City Council Minutes 11-28-2007 Jt Council/Planning Minutes
JtCounciliPlanningMinule" 11128/07
\Vcdnesday November 28, 2007 - 6 p.Ol.
Members Present:
Council: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and
Susie Wojchouski. Planning Commission: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler,
Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz and Barry Voight.
Members Absent:
1. Call to Order.
The special meeting began al 6 p.m. with Rusty Fifield of Hoisington, Koegler explaining
general concepts behind the development of the comprehensive plan. The purpose of the
meeting was to obtain feedback on the draft plan and to make sure the Council and
Planning Commission are in agreement when this plan goes to the public.
Rusty Fifield reviewed the process followed for drafting thc comprehensive plan and
emphasized that it is a new plan rather than an updated plan. He talked about the changes
in the plan structure between the 1997 plan and the current plan. The 1997 plan was
broken into four chapters: 1) 1nventory; 2) Goals and Policies; and 3) Development
Framework. The new plan has a few more chapters with the poli<.ies being contained
within the chapter rather than in a stand alone chapter. The chapters in the new plan are:
I) Planning Framework; 2) Community Context; 3) Land Use; 4) Parks and 5) Economic
Development. There is more emphasis on issues such as parking, economic development
and transportation. The new plan gives more flexibility to deal with changing
A key policy is managing growth. In talking about housing it was noted that the residential
growth should occur to the west along School Boulevard into the YMCA area. Rusty
Fifield stated the Fallon Avenue bridge is lntical to this residential push and is needed for
transportation and infrastructure purposes.
On indu.strialland there is more emphasis on the bio-medical and technology type
industries. Rusty Fifield noted three critical arcas: I) Expansion of the existing industrial
park; 2) development south along TH 25 and 3) the northwest quarter area would be
contingent on the westerly interchange being constructed.
In the downtown area the TH 25iCSAH 75 junction is critical because il moves traffic
through the area. Rusty Fifield also talked about the Community Greenway which will be
created as developmentoeeurs
In talking about parks, the focus is on the YMCA being a regional park A regional park
will rcquirc a good amount of future park dedication fees to be used formainte nanceand
development of the park. He also emphasized continuing the sidewalk and trail system
Jt COUllciliPlalUliug Minutc.: 11/28/07
Economic development is important for I) Creatingjobs; 2) Diversifying the tax base;
3) Attracting bio-medical and technology business and 4) Enhancing the downtown area.
Rusty Fifield then opened it up for questions. Brian Stumpf disagreed with the layolJt of
downtown. He felt the boundaries should be expanded to the east to the Target!Hospital.
SusieWojehouski agreed with Btian that dO....'11town doesn't feel like aresid cntialarea
anymore. Clint Herbst felt the residential area downtown is needed to support what is
currently the downtown and didn't feel the downtown commercial limits should be
expanded. Brian Stwnpf felt for long toon planning this area should be opened up for
future development. Wayne Mayer said he could see an extension to the east some time in
the future. Rusty Fifield felt the City should be specific in their plans for the downtown.
Susie Wojchouski said one problem with the original downtown plan was that they never
had a good idea as faras traffie eounts. She did not feel there was enough consideration
given to the TH 25/CSAH 75 intersection. It's a different kind ofto\\'11 because TH 25
bisects the city. Susie Wojchouski suggested looking at East and West Broadway as two
different units. She felt the traditional downtown will be to the west ofTH 25. Jeff
O'Neill stated that WSB had identified Broadway, 7'h Street and 4th Street as possible
roundabOldlocations. WSB will be presenting this plan to the Council at a later date.
Clint Herbst suggested a land use change fur a portion of the Chadwick property which is
currently zoned B-4. Rusty Fifield had it zoned as industrial as he felt it was atoo far out
for commerdal. Tom Perrault said there is an agreement relating to the interchange that
requires Fallon Avenue to be constructed. Fallon Avenue is essential to taking traffic off
ofTH 25. There was discussion whether the Fallon Avenue improvement plan is tied to
the extension of utilities. Bruce Westby said when there is development, the City would
extend utilities and at that time the Fallon Avenue improvement could take place.
specify how the zoning ordinance should be changed. He felt there was too much
flexibility and he would like to see more specific recommendations. Brian Stumpf said it
is fine to designate some residential areas and put them in the comp land but he questioned
how detailed about the housing the plan should be. Rusty Fifield pointed out that the
comp plan does not want to encourage residential development to the wcst until the
westerly interchange is built.
Susie Wojchouski noted the plan contained demographic information from the 2000 census
which she felt to be outdated. RlJsty Fifield explained that this was the most current
information they could get. There was discussion on whether to designate certain areas
until it is known where the westerly interceptor will be located. Wayne Mayer suggested
those areas that are subject to change should be in a different color rather than designating
it commercial or industrial. Rusty Fifieid felt when it has been determined where the
interchange is going the City will want more detailed land use studies to be done. Susie
Wojchouski felt economic development was more important than parks and should come
before parks in the comp plan. Tom Perrault noted they expanded the industrial parkland
into area that was previously residential. Rusty Fificld said it felt iogical to extend into
that area because the land was there. Rust y Fifieid, before the cnd of the year, wants to
reach an agreement Oil what should be in the plan that both the Planning Commission and
Council can be comfortable with. JeffO'Ncill questioned whether the comp plan should
be delayed until the transportation plan is brought up to date. Tftherearethin gs in the
updated transportation plan to make Council re-think the land use plan, then Council
should proceed with making the changes.
Susie Wojchouski asked who owns the greenway. Rusty Fifield responded that they are
generally public but there could also be private owners. Susie asked about the statement
in the comp plan about housing in the downtown and the recommendation of housing 0 n
top of commercial use. Rusty Fifield said corrunercial land is too valuablc for use as
residcntial and therefore the housing should beon top of the oommercial
Clint Herbst and Susie Wojchouski will not be present at the next oomp plan meeting
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