Police Advisory Commission Minutes 06-13-2001 . . . MINLn:s QUARTERI.Y \-IEETING - MONTICELLO l'oueE COMMISSIOJ\ Wcdncsda},JuneB,2001-7p.m. \'klllhcrsPrcscnt ]j'r.lksJ\1arais.r!rianSlllmp([))ckSlaisand13radFyk. \'lcmbcrs/\hscnl [)av~ Gcrads Abo Pres~nl: Chief Deputy 1)01\ l.illllclL 1.1. Dan AnsdlllcnL CilY ..\dnlllllslralor, Rick \\.'olfSlclkr. I. AllvrovaJofmi!llllcs_ jl,IOTlON \V/\S J\IADE BY DICK Sf AIS. SF.CU\'DFD BY BRAD FYLF A\ID CARRIED TO APPROVE I'llE \llNLlTES OF THE POLICF COrvl\HSSJO;-.j 'vlFFTIN(J HEl.D OCT013ER25.2000. 2. Review of cutrell' hours of cu,-era!!:" antI recommendatiuns fur 2002 hud!!ct nar. Lt. Ansclmcnt and Chid'Depuly J.muell reviewed \\.;th lh~ Police COlllmis"i(\l1 members statistical data showing lhe number of calli< i()r service lh~1. ilrc now OCCHrrillg in the City of lVlomiccllo OVCl' the pa~t ycar WhlCh imlica[es that the calls i()f service cOlllinue In rise as onr population has increased. Calb 1(" service gene'mlly peak dLLnng the hoUTs 01'.1 p_m to 10 p.m. d~ily with the summcl' month,_ l'~pccially Augusl. e"perienl'ing [he highestllumber oi'c~lb. Sh~l'ifrs repr",,'ntatives nOled that the additional i()llr hours per uay audeu Jalluary 1. ~()OO to the ~ovel'~ge level was Il\ucil nccded and the additional I{)UT hours that will he inneaoed on July 1_ ~OlJt should help thc I'c"ponsc time ofthc deputies_ With [hl' eOlltinunl population growlhe.\pecledinthc'vlontiedloal'ca,lhcShentrsDepartrnenthlghIYfl'coll1ll1~lldedlh"t the Police Commissioll3nd City Council cOLltinuc with tile pl'ogram <)faddirlg an additional lou, hoursperdaycover<lg~cachycal'untilthceovcmg.clcvcl I'cachcsthecqulvalen(nftwoorlicel's p~l dilY" year fO\lnd. Currcntly thc coverage levd anH1LLnLS to 16 hours per day_ ami if the Cily ~Olllinll~S 10 :Idd four )wurs per year this goal woulJ o~ reacheJ in Ihree y~ars Although the hourly rale Cor ~002 had not yet been set oy the C"unly Roard it w~s 'lIl1.icipated thill" 3%-5% increasc wlluld liJ...cty occur. ThL eUTTc'nt annual contraet ~motLnts to $54~.240 Cor 13.556 houl's of wvcra~c, and ,i-an additional i(lUr hours was added next y~ar, th,> wOllld bringth~totall1oursofc()veragcto 15_016hnurs and would likely amount to a,lllllu,ll budget of ~rOlmd $620.0UO_ ItlVastheconsen>usol'lhePl1liceCommis,ionthatthcCityshollld incllldc in its pL'c1irninary hlldgettheildditionalfourho\lfsofcovcragcpcruayandthalaprnposcdhudgClofarolLnd $620.000 should b~ pr~pal'ed for Coun~i1l'on,id"rali",,_ . . . 5. PoJicc Commission MillUtcS-u./13iOI 3. DiS(ussiOIl olll'arks (o_f!1mi.,~i...n concerns {lJ,,,ndalism in CardinalliilhPark. COl1lmi~sion member, wer~ mformed ofa previOIlS vandalism that had ()~clLrr~d in the Cardin,,1 Hili> P,-Irk to newly plallled trees and ]and~~aplllg improvements_ Il "'''s l10kd that the I'arks [)~partlllcnt has not experienced a In! of problems with vandalism in ~ily p~[ks and that this waolikdyaJ\isolaled~a>einvolvingl\"ighbl1rhoodyoUlh. Sheriffs Llcparlmenl representatives il1l1i~aled thm they had riot experien~ed many problems withill ()\IJ' park syslem, but rcquc"ted lhat the City officials coulJ ke eplhemappriscdolany problems they we,,, ~xpCJ'i~t1Cing and II' necessary. the She" ITs [)ep~nment would mneilse patrolling elrons ifvandali~lll sl;Jrled 10 l'cappcar, 4. Reyi~w ,,{traffic SIlee(1 concerns alol1l! East anti 'Vest Broatlwa\' and 1" 25" Commission memb~rs rcviewed wilh Sh~riffVcparll1lenl TepreSOOlltiltiv~s the comillual perception lhallraftic is speeding along Eilst and West BromJwa~' 111 l\101lIicdJo, Shc:rin" Oepartment rerres~ntmivcs noted Ihallhe Monticello Sehool Syslem hw' agrecd to fLEnd a school police halson whieh ,houlel help 10 tree \lp deputie~ 10 be ilble 10 do more e,.,I\'r~ement activilicsralherthandealingwilhschoolrclateJi,suoos lnlhisl'cgards,lheSherin"s Lkpal'llTIoonl will conlinuc 10 llwnitor th~ tratTic pallems illong l'J I 25 ami Easl ami W~sl Lll'Oadway alld anticipate a higher enfol'cem~nt Icvd ill the nem f\lt\lJ'~" 11 was agreed by the Commiss](1ll members and Sherin", representatives thallhoo puhli~ needs to be aware lhilt the SheriffsVcparlmenlwill bcwalching li>rspeedcrsand[hallrlhednvillgpubliese~, ~L1lilr~emcnt aClioLl is laking place" il usually 1,as an impact pn slowmg cloWL1 trJffic, In addilion" ShcriffDepmtment reprcsel1lillives llldicated that Commission members and Cily pnsoL1nelshouldatlviselheShcriffsDqlarlmenlofanyeomplainlsreceivedbythcpublicund lhe('o\lntywillresr"ndtolhosceon~erll:;asquicklyaspo;;sible, Misccllaneo_\I"di""ussiollitem~, ..\, Commission member 13]'iao Slumpl"L1oted that Ihc City COllL1eil wa, intcrcsted ill discussing with \Vright Counly representatives the fcaslbilily ol"lhe Counly cOrlslruding iI pathway syslem along cast Counly R[lad 39 for ped~slrians, This was inliShl 01"" rccer\llrani~ il~cidcnt involvlIlg a rollerbladel'. H. Comml>sioll13rad l.ylemqlliredastowhClherlheSherit'fsVepal'tll1cnlhadlhoug!llof il1slilLJlinga cl1arge or l"ee to individuah who haverepcawd false a larmc,dls, Ilcn01L'd lhill tb~ \Jomiccllo FIre Dcpal'lmenl has a pohey ofchmgiLlg repeal olTel1d~rs and suggeslccllhat lh,-" Coullly Sh~rifrs Deparlment may want lO iLlv('sligale this idea in lh~ flllurc ifl'Jbc"lilrmScllntinuc 1<) bea major pal'lofthcir~alh I(,rservice, c:. Comlllissiol1 mcmber [.'yk abo reqllestc'd lhat Ill" Sherin"s Department cOlllilllle 10 mOllilor excessive loud radio, from autoLllobiles 'Illd Ihat ifll~ec's;;ar:", the City nOj,~ cn!'lrcement OI'dinanceohOllld hcmili/eJ 10 redu<:~ llwseoccurr<:llec", , . . . PoliceCommlS~i<)J\\lin\ltcs-6/1)i01 rHUU': IlLJ"G NO Fl:RTllER BUSINESS A \10'1101\ WAS \L\Dfo /\NLl SECOl\-OFD TO 'c~jJItM~ARRIED IMNIMOUSL Y RJd"Wnll"tcllcr City Adm;ni'lmlor ,