Police Advisory Commission Minutes 02-18-1998
. Wednesday, February 18,1998" 7 PM
Members Present: Dave Gerads, Liz DesMarais, Brad l<'yle, Chief Deputy Don
Lindell, Deputies Steve Quill and Stewart Wirth
Members Absent: Brian Stumpf, Bridget Baldwin
The minutes of the regular meeting held October 1, 1997, were approved as
Consideration of election of officers and review 80Dointment!l to advilmrv
The terms of commission members Baldwin and Gerads expired December 31, 1997,
and it was noted that the City Council had recently approved re-appointment of
these individuals to another three-year term. Mr. Gerads suggested that the City
determine if there are any other individuals interested in serving on the
commission, as he would be willing to step down from his position if there were
others interested in serving. It was the consensus of the commission that an
advertisement would be conducted to see if anyone was interested. It was also a
consensus that the current slate of officers, consisting of Liz DesMarais as
Chairman, Brian Stumpf as Vice-Chairman, and Rick Wolfsteller as Secretary,
continue until the next meeting.
Discussion on increa...ed incidents of theft in Industrial Park areas.
Joel Abraham ofRenunele Engineering had recently expressed concerns to the City
Council over an increasing nwnber of incidences of theft of their recycling materials
placed outside at their business. Upon further investigation by the Sheriffs
Department, it was noted that Remmele Engineering had suspicions that theft of
their recycling materials was occurring and that the Sheriffs Department was not
necessarily promptly notified of these suspected thefts. The Sheriffs Department is
communicating with Remmele officials and is working on increasing surveillance in
the area and will be providing suggestions to various businesses on how they can
improve and deter future thefts.
In reviewing the statistical data from the Sheriffs Department, it does not appear
that there is an increasing level of problems in the area; and now that the Sheriffs
Department is aware of some concerns industries have in the area, they will be
better able to work with the businesses to deter future crime.
Police Commission Minutes - 2/18/98
Consideration of reviewim!' draft cony of the School Boulevard traffic
Commission members reviewed a copy of the School Boulevard traffic study that
was authorized by the City Council in October 1997. The initiall"€quest came about
because of a Police Commission recommendation to have the City Council consider
a four-way stop sign at the intersection of School Boulevard and Fallon Avenue.
The report authorized by the City Council studied the traffic patterns along the
entire route of School Boulevard from Highway 25 w County Road 118 and made
recommendations in a number of areas, but primarily nored that a four-way stop
sign was not warranted at the intersection of Fallon and School Boulevard and that
also in the future when traffic volumes increase along Oakwood Drive, Oakwood
Drive should have the stop sign and the stop sign on School Boulevard should be
Chairman DesMarais still felt that as the traffic increases in the area because of
the high school being constructed, traffic movement would be safer with stop signs
along School Boulevard. Commission member Gerads also indicated that originally
he thought School Boulevard should have stop signs to control traffic; but after
reviewing the report, he would concur with the recommendations of the traffic
engineer. Commission members also discussed and suggested that the report also
include a recommendation to install a pedestrian crosswalk on the south side of
School Boulevard across County Road 117 (Oakwood Drive) and that rumble strips
be considered along Fallon Avenue and in the future along County Road 117 as an
advance warning of an impending stop sign. With those recommendations, the
Police Commission recommended the study be forwarded to the City Council for
Discussion on snowmobile trail route.
Deputy Steve Quill was in attendance at the meeting to briefly review with the
commission members the effectiveness of the snowmobile trail route that was
established this year through park of Monticello. Due to the unusual snow
conditions this year, Mr. Quill was not aware of any major problems with the
snowmobile activity in Monticello and did feel that the route established from the
Highway 25 bridge crossing along Cedar Street to the railroad tracks seemed to
have worked fairly well.
It was noted that the marked trail system ended at Washington Street and the
railroad tracks and that the City is continuing it's efforts to obtain permission from
Burlington Northern for establishing the balance of the route to the County Road
118 intersection. Burlington Northern has been slow to respond to the City's
request, and it was noted by member Brad Fyle that possibly a route near the
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Police Commission Minutes - 2/18/98
freeway will be easier to establish for next year if Seventh Street is extended
through the St. Henry's Catholic Church parcel in that the City could establish a
route along the right-or-way of Seventh Street.
The consensus was that the City should continue to obtain the necessary approval
from Burlington Northern for a trail on the railroad track right-or-way but to also
consider establishing a rouw along the right-or-way of Seventh Street when it is
extended through the church parcel.
Discussion on increasine: hours of coverage. Commission members briefly
discussed the idea of induding in the 1999 budget funds for increasing the hoW's of
coverage to provide for a consistent level of service as the city continues to grow. It
is recommended that during the budget process for 1999, the Commission will
review the activity reports with the Sheriffs Department and make a
recommendation to the Council that may include staging an increase in 1999 and
2000 to add the equivalent of another full.time officer to oW' contract.
Discussion on school liaison offiC!er . It was noted by the Sheriffs Department
that calls for service to the Monticello schools has not declined and an officer
serving Monticello can spend a lot of time dealing with issues at the school.
Sheriffs Department representatives have contacted the School District in the past
to see if they were willing to become involved in funding for a school liaison officer
from the Sheriffs Department that would be in the school full-time_ To date, the
Monticello School District has not supported this concept; but as the calls for service
increase, the level of service to other residents in the community is suffering. As a
result, the commission supported the idea of requesting that the School Board
consider involvement in the school liaison officer in the futW'e.
City Administrator
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