDG PAGE 2DF4 onPROJECT NO. 2DO7-19c woNTICoLLo. mwwcaOTA| / . | VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING ( / � ! FACILITIES LOCATION AND SITE GRADING pLAN-- |�.A� ALTERNATIVEALTERNATIVEALTERNATIVE xnooca ^w^ | --- x DOOR SCHEDULE COOK No i — SIZE DOORI DOOR TYPE I FINISH '11D At I-DWE.IJAM3 REMARKS maA ix -nr-rxy-3/4' A PAW 1 5 5 7 STOP 3008 114'-0*.16'-0'x2* O.H. 16 OCC. (PER TABLE 1003.2.2.2) FACTORY 3 OCC. (ACTUAL) CONSTRUCTION TYPE.. AND DOOR HARDWARE BY DOOR SUPPLIER 1300C 114' -0"x16' -O':2" O.H. MASONRY CONSTRUCTION FACTORY W/ PRECAST DOUBLE TEE ROOF ALLOWABLE AREA, ' OPERATOR,AND DOOR HARDWARE BY MR SUPPLIER poco 114' -0'x16' -0'x2' D.H. "I FACTORY HOME 1-1TRACK , OPERATOR, AND DOOR HARDWARE BY DOOR SUPPLIER 130CE PAINT 5 V(PANSON BOLTS 24* O.C. IO.M. STOP BULLARD Q_ CVERIfEAD DOOR JAMB PAINT 11) I 5 I lox STOP DOOR TYPES FRAME FRAME 7YPES V-4. 2' 4. 2 3'-0' SEE TES IN DOOR 11 * 8* -0' A.F.F_ SEE 2 SWCHED. 3 'N I (AD O Q 0 INSULATED HOLLOW METAL INSULATED INSULATED HOLLOW METAL ANODIZED ALUMINUM (PRIME & PAINT) C"R HEAD DCOR (PRIME & PANT) W/THERMAL BREAK 15 CAUGE 16 GAUGE 4- BRICK VENEER (SIM. Cmu WALL (SEE PLAN) -0 4' STONE LOCATIONS) •—ADHERE THRU WALL STEEL BEAM (SEE FlAsmNa To INTERIOR -7- STRUCL DWG.) WrTHE. (TYP.) 4- MASONRY 7 THRU WALL FLASHING do VENEER ANCHOR LINTEL '_'k�—Cw"' WALL CMU ANGLE W70 W/ WEEPS 0 V-0- O. ADHERE THRU % SEE PLAN) WALL FLASHING PLATE To INTERIOR SMOOTH REFINISHED WYTHF_ (TYP.) S; PUSHED F METAL GRIP !"nor STM BEAM (SEE THRU WALL MP, 0 HEADS) Sm')CT DWG.) SEALANT (TYP. 0 ';�Z .4 2'i PERIMETER OF ALUM. I EPS NOR LINTEL 11 N.M. FRAMES) 2'-0* D.C. ANGLE INTO CLU EXT. ALUM. NOW HEAD LINTEL PLATE, td PA OTH FINISHED Q. CMU OR CONC. MEZIOSI"�IPI FACE (TYP. 0 (SEE PLAN) CAULK PERIMETER I•r"ADS) TREATED WOOD BLOCK94 FINISH FACE 2- P. 0 JAMBS) EXT. N.V. DOOR HEAD 00 O PERIMETER rYP" :UM./,I- A ,CAULK ALL W.Y. FRAMES) FRAMES MASONRY W. ALUM. WOW JAMBOR CONCRETE ONLY FINISHS) ED FACE (TYP. a JAMS 4 1/2' IE -T TREATED WOOD CAST PLASTIC SILL x TREATED WOOD BLOCKING CMU WALL (SET PLAN) ADHERE THRU WALL FLASHING TO INTERIOR WYME. EXTEND WTO •y ALUMINUM I GLAZED OPENINGS.) d 011- EXT, ALUM. WOW SILL 0 At yr­rgs and c,­t"t copyrgnt Arcmmettts SLOPEDHIS OVER Ix BEVELED BLOCKING ,--THRU WALL FLASHING & W/ WEEPS 0 T -Or D.C. (TYP-) — SEALANT 1/2' MIN, -4" BRICK VENEER (SM 0 STONE VENEER -SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION) 104 EXT_ H.M. DOOR JAMB BOLLARD CODE REVIEW. VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING- MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA BUIUDNG CODE: INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE -2006 EDITION I — I A MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE -2007 EDITION architects plus .03 -- first a--- CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING ORDNANCE OCCUPANCY, S-2 VEHICLE STORAGE OCCUPANTS: 16 OCC. (PER TABLE 1003.2.2.2) \a 3 OCC. (ACTUAL) CONSTRUCTION TYPE.. X-0 FLOOR PLAN & DOOR SCHEDULE 3.04 MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 4TREATED W/ PRECAST DOUBLE TEE ROOF ALLOWABLE AREA, 26.000 SO. Ft - PROPOSED AREA' 3,082.22 SQ. FT.(GROSS) SPRINKLOREO'. HOME BURRING HEIGHT-. 22'-0' 12* -0' L "_e 14'-C Y-4' L X-4 L-1 (WSX (SEE SrRUCT.) (SEE STRUCT.) is) ("XIS) t0%, VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING 300 T.I. S, 41, SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE ,MAINTENANCE III REPAIR SHOP E, 9- -6 RN lo 4' ROCK FACE BLOCK BC)L-r(Z)N I& MENK, INC. I — I A CONSTRUCT =TT architects plus .03 -- first a--- ETURN ROCK FACE BLOCK TO CMU = \a SM OOTH AMISH FACE (171P, OPENING 0 JAMBS) N CAULK FLOOR PLAN & DOOR SCHEDULE 3.04 I X 3, STOP MOULD 4TREATED WOOD CHAMFER; EDGES. CMU OR CONC�) (SEE PLAN) tF WEATHERSTRIP XOM!m101 OVERHEAD DOOR/TRACK TREATED WOOD BUCK SECURE WITH 3/8-0 V(PANSON BOLTS 24* O.C. BULLARD Q_ CVERIfEAD DOOR JAMB 1F.E. 70 ZZI-TRf H TRENCH DRAIN BRAIN T.O.LANDING EL 909'-0' ON 4-.32- LOUVER CTOP 1, 922'-0-) 6'0 BOLLARD 9-0 =-- "Vrx— (TYP.) 12!-0* We) '_11'L (SEE STRUCT.) W. _0 I 23'.23' EXHAUST VAN--' (TOP 0 226'-0-) aas EVERG./ EXIT ✓ F.E.g 14'-0' SUPPORTING DATA WWTP VEHICLE STORAGE BLDG PAGE 3 OF 4 ARIXPIOI,�_ 2614 1 . .1 THAT INS PLAN. SPE..". M REPORT WAS PREPARED In UE OR UNDER MY CIRECr SUPIERMON, AND THAI I M A OMY Uct'lua BC)L-r(Z)N I& MENK, INC. I — I A V 1 � -- CITY PR06JECT NO. 2007-19C MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEU TAIII-12-07 architects plus .03 -- first a--- "FIC, C' Lw, ". '4W' ' "'E .41, OF . '..' omtx� VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING farlbsult, minn DAVID J. MEONe.sumnT. Aw—=1 S5021 Consulting Engineers 8c Surveyors FLOOR PLAN & DOOR SCHEDULE 3.04 NOVEMBER 12. 2007 9898 CKA�q � �. � � A I - ALU16L N.UM, GUARDRAIL I P i � 1 1II I+ i sol ' � .• •' _ i SECTION 3.Oo" SCALE 3/4'=1'-0"a'"'; o nit yat .gs ano [cn ,pnt cnPYr7n: Ar:iv:pcts qTO. PARAPFT EL 932•-0'- _ 3 1 f i TERMINATION I I �E%ISDNG' BAR ; 4' ROCK FACE BLOCK �BUILDIHG_ �.. -AIR k VAPOR WRIER f II -� 1/2- EXP. T.� of I -5 ' ' '•_ VEHICLE • STORAGE BUILDING I Cs �ttS,I i- r7`ft t,Tc sus BUILDING SECTION n SCALE: 1/8'=t'—b' PARAPiF _T_- - -a: ' IL 432'-0' - — ( � I • I VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING i 1 � I�T`0. S" I E sTD I _ 5 BUILDING SECTION .vb SCALE 1/6'-1'-0* mo -w PERIMETER n INSUL (SEE - SPECS FOR _ R -VALUE •4 THICKNESS) j FLASHING DETAIL 6 06 n.,y SCALE: 1-1/2'=1'-0' PRE -FINISHED BRAKE WETAL (CAP FLASHING (TP.) - T.O. PARAPET EL 932'-0' r �L�O❑ ❑GC1�CiCiCJ C��J-�❑C�C� SOUTH ELEVATION 0 SCALE; 1/8'=1'-0' te,•w 4 PRE-FWISHED BRAKE METAL T.O. PARAPET (CAP FLASHING OYP,) tL 932'-0' i ^` EL 91U EAST ELEVATION Ob :s a SCALE- PRE- CALE PRE -LA FINISHED BRAKE METAL ,sT.O. PARAPET (CAF FLASHING (TYP.) EL 932'-0' yam•; j 8L1� N ' EL 9181 D• � ��� - - - Y- -�\�. - _ --- , � rT =r -''i 910/ t'�' • - . DNORTH ELEVATION 3 06 SCALE 1/8'=1'—O' an ARCH _PROJ. F. 2814 1 '+EREBY CERTIFY THA7 THEW1 P. SPECIFXAT04 OR RCPCRT WAS PREPAAED architects plus A�"ME TEC7 VQEERR'TWHE. vans oc ME STATE a uWFsrn1 t"AR�1¢c�L OML� BOLTON 8c MENK, INC. ® 203 nwfirst nn. s...K. ,: ConsultingEngineers do Surveyors fari ml 5021 .� DAVID J. MEDIN � C •Rr,»F-m1 55023 a 5898 �'To. ,o' °'An'cHT' '°' sLCID' EYr. ,w rgtw,., uN vroa,aua FAx NOVEMBER 12 2007 ac w a,sn x+r<. u, CKasrw - k . ' nl arts, M SUPPORTING DATA WWTP VEHICLE STORAGE BLDG PAGE 4OF4 CITY PROJECT NO. 2007-19C MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA A I TJft i 1I-12-07 � SSEEi VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING i EXTER}OR EL&ATIONS * BUILDING SECTIONS 3.06 1 f i TERMINATION BAR ; 4' ROCK FACE BLOCK �.. -AIR k VAPOR WRIER f II -� 1/2- EXP. T.� of i-- 2- AR SPACE r/ 2' RIGID INSUlATIOH I F"iL' W/ Iu, I—� b0MIL EPOM THRU CALL FLASHING FULLY ADHERED TO STAINLESS STEEL AND i -- - -cuU/cave. PERIMETER n INSUL (SEE - SPECS FOR _ R -VALUE •4 THICKNESS) j FLASHING DETAIL 6 06 n.,y SCALE: 1-1/2'=1'-0' PRE -FINISHED BRAKE WETAL (CAP FLASHING (TP.) - T.O. PARAPET EL 932'-0' r �L�O❑ ❑GC1�CiCiCJ C��J-�❑C�C� SOUTH ELEVATION 0 SCALE; 1/8'=1'-0' te,•w 4 PRE-FWISHED BRAKE METAL T.O. PARAPET (CAP FLASHING OYP,) tL 932'-0' i ^` EL 91U EAST ELEVATION Ob :s a SCALE- PRE- CALE PRE -LA FINISHED BRAKE METAL ,sT.O. PARAPET (CAF FLASHING (TYP.) EL 932'-0' yam•; j 8L1� N ' EL 9181 D• � ��� - - - Y- -�\�. - _ --- , � rT =r -''i 910/ t'�' • - . DNORTH ELEVATION 3 06 SCALE 1/8'=1'—O' an ARCH _PROJ. F. 2814 1 '+EREBY CERTIFY THA7 THEW1 P. SPECIFXAT04 OR RCPCRT WAS PREPAAED architects plus A�"ME TEC7 VQEERR'TWHE. vans oc ME STATE a uWFsrn1 t"AR�1¢c�L OML� BOLTON 8c MENK, INC. ® 203 nwfirst nn. s...K. ,: ConsultingEngineers do Surveyors fari ml 5021 .� DAVID J. MEDIN � C •Rr,»F-m1 55023 a 5898 �'To. ,o' °'An'cHT' '°' sLCID' EYr. ,w rgtw,., uN vroa,aua FAx NOVEMBER 12 2007 ac w a,sn x+r<. u, CKasrw - k . ' nl arts, M SUPPORTING DATA WWTP VEHICLE STORAGE BLDG PAGE 4OF4 CITY PROJECT NO. 2007-19C MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA A I TJft i 1I-12-07 � SSEEi VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING i EXTER}OR EL&ATIONS * BUILDING SECTIONS 3.06 Council Agenda -11/26/2007 12. Consideration of anprovin2 Chanee Order No. 4 for the extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the current termini to CSAH 18. Citv Proiect No. 2005-05C, and the reconstruction of a seEment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange vroiect, Citv Proiect No. 2004-01C. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the November 13, 2007 City Council meeting, the Council tabled this item and directed staff to further negotiate with the Contractor to reduce the change order amount. Council specifically questioned the change order amount of $7,535.80 for additional traffic control noting it seemed excessive. In order to provide the Council with more detail regarding each of the change order items, a detailed description of each item, including quantities and costs, is included below: 1. Advance road closure date signs: Two advance warning signs were requested by staff to be installed on CSAH 18 at each end of the project indicating the date the road would be closed for construction. The total cost of the signs is $592.00, or $296.00 each. This is actually $128 less than what the contract unit price is for furnishing and installing signs, which is based on a square footage rate. 2. "No Right Turn" sign at Ryan site: Four signs were requested by staff to be installed on CSAH 75 so vehicles would not turn right into the Ryan site, which was being constructed at the time. Vehicles were entering the construction site so it was determined that additional signage was needed for safety purposes. The signs were installed at a unit price of $19.20 each, totaling $76.80. For this size of sign, the contract unit price would have been $90 per sign, totaling $360. The change order amount is therefore $283.20 less than what the contract unit price for the signs would have been. 3. Cover left turn arrow at CSAH 18/39 & CSAH 75 signal: This work was requested by staff and involved placing a bag over the left turn signal for WB CSAH 75, which directed vehicles onto the closed section of CSAH 18 towards the bridge, and then removing the bag once the road reopened to traffic. The total cost of this item is $290. Even though there were barricades on SB CSAH 18 south of CSAH 75, vehicles were still turning onto SB CSAH 18 and entering the construction area so it was determined that the left -turn arrow needed to be bagged for safety purposes. This work was completed by Design Electric, the subcontractor for the signal work, and included four hours of labor for two people to bring a bucket truck on site and complete the work. 4. Tube delineators at Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18: Twenty-six (26) plastic tube delineators were installed at the intersections of Meadow Oak Avenue & CSAH 18 and CSAH 18 & CSAH 75 to direct vehicles around corners under construction. The tube delineators were shown on the plans but were not included as a separate bid item or in the contract price for traffic control. The Contractor Council Agenda -1112612007 had previously requested payment in the amount of $70 per delineator for a total cost of $1,820. Initially the Contractor was requested to reduce this price but they were unwilling to do so. However, following Council's tabling of this item the unit cost was renegotiated down to $30 per delineator for a total cost of $780. This cost is consistent with standard Mn/DOT bid prices and results in a $1,040 savings from the cost presented to Council on November 131h 5. Removal of pavement markings: This work included removing pavement markings between traffic staging for reconstructing the intersection of CSAH 18/39 & CSAH 75. Two-way traffic was shifted from the east to west sides on CSAH 39 in three different stages to reconstruct the intersection. Removal of the pavement markings was required for each stage of shifting traffic. This item was not included as a separate bid item or in the contract price for traffic control. The contractor used a grinding machine to remove all pavement markings. The total cost for this work is $4,757. A detailed summary of this cost is provided below. All rates are consistent with standard Mn/DOT bid prices at the time of construction. • 4,680 feet pavement marking removal @ $0.75/foot = $ 3,510.00 • 785 feet pavement marking removal @ $1.00/foot = $ 785.00 • 56 feet removable lane tape @ $2.00/foot = $ 112.00 • 7 arrows pavement marking removal a, $50.00/each = $ 350.00 Total =$ 4,757.00 The following is a summary of the recommended change order amounts for additional traffic control: • Advance road closure date signs = $ 592.00 • "No Right Turn" sign at Ryan site = $ 76.80 • Cover left turn arrow at CSAH 18/39 & CSAH 75 signal = $ 290.00 • Tube delineators at Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18 = $ 780.00 • Removal of pavement markings = $ 4,757.00 TOTAL = $ 6,495.80 This new total of $6,495.80 is $1,040 less than what was brought forth to the Council on November 13th as noted in item 4 above, which was the only pay item that staff was able to renegotiate the unit cost on with the Contractor. All unit costs are consistent with Mn/DOT bid prices for these items. Change order items such as these are typically negotiated in accordance with current Mn/DOT bid prices. The other item in this change order was for relocating the street light at the intersection of CSAH 75 & Highland Way. The existing light was in the way of the signal pole and was called to be removed in the plans. Public Works requested the contractor to move the light to the east to the beginning of the center median. The change order amount of $2,557.37 includes time and material to extend the conduit, reconnect the existing light base and install a new screw-in light base. Council Agenda -11/26/2007 In regards to change orders pertaining to traffic control items, it is often difficult to anticipate all signage, striping and other traffic control items needed to provide a safe work site until construction is under way. And as was discussed at the previous Council meeting, if other projects are occurring simultaneously in the general area it is difficult to anticipate and coordinate all the traffic control needs during design. As such, many change order items are related to traffic control items. The Council questioned if some or all of these items could have been completed in- house. Typically the City requests the Contractor to complete the work as the Contractor is on site and the work is related to the project. They also have the ability and resources to complete the work immediately, whereas Public Works often does not have the ability or time to complete such items in as timely a manner. The Council also questioned why these items were not brought to the Council prior to the work commencing. In this instance, all items required immediate completion as they were directly linked to the sequence of construction and/or public safety. In addition, completion of these items did not result in significant quantity overruns. If the Council wishes to approve all change order items in the future prior to work commencing it would be helpful for City staff to know what dollar amount would trigger a Council approval, and whether change order items required to prevent project delays or to improve public safety would allow staff to request such items without prior Council approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $9,053.17 for R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. 2. Motion to deny approval of Change Order No. 4. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 4 Letter of recommendation from WSB & Associates, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO.4 CSAH 1B (SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO MEADOW OAK AVENUE), CSAR 39 (CSAR 75 TO HART BOULEVARD), AND MEADOW OAK AVENUE (CSAR 18 TO CSAR 75) STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK CSAR 18: COUNTY PROJECT NO. M1"i CSAR 34: COUNTY PROJECT NO.8&39AI CSAR IVCSAH 39: CITY PROJECT NO. 2004-010 MEADOW OAK AVENUE: CITY PROJECT NO, U0646C WSB PROJECT NO. 1627-03 •t=i:�� CITY OF MONTICELLO 500 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 MdONTICELLO, MN 66862 CONTRACTOR; R. L. LARSON EXCAVATING, INC. 2255 - I IT" STREET SE ST. CLOW, MN 66304 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT DMIJUENT DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT QUANTIT19S ARE MODIFIED AS S14OWN ON THE ATTACHED I95=TAIL. 1112VM7 47 IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANCE ORDER INCLUDES ALL ADM ONAL COSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCRIBED ABOVE. -CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: $1,918,0139.40 PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS 1, 2, AND 3: $45,0130.8D CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: $1,459,0-70.20 NET CONTRACT INCREASE WITH THIS CHANGE ORDER: $9,063.17 CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVE® CHANGE ORDE"; $1,966,123.37 RECOMMENDED BY: r e 1 � . SHIRAIK. 1SSON, PE, PROJECT R APPROVED BY: W8®BASSOCIATES, INC. ENCINEER CIrf ENGINEER DATE CHANGE IN CONTRAOI' TIME: ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME; all/2005 NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: 36 DAV& CONTRACT TIME MOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: 9017=5 NET INCREASE WITH CHANCE ORDER: NIA CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS 10n12005 APPROVED ;.4 O- CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE R. L. LARSON EXCAVAMNO, INC. CONTRACTOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR DATE KiDT077-U91AdmbNTet7 e9 C"w Orde"w 4 CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 DETAIL CSAH 18 (SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO MEADOW OAK AVENUE), CSAH 39 (CSAH 75 TO HART BOULEVARD), AND MEADOW OAK AVENUE (CSAH 18 TO CSAH 75) STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK CSAH 18: COUNTY PROJECT NO. 86-18-061 CSAH 39: COUNTY PROJECT NO. 86-39-061 CSAH 18/CSAH 39: CITY PROJECT NO. 2004-01C MEADOW OAK AVENUE: CITY PROJECT NO. 2005-05C WSB PROJECT NO. 1627-03 ADDED ITEMS 11120/2007 Item No. Description Qty Unit Price Extended Amount 172 RELOCATE STREETLIGHT ON CSAH 75 1 LUMP SUM $2,557.37 $2,557.37 173 ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LUMP SUM $6,495.80 $6,495.80 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 $9,053.17 DELETED ITEMS Item No. Description Qty Unit Price Extended Amount TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 $0.00 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $9,053.17 K:101627-03Mmin11627.03 Change Order 4.xlsC04 Detail WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction November 20, 2007 Mr. Tom Kelly, Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No. 4 CSAH 18 (School Boulevard to Meadow Oak Avenue), CSAH 39 (CSAH 75 to Hart Boulevard), and Meadow Oak Avenue (CSAH 18 to CSAH 75) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work CSAH 18: County Project No. 86-18-061 CSAH 39: County Project No. 86-39-061 CSAH 18/CSAH 39: City Project No. 2004-01C Meadow Oak Avenue: City Project No. 2005-05C City of Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1627-03 Dear Mr. Kelly: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Please find enclosed Change Order No. 4 (in triplicate) for the above -referenced project for your review and approval. The net increase to the contract amount is $9,053.17, resulting in a revised contract total of $1,968,123.37. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $9,053.17 for R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287-7162. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. jj/ Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Doug Moen, R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Minneapolis 1 St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer srb/tsf A0/677-03Udm Wd),u 1LTRCO 7CTY,kr11y-1/0707.do Council Agenda: 11/26/07 13. Consideration of approving final pavment and accepting improvements for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the current termini to CSAH 18. Citv Proiect No. 2005-05C and the Reconstruction of a segment of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange Proiect, Citv Proiect No. 2004-01C. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project included extending Meadow Oak Avenue to CSAH 18 to provide a detour route for the reconstruction of the CSAH 18 bridge as part of the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange project. The project also included reconstruction of the segment of CSAH 18 from Meadow Oak Avenue to School Boulevard and the reconstruction of the intersection of CSAH 18/39 and CSAH 75 prior to the start of construction for the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange project. Construction commenced in July 2005 and was substantially complete in November 2005. Final punchlist items were completed in 2007. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $126,089.58. The following paperwork is still required for final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. The final payment request included in the packet represents the final quantities completed on the contract, including Change Order No. 4, and the release of the retainage on the contract. All punchlist items assembled for this project have been completed and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. The project was funded through assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties and City, County, and trunk funds. Adoption of the assessment roll was completed in October 2006. Council Agenda: 11126107 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept the improvements and approve final payment of $126,089.58 to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. 2. Motion to not accept the improvements and deny final payment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 (Final) Letter of recommendation from WSB & Associates, Inc. Owner. City of Monticello Dab: 111112001 506 Walnut st Monticello. MN 55352,4147 For Period: 61112406 to 11=2008 Request No.: 10 A FINAL Contractor: R. L. Lsreon RUNT 119, Inc. A► S+e, 2N 12th street Soatheeet SL Cloud, MN 56301 Par Voucher CSAR 18 - CSAH 39 • Meadow Oak Avenue Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627.03 Client Project No.: Pto 'I mat suffifflam 1 Original Contract Amount $1,913,x8®.4o' Z Contract Chanpea • Addition 1555,033.97 3 Contract Chwges - DedUCOon $0,00 4 Revised Contract Amount $1,9lSa,1Z3.37 5 Value Compkabed to Dab s1,651,515.3x sa.ao' 6 Material on Hand 54,881,518.30 7 Amount Earned $0,001 f a Leu Retainage $1,961,SIB .so 9 subtotal 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $1,835,428.70 $OHO 11 Liquidated Damages 3126,D89.t38 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 10 & FINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL EXAMINATION HAS SEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS THE T(:1tM8 OFMTH� CONTRACT S AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL. VOUCHER. IN AGCORDANGE WITH, AND PURSUANT T0, Recommended for Approval by: Cion"lon Observer, WS13 a AeeocklIK Inc. Approved by ctor: Approved by Owner: R. L. La ovatlnl3, Inc. City of Monticello v SpecMed Contract Completion Date: DOW 6/1/0445 Comment: 1 of 6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Project Material Status Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. I I I I I Quantity I Date Quantity Date SCHEDULE A - STREET CONSTRUCTION 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION I LUMP SUM 1 $50,000.00 1 10 $50,000.00i 2 2031.501 FIELD OFFICE TYPE D -MODIFIED I EACH $10,000.00 1 1 0 $10,000.001 13 2101.501 CLEARING (ACRE 1$20,000.00 0.12 0.07 0 $1,400.00 14 2101.502 CLEARING ITREE 1 $200.00 11 1 0 $200.00 15 12101.5061 GRUBBING IACRE 1$20,000.00 0.121 0.07 01 $1,400.00 16 12101.5071 GRUBBING ITREE 1 $200.001 11 11 01 $200.00 17 12104.5011 REMOVE CONCRETE CULVERT I LIN FT 1 $8.001 2121 3701 01 $2,960.00 18 12104.5011 REMOVE METAL CULVERT I LIN FT 1 $8.001 4501 01 01 $0.001 19 12104.5011 REMOVE WATER MAIN I LIN FT 1 $12.001 1001 361 01 $432.001 110 12104.5011 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER I LIN FT 1 $2.001 9991 14691 01 $2,938.00 111 12104.5031 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK ISO. FT i $2.001 600 9441 01 $1,888.001 112 12104.5051 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT I SQ YD 1 $3.001 1731' 1731.031 01 $5,193.091 113 12104.5051 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ISQ YD 1 $3.001 67641 9201.211 01 $27,603.63 114 12104.5091 REMOVE PERMANENT BARRICADE I EACH 1 $100.001 2 21 21 $200.00 115 12104.5091 REMOVE MANHOLE 1 EACH 1 $400.001 1' 01 01 $0.00 116 12104.5091 REMOVE CATCH BASIN I EACH 1 $300.001 11 01 01 $0.00 117 12104.5091 REMOVE CASTING I EACH 1 $100.001 11 01 01 $0.00 118 12104.50911 REMOVE SIGN I EACH 1 $15.001 791 791 141 $1,185.001 119 12104.5131 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) ILIN FT 1 $3.001 3841 22991 3671 $6,897.001 120 12104.5231 SALVAGE METAL APRON 1 EACH 1 $100.001 11 1 01 $100.00 121 12104.5231 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE C I EACH 1 $30.00 31 3 01 $90.00 122 12104.5231 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE D IEACH 1 $20.00' 11 11 11 $20.001 123 12104.6031 ABANDON WATER MAIN ILIN FT $2.001 1260 01 0 $0.00 124 12104.6031 RELOCATE SPRINKLER SYSTEM I LIN FT I $8.001 550' 5251 0' $4,200.00, 125 12105.5011 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) ICU YD 1 $18.001 47851 47851 01 $86,130.00 126 12105.5071SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (P) ICU YD $7.001 149541 149541 01 $104,678.00 127 12105.5211 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) ICU YD I $10.401 98861 98861 01 $102,814.40 128 12105.5221 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) ICU YD 1 $10.401 131581 131581 01 $136,843.20 29 12112.5011SUBGRADE PREPARATION I ROAD STAI $150.001 13.51 141 01 $2,100.00 130 12123.6101 TRACTOR MOUNTED BACKHOE I HOUR $130.001 171 01 01 $0.001 131 12211.5011 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD ITON 1 $7.001 36501 3060.321 01 $21,422.241 132 12211.503 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 6 ICU YD 1 $15.001 29111 35481 01 $53,220.001 133 12232.501, MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") I SQ YD 1 $4.001 18861 18861 01 $7,544.001 134 2340.5081 TYPE 31 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE 12350.5011 ITON 1 $31.001 2301 130.011 01 $4,030.311 135 TYPE MV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) ITON 1 $32.001 8001 778.651 0 $24,916.801 36 12350.5021 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) ITON $30.001 8501 820.231 0, $24,606.90 137 12357.5021 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT I GALLON I $1.301 15891 15501 01 $2,015.00 138 12360.5031 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,F) 1.5" THICK I SQ YD 1 $3.001 58881 58881 OI $17,664.00 139 12360.503IjTYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,F) 2.0" THICK ISQ YD 1 $4.001 118411 10303.51 0 $41,214.00 140 12360.503ITYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) 2" THICKISQ YD 1 $3.501 118411 12579.451 01 $44,028.08 141 12521.50114" CONCRETE WALK ISQ FT 1 $2.501 63251 55201 01 $13,800.00 142 12521.50116" CONCRETE WALK ISQ FT 1 $3.001 67251 69301 01 $20,790.001 43 12531.5011 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B612 I LIN FT 1 $11.001 6501 6541 01 $7,194.001 44 12531.5011 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 8618 I LIN FT 1 $8.501 28501 27841 01 $23,664.001 45 12531.5011 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 8624 I LIN FT 1 $11.101 43641 4559.741 01 $50,613.111 146 12531.5031 CONCRETE MEDIAN I SQ YD $19.001 10091 10141 51 $19,266.001 147 12531.6021 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP 1 EACH I $400.001 81 131 01 $5,200.001 148 12533.6031 RELOCATE CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER I LIN FT 1 $2.501 6001 6701 181 $1,675.001 149 12533.5041 CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER DESIGN 8337 1LIN FT $10.001 1200 7801 1891 $7,800.00 150 12554.6021 IMPACT ATTENUATOR BARRELS 1 EACH I $200.001 36' 361 01 $7,200.001 2 of 6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date 151 2554.602 RELOCATE IMPACT ATTENUATOR BARRELS EACH $30.00 16 16 0 $480.00 152 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $6,300.00 1 1 0 $6,300.00 153 2564.531 F&I SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT $22.50 658 691 0 $15,547.50 154 12564.536 INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE C (SALVAGED) EACH 1 $85.001 3 3 0 $255.00 155 12564.5361 INSTALL SIGN PANEL TYPE D (SALVAGED) JEACH 1 $55.001 11 1 0 $55.00 Ij 56 12564.6021 F&I SIGN PANEL TYPE D 1 EACH 1 $75.001 121 12 0 $900.00 157 12564.6021 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) POLY PREFORMED 1 EACH 1 $225.001 151 131 0 $2,925.00 158 12564.6021 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) POLY PREFORMED 1 EACH 1 $225.001 41 51 0 $1,125.001 159 12564.6021 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (SIGNAL AHEAD) POLY PREFORM 1 EACH 1 $700.00 11 0 01 $0.001 160 12564.6021 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) PAINT 1 EACH 1 $50.00' 41 19, 01 $950.001 161 12564.603124" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT 1LIN FT 1 $3.001 8501 5271 01 $1,581.001 162 12564.60314" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT 1 LIN FT 1 $0.251 22001 6033.341 01 $1,508.34 163 12564.60314" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT 1 LIN FT 1 $0.401 37001 3054.581 01 $1,221.831 16412564.60314" 2564.60314" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPDXY 1 LIN FT 1 $0.301 37001 2351.771 01 $705.531 165 BROKEN LINE WHITE-EPDXY LIN FT 1 $0.301 300 2601 01 $78.001 166 12564.60314" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY ,LIN FT 1 $0.301 35001 3530.491 01 $1,059.15 167 12564.60314" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY 1 LIN FT 1 $0.601 39001 2546.911 01 $1,528.15 168 12564.603124" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY 1 LIN FT 1 $5.501 7001 430.911 01 $2,370.01 169 12564.60314" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPDXY 1 LIN FT 1 $0.301 5001 3801 01 $114.00 170 12564.603124" STOP LINE WHITE-EPDXY 1 LIN FT 1 $7.001 601 53.351 01 $373.45 171 12564.6181 ZEBRA CROSSWALK -WHITE POLY PREFORM 1SQ FT 1 $8.001 5041 342 01 $2,736.00 172 12564.6181ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE -PAINT 1SQ FT 1 $1.501 4321 504' 01 $756.001 173 12565.5111 FULL T ACT T CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM 1 SIG SYS 1$180,000.001 11 11 0.051 $180,000.001 174 12565.6011 EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION SYSTEM 1 LUMP SUM 1 $3,000.001 11 11 0.051 $3,000.0 175 12565.6161 TEMPORARY SIGNAL SYSTEM 1SYSTEM 1 $44,000.001 11 11 01 $44 0,000.00 Ij 76 12571.5411 TRANSPLANT TREE 1 TREE 1 $400.00 21 91 01 $3,600.001 177 12573.5021 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT 1 $2.00, 49001 9811 01 $1,962.001 178 12573.5121 TEMPORARY DITCH CHECK LIN FT 1 $10.001 1001 01 01 $0.00 179 12573.602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 1 $100.001 481 201 01 $2,000.00 180 12575.501 SEEDING 1ACRE 1 $400.001 2.61 3.431 01 $1,372.00 181 12575.5051 SODDING TYPE SALT RESISTANT 1SQ YD 1 $2.201 144021 174121 01 $38,306.40 182 12575.5111 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 1 1 TON 1 $200.001 5.11 4.911 01 $982.00 12575.5191 DISK ANCHORING 1 ACRE 1 $100.001 2.631 2.431 01 $243.00 183 84 12575.5231 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 1 SQ YD 1 $2.001 6001 18001 01 $3,600.00 185 12575.5321 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSIS 10-10-20 1 POUND 1 $0.201 4001 152.81 01 $30.56 186 12575.5321 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSIS 21-12-24 1POUND 1 $0.501 4091 11621 01 $581.001 187 12575.5321 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ANALYSIS 24-5-24 1 POUND 1 $0.501 1121 510.21 01 $255.101 188 12575.5331 AGRICULTURAL LIME 1TON 1 $2,000.001 0.11 01 01 $0.001 189 12575.6081 HYDRAULIC SOIL STABILIZER TYPE 6 1 POUND $0.501 18001 18001 01 $900.001 190 12575.6081 SEED MIXTURE 150 1POUND $2.001 801 50 01 $100.00 191 12575.6081 SEED MIXTURE 240 1 POUND 1 $10.001 171 177.62, 01 $1,776.20' 1 Totals For Section SCHEDULE A - STREET CONSTRUCTION:1 $1,272,612.981 1SCHEDULE B - STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION 1 92 2451.513 FINE FILTER AGGREGATE (CV) CU YD $30.00 169 0 0 $0.001 193 2451.602 ROCK STABILIZATION TON $20.00 580 0 0 $0.00 194 2501.511 15" CS PIPE CULVERT LIN FT $20.00 12 12 0 $240.00 1195 2501.515 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH $350.00 3 3 0 $1,050.00 196 2501.515 18" RC PIPE APRON EACH $375.00 2 2 0 $750.00 197 2501.515 24" RC PIPE APRON 1 EACH 1 $450.00 4 4 0 $1,800.00 198 2501.515 48" RC PIPE APRON 1 EACH 1 $1,000.00 1 1 0 $1,000.00 3 of 6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract 2 Quantity to Current $4,000.001 Amount to No. EACH $2,400.00 3 Quantity 0 Date Quantity 1136 Date 199 2501.573 INSTALL METAL APRON EACH $100.00 1 0 0 $0.00 1100 12501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 15" PIPE APRON EACH $250.00 3 3 0 $750.00 101 12501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 18" PIPE APRON EACH $280.00 2 2 0 $560.00 102 12501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24" PIPE APRON EACH $550.00 41 4 0 $2,200.001 1103 12501.6021 TRASH GUARD FOR 48" PIPE APRON EACH 1$1,400.00 EACH $3,600.001 11 1 0 $1,400.001 1104 12502.54114" PERF TP PIPE DRAIN LIN FT$6.001 4 28201 1045.51 0 $6,273.001 1105 12503.541115" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V 1 LIN FT , $26.001 11701 1213.51 01 $31,551.00 LIN FT 1 $34.001 12503.541118" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 1 LIN FT 1 $28.001 3401 310.51 01 $8,694.00' 1106 107 12503.541118" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V 1 LIN FT $28.001 3911 3911 01 $10,948.001 1108 2503.541121" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 12503.541124" 1LIN FT 1 $30.001 8101 809.51 01 $24,285.001 1109 RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 1 LIN FT 1 $34.001 6461 653.51 01 $22,219.00 1110 12503.541130" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III 1 LIN FT 1 $46.001 6151 6151 01 $28,290.00 1111 12503.541142" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III 1 LIN FT 1 $80.001 701 701 01 $5,600.00 1112 12503.541148" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III 1 LIN FT 1 $100.001 161 221 01 $2,200.00 1113 12503.6021 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER 1 EACH 1 $600.001 11 31 01 $1,800.00 1114 12503.6031 TELEVISE STORM SEWER 1LIN FT 1 $2.001 12121 38621 38621 $7,724.00 1115 12506.5011 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN G 1 LIN FT 1 $240.001 35.61 361 01 $8,640.00 1116 12506.5011 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 1 LIN FT 1 $240.001 1411 163.331 01 $39,199.201 1117 12506.5011 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 54-4020 1 LIN FT 1 $300.001 14.71 9.171 01 $2,751.001 1118 12506.5011 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 1 LIN FT 1 $220.001 29.81 34.71 01 $7,634.001 1119 12506.5011 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 72-4020 1 LIN FT 1 $330.001 20.91 21.321 01 $7,035.601 1120 12506.5011 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 78-4020 1 LIN FT 1 $330.001 11.91 9.941 01 $3,280.201 1121 12506.5021 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 11 EACH 1$1,000.001 61 61 01 $6,000.00 1122 12506.6021 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM) 1 EACH 1 $425.001 551 431 01 $18,275.001 1123 12511.5011 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III CU YD 1 $60.001 25.8 25.8 01 $1,548.001 1124 12511.5011 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV ICUYD 1 $60.001 16.61 16.61 01 $996.00 1125 12511.5151GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV 1SQ YD 1 $2.001 71.91 71.91 01 $143.80 1 Totals For Section SCHEDULE B - STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION:1 $254,836.80 1 SCHEDULE C - SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 1126 2503.603 20" STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) LIN FT $200.00 170 170 0 $34,000.00 1127 2503.603 10" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 35 LIN FT $40.00 92 92 0 $3,680.00 1128 2503.603 12" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 35 LIN FT $60.00 55 55 0 $3,300.00 1129 2503.603 8" FORCE MAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 LIN FT $30.00 795 795 0 $23,850.00 1130 2503.603 12" FORCE MAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 LIN FT $40.00 270 211 0 $8,440.00 1131 2503.620 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND $2.00 1300 780 0 $1,560.001 132 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY) EACH $400.00 2 2 0 $800.001 133 2506.603 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES LIN FT $150.00 24.2 23.94 0 $3,591.001 Totals For Section SCHEDULE C - SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION: $79,221.001 SCHEDULE D -WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION 1134 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $2,000.00 2 2 0 $4,000.001 1135 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $2,400.00 3 2 0 $4,800.001 1136 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE EACH $200.00 3 0 0 $0.001 1137 2504.602 24" BUTTERFLY VALVE EACH $4,250.00 2 2 0 $8,500.001 1138 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,000.00 1 1 0 $1,000.00 1139 2504.602 10" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,300.00 3 3 0 $3,900.00 140 12504.602 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,500.00 3 5 0 $7,500.00 If 141 12504.602 16"X12" WET TAP EACH $3,600.001 1 2 0 $7,200.00 1142 12504.6021 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EACH 1$2,850.001 4 9 0 $25,650.00 143 12504.60316" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 1 $32.001 237 193 0 $6,176.00 144 12504.60318" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 1 $34.001 42 92 0 $3,128.00 4of6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 (Item Item Description No. 1145 2504.603 10" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 1146 2504.603 12" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 1147 12504.603 24" WATER MAIN -DUCTILE IRON CL 50 1148 12504.60336" STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) 1149 12504.60414" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION 1150 12504.6081 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS Tuesday, November 20, 2007 1 Totals For Section SCHEDULED -WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION:1 $303,442.001 1 1 Change Order 1 1151 Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Current Amount to 1152 91564 INSTALL 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT FOR PRIVATE UTILITY CROSSINGS 1 LIN FT $6.00 Quantity to Date Quantity Date 2501.511 15" CM PIPE CULVERT 1LIN FT $40.00 94 102 205 0 $8,200.00 1 HOUR LIN FT $42.00 4.5 0 1560 1436 0 $60,312.00 $1,534.501 'LIN FT 1 $86.00 $1,534.50 440 440 0 $37,840.00 Totals For 1 LIN FT 1 $340.001 1 Change Order 2 300 300 0 $102,000.00 1170 12105.5221 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) I SQ YD 1 $24.001 01($102,814.40)1 501 35 0 $840.00 Change Order 2:1 POUND 1 $2.201 73501 10180 01 $22,396.001 1 Totals For Section SCHEDULED -WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION:1 $303,442.001 1 1 Change Order 1 1151 91563 F$I 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT FOR FUTURE CTY FIBER OPTIC CROSSINGS I LIN FT $8.00 191 191 0 $1,528.00 1152 91564 INSTALL 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT FOR PRIVATE UTILITY CROSSINGS 1 LIN FT $6.00 697 697 0 $4,182.00 1153 2501.511 15" CM PIPE CULVERT 1 LIN FT $22.001 94 94 0 $2,068.00 1154 91567 STREET SWEEPING 1 HOUR $125.001 4.5 4.5 0 $562.50 1155 91568 CSAH 18/39 SIGNAL EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION ILUMP SUM $1,534.501 1 1 0 $1,534.50 1 ISQ YD 1 $3.001 1167 12360.5031 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) 2" THICK Totals For Change Order 1: $9,875.00 1 Change Order 2 $7.001 169 12105.5211 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) ICU YD 1 $10.401 1170 12105.5221 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) 1156 2105.521 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) 8108 CU YD $9.401 1157 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) 1350 CU YD $9.40 1158 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE MEDIAN 1 SQ FT $2.00 1159 2104.509 REMOVE CONCRETE APRON 1 EACH $1,487.50 1160 91676 LEVELING COURSE 1TON $55.00 1161 91677 ADJUST EXISTING CASTING $1,700.001 EACH $425.001 1162 191678I R L LARSON MANPOWER 301 ILUMPSUM $4,162.50 1163 191679 Ij PLUG AND FILL EXISTING PIPE I LIN FT 1 $20.00 1164 191680 1 MEADOW OAK AVE SUBGRADE EXCAVATION I LUMP SUM 1$12,753.501 1165 191681 1RES LUTH CHURCH EROSION CNTRL ILUMP SUM1 $7,367.501 1166 12360.5031 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,F) 1.5" THICK ISQ YD 1 $3.001 1167 12360.5031 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,B) 2" THICK ISQ YD$3.501 1168 191682 1CSAH 39 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (P) ICU YD I $7.001 169 12105.5211 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) ICU YD 1 $10.401 1170 12105.5221 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) ICU YD 1 $10.401 1 Change Order 3 1171 12105.6011TOPSOIL BORROW 1 Change Order 4 172 92931 RELOCATE STREETLIGHT ON CSAH 75 173 12563.601 I ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL 10938 10938 01 $102,817.20' 8108 8108 0 $76,215.201 1350 1350 0 $2,700.001 1 1 0 $1,487.5011 724.7 724.7 0 $39,858.501 4 4 0 $1,700.001 1 1 0 $4,162.50 301 30 0 $600.00 11 11 01 $12,753.50 11 11 01 $7,367.50 465013439.851 01 $10,319.55 17551 1755 01 $6,142.50 -17581 -1758 01 ($12,306.00)1 -98861 -98861 01($102,814.40)1 -131581 -131581 01 ($136,843.20) Totals For Change Order 2:1 $14,160.35 LUMP SUM 1$18,315.001 11 11 01 $18,315.00' Totals For Change Order 3: $18,315.00 LUMP SUM $2,557.37 1 11 1 $2,557.37 LUMP SUM $6,495.80 1 11 1 $6,495.80 Totals For Change Order 4: $9,053.17 Project Totals: I $1,961,516.30 5 of 6 01627-03 - Pay Voucher 10 Contract Chana_ es No. [No. Type Date ICO1 Change Order 8/12/2005 CO2 Change Order 12/30/2005 ICO3 Change Order 14/18/2006 ICO4 Change Order 11/1/2007 Pavment Summary No. From Date 11 6/23/2005 12 8/1/2005 13 9/1/2005 14 1110/1/2005 15 111/1/2005 16 11/1/2006 17 13/1/2006 18 14/26/2006 19 16/30/2006 110 & FINAL 18/1/2006 Project Summary Material On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Total Retainage: Total Amount Earned: Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-03 Contractor: R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Description Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Amount Additional contract quantities. 1 $9,875.00 Deleted and additional contract items. 1 $17,790.80 Additional contract quantity. $18,315.00 Additional contract quantities. $9,053.17 To Date Payment Total Payment 7/31/2005 $267,812.30 $267,812.30 8/31/2005 $878,888.48 $1,146,700.78 9/30/2005 $211,404.43 $1,358,105.21 110/31/2005 1 $107,885.531 $1,465,990.741 112/31/2005 1 $120,127.501 $1,586,118.241 12/28/2006 1 $141,845.961 $1,727,964.201 14/25/2006 1 $42,118.251 $1,770,082.45 16/29/2006 1 $62,892.741 $1,832,975.19, 17/31/2006 1 $2,451.531 $1,835,426.721 111/30/2006 1 $126,089.581 $1,961,516.301 Payment Totals: 1 $1,961,516.301 Change Order Totals: 1 $55,033.97 Retainage Per Payment $14,095.38 $46,257.29 $11,126.55 $5,678.19 $6,322.501 $7,465.571 $2,216.751 $3,310.151 $129.031 ($96,601.41)1 1 $0.00 $1,961,516.30 Original Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $1,961,516.30 Revised Contract: Total Retainage (Completed 1 $14,095.38 $281,907.681 $60,352.67 $1,207,053.45 $71,479.22 $1,429,584.43 $77,157.411 $1,543,148.151 $83,479.911 $1,669,598.15 $90,945.481 $1,818,909.68 $93,162.231 $1,863,244.68 $96,472.381 $1,929,447.57 $96,601.411 $1,932,028.13 $0.001 $1,961,516.301 $0.001 $1,961,516.301 $1,913,089.40 $55,033.97 $1,968,123.37 6of6 WSB & Associates. Inc. Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction November 20, 2007 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 (Final) CSAH 18 (School Boulevard to Meadow Oak Avenue), CSAH 39 (CSAH 75 to Hart Boulevard), and Meadow Oak Avenue (CSAH 18 to CSAH 75) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work CSAH 18: County Project No. 86-18-061 CSAH 39: County Project No. 86-39-061 CSAH 18/CSAH 39: City Project No. 2004-01C Meadow Oak Avenue: City Project No. 2005-05C City of Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1627-03 Dear Mayor and Council Members: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 for the above -referenced project in the amount of $126,089.58. Pay Voucher No. 10 does include payment for Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $9,053.17. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. Minneapolis 1 St. Cloud K. 01627-03 Admin/),—. R M 101 -WL (7)'hx cr-it?nn7-Hveddia Equal Opportunity Employer Honorable Mayor and City Council November 20, 2007 Page 2 Please make payment in this amount to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. c (I SAani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Tom Kelly, City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Doug Moen, R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. srb A:k0/627-03:dn 4),—L7%t 11010PT7,(TFAi-412001-Hvvddix 14. A General Obligation bonds See attached report. 14.A General Obligation Bonds PRESALE REPORT: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS NOVEMBER 269 2007 Proposed Issue: General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007 (the "Bonds"). Purpose: Purpose 1: To current refund the outstanding General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2000A, maturities due 2009-2016 totaling $1,000,000 in their entirety on February 1, 2008 (the "Prior Bonds"). Current coupon rates range from 5.15% to 5.65% (the "Refunding"). In a current refunding, the Bonds are sold no more that 90 - days in advance of the call date of the Prior Bonds. The proceeds of the Bonds are used to prepay the Prior Bonds at the first opportunity on February 1, 2008. Purpose 2: To finance the construction of various street and utility improvements in the City associated with the projects listed below (the "Improvements"). Project #2007-01C in the amount of $1,599,578 known as the 2007 Street Reconstruction will be paid up front from $562,000 in cash; and from $356,104 in special assessments, $115,338 in trunk funds, and $42,013 in park funds over time, with the balance from a tax levy. Project #2006-02C in the amount of $1,214,918 known as Cedar/Dundas will be paid up front from $521,060 in MSA Funds; and from $775,202 in special assessments of which $252,067 is deferred and $280,481 in trunk funds over time. Project #2006-31C in the amount of $2,612,343 known as Chelsea Fallon will be paid from $1,420,423 in special assessments and $310,035 in trunk funds over time, with the balance from a tax levy. Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Purpose 3: To finance the construction of a wastewater treatment plant mixer and storage building in the City (the "Sewer Project"). The Refunding, the Improvements, and the Sewer Project are referred to collectively as, the "Project". Description: The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 475, 429 and 444, to finance the Project. Financing the Project requires a bond issue in the amount of $6,360,000. The proposed finance plan consists of the sources and uses of funds attached to this Report. Rating: The Bonds are expected to be rated by Moody's Investors Service at an "A2" level. The City will be attempting to purchase bond insurance to bring the rating to a "AAA" level. The City's concentration in its tax base has made bond insurance more difficult to obtain. Term/Call Feature: Principal on the Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2009 through 2018. Bonds maturing February 1, 2017, and thereafter will be subject to prepayment at the discretion of the City on February 1, 2016. A portion of the bond proceeds is set aside as capitalized interest to provide funds to pay the first interest payment on February 1, 2008 before the assessments and tax levies are collected, beginning on July 1, 2008. Funding Sources: The Bonds are general obligations of the City and as such are secured by a pledge of the City's full faith, credit, and taxing powers. Purpose 1: It is expected that the same sources of payment originally pledged to the Prior Bonds will pay for the Refunding portion of the Bonds. Purpose 2: Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, it is the intent of the City to levy special assessments for a potion of the street and utility improvement costs of the Improvement portion of the Bonds against benefitting property owners in the years 2007 through 2016, for collection in the years 2008 through 2017, at a rate of 5% per annum. The remaining balance will be paid from a tax levy. If significant prepayments of assessments are received before the call date, the tax levy may need to be increased. Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Purpose 3: Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075, principal and interest on the Sewer portion of the Bonds are payable from net revenues of the sewer system. In addition, the City pledges in the resolution awarding the sale of the Bonds to maintain rates and charges sufficient to cover debt service payments, after taking into account any special assessments levied against benefitted property. If there is a shortfall in net revenues, the City may use other available funds, including property taxes, to cover debt service payments. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 115.46, a city-wide ad valorem tax against all taxable real property can be utilized on a long- term basis. Discussion Issues: The first interest payment on the Bonds will be August 1, 2008, and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1. The projected debt service and flow of funds are attached to this Report. Based on coupon rates of 3.55% to 4.05%, the savings of the Refunding is expected to be around $50,000, after all fees and expenses. We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and alert you to any other future opportunities. Refunding Opts: We have reviewed the remaining outstanding indebtedness for the City and find that the City' Housing and Redevelopment Authority could advance refund the Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A, maturities due 2009-2015 totaling $5,740,000 in their entirety on any day before their scheduled call on February 1, 2010. Current coupon rates range from 5.75% to 6.25%. We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and alert you to any future opportunities. Bank Qualified: The City will designate the Bonds as "bank qualified tax-exempt obligations". Bank qualified status broadens the market and achieves lower interest rates. Arbitrage Rebate: With increasing short-term investment rates, IRS rules regarding the amount of interest that the City may earn on bond proceeds is more of a concern. Because the City is issuing over $5,000,000 for the calendar year, the City must spend the proceeds according to an 18 or 24 month schedule to avoid needing to rebate or repay interest earned that is more than the interest rate on the Bonds. The excess interest earnings are known as "arbitrage". The City will also need to keep its debt service funds within IRS parameters to avoid penalties on carrying too high of a balance during the life of the Bonds. Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Schedule: Pre -Sale Review: Distribute Official Statement: Conference with Rating Agency: Bond Sale: Estimated Closing Date: Notification Date of Call: Attachments: November 26, 2007 Week of December 3 Week of December 3 December 10, 2007 December 15 February 1, 2008 Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed Debt Service Schedule Bond Buyer Index Resolution authorizing Ehlers to proceed with Bond Sale Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Todd Hagen (651) 697-8508 Mark Ruff (651) 697-8505 Bond Analysts: Diana Lockard (651) 697-8534 Debbie Holmes (651) 697-8536 Bond Sale Connie Kuck (651) 697-8527 Coordinator: The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the Council Members at their home address for review prior to the sale date. L�j Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance u) W m V m cl M O W J N A> N V O m M u) r W LO 04 N N M O N N N N N N O O M a O = M M M M Cl) M M Cl) N N O f3 m QO M U ��.c c V co E N lf) m M (O 7 O O V W In u) uJ W O m C W .II Q m 'V W M (O N N N O V M W O 7 u) O N N W R m lL �:, W O C N r N O- W m W m W N v N u) W M P,W W m M� M M O W M r V t- V m V M M W V W N U o y L W N N W M (O O M r V N m M (D u) W W n M °Z o v�v VvVvv-It It cMM c H d tom d U M O' O O N O N O O O W O my O N O d O I` N N m V m 7 -It N N W M N M N N M d O ' O cl V: OClO d u) 7 M M P - O M V' m( t� u) W W W m V m O u) u) O W c M t- f� (fi (D d' M N (O O u) aD N (D V 7 N h O) O N N m O O O O O `-' O W K T O O ON M u) O � O O W W � � V' C O O W O W u) O C J K O (3i r-- O 'C +y' O O c�D (�D N N i i i i i i i i i i (D O u) L6 r u) E NNOOrr f` U O m m y M U N O O m O W Q ID a O O o N M (n O l..� .. .� i..-..- ..-..-. -.. 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R � LLQ LLQ COO (p CM M = C U) 4) 7 O a) E } -5 - U w V C W m Oj (O O O 00 O O a:> Q M H U) p`, N G o O LL E +� O M O N CO LO 0r A V y 0 y �.-- 00—a) Cl 000 0 0 0 0 U N N N N CV N N N O — 1i CL co O V C d y o EO � U) IL ` O N .11 U C N N (6 'U O y 06 N L W T N CL N it rf i-_ City of Monticello Minnesota 40 t � Bond ` f � tt Cash Flow Analysis/Debt Service Schedule LEADERS IN PUKAC TINA E Levy (2007-2008 WWTP Mixer and Storage Building) Todd Hagen/Mark Ruff Bond Full Competitive Sale/10 Year Level/Underlying Moody's "A2" Public Finance Advisors Total Total 651-697-8508/8505 Year Year 1-800-552-1171 Principal General Obligation Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 I I 2007-2008 WWTP Mixer and Storage Par Amount of Bonds 915,000 +5.00% Building Issuer Cash - 12/15/2007 MSA Funds - Total Sources 915,000 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.200%) 10,980 8/1/2008 Costs of Issuance 6,402 22,387 - Deposit to Project Construction Fund 900,000 Deposit to Current Refunding Fund - 2/1/2009 Rounding Amount (2,382) 17,830 Total Uses 915,000 Tax Tax Bond Bond Levy Collect Payment Bond Bond Bond Funded Total Total Net Year Year Date Principal Rate 2 Interest Interest P & I +5.00% Revenues 12/15/2007 2007 2008 8/1/2008 - 22,387 - 22,387 23,506 2007 2008 2/1/2009 75,000 3.55% 17,830 92,830 97,472 120,977 2008 2009 8/1/2009 - 16,499 16,499 17,324 2008 2009 2/1/2010 80,000 3.65% 16,499 96,499 101,324 118,647 2009 2010 8/1/2010 - 15,039 15,039 15,791 2009 2010 2/1/2011 85,000 3.70% 15,039 100,039 105,041 120,831 2010 2011 8/1/2011 - 13,466 13,466 14,140 2010 2011 2/1/2012 85,000 3.80% 13,466 98,466 103,390 117,529 2011 2012 8/1/2012 - 11,851 11,851 12,444 2011 2012 2/1/2013 90,000 3.85% 11,851 101,851 106,944 119,388 2012 2013 8/1/2013 - 10,119 10,119 10,625 2012 2013 2/1/2014 90,000 3.90% 10,119 100,119 105,125 115,749 2013 2014 8/1/2014 - 8,364 8,364 8,782 2013 2014 2/1/2015 95,000 3.95% 8,364 103,364 108,532 117,314 2014 2015 8/1/2015 - 6,488 6,488 6,812 2014 2015 2/1/2016 100,000 4.05% 6,488 106,488 111,812 118,624 2015 2016 8/1/2016 - 4,463 4,463 4,686 2015 2016 2/1/2017 105,000 4.10% 4,463 109,463 114,936 119,621 2016 2017 8/1/2017 - 2,310 2,310 2,426 2016 2017 2/1/2018 110,000 4.20% 2,310 112,310 117,926 120,351 915,000 217,412 - 1,132,412 1,189,032 1,189,032 ' Includes engineering, administration, and contingency. 2 Based on current rates. Actual rates will be determined on the day of sale. Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Preliminary: For Discussion Purposes ONLY 11/19/2007 Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $6,360,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007 A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $6,360,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007 (the "Bonds"), to current refund the outstanding General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2000A, maturities due 2009-2016 totaling $1,000,000 in their entirety on February 1, 2008; and to finance the construction of various street and utility improvements and municipal sewer system improvements in the City; and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ("Ehlers"), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meetina: Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at 7:00 p.m. on December 10, 2007, for the purpose of considering proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an Official Statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this 26' day of November, 2007. City Administrator NAMinnsota\Montice11o\2007 Improvement BondsTre-Sale Report ReflmprRev .wpd 14. W EDA Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds See attached report. 14.B EDA — Public Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, MINNESOTA PRESALE REPORT: PUBLIC PROJECT REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS NOVEMBER 269 2007 Proposed Issue: Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2007 (the "Bonds") Purpose: To advance refund the outstanding Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A, maturities due 2009-2015 totaling $5,740,000 in their entirety on February 1, 2008 (the "Prior Bonds"). Current coupon rates range from 5.75% to 6.25% (the "Refunding"). In an advance refunding, the Bonds are sold more that 90 -days in advance of the call date of the Prior Bonds. The proceeds of the Bonds are invested in escrowed securities to pay the Prior Bonds at the first opportunity on February 1, 2010 (the "Escrow"). The City has determined to continue to use the municipal lease financing method by which a lease is entered into between the City's EDA as lessor and the City itself as lessee (the "Lease"). The EDA issues the Bonds payable solely from rent payments to be paid by the City under the Lease. Description: The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 465, to finance the Escrow in the amount of $5,982,133. Financing the Refunding requires a bond issue in the amount of $6,100,000. The proposed finance plan consists of the sources and uses of funds attached to this Report. Rating: The City has an underlying "A2" rating by Moody's Investor Services. Because the Bonds are not general obligation bonds, they are expected to be rated by Moody's at an "AY level. The EDA will be attempting to purchase bond insurance to bring the rating to a "AAA" level. The City's concentration in its tax base has made bond insurance more difficult to obtain. Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Term/Call Feature: Principal on the Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2009 through 2015. Principal payments are structured to maintain the same uniform schedule as the Prior Bonds. The Bonds will not be subject to prepayment prior to their maturity. Funding Sources: It is expected that the same source of payment originally pledged to the Prior Bonds will pay for the Bonds. The Bonds are not general obligations or indebtedness of the EDA, but are special obligations payable solely from rental payments made by the City under the Lease. The payments under the Lease are such that they are sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the Bonds as they become due. For a Facility of this type, a tax levy is appropriated on an annual basis by the City Council for the payment of rental payments only after the revenues of the facility financed by the Prior Bonds (the "Facility") are found to be insufficient for their payment. The Lease will contain an annual non -appropriation clause under which the City has the right to terminate the Lease at the end of any fiscal year if it does not appropriate moneys sufficient to make required payments for the next fiscal year under the Lease. However, the City will represent in the Lease that it presently intends to continue the Lease for its entire term. The City will also covenant in the Lease, to extent permitted by law, not to substitute other property for the Facility if it elects to terminate the Lease. During the term of the Lease, title to the Facility will be in the City. If the Lease should terminate prior to discharge of the Bonds, title to the Facility shall revert to the EDA and the City shall cease to be entitled to occupy or otherwise possess the Facility. The City may elect at any time during the term of the Lease to purchase the Facility at a price sufficient to pay the remaining debt service due on the Bonds. When the Bonds are paid in full, the City will have title to the Facility. In an event of default under the Lease or termination of the Lease under the non - appropriation clause, the bondholders may exercise all of the rights of the EDA under the Lease, including the right to take possession of the Facility and sell the Facility or any portion thereof at a public or private sale in accordance with applicable state laws. So long as the City has not exercised its ability to non -appropriate under the terms of the Lease, the EDA's involvement is minimal. If the City exercises its rights to terminate the Lease because of non -appropriation, bondholders could require that the EDA try to sell or release the Facility. Discussion Issues: The first interest payment on the Bonds will be August 1, 2008, and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1. The projected debt service and flow of funds are attached to this Report. Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Based on coupon rates of 3.80% to 3.95%, the savings of the Refunding is expected to be around $180,000, after all fees and expenses. We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and alert you to any other future opportunities. Key Risk Factor: With an advance refunding, the key risk factor is the call date. Because the Prior Bonds are first callable on February 1, 2010, to refund in 2008, it must be believed that comparable or better conditions will not occur over the next two years. Refunding Opts: We have reviewed all outstanding indebtedness for the City and find that the City could current refund the outstanding General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2000A, maturities due 2009-2016 totaling $1,000,000 in their entirety on February 1, 2008. Current coupon rates range from 5.15% to 5.65%. The refunding could save the City around $50,000. We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and alert you to any future opportunities. Bank Qualified: The Bonds will be "qualified tax-exempt obligations", which will allow banks to buy the Bonds at slightly lower interest rates. Arbitrage Rebate: With increasing short-term investment rates, IRS rules regarding the amount of interest that the City may earn on bond proceeds is more of a concern. Because the City is issuing over $5,000,000 for the calendar year, the City must spend the proceeds according to the Escrow to avoid needing to rebate or repay interest earned that is more than the interest rate on the Bonds. The excess interest earnings are known as "arbitrage". The City will also need to keep its debt service funds within IRS parameters to avoid penalties on carrying too high of a balance during the life of the Bonds. 11 Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Schedule: City Pre -Bond Sale Review: November 26, 2007 EDA Pre -Bond Sale Review: .2007 Ehlers distributes Official Statement: Week of December 3 Conference with Rating Agency: EDA Bond Sale: City/EDA approve Lease: Estimated Closing Date: Notification Date of Call: Attachments: Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed Debt Service Schedule Bond Buyer Index Resolution authorizing Ehlers to proceed with Bond Sale Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Bond Analysts Bond Sale Coordinator: Todd Hagen (651) 697-8508 Mark Ruff (651) 697-8505 Diana Lockard (651) 697-8534 Debbie Holmes (651) 697-8536 Connie Kuck (651) 697-8527 Week of December 3 December—, 2007 December 10, 2007 January, 2008 February 1, 2008 The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the Board Members and Council Members at their home address for review prior to the sale date. Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance City of Monticello HRA, MN $6,100,000 Lease Revnue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 Proposed Net Cash Refunding of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A Table of Contents Report Prior Oriqinal Debt Service Debt Service Schedule Sources & Uses Debt Service Comparison Escrow Fund Cashflow 07 netcash ref Ser OOA $7 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/ 6/2007 1 9:53 AM City of Monticello HRA, MN $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I 08/01/2008 - - 175,075.00 175,075.00 02/01/2009 505,000.00 5.750% 175,075.00 680, 075.00 08/01/2009 - - 160,556.25 160,556.25 02/01/2010 530,000.00 5.750% 160, 556.25 690,556.25 08/01/2010 - - 145,318.75 145,318.75 02/01/2011 870,000.00 6.125% 145,318.75 1, 015, 318.75 08/01/2011 - - 118,675.00 118,675.00 02/01/2012 920,000.00 6.125% 118,675.00 1,038,675.00 08/01/2012 - - 90,500.00 90, 500.00 02/01/2013 950,000.00 6.125% 90, 500.00 1, 040, 500.00 08/01/2013 - - 61,406.25 61,406.25 02/01/2014 970,000.00 6.250% 61,406.25 1,031,406.25 08/01/2014 - - 31, 093.75 31,093.75 02/01/2015 995,000.00 6.250% 31,093.75 1,026,093.75 Total $5,740,000.00 - $1,565,250.00 $7,305,250.00 Yield Statistics Base date for Avq. Life & Avq. Coupon Calculation Averaqe Life Averaqe Coupon Weiqhted Averaqe Maturity (Par Basis) Refundina Bond Information Refundinq Dated Date Refundinq Delivery Date Ser OOA $7,555K Pub Proj I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/ 6/2007 1 9:53 AM Fiscal Total 855,150.00 851,112.50 1,160,637.50 1,157, 350.00 1,131,000.00 1,092, 812.50 1,057,187.50 2/01/2008 4.423 Years 6.1648287% 4.423 Years 2/01/2008 2/01/2008 City of Monticello HRA, MN $6,100,000 Lease Revnue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 Proposed Net Cash Refunding of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 02/01/2008 - - 08/01 /2008 - - 118,113.75 118,113.75 - 02/01/2009 595,000.00 3.800% 118,113.75 713,113.75 831,227.50 08/01/2009 - - 106,808.75 106,808.75 - 02/01/2010 610,000.00 3.800% 106,808.75 716,808.75 823,617.50 08/01/2010 - - 95,218.75 95,218.75 - 02/01 /2011 945,000.00 3.850% 95,218.75 1,040,218.75 1,135,437.50 08/01/2011 - - 77,027.50 77,027.50 02/01/2012 980,000.00 3.850% 77,027.50 1,057,027.50 1,134,055.00 08/01/2012 - - 58,162.50 58,162.50 02/01/2013 990,000.00 3.900% 58,162.50 1,048,162.50 1,106,325.00 08/01/2013 - - 38, 857.50 38, 857.50 02/01/2014 990,000.00 3.900% 38, 857.50 1,028,857.50 1,067, 715.00 08/01/2014 - - 19,552.50 19,552.50 02/01/2015 990,000.00 3.950% 19,552.50 1,009, 552.50 1,029,105.00 Total $6,100,000.00 - $1,027,482.50 $7,127,482.50 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $26,390.00 Averaqe Life 4.326 Years Averaqe Coupon 3.8934540% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 4.1748482% True Interest Cost (TIC) 4.2078111% Bond Yield for Arbitraqe Purposes 4.0127234% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 4.3887036% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 3.8934540% Weiqhted Averaqe Maturity 4.326 Years 07 netcash ref Ser OOA $7 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/ 612007 1 9:53 AM City of Monticello HRA, MN $6,100,000 Lease Revnue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 Proposed Net Cash Refunding of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A Sources & Uses Dated 02/01/2008 1 Delivered 02/01/2008 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $6,100,000.00 Total Sources $6,100,000.00 Uses Of Funds Total Underwriter's Discount (0.750%) 45,750.00 Costs of Issuance 42,000.00 Gross Bond Insurance Premium ( 40.0 bp) 28,509.93 Deposit to Net Cash Escrow Fund 5,982,132.82 Roundinq Amount 1,607.25 Total Uses $6,100,000.00 07 netcash ref Ser OOA $7 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/ 6/2007 1 9:53 AM City of Monticello HRA, MN $6,100,000 Lease Revnue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 Proposed Net Cash Refunding of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A Debt Service Comparison Date Total P+I Net New D/S Old Net DIS Savings 02/01/2008 - (1,607.25) - 1,607.25 02/01/2009 831,227.50 831,227.50 855,150.00 23,922.50 02/01/2010 823,617.50 823,617.50 851,112.50 27,495.00 02/01/2011 1,135,437.50 1,135,437.50 1,160, 637.50 25,200.00 02/01/2012 1,134,055.00 1,134,055.00 1,157, 350.00 23,295.00 02/01/2013 1,106, 325.00 1,106,325.00 1,131,000.00 24,675.00 02/01/2014 1,067, 715.00 1,067,715.00 1,092,812.50 25,097.50 02/01/2015 1,029,105.00 1,029,105.00 1,057,187.50 28,082.50 Total $7,127,482.50 $7,125,875.25 $7,305,250.00 $179,374.75 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Net FV Cashflow Savinqs 179,374.75 Gross PV Debt Service Savings ..................... 156,657.57 Net PV Cashflow Savinqs @ 4.013%(Bond Yield)..... 156,657.57 Contingency or Roundinq Amount .................... 1,607.25 Net Present Value Benefit $158.264.82 Net PV Benefit/ $5,740,000 Refunded Principal... 2.757% Net PV Benefit/ $6,100,000 Refunding Principal.. 2.595% Net PV Benefit / $6,228,147.64 PV Refunded Debt Service 2.541% Average Annual Cash Flow Savings .................. 25.624.96 Refunding Bond Information Refundinq Dated Date 2/01/2008 Refunding Delivery Date 2/01/2008 07 netcash ref Ser OOA $7 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/ 6/2007 1 9:53 AM City of Monticello HRA, MN $6,100,000 Lease Revnue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 Proposed Net Cash Refunding of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A Escrow Fund Cashflow Investment Parameters Investment Model IPV, GIC, or Securitiesl Securities Default investment yield tarqet Bond Yield Cash Deposit 0.82 Cost of Investments Purchased with Bond Proceeds 5,982,132.00 Total Cost of Investments $5,982,132.82 Target Cost of Investments at bond yield $5,959,900.80 Actual positive or (neqative) arbitraqe (22,232.02) Yield to Receipt 3.8058070% Yield for Arbitraqe Purposes 4.0127234% State and Local Government Series (SLGS) rates for 10/25/2007 07 netcash ref Ser OOA $7 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/ 6/2007 1 9:53 AM Cash Date Principal Rate Interest Receipts Disbursements Balance 02101/2008 - - - 0.82 - 0.82 08/01/2008 71,902.00 4.000% 103,172.31 175,074.31 175,075.00 0.13 02/01/2009 556,464.00 3.930% 123,611.16 680,075.16 680,075.00 0.29 08/01/2009 58,814.00 3.870% 101,742.13 160,556.13 160,556.25 0.17 02/01/2010 5,294,952.00 3.800% 100,604.08 5,395,556.08 5,395,556.25 - Total $5,982,132.00 - $429,129.68 $6,411,262.50 $6,411,262.50 Investment Parameters Investment Model IPV, GIC, or Securitiesl Securities Default investment yield tarqet Bond Yield Cash Deposit 0.82 Cost of Investments Purchased with Bond Proceeds 5,982,132.00 Total Cost of Investments $5,982,132.82 Target Cost of Investments at bond yield $5,959,900.80 Actual positive or (neqative) arbitraqe (22,232.02) Yield to Receipt 3.8058070% Yield for Arbitraqe Purposes 4.0127234% State and Local Government Series (SLGS) rates for 10/25/2007 07 netcash ref Ser OOA $7 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/ 6/2007 1 9:53 AM W, h i Cl) C O m h N C O m N d N i ca 0 N G O m 0 L m C 0 m N O cq N O to Lf) LO d' V l • • • so me • � u -W-. ®-- -�_� W �■_� ��MOPPSM N O cq N O to Lf) LO d' V EDA Resolution No. Board Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $6,100,000 Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 A. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA") believes that it is necessary to issue its $6,100,000 Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 (the 'Bonds"), to advance refund the outstanding Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A, maturities due 2009-2015 totaling $5,740,000 in their entirety on February 1, 2008 of the City of Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority; and B. WHEREAS, the EDA has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ("Ehlers"), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Monticello Economic Development Authority, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findings. The EDA Board hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting. Proposal Opening. The EDA Board shall meet at _:_ p.m. on December _, 2007, for the purpose of considering proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the EDA are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the EDA upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Board Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Board Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this _ day of .2007. EDA Secretary City Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Regarding the Sale of $6,100,000 Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 by the Monticello Economic Development Authority A. WHEREAS, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA"), has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue its $6,100,000 Public Project Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 (the 'Bonds"), to advance refund the outstanding Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A, maturities due 2009-2015 totaling $5,740,000 in their entirety on February 1, 2008 of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello (the"City"); B. WHEREAS, the EDA has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ("Ehlers"), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); and C. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to indicate its support for the actions of the EDA with respect to the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findines. The City Council hereby approves the EDA's authorization of Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meetine: Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at 7:00 p.m. on December 10, 2007, for the purpose of considering further action with respect to the sale of the Bonds. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this 26"' day of November, 2007. City Administrator =6 MIDDLE SCHOOL POND NTY OF MONTICELLO, MN NSB PROJECT NO. 1627-60 OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET SUITE 1 NONTICELO, MN 66362 sksksksk CONTRACTOR: MOTZKO COMPANIES, LLC 627 96TH STREET SE DELANO MN 56328 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: 30" OUTFALL WEIR AND SHEETPILE, EMBANKMENT EROSION CONTROL, 6" PVC EXTENSION, 24" HDPE BEND AND REGRADING ITEMS. 11/19/2007 IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDES ALL ADDITIONAL COSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCRIBED ABOVE. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: $93,095.45 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 7/30/2007 PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: WA $109,152.12 NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: NONE CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: $202,247.57 CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: 7/30/2007 NET INCREASE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: $67,457.37 NET INCREASE WITH CHANGE ORDER: 10/30/2007 CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: $269,704.94 CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS 10/30/2007 RECOMMEND BY: AP PHILLIP ELKIN, PE, PROJECT MANAGER NTRACTOR SIGNATURE WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. MOTZKO COMPANIES, LLC ENGINEER CONTRACTOR APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER -ITY ADMINIS T Wi OR DATE DATE Kr101o27-5OI4dminlCona Wc(lon Admin W8y VoucAenlfd27.60 Change Order ZA18CO-1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 DETAIL 2006 MIDDLE SCHOOL POND 11119/2007 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1627-50 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Mat. No. Description Qty Unit Price Extended Amount 33 2501.601 60" OUTFALL WEIR AND SHEETPILE 1 LS $5,139.25 $5,139.25 34 2575.601 EMBANKMENT EROSION CONTROL 1 LS $5,777.50 $5,777.50 35 2501.602 6" PVC EXTENSION 1 LS $2,757.39 $2,757.39 36 2503.603 24" HDPE BEND AND REGRADING 1 L.S $1,475.00 $1,475.00 37 2575.601 EMBANKMENT EROSION CONTROL 1 LS $1,750.50 $1,750.50 38 2105.607 ADDITIONAL EXCAVATION AT MIDDLE SCHOOLPOND 1 CY $50,557.73 $50,557.73 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.2 DELETED ITEMS Item No. Mat. No. Description TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $67,457.37 Qty Unit Price Extended Amount $0.00 $67,457.37 K:101627-501AdminlConstruction AdminlPay Vouchersl1627-50 Change Order2.x1sC01 Detail MOTZKO COMPANIES, L.L.C. T & M WORKSHEET CONTRACTOR: Monticello PROJECT: Middle School Pond DATE: 8/24/2007 Scope: 60" OUTFALL WEIR AND SHEETPILE Hourly Item Rate 2t ( Hours Rate Total MU % Total Work Performed EQUIPMENT 1 345 Cat $ 155.00 1 9 $ 1,395.00 0.15 $ 1,604.25 2 850 Dozer $ 140.00 1 2 $ 280.00 0.15 $ 322.00 4 Bobcat $ 105.00 1 3 $ 315.00 0.1 $ 346.501 5 I $ - 0.1 $ - 1 LABOR $ - 1 0.1 $ 1 Operator $ - 1 0.1 $ - 2 Laborer $ 60.00 2 7 1 $ 420.001 0.151$ 483.00 3 Supervision $ 75.00 3 1 ' $ 75.001 0.151 $ 86.25 4 Mobilization $ 75.00 2 1 $ 75.001 0.151$ 86.25 51 $ . 1 0.11$ - 61 $ - I 0.11s 1 MATERIALS J $ - 0.11$ - SOURCE 1 Sheetpile 11251 $ 1,125.00 0.11$ 1,237.50 Contech 2 Redimix 2751$ 275.00 0.11$ 302.50 Knife River Forms & Rebar 2801$ 280.00 0.11$ 308.00 Home Depot Tie Rods 6 ea 1 3301$ 330.00 0.11$ 363.00 Royal Concrete Epoxy 1 95 $ 95.00 1 0.11$ 104.50 i Fastenal TOTAL $ 5,139.251 acknowledge that this work was performed and agree with the above stated quantities AUTHORIZED BY: MOTZKO COMPANIES, L.L.C. T & M WORKSHEET CONTRACTOR: Monticello PROJECT: Middle School Pond DATE: 8/28/2007 Scope: Enkamat erosion control I acknowledge that this work was performed and agree with the above stated quantities AUTHORIZED BY: Hourly Item Rate Qty Hours Rate Total MU % Total Work Performed EQUIPMENT 2 850 Dozer $ 140.00 1 1 $ 140.00 0.15 $ 161.00 416obcat $ 105.00 1 4 $ 420.00 0.15 $ 483.00 1 51 1 $ - 0.1 $ - 1 LABOR $ - 1 0.11s - 1 Operator Is - 0.11s - 2 Laborer $ 60.00 0 0 1 $ - 1 0.151 $ - 31Supervision $ 75.00 1 2 $ 150.001 0.151s 172.50 4 Mobilization $ 75.00 01 01 $ - 1 0.15 $ - 1 5 1 I $ - 1 0.1$ - 61 1 1 1 $ - 1 0.1 $ - MATERIALS $ - 1 0.11$ - SOURCE 1 Enka mat 1820 ($ 4,510.001 0.11$ 4,961.00 +Neaton Bros TOTAL $ 5,777.501 I acknowledge that this work was performed and agree with the above stated quantities AUTHORIZED BY: MOTZKO COMPANIES, L.L.C. T & M WORKSHEET CONTRACTOR: Monticello PROJECT: AGC SITE DATE: 8/28/2007 Scope: Enkamat erosion control Hourly Item Rate Qty Hours Rate Total MU % Total Work Performed EQUIPMENT 2 345 excavator $ 145.00 1 2 $ 290.00 0.15 $ 333.50 4 Bobcat $ 105.00 1 1 ' $ 105.00 0.15 $ 120.75 5 $ - 0.11$ - LABOR $ - 0.1I Is - 1 Operator I $ - 0.11 $ 2 Laborer $ 60.00 0 0 1 $ - 0.151 $ - 3 Supervision $ 75.00 1 1 $ 75.001 0.151$ 86.25 41Mobilization $ 75.00 1 01 01 $ 1 0.151 1 51 1 I 1 $ - - 1 $ 0.11$ - - 1 61 I I I $ - 1 0.11$ i MATERIALS $ - 1 0.1 $ - SOURCE 1 Enka mat 1200 I I $ I 1,100.001 I 0.1 $ 1,210.00 Neaton Bros 1 TOTAL $ 1,750.501 I acknowledge that this work was performed and agree with the above stated quantities AUTHORIZED BY: MOTZKO COMPANIES, L.L.C. T & M WORKSHEET CONTRACTOR: Monticello PROJECT: Middle School Pond DATE: 8/23/2007 Scope: 24" HDPE bend and regrading Hourly Item Rate Qty Hours Rate Total MU % Total Work Performed EQUIPMENT 1 1345 Cat $ 155.00 1 4 $ 620.00 0.15 $ 713.00 21J Tamper $ 20.00 1 0 0 $ - 0.15 $ - 41 1 1 0.1 $ - 51 1 1$ 1 I - 0.1$ - LABOR 1$ - 1 0.11s - 1 Operator 1$ - 1 0.11s - 2 Laborer $ 60.00 1 4 1$ 240.001 0.151$ 276.00 3 Supervision $ 75.00 1 1 $ 75.00 1 0.151$ 86.25 i 4 Mobilization $ 75.00 1 1 11 $ 75.00 0.151$ 86.251 5 I I 1 1$ - 0.11$ - 1 61 I 1 1 1 Is - 0.11$ - 1 MATERIALS 1$ - 0.11$ - SOURCE 1 24 " 45 bend 225 1$ 225.001 0.11$ 247.50 ADS 2 24" HDPE bands 2 I 60 $ 60.001 I 0.1 $ 66.00 ADS ITOTAL $ 1,475.001 I acknowledge that this work was performed and agree with the above stated quantities AUTHORIZED BY: MOTZKO COMPANIES, L.L.C. T & M WORKSHEET CONTRACTOR: Monticello PROJECT: Middle School Pond DATE: 8/21/2007 SCOPE: 6" PVC extension Hourly Item Rate Qty Hours Rate Total MU % Tota! Work Performed EQUIPMENT Extend 6" NVU to pond 1 345 Cat $ 155.001 1 6 $ 930.00 0.15 $ 1,069.50 Ifrom Bondhus 2 J Tamper $ 20.00 1 3 $ 60.00 0.15 $ 69.00 31850 Deere $ 140.00 1 1 2 1 $ 280.00 0.1 41 1 1$ - 1 $ 0.11$ 308.00 51 1 1$ - 0.11$ - LABOR 1$ - 0.11s - 1 Operator Is - 1 0.1 $ - 1 2 Laborer $ 60.00 2 11 1 $ 660.00 0.15 $ 759.00 1 3 Supervision $ 75.00 1 1 ( $ 75.00 0.15 $ 86.25 1 4 Mobilization $ 75.00 1 1 1 1$ 75.00 1 0.15 $ 86.251 5 1 1$ - 0.11$ - 1 6 I 1$ - 0.11$ - I MATERIALS 1$ - 0.11 $ - SOURCE 1 6" Sch 35 pipe 298.9 1$ 298.90 0.11$ 328.79 1Pipeline 2 6" wye 30 $ 30.00 0.11$ 33.00 1 Pipeline 3 plug 1 4 $ 4.00 0.11$ 4.40 1 Pipeline 4 45 elbow 1 12 ( $ 12.00 0.11$ 13.20 1 Pipeline 5 I $ - 1 0.11$ - TOTAL $ 2,757.39 I acknowledge that this work was performed and agree with the above stated quantities AUTHORIZED BY: .A WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure 1 Engineering I Planning 1 Construction November 20, 2007 Mr. Tom Kelly, Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Re: Change Order No. 2 Pond Improvement Projects for Monticello Middle School and A Glorious Church City Project No. 2006-09C WSB Project No. 1627-50 Dear Mr. Kelly: Please find enclosed Change Order No. 2 (in triplicate) for the above -referenced project for your review and approval. The net increase to the contract amount is $67,457.37, resulting in a revised contract total of $269,704.94. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $67,457.37 for Motzko Companies, LLC. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287-7162. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Phillip A. Elkin, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Jim Brunkhorst, Motzko Companies, LLC Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Minneapolis 1 St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer , : 016n-s0.4d—,n.,« trkco lrn-1A,u}.ir_oaz,,., Council Agenda: 11/26107 15. Consideration of approving Chante Order No. 2 for Gradinz and Drainaee Improvements at the Monticello Middle School Pond and Appurtenant Work, Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2006-090(WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the May 14, 2007, City Council meeting, the City Council awarded the bid and authorized the construction of pond improvement projects at the Monticello Middle School and A Glorious Church. The proposed project consisted of expanding existing City stormwater ponds for the purpose of stormwater management. When this item was brought to the Council for accepting the bids and authorizing construction, it was noted that additional grading and removal of soils would be a possibility to expand the capacity of the middle school pond. In that agenda item, it was estimated that an additional 10,000 CY would be removed to increase the pond capacity at an additional cost of $ 62,500. Change Order #1 At the June 11'h meeting, Change Order #1 was added to the project which included filling in a wetland at the City's wastewater treatment plant with material excavated from the pond at the Middle School. At the time the pond project was to be constructed, 4.2 acre-feet of ponding was required as part of the Chelsea Road Reconstruction project to meet it's ponding needs for the increased impervious surface and storm sewer. This ponding was proposed to be adjacent to the City's reservoir site utilizing an existing drainage way. There was concern from City staff that this pond location would affect future expansion of a water treatment plant and additional water storage areas. There were also concerns about the possibility of well contamination by storing runoff storm water so close to the reservoir site. WSI also expressed concerns that a pond in this area would impede their ability to expand in the future if we needed to acquire some of their property. Since the Middle School pond was in the same watershed and not yet constructed, it was identified as a possible location to create some of the needed ponding. As a result, the Middle School pond was staked to maximize the volume and additional areas were identified to haul the excess material. The original size of the Middle School pond provided 0.39 acre-feet of permanent pool storage below the outlet; by excavating and removing 10,000 cy of material, the pond would have provided 2.25 acre-feet of permanent pool storage. After maximizing the excavation to 18,252 cy and altering the weir in front of the outlet, the Middle School pond now provides 5.5 ac -feet of permanent pool storage for water quality treatment. Because of these changes, the Middle School pond now has enough storage to replace the ponding that was necessary on Chelsea Road. In addition, the bid cost for excavation was significantly less at the Middle School Pond project than would have been with the Chelsea Road project. In addition to the cost of excavation and removal of materials, this pond also required the purchase of additional easement areas from WSI. EEruc City ojMonticelloEngioeering Depart—t0ew1opments& ProjectsVmprove cmMiddle School Pori&AGN ITM-CO2-M"ddleSchoolPood 111507.doc Council Agenda: 11/26107 It should be noted that while additional ponding is not required or planned along Chelsea Road the drainage area will need to be lined with clay when Fleet Farm constructs their proposed gas station and convenient store. In summary; Additional Excavation at the Middle School Pond Total $50,557.73 This item was paid for under the original contract price of excavating and hauling excess material. A total of 18,252 cy of material were hauled off-site. This change order (Change Order # 2) also includes the following extra work items, which were not included as bid items on the construction contract. This work was negotiated with the contractor on a time and material basis. The attached invoices show that the majority of cost was in the materials: Re -Set the 60" Outfall Structure and Weir $ 5,139.25 Excavation around this outlet revealed that it was not originally constructed to current City standards. This work consisted of re -building the outfall structure to include pipe ties and sheet pilings according to the City specifications and raising the elevation of the weir to hold more water in the pond. Enkamat additional erosion control $ 7528.00 The original grading plan reduced the side slopes to 10:1 in order to accommodate foot traffic around the pond versus a riprap channel. Because of the fine sands in this area, these slopes required a geotextile reinforcement to hold the slopes together. Re -set Bend in 24" HDPE inflow pipe $ 1,475.00 The 24 -inch pipe was originally built with a series bends to direct water to the previous pond. The record drawing of this pipe did not identify the location of these bends and as a result, construction of the pond required removing sections of the pipe. After removing the pipe sections, it was determined that a new bend was needed because of the skewed angle the pipe would have been discharging into the new pond. Extend 6" PVC $ 2,757.39 This item extended a outlet pipe form the Bondhus property was not identified on the City as -built records. As a result, these materials were not included in the original construction costs. Updated Construction Costs With the above referenced changes, the revised construction costs of this project are: Original Contract $155,595.45 Change Order No. 1 $ 46,652.12 Change Order No. 2 $ 67,457.37 Total Construction Cost $269,704.94 This project is to be funded through the Storm Water Trunk Fund. E. VDrace ty of MonficellolEngineering DeparmenllDevelopmenu& ProjectsVmprovementUfiddle SchoolPondlACN1TM-C01-MiddleSclwolPond 111507.doc Council Agenda: 11/26/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $ 67,457.37 for Motzko Companies, Inc. 2. Do not approve Change Order No. 2. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 2 Invoices from Contractor Letter of recommendation from WSB and Associates E: VBmcelCiry oJMondcelloiEngineering DeparmiewDevelopments & ProjectsUmprove—twiddle School PootdWGATTM-CO2-MiddleSchoolPotO 111507.doc City Council Agenda -11/26/07 16. Consideration to discuss interview process for appointment of commissioners of the Monticello Economic Development Authoritv (EDA). (O.K.) A. Reference and background: As reported on the Green Sheet Update of November 12, all four existing Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and EDA commissioners responded to the letter of interest for consideration of appointment on the new EDA. Three of the existing commissioners, Commissioners Bill Fair, Dan Frie, and Bill Demeules responded they were "interested." Commissioner Barb Schwientek responded she was "not interested." The advertisement for commissioner positions on the EDA commenced November 11 and will run for two consecutive weeks in the Times and Shoppers and on the City's web site. Deadline for applications is Friday, November 30`h. The initial plan was to appoint all seven commissioners at the Council meeting of December 10`h As a reminder, the new EDA will consist of seven members composed of two council members and five non -council members. Of the five non -council members, at least three commissioners shall be city residents and not more than two commissioners may be non-residents of the City, provided that such members own a business and own property in the City. The Council should discuss the interview process and schedule: Does the full Council want to be involved in the interview process? Yes or No. 2. Is it the goal of the Council to appoint the seven -member commissioners at the a) December 10, 2007 Council meeting, or b) January 14, 2008 Council meeting which includes the annual appointment of all commissions, or c) Schedule special meeting between December 10, 2007 and January 14, 2008? If the Council wants to participate in the interview process and appoint the commissioners at the December 10 meeting, this means the Council should set an interview date sometime the week of December 3rd and this also assumes the applicants would be available. If the desire is to appoint the commissioners of the EDA at the regular January 14 meeting or at a special meeting, the Council needs to set a date, accordingly, for the interviews. 3. Does the City Council want City Administration to prepare a list of questions for use by Council during the interview process? Yes or No. Are there any specific qualifications the Council members are seeking? Should a Council member have a specific City Council Agenda -11/26/07 question(s) they wish to ask the candidates or specific qualification, please advise the City Administrator or the Economic Development Director. A set of questions, adds a sense of consistency and continuity to the interview process. The second reading of the Ordinance and adoption of the Ordinance by the City Council will take place on December 10, regardless of the appointment schedule for commissioners. The consolidation process will be completed once the appointed EDA commissioners hold their organizational meeting and adopt a resolution accepting the powers and assets of the HRA. 4. Since the City Council only asked the existing HRA and EDA commissioners of their interest to be considered for appointment on the new EDA, does the Council want to interview the three existing commissioners who expressed an interest to be considered for appointment? Yes or No. The question is asked because the Council needs to consider how many and/or who of the existing commission candidates will be appointed in order to determine how many or which of the advertised candidates meet the residency and non -residency requirement. It may turn out that the first round of advertising and interviewing results in an insufficient number of candidates meeting the residency/non-residency requirements or qualifications. As a point to begin discussion, please consider the following questions. B. Ouestions to consider and answer. 1. Does the full Council want to be involved in the interview process? 2. Date the City Council wishes to appoint the seven -member commissioners of the EDA? 3. Does the City Council want the City Administration to prepare a list of questions? 4. Does the City Council want to interview the existing three HRA/EDA commissioners who expressed interest to be considered for appointment? 5. Any other direction or input. 2 City Council Agenda -11/26/07 C. Recommendation: At this time, the City Administrator and Economic Development Director are seeking input from the City Council to set a date for the interviews and the appointments, and input for the interview process. As of the November 19 agenda prep date, one application has been received. Two other individuals have expressed interest. D. Suvportin2 Data: None. 3 Council Agenda: 11/26/07 17. Consideration of Reviewing Policv for ADDlving Surcharge to Fund Costs Associated with Providing Boosted Water Pressure - Monti Hill Area (JO,TK, JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may know, the City of Monticello applies a surcharge to water bills for residents in the area of the Monti -Hill. This surcharge pays for added or extra costs associated with providing "boosted" water pressure to higher elevations. It was necessary to install pumps to provide boosted pressure because the water storage tank was not set at an elevation that would allow sufficient pressure. Developers that developed land in the area paid extra for the construction of the facilities and today, residents are paying extra associated with the extra cost of operation. Mayor Herbst recently received an inquiry from a resident of the area regarding this charge and thus requested that this item be brought before the Council for discussion and potential action. Following is a summary prepared by Utility Billing Clerk Pat Kovich regarding the difference between standard cost for service and the cost for boosted service. "The rates are higher in the boosted areas (more than double). I would say an average bill for a family of four has changed from $60 - $80 to $80 - $100. 1 do have bills ranging from $200 - $400 due to irrigation. I asked Matt about the booster pumps the other day. He said that they run 24/7, and that the city also adds water into the lines so that the area has the water pressure that is needed. The higher rate is for electric/water/maintenance, the extra energy cost is still there. There are other areas that have boosted rates: Wildwood Ridge 1 & 2, Spirit Hills, Carlisle Village. Certainly, one rate across the board would be much easier to process" Consumption Reg Rate Boosted Rate 500cf min. 10.26 14.31 500 —4000 .62/100cf 1.55/100cf Over 4000 .71/100cf 1.78/100cf The boosted pressure surcharge affects approximately 235 property owners. The Finance Department is currently crunching numbers to determine the affect on the budget if the boosted water surcharge is eliminated. Finance will be telling us at the meeting on Monday how much of a rate increase would be required to off -set the absence of the boosted water charge and what affect this rate change would have on a typical bill. Please note that John Simola informed me that the boosted rate may have been inadvertently increased on a percentage rate in conjunction with recent water rate increase which means that the current surcharge likely exceeds the actual cost to provided boosted pressure. This means that the City Council may want to reduce the surcharge. John Simola and Matt Theisen are checking the numbers now to determine the degree of separation between the surcharge and the actual cost to provide boosted water. A.I. Budget Impact Information to be provided at the meeting on Monday. Council Agenda: 11/26/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to eliminate or adjust the Booster Surcharge and spread this cost to entire user base. Under this alternative Council believes that it is fair to spread the extra cost of boosted water across the user base. Possible reason being that although this is an area where costs are clearly higher, there may be other areas in the city that are more, or less expensive to serve and thus it is not fair to single one area out for paying a higher charge. For the sake of billing efficiency and clarity it could be argued that it makes sense to charge every property owner the same rate. Although this is not a big cost, having separate rates adds complexity to the billing process from calculating and billing the variable rate to communicating the policy to the consumer. Council could take the position that it is fair to have a surcharge but the current amount is too high and a portion should be shifted to the balance of the user base. 2. Motion to leave as is with no change to the policy for applying a boosted pressure surcharge. Under this alternative Council could take the view that it is fair and equitable to require that residents in the area that require boosted power pay for this extra cost. Based on information from John Simola, it now appears that the boosted rate may exceed cost so Council may not want to select this alternative. More information as to how this cost is calculated will be provided at the meeting. 3. Motion to table for preparation of additional information Council may need additional information or testimony regarding cost for providing boosted power, or there may be other information desired prior to decision making. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If it appears that the booster surcharge currently in place exceeds the actual cost of operation, then it is recommended that the booster charge be reduced accordingly. Beyond that staff offers no recommendation on this as it involves a policy decision relating to questions of fairness and equity best answered solely by the City Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Method for calculating charge and financial impact information to be provided at the meeting. ow a c� a� W U 13 HW H> z0 0 x �r a Wr Cl) O w a yH o U E> H 1 Umx HO Ld U 0 1-7 a cn 0o a)w r.w r -r1 0 o a \ O N W m Cl) fa x U a U (d u) w 04 N x V) H U H 134 cn z x w 0 rr N 0 0 a) a) \\ 41 i co . 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