Police Advisory Commission Minutes 05-17-2000 . . . :VllNUTES REGLLAR-'IEETI"'G ~ MONTICELLO POLICE COI\1MISSTOl'i \Vcdncsdlly,Ma}' 17,2000-7p.m. l\1cmhCl's Prcse~t: Liz De,!vIara;s. David Gent'];;, Brian Stumpf, Dick Slais_ :\1~mhersAhscnt: RradFylc AlsoPrescnl: Ri~k Wolfstdler. Cily ,\dministrak\r, Don Lindell. Crllt'OflJcputy 2. .Be\'iewofcurrcnthour,~ofco,-cral!c"ndrecommcndnli.onsCAr2001 h!!j:!eet,'car. ChieJ" Depuly Don Lindell hncl1ynoted tlJal lhe City is conlinuing to ,ecan mCrcasc in the calls rOTser"iccthatthedepllli",havctore~p()ndlO, Asthep"pulationgrow>,itishis l'ecommem\alion and that ofth", Sheriffs DeparLment that the ell} continu.: to ~ol1sidcr in~reusing the hoUl's of coverage by adding an additional four hours per year to keep the level "l"scrvicc adcqlli1te_ The conc~rns orlhe Sheriffs Deparlment arc thaI as our population ~ontjn\les to increase am] the community spreads OUI into a largcr area. responsc times I:>y ;;hcriffdepUlieswlil;;uffcrifmldilionalhoursarcnotaddcdincrementally_ I! was thc reCl'mmendation of the Commi~sion member~ that \1r, Lindell prepal'c an updated ,ummary of the Cillls li'r ,ervicc that have occurrcd over lh~ past tev.- ye"rs lhat vcrifies the lrend nfinereasing ~alk This information ean thcn be lorwaL'decl in the near futlll'c to th~ C,ly' COllncil for eonsi(kration when thev are eSlablishing the ~()O I city budget II;, also r~eoL1lmcnded that a requcst bc made urthe City Councillo incrcase the budget sufficiently tnaddtheentireiillLrhnursperd,IY(lratntalofl.456boursannuullyrather lhan using purl 01 thc 416 hours Ihat bad originally been sct aside for additional co verageon I'riday and Saturday evening, a, purl (lrth" 4 hour per day totaL The r~a~on fnr the additional hour, above lhe 416 was that the Sh~nrrs Dcpartment f~els it is stilllJ~c~s,mry to have lh~ additional oni~~r on elmy during Friday and Saturday ~venings as that i8 when more calls ror ,crvic~ Seem lo h~ necessary. 3. !lru:'-'i'te on meed ,tudies eonmlcted "lon~ East Counh' Road 39, Commission melJlb~TS lil\ain I'cview~d the traffic study data that hnd be~n compilcd by lh~ Sheri IT, [)cpartm~nl bA iall cOllccrning Imi'lic spceds along East County' Road 3'), The sludy was originally rcqucstcd by the Policc CommJs~i(ln as a rc';ult ol-a c-onccm expre~sed hy a resident ak'ng CouLlty Rond 39 thut ~pced wa, eXCe8Sl\'e and dangerous_ As thc study indi~ates, ovcr 50% ofth~ lralTLc spced, Seem 10 he- in the nelghhorhuod of 50mph,whichis above lhe45 mph posledhmiL but the Sherirr.s Dcpa rtlllentleclsthisis wilhin rca~on and doe.'; nol seem to be a problem in their opinion Excecding the spce-dEmit by 5 mph by lmlfofthe driv~rs i~ not nece~sarily unusual and it was notcd thaI if a specd study . . . Poli~e (\)l1llTIission lvlinlLles - ]/17l00 \vas conducted by :'VlnDOT, a pos~ibilijy exi~led thaI the ~pecd lirnillllighl even be increa~ed above the prcsem45 rnph. As a ""LLIL the COl1ll1lis~ion members lelllhe Sllld}' SllppOrLS [hill no additional traffic sludicsarc necessary al lhis lime and lhat lh" Police Deparlmenlsh(luld continue to monitor th~ area and repmt ha~k l" [he C"l1lmi~si"n il- [he speeus Slarllo illne<lSe ovcrv,'hatthcyarcloday_ 4. tlldateonJrarJic sllc"d,,"n"crn~ alonl! F.ast BroadwlIv. Commission members noted that although th~ City has not I'~ccivcd a lot of complaints 011 speeders Jlong east and west County Road 75 (Broadway) it was recommended that the Sherin- s Depilrtment ilg~jn set up the portable speed monitoring equipment for a days on th~ ~as[ and w~st ends of Broadway as a reminder to motorist of the speed they arc traveling, The I"~ali"n oCthe port11ble equipment will be near PinC\vood Ulcmentary School on the wc,>t and the 'v1iJdle S~h"ol 'm the ea,t. 5. (qDsideratiun uf election of officcrs and committcc amJOinhncnts. Th~ ~lLlTent ordinance establishing. the Police Advisory Commission indicates that a Chairman. Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall be elceted from its membcrs, Currcntl\' the onic~rs lIlcllld~: Ch<lilmilll, David Gerads, Vice-Chairman, Urian SmmpL and Rick Wollsl~ll~ras S~cretary \10'110'1 \\/,\S \IADE BY BRIAl\ STlHvlPF A'ID SFCO'lDFD BY LIZ DESlvlAH_A1S AND \VAS C\RRIED TO RFi\PPOI"IT TlW SAlvlE INDJVIDLAI,S TO TIlE POSlTJOJ\S NOTLD HJR THE LPCO'v1Il\G YFAR, 6. Annro\-,lI oJ minute, ,,[ the rClfular mcctinl! of Dccember 1. 1999. The minutes of the regular meeting orth~ Police Adviwry Commission hdd December I. 1999 were accepted a~ pre~~nted_ 7. liDdateonSherill'DonHu"emfl,,',retiremcnt. Chid Deputy Don I.indell noted that Sheriff Don llozempa will be retiring by the cnd of \la}. ::'000 A retirement party to honor Shcl'iffllozcmpa's serviec to \\"right COllmy will be held on July 1,2000 ill the \1aplc Lake vrw Club starting at 5:30 p,m, An opcn hou;;e and program will be ilt appro;,:imatdy 8:00 p.m, I....lr. Lindell also noted that the \\"righl COllmy R()ardol-C()mmission~r';recenlly"ppoinled fOlmer captain, (iary 'vliller, a, the new cOlLnly sherill"lll repla~e Mr.llozempa for the remainder ofhi.s term, Mr.Lindellnutedthatthcnewshcriffplansonattendingthe 1\-.1<>nti~~1I" Poli~e Commission's ncxt meeting, 2 . . . Po!ice COlllmission Minutc5-Jil7iOO MOT10N WAS J\.lADF. AND SLCOl\VLD TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED lJNAN!lvIOl,SL Y. RlckWollstellcr , ,