Police Advisory Commission Minutes 12-01-1999 . . . MI~ L.TES QLARTERLY:VIEETlNG - MOXnCI::LLO I'OLlCF. CO:VIMISSION \Vednesday, December l,1999-71'.m Mcmbcl'sPl'cscnt: l)jckSlais Member~Ahsen( Liz Des'vlarais. Hrad Fyk. Dave Gcrads and Bri~n Slumpf Also Pre~eTlt: ChiefDepuly non l.indelL City i\dministrator Rick Wolfstcllcl' 1. RnicwofvrolJoscdDoliccdclJartmcnthudeetrorvear200U. It v,.a, noled thatlhepropo,ed:WOObudget li,lr police prolcction di dnotincludcthc addiriomll four hours ofCl'verage that the Police Comm",ion members had previously requ~sted the CityCollncil to consider, In an ef'li,lrllO keep the tax Ic"y for year 2000 near the 1999 level. theCOllllcil had prevlllllsly ehminateJ (he addit ionalhours\vhich would have added S55,84510 lh~h",Jg"L Ch;e(DeplLly J.imJ~lI provided infonT\alion comparing a fcw communities in Wright CounlythatindkaledlheCityol'vlonlicellospmdssuhstantiallylcs> per capita for police proledion coverage than ~()me other communities. For example, the City of Rulhlo spends $910,000 1{)rtheirpo]iccdeparll1lClll whichcquarcs to approximately S94/p~r per~on whereas lhe e'ly or Monticello would bc spending approximately $57/per capita. ]t i~ lbe recommendalion of the committc~ thar th~ administratol' request that the City Council reconsider adding th~ additional four hours of covemge to the budget. As an alternative to adding the four ho\ll's for the entire year, theCounci] could consider adding additional l10ursstaning in April to lower the arulUalco,\s. 2. Cunsideralionofreeommendinl!instal1afionofsavedrivinesil!'Jlsthrouehoutthe communitv. Commission members revieweJ,lhe'ideaofthe City installing signs at th~ ~xits of various Cily puh]ic parkmg ]olS thaI wou]d advise motorists 10 ~on~~mrat~ on driving. rhe signs are availahle Iree or charge Irom the Sav~ Comllluniti~s of Wright County organization and the in~tal]ation is ~\Lpported by the Police Dcpartmcnt. It is recommended that the administrator work with th~ Pubhc Works Dir~etor 10 find appropriatc locations at City facilities such as the Community Center, Iihrary and various parks where th~sc signs could hc instalkd. Jfneeessary,Co\lllcilappl'Ovalfortheinstal1"ti0n~()1l]dbes"ughL . . . PolJceC"mmi;;sionMinlllcs-12/1/99 3. Dt~_9!~~ion on speed limit stU.9\' results from .East County Road 39. Chll:r Deputy r ,imkll presented statistical data from a recent speed study done "long Filsl COtlllty RO<ld 39. The posled speed limll inlhc area is 45 mph and the data supplied did mdicJte lhalllp 1020% orthe vehi<:le~ were exceeding 55 mph in the area. I.,[r. Lindell also noted that the deputies who patrol this ,ll'ea did not liee1 that sp ecdingwasncccssarily a problem in the area but the \Vl'ight County equipment seems [0 indicate that many vehicles do exceed thc)Jostcd speed limit. Jleabonoleulhalmanydrivcrshavca tcndcncyto drive ata speed that the l'Oild will allowilnd lhalpos!;ih lyevcn45 mph in lhis area is too low. I'urther study will be done and this item will again b~ dis~llssed at a futurcconunissionmccting () td~~ -~/uA -- ---- Rick Wolfsteller, Ci~. Administrator 2