Police Advisory Commission Minutes 06-18-1991 . . . . . MlNUT!;S MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION Tuesday, June 18, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Warren Smith, Curtis Schmidt, and David Gerads Members Abs6ntl None The Police Commission discuBsed the possibility of advertising for the fifth position On the commission. It was suggested that another ad be run in the Shopper and Monticello Times. The commlssion discussed having a teenager serve on the commission. It was determined that a teenager Should not be a voting member on the commission; however, the group did conclude that it would make sense to have a teenager serve on the commisSion as an ex-officio member. It was suggested that the proposed ordinance he modified to allow a teenager to be an ex-officio member of the commission. It was suggested that City staff find other communities that have a police commission and obtain any information that we could get regarding the operation of other commissions. This might include policy statements or ordinances governing commissions, and perhaps City staff could contact commission members serving other Communities to find out where their efforts are focused. Once additional information regarding other commissions has been collected, the commission plans on reviewing the basic duties of the commisSion as outlined in the proposed ordinance and come up with a refined list. After this list is prepared, it was proposed that the proposed ordinance be submitted to the Sheriff for feedback. ! informed the Police Commission that we would try to have the information requested by mid to early July. It was the consensus of the group to meet on a Wednesday or Thursday. wo~ Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator