Police Advisory Commission Minutes 01-22-2003 . . . "nl\l'TES QUARTERLY \1EEIT\'G - "'10~TICELLO POLIO: CO\'I\IIS5101\ \Vcuncsda}, January 22, 200\-7 p.m. IvlembersPrcsenl 13rad I'yle, Rrian Stumpf, Dick Slais \lembersAbscnl: Davc(ieri!(b Als,) Prcs~nt: City Administrator, Rick \V"lhldler: Patroj Djvision 1.."'Hlenant Dan AnsclmLnl; anJ guest, Jerry Slrolhers 1i-('nl1heCityof()t\eg(\ I. ~allt"Or<1cr. rh~ meeling wilscallcd l"orueral 7 p.m. 2. ADlJroy,!1 of :VI in utes oflhe Odnbcr 23. 200Zr.olicc Commission meetln,g. )l..JOT10I\ \VAS 'v1/\DF flY HKAU FYI.E AND Sl:COl'<ULU BY OJr:K SIAIS TO APPROVE TIlE \1Il\1.' rES OF TilE OlTOlll-J{ 21. 2002 Jl..lLLTIJ\U, ~vl0TlOl\ c.\I{RIED UNANI\1()I.lS1Y 3. C""sitlcratioD_of election of oni~er' "nu,'evil'''' :IDIlOil).I,,,!cnt, tH advisor\' cOlDJ;Ili.\Sio". COlllnlL";"" members were unlilied that eOllllllLs.'Hln member Liz Lks\brais ha" indicated a desire to resign from lhe r'olie~ Commission at this tim~, "h. Dd,'hmlis has sel'ved on [he c(\l)]mittcc I"f six years~llcl fc]ttnalll wilstimc fOl'achallge, It was lhe consenSllS ofthc committee memhe,-~ present th~t the (:itv ~hou]d aJvertiz~ seeking applie,mls 10 Ihe Police Commls::;ion v~e~lley. A sele~tiOll can then he made by Ihe City (\,tL1Kil priol' 10 lh~ll"xlqllarwrly m~t'lingschedlllccl for /\p1'il 01'2003, Cllmmis"ioll membel'S th~n discuss~d appointments orChail'milll. Vie~-Chairlllall and Secretary I"l' th~ Police COlllmi"ion. \lOT]Ol\; \VAS \IALl!: BY RRAD FYLli i\'sD SFCONDED llY D]CK SL\]S TO RL/\I'I'OP\T RlCK WOI,I'STELLER AS SI-TRETARY. .\10T]0)\ /\1 SO ])\CLUULD AI'POINTI'\IG URIAN STli\1Pf AS CHJ\IR\]i\'\I WtTII IlRAD ]'YLI' i\S VICE- CH,\IRl\lAN FOR THE UPCOI\IlN(, Y]'i\R \IOTION C\RRIED lWo,NI\lOUSLY. 4. G~ncrl\ll)iscu~.si'ln with Sheriff's p.e[lartrn~nt rmrcsenf1\ti.-es. Patrol DivLsion Lielltenanl Diln Anselment r~viewed with the cOllHni~si()n members recent activity reports lill' Monticello through Decembcr 21l0::' \1r. An,elment noted [hat appilrcntly ittak~~ 9 ~,,; . . . r"li~e Commission rVlinutc,. 1/2L'03 ol-licers to COV~L' the hours 1(,[ ~fOlllicdl" and noted that rhi, wijj incrcas~ slighll} in ~OOl with tlw additjonof4m()['chnlLrS()r~"verilgeperd,lY, C:nmnw;sion members wcre nlso advised of'!] ~OJK"'m that was raised by a local industrial pilrk ou"ness (\wncrCOnccmillg SOme trouble they' hilJ b~en having with kids skateboarding. ",lkr <,kalingandbikingupnndclnwnlhcirlo"dingramp"mdalsoex]Jl'ess~dcollccrnsahnlLls()l1lelhet\ ofpalkls Lhal (\~cnrred 011 their properly. Commission members suggested to the Sheriffs llcparlrncm thai [he deputies s~rvillg II.loll1icclln be advis<:d otlhese con~e11lS and thm additional pJtwllingin(heLndtLsln;llp~rktakcp]accifwal'rantcd_ A suggestion was mmk by ~"ml1liS';ion membel's thm the Hext Police Commission meeting bc held allhe Wright County Di;;pllleh Ol'tiee 'llld hil Compkx so that mcmbers could I'ce~ive ill,r,t hand loul'oClhedi,patchingfacilitic;;anda]solollrlheLounlyjili], II ILR.L H1J"i(i 1\0 FLRTIlER LlUS]NLSS, \10T]01\' W.\S ]I.'lADE RY BRAD FYLL AND SEC01\DLD HY DICK SI.AIS TO ADJOURJ\ AI S P._VI, Recordlllg S~CI'Cla['y ,