Planning Commission Minutes 12-07-2004 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDA Y, DECEMBER 7th, 2004 6:00 r.M Commissioners Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson. Rod Dragsten. Lloyd Hilgart, and William Spartz Council Liaison: Glen Posusta Staff: .lefT O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angcla Schumann 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order and declared a quorum. 2. ^pproval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held Monday, November 1 st. 2004. . MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MONDA Y, NOVEMBER 1 S\ 2004. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Commissioner Dragsten requested that an update on the setback issues related to Timber Ridge 3rd Addition be added as item number 8. Koropchak brought to the Commission's attention the public comment letter on the Open and Outdoor Storage item. Koropchak noted that she would not be present fix that discussion but indicated that Mary Harger would be the representative from the Industrial Development Committee to the proposed committee. 4. Citizen comments. None. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration or a request to rezone Outlot R Outlot E, Outlot B. and LotI, Block 2 of the Proposed Plat of Otter Creek Crossinl2:s, from A-O (Agricultural/Open Space) to II-A (Light Industrial). Applicant: City of Monticello . Chairman Frie noted that no representative from Otter Creek, LLC was present. Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 . Grittman reviewed the starr report for Otter Creek Business Campus, indicating that it is a proposed industrial devclopment west and south of Chelsea Road. Grittman indicated that City staiTis recommending an I-1A Zoning designation for the area. l-IA standards arc similar in nature to I-I, with higher standards for building materials and yard space. Grittman eXplained that Commission is requested to act only on the rezoning request. A decision on the covenants would be madc by the Council. Frie questioned the City's position in selling land and inquired if that goes against the positions set fiJrth by the Council and Commission. Orittman explained that Council, in conjunction with City staff and other City boards, had been pursuing the Otter Creek Campus for some time, with the understanding that it would be the City selling land and operating the industrial park. Dragsten clarified that the covenants would be specific to this development only and would not change the ordinance itself; in other words, the ordinance would remain as written. Grittman stated that was correct. Dragsten asked if the industrial development land would be sold at promotional rates or at market rate. . Koropchak explained that the HRA and IDC have developed and reviewed the preferred measures that will allow businesses to purchase land at a discounted rate. Businesses will have to meet standards for land-to-building ratios and job creation rates in exchange for a discounted rate. The HRA and IDC have also reviewed a formula for determining what amount of land can be purchased at market rate versus the discounted rate. Frie stated that the use seems to be focused on higher-end business or office space and inquired how potential decisions to the open and outdoor storage ordinance would afTect this area. Grittman stated that the limitation on open and outdoor storage would be controlled through the covenants and applies only to this area. Thc discussion on open and outdoor storage as part of the Commission's later discussion would apply to the ordinance in general. Carlson asked about the restrictions on metal or steel exteriors. Grittman explaincd that the recommendation was a potcntial covenant item that had come from the IDe. I-I A allows limited metal or steel exterior. Grittman stated that in this case the covenants would prohibit it. Grittman clarified that architectural or accent elemcnts would not be considered part of the "no metal or steel" requirements. The standard related specifically to metals as a primary building material. Koropchak stated that the IlRA had considered this requirement in comparison to other communities and in terms of trying to achieve a certain standard, justifying the public runding sources. Koropchak noted that the IDC came from a dirferent point of view on the use of metal for ornamental purposes, seeking requircments similar to the 1-1 A standards. . Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. - :2 - Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 . Hearing no further comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Frie asked what would eventually be adjacent to this property, in order to address landscaping and benning requirenlents. Grittman indicted that the current guide plan actually calls for residential development. As such, it would require significant buffering as outlined by the ordinance. frie asked if when the comp plan was approved, it allowed for residential in this area. O'Neill indicated that a concept stage PU [) plan had been approved allowing the residential use. O'Neill noted that along the YMCA property and other land to the south, there is a grade change that creates a natural separation. Frie asked if Chelsea Road would be completed as a part of the project. O'Neill stated that the finance plan in progress with the original landowner stipulates an arrangement of payment for construction of Che I sea. Frie asked Koropchak to review the IDCs recommendations. Koropchak referred to the three point outlined by the IDC. Koropchak stressed that the covenants recommended apply only to the Otter Creek parcel. Site plan and landscape standards would be as in current I-IA zoning designation. . Posusta addressed the outdoor storage issue, stating that he believes the recommendations are too restrictive. Koropchak explained that the Small Group Committee of the IDC had made the recommcndation after defining what outdoor storage was. Koropchak reminded the Commission again that what has been proposed is only for Otter Creek Business Campus and will not be mixed with other industrial areas. Frie asked Grittman and Koropchak if TIF and HRA money would be going to this project and if so, are the covenants being proposed to support or justify these funds. Koropchak stated that a TIF district will be created that will pay the City back the cost of putting the improvements in. In exchange, prospective companies have to meet a certain standard. The package that the City has put together is attractive enough for the City to ask for something in return. Koropchak stated that she believes the standards and preferred measures have been drafted in such a way as to create a business park that the community can be proud of. Frie asked for the general attitude of the liRA's input. Koropchak stated that the basic diiTerence was the no outdoor storage requircment. Koropchak indicated that the HRA is also more knowledgeable about the application of tax increment financing and has researched surrounding communities in developing their standards. Posusta commented that A VR is looking at the southwest corner of the Otter Creek site for relocation purposes as part of the interchange project. Posusta noted that A VR is a heavy industrial use and he is concerned about the impacts of rczoning on this possibility. . Grittman explained that when the interchangc project happens, the City may identify this site as one possible site among others for relocation. If this is the chosen site, the City can review rczoning a smaller portion at that time. Grittman stated that the ') - \", - Planning Commission Minutcs 12/07/04 . Commission can zone the larger site now, and then dcal with A VR when and if it becomes an issue. Posusta stated that A VR is on a tight timc schedule to relocate in terms of sitc design. Posusta referrcd to the dramatic elevation change, and noted that perhaps A VR would be tucked into that corner and be obscurcd from view. I f so, thc A VR location may not be such a conflict with neighboring houses, although truck traffic may be more so. Frie asked if Posusta knew thc acreage A VR needed. Posusta replied 6-8 acrcs. Frie noted that there may bc other options satisfactory to A YR. Grittman stated from a preliminary look at the City map, there are other sites, although they too may nced rezoning. Grittman stated that the Commission specifically needs to look at appropriatc land use. . Frie asked if a committee of staff and Council had been created to address the A VR issue, as directed by Council. Posusta stated a committee hadn't been formed due to problems with getting the appraisals. Now that they are in, the issue can be addresscd and negotiations can begin. Posusta indicated that A VR nceds 8 months to complete their site, beginning in January. Posusta stated that it is important to keep in mind that this relocation has been forced upon A VR due to the intcrchange and Ryan proposal. O'Neill statcd that Council would bc asked to authorize formal negotiations far A YR. O'Neill explaincd that the Otter Creek site is the fall back location, although it isn't ideal in terms ofthc ultimate goal for this property. Fric asked if the new Council and Mayor are up to speed on the A VR and interchange projects in order to meet the time frame. O'Ncill replied that thcy are awarc of the proecss. Posusta discussed what new A VR plant would look like, explaining that all equipment would be housed indoors, and cstimating that the project would bc about a $3 million dollar investmcnt far the company. Posusta stated that A VR employs about 28 people with an avcrage salary of $35-40 dollars an hour. Koropchak restated that this is a rezoning discussion. As far as A VR is concerned, thcre is an issue with thc heavy industrial use in terms of noise and dust. In working with the IDC, the original intent was not to crcate a heavy industrial zone, due to the fact that thc arc a could be a core part of the City. Koropchak stated that shc is supportivc of current busincsses and thcir relocation. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF REZONING TO I-IA BASED ON A FINDING THAT THIS DISTRICT IS COMPATIBLE WITII THE CITY'S LAND USE PLAN AND WOULD BI': BEST SUITED TO FULFILL THE CITY'S INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED. . - 1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 6. Public llearing - Consideration of a Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit for a Development Stage Planned Unit Development for a 47.65 acre commercial/retail development. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. Grittman reviewed the staff report, noting that the project had previously received concept stage PUD approval. Grittman provided an overview of the proposed site plan, noting that the retail project consists of just under 400,000 square feet of building development. The outlots shown represent other commercial devclopment at future points. Grittman pointed out the project's relationship to the proposed interchange at CSAlI 18 and Interstate 1-94. Ryan Companies are seeking approval of a development stage PUD and preliminary plat. Grittman explained that staff had prepared a preliminary set of comments, which they had an opportunity to address at a meeting with the applicants during the past week. Grittman highlighted the changes made in the revised site plan presented by Ryan. The major changes includc the removal ofthe cntrance from the St. Benedict's private drive. Grittman stated that Ryan has reworked their plan to allow the truck access to work behind the building. However, the location of the truck docks does create some concern about the activity. As such, Grittman noted that one of the outlined conditions of approval is an intensification of the buffer yard and screening to mitigate noise and visual effects. Ryan Companies has indicated that this condition can be met. Engineering and planning stalThave also requested that the developer address the narrowness between the Interstate and ih Street for the purposes of snow storage and a pedestrian walk way. The revised plan shows that accommodation. Grittman identified comments rclated to the parking lot, specifically the condition which requests that lighting, islands and cart corrals be consolidated to some extent. Ryan's updatcd plan does show that modification. Grittman noted that another change to the plan shows the pylon sign moving from Outlot D to Outlot C. Grittman stated that a pedestrian overpass touches down on Outlot D. A noted condition asks the applicants to landscape that area. Since that comment, the applicants have chosen to relocate the pylon furthcr west. IIowever, landscape treatments on Outlot D still need to be discussed. In regards to the pylon sign itself, the package proposed shows a large pylon structure approximately fifty feet in height and over 500 feet in area. Grittman noted that the amend cd sign ordinance accommodates the height but does not allow for signs that exceed 400 feet in area. Grittman explained that the applicant may be sccking PUD tlexihility on this issue. - .J - Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 . Finally, in terms of building materials and architectural detailing, Grittman commented that the City had worked hard with Wal-Mart to upgrade the building exteriors. For this project, staff has asked the applicant to provide enhanced plans and provide upgrades, which they have indicated a willingness to do. Grittman referred to the engi neering comments also i ncl uded, noting that some of the details specified would be wnrked out as part ofthc development plan. Grittman stated that with thc conditions as noted, stail recommends approval of both the development stage PUD and preliminary plat, with the understanding that the applicants have already made improvements based on staff comments. Frie noted that thosc conditions and Ryan's adjustments would also be discussed during the public comment portion. Spartz asked for the approximate distance between the Home Improvemcnt store and St. Benedict's. Grittman replied that the building distance was probably hundred feet. . Posusta asked about the pond shown on the St. Henry's site in terms of who pays for its development and whether those parties have been contacted about the possible expense. Grittman stated that there is already a pond at that location, which is actually larger than what is shown on the proposed plan. Grittman explained that when ih Street is realigned, the pond size will be reduced and some water relocated. The Church is aware of this and will actually gain usable land. Posusta asked if it would be conceivable for St. Benedict's private road to be moved further to the west, so that the site could house more retail development. Grittman responded that St. Benedict's has an existing easement for the raod. If St. Benedict's sought to move the road, they would need to work with St. Henry's. St. Benedict's is reluctant to mix their traHic with other uses. Posusta stated that there could be potential confusion on whether this entrance was an entrance to the retail development. Grittman indicated that signage would be critical to avoiding confusion. Chairman frie opened the public hearing. Richard Koppy, Director of Site Design for Ryan Companies made himself available fix questions from audience and Commission. frie asked Koppy ifhe was familiar with Exhibit Z and the comments of the City Engineer, and if in the interest of expedition, he could address those comments specifically. Koppy introduced Stcve Broyer, Project Engineer, who would be assisting in highlighting the changes made in relationship to the conditions. . Broyer referred to the elimination of the access at St. Ben's. As such, truck access will come across the back of the retail stores from the north-south access road. Broyer noted that the loading dock there will require significant screening, most likely an 8' high cedar fence, augmented with plantings. This arrangement allows the home improvement - (; - Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 . use to keep its truck access, while allowing no truck traffic across the front of the retail area. This modification also improves the traffic access situation in that area. Broyer stated that the 7th Street right of way has been widened to meet engineering requirements, as noted. Broyer indicated that the pylon has been moved west to allow better visibility for the sign. which is now out from behind the interstate bridge. Koppy explained that this also keeps Outlot D open for plaza design. Koppy acknowledged that the sign is larger in area than allowed, but noted that the shopping center is requesting only one, although the ordinance allows I pylon per 100,000 square feet. Koppy stated that in relationship to the building design, they will work with staff on these items. Koppy indicated that revised building plans will be brought back to Commission based on the comments. They are willing to make the color change to the loading dock doors. Koppy indicated that he would be happy to answer any other questions. . Frie asked if is it the intcnt of the developer to mcet with staff prior to the Council meeting to resolve or address any remaining issues listed in the conditions. Koppy stated that if staff has time, they would prefer to narrow the list or provide it with comments to Council. Frie asked Koppy ifhe was aware oftbe City Engineer's comments. Koppy stated that they have met with WSB and they are in agreement on the majority of the items. f3royer indicated that the majority of the outstanding itcms can bc addressed. O'Neill providcd input from Larry Nolan, Chairman of the Parks Commission. Nolan had rcviewed the sitc plan and is comf()rtablc with the layout of trails and sidewalks. The few comments Nolan had provided were related to thc entrance at Outlot D, as it will be a very prominent location in terms of where the pathway touches down. The dcveloper has indicated that they would let Parks Commission create the space. From a public improvement standpoint, Nolan requested that the dcveloper find areas for rest spots and benches along pedestrian routes. O'Neill cxplained that the site is subjcct to the review of entire Commission. Hearing no further comment, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Dragsten asked where the bench locations werc recommended. O'Neill stated that they had been requested along pathways. Carlson if it is common for the Parks Commission to review commercial sites, specifically citing Wal-Mart as an example. O'Neill responded that the Parks Commission review of this plan was due to the number of adjacent pathways and the pedestrian overpass. . frie asked whether the Commission could recommend to the Council that Outlot () and park areas be developed according to staff and Parks Commission recommendations in ~ 7 - Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 . exchange for allowing the larger sign. Grittman stated that the Commission had that authority under the PUD. Dragsten asked whether that should be addressed with the recommendation or at a future time. Orittman stated it should be addressed this evening. Hilgart asked if Ryan is opposed to any of conditions. Koppy stated that they did not. with the exception of the condition requesting reduction in sign size. Koppy indicated draft agreements with the City indicate that Outlot D is to be deeded to the City. What the City docs on that outlot is up to the City. The majority of the other items have been resolved or will be resolved. Dragsten asked if the planning staff had recommended upgraded paving materials, such as stamped concrete. Orittman referred to condition number 13, and noted that staff are looking for delineation between display, pedestrian and drive areas. Dragsten noted that the building upgrade is very important. [)ragsten also inquired if the path will connect along 18. Grittman stated that it would. Dragsten inquired whether the I lighland Way lanes were too narrow. Grittman stated that the traffic engineer has looked at that and will continue to do so through construction plans. Dragsten asked the developer f()r a project timeframe. . Koppy stated that the timcline wil1 be determined by the timing of the infrastructure for the interchange and ih Street improvements. Koppy stated that Ryan felt it important to mesh the two together. Dragsten complimented the developer, stating that he thought it would be a great project for the community. Frie asked how many phases the development would consist of. Koppy stated that the project is geared to have the home improvement and general merchandise open at the same time. Koppy explained that the in-line retail will start signing once the larger retailers are on board. The developmcnt of the outlots will come on soon aftcr. Some of those retailers and developments on the outlots will be able to open with the "big boxes". Koppy stated that developmcnt should happen quickly, or approximately within 2 years of the big box retailers, although ultimately dependent on the marketplace. Frie asked if that intent is for the openings to be coordinated with interchange completion. Koppy stated that the interchange has to bc completed in order for this project to move forward. Frie inquired about condition number eight's affect on parking. Koppy responded that there was space within the 60' railroad right-of-way to move the building back while still meeting the right of way and fire code requiremcnts as necessary. Koppy stated that nothing, including parking, is impacted in the front. . Posusta asked Koppy if Highland Way is an asset and necessary to the project's completion. Koppy responded that according to their traffic study it is important because they would not want to have one major access road for the entire center. Koppy stated that the access over the railroad is an important advantage. Posusta stated that he sees Highland creating a potcntial problem for access onto - H - . . 2. ~ -' . 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. . 9. Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 CSAH 75, which would crcate a need for a signal at that location. O'Neill indicated that the Federal Ilighway Administration views the access point as critical to relieving traHic at County 18 and that an outlet onto CSAH 75 is important to the functioning of the interchangc. O'Neill addcd that without this access, thcFllA would not bc likely to approve the interchange project. Posusta asked who will pay for the potential stoplight if it is necessary. O'Neill said it is most likely that costs have been incorporated into the finance plan for on-site illlprovements; he will check. Fric asked ifih Street will also help alleviate potential problems. O'Neill stated it would do so and also act as a bypass. O'Neill noted that ih Street and Highland Way will bc funded entirely by the developer. MOTION T'O RECOMMEND APPROV AL OF THE PUD, BASED ON A FINDING THAT' TilE PROJECT MEETS THE GENERAL INTENT OF THE CITY'S PLANNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS AREA. THIS RECOMMENDATION SHOULD INCLUDE THE REQUIREMENTS IN EXHIBIT Z, INCLUDING REFERENCE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE cn'y ENGINEER'S REPORT. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT EXHIBIT Z REQUIRES THE SUBMISSION OF REVISED PLANS MEETING ALL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL WITH ALLOWANCES FOR FLEXIBILITY ON ITEM 16 RELATED TO SIGNAGE, AND ADDITIONAL REVIEW OF THE BUILDING PLANS BY BOTH PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL. Exhibit Z - Ryan Companies PUB/Preliminary Plat 1. The site is redesigned to accommodate one-way traffic in-bound /i'om ih Street where the combined driveway with St. Benediets is used, including upgrades to meet staff comments regarding design and stormwater. Ifno combined access is provided, the applicant provides for truck movements using the approved access locations to 7th Street. The Home Improvements store relocates it loading dock to the east side of the building, Future Devclopment of "pad" site retail is designed to avoid vehicle stacking conflicts with incoming trame. Redesign of the turn direction delineator along Highland Way at the back of the General Merchandise store. Lighting standards, island delineators, and cart storage areas arc coordinated in the parking lots. The Ilome Improvement store parking lot is striped for wider spaces to accommodate the larger vehicles that frequent such facilities. 'fhe ]'h Street right of way is expanded to meet the City Engineer's requirelnents including 10 foot boulevards and sidewalk area away from the street curb. Outlot D is designed to function as a pedestrian plaza with landscaping, seating, and other ilnprovements, in addition to the location oUhe pylon sign. - ~) - . 10, II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. . 18. 7. . Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 Comments relating to stormwater, utilities, and street design arc incorporated into revised plans, per Public Works and City Engineer recommendations. The buffer yard along St. Benedict's property is intensiJied, including evergreen shrub plantings and fencing to minimize both sound and visual intrusion. 'fhe loading dock doors, if adjacent to the St. Aenedict's property, are painted a neutral color to match the building, rather than orange. Planting and upgraded paving materials are added to the front sidewalk area of the Home Improvement store. The buildings are upgraded with brick, stone, or similar materials, and additional attention is given to roof lines, building corners, and other potential changes to enhance building design. The north building walls are addressed to enhance the view ofthe buildings from County Highway 75. The pylon sign is reduced in size to the 400 square loot maximum. ^II other freestanding signs in the project are to be of a monument style. Final building and signage plans will be resubmitted for Planning Commission and City Council review and approvaL The applicant will be required to submit revised plans reflecting compliance with all conditions prior to J1nal approvaL MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON. Spartz asked if condition three related to the loading dock removal should be removed from the list of conditions. Oragsten indieated that the motion allows the developer to revise plans to meet the intent of the conditions. O'Neill stated that staff will also review revised plans to ensure that landscaping and buffer yards create minimal impact. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT TIlE PLAT' PROVIDES FOR TIlE PROJECT AS REGULArED BY TIlE PUD, WITH T1IE CONDITIONS AS SPECIFIED IN EXHIBIT Z, WIT" REVISIONS AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARL,SON. MOTION CARRIED. Continued Puhlic Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance allowing Open and Outdoor Storage. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission -10- . Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 O'Neill referred to the public comment letter submitted to the Commission by Jay Morrell, which recommends the formation of a representative committee to review the Open and Outdoor Storage language in the ordinance. O'Neill stated that staff supports the recommendation. frie asked if the Planning Commission and Council would have any representation and if there was a Council member already assigned to the committee. Posusta refcrred to Jay Morrell's letter which specifically requests Council representation. Posusta stated that a committee to develop a recommendation on possible ordinance amendments had been the consensus of the IDC, as well. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Jay Morrell, JME Enterprises of Monticello, addressed the Commission. Morrell indicated that he had attended the IDC meeting. It seemed that the IDC is in agrcement that a committee should be formed to review what is current and what should be recommended in terms of an amendment. Morrell stated that he had spoken with a number of representatives from local industries who support the idea of sitting down to have an open discussion on conccrns and how can we resolve them, while still maintaining outdoor storage. . Frie stated that he would like to see the industrial group develop their own recommendations, as that could be more productive. Thc Commission would seek a reasonable amendment that is workable for all parties. Frie stated that he would seek a recommendation from the group by the February Commission meeting. Morrell noted that there is a need for input 1rom staff, so that the group can address their specific issues. In the interim, businesses may carryon under the cxisting ordinance. Frie asked Grittman to clarify the process after the eommittee provides the Commission with a recommendation. Grittman stated that assuming that modifieation to thc eode is needed, staiT wi 11 draft new language, a publ ic hearing notice will be issued, the item will be heard at the Commission, and then a reeommendation will proeeed to Couneil. Frie asked if Morrell and Steve Budd, also present and representative of the industrial community, were willing to serve on the committee. Budd and Morrell stated that they would be. Carlson noted that the publie hearing will involve the input oflarger community, not just the industrial sector. Hearing no further comment ChairmanFrie closed the public hearing. . MOTION BY COMMISSSIONER FRIE TO RECOMMEND TO TJIE CITY COUNCIL THE FORMATION OF A COMMITTTE TO ESTABLISH A RECOMMENDATION fOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ON OPEN AND OUTDOOR STORAGE, TO HE HEARD AT THE FEHRUARY MEETING OF THE PL,ANNING COMMISSION. THE COMMITTEE SHOULD CONSIST OF MONTICELLO BUSINESS OWNI::RS - II - . . . Planning Commission Minutes 12/07/04 AND VOLUNTEERS AS IDENTIFIED, PLANNING COMMISSIONER SPARTZ, TWO STAFF REPRESENTATIVES, A RECOMMENDED MEMBER OF THE IDC AND I-1RA AND REPRSENTATIVE CITY COUNCILORS AS DETERMINI::D BY TI IE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION SECONDED HY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Timber Ridge Update O'Neill noted that since that variance request was denied by the Planning Commission, the applicant has appealed to the City Council. The appeal was tabled at the last City Council meeting due to settlement negotiations between the parties. Anothcr request to table is likely at the upcoming meeting, as the parties continue to negotiate. Fric asked about work occurring on the site. Carlson stated that it appeared as though work had occurred on the building for which a stop work order had been issued. O'Neill and Patch noted that a stop work order had been issued. Patch indicated that the builder had stated he did not authorize any work and it has since ceased until this item is resolved. 9. Adjourn. MOTION TO ADJOURN BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED. - 1:2 -