Police Advisory Commission Agenda 10-25-2000 . . . AGENDA RECU.AR '\IEETI"'G _ r.l0"'TICELLO POLICE COl\l.\HSSIO'I \V~dncsd'ly,()ctohcr25,20n()-7p.m. ./ / ./ ,/ l.iJ: Llc~'vl[[raiyfla\'id (ierad,. Brad Fylc. l)ick S!aj, and Council l.iaisoll_BrianSlltmpl' 7UHln t,IA,lh-i. , '*~ tvkmbcrs: 1 Call to O"kl' o Rev;cwol-200! Proposed I'olicc Rudgcl""d IjoUTsofCo\Tfilgc. , , RevicwolCSi\J175 (L\roadway Raollslruction Project). 4 Appnw31uf !V!inules of ,"la..... 17, lOO() Pohee Commission nwdjn~. ). Adjourn . . . ME",O MONTICeLLO TO: CiJiefDepmyf)on Linddl (\,0 Ric~ \V{)lj~I"II"r. Cily l\dJ11ini.'trutot\.IWj OctoblT 1c..201)(J FROl\J: DATE; ){E, POhceCommrSSlonMceting One of the ikrns that \VC Ute disCWSSlllg at the Pohel' C(lrnmis"jo!! meeting concerns (he lraffic study YOur d"r~rtlllellt JjJ alollg 13ro~lhv"y, I thillk it wOHld be h"ndiclal ifyoll Cl)uJd bring Jlong the -,;latis(J(:al in/<>rmntion rlw( Dermis C('ll1ptOll and Gary Milkr had p,."SCntedJllh"Jntl)nmlljOnaIJnce(ingreg"rJillglIWBroJJ\V~y Impro,-c'llenrProjecL l'hi, int(lrJ11,lIiC1l] Would f'J1lsurc be ot'interest to the Comnnssion members in reg~rJs t() Speeds lhar "'CI'C 1I00ed. ~ .\l""'hllo Ci', B'II. 505 Waln"t Stceer. Suit" t. Mootic<llo. M~' 55:162_88.11 006.1) 295_,]11 . ro." (763) 295-44C4 Oflioeofl't.blic \\'''ck"9119C<DIfCou"e Rd.. MO"'ic",II",.IJ';S5,,6 2",7b31295-317I1ol'''''176:1)27]_.1272 . . . MI~t:TES REGULAR MEETING _ MONTICELLO POLICE COMIVHSSION Wednesday, May 17,2000-7p.m. IvlembersPre,ellt: Liz DesMaruis, n'lVid Gemds. Brian Stump!: Di~k Sbi~_ Members Absent: FlmdFylc AlsoPresenl: Rid: WajfsldJer. City Administrator. Don lindelL Chid'Dcputy 2. Review of current hours ofcovcra!!e and recommendations for2001 hudlletvear. Chieffkputy Don l.il1llell brictly noted th;!l the eLly is continuing 10 see an 1I1CCeUSe in the c<111s for $ervi~e lhallhc d~plllics have to respond to. As the population grov>";. it is hlS recommendation and (hat oflhc Sherift-, Deparlmcm that th~ City continue [0 consider increasmg the hours [Jfcovcl'age by adding anadclitional fourhOl.lr '; per year to keep the level of service Jd~q\late, The con~erns of tile Sheriffs Department arC lhat as our populalion contin\lcstoincreaseandtheC()mmunityspreadsoulinloalarg~rarea.rcsponsetime,;hy sh~riffd~plllies will suiTer ilaJditionaJ hours are not uuded inercm~ntally, It was the recommendation of th", Commission memb~rs thaI 'v1r. ! ,Lnue!! pr~par~ an updat~J summary oflh~ calls fOf service thaI haw oc~url'~d over the pasllew years thaI vcrifies lhe trcndofincreasingcillb This Lnl,mnation can then be I{lr\varded in the near finure to the City Council forconsideralion when they ar~ establiohing the 2001 CLty budget. It is also recommended thaI a request b~ nmd~ of the C,ly Council 10 incrcase the budge! surlicicntly loadutheentire I()ur hOllrS per day or a t()t,,-l orlA56 holll's annu311yra ther[hanusingpaJ10f lhe 4 I (i hours that had originJlly been set a~idc fol' 3dditional coverage on Friday and Saturday' evenmgs a;; part oftl1c 4 ho\ll' per day tmaL Thcrcasonfortheadditional hOLLrsabovcthe 416 w,,-, lhatthe Sheriifs Dcpnrtment feels llis still ncccssaryto have t he aJJilionalofficcl' on duty dming Friday and Saturd~y evenmgs as thm is "'hen more calls lor ,;en'ice <:ccm to be ne~e%"r:'. J. IJndate un ~p.,ed,~ludies conmlctcd atun!!. East County Road 39. Commission mi:mhi:rs again reviewed the trafiic ,tudy data that h<ld b~en compiled by lhe Shenlr s Deparln1l'lltlast i:-ll concerning tralTic speeds 310ng List County RoaJ -'9. lhi: sllIdy was originall:' requ~,;leJ hy' thc Police Commi~sion as u re,;ult OrJ cOllcern expressed by a resident along County Ro,,-d-,9 that speed was exce';Si"ealllJ dangerolls. Asthcsllldyindicmes.over50%()rth~tl'afficspeeds5ee\lllobeln lhcn~Lgl1borhoodol' 50 mph. which is above tl1~ 45 mph p",;teJ limit. but lhe Sherilrs Depmtrn~l1t reds this lS within reasoll Jnd do~s not seem to be a problem in their opinion. Exceeding thc sp~ed limil by 5 mph by halfoflhcdl'ivers i~ l1lll nec~ssarily unusual and it wa,nOled that if a speed study . . . Poli~e Commission ylinut~~ - 31l7/00 was conducted by 'vlnDOT, a possibililY eXlStcct that the ~p~ed limit might even be in~reascd above the presenl45 mph. As a re~ulL (he Commission membrrs fdt the study supports that l1oadditionultralTicstudicsareneces<;aryatthistimeanulhatth"Police Department should continue 10 lTIl\n;lor lh", area and rep<!n hack to the Commission if the speeds start to increase o.'cr \vhm they are toduy_ 4. lIDdateontraffic>pccdc"nc~rnsalon!!EastBrolldwa". Commission members nOled that although the City has not received a lot of complainLs on speeders ulong east and \\iCSI County Road 75 (13l'Oudway) 11 was recommended lhallhc Sheritrs Department again ,et up the pOrlablc; speed momloring equipment for a days on the east and wesl end, "rRroadwuy us a remindcr to motorist oi'lhe ,pc ed they ure traveling. The locution of the portable cquipment will b", ncar Pinewood Elementary School Oil the west and the Middle School on tht'cast. 5. Consideration of election of officers and committee a{){)ointm~nts. Th~ current ordinance establishmg the Police Advisory Commission indicat~s that a Chaimlan. Vice-Chairmun and Sccrct~ry sh<l]l be ekct~d from its member;;. Currently the onicers includc: Chaimwn, David (j~rads, Vice-Chairman. Urian Stump!: and Rick \VolhtellerasSc~rctmy. MOTIO"! WAS !\-L\DL BY BRIA"I STlIVlPF AND SECO:-lDED UY LIZ DFS\IARAIS A"ID \1,.'AS CARRIED TO REAPPOINI TIlE SA\lE IN[)]VIDUALS TO THE POSITIONS NOTED 1'0R THE UT'CO!\-IJ"IG YEAR. 6. A{)llrovul of minutes of the rel!:ular medinl! ofl)eeember 1.1999. Thc minutes ofth" regular mccling of the Policc Advisory Commis;;ion held December I. 1999wereaccepteJaspresemcd, 7. Clldute on Sheriff Don HOleInllu'srctircmept. ChidDep"ty ])011 Lindcll noted thut Sheriff Don Hozemp'-' will be rdiring by th~ end 01' )"'lay.2000 A retirement pm!y to ho~"r ShcritI ]-]ozempa', service to \,'righ! COUllty will be held on Jul\' I. lDOO at the Maple Lake VF\V Club starting at 5:.,1) pm. An op~n bOllSC and program will be at appwximatdy 8:00 pm. 1\11'. I ind~llalsonOledthattbe\V'righ[CountyBoardofC:omJ\lissionersl"centlyappointed I,nl'ner caplairL Ciary' \1iller.us tbe new ~Ollnty sheritl'to repla~c /vlr.llozempa t,)r the rel1laind~r of his tam, tvlr, Lmdell noted that the I1"W shentY plnns on mtelldi~g thc M()~ticello Police Commission's n~"t meeting, 2 . . . Police COI1l111ission Millutes-3/17/ClO 1\101]0)1 ViAS \IADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOUR:\, YlOTIO"- CARRIED U)lA:-.JIMOUSL Y. . RickViolfstclkr ] . . . 1'"ll~C' COrllmi.\SionAgcnda. 10/25....00 2. Review 01"2001 ProlloHd I'olicc Budect (Iud Ilour~ "fCovcrag" A. REfERENCE A~U llACKGIWUJ\I): /\, you may r~cal] from our hI! meeting. it wus (he ,.~comtnclldatjon of the Commission Il1al the Cily C(lulled c()nsitl~T adJrng al Ie'asl i,mr h"ltr~ per Jay additional clwcragc for a total or ]4~6 acldillOnill hours i!nd 10 ,,1>0 "ons"Jer adding all "dJiliol1ll] ('"Lr hours peL' clay 10 make lip ("r lh~ rm,r h(\)trs Ih~ (:on1l111,S;011 hml r~qHeskJ Ii" the yc'ar 2000. hlr tillS years hlLcl).!CL Ihe CLIO' COIl",:il dlOS~ ll0110 r~is~ Ihe hours of'c"verage ill an dlllrl to \..c'cp lhe buugct mcre<lse'i al a l11Lll'lllUll1 Originill]y' Ih~ P()liL~ CommisSion had hoped w add an Jddilional 1'.lUrhOlllsol'cover"geilllhcye~r2()()Oand,ll1addili"nalli)urh"ur;;m21l01. During the initial blldg~t workslwp s~>5ions. I h.rd onglnil]ly includ~d funding I;)f th~ additional eight ho\ll'> pCl' d~y whicl1 would h~v~ .Idded S] ] 6.800 Lo the blldg~l During lh~ tirst workshop. tb" Council had considcred r"ducing th~ ~ight ho",o down Lo I,mr hours a day_ Ihus saving $58.400, Ikror~ the final prdiminilry kvy W<lS adopted. lh~ COlln~i1 agr~l"J 10 k~el' hmding ill the bHdg~1 lhill would allow I,,,. th" second tour hOLLrs of covl"ra~e 10 SLarl al nll(l-y~'" (.Ju]y I") whLeh "dd~d $~'I.2(1) Cor th~ '~com] halt ol'the ycar. Al this POilll, fULlding i, illduded ill Ihe prelimin,'1r)' budge! Ihal w(1\l]d ,lilo", I,,, lht, addiliorm] foUl' hours in J,L11LLilrV <lnd lour]wHrs mOI"~ tll sian ill July. Fllclos~d Ii)r Ih~ COllllllISSi(\ll's r~vicw;, ,1 hri~I'''Hlllll1ary ,,('L]K' cOlllraClI,ollfs onTlhe pasl numher ol'y"ars ,1I1d Ih~ "al]s tor s~r\-'ice thai haw o~curr"d. ThLS int'Jrlllali,)[, \"'LS inclllLkd wnh the pr~]il11inary hudgl'l dOeLllll~11lS which ] hel1~V~ hclp~d supp"n till" 1uIlLCSI !'"r ~ol1sLllcrati()l1ol'addingadJ1Ii(lnalhoLLrsal1lJhq1ingllwp()ssibilityoi'adding l;llll'm()L'l' hour, aL rnid-y..:ar in lh~ buJgel. It'llr~ COLllLnlS,ioll rncmb..:rs i'cel this is slill important, W~ ~Jn mcluJe the CUlllrni,SLo,,'.\ fC'~ornm~ndmiorllO Ihe Council ill ;;upplJrl ofth~ additional hOllrs I;".thelrlina] hudgdlk']ihnatiolls. . . . Monticello Law Enforcement Contract The city of Monticello began contracting law enfurcemem services with the Wright County Sheriffs OfficeinOctoberof197L 0<:lober2001 will be the 30 year anniversary of the sheriff's contract. During this nearly trurty year span, the city has grown from a population of 1,636 in 1970 to an estimated 7,756 in 1999, nearly five times what it was in 1970. This grO\vth is expected to continue requiring an increased need fur services to keep pace with the demand. In 2000 Monticello corrtractsfor a total of 10,664 hours. Specifically,the city is provided with 28 hours a day law enforcement coverage seven days aweck, plus an additional 8-hour shift onFri day and Saturday nights (416 tOlal hours) from approximately mid April through mid (l{:toOCr. The table below summarizes Calls for Service (eFS) and contract hours for Monticello since 1985. Citv or Monticello Callll For Service & Contract Huuni 1985-2000 Year Calls For Serllice # ofContracl Hours 1985 1100 6905 1990 2961 6905 1995 5303 9176 1999 5795 10,664 City of Monticello Calls for Service 6000 __n_____ "'00 4000---- , 3000--'----- , "'Or 1000,.-- 0' 1985 1990 1995 '"" I Wri blCouul C.II,for Senice & Po alalionCom uison1998 CitviT""rnM, Calis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, P"",,/alio" CHI","", (/998""",,,",) Da""," <I'~i 10,1(>> 9,6P' ,m MODtIceIlodty ,.~ 7,079 0.$5 0l"ll""'Y 2.7B4 6,570 0,42 Rockr.r<Idtjo~ 1,438 2,877 U,8~ s,,;nt,\H<hoelctly :/,32J 7.643 O.JU o.l.""<ity 2,01R J,lT? 'W JIIontl<........'" 1,999 4,334 "~ A"nood.l<city 1,1'19 2,47:! OD AIh<_<iIl' 1,621 2,B91 G.5<1 Colotl.ci'. l.l42 2,481l '.0 ll.o<I<fordtwsp. 1,404 3.655 OJ8 "'"....L.kedty 1,127 1.528 0.74 M"",,,.m.,,,,p. t,12G ~,"7 0.5] Frookllotw'p. 1.119 J,038 0,,7 f:"ri"".""p- ,~ 2,339 G.45 H.....r<Iuke<;ty 1.013 1,749 0,58 B_'"twsp. - 1,635 0.58 Sa....rf:"'d",.,p. m 2.239 0,41 M.pl<uk< ,,,,,p. m 2,163 0.42 .,,""......<ity "', 1,054 '" CI...........dty 8,2 ", '" Snorth~d.twsp. '" 1390 0.54 Woodlond""'l' S8S 1,198 0.49 W...rlydtjo. 5,07 ., 0.$4 C"katG""l'o '" 1.1S! G,46 CIeII........r""p, 547 U16 <1--'2 Alb..."",.. m 1175 0.36 1J."ov.r<;ty" ", D' 0.4,' V.,tGrtw'l'o ~ ],!54 0.35 ~liddle>'m"",,1'- '"' "'0 0.37 Clullhom"'.p, 349 I,07G O,lJ F"""'hl..."'....p, 341 L07S 0.12 Storkholm tw,~. Do '" ~.JS S""'hH.vendtv ," '" 0.57 . . . 'WriglItCom'Yl"lrti,m"r,,",c-ityooly I . . . l'oliccCommi>si[\nAgcIlJa-IO./25/0{) 3. H~,icw ofCSAH 75 Wro,jd","v Rccon~!ructi()" I'roir.cll A. REFFRE~Cr. Ai\D llArKGROl'NIJ; County I?oad 75 ii-om Washington Sired Oll the east to OUn Creek Koad on the west j, hcmg cl\l1sidcl'cd for reconstrllCli(\l1 by Wrighl County as SOOn as n~;;t year. \Vnghl Coullly along with the Cily has be~n r~vi~wing a number oficlcas I,,, upgrading the rom] to pJ'O\'id~ siller traffic movements Lnduding such leill\ll'~S as Icli. turn bncs and possible elimination of som~ eros.1 lranlc nt a Ie:w mtcrscctions. As YOlllllUy haw heard, to k~ep four lane lran,~ with ~n ,ldclil]{)l1~llcfl (urn lane. parking along side oflhe nlad may hav~ to be eliminated, which has embed som~ COnCerns from property owners. Although the rccnnslrU~lion priljeel may not nccess~rily b~ an iiisue the Police COllllllis,ion ne~ds 10 discus,;, tcamc spc~ds along llroadwil)' were being looked ,ll as part oflhe di,c\lssion OeeH,illl1illlywh<:n Idohcarnr<:omplainbaholllspeeding, l'.roadw: .jytraflleisusuallyorlcol 1herrimmyslreClSlhJtpc,)plcseellltothink'peedingoceurson, One of the thoughts in I'ceonslnlcting llroudwaywithJ larger Illcdian that cOllld po"lI-,lyh,":eslre"lhgllling.t['~csand shrubs. would be thai it may ,low down tran,~ be<:il1J,~ of the: !"eeling that the road is 11l0r~ rcsi,knlial Jnd it may seem narrower to tile' dri"~L Not evel'yone feels this may happcn as Wilh Ih~ adJition "fl~n lurn lanes. th'-T~ 1S !J<;tually IlIme ahilitv /01' lrnrlic 10 flow e'1Jllinuo\lSly in the Olhn driving lunes which muy even l1l~k" tmni~ go liIStcL', OuringourlastPllblicml,nmational meeting rcgarJmg lhisrcColIstrll'-'tiOIl project. ShenlfGary \.1illcr along with Dermis Compton Ii-om the Shc'rilT s Oepmtmcm revi~\Ved a bric!"lral'lk sllrvcy and speed sludy they hact conducled along Rroadway. Tilcy w~re still in lh~ process or compiling the intOl'Inalioll they had gather~d which seemed to. indlnne th:H there is ,ome speeding alollg Urnadway. but ma}b~ not as bad as people s~cm to lhmk 1 will be asking Chic!" Deputy Don I indell 10 lry tll bring lllls ml(nmation along to th" mcelil1g lO sharc Wilh th~ ('ommi.,sirll1m~mbcr-' on what their hriei' SllrVCIi sll()",~d, J bdicvc it i, lhe opinion o!"th~ (,it\, C\luncillhatpossiblymoreenforccrtle:n1shl)uld bCdolleJlongUroad",ayalldthisrnayhelp sUPP,)tlbLvmgthcfumhnginthcbudgettlladdaJdilionalhomsn,'xtyearsothalwehm'c sllttle","t nl,mpowcr 10 do cnfnrcelll~nt and eovn all the eJlIs for service, ShcnIT\.1ilkl'did notc to the COllncll thilt it was dim~lllt to do [L 1m ol'patrolling ami enf('l'CCmCnl as 1l usunlly take, lwo cars tn do a good job, on~ with thc radar and thc second o!"licer to stor lhe vchicks Wllh a limiled nUL1lh~r ofhollrs uvailJbk. spcnding ,.j lot oftilll~ on elll(ll'CCmcllt w<J'in'lthe high I'rillrity in rdatillll 10 dning lhe other dutll.' re'1l1ircd or lhe()nicers. /\gain. I am not sure ifll1L'rc is specific net;on 1hat is r~qtLIr~d li'om the 1',)llC~ ('ommis,>ion olher thaLl 10 revicw thc 1ral'Iie stud} slalist1csandtodiscllssthcmcrilSol'vilrious rCCO[]3lruclioll options lhm might be ~on>idel'ed 11}' lhe COllnty anJ City COllnciL ~ . . . To: Local Deputies From: JeffO'Nei1I, Deputy City Administrator Re: Complaint regarding loud music/deep bass from vehicles Date: October26,2000 I recently received a complaint from a citizen regarding loud obnoxious music/deep b ass emanating from vehides passing by his residence on 6"' street. Is there an ordinance in place governing music volume, and do you monitor and attempt to control loud music from vebicles? Thanks for your response cc. Police Commission /t.. J O/t"fIl t'.... T' . I/' n.^ ., ; ~ ;':"D ~eJ"'6 . 1 Y' /I.Il 'oi'" k. l. 1- A'. ;. /).,; ,r .,~' , ~. t ~ c..'" 1 , ()o . t I'" L,^Ir.. fJ.'i"~ . /'" fl)'" ~o ~~ (~:", ~ ' wi f'l't. JiO <\11 r \a,"J 01< n.,l'1't ~ 0' Y" t.';I'~ .~~ l' J ) ~" ,)~~" .f'~' ~\l d' t, (. ~6 q.. f\O. f61 v>~~'^- (') ~110 . . , NOISE: (A) (8) (e) No;s~ SlateorPmpose. It;, rccogmzecl thm loud. unplcasanl, fQ\lCOllS, or prolonged noise has ahmmful. debilitating_and detrimental effecl llporlhlLman beings, adversely atlectingtheir mental "nd physical hcalth,sa fety.andwell- being. Such louJ.lLnpku.,anl_raLlCous.orprollltlgednoi5eisherebydcclarcdm be a public nUISanCe. In an ~ndeavorto provide [or the mental and physical health,safcty.and\\ell-b.oingandl(lrpeacefulreposeiJfthe,itizen, and neighborhoods of the city. Ll LS hereby declared to b~ In the pubhc inlere,l that loud.unpkasam.raLlcolls.anJunnecessaryorprolongcJnoischcabald. 1 Activit" Prohlbil,,<j_ l"o p~rson shall, he[w"en (h~ hours of 10 00 p.m. anti 7;00 a.m. conduct. permit. congregate at. participate in. or b~ present at any partyorg<llh~ringot'pe()p]e (i-"[)1 which n01se em<ln<ll", phuch vplume as to be p]amly audible m a dislance of5il k~l trom wh~r~ such gathenng or party is raking pbee. or from whi~h noisc emanates of a sufficient vO]llmeso Uii to Jislurb the pe<lce. f.jUle\. or reposeo('perspn.s resiJing iL1 any residGotia] arca. 2. Abatin~ Di.,ttLr!m!l~S's ,"0 p~r,ons cxcepllh~ owner. tenan\. Or ,-,(her ]av"fu] occllpant,hall visit.rem"-in."rbepresent~t,,,withioany rtsidentlaIJw<,llmglLOL[.adjaccnlyarJ.orslrllcturc, wherein an ac[ivitv prohIbited by S~ction (l3i olthis ordinanc~ is taking place cxcept persons Wl10 hav~ gone th~re fur the sole purpose "fabilting [he prohibited u~tivi[y Enforcclllcm, A pcaceotlker may l1rderall persons present inany,uch group or galhering Ii-om whleh ;w.:h nOLse e111<lnales llr()lh~rthan th~ OwnCrS or t~nants Gf~ dwdling unit [0 imm~diatdy disperse fr0111 said pany in lieu ofhe;ng dmrged under lhl-' llrJ;naL1~~ R~t'usa] w disp~rse is a "inlali,)ri oft]w s~ctil'n, -t. Penalt" Vi"blionllfthissubd".isLOn LSanlLsderneanorpunishabkb: a tine of nO! more than $700 and Dj imprisonment in th~ county pil pI' nO! mOl'et]wn'lOJ"y,; ] Street '-':ois~. No person between lhe hours 017:00 p.m. ~nd 7:00 "-.m. ,hail op~r,ltea raJHl. ,lere". lare player. oruny ulher mechanical de::\.'ice other than an automobik ~ngin~ on (he hig'lwavs. stre~ts. parkin:,' IOh all".'.s. sid~wJjks. or "ther publlC prop~rtj w:thm th~ <;Ity' ol.'l.lonlicello wjlldlisallCltb]e<ltadisl"n~",'I':5 I"el. , Pen"~ll vi"btion of this subdiyision is a peny misd~me::allor pUllish<lHe hl a tine:: ClfLl0t mOI"~th'll1 SIOO, (~]65. ]ll/] t '88) T!TLEVI"'Ch~t 1!Page3 MONTICELLO CtTY ORDINANCE . . (K) "Public NLlisan~e AnimJI or Ammals" shall mean any' ,1I1imal or animals whit+: ). Ildug<JrJogsis,/arcrcpealedlyfoundJllarge: Damages (he pr()p"ny of'anyone othel' than IL' ()Wn~r; " , ls/urevl<:iolls.mimal(si: , Causes f(ltdingofrhcuirhv odQr: " Cuusesutlsanilllryeonditiollsofcr.cloSllrcsorSLLrrounding,;: G By "'rtlLe ol"number "rlYT~S OIJllimab Inaillwincd are "I-:enslve 0r dange,-pustothepuhilcheullh.sarl::tY.llrweItJJ'c: (i) E.\ccssivelymakesdisturbingnoises: , 8. r-.IOleslS pJss~r(sjby arpa_'sing vchicks: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VI/Chpt 21Page 2 ~ 9. Attackso(herdom~s(icanima[s: . . . MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLEVIIChp12!Page3 ~ . . 6-)-6: FQUPrvlll\j All s11m,mobile" shall hJ\-e th~ [ollowing eqtLiptn~nt: (,YI SICltlJardl1luftkr,;,,,lucharcproperly'att'Khed,mdLnLonolalOlllperUllon.unu \\hL~h reduce th~ noise at' 0p~rati(Hl or'the motor 1L\ the mi01r\lUm neccs;;ary lllr opCralll)o. "Iutllers shull Lomply wilh R~gujaliot1s CO\lS 53. \Vhkh is h~:d:}\' . MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VliChpt 5lpag., 3 . mJopled byrefcrenceas Lle"i,;tcdonScp[~mberl, 1970. r<opersonshal] tlsca muffler cutout. b~'pa". smllght pipe. or similar device on a snowmobile motor. andthen:hJustsyStelllshaIJ nQtemjtorproduc~asharppoppingorcl'~ck]ing sound. (RJ llrakes auequme 10 control the movemern of and to stop and hold th~ snowmobile uoderanycondition:;ofoperation (e) A satl::ly Or so-called "deadman" throttle in operating condition,o that when pressure is rGmoved from the accelerator or throttle. the motor ;" disengageJ I'rom the Jrlvmg track. (0) At leasl one clear lamp attached to the front with ,ut1ici~nl mlensity to rcv<:al persons and vehicles ill a JistJnce ofal ]ea~t Gile humlred fe<ct (100') ahe<ld dUl':ng the hOlLrs oCdarknessundanofl1la] atmospheriLcondilions_ Sll,hh~i\dl"mp-,hllll he ~o aimed that glaring rays arc not p",j,,~td inlo the ~y~s of an Dncoming vehickoperator. It shall "Iso be equipped with at least on~ red tail lamp having a minimum ~"ndkpo\Va 01- sufficiem inwn,;ty 10 e;;:hibi[:l red light plainly vlsibk from:l di.'l~nc~ 01' live hunclred feet (500'1 to lh~ re<lr during th~ hours llf darkness llIlJ~, normal J.l1T]{)~rherie eunditlOns_ The ~qllipmem to be in operating condition wh~:l lh~ v~hilk is operakd bdvvc~n the hours (\1' Gne-halfll..'2) hom ~tler sunset t" one-hali"(]n)hourbcforesLLm-i,eOl'attimeorr~d\lcedvl,ihilit\" . (E) R~lleclive l11Jter;al :It least .ii:-;t~~:l (16) ''-jll<lre inch~s on ~41cIl5ide. ]{lr'Aard or tile hilndkbJrs_ so a~ to retlect a beam or liglu at a 11l1ld} (90) d~gr~" ~ngle. 6-5-7: COI\1PLIA:\CF: Il is ullI~wfLLI for lh~ o"'ner ofa snl\wmobilc 10 r~rmit the SnU"Ll\obil~ to bt "rcr41t~d contrary to lh~ pro,,-isiOlh "i"llw; ordinance_ 6-5-8: VIOl AnON AllY perSOIl violating the terms "ftltis "rdinJnc~ sltall. upc'n conviction_ be gUllly ,,1- ~ l11isd~:ll~anur {"'160. I ] I.,'R~) . MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VllChpt 51Page 4 ~ TomSalkowski . cllclosed is survey datu covering the wUlcrtowersile and Iheaddilional.J..06 park site recently conveyed from Ken Schultz to the City_ .".Iso anaciled is a copy of the deed for the wmer !Ower sile. Please review this information and lei me know what needs to be done to process the subdivisjon{sJ Also. once the subdivision is comple[e. staffwil! be asking City Council to consid<:r aoneC\mioL1 ofth~ parcels rhank you for your a';Sl5rance. plcas~ call ifyo\l have any questions. Jell cc Rick JohnS . . . . . (81 Pdt\' ~li,detncD.nor" \\"'hoev~r commits an~' oflhe tollOWlflg adS is guil1y oi'a petty misdemeanor pum,habk by J tIne of not more than $100: 1, Race;; the mOlDr ,,~'unv motor vchick So as to caLESe unnecessary and llme~SOllablenoisc; ) Causes, produces. Dr ~reJ(~, any lInL1~~essur:' and unreasonable noise hi shouting, mechunical m"Jns, (he blo"mg ofm0wr vchlde homo. or JJl\ other_,imilarn"'s~. ~- Improper or a~lloying lLse Of.spOI lights onto p"r,ons or prcmi,~s_ 4. Lsmg probne.abLL;;]Vc.inJecent.orlhI'C3("ninglangll~gc inpubl;c. ) Occupie,,, swnding motor v~hick in III area gGncmlly reserwd tlJI' parl;lI1g Or p~cllpi"_\,, ,Wllding motor vehj~le while [he v~hjck I'; doubi~ purk"d. (C) PremJses For purposcS oi'this sectiOIl. prernisc_, shall mclud<"anyyard.loL MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VlllChpt 1lPage" ~ - , ~- .. 7-1-3. PUI3UC NUSA;\CL IA) ~lisdemeanc)rs, V,..hoevet commit~ anv ofth~ followin~ acts is g:uiltv ofa mLS{km~JtlOr puni,hable by a tin~ of not more than $70Cl ;mJ I", lmpn,"nnn::m In lh~ COUIU:; pil ot'llot more than 00 du:'~ I. Con:Hllnplion llt'iJl[ll);i~"ling liquor or non-into:-:icJllng ['q\lor in punlLc or inoth"rplaccsprohiblled by In';",:\ceplaspw\idedb~ law. , Stre\\lIlg_SCJttering, littering. lhrowing. ordisp",mg of any gmbJ geM refus~ 01110 Jny rrcmis~, ~xcept into recepmcle, provided lilr such purposes_ ~ . MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLEVIIIChpt1iPage3 . . . IH) (el , ~ tl.l41rking"ithink.painl.chalk.orolh"rsuhstance,orpostinghandbillson. orjnanyothermannerdeb~ingorinj(lringanypllblicorpnvatebuilding or plac~ within the city. or m<lrking. dcb~ing. or injuring fences. trees. )a\,vns, or fixtures appuncnan[lo or located Cln the siteofsuchbtLildi ngs.nr posting hundbills on such fenccS.lr~es. or IIxlUres. or pbce a sign anywhere on uny suchsile exceplilspemlined by [he owner thereof. 4. lingering about dledoorway of any building. orsllting or Iingcri ngupon (h~SkpS_"ind()wsills.r""ling.fcncc.()rparkingarcuadiac"ntlClany' building in such a manner as [(J obstruc(orpartially obstruct ingre SSIO,," egress Ii-Dffi w~h building or in such a manner (0 annoy the ()Wner Of occupant. 3. Obstructing pede5trian or vchicllbr trut1k or other\\i;,e ccmimg an obSlnlction Or inlerference with prcrnises ()rrendering an'''' pr emlse dungewus for passage exeepl in cases l1fcmergenc;' 6 Failing Qrrefusing W vaCalC Or I"ave any premises at"terb"ing rcq\Jc slcdllr ordercd,"llh"r()r"lIy. inwl'it;ng.orbypo,;tedsigll.toJos()bythe()wll~r. age~t. 11l~Il~g~r. or person in ~harg~ th~rco[ Or hI' any law ellfl1rc~meJl[ u"ent or ..,1':,,,u'l. Jnd ~j50 dlC return al ~nv time thercaJier to ~n\.' such D .. prcmi;;e, atierhavlng been so l'cqlH:o.,:ed ol'or(kred!o va~'Ue or le"ve slIch pl'<:mises. P~ttv tvlisdcm~anor.,. \Vhoever commit, any o1'lhe tiJIlowing aClS is guilty ol"a p"l1ymlsd"meanorpunislmbkbyatin"oi"notmorcthan$IOO: Races the motor of~ny momr vehicl" Sl' ~s to e~llse unnece~sary am] unrcasonabknDi,;e: " CJ,lse5. produces. or creates an;' I.Inn~cess~ry and unre"S<ll1able oc.i,e by' .,houtil1!!. m~chilllicallll~an,. th~ bloWll1g ot"motor vclnclc horns. Or an\' odl~r sinlllar nOlS". , jmprop~rorunno:')J1gllSeof5potlights()nwper,0I15orprcmiscs. , Using prolall". ,-,bl.lsiv". ir.d~cent. Or threatening language in pl,bllc , O~cllpi~s a s(andi"g mellor ""hick in an arca generally res~l'wd tor p'-'rkillg c>r occupies a stanJlng nWlor vehiC:~ whik (he: ,,,hicle 15 dUIli:>I~ parkd. .PS,l;I11IS"'. For purpos~s "fthis sect,,'n. premises shull includ" "ny yarJ. I()t. parcel. sidewalk. h.'l.llevJrd. stre~t.lllglmay. alley. park. playgrounJ_ r~,;\allrJnt. Dk. churcll. .ichooi. an:.. CJr or ;Jth~r illowr v~hlck parking 10[. driv<>in. Olllk;lI1g ,I~ed t'or bllsin~". C(>'Hrn"'Tl~i1. or ;ndustrlJI purpo.<es. WJ,hwol1l ur IJv,l1l1ry.. apilrtm~nt h,lJ]WJ; ('r other loc:lt;..ln "h~ther publiC ()r p"v~le in th~ city 01 "jol1';""]]O. (Ii- ~ 66. I (Ii I I i~8 i MONTICELLO CITY ORD!NANCE TITLE VlllChpt 11Page 4 ~, El\FORCEl\IE:-.JT (Al Any p~rson owning and/or occupying properly within the cily wh~re activllies described in subsec[ion (C),(Dl. and (Elare in violation of this ordinance s hall be so notifkd ill writing by lhe CLly of the violation bycertilicd maiJ and given ,;e ven (7) daY3 to eilhcrcorreclthe violation or appeal to the City CounciJ [ora determination that lh~ complained of activity docs nOl violate (he ordinance. . Any person owning and/or occupying a propcny \vithinlhe ~ity where activities . . TITLE VlliChpt ,IPage5 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE