Police Advisory Commission Minutes 10-25-2000 . . . MIl'iLl'ES QUAKTf.RLY \U:ETlI\G - MONTlCr<.LLO POLICE CO'\I"IISSI0~ \\'cdllcsday,Octoher25,2000-7p.m. !\'kmb~rs Prcsc~l- J .i/. Lkslvbra;s_ Dave (jcrilJs. Brian StumpL Dick Sbis and BradFylc Ivlcmb~rsAbs~nt: :-Illl1<: Alsof'rcscnt: SheriffCbr;' !\liller. Chid Lkpllty n"L1l.inddl. CIty Adminislratar Kick \Volfsldler 1. Review of 20011'rolloscu Police Budl!d and Hour; of C""Crll!!e, Commission members discussed Ihe addiliol1nl hours lhat hav~ been tentatively included in the 1001 clly bnd:;el for police C<lVCWgC_ hwasnotcdthalinilially,madditi()nalei~hth()LLrshad bl'ell re4LL~>ted during (he initial preliminary \1lldgd. hut r\mding was scaled n~ck to only include IrJll,]1OU['s. During the oecl)nd ~(]tlncil budget workshop, acldil;"llnl tunding elf $2'1.200 was adeled to tl1~ prditninary levy thaI \vould allow tl1~ second rour hom, ol-cov~ra~~ to b~ mIlled lllid-y~ar arc>unJ July 1st. Total ('lUlding wOllld Ihcn amount to an addlti"nnl S~7.(;O{J [(" incrcJ>In;! tl1~ hour~ '" nol~J. bnn;!ing the tot,-,I budget prupo"lll()[' n~~l yc,ll-lo $513J140. II i~ the conscns\1' orth~ Commlssioll rnel11b~rs thaI a recomll1endatioll agaill bc made to lh~ city eouned that lhey seriou,ly l'onsiJer Ica\'in~ the budget ligures ilS prOp(N'el willl the Llieu 01- addlllg an additional tllllr hours star\lng ill January and the sc~()nd (()ur 110m" in July. The increase population and call, 1,)rscrviccth"lll1~ SherilTs llepal11l1tnllwshecnexpcritneing shows thill all increase in covera~~ is warr\\l1l~d to provide an cffec\lve lcwlllfservice_ Sh~nlr\Wkr also noted I()!' COlllmissHllllllembcrs lhat 111 other Wright COllnty cornmllnilics when: they have their own policc dcp,mmenl. mor~ oifkers ar~ 011 dllly per 1.000 populJ.lion than the eily c\II'relllly n>nlmCh lor ami the co~t per capita in 1he eonmwnilies {h,ll have their l1\\'n dcparlment> lS ab(1V~ $100 whereas the City lll-MoLlliecJh> i;: at ""Iy $50-$(,0 pel' capLW. 2. Rcyi"", ofCSAII75 (Bruadway) RC~(Jnstruction Proiect, Commi,siolllllembers briel1y disctlss~d lh~ ~ily and counly', prop,)saIIO upgrade CS:\1175 (Rroadway) frorn Otter Cre~k 011 th~ westlO Wil,hinglon Strcet on th~ eilsL While th~ CmnmisslOLl members noted lhey have littk directiolllo provLde on the ultimnte design of1he I'o~dway. they did re\'iew dlC recent speed c;ludy/lr,-,ITic data that had been (>btained by the C011llly "h~rilr. fbe hridsludy indicul~d thailhe IlwjOl'ity nf1he tralTLe in both directions was lravdHlg b~lwe~n 30AO mph in lhe posted ,() mph /.011C. Whik a lot or-the traftlc waS ~xee"JiLlgtheposteJspcedlimil.ilapp"arS1hatmoslofthl.tr~('Iic is driving within an ,-,ec~pl,-,ble limit. . . . l'oliceCollll1lissionl\lmulCS-10/2'iiOO CommiS';lOll rnembers did request rhallhe Sheriffs Department continue to 1l1011LhlT and patrol fClr speedin~ along Uroadway w let the puhhc know thallhis area is being watched and th:l1 cnforccmenlwlllhctakcnwhclll1cccs,ary_ 3. J)jssm,sion on Cih:Noisc Ordinance RCl!ulation& Mr. DOll Darn "premed bdore the Cllmmissio" to \'oice hi., concern on 10lld obnoxlOus LIlllsic <'manatingfh\l1l vehicles p,issing by his re:;idenccoI16'" Sired. Hcqlleslioncd rhc Police ComlllLssioll 011 whellK-r the city h"d any Ol'dinances 1l1at rcgulalcd strcctnOlSc.3I1d,ISk"dlhal Ihe Sherift's LlCpmll1lClllallCmpl to enl()rcc the ordinance, ShcriffMlIkrllotcdthallhesctypcS(\!'cornplaimsl!"anscoccas;onally and thalhlS officers hil\'~ ~,teJ Lndivid\l~h for loud nois~, ~nd noted thill lh~ ('ii\' of ld"nliedlo's ordinance hilS been lL,~d as a model in olhel' Wrighl Coumy e(\mmunili~s for this eoneern_ tk also indi~aled thut h~ will3gilin ~Jvise the oJ1i~"r, 10 issue ti~kels as nec~ssar:" lor ibis ilclivily. 4. AJJl)l"()VllloJmiDut~s. Motion w~, made by I1mm Slumpf ~Ild seconded by Dick Slni, illld unanimously cmricd to appr()v~ the minllt~s ol-lhc Police (ol11tl1l',,,ion l11~eLing hddlvj:l)! 17'" as pr~-'etlled. 5. \"i,~cl1aneous rile Sherifl"s D~p~rtment 'NilS ask~dlO wnlinlL~ nW!litonllg spc"ding along (;illilrJ Avenue ,,"lhe cast ~nd orthe city. ThIS re'-jucst w~s mack in rcspollS<: 10 commenlS lhe cil:' ~ouncil ha'r~ccivcd I'rom area rcsidenls ofexccssive spc<:d;; a]ong this wad. ('"mmi<;sion m~mhcrs also discussed wilh th~ ~h~rin's LleparlnlCnL tho; depal'tmem's posilion on vehicles l"lmnlllg rcdlights il~ Commissioll Illembcrs mHed lhis nClint:' has sCCm to have lnnea,ecl in Ihe past few years more lhan n(\rmal Shcriff\1illcl' noted Lhat drivers s~etl1l(\ be more aggresSlVC' lhan \Isu~1 ,mJ again, offi~o;rs ",ill be ildviscd 10 cnforce as Il"e~>sary_ 11IERF RFINCi 1\0 FLRTHH{ LlUSlNFSS A tl,lOTION \VAS J\.1.-'\DL Al\O SFCO,"DEO TO ALlJOLW'-J THL \lEETIl\Ci MOllO'\' Ci\RRILD L1N.'\NltvlOUSI.Y_ R~f:!-fw-L CllyAuminislrillor "