Police Advisory Commission Minutes 05-05-1992 . MONT [CELLO PO(,TeE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Hinutes May 5, 1992 1. A meetir.g of the HonticelJo Police Adviso)'y Comq,itte." w,,>> held On Tuesday, Hay 5, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. 2. Member" Pr",,,ent: w'ar!''''' Smith Jim Fleming Dave Gerad" Brad FyIe, Councilmember Rick Wolfstcllar, City Administrator Ex-Officio Representatives: Berlyn Berkholz, Annette Habisch, Wright County Sheriff's Office 3. Minutes of the meeting held January 29, 1992, were unanimously approved. 4. A presentation was made by Sgt. Berlyn Berkholz on the neighborhood watch program. . Programs offered by the Wright County Sheriff's Offioe are: . * Senior Citizens Program - set up as a consumer protection or consumer information program. . Safe Home - set up for grade school children. is part of the McGruff Program. This program . Annual fingerprint Program . Neighborhood watch Program - The City of Waverly it was noted uses community watch signs at every city entrance. Because of cost, etc., it was recommended and agreed to that individual neighborhoods or apartment complexes be encouraged to start their OWn individual neighborhood watch programs. Interested organizations should contact either City Hall or the Wright County Sheriff's Office to set up organizational and information meetings. Two groups (~eadow Oaks and J.B. Enterprises) have already asked for a lnformational meeting. We will follow up on these contacts. A catalog of signs and decals for the watch program is available at City Hall for organizations to look at. Neighborhood watch signs made out of metal with an approximate size of 24" x 36" are availab.le for $26.00. Rick Wolfstellar agreed to write a news release discussing the program and who to contact. This release would be included in either the City's Newsletter or as a supplement to the water bill. 5. The parking along Elm Street next to the American Legion was discussed because of citizen complaints of not being able to see clearly when crossing from Third Street. The solution agreed upon was for the . public works department to paint a 30 foot set back. would also like to the Legion to notify members that the parking lots first. The Committee they should use 6. The Wright County Sheriff's Office was notified that the traffic speed On Broadway is on the rise again. 7. Something (not yet known) will be done before next year's junk amnesty day to alleviate traffic congestion. 8. At the next meeting, a discussi,on of 24-hour coverage will take place. 9. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. i:fK.~~ Secretary . .