Police Advisory Commission Minutes 10-23-2002 . . . I\1I~UTES QLIARTERLY MF:F.TING - :\IO~nCF.LLO POLlCr. CO\'1:\HSSION W~d"~S([;IY, Octuhu n, 2002 -7 p.m. ;'vkmbcTi;Prcse11l: Dave Gcrads. HrianSt\lll1pf. Dick SluiSJlld Brad I'ylc J\kmbclsAb,cnl: Liz Dc,lvhrai, AlsQPreSCll1 Patrol Divisio" Lt. Dan AnsdmenL Monticelhl Schonl Resource Oniccr L'rie Lcandcrand City Administrator Rick V\,'oID;lcll~r I. AUDn>val "fMinute!iof' the Jul, 31. lOt!2 Police (:ommis,\ion Meetin!!. \10T10l\ \\".'\5 'vL\DL BY BRAD FYLL AND SFCOl\DLD l~'{ FlR!.\l\ STU,jPF TO ArrROVI: THL l,n'lUTFS OF THL JUL '{ 31,2002 I'OLlCF COMMISSiON \1FFTI'J(j, \10T[()N C/\RRIED U"lAl\IJ\10\lSLY, 2. DiSClIssion"fSch""lJ..iaisOllOfficcrPr02ram. r.1. AnsclnH:OLll iLltroduced 10 (he Commission member;; the I\hJl1ticello S~hooj Resource OirLCCJ', Ll'ic I.eamkr. tvk L~,lnder "oLed lhat h~ ha, been worldllg with lhe Vloll1icdlQ sclwol syslem for a couple ofyems now and is involved with all (lrlh~ school:; wllh"l the tvlc>nli<:ello School Vislri,'!.. Mr, Lennder nOled Ihal \'lonticclloseems IOhav~ahigherperL~nlagcofhigh risk kids within our school :;ysLem when compared to olner Cilics in \'irighLCoLLL1ty, 'jher~as"n rorlhisisprobahly rei "Led 10 a l'ornmunity's J1umher {)(apartlll~nt complexc~. mobile home parl.;:s and,/or h\wer income hOLLSLllg lhat is nvailablewilhin lhe school dis[ri~L v1r, Lcandern()[~d lhmfundillg I,)rthc school liaison offi~er prO~n\ll1lS done throu~h ,lal~ sources alon~ wilh school dislri~1 r~vCrlLLeS and does - - - not COlll~ out of Ih" Cily of 'vlnnticello police depal'l1ll~J11 budget. ['he use oi'this officer progmm ha,; fl\,cd up \.-joIlLi~cllo officers to p~rrorm other city fUllctions rath~r than ~r~nding a lot of lime at the school ,kind. which they \\-'~fe doing ycat's ago, J. Discu"i"n !:OX ad.ditional ,ccul'itv "en'ices for \lnnti~elln Community Ce.nfer. Ol'l,ccr /\nsclment nOled Lhat Sheriff Dep,irlm~nl r"pres~Jmllives have met Wilh Community Cel1l~r DircelOL'. Kitty l3altos. Il\ discuss security" ~(nKerrlii that th~ Community C~nter has Il~crl expericflcinp,l'clating to gnlup' ofyo\ltl1 galhering on the prop~n) vIr, ..-\l1sdm~1lI noted that tllree recommendatiol1s w~r~ Ill,Ide Lo lhc CDlllmunity C~nlcr Director Whl~h included: I. Hmrlg a private S~~\Lrily I-LfLll to be on ~ile dunrlg spccitled tim" " Uilizing tile Sh~rirrs Dc'pat'lm~m olTdu!y dcpputics ,I" n~ed~d . . . l'o]iccC()mmLSSIOll'v11ll11Ics,10....23/0::' o Comraclloradditi,)llalmanpowertilrough [he r()]ic~c()ntract. Currenlly the Comlllunity CCLlkr ha.' decided to use ShcrI il Departmcnt olTduly deputies Jt $30/hr 011 a Inill basis to SCt- ,1-;1 C;1Il j'CdlLC('lh~ problems CIlCc)lIlllLred ~llhe ccmc,', bul il W'>S I'CCOllll1l~lldcd by the Sheriffs Departllll'nllhilt the City c()nsid~r ulilizing a privalc secllrity fin]] for cntilrccmelllpl'CSCl\ccasllwouldlikC'lybeuchcapcrcnstillthclongrlll1. It wa~ the consensus oflhl' Po];ce Commi';;lOll Ihat the C,)mmllfllly Celll~r sraffshoLLIJ do what is ncccssarYlokccpC0lllrnl"rlheccntcrbycl1l111l1illinganyproblcrnsearlybeforcthcygc1l1l0re ,enOll.\. !l wa, slIggcskJ lh"-llhc Communily ('enter Advisory Il"ard lIllervkw various privilte se~urily tinn, Cor this purpO~t'_ 4. _'\-liscdhmcous. CommlSSlon m~mb~['~ bnellv discusscd the Cmllll\' Rond 75 CO,.,slru~lioll projc'ct lhal has b~ell . .' - 'KcUlTing I{)r lh~ pnst few monlhs <llld que"li0n~d Ih~ Sh.:riff Lkparlm~n[ on whcther lml'li~ ~llll)rCClllelll h~, b~ell n problem ilk,ng Counly Road 75, It was nOlcd lhat ,1 numb"r <11' cilations have be,'n i~sued Ji.n improper It,ll tllrns on j-ligl,w~y ~:i, but the majorily or lhe public was oh~Ylng tral-lie law5inlh~L"nSlnletiollJ.one I.t. i\n.\dmenl ,.dso ['~VkWLd with thc Commission member:; the ]al~s[ '-Ju,'Jrterly I'eport on ~clivitics [h;.11 have tah'n p]~ce in 'v]ollli~ello compar~d w othn ye~"s feinting 10 s~rVl~e "Ills. trani~ c'llalions, tral'lic~ccidcm'and()lh~rcrim('s_ 5. Adjournment. ~10TIO'-; WAS \lADE BY HRfAN SlUMPf: ,.\;\IO SI'COND!iD BY IiRAOJ'YU' ]() ADJOlRN, Pvl0TION C\RRIFD U'JA\E\101.ISI.Y Re,ording.Sccrelarv ,