Police Advisory Commission Minutes 10-01-1997 . MINUTES MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION Wednesday, October 1,1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dave Gerads, Bridget Baldwin, Brian Stumpf, Brad Fyle Members Absent: Liz DesMarais AIsoPresent: Sheriff Don Hozempa, Deputies Ken Anti! and Dennis Compton 2. ATI'l>roval ofminlltp.~, The minutes of the regular meeting held April 30, 1997, were approved as presented. 3. Consideration ofreviewinp-nreviOllR discussion on traffic control recommp.ndations along Hehoal BOlllevard. . Previously, by Police Commission consensus, the City Council was going to be asked to consider the installation of a four-way stop sign at the intersection of School Boulevard and Fallon Avenue near Little Mountain Elementary School. The recommendation from the Police Commission was that the stop sign should be considered to provide a safer crossing area for pedestrians due to the number of children in the area with the new residential developments that were occurring near the new elementary school. Even though commission members were aware that School Boulevard was originally intended to be a through street without stop signs from County Road 118 to Highway 25, they felt pedestrian safety would be better if a four-way stop sign was installed at this location. . Prior to the recommendation being presented to the City Council, it was noted that the Klein Farms 3rc! and 4th Additions located south of School Boulevard had planned on constructing a pathway and sidewalk system along School Boulevard providing for a crosswalk across Fallon Avenue to connect to the existing school crosswalk from Cardinal Hills to the elementary school. Since the Police Commission members were not aware that this sidewalk/pathway system had been proposed as part of the residential development, the recommendation for the four-way stop sign was not forwarded to the Council to enable the Police Commission to again review whether a stop sign was appropriate. In addition, the City Planner had also prepared a rough sketch plan of sidewalk and pathway improvements that would likely occur in this area because of the new Lions Park that will eventually be developed as part of the Klein Farms development. The Planner's proposed pedestrian circulation plan seemed to support the Police Commission's original consensus in that a four-way stop sign is Page 1 Police Commission Minutes - 10/1/97 . recommended by the Planner at Fallon and School Boulevard. Although it was noted by Commission member Fyle that School Boulevard was always intended to be a major through street and that the School does and will continue to provide crossing guards at appropriate locations near their schools, the consensus of the commission members was to reaffirm their original recommendation and request that the City Council consider installing stop signs on School Boulevard at this location. DAVE GERADS MADE AMOTION, SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF, TO FORWARD THIS REQVEST TO THE COmCIL AT ITS NEXT MEETlliG ON OCTOBER 13, 1997. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf, Bridget Baldwin, Dave Gerads. Opposed: Brad Fyle. Motion carried. 4. ConRideration of reviewinr< the 1998 propoRed police department hmlr<et and contract rate. The Police Commission members briefly reviewed the proposed budget proposal for next year that would provide 9,376 hours of coverage, the same as 1997. The contract rate established by the County Board was $35.55 per hour, which would amount to an annual contract total of$333,317. . Commission members also discussed the use of the additional 200 hours that were added to the contract for 1997, and Sheriffs Department representatives presented an accounting of the hours used so far totaling 172 hours. It is anticipated that the balance of28 hours will be used for traffic speed monitoring. Commission members also reviewed with the Sheriff whether the additional 200 hours were sufficient, and Sheriff Hozempa felt the department could get by with the same hours in 1998 but that the Police Commission and City Council will have to seriously consider increasing the hours in 1999 to keep the same level of service we're accustomed to. It was noted that the calls for service are continuing to increase as our population continues to grow, and it is eventually going to require additional hours of coverage to provide good service. Although this item will be further discussed during 1998 prior to setting the 1999 budget, SheriffHozempa recommended the Commission start thinking about having a second patrol officer available for an additional 8 hours per day, 7 days per week, rather than the current second officer for weekends only. This would add approximately 2,500 hours annually to the contract and would amount to appronmately $90,000 per year. . No action was taken on the increase in hours at this time, as further discussion will occur prior to setting the 1999 police department budget. Page 2 Police Commission Minutes - 1O/L'97 . 5. Di~cl]ssion of enforcement nrocedllre~ concerning use of licensed IInd unlicensed motorcycles IInd dirt. bike~ in the city limits. Commission members were advised that the City had received a complaint from a property owner along 4th Street that motorcycles and dirt bikes were operating in their back yards along the railroad tracks. It was noted by Sheriff representatives that the number of complaints they had received were minimal regarding dirt bike and motorcycle operations, but they would continue to monitor the number of complaints or calls regarding this to see whether additional enforcement activities are warranted. In the past, most of the complaints regarding motorcycles had to do with noise rather than vehicles being operated on streets without being licensed. 6. DisClls!lion on hicvcles operatinp' on sidewlllh/nathways. . Deputy Compton advised the Commission members that state statutes indicate that bicycles are not allowed to operate on sidewalks in commercial areas unless previously approved by that city. Since the City of Monticello does not have any ordinances prohibiting or allowing bicycles to operate in a business district, bicycle operation would not be allowed in the commercial downtown area. Commission members discussed whether this was a major problem for the City and were informed that one business OWller had expressed concerns, and the Commission instructed the Sheriff's Department to moniwr the situation to see if additional action is necessary by the City. 7. Update on establishinr; II snowmobile trail route. Commission members were informed that final word of allowing a snowmobile trail route to be established along Burlington Northern Railroad tracks had not yet been received, but the City expects approval to be forthcoming soon. Commission members also discussed the hest route for the snowmobile trail from Washington Avenue to connect to County Road 118, and it was still the consensus of the Commission that all efforts to maintain the route along the railroad tracks be exhausted before an alternate route is selected. 8. Discussion on enforcement procenures for skatebOllrders utjlizinrr public and privllte parkinrr lots. . Commission members were informed that the City has received complaints from business owners that problems are occurring with youngsters lingering in city and private parking lots for skateboarding activities. It was also noted that the city parks have recently experienced some damage to picnic Page 3 . . . Poliqe Commission Minutes - 10/1197 tables and equipment utilized by skateboarders making ramps, etc. The police department realizes that this is continuing to become a problem for not only the City but private businesses but that it's very difficult to controL It was recommended by the Police Commission that additional efforts be encouraged by the Sheriffs deputies in dispersing youngsters who are congregating in the parking lots and after hOUTS in city parks in an attempt to curtail Borne of the damages that have been occurring after hours. RickWolfsteller City Administrator Page 4