Police Advisory Commission Minutes 07-21-1999 . . . i\HNl:TES QUARTERLY MEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION \Vednesday, July 21, 1999-7 p.m. MembersPresenL Liz DesMarais, Dave Geracis, Brian Stumpf, Dkk Slais MemhersAhsent' BnH1Fyle AlsoPresenl: Chief Depl1ly Don Lind~lI, City Administrator Rick \Volfstdlcr 3. Consideration of uDdate on request for speed limit stud~' un East Countv Road 39 fRiyerviewDrh'el, ChicfDcputy Don Lindell informed the Commission that the Sherifrs Department had attempted to complete a traffic study along East County Road 39 as rC'lllesled by the Police Commission. Equipment \I5ed in the traffic study wasn'tl'unctioning properly and the department was only able to get a vehicle ~Olmt, not record speed limits or types of vehicles_ Deputy Lindell nOled lhat during two days in late June, 1999, traffic counts indieatedapproximaldy5300-5600vehiekstraveledonthissectionofroad. Deputy Lindell noled that the Sheriffs Department will again conduct a study to get mOre aeCLlrate data on speed limits but he did note that the Sheriff Department deputies that work in this area have llot cxperienced speeding 10 be n problem aJon gthi~sectionol' road bm that spceding is more likely to occur once further out along Counly Road 39 It was a recommendation of the Commi~!;ion that the City send a !eUer to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer, who had requested the study, that the Police Department will continue to moniWrlhelrafficpaUemsinthisareabutthattheydidnotfeelmthispoint thm speeding wasanexce!;~iveproblem_ 4. Considcrationofdi~cussiol1forreviewinl!callsforse..\'iceandtimesuent bv the dcputics within thc Monticello school ",,~tem, Previously the Pulice Commi~~ion had noted that the Shcriffs Department felt an increasing amount of hours were being spent by deputies in the Cityresp ondingtocalls for service within thc school system. Chief Deputy Lindell noted that thi~ concern was discusscd with Monticcllo school representatives last faJI to inform them that the City ofMonticelloconlracl~fordepmiestoscrvieetheentireCityandnotjust the school systemal1dthattheschool~houJdtrytoIimitthemunberofcaj]sforservice 10 the Sheriffs Department in the future. The school administration was informed that a school liaisonofticer should be considered if the school ~ystem expectspolicc presence in the school on a frequent ba5i~_ Since the school ha5 declined to participate in that type ofa program, the Sheriffs Department has been attempting to limit the amonnt of service calls they are making at the schooL At this l;me, it doesn't appear that the calls are excessive any more and that the first halfof 1999 has ShO"'ll uredllclio ninthe calls to . . . the school system to about 4% of tile total c<llls made in the City. It was felt by Deputy Lintlelllhallhl~ 1'; nol a pmb]~m allhe presenll;rne ami lhal lhe Police Commission sh()lEldJu~lconlinue to monitor the situal;on. 5 COlIsidcrlltiun ofrcyicwin!!: and rccommcndin!! contracth(lurs an d hudl!et for year 2000. Comm]SSlO11 members reviewed the pre!;em budget and hour~ of service that total JG,636 hours al the present hourly rate of$36.75/hour lor a lol;ll budgdof $390,873. Forthe year 1999, the City had approved an increase in the contract hours by 4 hours a day lO bring our level ol'service 10 28 plus hours per day with the idea that th chourswouldhe increasedfollrh()ursperyearunlilcoveragei~equaltotwofillllimepatrolmcnor48 hours daily coverage. In continuing with this recommendation, the Commission recommended that the City Council eonsidcradding ,madditional four hours per day or I040hou rannually to the contract bringing the total hours contracted to I 1,676 hours. Although a contract fee has not yet been established by the Wright County Commissioners, it is expected that the armual hourly rate will increase from $36.75ihour to <lpproximately $38.50 ihour. At S38.50ihour, the total police department budget WQuld increa~e to $449,526. It W<lS recummended that the City staff include this amQllnt in the proposed budget li.,r Council consideration. 6 Discussion On Miscellaneuus Items. Spccdim~ Concerns - Broadwav Commis~ion members briefly diwllssed ~peeding concern.,; on \Vest Broadway and Chief Deputy Don Lindell indicated that the mobile radar unit thai indicates vehicle speed will be placed near Pinewood on We~t Broadway as <I reminder 10 motorist of their ,peed. Discussion on Study eompannl! contraetin!!" -vs- City's own Doliee department Commission members briefly reviewed a report that was completed in March of 1995 that compared lhe cost and bene filS of contracting with the Sheriffs Department -I'S- establishing the eommlmity's OV,TI police department. At that time, the rcport indicated it was substantially more eeonomieal to eontinlle with eontractinga slong as the eitizcns were acceplable to service being provided. In light of the fact that Commission member~ have not received complaints or requests to ~tartourownpolicedepartmentandduetothefac;tthattheinitialcosttocreate anew department could be substantial, it was the consensus of the Commission members that continuing to contract for police protection services would be best alt emative for the City. It was also noted that it would no! be necessary to update the study at this time but would cenainly would be rcviewcd in the futurc ifncccssary. . . . PoliccCommissionMinules-7/21/99 Other DiScllssion Items Chief Deputy Lindell noted to the Commission m~mbcrs Ihat the Sheriffs Department has recently added an udditionallayerofadministralivesupervisionlotheirdepartment by th~ addition ofnvo new lieutenants. These posilions will help the County in their administrative functions and shouJdaIso be bencficJal to communiti esiikelvlonticeIlo whocoutraclforscrvice. AUDrfl\'al of Minutes ofFebruarv 17. 1999 meetinll:. MOTIO:-.r WAS MADE BY DRJA1\' STUMPF, SECONDED BY DAVE GERADS AND UNA:'-I[l\IOUSLY CARRIED TO APPROVE THE ylINUTES AS PRESENTED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BuSINESS A MOno,," WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED lJ]\."ANIMOUSL Y. RickWolfsteller City Administratof , ,