Police Advisory Commission Minutes 07-31-2002
~vlemhers Pre.,,,n!:
I.v Des)Vlanlls. Brad ].ylc. [)av~ Gcrads, Brian SIUlllpCallu Did. Slais
~vlel1lb~rs Absen!:
Cily Admini~lra[nr. Rick \\'c)listcllcl' ilnd P~lro] DivislOn ]jclLlenant Dan
l. Call to order.
Th~ rn~ding was ~alkd to order a( 7 p.m.
2. .~Il(l~()'~tOjLrnjn!'_~'_!J.!:J.!11l.!UJ-,,2()OI Police Commissiun meeti,,!!.
t\.10]ION \,'AS r-L\DL LIY 131Z1\Ll FVLF AND SFCO,\[)ED BY BRIAN SHJ:\ll'l'lO
RCYicw of current hours of coverllec "'HI rcc"mmc",laliol).~ror ZOU] bndl!Ct \'Car.
l.lelLlenanl Anselm,,"1 reviewed wnh the l',,]ic~ Commission mcmbers sIJli,lic'>l1 dala showing lh~
numhn or calls i,"' service lhal arc ntlw OcclLITing in Ihc City ofMonlic~lIn over Ih~ paM year which
indicalc,lhallhecallsro["sc,necCOLlIintlcwri,casc1\1l'pop"l"li(\l1incre""cs I,.,,'ulcnant
Ansdment Ilclledthat it would be thc Sheritt's Dep:.jrlll1"111 recolllL1lC'l1dalinn thallhc City of
Monticello continuc \vith the pasl pr~~ti~e or adding i,lt" addilional haUl's ()f cov~rilge per d~y each
ye:.Jr until w~ r~,lch the level 01'48 hour coveragL rhi, would be ~qlli\'Jknt W two ,-,llieers on lidl-
lime 24hoUfS a day"
rh" slalislical dala proVldcd by lhe Sh~l'ir(s Departmcnt indk;l\es Ihal,'ervi~" ~,-,ll, generally peak
durin~ Ihc hOllTS "C -' p.LlL W 10 p.m. ancl.rhat a high~r rHLmh"r ,.>I'~,-,lls arc LTccivcd durillg the
SlImmcl' morllh, during this lime frame. Licul~nan! AIl~e1menl revLc\\-'cd ".ith the Commis,ion
Ilwmbcl's tl1~ patrol sch~dlllc th~v Jl'e using in ~ov~rin~ \-1"11li~e1lo and ab1 noted that our lowl ~;Ill~
. .
1'01' sCl'vie~ were r'aidy high when compared toloral population, ...\s far as Cc1St of providing poli~e
proketion s~l'viL'cs, Lielll~nant Ansclment nOld lhal [he la~ Lrnpa~t on a typical r~siclentiill prop~rty
OWnel' in Monticello is taidy is 10"" whcn compared 1\> '-'Iher ~ommul1ilics police pl'Oteclion CObb in
Aller liLrlh~r rcvi~w orslali,aical dma, motion was made by Brad Fyle ami secondcd hy Dick Slais
andunarlitllouslycumcdlOl'cenrnrnendtolh"fllllcitycoun~ill.halatladdiliOllul tour hOllJ's of
I'Qlicc Commissio" Minutcs-7/Jl/02
c"vcra~c be added to the COlll.r"~t li'r the )'nlr 200].
Review and dj~cu,~i"n "r IralTie sl!~ed enforc~mcl1t act;,,", within th~ Citv.
I..iclltcllJnt An5dm~llt shared wilh lh~ Commissi011 members slalislical data showing th" number 01-
traffic citations that have b~~n IsotLeu in 21l0] and also what hils occurred,;o 1:1E' in 2002. II ww;
l10tcd that the numb~r of"lrarl,,, citations was a little hi~h~r [han "ormal whell compard to olher
(omnllJl1lties hullllS pruhably related to the filet \h~ ('lly lS located in J more p"plllmed arca al()n~
I'nlicc l'c)mmissic)[] members ilbo nolet! their conCGrns with what appears 10 he nil illCrCJsing
llumbCfofspc'cding illcidcnls occurring On Wc"tjJroJdwilYilndals"discusscdJllinCl'~<lsingillllOlL11l
ofgt'avcl truck tralflc th<ll i, OcclLlTlng Ii-om lile Barton Sand imd (iravel pit:>. ]\ was r~cOlnlll~n(b]
by the Polic~ Commi,sion Lhat l,leULt'nanl !\n.,,'lmcnt discu$s lhe C:omrni,sion's concern" Wllh
n:pr~s~ntiltive$ "I'Lhe gravel pit and inform them that the Sh~rilr, D~partment wi I] be watching trud;
tml-lie li'r 'pc,-'din~ a.1 they enter ;Vll1ntic~lIo_ IL [S hopclil] dwl discussing the specding eone~l'lls widl
the gravcl pit operators may help reduce spc:cd]imitcomplainls in lh eliLlmc_
LieUlenimL Anselll1~nt also notcd that additioIF11 ~llr(\reem~nt illld monitoring k~hnol"gy has become
aVi'li]i.jb]~ Lhal wi I] allo", lbe Sheriffs Llcpanl11~nt Lo place dcvices in arcas to d<'lerl11ine the [lu1J\ber
ol'...,.1rs lhal pass through an ar~a. including th~ir speed and rCc'Nd lh~ tim~ or day_ This wi I] Ilelp to
ddenlllllc if] th~ t'utUI'C where .:ntQre~m~11l adivllic's should be' focu,ed_
COl11mis,;oner Slais als" Jiscusscd with commission meml>ers thc <,afe eOll1ll1nnilleo conc~pt
prngnlm LhatlS being promoted in Buffalo and ,uggested that till' City ofI\-'-]oIlLi~eI]o .,hottld look at
.'lL~h a program in the fll1Ur~,
5. Rcvicw of Fire HaJJ N.-..I'arkinl! rCl!'ulation enforccmenl..
Commission memb"l's SI1lll1pi'imd Fy]e nOll'll thUlth~ I'il'C j lall LS ~xpem'ncing an incrcase in the
number orpe"p]~ Lhal arc parking on th~ l'irc ]]all proper!;' whc'n vi;;Lting th~ CC)ll1llHlllity Cenler,
~,p~cially lh~ ouldoor skate parks, CUfl'ently lh~ Flre Hall lS po,;ted '-t\o Parking Except by Fire
])~p"-nlllC[]t PCI'.\OLlIlCI". alld th~ COllc~rn i_, Lhal irparkmg vio]atol's <Ir~ n(\ltidd~d, in the t'U1LIJ'C it
eould ~au,~ a problem with flrem~n r~sponding 10 ~alls fot' scrvice_
II Wili; noled lhatthe lSSUC r~ally bccomes one Of~]lrl\n:eme11llhat call be ~a5ily accomplished
through !h~ Sherin" s DepanlllC:lll. hut it was also nOI~d Ihal vo]untecl' fircmen will hilv~ Lo p",vide
,unw lyp~ ol-,denlillcal;"n Illr thcir vehicles 5U that d~pulie' kllm" tiley mc legitill1<II~ly park~d at the
Fire 1],,1] Sil~. Rrian Slumpfindicat~d thm they will rkve]op a card 01' vchiel~ id~nlilicil\ion Lhat can
be p],](:~d on the dash or hung Ii-I)m thc mil'l'ol' that would sigmli'- who is a tireman, l.iellt~nanl
Anselmenl said hL wLII lei patrol division deputi~s know 10 bcgLll (ick~ting v~hic]es as s"on as lbe
Fire Depanrnc'!lt ha, pr<widecl the iirem~n with Ld"'lli I"Lcati"n tags for their \-'~hide_
Police Comm;ss;on tvlilllllCs-7..'3]/()2
Since the I'olicc Commission m~cting.s have been sporadic. depending on specllic i%ues In dl';~tLS>.
it WJS recommended by City Administrator Kick Wolfstdtcr tlwt a quarterly schedule 1(1r the
lIpClltning year he set in advance and that the Police Commission member, Iry 10 med on il
qllal'1~rly basis, ['~gardkss "fany specific topic> to discuss. A, a Icoulr.. 'I W,I' the wnsensus [hill
the sec(111d \V"dll<:srby of Octo bel', JanWlI'Y, Ap,il ,Inri July be sd as (he "I-lie",] Police" Commiss;"n
Record,ng S~cldary